Blueseer ERP (200-235)
Blueseer ERP (200-235)
Blueseer ERP (200-235)
The values in this drop-down field are created from Map Maintenance
• Sender ISA This is the EDI envelope sender ID in the ISA E06 field.
→ ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*ACME *ZZ*BLUESEER *120501*1553*U*00401*002273923*0*P*> Inbound
• Sender Q This is the Qualifier associated Receiver ISA. It is located in ISA El05. Typical
values are 12, 01, ZZ. It is always 2 characters in length.
→ ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*ACME *ZZ*BLUESEER *120501*1553*U*00401*002273923*0*P*> Inbound
• Elem Sep This field represents the element separator in the EDI document. All segments are
comprised of elemental fields. These fields are delimited by a separator. Typical separators are
ASCII code 42 which represents the asterisk character. The value of this field must be the
ASCII decimal code (integer format). This field is always 2 integers long.
• Seg Sep This field represents the segment separator in the EDI document. An EDI document
is comprised of segments. These segments are delimited by a separator. Typical separators are
ASCII code 10 which represents the new line character. The value of this field must be the
ASCII decimal code (integer format). This field is always 2 integers long.
• Sub Sep This field represents the sub-element separator in the EDI document. This field
represents the 16th element of the ISA segment. It is a single character and can be represented
by almost any character to further subdivide an element into an array of elments. Typical sub-
element separators are ASCII code 62 which represents the greater than character. The value of
this field must be the ASCII decimal code (integer format). This field is always 2 integers long.
→ ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*ACME *ZZ*BLUESEER *120501*1553*U*00401*002273923*0*P*> Inbound
• Prefix This field is for outbound only. This assigns a prefix code of your choice to the
outbound document generated for this specific partner / document type combination.
• Suffix This field is for outbound only. This assigns a suffix code of your choice to the
outbound document generated for this specific partner / document type combination. Typical
values can be 'txt', 'edi'. The 'dot' will be placed automatically prior to the suffix.
• FilePath This field is for outbound only. This represents an alternate path (relative to the
blueseer root directory) for the outbound document.
• Version This field is for outbound only. This field establishes the EDI X12 version that will
be assigned in the ISA and GS segments.
• SupplierCode This field is for outbound only. A supplier code that is specific to this partner /
documentation type can be assigned here. This is typically your supplier code as assigned by
your customer and may or may not be different than your ISA ID.
• Outbound Document Type This field represents the type of document created on the
outbound side of the map. It represents the final product document type that the map will
create. The values are stored against the key 'edidoctype' as shown in the Generic Code Browse
(navcode=genb) menu as shown in Figure 16.3.2.
• Outbound File Type This field represents the type of file created on the outbound side of the
map. This field is governed by the map association as defined in Map Maintenance for the
map. Possible values are FF (flat-file), CSV (comma delimited), X12, UNE (Edifact), XML,
and JSON.
• ISF file This field represents the Inbound Structure File that defines the expected format of the
inbound document structure for the map. These structure files are defined in File Structure
Maintenance (navcode=mpsm).
• OSF file This field represents the Outbound Structure File that defines the expected format of
the outbound document structure for the map. These structure files are defined in File Structure
Maintenance (navcode=mpsm).
• Functional Acknowledgement This is a checkbox field that represents whether or not you
require functional acknowledgements (997) to be transmitted upon receipt of an inbound EDI
document. This is for Inbound only.
Figure 16.3.2
16.4 Document Structure Maintenance (navcode: eddm)
The Document Structure Maintenance menu provides records that define a specific document.
These documents are typically called flat-files (FF) and are represented usually by fixed length
segments/records in the document. These segment/records are defined by fields of fixed length. The
file that defines these types of documents reside in the edi/structure directory. These files can be
created and edited as necessary with any text editor. However, to provide the BlueSeer application
with a means of recognizing the file, the document structure maintenance record must be defined for
each Flat-file that will be encountered. This is done by providing rules in the Document Maintenance
menu that help the application identify the type of flat file. There is usually a certain field within
specific records that are consistenly provided within the file for each instance that can be used for
identification. Figure 16.4.1 below shows a Document record, labeled as an 850idoc that provides
various rules to determine specific fields that identify this document as an IDOC of type 850
To create a new Document Structure record, click 'new' and enter a code that best represents the
document in question. This code is used as a key for various lookup tables and will be the value
applied to 'DocType' in the EDI log entries on inbound and outbound transactions of Flat-File types.
The remaining header fields are defined as follows:
• Desc This is an arbitrary description field for informational purposes only.
• Type This value should be commensurate with the parent code and is typically the same value
as the parent code. This type field is a drop down selection box with values maintained in the
generalized code menu. You can add or delete these entries using navcode=genm. See
Generalized Code Maintenance for more info.
• SubType This is an arbitrary description field for informational purposes only.
• SegDelimiter The segment delimiter for flat files is typically the newline (LF) character. All
values in this field must be the integer (decimal ascii) counterpart of the segment delimiter
character. In the case of the newline (LF) character, the integer value is 10.
• Landmark The Landmark field is used to delineate the separation of unique documents of a
specific type with a file. This is used when there are multiple docs within a file. The
application will distinguish each unique document instance based on this value. The value is
typically the first unique identifier that represents the beginning (or next occurrence) of a
unique document instance.
• priority This field is a placeholder for future application use.
The rules definition records are a collection of rules for a specified document type that help the
application determine the document type during processing. The definitions of each field that
constructs the rule is provided below:
• Role This drop-down selection box has two possible values, (Selection, Data). The role field
dictates the purpose of the specific rule. If 'selection' is chosen, the rule is used by the engine as
an identification rule to identify the document type. Rules marked as role-type 'selection' are
used to report back to the engine what type of file it has encountered. The 'data' type role is
only used once the document has been identified. It defines a specific piece of data in the file
that represents a tag variable. All rules marked as role-type 'data' must be accompanied with an
explicit tag. Currently available tags are (rcvid, sndid, doctype).
• RecordType The record type field specifies whether the rule can locate data at 'fixed' or 'regex'
record (row) locations within the file. If fixed, the row field must be specified and indicates to
the engine that this rule can be located at row x. If it is 'regex', a regex pattern is used to
determine which row (line) in the file contains the specified data point for this rule. 'regex'
record types are primarily used with 'data' role-type rules.
• ValueType The ValueType field has two possible values (constant and variable). If this field is
set as 'constant', then the value assigned to this 'tag' is hardcoded (constant). These are useful
when the selection rule has identified a document type, but the 'constant' value is not present in
the document, but merely implied. Constant type values are useful for associating tags with
values that may or may not be in the file and facilitate processing downstream.
• Row This is an integer field that represents the line, segment, or row within the document.
• Column This is an integer field that represents the starting position of the field (for value or
tag) that is under determination.
• Length This is an integer field that represents the field length (from starting position) of the
field (for value or tag) that is under determination. As an example, Figure 16.4.1 shows that the
location of the 'ORDERS05' value can be found within the 30 characters starting at column 40
on line (row) 1.
• Regex This textbox is only occupied with the RecordType is 'regex'. It indicates to the engine
that the row in the file to find the value is variable (inconsistent), and that the engine should
look for the first line (row) that contains the regex pattern match of the value in the regex field.
Once the line (row) is identified, then the column and length specify value of the tag in
• Value This textbox is only occupied with the ValueType is 'constant'. It indicates to the engine
that regardless of what is in the document, this value should be assign to the corresponding tag.
Note that for ValueType = constant, the row,column, and length fields should be zero.
• Tag The tag field is used as global variables which are passed along to the engine for
processing the document. Currently available tags are (rcvid, sndid, doctype).
Figure 16.4.1
16.5 EDI Control File (navcode: edic)
The EDI Control menu provides a location to store relevant information about the EDI directory
environment. All the paths in the control fields are relative to the BlueSeer home folder location. For
example, you can create a directory called “your_in_directory/inbound” and place your inbound EDI
files within this directory. The loader program will look in the Default In Dir location for the inbound
files. In this case, the Default In Dir would be defined as “your_in_directory/inbound”...which should
reside within the BlueSeer execution folder. Figure 16.5.1 shows the screenshot of the default directory
values for the EDI environment. Notice there is an EDI folder within the BlueSeer directory. This EDI
directory has several sub-directories specifically for controlling the EDI traffic. The edi/batch
directory contains a snapshot of all inbound and outbound files processed by the engine. The IFS/OFS
directory contains the structure files that identify the document type that is being processed.
The archive check box dictates whether you desire to archive the processed documents
automatically. Leave this box unchecked if you already have other archiving methods in place. The
Delete checkbox will override the archive function by deleting the inbound file after processing.
The EDI control file maintains the identity of the System trade-id. The trade-id is the ISA and GS
Ids associated with the internal business. These two fields should be set with your business ISA and
GS sender/receiver values. There can be only one ISA/GS id per system. If the business has more
than one, you can apply the alterates as necessary within the individual maps for the specific
transactions, but one must be set as the default within the control file. The default values set are used
by the system for a variety of reasons with the primary duty of serving as lookup keys for identifying
outbound document maps for transactions exporting from the system i.e. 856, 810, etc. In this case,
the default values are used as keys to identify maps in Partner Transaction Maintenance where the
default ISA and GS are the registered sender Ids. Outbound maps are identified by Sender GS (from
the default GS ID in the control file), Receiver GS (from the EDI Xref Maintenance table), and
document type.
Figure 16.5.1
16.6 EDI Loader (navcode: edip)
To load EDI files, go to enter 'edip' in the navigation text-box on the main menu bar. This will bring
up a panel with a list of files that are sitting in the inbound queue. Note: The inbound queue is defined
in the EDI Control File. The first column of the file list has the actual file name within the queue. You
can click on this filename to show the contents of the file in the text area in the right panel. There is
also a 'load' toggle box in the second column of the list. Toggling this box on or off will select or de-
select files to be loaded. Any list items with the toggle box checked will load when you click the
'Process' button. After you've processed the files, you should go to the EDI Log menu to see the status
of the loaded files (pass/fail/audit information) (navcode = edil). Figure 16.6.1 shows the screen shot
of the EDI Loader program.
Figure 16.6.1
16.7 EDI Log Browse (navcode: edil)
The EDI Log menu is shown in Figure 26.7.1 below and is accessible from navigational code 'edil'.
The EDI Log menu allows you to audit edi inbound and outbound traffic and load. Various information
regarding the control numbers, dates, and trading partner Ids are visible within this reporting tool. You
can filter for specific transactions and/or specific trading partners with the options in the left panel.
You can also filter by load date as well. This log file essentially audits info type message as well as
error type messages, and you have the option to choose either or both in your output. The far right
panel allows you to view the raw file by clicking on the file name in column 5. With regards to
inbound orders (850), if the order successfully loaded, you will see the actual order number generated
in the Ref column. You can click on this column to navigate to the actual order in Order Maintenance.
Figure 16.7.1
16.8 EDI Mapping Mechanics
The EDI maps used by BlueSeer are simple java files maintained/created by the EDI Mapper tool
within the application. There are many formats of EDI, however, BlueSeer only supports ANSI X12
and Flat File EDI formatting. The Flat file structure can be any structure as long as it is defined in
Document Recognition Maintenance and a structure file registered in Structure File Maintenance. All
structure files are maintained in edi/structures directory and are formatted according to comma-
delimited rules.
The X12 transaction set is governed by a specification provided by the x12 org committee. The
actual X12 specs can be purchased from the x12 organization, however, you can construct the
necessary structure file from the contents of your trading partners implementation guide (IG). The IG
typically follows the x12 specs, but can deviate from them as well, so it is best to construct your
Structure file from the trading partner's IG. The most prevalent x12 transactions in the ERP use case is
the purchase order (850), Ship Notice (856), and Invoice (810). Generic structure files (located in
edi/structures directory) have been created for these from various Implementation Guides. There are
generic sample maps for the EDI 850, 856, and 810 transactions. They are located in the edi/maps
directory. These maps are functional as-is for simulated sample data files provided during the install,
and these maps cover much of the typical usage of these transactions. If a custom map is required, it is
suggested to copy and rename one of the generic sample maps into the edi/maps directory. These maps
already have the necessary meta-data and structure files defined. The creation and or editing of maps is
discussed in the following section.
16.8.1 Mapper Tool (navcode: map)
BlueSeer comes with an EDI mapping tool to translate a document from a specific format to
another. The mapper is located under the EDI Main Menu. You can navigate to the mapper tool by
typing 'map' in the navigation text box on the main menu bar. The mapping tool is similar to an IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) in form and functionality. The mapper tool is shown below in
figure 16.8.1 with sample a sample map and input and output documents.
Figure 16.8.1
The toolbar menu has various icons that perform specific functions for the mapping tool. A list of
each icon is provided below with a brief description of functionality.
The "new" icon is the starting point for creating a new map. Clicking on this icon will reset all
input fields to their default values and set the input, output, and map panel to blank. You can
then enter a unique map name and source location for the map. Note: the source location
should be edi/maps/ including the .java suffix. Once you have all the input
fields assigned, click the "add map" icon which will save the map meta data to the map_mstr
table and create an empty file in the source path that you indicated.
The "find" icon allows the user to retrieve previously stored maps for editing and testing.
Clicking this icon will open a dialogue box where you can enter a search criteria to find a
specific map or you can just press <enter> and all maps will displayed in the dialogue browse.
Click the flag icon beside the specific map you desire and the contents of the map will be
displayed in the Map Panel along with the associated meta data of this map (in structure format,
out structure format, etc).
The "inspect" icon allows the user to view the contents of a structured raw file with an overlay
of the structure definition file. Clicking on this icon will display on the input panel and the IFS
structure format to review. Once you click the inspect icon, choose the IFS structure that best
fits the raw data file you wish to inspect and then right click in the Input Panel and choose
'overlay'. This will prompt for a source file (raw data file). Choose the raw file you wish to
review and click open. The raw file will be opened and the contents will be matched with the
segments and elements of the IFS structure file. Note: the structure file can be either inbound
or outbound as both directional structure files are assigned in IFS and OFS. As an example,
choosing IFS structure file X12850.csv will allow you to review the assignment and field names
of an 850 file against the structure definition.
The "clear" icon is clears all panels and fields and initializes the input fields back to their
default values.
The "add " icon is used in conjunction with the "new map" icon when creating a new map.
Once you have assigned all input fields associated with your new map, and added any initial
code to the map, clicking on the add map icon will create the new map to the source path
directory (unless a map file is already in the path...i.e. Copied from another map) and commit
all meta data associated with this map to the map_mstr table.
The "delete" icon is will delete the map_mstr record and all meta data associated with this
specific map and will then remove the java map file from the source path directory.
The "save" icon will save any adjustments to a previously created map record and map file.
This includes the meta data associated with the map as well as the contents of the file. Click
this icon as often as necessary to save any new code additions or changes to the map. Note: if
you change any meta data (for example the IFS or OFS) that is incommensurate with the
contents of the map file itself, there is no warning or preventive safeguards from doing so.
Make sure the meta data is commensurate with the map that you are writing/editing.
The "compile" icon will compile the map (java file) to a java jar file for usage in the translation
process. You must compile each map in order to test execution of the map in either the mapper
or by the translation engine. The maps must be compiled prior to usage. If there are any
compile errors, they will be displayed in the Output Panel. The errors will contain a line
number and an indicator of the problem. If there are no errors, a message indicating
compilation success will be displayed.
The "unhide" icon will display (re-display) all three Panels (Input, Map, Output). Each
individual Panel can be hidden to make room for the other panels by right clicking within the
panel and click 'hide'.
The "execute" icon will execute the map in the Map Panel (assuming it has been compiled)
against any content in the Input Panel. If there is no content in the Input Panel an error will be
displayed in the Output Panel. Note: the map must be compiled before executing. An error
will be displayed in the Output Panel otherwise indicating Class cannot be found.
The "leftshift" icon will hide the Input Panel and leave the Map and Output Panels in view.
This is used to provide more room for visibility. To display all panels, click the unhide icon.
The "rightshift" icon will hide the Output Panel and leave the Map and Input Panels in view.
This is used to provide more room for visibility. To display all panels, click the unhide icon.
The following input fields in the Mapper tool are discussed below :
• Map: This is the map id field and is used as the primary unique name for the map
• Source: This field is the source path of the actual map file (java file). This is
typically assigned as edi/maps/
• Desc: This field is optional and used as a descriptive reference to the map
• IFS: This drop-down is a list of all inbound file structure types currently defined.
These are maintained in Structure File Maintenance.
• OFS: This drop-down is a list of all outbound file structure types currently defined.
These are maintained in Structure File Maintenance.
• InDocType: This is a listing of all document types supported by the current application
version. These are defined in Generalized Code Maintenance. All 'db' related
doc types are specific to BlueSeer database i/o.
• OutDocType: This is a listing of all document types supported by the current application
version. These are defined in Generalized Code Maintenance. All 'db' related
doc types are specific to BlueSeer database i/o.
• In File Type: This is a listing of the File types supported (FF, X12, DB)...FF=FlatFile. FF
types are any flat file type as defined in Document Recognition Maintenance
• Out File Type: This is a listing of the File types supported (FF, X12, DB)...FF=FlatFile. FF
types are any flat file type as defined in Document Recognition Maintenance
• Version: Optional descriptive only
• Package: Optional descriptive only
The mapping process requires the construction of a single java class as a map. The java class is
constructed with the Mapper Menu and cannot be constructed outside the mapper due to customized
java statements prefixed to the class during the compile process. The contents of the map must
conform to certain method and variable usage consistent throughout all inbound and/or outbound maps.
The mapper class accommodates per-defined methods to use within the map. A listing of these per-
defined methods can be obtained by right clicking in the map area and clicking "List Methods". A list
of methods will be displayed in the Output Panel. The list will contain each method, the return type,
and parameters to the method. A short description is provided as well.
A standard map can be classified in two different categories depending on whether the map is
intended for format-to-format transformation or format-to-db (or db-to-format) usage. The latter types
are intended for maps that either load data into the BlueSeer database or create files from the BlueSeer
database. The format-to-format usage is typically used when the application is used as a stand-alone
EDI translator ...ire. consuming files of one format and creating files of a different format.
Maps that are considered of type format-to-format will require a source data feed (referred to as
source data) and an output feed (referred to as destination data) into a designated output file. The map
class itself houses only the transformation logic, and relies on input document recognition logic in the
loader program (translation engine) to determine which map to fire. When testing in the mapper, the
input file you choose to test with should be commensurate with the map IFS value you are using.
Figure 16.8.2 shows an example of a X12 850 to IDOC transformation map. The sample java file
( is in the edi/maps default directory. The map file is essentially a java file, and it
must conform to java rules during compilation. One of the strengths of the mapper tool is that any
java statement, syntax can be used within the map as long as it conforms to appropriate java syntax and
accepted by the compiler. Third party libraries can be imported using the java 'import' statement as
well. Java String methods such as substring(), length(), contains(), etc can be used within the map as
necessary. You can use any java syntax as defined up to and including Java Version 17.
Most of the map 'code' is specific to creating destination segments from input segments of source
data or from constants/variables declared as necessary within the map). Note: the mapping process
itself is best viewed as a top-down effort in constructing the desired content. The primary method used
to assign content (destination) data is the mapSegment() method. The method is used repeatedly
throughout the map and is the primary construct in creating output content. This method takes 3 String
parameters. The first parameter is the destination segment tag as defined in the OSF (outbound
structure file) for the destination format. A segment can be considered as a 'row' of data comprised of
'fields/elements'. The second parameter is the specific field/element of that segment. And, the third
parameter is the value to be placed in the field. The value can either be a constant or a returned value
from any one of the getInput methods. The getInput method(s) are the second most used method
within the map. These getInput 'overloaded' methods are designed to retrieve specific data fields from
specific segments within the source data file. The mapSegment assignment below assigns an IDOC
segment “EDI_DC” and field “idoctyp” with the constant value of “ORDERS05”. The subsequent
example shows the mapping of the “belnr” field in the appropriate segment with data from the inbound
EDI 850 BEG segment / element 3.
Once all the fields of a particular segment has been assigned, the commitSegment() method is called
to commit the segment to the destination data object. The below example shows portions of an 856 to
850 transformation where an ASN is used to create a Sales Order and the BSN shipper ID in element 2
is used as the purchase order in the BEG segment 3.
Notice that the getInput method can take a variety of different parameter types getInput(String,
Integer), getInput(String, String), getInput(Integer, String, String) etc. For more detail on the getInput
overloaded methods, rightclick within the map panel and choose "List Methods". All possible
overloads of the getInput method will be displayed along with usage examples.
This pattern of mapSegment followed by commitSegment is continued until all proposed output
segment/fields have been assigned to the destination object and represents the bulk of the actual map
The setReference() method is of special note and is used to set a reference key in the EDI log browse to
identify the specific transaction being processed. This is typically the PO number for 850s, or Shipper
number for ASNs. Only one reference can be set per transaction. This is optional usage.
setReference(getInput("BEG",3)); //optional...but must be ran after mappedInput
Once the map has been constructed and compiled, it is placed in the classpath directory where the
BlueSeer application can see it. By default, it looks in the edi/maps directory. Any maps compiled in
the Mapper menu will be automatically placed as jar files within the edi/maps directory. Note: this
needs to be done before you attempt to use the map in either testing mode or in production mode by the
translation engine.
Figure 16.8.2
setReference(getInput("BEG",3)); //optional...
// begin mapping
mapSegment("EDEDK01", "segnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("EDEDK01", "psgnum", padNumber(psgnum,6));
mapSegment("EDEDK01", "hlevel", padNumber(hlevel,2));
// E2EDK14 loop
var addrloop = getLoopKeys("N1");
for (var key : addrloop) {
mapSegment("E2EDK14", "segnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDK14", "psgnum", padNumber(psgnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDK14", "hlevel", padNumber(hlevel,2));
// DTM Loop
var dtmloop = getLoopKeys("DTM");
for (var key : dtmloop) {
mapSegment("E2EDK03", "segnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDK03", "psgnum", padNumber(psgnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDK03", "hlevel", padNumber(hlevel,2));
mapSegment("E2EDK17", "segnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDK17", "psgnum", padNumber(psgnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDK17", "hlevel", padNumber(hlevel,2));
// MSG segments
var msgloop = getLoopKeys("MSG");
for (var key : msgloop) {
mapSegment("E2EDKT2", "segnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDKT2", "psgnum", padNumber(psgnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDKT2", "hlevel", padNumber(hlevel,2));
mapSegment("E2EDP02", "segnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDP02", "psgnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDP02", "hlevel", padNumber(hlevel,2));
mapSegment("E2EDP02", "qualf", "001");
mapSegment("E2EDP20", "segnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDP20", "psgnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDP20", "hlevel", padNumber(hlevel,2));
mapSegment("E2EDP20", "wmeng", getInput(i,"PO1",2));
mapSegment("E2EDP19", "segnum", padNumber(segnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDP19", "psgnum", padNumber(psgnum,6));
mapSegment("E2EDP19", "hlevel", padNumber(hlevel,2));
if (i == 0) {
mapSegment("E2EDP19", "qualf", "001");
mapSegment("E2EDP19", "idtnr", getInput(i,"PO1",7));
} else {
mapSegment("E2EDP19", "qualf", "002");
mapSegment("E2EDP19", "idtnr", getInput(i,"PO1",9));
mapSegment("E2EDP19", "ktext", getInput(i,"PO1:PID",5));
// end mapping
16.8.3 Mapping Methods
There are several methods that can be used to retrieve data from the source data object. Some of
these methods are specific to retrieving data in a loop construct. These methods are described below.
The getInput method can take either a string or an integer in the second parameter to identify the
specific field of the segment. As a string, it locates the field 'name' as defined in the OSF. As an
integer, it locates the positional value of that field within the segment as defined in the OSF.
getInput("BEG","e03"); // Returns a string value of the purchase order number in the 3 element of BEG
getInput("BEG",3); // The same...but using an integer to locate the 3 rd field in the BEG segment
A variant of the getInput method can take 3 parameters. This variant method identifies the specific
source data object that contains the matching field values of the 2nd parameter. For example, if there
are multiple N1 segments and the element 4 of the specific segment that has qualifier “ST” is required,
the below method will isolate this value and return as a string.
getInput("N1","1:ST", 4); // returns the 4th element of the N1 if qualifier is ST (in the 1 st element)
getInputISA(x) will return a string value of the specified element within the ISA.
getInputISA(6); // Returns the Sender ID of the ISA segment
getInputGS(x) will return a string value of the specified element within the ISA.
getInputGS(2); // Returns the GS Sender ID of the GS segment
if (segmentExists("DTM","1:002","e01")) {
value = getInput("DTM","1:002","e01");
} else {
value ="yyyyMMdd"));
getLoopCount(x) The getLoopCount method is used to determine the number of occurrences of a
specific segment that is repeating (looping). For example, the N1 segment in an EDI 850 document
could have more than one occurrence and possess child segments that will loop with the parent as a
group. The N3 and N4 segments are considered child segments of the N1 parent segment. These
segments will loop together as a group. The below snippet of code shows how to loop over a segment
group and acquire specific segments and child segment values. Child segments are obtained by
prefixing the parent segment in a chain like "N1:N3" or "PO1:PID:MEA" as an example of 3 levels
deep chaining.
mapSegment("E2EDP01","matnr",getInput("PO1",7, i));
mapSegment("E2EDP01","menge",getInput("PO1",2, i));
mapSegment("E2EDP19","ktext",getInput("PO1:PID",5, i));
One of the great advantages of the mapping getInput methods is the ability to acquire a specific value
from a group/loop without actually having to be inside the loop. For example, if the value you desired
was always in the nth occurrence of segment X, you can perform a mapSegment assignment with the
getInput method where the 3rd parameter is the nth loop. This of course assumes the input file is
consistently sent in this manner. This ability distinguishes BlueSeer mapping from other mapping tools
by not requiring a destination 'indented' structure mirroring the source 'indented' structure.
Figure 16.8.3
The typical processing of EDI files involves some level of automation. A scheduled operation is
usually constructed to execute the processing of the files as a background job. With BlueSeer,
automated setup is easy and can be established relatively quickly with one of two options discussed
or on linux :
prompt$ cd /somedir/blueseer
This will start the BlueSeer cron service within the shell. Leave the shell (or command prompt)
running. Or alternatively, run in the background with & for linux or create a Windows service for
Windows OS.
As the cron service runs it will print the results of execution to standard out within the shell or CMD
prompt. There is a watchdog job that checks every 1 min for any changes to cron jobs that the cron
service needs to act upon.
The cron Maintenance Menu in BlueSeer has a single default cron job called 'edi' that is created
during the installation. This job comes disabled by default. To start this job, type in 'cron' in the
Navigation Text-box on the menu panel and pull up the 'edi' job record. Click the enabled check-box
to enable the job. The cron service running in the background will see the newly enabled job and
execute the EDI loading on it's next scheduled run. By default, the edi cron job is scheduled to run
every 30 minutes. Once this job is enabled AND the cron service is running, the system will auto-load
documents in the default inbound directory (edi/in) through the EDI processor. By default, these files
will be removed from the default inbound directory to the archive directory. Any transactions loaded
will be visible in the edi log browse menu (navcode = edil). To disable auto-loading, uncheck the
enabled checkbox for the edi cron job record in Cron Maintenance.
16.9.2 EDI Processing using OS native or 3rd party cron/schedulers
If you choose to use the Operating System (OS) native scheduler tools, you can use the EDILoad
class to auto load EDI documents. This is useful when scheduling batch processing at the OS level
using such as the Windows Task Scheduler or Linux Cron scheduler. Typically, the EDILoad java class
is wrapped in a .bat file for Windows or a bash shell script for Linux. (either the OS scheduler, cron
scheduler, or some other scheduling tool) and bat or shell files to call the BlueSeer executables. The
java class com.blueseer.edi.EDILoad is specifically created for auto processing of EDI files in both
stand-alone translation use (file to file) and export of System generated documents such as ASNs,
Invoices, etc. The EDILoad class comes with two parameters (-i and -o). The -i is used for all file-to-
file translations (regardless of whether it is an inbound or outbound document), and it does not require
any parameters after the -i designation. The -o parameter is used for auto-exporting documents from
the BlueSeer database tables, and it does require a comma-separated list of docs to export. The
available list of document type codes to pass with the -o option is (810, 856, 850, 855), representing
(invoice, asn, vendor purchase order, and return order acknowledgement respectively). Figure 16.9.1
shows the execution of the EDILoad class from a powershell command line for the -o option. Any
exported document will be dropped into the EDI default outbound directory as defined in the EDI
Control Menu.
Figure 16.9.2 shows the -i option usage. The -i option should always be used when using
BlueSeer as a stand-alone EDI translator tool. When using the -i option, any document, regardless
of format, placed in the default EDI In directory, will be processed per the inbound format
identification and the appropriate mapping. All documents on the output side will be placed in the
default outbound directory per the EDI control menu.
For inbound documents that are mapped directly to BlueSeer tables (inbound customer order 850,
inbound vendor purchase order ASNs, Acknowledgments, etc), the -i option should be used. If the
map is constructed with the proper 'isDBWrite' method, then the documents will load against the
appropriate BlueSeer table.
Figure 16.9.1
Figure 16.9.2
16.10 EDI Utilities
BlueSeer has several utilities that facilitate working with EDI files and directories containing edi
documents. These utilities can be used to traffic files from one directory to another or filter a directory
for specific document types and trafficking these specific documents to other directories for processing.
The java class “com.blueseer.edi.EDIbs” has several methods that can be executed depending on the
parameters passed to it when executed at the command line. These parameters are used in combination
with other parameters to call a specific method within the EDIbs class. The EDIbs class contains a
'main' method and can be wrapped in a simple bash script (linux) or bat script (windows). A simple bat
script (etran.bat) is shown here :
Contents of bat File: etran.bat
Once you have your bat or bash script set up and assigned as executable, then you can call it with
various combination of parameters to perform certain functions. These functions are listed below :
16.10.1 Utility: Filter Directory For Various X12 transaction types / partners
-fd (Filter Directory). This method parameter is the 'key' parameter used to filter a directory that
contains any type of file(s) for specific types (ANSI X12 doc types) of files and further overloaded by
the 'definition file' using the -tf parameter. Any file in the targeted directory that matches an element in
the transaction type list and/or definition file is processed to the target directory. All other files are
simply archived (along with processed files) and all files are subsequently deleted from the source
Here's an example:
./etran.bat -id C:\temp -od C:\targetdir\ -fd 850,997 -ad C:\archivedir\ -tf defFile >>filterlog.txt
The source directory specified by '-id' parameter is “c:\temp” and contains a collection of files. The
above command will review each file and process only files containing ANSI X12 850 purchase orders
and 997 acknowledgments as defined by '-fd' (a comma delimited collection of types). These files will
be copied to target directory '-od' by default. Each file that is reviewed in source directory will be
archived to archive directory specified by '-ad' parameter and all files within c:\temp will be deleted.
The '-tf' parameter (definition file) has parameters that will allow for certain combinations of
transaction types and trading partners (as defined by ISA06 Sender ID) within the file to overload the
target directory (-od) with a more specific directory as defined within the -tf definition file. The
contents of -tf defFile are defined as each line contains 4 fields delimited by a comma. Field1 is the
X12 transaction type, Field2 is the ISA06 SenderID, Field3 is the overloaded target directory, and
Field4 is the overloaded archive directory. This file is read during execution to determine which
transaction type / trading partner will overload the default target directory as defined by the -od
parameter and send the file to the alternate directory as defined by Field3 within the definition file.
Here's an example of the -tf definition file :
Note: If Field2 is left blank...all files of the transaction type will go to the alternate target directory.
Note: You must include the trailing backslash “\” on the -od and -ad parameters and Field3 and
Field4 of definition file.
-td (Traffic Directory). This method parameter is the 'key' parameter used to simply traffic (move)
files from one directory to another based on rules in the definition file -tf parameter. Any file that
matches a rule in the definition file is moved to the target directory defined within Field3 of the
definition file. If a file does not match a rule, the file is left untouched in the target directory. This is a
true 'move' of files that match as the file is deleted from target and copied to directory defined by
Field3 in the definition file.
Here's an example:
./etran.bat -td C:\temp -tf defFile >>filterlog.txt
The definition file contains 4 comma delimited fields. (This is not to be confused with the definition
file of other methods). Field1 is the string used to match the filename. Field2 is the destination
directory of the filename that “matches” Field1. Field3 is the archive directory. Field4 is an overload
field that if not blank, all files that match this rule will be appended to the file as named by Field4.
Note: Field1 is a 'contains' match. if Field1 is “abc”, any filename that contains the characters “abc”
will trigger this rule.
Here's an example of the -tf definition file :
Any file in the source directory -td that contains the string “customer_810” will be “appended” to
c:\outbound\invoice\directory to a file called “810_appendfile.txt and the original source file will be
deleted from the source directory and archived to c:\archivedir.
Files matching “customer_856” rule will not be appended per the rule above since Field4 is blank.
17 Custom Application Guide
1. Let's create a simple Java JPanel Class. We will use NetBeans IDE to create a JPanel
2. Within NetBeans, create a new Project by clicking on File → New Project and choosing
'Java Application'. Click Next. Enter the name 'myproject' as the name of the project
and click Finish. (see screenshots below).
3. Right Click on your newly created project 'myproject' and click 'New' → 'Java Package'.
Enter 'custom' as the Package Name and click Finish.
4. You should now have 'custom' as the only package in Source Packages.
5. Right click on the 'custom' package and click 'New' → JPanel Form, enter 'myclass' as
the class name and click Finish.
6. Now that you have an empty panel, let's drag a Jbutton and a JtextField over into the
panel. Highlight both components and right click and choose 'Enclose In' Panel. This
will place the two components within a small panel (jPanel1). Your components should
have the following hierarchy in the image below.
7. Right-click on the outer panel (jPanel) and click 'Set Layout' and choose Flow Layout.
Your project structure should look like :
8. You will need to add a single function to your source code called 'initvars(String)'. It
just needs to be declared. It is used by bsmf.jar for initialization purposes.
11. Now it's time to insert your newly created class into the BlueSeer application flow by
including the jar file in your class path and registering your class with the application.
12. Copy the 'myproject.jar' file and place in the c:\blueseer\dist directory.
13. Adjust your java launch path (in login.bat if you installed the demo) to include this jar
file like so (on windows):
javaw -cp dist\myproject.jar;dist\blueseer.jar bsmf.MainFrame
14. Launch Blueseer either with the javaw statement above or from your 'edited' login.bat
15. Once launched, click Admin → Class Register. Click 'New' and enter 'myclass' in the
class ID field and click 'add'.
16. Click Admin → Menu Maintenance. Click 'New' and enter 'MyNewMenu' in the Menu
ID field and 'myclass' in the Class ID field. Then click 'add'. Do not check parent menu
17. If you are using the 'admin' login in BlueSeer, the creation of the menu automatically
creates permissions for 'admin' to use that menu so you don't have to do this step. Any
other users will have to have their perms adjusted to use the menu in Admin → User
Perms Maintenance
18. Enter 'sysc' in the navigation text-box. This will bring you to the system control menu.
Click the 'custom' check-box. This checkbox informs the system that custom panels are
present in the classpath.
19. Finally click Admin → Menu Tree Maintenance to add your new menu to the menu tree.
Enter 'Custom' in the Parent Item and tab to the Component field. This drop down box
is 'editable'. Enter the 'component' of your new menu 'MyNewMenu' that was
previously created in Menu Maintenance. Tab down and enter a descriptive name like
'My New Menu' (this will be visible portion of the menu to the enduser). Choose
JmenuItem, check Visible and Enabled and click 'Add'.
20. Before you will see your new menu under the Custom Menu, you will need to close the
application, and re-launch BlueSeer. (Note: BlueSeer registers all menu at time of
launch. Changing the menu tree structure will always require a re-launch to see the
You should now be able to click on the Custom Parent menu and your 'My New Menu'
to see the results of your new class code. Enjoy! :)