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He studied medicine, obtained his qualifications in 1832

ADERNO, a town of the province of Catania, Sicily, 22

to be abandoned in favour of other salts. When required in

the banks of the river Thermodon (Herodotus iv. 110-117).

altogether from episcopal control, and making them responsible

present himself on the next vacancy. Under the Benefices

nor the old Antiochene view that Christ's divine exaltation was

year. Abingdon has manufactures of clothing and carpets and

m. S.E. of Los Angeles, about 12 m. from the Pacific Ocean,

questions concerning an accumulator are:--its maximum rate

so the mood of the contemplator. One may almost say that

a name for two kinds of dance, one a German national dance,

Robbers, he says, are far less dangerous than a well-organized

series of mountain chains, all of which exhibit less sharply

incision is made and will be quite painless. The recovery,

in three divisions) were only gradually constructed as the

divisions. Abu-Bekr died on the 23rd of August 634. Shortly

and fertile valley of which the principal products are Indian

In 1853 the Fort of the Twenty-four Hours was demolished, and

chemical compounds in alloys has now been placed beyond doubt.

present city of that name, his rule extending as far east as

Besides the extension of cultivated area, very little was

expressor.'' When the more noticeable of the blackheads

the centre of the island overlooking and extending towards the

tenancy in France is just one-fourth of what it is in Great

for years shut up in his house. It is estimated that in

solution. But the occasional or indeed frequent existence of

peoples of Wadai and Darfur; the few aborigines who persist, on

estates. As wealth increased the peasant-farmer gave way

where matter is not, thus making it a very rare and subtle

What has been said with regard to bills of lading as to the

harbour on the Pacific coast of Mexico, and it is a port

were originally known as ``chahar (the four) Eimaks,''


of the prominent leaders of the revolutionary movement in

blown open by the engineers (the match was fired by Lieut.,

Ephesus. Note the confident local allusion in xix. 9 to ``the

some time a difference of principle, as to the church's right

in the notes. Elsewhere in this edition of the Encyclopaedia

a favourable reception. In 1833 he returned to Europe, and

a fine Norman arch of the middle of the 12th century, and

(de Clara Valle), A.D. 1116. The rigid self-abnegation,

Paris. It has also been an especial evil in Ireland, and

sacrifices, and exercising control over the working of the

the conduct of the consignee in taking delivery before they

number. The returns from Ireland under the Diseases of Animals

Tochi. The exact nature of the connexion between the head

seized it. Instead of making heavy terms, he offered to the

Shawenegan in Canada and at Massena in the United States.

success, but as electrolytic currents are of lower voltage

been heavy sales for the fall, a bear account is developed.

To European eyes the native city, with its motley throng of

Chief Passes of the Dolomites of South Tirol.

rose almost at the same time in the Dahra, were subdued soon

obvious, especially in its later stages; but every borrowed

between Peshawar and the Gomal occur at intervals along the

Buell enabled the Federals to take the offensive next morning

Funtumia elastica, and in West Africa generally by various

salvation: (3) that he who remains in love of God can commit no

also represented in a well-known marble figure in the Villa

flora, affords, as regards the fauna also, the only possible

peninsula. It has afforded an attractive study to philologists,

marrying one of her own class until she has--as the Brazilians

them was published with the works of Gerson (by Elhes du Pin,

AEON, a term often used in Greek (aion) to denote

well in practice, and has certainly won the approval and the

seems to us to be the most satisfactory (based very largely

but much greater power, its two motors each developing 85

(5) Climate.---The climate of Abyssinia and its dependent

Kandahar and took Kabul. But he gained the goodwill of the

On his return he was treated for some time with great distinction

dynasties, who realized the strategic importance of Agra as

France, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain already held

They brought with them iron, which they used for their long

to fix here the site of the proposed Welsh National Library.

the native tribes to assert their independence and accept him

that are frequently to be met with in old manuscripts, and

of King Theodore, and the place of imprisonment of the British

pavement, full of goldfish, and with myrtles growing along its

sur le regne d'Alexis Ier, Comnene (1900). (J. B. B.)

Ba-Mangwato Ama-Tembu

I. (d. 1124) mention is first made of Aberdeen (originally

the 7th of December 1862. He was prosecuted for his first

towns, under a modified form of freehold (melk) by the

and vegetables are produced in sufficient quantity for the

general colour is dark olive-brown, with large oval black

of which he became rector in 1829. Now began his literary

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