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Ticket No Subject Start Date End Date Sub Category

2331 Error while generating sales invoice of bond to bon 9/21/2022 9/23/2022 SD
2407 Invoice with Printing Details 11/22/2022 SD

2408 Savita ABAP Credentials 11/22/2022 11/24/2022 SD

2410 CIN no and TAN no 19.11.2022 22.11.2023 SD
Lable priniting SD
2455 Re: ATLANTA: RRVPNL Tanker PO-4023 07-02.2023 SD
Technician Request Status Category

Tanvi Sharan Closed Incident Request

Tanvi Sharan/Nikita WIP/On hold Incident Request

Tanvi Sharan/Nikita Closed Incident Request

Tanvi Sharan Closed Incident Request
Tanvi Yet to start Incident Request
Tanvi WIP Incident Request
Provided the resolution on the same day.

22.12.2022: the issues is on hold as discussed with Yogeeta.

05.11.2022 - Requirement change
29.11.2022 - changes done and TOC moved to QAS for testing to SOTL
23.11.2022 - freeze the requirement
22.11.2022 - Requirement received

TR moved to PRD
master data change
Not started
16.02.2023: Assinged to technical team .
15.02.2023: Reshma Provided the details .
14.02.2023: Ask for more details .
08.2.2023: Started the analysis.
07.02.2023: Received the requriement .
Req Understanding Analysis Solution Configuration
0.5 0.5 1

1 2 1

0.5 1 2.5
1 1 2
Functional Efforts (Hrs)
Unit testing UAT Training

Technical Efforts (Hrs) Total (Hrs)

0 2
6 10

3 4
0 4
Ticket No Subject Start Date End Date
2292 Export Portal 9/19/2022

2293 Adblue returnable process 9/21/2022

2459 ME2DP 2/6/2023

Company Cocode roll out
SPL - SOTL Merger
Sub Category Technician Request Status Category
SD Sandeep/Tanvi ShaWIP Change Request

SD Tanvi Sharan Closed Change Request

MM/FI Himanshu wip Change Request

Resolution Functional Efforts (Hrs)
1.03.2023: Tentative date to receive the development by 2nd march 23. 25
27.02.2023: Ask shrikant smarth to add the logic for Closed status.
21.02.2023: Invoice amount logic and debugging was done by Mayuri .
16.02.2023: Received Reshma's requriement to add logic for invoice amount in
Shipped status and also add logic for for closed status and confirmed Reshma
that it will take time.
15.02.2023:Yogeeta confirmed that URL is working fine.
13.02.2023: Moved the TR in PRD.
07.02.2023: Technical team was working on the requriemet of adding the start
date in programme .
06.02.2023: Abhishek has show the demo for public IP address and Savita team
confirmed the status for moving the development to PRD.
20.01.2022: Approval for importing to QAS.
02.01.2023: Recived developed report or testing.
23.12.2022: given revised logic to ABAP tem .
17.12.2022: recieved change requriment for that we need to change the entire
logic .
05.12.2022 - Tested by Functional team and sent ABAP for the minor
28.11.2022 - ABAP changes done handover for testing
25.11.2022 - Requirement Addition in existing requirement - Customer code
18.11.2022 - Received confirmation on formatting of fields and data to be
16.11.2022 - Data shared in Excel file format
15.11.2022 - Have shared JSON file and also asking for ship on board status
confirmation field
14.11.2022 - Formating discussion about data and fields
09.11.2022 - 1st round of testing done from functional side and submitted to
ABAP for correction.
15.10.2022 - Public IP Discussion
14.10.2022 - SAP ROUTER Restart activity
13.10.2022 - SAP Router settings from BASIS
03.10.2022 - Reuirement Discussion with SOTL About URL discussion
28.09.2022 - ABAP Req- SOA maneger TCODE req about URL
26.09.2022 - Logic Building about the actual reuirement and sent to ABAP
20.09.2022 - Reuirement Discussion
03.01.2023: TR moved to PRD before QAS refersh. 75
25.11.2023: Reshma confirmed on the Final changes on RTP.
09.11.2022: Move the TR to QAS for UAT.
8.11.2022: Gave the entire demo of RTP process.
26.09.2022: Shared the requriement understanding doc to Savita.
25.09.2022 - Requirement Understanding

19.12.2022: Final meeting and KDS sent and started .
Technical Efforts (Hrs) Total (Hrs)
82 107

24 99

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