4111 - 4 1968 - Code of Practice For Ancillary Structures in Sewerage System - Part IV Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains PDF
4111 - 4 1968 - Code of Practice For Ancillary Structures in Sewerage System - Part IV Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains PDF
4111 - 4 1968 - Code of Practice For Ancillary Structures in Sewerage System - Part IV Pumping Stations and Pumping Mains PDF
UDC 628.2.001.31628.292
@ Copyrighl1969
Indian Standard
SHRI S. K. MAJUMDER Public Health Engineering Department, Government
of West Bengal
SIIRI D. APPUKUTTAN NAIR Health Department, Trivandrum
SHBIJ. M. DAVE r- Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute
( CSIR ), Nagpur
SHRI D. R.JAGANNATH RAO Public Health Department, Government of Madhya
SHRI P. L.JAIN Jyoti Ltd, Baroda
SHBI R. B. PATEL ( AlterMte)
SHRI M. A. J ALIHAL Kirloskar Brothers Limited, Kirloskarvadi
SHR( D. D. ABHYANKAR (Altemate)
SHRI S. RADRAXRISHNAN Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Dhawal Patil -
Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Indian Standard
0.1 This Indian Standard (Part IV) was adopted by the Indian Standards
Institution on 16 October 1968, after the draft finalized by the Water
Supply and Sanitation Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Civil Engineering Division Council.
0.2 Ina sewerage system ancillary structures like manholes, inverted
syphons (where provided) are necessary appurtenances for proper function-
ing. This part of the standard on ancillary structures in sewerage system
gives guidance for design and construction of pumping stations and pump-
ing mains. The other parts of the standard are the following:
IS :4ll1 (Part I )-1967 Code of practice for ancillary structures
in sewerage system: Part I Manholes
IS: 4111 (Part II )-1967 Code of practice for ancillary str:J.ctures in
sewerage system: Part II Flushing tanks
IS: 4111 (Part III )-1967 Code of practice for ancillary structures in
sewerage system: Part III Inverted syphons
0.3 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is 'Complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, express-
ing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accorda.nce with
IS: 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
1.1 This standard (Part IV) lays down requirements for location, design,
construction, equipment and safety precautions for installation of pumping
stations and pumping mains used in sewerage system.
·Rules for rounding off numerical valueS ( rlvis,d).
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Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS: 4111 (Part IV) -1968
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IS:4111 (Part IV)-19fi8
3.3 Pumping Capacity - The number and capacity of the pumping units
should be chosenyo that fluctuations in the pumping rates are not consider-
able and also so that under normal conditions frequent cutting in and
ci.tttin~ ?ut (s avoided. The number of different sized units should be
selecti'lcf after studying the overall economy and should be kept as low
as pss~b~e to facilitate repairs and to reduce the number of necessary spares
):6 a mmImum.
3.4 Stand-by pumps should be imtalled of sufficient capacity that with
anyone pump out of service, the remainder may deal with the, peak flow.
3.5 In the case of electrically driven pumps, consideration should be given
to the possibility of failure of the power supply. Duplication of power
lines and s\..,itch gears may be desirable in the case of large installations.
If serious flooding would result from electrical power failure, stand-by
plant using some other. source of power should be provided.
4.1 Requirement of Sewage Pump - A sewage pump should be reliable
and unchokable and accessible for quick maintenance, robust and wear
resisting and some measure of overall efficiency may have to be sacrificed
to sec!lre these properties.
4.1.1 The type of pump to be installed at each pumping station should
be judged on its merits in relation to the rate of pumping the total head,
the physical composition of the sewage, septicity and preliminary treat-
ment before pumping.
4.1.2 The types Qfpump available for handling of sewage may be divided
broadly into three groups:
a) Roto dynamic,
b) Reciprocating, and
c) Pneumatic.
4.2 Roto-Dynamic Pump. - Roto-dynamic pumps ate more suitable and
adoptable for sewage pumping purposes. They should conform to the
requirements specified in the 'Indian Standard specification for rot~
dynamic special purpose pumps ,. ( under preparation) and' Indian Standard
specification f-or sewage and drainage pumps' (under preparation).
NOTE -- Until the Indian Standards referred to in 4.2 are published, the requirements
shall be subject to agreement between the concerned parties.
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1$ :4111 (Part IV) ·1968
5.2 The types of prime mover commonly available for driving sewage
pumps are:
a) electric motor; and
b) internal combustion engine (diesel oil, petrol or gas).
5.2.1 Electric !vlotor - The electric motor is a convenient, cheap and
reliable prime-mover for all types of sewage pumping and many varieties
of electric motor are available to suit particular conditions of duty "to be
performed by a sewage pump (see IS: 325-1961 * and IS:4722-l968t). An electric motor is particularly suitable for adoption at an
automatically operated, unattended station, automatic controls having
been developed to a high degree of perfection and reliability. The adoption of electricity as the source of pO'oVer, though
reliable in itself, depends on the availability of the electricity supply. Where
there is danger of interruption of the supply and the consequent risk of
flooding with sewage which is unavoidable if pumping ceases, consideration
should be given to backing up the public electricity supply with a stand-by
independe~t generating plant; alternatively a ring main supply ensuring
availability of power from two sources may meet the case. Motors used for pumping of sewage shall be of drip-proof type.
5.2.2 Internal Combustion Engine ( Diesel Oil, Gas or Petrol) - The following
are th~ details:
a) Diesel Oil ~ The diesel engine is a reliable, efficient type of prime
mover for sewage pumping, but is heavy, expensive in capital cost
and requires heavy foundations, ample housing structure, and the
continuous attendance of a properly skUled technician for operation
and maintenance. It may be used to drive sewage pumps of all
b) Gas - The gas engine is comparable in all respects with the diesel
engine except that, when operated on a gas supply, the running
costs are apt to be high and its operation becomes dependent on
the availability of gas from an outside source.
Sewage gas, a bye-product of sewage purification work, may
be used as a fuel for a gas engine. Gas engine should be capable
of operating on oil as an alternative fuel.
c) Petrol-- The petrol engine is rarely adopted as a form of prime-
mover at a permanent sewage pumping station owing to the
comparatively high fuel and maintenance cost.
*Specification for three-phase induction motors ( ucond revision). ( Third revision in 1970)
tSpecification for rotating electrical machines
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IS:flll (Part IV)-l968
6.1 Electrically Driven Pumpa
6.1.1 Automatic - Automatic control may be provided for either ac or
de motor but overriding and supplimentary manual control should be
included in the panel for emergency use. A float controlled switch or
other suitable means, operated by the sewage level in the wet well, is used
to actuate the main power control panel.
In all cases the motor should have no-volt and overload protection,
and the control gear made proof against adjustment or tampering while the
current is on, by a mechanical and electrical interlock.
6.1.2 Manual- Manual control of electrically driven pumps should be
provided separately, incorporated in an automatic control panel or may be .
the sole means of operation.
Emergency control, that is, stop buttons together ",ith no-volt and
overload release as well as controls against phase failure should be fitted in
all cases.
6.2 Gas or Oil Engine Driven Pumps -"Automatic control may be used
for electrical ignition .and compression ignition engines~ but manual control
is recommended for internal combustion engine prime mover.
7.1 Site Illvestigatioll- This should be carried out in aq:ordance with
IS; 1892-1962·
7.2 Sub-Structure - This usually consists of two underground compart~
ments separated by a common wall, namely, a dry well to house the pumping
plant, pipe work and control valves and a wet well containing the,sewage
to be pumped.
1.2.1 Wet Well Capacity of wet well- Most design principles base detention
upon the average design rate flow, but the maximum and minimum rates
are the determining factors in sizing the.wet well. The desired results may
be accomplished if the size of the wet well is such that, with any combina-
tion of inflow and pumping, tlle cycle of operation for each pump will not
be less than 5 minutes and a maximum retention time in the wet well not
exceeding 30 minutes. Shape- The wet well shall be so shaped as to have the suction
of several pumps suitably placed apart and. drawing from a channel. The
shape of the wet w~ll should also conform to the shape of the pump house
·Code of practice for site investigation. for foundations.
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Pune([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
18:4111 (Part IV)-I968
length to permit operation' at both motor and pump flox level. A hatch
in the roof should be provided where necessary in case of vertical spindle
driven pumps. .
7.3.3 LightiTlg- The structure should be weU'lighted and distribution of
lighting points for the pumping station should be such that long flexes are
7.3.4 Architectural Finish - The superstructure of the pumping station
should have a pleasing and attractive architectural treatment and a good
landscaping for the surround is recommended.
7.3.5 Precautions Againrt Nuisance- Nuisance may be caused by a s(;wage
pumping station by smell, noise, electrical interference, or vibration. To control the sme!) it is desirable that the sewage be retained
in the wet well for the shortest possible tim::! and that screenings be
removed as soon as they have accu,mulated.
, Noise may be reduced by employing special silent motors, ana.
double windows are of assistance in this respect. Electrical interference m:ly produce complaints from nearby
radio set users and molY only be eliminated by careful attention to the main-
tenance of brush and commuutor gi!ar and cleanliness of control gear
generally. Vibration from modern pumping set on' individual foundation
blocks should be negligible, but in exceptional cases insulation of the
foundation from the bUilding by suitable means should prevent transmission
where vibration might occur [see IS: 2974 (Part 1)-1964* ).
7.3.6 Protection of Plantfrom Flooding - Flooding of a pumping station may
occ~r because the pumps and accessories have been neglected or because
of external circumstances. Suitable overflow arrangements for the wet well
should be provided, where feasible, as a protection against flooding due to
breakdown bf plant or failure of the power supply.
7.4 Flow Recorders - It is desirable to measure the flow at an individual
pumping station and it may be arranged either on the connecting sewer,
at the inlet to the station, on the rising main, or at the delivery end. At
the inlet and discharge ends flumes or weirs may be used and onthe rising
main venturi meter or orifice plates may be used for the measurement of
flow. Recording and integrating devices may be installed on these measur-
ing devices, if required.
7.5 Lay-oat of Plant and Pipe Work - Equipment in a pumping station
s~ould be sited to permit the ease of operation and maintenance .
• Cod. of practice for design and construction of machine foundations: Part I Foundations
ror reciprocating type machines. ( Since revised ).
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IS 14111 (Part IV ) -1968
7.5.1 Pumps Dry-well pumps - This is the most suitable methods of installa-
tion, as the machines are always accessible and gland packing and other '
routine maintenance may be aChieved without considerable mess and
trouble. Submerged wet well pumps- This type of installation is not suit-
able for permanent use for sewage pumping. A typical arrangement is
shown in Fig. 1. Horizontal shaft pumps- The horizontal, directly coupled pump
set is free from some of the disadvantages of the vertical set and may be
preferable when the depth of the installation is, say 4'5 m or less. It
requires considerably more floor space than a vertical shaft pump. On the
other hand intermediate bearings on the shaft are not required and the set
is more easily -maintained; however, horizontal shaft pumps are not suitable
for wet wells. A typical illustration of horizontal shaft dry well type pump
is given in Fig. 2. Vertical -shrift pumps - The vertical spindle pump has the
advantage that the motor may be placed above the flood level to save it
from being flooded due to break down of the pump or any other cause.
This pump may be driven by a vertical-spindle electrical motor or through
gearing from a horizontal prime-mover. The vertical shaft may be of any
length; if required sufficient intermittent bearing should be provided to
ensure steadiness. The space occupied by such a set is less than that
occupied by a horizontal set of similar capacity. A typical arrangement is
shown in Fig. 3. Direct coupled vertical~ - Given suitable conditions, the type of
pump set in which the motor is directly mounted on a stool bolted directly
to the casing of a vertical pump requires less space and may conveniently
be controlled at nne level. A typical arrangement is shown in Fig. 4.
7.5.2 Internal Pipe Work Pipe connections-All pipe joints within the pump house should
be flanged. Where a number of pumps discharge into a common delivery
it is very desirable that connections to the mains should be made in hori-
zontal direction, to avoid accumulation of silt and debris in vertical pipes
connected to the pumps. VaLves- Valves both. sluice and reflex should be as accessible
as possible. Sluice valves on horizontal pipe lines should never be inclined
at more than 45 degrees to the vertical. Where valve hand wheels are
difficult to approach for operation, the spindle should be extended and
head-stocks fitted at a convenient level for operation. Such head-stocks
may be off set from the valve spindle centre line by inserting suitable
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1514111 (Part IV)-I968
universal ,joints in the spindle extension. Non-return or reflux valves,
should be inserted as near the pump as possible and in a horizontal position. T]se oj standard specials-Standard specials, where used, should
comply with IS: 1538-1969-
·Cast iron fittings for pre5.\ure pipes for watt·,.. gas and sewag(' (jll.,! rll'lJilJlI )
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15:.111 use only].
(Part IV )-1961
7.5.2 •• As a precaution against fracture and for ease of assembly,
suitable flexible joint may-be used where pipe passes through valve and a
puddle flange should be provided, built into the wall. Suction pipe arrangement- The minimum distance between the
suction pipes within a sump should be five times the diameter, centre to
centre or 50 cm between flanges whichever is greater.
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11&4111 (Part 1V)-1961
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IS 1.111 (Part IV) -1968 [for non-commercial use only].
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IS14111 (Part IV)-l968
9.1" Geaeral- The pumping station shall have all necessary safety
precautions incorporated in the design and construction.
9.2 Wet Well
9.2.1 This should not be directly connected by any opening to the dry
well or super-structure to prevent explosive gas leakage.
9.2.2 It should be properly ventilated by suitable vents or mechanical
means directly to outside if required.
.. 9.2.3 Cast iron step iron should be suitably provided [see IS: 4111
( Part 1)-1967*].
9.3 Dry-Well and Super..structure
9.3.1 All vertical drops in floor level should be protected with hand-rails
and especially when the depth of the well exceeds two metres.
9.3.2 Electrical equipment and wiring should be properly insulated and
grounded, and switches and controls should be of non-sparking type. All
wiring and devices in hazardous areas should be explosion-proof.
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