Grade-3 Q1 W4 D4-5 HOT-OR-COLD
Grade-3 Q1 W4 D4-5 HOT-OR-COLD
Grade-3 Q1 W4 D4-5 HOT-OR-COLD
Hot or Cold?
Quarter 1 Week 4 Day 4 & 5
Name: ________________________________
Grade/Section: __________ Date: ______
Hot or Cold?
Learning Competency: Describe changes in
materials based on the effects of temperature
Behavioral Learning Objectives: a.) appreciate
the importance of water when it is heated or
when it is cooled
What I Need to Do
1. Describe what happens to water when it is heated or when it is
2. Perform activities with water when it is heated or when it is
cooled, and
3. Tell the importance of water when it is heated or when it is
cooled to one life.
Key Concept:
Everything around us is made up of matter. Matter is anything
that occupies space and has weight and mass. Matter undergoes a physical
and chemical changes. Physical change happens when there is a change in the
physical properties of matter. A chemical change is a change that results in
the formation of a new substance. The physical and chemical change affects
temperature. Temperature is the hotness or coldness of an object. The
temperature of materials increases when heated and decreases when cooled.
molecules. The temperature of materials increases when heated and
decreases when cooled.
Gearing Up
Describe Me!
What you need:
1 glass of tap water 2 pcs. 250ml beaker
wire gauze Alcohol lamp
tripod lighter
1 glass ice cube 1 clinical thermometer
What to do:
1. Start the activity by carefully following your teacher’s instructions.
2. B extra careful in handling the materials. Safety comes first.
3. Pour 50ml of tap water inside the 250ml beaker. Slowly put ice cubes
until water level.
4. Measure the temperature of the water first before cooling and heating.
Record your observations in your notebook.
5. Carefully observe what happens to water before and after it was cooled.
Measure the temperature when it is cooled. Write down your
observation in your notebook.
6. Your teacher will assist you when lighting the alcohol lamp.
7. Pour 50ml of water to 250ml beaker then heat.
8. Carefully observe what happens to water before and after it was heated.
Measure the temperature of the water when heated. Write down your
observation in your notebook.
What happens to the water when What happens to water when
you put some ice cubes? heated?
Getting Better
Similarities or Differences!
Complete the Venn Diagram below on the similarities and differences when
water is heated and when it is cooled.
3. Aling Marta has a 3 o’clock habit of having her cup of coffee. Before she
could have a cup of coffee, she needed to have hot water. What do you
call the gaseous state of water when it is boiling?
a. water vapor
b. water waste
c. water droplets
Science 3 K to 12 Curriculum guide planner/MELC-Based Budget of Work,
Quarter 1 Week 4 (S3MT-Ih-j-4)
RBS Science Series, The New Science Link 3, Seamless K to 12 Edition 2014, by
Rex Book Store, Inc. pp: 52-59.