8 Bibliography
8 Bibliography
8 Bibliography
Amalia, Ila. “Integrated Lesson in Teaching Oral Skill”. Loquen English Studies
Journal, Vol. XII, No. 1, (2019), 44-55.
Amalia, Ila. Pronunciation the English Speech Sounds. Serang: Dinas Pendidikan
Provinsi Banten, 2012.
Cipollone, Nick, Steven Hartman Keiser, and Sharavan Vasishth. Language Files:
Materials for an Introduction to Language & Linguistics. Colombus: The
Ohio University, 7th ed., 1998.
Fleck, Bethany K.B., Lisa M. Beckman, Jillian L. Sterns, and Heather D. Hussey.
“YouTube in the Classroom: Helpful Tips and Student Perceptions”. The
Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. XIV, No. 3, (2014), 21-37.
Fraenkel, Jack R., Norman E. Wallen, and Helen H. Hyun. How to Design and
Evaluate Research in Education. New York: McGraw-Hill, 8th ed., 2012.
Rafael, Agnes Maria Diana. “An Analysis on Pronunciation Errors Made By First
Semester Students of English Department STKIP CBN”. Loquen English
Studies Journal, Vol. XII, No. 1, (2019), 1-10.