8 Bibliography

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Amalia, Ila. Pronunciation the English Speech Sounds. Serang: Dinas Pendidikan
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Brown, H. Douglas. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices.

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Bull, Victorial. “Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary”. Oxford: Oxford University

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Cipollone, Nick, Steven Hartman Keiser, and Sharavan Vasishth. Language Files:
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Fleck, Bethany K.B., Lisa M. Beckman, Jillian L. Sterns, and Heather D. Hussey.
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Fraenkel, Jack R., Norman E. Wallen, and Helen H. Hyun. How to Design and
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Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York:

Longman, 3rd ed.,1980.

Hewings, Martin. Pronunciation Practice Activities: A resource book for teaching

English pronunciation. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Kelly, Gerald. How to Teach Pronunciation. England: Pearson Education

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Kreidler, Charles W. The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book. Oxford:

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Marianne, Celce-Murcia, Donna M. Brinton, and Janet M. Goodwin. Teaching

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Languages. US: Cambridge University Press, 14th printing, 2006.

McMahon, April. An Introduction to English Phonology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh

University Press, 2002.

Moghavvemi, Sedigheh, Ainin Sulaiman, Noor Ismawati Jaafar, and Nafisa

Kasem. “Social Media as a Complementary Learning Tool for Teaching
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Muslimah, Nadrotul. “The Effectiveness of Mobile Assisted Language Learning

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Nahari RA, Putri. “The Effectiveness of YouTube Englis Video to Improve

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Nunan, David. Research Methods in Language Learning. New York: Cambridge

University Press, 1992.

O’Connor, J. D. Better English Pronunciation. Cambridge: Cambridge University

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Rafael, Agnes Maria Diana. “An Analysis on Pronunciation Errors Made By First
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Rahmawati, Eulis. “Getting EFL Learners to Speak: Obstacles and Solutions”.

Loquen English Studies Journal, Vol. X, No. 1, (2017), 21-32.

Rohman, Miftahur. “The use of Tongue Twister Technique to Improve EFL

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Underhill, Adrian. Sound Foundations Learning and Teaching Pronunciation.

Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2005.

Yates, Lynda, and Beth Zielinski. Give It a Go: Teaching Pronunciation to

Adults. Australia: AMEPRC, 2009.

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