Gen Provision, Nature & Effects of Obligation PDF
Gen Provision, Nature & Effects of Obligation PDF
Gen Provision, Nature & Effects of Obligation PDF
CONTRACT QUASI CONTRACT that some pecuniary loss has been suffered but its
There is a meeting of the There is no consent, but the
amount cannot be provided with certainty.
minds or consent; the same is supplied by fiction
parties must have of law; to prevent injustice
Actual - adequate compensation only of such
deliberately entered into a
formal agreement pecuniary loss suffered by a person as duly
d. Delicts (obligation ex delicto/ crimes) – acts
Liquidated - agreed upon by the parties to a
or omission punishable under the law
contract to be paid in case of breach thereof.
2. Nature a. Divisible – obligation is susceptible of partial
a. Personal – to do; not to do; performance (NCC. 1223; and 1224);
b. Real – to give. b. Indivisible – obligation is not susceptible of
partial performance (NCC. 1225).
3. Object
a. Determinate / specific – particularly 9. Right to choose and substitution
designated or physically segregated from all others a. Alternative – obligor may choose to
of the same class; completely perform one out of the several
b. Generic – designated merely by its class or prestation (NCC. 1199);
genus; b. Facultative – only one prestation has been
c. Limited generic – generic objects confined agreed upon, but the obligor may render one in
to a particular class or source (Tolentino, 2002). substitution of the first one (NCC. 1206).
(e.g. An obligation to deliver one of my horses).
10. Imposition of penalty
4. Performance a. Simple – there is no penalty imposed for
a. Positive - to give; to do; violation of the terms thereof (NCC. 1226);
b. Negative – not to do (ex. an obligation not b. Obligations with a penal clause – obligation
to run for an elective post). which imposes a penalty for violation of the terms
thereof (NCC. 1226; Pineda, 2000)
5. Person obliged
a. Unilateral – only one party is bound;
b. Bilateral – both parties are bound 11. Sanction
a. Civil – gives a right of action to compel their
NOTE: A bilateral obligation may be reciprocal or non- performance;
reciprocal. Reciprocal obligations are those which arise from
b. Natural – not based on positive law, but on
the same cause, wherein each party is a debtor and a creditor
of the other, such that the performance of one is conditioned
equity and natural law; does not grant a right of
upon the simultaneous fulfillment of the other. action to enforce their performance, but after
voluntary fulfillment by the obligor, they authorize
6. Existence of burden or condition retention of what has been delivered rendered by
a. Pure – not burdened with any condition or reason thereof.
term. It is immediately demandable (Art. 1179);
b. Conditional – subject to a condition which NATURE AND EFFECTS OF OBLIGATIONS
may be suspensive (happening of which shall give
rise to the obligation) or resolutory (happening of ★ tip: determine first what kind of obligation
which terminates the obligation) (NCC. 1181).
terms to remember:
7. Character of responsibility or liability determinate or specific thing - a thing which is
a. Joint – each debtor is liable only for a part of particularly designated or physically segregated
the whole liability and to each creditor shall belong from all other things of the same class
only a part of the correlative rights (8 Manresa 194;
NCC. 1207); generic or indeterminate thing - a thing which
refers only to a class or genus to which it pertains
b. Solidary – debtor is answerable for the whole
of the obligation without prejudice to his right to and cannot be pointed out with particularity
collect from his co-debtors the latter’s shares in the accessories - things joined to the principal thing
obligation (NCC. 1207). for its better use, embellishment or completion
8. Susceptibility of partial fulfillment
accessions - fruits of a thing or anything produced fraud, negligence, contravention
by it, attached or incorporated thereto as an of the tenor thereof (NCC, Art. 1170).
Obligation is
addition or improvement.
Fruits: Effect of extinguished
Natural → spontaneous product of soil/animals fortuitous (genus
event nunquam
Industrial → human intervention/labor the obligation.
peruit – genus
(e.g. palay, kambing) never perishes).
Civil → arises from juridical relation
(e.g. rent/loans interest) THE OBLIGATION ARISES UPON …
GR: from the time of the perfection of the
REAL OBLIGATION contracts; creditor has right to fruits (on/after)
Obligations of a debtor in an obligation to EXCEPTION: fulfillment of the condition or arrival
deliver of the term (if obligation is subj. to suspensive
BASIS SPECIFIC GENERIC condition/period) creditor has right to fruits (o/a)
Deliver the
thing which is
neither of
OF SALE, from the perfection of the contract even if
obligation is subj. to suspensive condition/period
superior nor
Deliver the Rights/Remedies of the creditor in an
What the inferior quality
thing agreed obligation to deliver
obligation if quality and
consists of circumstances SPECIFIC GENERIC
(NCC, Art. 1165)
have not been Specific performance Specific performance
stated by the +D (delivery of anything
belonging to the same
(NCC, Art. 1246).
to preserve the species) + D
thing with Rescission (action to Ask that (third person)
“proper rescind under NCC, the obligation be
If the object is
diligence of a
generic, but the
Art. 1380). + D complied with at the
GOOD FATHER or debtor’s expense with
source is
Required of a FAMILY” Resolution (action for a right to recover
specified or
diligence to unless the law
delimited, the cancellation under damages
be observed requires or
obligation is to NCC, Art. 1191). + D
parties stipulate
preserve the To hold the obligor Resolution or specific
source responsible for any performance, with
standard of
care fortuitous event or if damages in either
(NCC, Art.1163) debtor delays / case (NCC, Art. 1191).
Delivery of promise to deliver to 2
Deliver all another thing or more person
accessions, within the Damages, in both cases (NCC, Art. 1170).
accessories, same genus as
and fruits of the thing NOTE: May be exclusive or in addition to the above-
What delivery the thing even promised if mentioned remedies
comprises of though they such thing is
may not have damaged due NOTE!!! In an obligation to deliver a specific thing, the
been to lack of care creditor has the right to demand preservation of the
mentioned or a general
thing, its accessions, accessories, and the fruits. The
(NCC, Art. 1166). breach is
creditor is entitled to the fruits and interests from the
time the obligation to deliver the thing arise.
Effect of
Pay damages in case of breach of
breach of
obligation by reason of delay,
The creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing from BREACHES OF OBLIGATIONS
the time the obligation to deliver it arises. However,
he shall acquire no real right over it until the same has Degree of diligence required
been delivered to him (NCC, Art. 1164).
1. That agreed upon;
2. In the absence of such, that which is required by
Nature of the right of the creditor with respect
the law;
to fruits
1. Before delivery – Personal right;
GR: Diligence of a good father of a family
2. After delivery – Real right That reasonable diligence which an ordinary
prudent person would have done under the same
The right or power of a The right or interest of a
person (creditor) to person over a specific
a. Common carriers requiring extraordinary diligence (NCC,
demand from another thing (i.e. ownership,
Arts. 1998-2002);
(debtor), as a definite possession, mortgage), b. Banks require the highest degree of diligence, being
passive subject, the without a definite imbued with public interest.
fulfillment of the latter’s subject against whom
obligation to give, to do, the right may be
or not to do. personally enforced.
There is a definite active There is only a definite
Voluntary - Debtor is liable for damages if he is
subject and a definite active subject without guilty of:
passive subject. any passive subject. a. Delay (mora) / default
Binding and enforceable Directed against the b. Fraud (dolo)
only against a particular whole world c. Negligence (culpa)
d. Breach of the tenor of the obligation
Involuntary - Debtor is not liable for damages
(unable to perform the obligation due to fortuitous
TO DO (+) NOT TO DO (-)
Obligations To perform the To perform the
of Debtor obligation (ex. To obligation (ex.
sing) Not to sing) Ordinary delay: no breach
Rights of 1. third person 1. what has been Legal delay: ✓ demand
the Creditor to perform the poorly done, be
Failure to perform an obligation after
obligation @ undone @ demand
debtor’s expense debtor’s expense
+D +D GR: Demand is necessary before debtor incurs
2. what has been 2. to recover
delay. It should be made ON OR AFTER the due
poorly done, be damages
undone + D date.
3. to recover Judicial demand– within the court
damages Extrajudicial – outside the court (written/oral)
*specific performance is not a remedy in + personal Exceptions: (demand is not necessary to incur
obligation (bawal slavery! di mo pwede ipilit) delay)
Circumstances affecting obligations (breach!) 1. The law expressly declares; ex. tax dues
A person in the performance of his obligation will be
2. The obligation itself so stipulates;
liable to pay damages in case he will be guilty of delay,
3. Time is of the essence; ex. bday cake deliver
fraud, negligence or contravention of the tenor of the
4. Demand is useless as when obligor has rendered
it beyond his power to perform;
5. When there is performance by a party in bilateral
obligations. (simultaneous dapat)
3 KINDS OF DELAY present, the
contracting party
1. Mora solvendi - delay on the part of the
would have still
debtor / obligor agreed to the
*Mora solvendi ex re - to give contract.
*Mora solvendi ex persona - to do Effect It renders the It does not affect the
contract voidable. validity of the
2. Mora accipiendi - delay on the part of the contract.
creditor / obligee Remedy Annulment Contract remains
3. Compensatio morae -delay on the part of with damages valid. Remedy is claim
for damages only.
both parties in bilateral obligations
*The mere expiration of the period fixed by the parties is not
enough in order that the debtor may incur in delay. Those Failure to observe diligence, there
obliged to deliver or to do something incur in delay from the is no deliberate intention to cause
time the oblige judicially or extra-judicially demands from damage or injury even if the act
them the fulfillment of their obligation. was done voluntarily
refers to dolo incidente, there’s an waive of future negligence = valid (in certain
Fraud intentional evasion of the faithful
cases), liabilities may be mitigated
performance of the obligation
waive of past negligence = valid
1. When expressly declared by stipulation
2. When the nature of the obligation requires the
1. Specific performance plus damages
assumption of risk
2. Rescission or resolution in reciprocal obligation
3. When expressly declared by law, such as:
plus damages
a. When the debtor has incurred delay or is
3. Damages
guilty of fraud, negligence or contravention of the
tenor of the obligation
b. When the debtor has promised to deliver the
1. Accion subrogatoria- to be subrogated to all
same thing to 2 or more different persons who do
the rights and actions of the debtor except purely
not have the same interest
personal rights. An action whereby the creditor,
c. When the thing to be delivered is an
whose claim has not been fully satisfied, may go
indeterminate/generic (never perishes)
after the defendant debtor’s debtor (third person)
d. When the obligation to deliver a specific thing
2. Accion pauliana- to impugn all the act which
arises from a crime
the debtor may have done to defraud the creditor
e. When the bailee in commodatum allowed a
(to cancel)
third person to use the thing borrowed
3. Accion directa- the right of the lessor to go
directly against the sublessee for unpaid rents of
Requisites: (CODE)
the lessee
1. Cause of breach is independent of the will of the
debtor; Ex. A umutang kay B ng 1M pesos. (Due date, Nov 1, 2020)
2. The Event is unforeseeable or unavoidable; A has FMV of 1M pesos na lupa. But A donated the land to C
3. Occurrence renders it absolutely impossible for on Oct. 25 = B may impugn this donation para mahabol nya
parin ung 1M thru A’s land.
the debtor to fulfill his obligation in a normal
A may utang kay B and C may utang kay A. Instead of si A
manner - impossibility must be absolute not mangolekta kay C, pwede na si B dumiretso kay C. (Accion
partial, otherwise not force majeure; and subgratoria)
4. Debtor is free from any participation in the
aggravation of the injury to the creditor.