Take Away #1

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Republic of the Philippines




Name of Student: CHERRY M. ADUAN

Course: Ph.D. Educational Management
Subject: Business and Fiscal Management of Educational Enterprise
Professorial Lecturer : DR. GLORIA SARABIA



Education is said to be the foundation of economic growth, thus, it is essential

to know its usefullness in the development process. It is also said to be of excellent
way to the country’s industrialization process.

Looking at the school setting, may it be public or private, a large portion of

national resources are devoted to education. A quality education, beginning with
primary education, is fundamental to provide individuals with the ability to
successfully pursue their personal goals while also providing them with the
knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes required to effectively contribute to the
economic, social, and political development of their societies..


Education not only empowers individuals to live better lives of their own
choosing, but it also makes a significant contribution to a country's development,
among other things, reducing illiteracy, poverty, and fertility, while also improving
nutrition and health, labor productivity, and governance quality.

Five (5) characteristics of educational sectors were mentioned on the report

that gives highlight to the Rationale on Business and Fiscal Management which are
as follows:

- Growth in enrolments and in public spending was slow and continuous

over long periods of time.
- Dual systems operated in parallel with few connections between them.
- Provisions of mass formal education followed rather that preceded the
transition from agriculturally to industrially based economies.
- The elementary level grew faster toward universal provision and only when
substantial progress had been made with this did higher level grow
- In most early industrializing countries, private sources of funding provided
very substantial proportions of the finance necessary to support the formal
education system.

Stated also the summary of rationales for educational expenditures found in

national plans like Manpower development rationales, Social equity rationales,
Nation-building rationales, Improving quality of school rationales, Improving
efficiency of schooling rationales. With all these, the educational arena have
something to look forward and it will depend on the prioritization of the government.


Looking to the stated summary, education can be made as the country’s way

to industrialization hence the vision of education is still at the hand of those persons

in authority. Looking on the reader’s perspective, the characteristics of educational

sector before shows a very slow in terms of its movement in development. Changes

do not happen overtime, in centuries the face of education shows a huge change in

many aspects and its because of the appropriate funds allocated on education.

With regards to the country’s development using education as tool, it will have

realization if the budget will be properly used, hence, they must learn to prioritize the

needs of the school in relation to its goals and objectives. All decisions in the

department towards the attainment of its goals involves finances. The future of

educational arena will be at stake if the issues on graft and corruption will continue

thus industrialization of the country will not be possible.


A vision remains a vision without a mission. Mentioned in the introduction

about education as an excellent way to country’s development, then education

should be prioritized. I remember upon listening on the DepEd’s new agenda

“Matatag: Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa, our Vice President and DepEd

Secretary Sarah Duterte expressed her plans and vision for the educational sector

and was back up by our President. I understand that all of those plans should start

from the the persons involved in the basic setting of the institutions like the students,

teachers and administrators, thus, she took advantage of launching the agenda to

express her desire to resolve the education challenges.

Treat the disease of the educational sector and the entire country will be


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