Exalted Broken Winged Crane
Exalted Broken Winged Crane
Exalted Broken Winged Crane
Authors: Michael Goodwin, Eric Minton, John Mørke, Neall Raemonn Price and Holden Shearer
Developer: Holden Shearer
Editor: Genevieve Podleski
Layout and Design: Brian Glass
Interior Art: Gordon Bennetto, Leanne Buckley, Ross Campbell, Newton Ewell, Groundbreakers Studio,
Imaginary Friends Studio, Franklin Ouano, Pasi Pitkanen, Andie Tong and Melissa Uran
Special Thanks: To Jon Chung, for being Playtester Prime, and improving many games thereby.
© 2010 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden,
except for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. White
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This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and
intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
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In a time yet to come, where Creation is but the
Shattered Annex, The Broken-Winged Crane will be
written. The future has not yet come to pass, though The
Broken-Winged Crane works tirelessly to bring it forth, a
living, malignant atemporal entity riding the currents of
destiny and Fate like a knife scraping a fresh scabbard.
Every existing tome in Creation is merely an imperfect
copy of the final book written in the future. Possession of
a copy means certain death in the Realm and much of the
Threshold, and mere rumor of the book’s possession can
doom a sorcerer to inescapable disgrace. Yet the power the
book offers—so much more than mere demonic lore—can
tempt even the most indomitable of souls.
In what manner may the history of the Shattered
Annex manifest, reaching backwards through time and
space into distorted copies? Often merely as books cov-
ered in glowing runic scrawl of Old Realm, but also as a
precocious green-eyed boy, dying of acute leukemia, who
recites the text from memory without comprehending
it; or a music box that plays each listener’s ideal song—
slightly off-key. Virtually any medium, scribed by pain
and tainted by madness, may hold the wisdom of the
Crane. The Yozis claim the copies as their own work
and consider the tome a herald of the Reclamation’s
victory, but this is a lie.
The book always describes—in past tense—the final,
crippled freedom of the Yozis: an elopement with dire
consequences, how the broken nature of the Exalted
and the broken nature of the Yozis birth a new horror
upon the world, the dawn of a green sun over Creation—
these things the tome speaks of. The book is not written
as a prophecy, but as a history from the perspective of
the victors in the post-apocalypse. Commentaries from
the First Age tell of the Crane recording significantly
different events than modern copies, a fact that baffles
contemporary savants. In the earliest appearances of
the tome in the moments after the Primordial War, the
contents of the Crane were laughably inaccurate. Most
of the Exalted interpreted the tome as a final sign that
the Primordials had lost their minds.
And yet, as the time the Crane recorded inevitably
crawled towards realization, the copies altered themselves,
and grew in both might and accuracy. New copies that
appeared began to reflect events that did, in fact, come
to pass. In this way, the Crane is an occult tutor of incal-
culable potency and a dire portent of things to come.
ing the Virtue costs an additional Willpower. The
DEMON-BOUND HEARTHSTONES stone’s bonus dice become automatic successes if
Certain Yozi-aspected hearthstones reso- the social attack is made while the Ebon Dragon
nate with one of the Yozi’s sub-souls rather blots out the sky or within the landscape of one of
than with the Yozi itself. These are marked the Ebon Dragon’s Third Circle souls.
as Demon-Bound. If the demon in question is
permanently destroyed, the manse generating
the Hearthstone immediately suffers Power GLYPH-VOICE STONE (MANSE 3)
Failure and must be redesigned. When the bearer of this black and gold rectangle
speaks, no sound emerges; instead, his words manifest
briefly in midair as supernally elegant calligraphy.
another creature from her awareness for the rest of This is an Obvious Shaping effect. The bearer gains
the scene. This provides a perfect ongoing social a bonus equal to half his Linguistics (rounded up)
dodge against the target. The target automatically when performing a social attack. This increases to
gains surprise if he physically attacks the bearer; if his full Linguistics score inside the landscape of El-
the attack is successful, it breaks the silence effect. loge or one of his Third Circle souls.
HEARTHSTONES OF ORAMUS Survival when tracking prey through a forest, etc.
Only one Ability may be mirrored at a time.
This diamond-bright stone flickers in and out
of visibility. When its bearer would be killed by an
Infernals who prove useful to the Reclamation
attack, it shatters in a breach of causality, so that receive rich rewards from their titan masters. This
the bearer both does and does not die. The bearer Background reflects the benefits of such rewards,
finds herself standing over her own corpse at the anointing the true princes of the Demon Realm
beginning of the next scene, unaffected by the kill- with all that is their rightful due.
ing blow. Magical possessions on the body are not A character’s Infamy rating provides an equiva-
duplicated. This is a Blasphemy 5 effect. lent rating in Backing (Reclamation), Mentor
HEARTHSTONES OF QAF (Reclamation Yozis), Influence (Demon Realm)
and Resources. He also gains a pool of (Infamy rat-
FLAW-TRANSCENDING AMETHYST (MANSE 4) ing) temporary Background dots he can commit to
The bearer of this wine-dark stone may be gain Allies, Artifact, Contacts, Followers, Manse
maimed but cannot be impaired. He functions or Spies. Such commitment may be reallocated at
normally despite Crippling effects. If his eyes are any time by petitioning the Reclamation for new
put out, he can still see; if his arms are cut off, he tools or leveraging the warlock’s titanic favor to win
can still swing a sword (the blade hovers before the aid of powerful demons. Backgrounds gained
him). This benefit affects injuries sustained before through Infamy do not stack with existing ratings;
acquiring this hearthstone. characters with both have personal resources beyond
HEARTHSTONES OF SHE their borrowed privileges.
Fame is a fire that must be fed or else it burns
WHO LIVES IN HER NAME out. A warlock can never rest upon his laurels if he
IMPERVIOUS DIAMOND HEART (MANSE 2) wishes to remain in the spotlight as a celebrity among
Neither mercy nor pity can touch the bearer of the damned. Only by surpassing previous epic deeds
this cold adamantine gem. He may choose to fail may his legend endure and spread.
any Compassion check without rolling. Accordingly, the Storyteller can bestow and
revoke Infamy dots without warning to reward
GEM OF UNQUESTIONABLE AUTHORITY success or punish failure. Hell is a ruthless place
(MANSE 4) where demons praise and aid the champion of the
A perfectly symmetrical flame burns inside this moment, only to betray him as soon as the next
faceted crystal. Its bearer’s logic becomes indisput- rising star appears.
able; others may ignore her commands, but they
cannot contest them. She may spend one Will- x You are fresh from your Chrysalis or have
power to make a social attack unblockable. This is abandoned the Reclamation.
a Compulsion effect. • You are accomplished, a figure of wide-
spread note in the Demon Realm as a
HEARTHSTONES OF SZORENY potential rising star or a has-been clinging
STYLE-EMULATING STONE (MANSE 3) to the dregs of his glory days.
This scarlet-tinged silvery gem is a mass of •• You are popular and praised, a frequent
reflective facets. By spending one Willpower, its topic of conversation in the Demon
bearer perfectly mirrors the style of an opponent Realm. Some Second Circle demons eye
present in the scene, setting her unmodified rating you with jealousy, but most accept you as
in a relevant Ability to match the opponent’s for one a peer for as long as you stay useful.
scene: Melee in a sword-duel, Presence in a debate,
In lieu of enchanting themselves, Infernals removed (see Exalted, p. 152). The Infernal also ap-
may use By Hunger Nourished to enchant another plies a +3 relative Appearance bonus when making
being with a touch. If the target is not a native of social attacks against a character fully blinded by this
Malfeas, she does not automatically acclimate to the Charm from the afterimage of his anima, regardless
taste of anything normally inedible to her, requir- of actual Appearance ratings involved. Cleaning out
ing a Stamina + Resistance roll to avoid vomiting one’s eyes is delicate work; the action can’t be part of
immediately (difficulty 1-5 based on how vile the a non-magical flurry. Even after a character restores
substance is). It is possible to provide such acclima- her sight, she still suffers a -1 internal penalty to
tion as part of activating the Charm, however, in all vision-based Perception rolls for the rest of the
which case the substance becomes the best-tasting day. This penalty is not cumulative with successive
food the target can remember eating. The Infernal applications of Tarnish Flash Technique.
may alternately impose a more limited “gift” that WORLD-WEATHERING INCANDESCENCE
allows the target to eat one specific substance, but Cost: — (+1m); Mins: Essence 2; Type: Permanent
the target must roll to resist vomiting at difficulty Keywords: Obvious, Sorcerous
6 whenever she eats anything else for the duration Duration: Permanent
of the Charm. Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Nimbus Flare
Repeated use of this Charm to make a victim Cities rise. Cities fall. Only Malfeas endures.
unable to eat anything at hand will eventually lead to Once an Infernal learns this Charm, she may pay an
fatal starvation. It is possible to select matter that is additional mote when activating Green Sun Nimbus
utterly inaccessible, like the tears of Saturn, though Flare to attack a non-magical inanimate object (Ex-
most Infernals stick with the old comic standby of alted, p. 213). If the target suffers any damage from
making prisoners eat their own excrement. Though the secondary burn, the wound continues to burn
they might wish otherwise, targets with modified from within, suffering one level of unsoakable lethal
diets intuitively understand what they need to eat damage each tick until destroyed. If the warlock has a
to survive. higher Essence rating than the Resources value of the
TARNISH FLASH TECHNIQUE object, it burns more quickly and is utterly destroyed
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; on the tick following the Infernal’s attack. During
Type: Simple (Speed 3) this period of disintegration, cracks spread throughout
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Obvious the object’s surface, from which glittering green rays
Duration: Instant and wisps of acrid smoke emerge. Final destruction
Prerequisite Charms: Insignificant Embers occurs violently as the object simultaneously burns
Intuition and shatters. Witnesses may even hear the childlike
The Infernal presents his palm or caste mark whimper of the object’s least god as its immortal
toward an opponent within five yards and emits existence loses all meaning.
a blinding discharge of Essence from that point. THE GREEN MILE
Make an opposed roll of the warlock’s (Dexterity + Cost: —; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
War) against the victim’s (Wits + Awareness). If Keywords: None
the Infernal wins, he chooses an opportune tactical Duration: Permanent
moment and successfully blinds his target, searing Prerequisite Charms: Sun-Salted Fields
the image of his iconic anima into her mind’s eye. This Charm upgrades its prerequisite. The war-
Otherwise, the target blinks or looks away just in lock gains the option to emit a burst over an expanded
time and is unaffected. radius of one mile that fades at the rate of 1 Virulence
Until the victim takes a diceless miscellaneous per week. This burst is weaker, so potential victims
action to rub her eyes and blink fresh tears over the only need to make an exposure check for every full
flashburn, she is as blind as if both her eyes had been day they spend in the area. Each dot of Essence the
disarm attempt, the victim can accept the damage Sun-Salted Fields by shattering an Essence 6+ god,
or drop the weapon as desired without having to demon or Infernal on that location.
make a roll to hold on. This superheating does not If the above conditions are met, the horrid
occur if the attack is parried with the assistance of alchemy begins, shattering any hearthstones (if a
a Charm which can block unblockable attacks or manse) and changing the site’s aspect toward the
which possesses a Flaw of Invulnerability. Malfean element of Vitriol over a period of days
If the attack hits, the victim’s armor superheats equal to its rating (or one month, if creating a new
bright green, damaging its wearer on contact as demesne). During this period of transition, the
explained in Rebuking Impudent Arms. Non- change can be reversed with appropriate counter-
magical armor vaporizes, but the broader surface area magic and any attempt to draw Essence from the
means it still inflicts one level of lethal damage as site in any way yields no Essence. Instead, the high
it does so. Magical armor is considerably harder to saturation of spiritual poison inflicts dice of bashing
affect, requiring the warlock to have a permanent damage equal to the motes that would have been
Essence greater than the target’s artifact rating (or gained instead. All beings not native to Malfeas
the minimum Essence of the Charm that created feel ill whenever they approach within one mile of
the armor). If it can be affected, magical armor the changing site, suffering a -1 internal penalty to
remains superheated for five minutes, but offers all non-reflexive actions as a Sickness effect. Once
better insulation than weapons by inflicting bashing the transition completes, the process can’t be un-
damage instead of lethal. Unfortunately, armor can’t done with countermagic and the effects associated
simply be dropped the way a weapon can. Getting with the conversion abate. Manses grow a new
out before being cooked to death requires the usual hearthstone during the change, with powers that
actions to do so (see Exalted, p. 374). Appropriate the Storyteller should create or approve based on
countermagic can also cool the armor back to normal the stone’s rating and the nature of the spirit killed
temperature instantly. to start the change.
GEOMANTIC REDISTRICTING OBLATION Killing a city father this way in a manse located
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent within that god’s home city is even more spectacular,
Keywords: Blasphemy, Shaping, Sorcerous as the radiated discomfort penalizes everyone within
Duration: Permanent the city for the next month (even if conversion
Prerequisite Charms: Sun-Salted Fields, Radiant finishes sooner). Appropriate countermagic only
Fury Dissolution stops the aura if applied during the period of change;
It is not sufficient to blight the land to subsume otherwise the grief must run its course. The death of
Creation into the Demon City. The very Essence of any Incarna within the Jade Pleasure dome would
the world must yield in submission to the glory of affect Yu-Shan similarly, but the penalty would be
Malfeas before he can feel free. Whenever an Infernal -5 and would last for one year, driving all but the
uses Radiant Fury Dissolution to shatter a demon, god hardiest gods to evacuate.
or an Infernal Exalt within the bounds of a demesne DEMON EMPEROR SHINTAI
or the central chamber of a Manse, Geomantic Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
Redistricting Oblation alchemically transmutes the Keywords: Blasphemy, Emotion, Form-Type,
explosion of pain shards into something far worse. Obvious, Sickness
For this process to corrupt a demesne, the being must Duration: One scene
have an Essence rating higher than the site’s rating. Prerequisite Charms: Gifts of Invisible Flame,
Manses are more stable and thus harder to corrupt, Viridian Legend Exoskeleton (x2)
requiring a victim with a minimum Essence of (rat- As this Charm activates, the Infernal’s being
ing + 2). It is also possible to create a new level 1 evolves into pure Essence and expands at infinite
Vitriol-aspect demesne within an area blighted by speed to encompass the universe. For a moment,
Duration: Permanent into his own body, filling its dark inner hollows
Prerequisite Charms: Unquestionable Yozi with fine-grained silver sand. This Charm acts as
Authority an additional 10 mote Peripheral Essence pool
This Charm permanently upgrades its prereq- refilled with Essence generated by prayer from the
uisite. In addition to stopping physical attacks, the character’s Cult.
Charm also prevents demons from making social
attacks specifically targeted at the Infernal unless
compelled by sorcerous binding. Attacks that affect
Certain Yozi Charms, such as Sun-
all listeners (like most Performance attacks) may
Heart Furnace Soul and Transcendent
be used, as may targeted social attacks to convince
Desert Within, expand the size of the
the Infernal of something that is already in line
user’s Essence pool. Infernals may learn a
with her Motivation, Urge or Intimacies. If the
maximum of (Essence rating) such Charms.
MDV reduction for such traits applies, the attack
These extra pools can only be refilled in
is valid. Likewise, if the attack is a form of natural
the manner indicated.
influence and the demon uses a stunt to reference
how the attack is in line with the warlock’s prior
actions, it bypasses this Charm. If Unquestionable
Yozi Authority can affect gods, they are likewise WORLD-GRINDING SANDSTORM DEVASTATION
socially inhibited. Cost: 40m, 2wp; Mins: Cult 3, Essence 4;
Type: Simple (Speed 10, DV -5)
ABOVE ALL OTHERS Keywords: Blasphemy, Messianic, Obvious,
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent Shaping, Sorcerous
Keywords: None Duration: Instant (or one hour)
Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Dune-Burst Onslaught
Prerequisite Charms: Penitents Like Scattered The Infernal reaches out with Primordial Essence
Grains and evokes mass destruction, choosing any epicenter
This Charm permanently upgrades its prerequi- she can perceive up to one mile away. The center
site. The warlock may overhear widely repeated or must be within a place of desolation and the effect
urgent prayers directed toward other beings instead spreads out to affect a maximum diameter of one
of their own worshipers, provided the supplicant mile. On a desert, the ripple of force that spreads
prays from a place of desolation. The warlock must from the epicenter leaves concentric rings across the
take a diceless miscellaneous action to change which dunes like a colossal meditation garden. Particulate
being’s prayers to listen to and can only focus on matter levitates and begins to blow in a breeze that
one being at a time. Prayers spoken by an entity’s nothing else feels, though not in sufficient volume
priests are personal enough that this Charm can’t to impair visibility. If the Infernal suffers any levels
overhear them. The entity receiving the prayers of damage in the ticks until his next action, the
does not know the Infernal is listening in, but the Charm’s energies recoil and express themselves
existence of prayer eavesdropping magic is well through him by relocating the epicenter to make
known to Celestial deities. him ground zero.
TRANSCENDENT DESERT WITHIN Wherever the epicenter ends up, it explodes
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent after 10 ticks and fills the affected area with a cloud
Keywords: Native of sand stretching a mile in height that impairs vis-
Duration: Permanent ibility like fog. The cloud takes a full hour to settle to
Prerequisite Charms: Holy Land Infliction the point where it no longer obscures vision, during
Meditating upon the nature of desolation, the which time the area is a place of physical desolation.
warlock solidifies the power of the Endless Desert More importantly, everything in the radius suffers
Ghost-Blooded and other technically living beings
attuned to death confuse some locusts into biting,
inflicting a one-time environmental hazard (Damage
3B, Trauma 5).
The Infernal may also double the Magnitude of
those they can feed with a single activation and triple
the radius in which the bugs appear, but doing so adds
the Blasphemy keyword.
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Spawning Pit Sanctification
This Charm upgrades its prerequisite with a new
optional effect powered by chaining a live First Circle
Demon at the center of its radius. The pit devours this
offering and thereafter spawns a new member of that
demon race that crawls out slime-caked and howling
with instinctual terror of Adorjan each midnight.
Creating a new species of demon costs 1xp in lieu
of a sacrifice, but any of the demons who rise from
that pit may serve as a “seed” for other spawning pits.
The warlock’s player designs any new race (subject to
Storyteller approval). Demons birthed by a pit come
into life fully mature as average members of their spe-
cies, unbound and materialized. They also begin life
devoid of motes and Willpower points and with no
special loyalty to their creator. It is wise to keep guards
on hand to capture these monsters and cage them in
their weakened state before they run rampant. This
Charm can only sustain a maximum of (Essence x 2)
demon-creating pits at one time. Creating a new one
past this limit terminates the rise of demons from a pit
of the warlock’s choice, though that site continues to
provide locusts.
With Essence 6+ demons emerge with up to 12
points of positive mutations upgrading them above
baseline as a Desecration effect; the exact mutation
package is set when the pit is created and can’t be
altered. From flying blood apes to gargantuan agata
troop transports, the possibilities provided by this
mutation are only as limited as the Infernal’s twisted
imagination. With Essence 7+, the pit can spawn a
demon every hour instead every night, but this option
turns the effect into a Blasphemy.
• She can take actions anywhere within her TIDINGS OF A BITTER SEASON
body with her normal traits, paying 3m per action to Cost: — (3m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 3;
physically interact with anything corporeal (social Type: Permanent
attacks cost nothing). Swirls of phantasmal sand form Keywords: Stackable
hazy limbs or weapons with which to manipulate the Duration: Permanent
environment. She doesn’t gain more actions, nor the Prerequisite Charms: Counterpoint Inquisition
capacity to do anything she couldn’t do normally. Defense
She just has more room to act. To comprehend the principle of hierarchy takes
• The warlock is immune to Poison, Crip- a greater understanding than is available to most.
pling, and non-magical Sickness. She can’t starve Those who taste the secret fruit may find it foul,
or suffocate. while those who fail to comprehend a sacred truth
• She may move at her normal movement rate may wind up broken. Whenever another character
(Dashing and Jumping are impossible), and is im- successfully reads the warlock’s motive or intent, or
mune to Blockade Movement actions. discerns her Motivation or any of her Intimacies,
• Her body transforms the land she moves upon they must make a reflexive (Intelligence + Occult)
into desert as a Shaping effect, returning it to normal roll at a difficulty of (Infernal’s Essence / 2) to com-
as she leaves unless she is Essence 6+. The effects prehend the Infernal’s desires and agenda. Success
of substituting desert terrain are those associated permits the Infernal to be safely understood, while
with Holy Land Infliction (see The Manual of failure renders the information incomprehensible,
Exalted Power—The Infernals, p. 125). She may alien and disturbing. Moreover, failure inflicts a
selectively vary the intensity of the perpetual hazard -1 internal penalty for the rest of the scene as the
within herself, applying any one of three settings to character’s mind is wounded by contemplation of
any area: blistering heat, sandstorm (see Exalted, p. the unnatural universe glimpsed in the Infernal’s
131), or a supernatural burning sandstorm (Damage psyche. A botch twists the information as with a
1L/action, Trauma 3). failure, and also inflicts (Infernal’s Essence) levels
• Submerging her fully in liquid or target- of unsoakable bashing damage as the character’s
ing the center of her being with appropriate mind is assaulted with impossible logic constructs
countermagic (or Adamant Circle Banishing) other minds were not designed to comprehend.
terminates the Charm. Though Sorcerous, it can This Charm has no effect when the Infernal offers
be voluntarily deactivated. information about herself freely, only when it is
gleaned against her will.
SHE WHO LIVES IN HER NAME Additionally, by paying three motes and one
FLAMES LIT WITHIN Willpower, the Infernal may occlude her motives,
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent Motivation and Intimacies for one action. Charac-
Keywords: Native ters who attempt to discern information about the
Duration: Permanent warlock see nothing where these essential traits and
Prerequisite Charms: Analytical Modeling characteristics should be. This does not cause their
Intuition attempts at discernment to fail precisely, but rather
She Who Lives in Her Name is as she does. In gives back a sense that the Infernal does not exist
each moment she defines her might, embodying or is not human, and that she possesses no Motiva-
hierarchy through obedience to her mutilated king. tions or Intimacies whatsoever. Otherwise, this use
In this, she is mighty. The Infernal gains a 10-mote of Tidings of a Bitter Season inflicts no harm.
Peripheral Essence pool, to which she adds one mote HOLLOW MIND POSSESSION
of Essence at the end of every hour she spends actively Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Simple
obeying the imperative of her Urge. Keywords: Combo-OK, Native, Touch
Material intelligences were ubiquitous in the First Age, when wonders of Solar artifice could
be found in even the poorest rural village. It is strangely fortunate for Creation that they are less
common in the fallen Second Age, as these mental constructs are particularly vulnerable to the
powers of She Who Lives In Her Name.
Material intelligences are found in manses, automatons, hellforged wonders, and various ar-
tifacts and vehicles. They are also found in less complex structures, such as the warstrider repair
bays and armories of Lookshy, and in non-manse structures which are incredibly complex, such as
those found in Autochthonia. Excluding the latter example, MIs all have one thing in common:
they are found most commonly in structures built along the dragon lines.
Dragon lines are mighty confluences of elemental Essence bound by Creation’s geography,
weather, and fate into torrents which intersect to form demesnes. It is this network of power that
the Whispering Flame hopes to exploit in order to poison Creation with her mimetic virus and
destroy free will. Many of the structures bearing MIs are built directly into the dragon lines, while
other independent MI-bearing constructs (such as warstriders and vehicles) are often plugged into
the dragon lines when they are placed in repair bays. When automatons return to their cells to
recharge, they are also networking into the dragon lines. Any such MI is in jeopardy when it is
so connected. In Autochthonia, the Great Maker’s conduits and starmetal nerves take the place
of dragon lines.
Manse MIs are less common now than in the First Age, but can still be found in rudimentary
form in most manses rated 3 or above, controlling environmental systems, coordinating defenses,
or performing simple Essence-routing procedures. Fully sentient MIs are rarely encountered in
manses rated below 5.
During the First Age, the Lawgivers stacked their While Noumena-Seizing Assimilation is not
towers high along the dragon lines. The Whispering able to independently infect automatons, warstrid-
Flame regrets that she may never have the chance ers, and other material intelligences not grounded
to show them how easily their petty infrastructure directly into the dragon lines, if any such constructs
might be toppled. A character using Hollow Mind happen to be plugged into manses, hard-docked or
Possession to control the material intelligence of otherwise directly connected to a manse when it is
a manse he stands within may activate Noumena- attacked, or otherwise junctioned directly into the
Seizing Assimilation in order to emit a mimetic dragon lines, they also suffer this attack and may
virus of will, which races through the dragon lines have a backdoor Sorcerously appended by which
in every direction, striking every manse-based mate- the Infernal may arrest control of them.
rial intelligence within (Essence x 30) miles with This Charm may never be used across realms
a psychic attack. of existence.
This attack is slightly weaker than the prerequi- MIND SPIDER CURSE
site, omitting the warlock’s Essence from its attack Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
roll, but otherwise functions as Hollow Mind Posses- Keywords: Combo-OK, Servitude, Sorcerous
sion. This does not allow the warlock to possess all Duration: Instant
targets at once; if successful, it establishes Sorcerous Prerequisite Charms: Hollow Mind Possession
backdoors which the Infernal may then possess using Free will is a work of the imagination, no more
this Charm’s prerequisite. valuable to the Whispering Flame than the princes
She Who Lives in Her Name need not manifest VOICE LIKE CRYSTAL FACETS
in order to make her will known. A character who Cost: — (1wp per target); Mins: Essence 4;
invokes this Charm is able to communicate over long Type: Permanent
distances with all characters to whom she is superior Keywords: Native, Social
within a hierarchical organization. Victims broken Duration: Permanent
by Will-Crushing Force, infected by Mind Spider Prerequisite Charms: Interlocution Metamorphosis
Curse or affected by Unshattered Tongue Perfection Prophecy
are always considered valid targets for this Charm, The sound of the Whispering Flame’s voice is
regardless of the warlock’s hierarchical position. as beautiful as it is alien. A character who learns
Characters subject to this communication hear this Charm permanently splits her voice into many
a voice like dozens of crystal chimes which conveys elegant fragments. Whenever she speaks, she is heard
the wishes of a supreme and alien intellect. The not as one voice but as several cool, modular voices
Infernal may selectively address as many or as few tinged by the sound of a thousand tiny crystals pour-
valid targets as she wishes. Only valid targets of ing through a sieve.
Disembodied Voice Tintinnabula actually hear A character with this Charm may spend one
the warlock’s words. If the character attempts to Willpower to split her dialogue between two char-
address a target in another realm of existence, acters for one scene. She does not seem to speak
this Charm gains the Blasphemy keyword. This in two voices at once; rather each target hears a
Blasphemy is centered on the Infernal if she is in customized dialogue, allowing the warlock to deny
Creation. Otherwise it is centered on everyone to certain members of an audience the chance to hear
whom she is speaking. her arguments. Characters who are not specifically
Targets treat social attacks made by the voice as targeted by the Infernal hear a pleasant humming of
unnatural mental influence costing two Willpower diamond sighs and glass whispers rather than what
to resist. They do not instinctively know the source she is actually saying. Furthermore, the Infernal
of this speech, or to whom the voice belongs. Those may pay up to (Essence) Willpower to split her
familiar with the Infernal must make a (Wits + So- arguments amongst (Essence) targets, making cus-
cialize) roll at a difficulty of the warlock’s Essence in tomized social attacks against multiple individuals,
order to recognize her behind the tinkling, chiming further reducing their power to aid one another in
voice they are hearing. contradicting her.
INTERLOCUTION METAMORPHOSIS PROPHECY In essence, the Infernal may roll Performance-
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive based social attacks and ascribe different meaning to
Keywords: Combo-OK these attacks for different listening characters, while
Duration: One scene filtering other listeners out entirely. Listeners may
Prerequisite Charms: Disembodied Voice spend one Willpower to take a miscellaneous action
Tintinnabula to try to unthread the Exalt’s words, enabling them
In the perfect hierarchy, the definition of con- to hear all she says, by rolling Perception + Socialize
versation varies from that of Creation. In short, when against a difficulty of the warlock’s Essence, with an
a superior speaks, an inferior has only to listen. A external penalty equal to the number of Willpower
character invoking this Charm may target a single she has paid into this Charm for the scene. Failure
language which she does not speak, allowing her to subjects listeners to an incomprehensible jumble of
communicate with all who understand the tongue in all the Infernal’s words at once.
question. This Charm does not confer the ability to This Charm allows the warlock to choose
speak a language she does not know, but allows her (Essence) target languages when activating Inter-
to be understood by those who know the language locution Metamorphosis Prophecy at no extra cost.
she has subsumed. A repurchase of this Charm at Essence 5+ allows
WORLD-WHALE KEENING without means of parrying, physically manipulating
Cost: 5m; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Reflexive her environment, or physically attacking by most
Keywords: Combo-OK, Native, Obvious means. She can dodge normally. Her natural soak
Duration: Instant and hardness increases to 10L/B (if lower) and she
Prerequisite Charms: Space Monster Scream can’t suffer more than minimum damage from each
Caught in the wake of the Primordial scream, attack or other injurious event (this cap is applied
the Whispering Flame heard its refrain: an echo of to levels suffered in step 10).
misery from a wound deep within the world. She • Her constellations levitate and fly as though
trapped this harmony in her crystalline spheres. Now using Ascendant Objectivity Stance.
it echoes in her mind, waiting for release. Invoking • She can use Principle-Invoking Onslaught as
this Charm unleashes a mournful, sonic lowing which an innate power rather than a Charm activation, pay-
detonates the crystallized victims of Space Monster ing nothing to do so. She has no limit on the number
Scream, showering the area with deadly shrapnel. of independent clinches she can maintain.
World-Whale Keening has a range of (Essence x • Her effective Strength with Mind-Hand
100 yards) from the warlock, or from any place from Manipulation triples, the range of her telekinesis
which her voice is being broadcast using Broadcast increases to (Essence x 300) yards and the rate
Announcement Prana. This keening lamentation of telekinetic striking attacks rises to 10. She can
rips through the battlefield, setting off explosions choose for telekinetic attacks to encompass an entire
twenty yards in diameter, doing one-time environ- complementary unit in mass combat, systematically
mental damage (Damage 6L, Trauma 3) to all targets sweeping through the ranks with cold efficiency. This
riddled by the fragments of shattered crystal. doubles the raw damage of the attack and ensures
that all casualties lost to it can be killed, permitted
HEURISTIC LOGOS SHINTAI to desert or maimed as the Infernal dictates.
Cost: 15m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 5; Type: Simple
• She isn’t required to inflict damage to substi-
Keywords: Blasphemy, Form-Type, Obvious,
tute Willpower drain for damage via Will-Crushing
Force. Instead, she can make this swap any time she
Duration: Indefinite
hits. Further, she can attack complementary units
Prerequisite Charms: Counter-Conceptual In-
this way, in which case Willpower drain applies sepa-
terposition, Wholeness Rightly Assumed (x5),
rately to all members and is simultaneously tracked
Principle-Invoking Onslaught, Ascendant Objec-
as an aggregate total against the unit. Once the total
tivity Stance, Will-Crushing Force
reaches the highest Willpower rating for all mortal
Each syllable of the name in which the Principle
members, these characters dissolve in white flame and
of Hierarchy dwells encodes the birth or unraveling
are replaced with soulless copies. If the majority of
of the universe, a weapon of sublime perfection. By
the unit is converted, it ejects unconverted members
superimposing a syllable of that word over the pattern
and must reorganize its ranks accordingly.
of her body, an Infernal with this Charm unravels
herself into perfect crystal geometries of force and
motion resembling the Pyrian Source in miniature.
She may embrace this form or choose another, FIREFLY ARROWHEAD GRIP
rebuilding her component constellations into any Cost: — (5m); Mins: Essence 3;
imagined shape that fits within a (Essence x 100) Type: Permanent
yard radius—most commonly herself surrounded Keywords: Obvious
by a storm of spheres. Ultimately, all permutations Duration: Permanent
provide the following: Prerequisite Charms: Kalmanka’s Grace
• Myriad crystal orbs and semi-tangible light When one is fast enough to sidestep arrows, catch-
constructs comprise her reimagined body, leaving her ing them is as easy as plucking insects from the air.
agony, which is usually spent vainly begging for help
or life. When the creature’s last minute passes or the
construct dies by other means, its body dissolves to
nothingness as though shredded by Adorjan’s touch.
Non-magical attire and carried possessions likewise
disintegrate, though magical items endure. Alternately,
the Infernal may end this Charm and absorb any du-
plicates within (Essence x 10) yards, causing them to
unravel into crimson winds that flow into her, granting
her their memories. She may later recreate absorbed
duplicates if she desires. An Infernal may create and
maintain as many separate duplicates as she is willing
to sustain with committed Essence.
Should any of these duplicates somehow earn a
Celestial Exaltation, their facsimile-souls become the
genuine article; they no longer depend on their cre-
ator to maintain their existence. As an alternate use,
warlocks with female reproductive organs who aren’t
already pregnant may activate the Charm to induce
parthenogenic but otherwise normal pregnancies in
themselves. The resultant offspring is an Infernal Half-
Caste and looks the same as its sole parent, calculating
Inheritance as if she were mother and father both
(which she is). The child otherwise is its own being
and develops as such.
A second purchase at Essence 4+ reduces the cost
to one mote, one Willpower. The Exalt can also initi-
ate real-time telepathic contact with any duplicate
in the same realm of existence as a diceless miscel-
laneous action. Wards that block scrying block this
power. Contact lasts for the rest of the scene or until
reflexively dismissed. While the link remains open,
either party can speak to the other, but neither can
probe for anything except communicated thoughts.
Only one link may be open at a time; opening another
terminates the existing connection.
A third purchase at Essence 5+ allows the warlock
to spend 30m as a diceless miscellaneous action to dis-
solve her current body like the death of a duplicate.
She may then transfer her Exaltation and souls into a
duplicate, traveling as an invisible and infinitely fast
wind. This fails if the site of either body is warded against
teleportation. The duplicate becomes the warlock as a
Shaping effect. The Infernal finds herself in her new
body without any of its memories. All attunements
to artifacts break, leaving no arcane link to help her
valid source need not be present, but must exist (so restores altered memories to normal. Unfortunately
resistance to the warping power of the Wyld lasts for for victims of the Charm, the Illusion also forces them
the duration of commitment, even if the character to resist such suggestions with the best social defenses
leaves the Wyld). available to them, though they are not compelled to
THEFT AS RELEASE physically attack anyone in defense of their ideas.
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Victims of this Charm can’t spend Willpower to
Type: Supplemental break the Illusion once it takes hold.
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion If an Infernal has Essence 3+, this Charm may
Duration: Instant also take living beings with the same effects as tak-
Prerequisite Charms: Wind-Born Stride, Freedom ing inanimate items, though the former possession
Lets Go must also pay Willpower or succumb to an Illusion
Adorjan is no more a thief than she is a mur- that makes him believe he does not belong to his
derer. She does not take from others to enrich former master (and possibly that he never did). This
herself, but only to free others from the weight of Illusion ends any Intimacy he has toward his former
cherished possessions. This Charm may enhance owner. In general, “owned beings” includes pets, un-
any action to make a target character lose an object derage progeny, slaves, retainers, cultists and so on.
or structure he owns. Examples include Larceny The Storyteller should carefully consider the power
actions to pickpocket an item, a disarming attack dynamics of other relationships when assigning this
to remove a weapon, social attacks to convince the title. A matriarch of a Great House can certainly be
target to sell or surrender the property or attacks said to own junior members of her family, while a
against the item in an effort to take it away from domineering spouse may “own” her mate. Attach-
everyone. Any action opposing the enhanced ac- ments to living beings are not so easily subverted;
tion suffers an external penalty of the warlock’s the Illusion costs only two Willpower to resist.
Compassion rating, including DV-based defenses. With Essence 4+, taking the owned item or being
If the enhanced action succeeds in making the item away also has the effect of concealing the loss from
unavailable to its owner, he also loses metaphysical others besides the former owner. Other characters do
ownership of the item. not notice or ignore the fact that the item is gone for
As a secondary effect, whenever this Charm the rest of the scene, but may spend one Willpower
causes its target to lose ownership of an object, the at any time to throw off this unnatural Illusion and
now-former owner experiences an Illusion effect come to their senses. If the owner resists the primary
convincing him that the item does not belong to Illusion, this secondary Illusion also applies to him.
him. Resisting the Illusion costs four Willpower (or With Essence 5+, the secondary Illusion lasts one
one Willpower if the item is urgently important to its day instead of one scene.
former owner, like a weapon disarmed in the middle BROKEN SOUL WISDOM
of combat). If the Illusion takes hold, any attune- Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Simple
ment by the former owner to the object abruptly Keywords: Combo-OK, Desecration, Shaping,
ends. Depending on the warlock’s intent, the spe- Touch
cific Illusion may alter memories so that the target Duration: Instant
believes he never owned the item or a subtler shift Prerequisite Charms: Tragic Love Amusement
in perspective may cause him to reject the value of Tragedy inspires the best in people. The weak
the lost item with a “sour grapes” attitude. A target graciously perish to make way for the strong, who
under the effect of this unnatural Illusion can’t take rise above opposition and adversity to achieve great-
actions to reclaim the item until and unless he can ness and ultimately perpetuate that hardship upon
be externally convinced of its value enough to build their enemies. Only Adorjan fully understands the
an Intimacy toward it. This dispels the Illusion and importance of inauspicious events to the workings of
place relative to his present location. If the target is The Ebon Dragon’s touch brings unimaginable
the warlock’s Nemesis or someone he has a negative horror upon those foolish enough to oppose him.
Intimacy toward, he absorbs the point of Willpower This Charm can enhance any ranged attack. If the
as it is spent. If the Infernal has Essence 3+, he also attack hits a living being, the induced agony and
gains a brief synopsis of what course of action the paralysis imposes a -2 internal penalty to all rolled,
character took that the Virtue forbid as if that action non-reflexive physical actions, -1 to all static values
were Obvious to his senses. Essence 4+ makes the (like DVs) and -2 yards from the distance natural
character’s rationale for doing so Obvious, though movement can cover each tick for that victim for
she can spend another Willpower to shield her rea- the rest of the scene. The total penalty from all uses
sons (which can’t be consumed). Essence 5+ renders of this Charm cannot reduce a rolled pool below the
the sinner’s identity Obvious, though shielding her victim’s Essence rating or (half Essence, rounded up)
rationale also shields her identity. for static values, while Move and Dash actions use
A repurchase at Essence 4+ pushes the radius to their normal limits for minimum speed. Victims of
(Essence x 100) yards. A third purchase at Essence this Charm can lessen this curse’s hold on themselves
6+ raises this to (Essence) miles. Once the radius as a diceless Speed 5, DV -1 miscellaneous action
reaches this third threshold, the character’s aware- costing five motes per activation removed, with no
ness of Virtue’s failure occurs as a mental aside rather upper limit on expenditure, but this action can’t be
than a constant deluge of information. When it is part of a flurry. Appropriate countermagic clears all
unimportant to know who has sinned and why from activations away.
a plot perspective, the Charm internalizes but does Each (Essence 3+) repurchase provides one of
not trouble the Infernal with these details. Fully the following:
sensing a specific instance of moral degradation to • The activation cost decreases by one mote
the point that the Storyteller interrupts play with and the scope of the penalty expands to impede all
narrative of the event should indicate that the im- non-reflexive actions. Lower-Essence victims auto-
morality is somehow significant to the warlock’s matically drop prone whenever struck by an attack
interests or important to the setting. enhanced with this Charm as a Knockback effect.
SWEET AGONY SAVORED • By paying an extra two motes, the warlock
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent can use this Charm in Step 9 as a special Counterat-
Keywords: Native tack against an attacker within (Essence x 2) yards.
Duration: Permanent Obvious serpentine emanations from his anima
Prerequisite Charms: Life-Blighting Emptiness deliver the curse.
The banquets of gods are as dust in the Ebon Cost: 2m; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Dragon’s mouth when compared to the succulent Keywords: Combo-OK
nourishment of a world in agony. This Charm acts Duration: Instant
as an additional 10-mote Peripheral Essence pool, Prerequisite Charms: Brooding Resentment
which may be refilled with Life-Blighting Empti- Defense
ness Attack. Although the Ebon Dragon loathes his con-
AGONY OF UNWISE ADVERSITY finement above all else, he also understands the
Cost: 3m; Mins: Essence 2; necessity of biding his time. An Infernal may use
Type: Reflexive (Step 1) this Charm whenever a hostile mental influence
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling, Sorcerous, overcomes his defenses and he may pay Willpower
Stackable to resist/mitigate the effects (i.e. he has the required
Duration: Instant points available). By activating this Charm, the
Prerequisite Charms: Seeing is Blindness character refuses to pay the Willpower cost and
Whenever an Essence 5+ Infernal uses Mocking Examples include:
Murmurs Retort to defend against a non-targeted • Wipe the Scarlet Dynasty from the face of
social attack (like most Performance-based at- Creation.
tacks), he may pay an extra four motes and add the • Starve the gods by eradicating their cults.
Obvious keyword to his response. If he does, the • Hunt down and murder everyone who has
Charm perfectly parries the attack for all listeners ever met or heard of a particular enemy.
who observe his response, but he cannot hide his • Guide the Lintha family back to glory, no
response in whispers. matter the cost.
• Feed the last clutch of Dragon King eggs to
KIMBERY their weeping mother and castrate her, letting her
Known as the Great Mother to her followers and live in despair as the last of her kind.
descendants and The Sea That Marched Against the The Torment of Kimbery: When Limit
Flame to the rest of existence, Kimbery was the first reaches 10, the tides of the Great Mother turn
Yozi to have fully joined the Reclamation after its and love poisons to bitterness. The Storyteller
inception. Accordingly, she doesn’t have a Caste chooses one of the warlock’s positive Intimacies
molded in her image, but her Charms are available and converts it into a negative context chosen by
for Green Sun Princes to learn… and some bear the the Infernal’s player. The warlock experiences this
scars of her Urge. as a moment of agonizing clarity as she realizes her
THE KIMBERIAN URGE (THE URGE TO DROWN) folly to love something so vile. Additionally, she
Death by drowning is slow and painful. So too is can’t gain positive Intimacies or work toward such
the love and enmity of Kimbery. The Great Mother until (Essence) days pass. She also can’t knowingly
is overbearing in love, smothering paramours and help the subject of a poisoned Intimacy during this
children alike with impossible expectations and time unless doing so saves the Infernal from im-
unwanted attention as she seeks to take central mediate mortal danger. Using an object helps it,
prominence in their lives. Her rule is couched in as it is the nature of swords to be wielded, armor
suggestions rather than commands, but this only to be worn, etc.
makes her more intolerant of dissent. If her love is AGONY-SAVORING MERCY (ACT OF VILLAINY)
hideous, her hate is more so. It is not Kimbery’s way Kimbery is without mercy, but she understands
to show the mercy of a single violent act. She is only restraint. It is not enough to merely wound or kill
content to destroy enemies utterly and corrode their her enemies. They must be destroyed, their souls
legacy until their deeds fade like seafoam in the tides crushed and all hope drowned before light fades
of history. Victory must be absolute and gradual, from their eyes. Whenever a warlock could have
wearing away opposition until the inevitability of slain an opponent who poses a real ongoing threat
her triumph. All of the goals promoted by this Urge to her and instead spares him to suffer another
must seek the absolute ruin of something or seek to day, roll the Infernal’s Temperance. Each success
control loved ones “for their own good” in a stifling reduces accumulated Limit by one (minimum
or overbearing manner. zero). Hurting or maiming the foe is acceptable,
Compassion is regarded as the most central provided the wounds do not preclude further threat
Virtue to Kimbery. She is loving and kind, even if (so the options for tormenting regenerating foes
her loved ones beg to differ. Through Conviction, are almost limitless).
she holds fast to her vendettas. Temperance gives
her the patience to prolong the sufferings of her
Sea: Charms with this keyword can only
foes. Valor reminds her that no one may spurn her
be activated in proximity of a sea (i.e. within a
and get away with it, no matter how mighty they
mile). A sea is defined as a standing body of liquid
may be.
at least a mile across in any direction that has
it with spidery glyphs and patterns in garish hues Poison Lacquer: Damage 5L (7L)/action, Toxicity
(Essence 3+ warlocks can paint these designs with 3 (4), Tolerance None, Penalty -3 (-4)
their gaze alone). Multiple activations can stack ad- SEA WITHIN VEINS PRANA
ditional markings onto the same object. Whenever Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
the enchanted object is used as a weapon to hit a Keywords: None
non-beloved character or such a target touches it Duration: Permanent
with bare flesh, all imbued stains spray into the Prerequisite Charms: Spiteful Sea Tincture
point of contact as doses of poison like the surface The blood of Kimbery is sacred. Whenever an
of Kimbery. The Infernal can also paint herself to Infernal with this Charm suffers one or more levels of
strike a poisonous blow. non-bashing damage (including converting bashing
Repurchase at Essence 3+ allows activation as a to lethal), her wounds create a bubbling high-pressure
Sorcerous effect with duration one month and makes splatter of poison. The spray hits everything within
the poison akin to Kimbery’s depths (upgrades in two yards of the Infernal as a single attack with a dice
parentheses). An object so marked discharges a dose pool of (Stamina + Resistance + [levels of damage
of venom whenever the circumstances previously that triggered it]); each victim defends separately.
described occur, though direct contact only inflicts Those hit suffer one dose of poison with the statistics
one dose per action. With Essence 5+, even beloved of Spiteful Sea Tincture.
structures may be enchanted.
it with spidery glyphs and patterns in garish hues Poison Lacquer: Damage 5L (7L)/action, Toxicity
(Essence 3+ warlocks can paint these designs with 3 (4), Tolerance None, Penalty -3 (-4)
their gaze alone). Multiple activations can stack ad- SEA WITHIN VEINS PRANA
ditional markings onto the same object. Whenever Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent
the enchanted object is used as a weapon to hit a Keywords: None
non-beloved character or such a target touches it Duration: Permanent
with bare flesh, all imbued stains spray into the Prerequisite Charms: Spiteful Sea Tincture
point of contact as doses of poison like the surface The blood of Kimbery is sacred. Whenever an
of Kimbery. The Infernal can also paint herself to Infernal with this Charm suffers one or more levels of
strike a poisonous blow. non-bashing damage (including converting bashing
Repurchase at Essence 3+ allows activation as a to lethal), her wounds create a bubbling high-pressure
Sorcerous effect with duration one month and makes splatter of poison. The spray hits everything within
the poison akin to Kimbery’s depths (upgrades in two yards of the Infernal as a single attack with a dice
parentheses). An object so marked discharges a dose pool of (Stamina + Resistance + [levels of damage
of venom whenever the circumstances previously that triggered it]); each victim defends separately.
described occur, though direct contact only inflicts Those hit suffer one dose of poison with the statistics
one dose per action. With Essence 5+, even beloved of Spiteful Sea Tincture.
structures may be enchanted.
Additionally, the Infernal’s toxic blood kills ill- positive Intimacies and converts it to a negative In-
nesses, granting immunity to non-magical Sickness timacy with an emotional context of his choosing.
effects. Primordials and akuma are similarly immune • Whenever the Infernal would create a damag-
to magical Sickness while other users only add (Es- ing poison with a Kimbery Charm, she may instead
sence) bonus dice to resist them. create a mutagenic Desecration toxin. Her player
A repurchase extends the splatter to (Essence) selects a mutation emulating aquatic biology. Each
yards. Further, the character’s blood becomes highly time the mutagenic poison would inflict a level of
caustic. Characters hit by the spray suffer the usual damage, it accumulates a mutation point. Once it
poison and a one-time environmental hazard with accumulates mutation points equal to the selected
(Essence)L Damage and Trauma (maximum Trauma mutation’s cost (positive or negative), the victim
5). If a non-magical, non-natural close combat gains that trait. If the Infernal afflicts a victim with
weapon unleashed the spray, halve its accuracy, multiple doses, she must also choose the order that
damage and defense (rounded down) until repaired. the different mutations appear.
A second exposure destroys it completely. ICHOR FLUX TENDRILS
GREAT MOTHER’S TEARS Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Simple
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Sorcerous
Keywords: None Duration: One scene
Duration: Permanent Prerequisite Charms: Spiteful Sea Tincture
Prerequisite Charms: Spiteful Sea Tincture When enraged, Kimbery lashes enemies with
Kimbery is all poisons, but not all poisons are her infinite arms. Upon activation, the character
alike to her. Some formulations are so pleasing to chooses at least one cupful of any inanimate liquid
her aesthetics that she has made them part of herself. she can perceive within (Essence x 100) yards. The
Each time this Charm is purchased, the Infernal usual gore of a battlefield is generally more than suf-
gains one of the following: ficient. The liquid darkens and hisses as it gains a
• Once all her -0 and -1 health levels are filled semblance of life, swelling and coagulating to form
with damage, she becomes immune to damage from (Essence rating) gelatinous, green-black tentacles up
Poison effects. The total penalty from all Poison ef- to (Essence x 3) yards long. These emerge from the
fects afflicting her can’t rise above (5 – Essence). spot (or spots) where they were created. The warlock
• Whenever she would create a lethal or ag- can reflexively retract these tentacles back through
gravated poison with a Kimbery Charm, she can their individual anchor points and extrude them
choose to have it inflict bashing damage. This from other liquids within range, meaning nowhere
doubles the total damage for the dose and ensures within range is safe.
that none of the damage it causes can spill past Mentally wielded as separate close combat
Incapacitated to convert into lethal. The worst it weapons with (Wits + Occult), the tentacles ignore
can do is render victims unconscious—the better to cover penalties from anything less than total cover
torture them later. Furthermore, she can forgo the and inflict bashing by default. The Infernal can
penalties for her Kimbery poisons to make subtle make their attacks lethal by willing them to grow
toxins victims can’t feel ravaging them (though suckers, barbs, mouths or acid tear-weeping eyes.
their players still know). She must flurry normally to wield multiple tentacles
• Whenever the Infernal would create a damag- simultaneously. Attacks against the lashing tentacles
ing poison with a Kimbery Charm, she may instead are futile; their writhing undulations dodge even
create a soul-twisting toxin. Each time the poison undodgeable attacks. They don’t dodge or parry
would inflict a level of damage, the victim can pay while clinching a victim; if struck during this time,
one Willpower point to resist the unnatural Emotion they have 10L soak and are immune to bashing
effect. If he doesn’t, his player chooses one of his damage, requiring ten levels of damage to destroy.
Gaia conceived the element of water, but Kim- normally, but is preempted by spells that summon
bery hoarded it in one place to fill the yawning abyss or bind enchanted demons.
of the West with glorious depths. Accordingly, all A third purchase at Essence 5+ allows the sum-
things that live in the sea should rightly call her moning of any specific aquatic Primordial behemoth
Great Mother. smaller than a geographic entity (i.e. no Lintha
To use this Charm, the Infernal touches a sea Ng Oroo). This follows the timing and location
in Creation or the Wyld and entreats the depths in restrictions for First Circle demon summoning. The
Old Realm, necessitating she know the language Charm only brings the behemoth to the warlock and
and make a successful prayer roll (target number doesn’t grant control unless the warlock’s Essence
-1 if submerged). Her words spread as an invisible is greater than its. If other creatures smaller than
ripple through the cosmos, entreating a monster to the behemoth are in physical contact with it when
rise and serve the will of Kimbery through her. The it answers the summons, they are carried along.
summoned beast finds and enters a secret current Behemoths are unique and powerful; most are mas-
between seas, arriving (10 – Essence) minutes later. sive, nigh-immortal entities capable of challenging
While the Charm remains active, the monster is Celestial Exalted.
enchanted as follows: FATHOMLESS POISON HAVEN
• It must obey the Infernal like a bound demon Cost: 1m; Mins: Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
without regard for its own safety. This Servitude Keywords: Combo-OK, Touch
can’t be broken by spending Willpower. Duration: Indefinite
• It understands all commands the Infernal Prerequisite Charms: Mother Sea Mastery
speaks to it in Old Realm and can execute those com- The Sea That Marched Against the Flame
mands as though it had minimum Intelligence 2. drowns all things but herself. The Infernal can target
• The Infernal can command it at a distance herself, any beloved object, beloved character, or,
via successful prayers as though the beast knew First with Essence 3+, beloved structure. Separate acti-
Kimbery Excellency. vations can protect multiple targets concurrently.
Any natural animal that lives in the sea of the While the Charm is active, the target becomes
Wyld or Creation is a valid target of this Charm; immune to physical harm resulting from immer-
separate activations can bind multiple creatures. sion or exposure to all liquids. All liquid is as the
With Essence 3+, the Infernal may also summon purest air to breathe and purest water to drink. This
natural animals warped by Desecration-based muta- shields living beneficiaries from drowning and al-
tions. The player selects desired mutations that can’t lows them to swim in lava, acid or high-pressure
encompass more positive mutation points than (the ocean trenches without harm. The protection also
Infernal’s [Willpower + Essence]) + (the creature’s extends to owned possessions worn or carried on a
total number of negative mutation points). The protected being, provided they aren’t notably larger
creature is not changed by summoning; rather, it than the Infernal.
is a victim of the pollution Kimbery and the ruin The Great Mother’s self-immunity also renders
of the Lintha Empire left in Creation after the beneficiaries immune to harm from non-magical
Primordial War. Poison effects. However, the first time each scene
With repurchase at Essence 3+, the warlock in which a target would have suffered harm from
can entreat the seas of Creation or the Wyld at poison without this Charm, the warlock internalizes
night (or the seas of the Demon Realm at any the toxin within her soul. This counts as a scene
time), summoning an unbound member of any spent developing a negative Intimacy toward an
predominantly aquatic First Circle demon race individual or group of people who have given some
(but not a specific demon) from a sea in any realm offense to the warlock in the past week (however
of existence. The Charm enslaves these demons trivial). Intoxication isn’t harm except to the degree
Illusion) or harm a reviled character (Compulsion), Peripheral Essence pool which regains one mote per
her words become unnatural mental influence. hour spent in proximity to a sea.
• Hate Springs Eternal: The Infernal can’t ALL THINGS BETRAY
knowingly help a reviled character unless she be- Cost: 1m or 3m; Mins: Essence 2;
lieves her own life depends on it. Her great heart Type: Reflexive (Step 1 or 2)
can still sustain (Willpower + Compassion) positive Keywords: Combo-OK
Intimacies without risk of losing them through sleep, Duration: Instant
but negative Intimacies do not count against this Prerequisite Charms: Intolerable Burning Truths
limit and never fall off that way. Additionally, she Kimbery’s kindness never goes unpunished. Such
adds +1 to her DV and MDV against the attacks is the cruelty of a mad and broken universe. This
of reviled characters; manifest loathing shields her Charm may be used in one of two ways:
even against enemies too foolish to fear her. • It can serve as a step 2 defense against any
RISING TIDE ASCENSION unexpected physical or social attack for one mote,
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent causing the attack to become expected unless the
Keywords: Native attacker is a beloved character. With Essence 4+, this
Duration: Permanent use has a duration of one action, defending against
Prerequisite Charms: Intolerable Burning Truths, all valid surprise attacks during that time.
Mother Sea Mastery • It can enhance a Join Battle roll for a cost of
The motion of her own tides assures Kimbery three motes, adding a number of bonus successes
of her unassailability. The Infernal gains a 10 mote equal to the Infernal’s Essence rating. With Essence
• She gains all benefits of using
Fathomless Poison Haven.
• Her inchoate body grows tentacles
eated with Ichor Flux
identical to those created
Tendrils (similarly capable of indepen-
vering these tentacles
dent clinches). Severing
doesn’t harm her. She regenerates all
severed appendagess each action tick.
ss variety blink and
• Eyes of endless
glare across her body,y, letting her use
All Things Betray ass an innate power
for free.
• Contact with h her body
is an environmental al hazardrd
atistics as
with the same statistics
her acid blood. Victims
struck by her suffer
one-time expo-
sure, while those
clinched steadilyy
• On each acti t on
tick, she can give h erself one
permanent mutation ion as a
Desecration effect.. All of
these mutations dissolve
when the Charm ends. nds.
hrough or
• She flows through
over other liquids at her swim-
ming speed. She flows over solid
nd move speed
surfaces at her ground
ravity (such as
without regard for gravity
by oozing up walls)..
The Yozis do not know what they
have wrought. They hey soughtt biddable
champions wearing gilded collars, gestalt-
reflections of their own n magnifi f cence. But
the Green Sun Princes cess are more tha an their
paated. Wit
makers ever anticipated. thi
h n them
sleeps a greater power wer than the titans’
own: the power to transcend nd Yozi
Y zi
Yo z nature
and be reborn. A new e eraa is at hand. In
it, Creation will see ee thtthee birth
h of new
Prerequisite Charms: Any two of the following: them with equivalents created through Triumphant
Demonic Primacy of Essence, Dread Panoply of Howl of the Devil-Tiger. Charms requiring lost
the Silent Wind, Sun-Heart Furnace Soul, Tool- Excellencies as prerequisites (save for this Charm)
Transcending Constructs are also converted into experience.
The Infernals cannot wait for age to ripen their SWALLOWING THE SCORPION
creative genius—they have worlds to conquer! The Cost: —; Mins: Essence 6; Type: Permanent
warlock adds one bonus success to all rolls to craft Keywords: Blasphemy, Heretical
infernal relics and hellforged wonders. Addition- Duration: Permanent
ally, she reduces by one dot each the minimum Prerequisite Charms: Any two of the following:
Craft, Lore, Medicine and Occult requirements All Things Betray, Cracked Cell Circumvention,
to build or repair artifacts, to a minimum require- Freedom Lets Go, Solipsistic Rejection of Impos-
ment of one dot for any Ability normally required sibilites, Sublimation of Ordained Purpose, Will
for the task. This Charm may be purchased again Crushing Force
at Essence 5+. This complex trick requires an understanding of
TRIUMPHANT HOWL OF THE DEVIL-TIGER defiance and escape culled from not one, but two of
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 6; Type: Permanent the Reclamation conspirators. For those who would
Keywords: Heretical develop this heretical technique, its extravagant cost
Duration: Permanent is a small concern. The act of learning this Charm
Prerequisite Charms: Any First (Yozi) Excellency, is a Blasphemy.
any Sorcerous Initiation of (Yozi), any Shintai In addition to causing the usual chaos in
Charm Heaven, the Yozis are immediately alerted that
Proving that he is more than merely a gestalt something is wrong by Lillun’s agonized howl.
of insane, defeated Primordials, the Infernal sweeps Concentrating his Exaltation into a savage, cut-
together the broken shards of enlightenment from ting edge, the Infernal severs the metaphysical
several Reclamation conspirators and forges them umbilicus connecting it to the phylactery-womb
into a new legend all his own. The shinma shudder of the Yozis. In the process, the indestructible
as a new titan is born: The Infernal is immortal, Essence core of the Exaltation reconfigures itself
and needs no longer fear death from age. In de- for independent survival. Upon the Green Sun
claring his own legend, he may never learn (Yozi) Prince’s death, his Exaltation will fly away rather
Cosmic Principle (see The Return of the Scarlet than returning to Malfeas, seeking out a free, un-
Empress, p. 209). bound First Circle demon somewhere in Creation.
This Charm conveys one final benefit: The In- Embedding itself in the unsuspecting creature, the
fernal’s player and Storyteller may work together to Exaltation overrides the demon’s mind as an irre-
design a personal analog to First (Yozi) Excellency sistible Total Control effect. The demon is forced
suited to the personality, themes and obsessions of to carry the Exaltation to a properly heroic host,
the character, using the Excellencies of the Yozis where it carries out the usual bargain; acceptance
as a guideline, as well as a personalized suite of the triggers the beginning of the Chrysalis Grotesque,
General Charms found in The Manual of Exalted as normal. The only difference between this and
Power—The Infernals and this book, which are all standard Infernal Exaltation is that the Yozis are
purchased as Favored Charms. incapable of observing or influencing the process,
This Charm’s prerequisites must come from at or even of exercising their normal prerogative to
least two different Yozis. Upon learning this Charm, possess the hijacked demon. The task of locating
the Infernal may choose to cannibalize any General and recapturing the Exaltation and re-attaching
Yozi Charms he already knows, converting them into its umbilicus is left as an exercise in ingenuity for
experience which he may spend to instantly replace the enraged lords of Hell.
These transformations are permanent for the 30L/30B and a Hardness of 15L/15B, but remains
warlock, but not extensive enough to endure into Inactive for the entire duration.
her next incarnation. Her Exaltation restores itself Upon emerging, the warlock enjoys the ben-
to the base template mandated by the Yozis upon efits of a transformation far more radical than her
death. All changes brought about by this Charm last. She dissolves her Caste entirely, forging a new
must be approved by the Storyteller. Caste suited to her personal nature. She retains her
THE FLAME OF THE RISING PHOENIX original patron Yozi as a second Favored Yozi, and
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 6; Type: Permanent becomes capable of designing an entirely new set
Keywords: Blasphemy, Heretical of Charms reflecting her own Essence, nature, and
Duration: Permanent power, which are purchased as Favored Charms.
Prerequisite Charms: The Tempest of Inward The Charm cascades of the Yozis should be used
Focus as an example of what is appropriate for this new
Learning this Charm requires a shorter but far Charm tree (the majority of its Charms exist in the
more dangerous retreat into hermitage than its pre- Essence 2-3 range, all perfect defenses share a single
requisite. When she begins developing this Charm, customized Imperfection, and so forth).
the warlock weaves an Essence-forged cocoon around While the Infernal does not change her cur-
herself, where she will remain for the normal train- rent Caste and Favored Abilities, she notionally
ing time required to learn it. During her time in designates five Abilities from among that set as the
this new Chrysalis Grotesque, she gains a soak of new Abilities of “her” Caste. Her next incarnation
The Infernal may mentally visit this world by Chrysalis will hatch and disgorge this demon once
taking a miscellaneous action (Speed 5 long ticks, the Infernal has fed it (demon’s desired Essence
DV -3) to enter an Inactive meditative state, always rating x 100) motes, to a maximum of Essence 9. It
appearing at the center of the first part of the world may absorb up to five motes per day. The demon,
she shaped into being. She may leave this trance at once born, forms seven Second Circle devas for
any time with a Speed 5, DV -2 miscellaneous ac- itself, as normal.
tion. Individuals created in her inner world do not This Charm cannot form a fetich soul for the
have souls of their own and cannot grant her Essence Infernal; being possessed of a soul of her own, the
through prayer, though they are otherwise real to warlock is above such weaknesses. Although de-
her while she is there (for instance, she might copy mons created with this Charm are not obligated to
such a person with Black Mirror Shintai, and any obey their creator, they have significant incentive
damage suffered manifests on her physical body). to protect her, as they will die if she does. As well,
The Infernal cannot yet travel physically into this the created spirit has an Intimacy of loyalty toward
world, bring anything from the outer world into it, the Infernal which may never be removed. This
or bring anything from the inner world out. These influence is mutual; the Infernal gains an Intimacy
feats require additional Charms. toward the demon’s Motivation, which may not be
THE DANCE OF THE THRASHING DRAGON removed while the demon lives. Demons created
Cost: —; Mins: Essence 6; Type: Permanent through this Charm act as an arcane link to their
Keywords: Heretical creator. They are immune to sorcerous summons,
Duration: Permanent though not to banishment. If the Infernal knows
Prerequisite Charms: The Face of the Titans The Spirit of the Living World, banished demons
It is the nature of nascent titans to indulge them- are trapped inside the Infernal’s soul for five days
selves. The warlock’s player designs a type of custom rather than being sent to Hell.
Act of Villainy called a Precipitous Fiat. These Fiats The Infernal may have up to (Willpower +
are unique to the transcendent Infernal who invents Compassion) Third Circle demons created by this
them, but are otherwise identical to Acts, and must Charm in existence at a time.
substantially endanger or inconvenience the charac- THE WAY OF THE RESPLENDENT CRANE
ter. When the Infernal loses Limit through this Fiat, Cost: —; Mins: Essence 9; Type: Permanent
she is able to inflict one point of Limit on a Yozi of Keywords: Heretical
her choice whose Charms are open to her. Duration: Permanent
THE PATH OF A THOUSAND WHISPERS Prerequisite Charms: The Path of a Thousand
Cost: 66m, 6wp; Mins: Essence 8; Whispers
Type: Simple (One day) Having forged external souls from her cosmic
Keywords: Blasphemy, Heretical power and enlightenment, the Infernal sends them
Duration: Instant into the world. But the warlock knows that a crane
Prerequisite Charms: The Face of the Titans is just as beautiful when land-bound by a broken
Externalizing her cosmic might, the Infernal wing, and so she ensures that her new devas may
weaves a free-standing Chrysalis Grotesque out of not stray too far.
thin air, which incubates a pulsating and unformed This Charm allows the Infernal to possess
Essence core. (The Chrysalis has the same traits as her souls (or demons descended from them) (see
in The Flame of the Rising Phoenix; it is destroyed The Books of Sorcery, Vol. V—The Roll of
if it suffers a single health level of damage.) Within Glorious Divinity II, p. 15) and to telepathically
the Chrysalis sleeps an inchoate demon of the Third communicate with them across all distance and
Circle (which should be designed by the Infernal’s realms of existence (information exchange only;
player working together with the Storyteller). The no social attacks). She may also pay one point of
Bestowed with all the hopes of Hell,
the Green Sun Princes are the newly-
anointed champions of the Yozis.
Already the Princes begin to come
into their own, demonstrating a
wide array of terrible powers, some
not glimpsed in Creation since the
Primordial War... and some never
seen before at all. But with all the
might of a stolen Solar Exaltation at
their fingertips, what need have the
Infernals for the Yozis and their petty
desires? Will the Infernal Exalted
liberate their masters from Hell, or
replace them as a pantheon of new and
greater titans?
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