Dimetri Wilson Pe Sba

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Candidate Name: Dimetri Wilson

Candidate Number:10091
Center Number: 10091
Territory: Jamaica
Tutor name: Mr. Andrew Rose

The successful completion of this study would not have been possible
without the support and cooperation of my Physical Education teacher Mr.
Rose, as a product I’d like to convey my genuine gratitude; also, he
encourages me to complete the assignment.
What is the project about?
This project is about the history of Physical Education and Sports
and the history of Track and field.
Physical Education & Sports
Physical Education (PE) develops students' competence and confidence to
take part in a range of physical activities that becomes a central part of their
lives, both in and out of school. A high-quality PE curriculum enables all
students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity.

History of Physical Education

Brief History of Physical Education

Throughout history, sports have played a variety of important functions in

society as a form of recreation; preparation for war or the hunt; or later, as a
substitute for war. Sports have undergone many changes; some have stayed
much the same (e.g. wrestling); while others have adapted with the times.
New sports are always being invented and developed.

Sports in ancient times

One of the oldest recorded forms of sports was bull-leaping in the Greek
island of Crete, where slaves jumped over the horns of a bull. The ancient
Greeks were lovers of sport and taught it to their children at school. The
main activities were wrestling, running, jumping, discus and javelin, ball
games, gymnastics, and riding as well as military skills. Sporting
competitions took place regularly as part of religious festivals.

It was also in Greece that the Olympic Games started in 776 BC and were
linked to religious festivals. Each athlete had to take part in all the events.
Many of the sports were linked to thetraining given to soldiers, and many
such as discus and javelin are still in the modern Olympic Games.

Roman sports were influenced by the Greeks, but they added their own
emphasis. Chariot racing and gladiator fights were held at large sporting
events. Individuals or teams of men would fight animals or each other to
death. The Roman Games were big occasions, usually paid for by the

emperor, making them popular with the people. The gladiator fights were
extremely violent and were normally done by slaves and prisoners.

Roman sporting activities also included animal hunts, wrestling, running,

boxing, pentathlon (which consisted of running, jumping, discus, spear
throwing, and wrestling) and pancratium, which was a combination of
wrestling, boxing, and martial arts.

The competitors were called athlete and trained full time as professionals.
They became celebrities in the Roman society and enjoyed many privileges.

Medieval Sports
After the fall of Rome came the Dark Ages. It was a time of much religious
change and political conflict around the world. There was increase in wealth
and interest in the arts and the sciences. In Europe, social class determined
the sport in which one participated. Royalty and the aristocracy hunted,
played cricket, watched horseracing, and fenced. The most famous sports
inmedieval times were jousting on horseback withlances. This was done by
knights practicing their fighting skills in mock battles.

Sports were mostly associated with the Church and were played by peasants
on holy days and festivals. An activity such as mob football was a chance for
the entire village to get together and let off steam. The games had very few
rules, if any, and were more of a free for all and were not played very often
because they could be extremely violent and people even died.

Industrial Revolution

At the start of the 19th century, sports became more organized and the
development of modern sports started. Machinery was developed and used
in the production of goods. This resulted in movement of the population

from rural areas to towns to seek employment in these industries, and this
had a great impact on sport.

There was not enough space in the industrialized towns to play the sports
they knew from their villages. Also, working for long hours did not leave
them with much energy to play sports they knew from their villages. The
village games died and new sports took their place. This new breed of
laborers became watchers of sports instead of participators.

The development of railways allowed for spectators and teams to travel

around the country to watch and compete in sports, leading to the
development of competitive leagues and cup competitions.

20th Century

Several factors have had an effect on sports since the start of the 20th
century. More persons are not only playing, but also watching. Sports have
become more organized. New rules have been developed, and some sports
revised to formed new ones.

The value of games on the development of character was recognized as

learned sportsmanship and leadership, and a willingness to abide by rules

One of the most significant developments is the growth of televised sports.

Sports will continue to change and develop in the future as technology
progresses. The standard of sports has continued to be influenced by social
change, commercialization, media, sponsorship, government, and education.

History of track & field


Track and field is one of the oldest of sports. Athletic contests were often
held in conjunction with religious festivals, as with the Olympic Games of
ancient Greece. For 11 centuries, starting in 776 B.C., these affairs — for
men only — were enormously popular and prestigious events. The Romans
continued the Olympic tradition until the time of the Emperor Theodosius I,
a Christian, who banned the Games in A.D. 394. During the Middle Ages,
except for a short-lived revival in 12th-century England, organized track,
and field all but disappeared. The true development of track and field as a
modern sport started in England during the 19th century. English public
school and university students gave the sport impetus through their interclass
meets, or meetings as they are still called in Britain, and in 1849 the Royal
Military Academy at Sandhurst held the first organized track and field meet
of modern times.
Not until the 1860s, however, did the sport flourish. In 1866 the first English
championships were held by the newly formed Amateur Athletic Club,
which opened the competition to all "gentlemen amateurs" specifically,
athletes who received no financial compensation for their efforts. This code
has lasted to the present day and is the basis of the rules governing the sport.
The Amateur Athletic Club gave way to the Amateur Athletic Association in
1880, which has conducted the annual national championships since that
date. Although meets were held on the North American continent as early as
1839, track and field firstgained popularity in the late 1860s, after the
formation of the New York Athletic Club in 1868. The Amateur Athletic
Union of the United States (AAU), an association of track and field clubs,
was formed in 1887 and has governed the sport in the United States since
In 1896 the first modern Olympic Games were staged. Although initially of
limited appeal, the Olympics captured the imagination of athletes and grew
steadily, making track and field an international sport for the first time. In
1913 the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF) was formed by

representatives from 16 countries. The IAAF was charged with establishing
standard rules for the sport, approving world records, and ensuring that the
amateur code was adhered to; it continues to carry out these duties today.
The participation of women in track and field is a relatively recent
development. In 1921 representatives from six countries formed an athletic
federation for women, which merged with the IAAF in 1936. Participation
by women has grown rapidly in many countries in recent years, particularly
in the United States, where many schools have added women's track and
field to their athletic programs.

Rules governing the sport

General rules

1)    In running events: 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m Relay, the athletes have
the option of using or not using blocks. In these events the commands of the
starter shall be “on your marks”, “set”, and when all competitors are steady,
the gun shall be fired.

2)    In all other running events, all walking events and all wheelchair races
the commands shall be “on your marks” and when all the competitors are
steady, the gun shall be fired. A competitor shall not touch the ground with
his/her hand(s).

3)  The starter may give the commands in English or his/her individual

4)  Starting races longer than 400 meters:

a) 800 meters’ distance: Runner will run in the lanes through the first turn as
far as the nearer edge of the break line where athletes may leave their
respective lanes.

b) 1500 meters and greater distances: A waterfall start shall be used.

6)  The starter shall give each competitor a chance to do his/her best by:   a)
Giving the competitors ample time to settle down after taking their marks; b)
Starting the sequence over if any runner is off-balance; and c) Not holding
the runners too long after the set command.

7)  False Starts – Only one false start per race shall be allowed without the
disqualification of the athlete responsible for the false start. Any athlete
responsible for further false starts in the race shall be disqualified.

Lane Violations 
1)  In all races run in lanes, each competitor shall keep within his/her
allocated lane from start to finish.

2)  If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside

his/her lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor should
not be disqualified.

3)  If an athlete either runs outside his/her lane in the straight or runs outside
the outer lane on the bend, with no material advantage thereby being gained,

and if no other runner is obstructed, then the competitor shall not be


A coach is the leader and motivator to the team of players and assistant
coaches. Anyone can coach, but the most successful coaches have specific
characteristics and qualities that maximize game performance. The most
important characteristic of a sports coach is knowledge of the sport you
coach beyond the general rules and regulations.

My main job duties of a coach are planning practice and games, developing
training programs, maintaining, and storing athletic equipment, arranging
transportation for sporting events, maintaining records, enforcing discipline
rules, and ensuring a safe environment 

Functions of My Role As
Detailed By CXC

1) Responsible for planning training sessions
2) Responsible for tactical and technical decisions
3) Monitors and evaluates team performance.
4) Liaises with team manager to organize training sessions.
5) Liaises with team manager, Captain, and other players to
work out ways of improving the team’s performance

Before TheEvent
Before the event, our teacher has been telling us that we are going to a
practical for our School Base Assessment and so that we should be ready to
do it before we go on summer break, but then covid came and destroyed our
plans so we would have to wait while school opened and during all that we
have been talking about it online. While we were going to school virtually,
we have been planning how we are going to execute the event in one day
and choosing our roles. After a while, my teacher had a suggestion that we
video ourselves doing some sort of sports activity and send it to him. 

During the Event
During the event, while we were finishing up our discussion about our
practical, we heard that face to face would resume in January, and we should
all be prepared for going outside in the next two weeks while preparing to
complete the assignment most of our classmates did not come to school so
often so we had to push it back to February. When February came covid 19
had a huge spike so the minister of education and the prime minister decided
that face to face would stop and so while we were home, we prepare
ourselves again by planning a date when we know that everyone will come
to school. So, in the last week of February, we tried and complete the
assignment early.

After theEvent
After the event, while working with my classmates I have learnt the
importance ofteamwork and develop a strong chemistry with my classmates.
My advice to anyone who is doing this subject later on, I advise you to drop
down some key notes and plan what you are going to do.

Covid 19 Guidelines for the SBA Competition.

 General
 Any room use should be disinfected prior to use and between
 Remind participants to use hand wash station near open
 A designated area should be identified at the venue for
participants to be able to remove their mask (mask relief).

 Ensure as best as possible that all participants and officials:

Show no signs or symptoms of Covid 19 in the past 14 days. If persons have

been infected, they need to show medical documentation that they were
cleared to participate in the practical event.

Do not come from a community that has been under quarantine in the
previous 14 days without a recent negative Covid 19 test result.

Had no close sustained contact with any sick person for the 14 days prior to
the time of the intra mural event.

Practice infection prevention measures (such as: wearing of masks, washing

hands, use of hand sanitizers, Maintaining physical distance etc...)

Frequently clean all equipment used before, during and after use in a

May share equipment but must be sanitized between use.

Are made to understand that they participate in the intra-mural event at their
own risk.

Everyone should wear a mask at all times on location. Participants may be

exempted when warming up or competing.

Have a personal kit to include mask and hand sanitizing gel.

Wash hands before entering a common area where the event will take place.

Minimize the use of paper for documentation where more than one person
may have to touch.

 On field Activities

Minimize number of persons on the field to essential personnel only

Participants should not be touching each other

Should follow the Jamaican Ministry of Health and Wellness guidelines,

with regards to the number of persons who can gather in one place.

Thoroughly disinfect al implements, equipment etc. anything you might


I __________________________ the undersigned have given permission for my
 _______________________________________ to participate in _______________
training and competitive events for the 2022PHHS Intra-Form Minilympics
I am aware of the training days and times and also of the possibility that injuries may
occur during physical activities despite the safest equipment or methods being applied. 
I understand that my child/ward will be insured from any incidents associated with the specified   
training activities by the school’s insurance coverage as long as I have paid the relevant fees.  
The school and/or its agents will not be liable for the contraction of the Covid 19 Virus, 
 any previous illness or injury prior to being a part of the training or any injury, which may occur, 
  after the signing of the Dismissal Form.  
The school and/or its agents are therefore not liable to any form of legal action.
I am also giving acquiescence to the school to seek proper medical care for my
child/children should he/she becomes injured or ill while participating in scheduled
training activities or The Minilympics Competition.
I therefore GIVE consent for my child/children to be in the care of the Intra-Form coach,
assistant coach, chaperone and the staff of the school.
______________________                      ______________________                  
________ Parent /Guardian Name                                        Signature                             
Address ___________________________________                                                   
Phone number(s)  (c) _________________ (w) ____________________________

Pembroke Hall High School

Regulations and Advisory

1. The competition this year will be limited to a select group of students. And for
this particular competition, they should meet the following eligibility guidelines: 

 adhere to the government stated national covid guidelines. 
 follow the competition Covid 19 Guidelines. 
 have not tested positive for covid 19 in the past 2 weeks
 be a Grade 11 student.  
 Participate in at least 4 of the events scheduled.

2. Athletes will compete in a series of athletic events decided on by the group, and
points will be awarded per placing in each event.

3. The athlete with the most accumulated points will be declared the winner 

4. Points will be awarded per event, as follows:

            Placing                    Points 
 First                              9 
 Second                         7 
 Third                            6
 Fourth                          5
 Fifth                             4
 Sixth                            3
 Seventh                        3
 Eighth                          2
 Ninth or Lower            1 
5. NO ATHLETE WILL BE ALLOWED to take part in the events unless the
guidelines of the competition are being followed. Any breach of the guidelines
will result in sanctions being applied. 

6. The competition shall take part on more than one match day. One day for girls,
one for boys, at least two weeks apart. If any student athlete is found to be in
contravention of the stated guidelines, he / she will be disqualified from further
participation in the competition.


in writing. Unwritten protests WILL NOT be entertained.

8. Modified Competition Rules 

 The group will be split along gender lines.

 Places will be determined based on time or distance. 

 A mask is mandatory in the common area.  

 Each participant must be a current student in grade 11.

 Players are to run in every other lane during the sprint event.

 Players are not allowed to wear any jewelry (except for medical

 Players must participate individually, and not in groups.

 Player should wear appropriate footwear.

 In case of a tie in time or distance the points for both places will be
added and divided equally 

 Each player has to have their temperature checked before participating.

9. In cases where the Competition Rules is silent, the organizing committee reserves
the right to decide on such matters. 



Total Final
Competitor Standing 5M Shuttle Plyometric Agility 50m Points Position
Broad Jump Run Jump Run Sprint
14.23 21.67
ken 1.87 m 3 rd
3 6
33 3 rd

sec6 sec9
19.44 23.44
Shani 1.34 m 4 th
4 5
25 4 th

sec4 sec5
13.99 21.70
Cerena 1.89 m 1 st
2 7
37 2 nd

sec7 sec7
13. 34 21.69
Shania 1.91 m 2 nd
1 9
40 1 st

sec9 sec6
Makayla DNS 13.77 sec DNS DNS NPA DNP


DNS - Did Not Start

NPA - No Points Awarded

DNP - Did Not Place

Standing 5M Shots on Total Final
Competitor Polymeric Agility 60m
Broad Shuttle
Goal Points Position
Run Sprint
Jump Run (Football)

10.69 17.29
dimetri 2.69 m 2 nd
1 st
1 st
48 1 st

sec sec
10.20 17.70
Kennel 2.34 m 4 th
2 nd
2 nd
41 2 nd

sec sec
11.37 18.33
Giovanni 2.24 m 3 rd
6 th
5 th
25 4 th

sec sec
11.28 18.30
Daniel 2.82 m 1 st
3 rd
4 th
40.5 3 rd

sec sec
john 2.30 m 6 th
4 th
20.97sec DNS 19.5 6 th

11.82 19.95
Joshua 1.86 m 7 th
8 th
6 th
15 8 th

sec sec
11.32 20.20
Mark 1.87 m 5 th
7 th
8 th
17 7 th

sec sec
11.97 19.86
josh 1.94 m 8 th
5 th
3 rd
22 5 th

sec sec
11.98 19.94
Jaime 2.20 m 9 th
9 th
7 th
12 9 th

sec sec


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