PSP, Modern Technologies and Large Scale PDF
PSP, Modern Technologies and Large Scale PDF
PSP, Modern Technologies and Large Scale PDF
Global concerns towards climate change and commitment for net zero carbon emission in CoP21 and now
in CoP26 has brought a paradigm shift in the energy sector. In past decade world has witnessed a drastic
transition from conventional fossil fuel to renewable resources to meet its energy needs. India alone has seen
a six fold growth in its renewable capacity addition (solar and wind). However, renewable resources have
their own challenges and have set forth the need of energy storage. Storage of abundant renewable energy
available during low demand time for its usage later is the only answer to manage intermittency. Presently
Pumped Storage Technology and Battery Storages are the major commercially viable solutions for long
duration and short duration storage. Among these two options, the latter is still under researches to bring in
cost competitiveness. Altogether PSPs and Battery storage are two viable solutions which go hand in hand
with renewable sources. In this paper PSPs have been discussed with their present status in India, available
technology options and configurations.
Index Terms : Energy Storage, Net Zero Emission, Pumped Storage Plants, Renewable Energy.
Pumped storage Plants (PSP) act as an energy storage solution with two reservoirs one at higher elevation and other at lower.
PSPs store and generate energy by moving water between these two reservoirs. When the demand for electricity is low and
there is abundant renewable energy available from wind or solar sources this excess energy is used to pump water to the
upper reservoir. The turbine acts as a pump and generator acts as motor, moving water back to uphill. During periods of high
electricity demand or unavailability of solar / wind sources, the stored water is released through turbines and generators in
the form of electricity. As per International Hydropower Association’s (IHA’s) report [1], PSP currently accounts for over 90
per cent of the world’s grid-scale energy storage applications, with 160 GW of installed capacity.
The IEA’s Net Zero by 2050 report was released in May 2021, modelling how the global energy sector may successfully
decarbonize by 2050. As per the report, in the Net Zero Emissions (NZE) scenario, when solar PV and wind are supposed
to generate substantial share of electricity, hydropower will steadily grow and double by 2050 thus becoming the largest
single source of flexible electricity generation. Further to this, the report also emphasizes that pumped storage hydropower
could play an important role, stating that it “offers an attractive means of providing flexibility over a matter of hours and
The global installed capacity of PSPs in major economies is mentioned in Table I [2].
R.K. Vishnoi, et al.
Asynchronous Machine with
150 Rotor VSI (Doubly Fed)
Based on rotational speed of the machine, PSPs are
PSP, Modern Technologies and Large Scale RE Integration- An Overview
900 mainly classified as fixed speed and variable speed
country is mentioned in PSPs.
ndia Mode)
Fixed Speed PSP:
240 Fixed Speed PSP
ng in Pumping Mode) In fixed speed PSPs, reversible pump-turbine with a fixed
1200 Installed Capacity speed motor-generatorVariable is Speed
used. PSP The pump-turbine is
1440 conventional francis type and motor-generator is synchronous
ngana 705.6 type. The machine can operate as turbine-generator or pump-
SM with Stator VSI (Fully Fed)
ngana 900 motor for generation & pumping operations respectively.
du 400 Fixed speed PSP technology is most proven technology
Asynchronous Machine with
almost a century old. For fixed speed machines the rotor of
Rotor VSI (Doubly Fed)
ar project150are not motor-generator is supplied with DC excitation. Static
easons [5]: 250 frequency
Based on rotational of the convertors
speedBased on rotational
machine, PSPs arearemainly
speed on
of the stator side
speed for
as fixed starting
andPSPs arespeedthe
variable PSPs.
gal 900
Fixed Speed PSP: unit inmainly
pump classified
mode. as fixed speed and variable speed
X60+2X60InMW) is SFCs
fixed speed PSPs, are used
reversible for starting
pump-turbine with a fixedofspeed
motor-generatorsets and
is used. Theprovide
pump-turbine a is conventional
3305.6 PSPs.
abnormal vibration source of adjustable frequency/voltage for starting the pumps. pump-motor for
francis type and motor-generator is synchronous type. The machine can operate as turbine-generator or
king in Pumping Mode) & pumping operations respectively.
ation. Thus Fixed they Speed
act as PSP: source to provide the variable voltage-
Fixed speed PSP technology
240 is most proven technology almost a century old. For fixed speed machines the rotor of motor-
X200 MW)) is not
generator variable
is supplied withInDC frequency.
fixed speedStaticSFCs
PSPs, usually
frequency consist
reversible of on
are used
pump-turbine Convertor
stator side
with forcircuit,
a fixed starting the unit in pump
operation of lower DC link
speed motor-generator is used. The pump-turbine is load
and inverter units. Inverters used are
SFCs are used forcommutated
1440 startingconventional inverter
of pump/turbine francis types
sets andtype wherein
provide source ofcommutation
amotor-generator of thyristor
synchronous for starting the pumps.
Thus they act as source to provide
type. The the variable can
machine voltage-variable
operate as frequency. SFCs usually
turbine-generator or consist
pump- of Convertor circuit, DC
bridges is enabled with armature induced voltages. The SFC
link and inverter units. Inverters
motor for used are load commutated
generation & pumpinginverter types respectively.
operations wherein commutation of thyristor bridges is
enabled with armature in fixed speed
voltages. PSPs
The SFC are
units alsospeed
in fixed used PSPsforarebraking.
also used for braking.
ehri Stage II, 4 X Fixed speed PSP technology is most proven technology
almost a century old. For fixed speed machines the rotor of
h Stage
ardar I, II,project
Sarovar III & are not motor-generator is supplied with DC excitation. Static
advance reasons
stage[5]:of frequency convertors are used on stator side for starting the
unit in pump mode.
Gujaratby 2022-24.MW) is SFCs are used for starting of pump/turbine sets and provide a
& one is undervibration source of adjustable frequency/voltage for starting the pumps.
of abnormal
nder examination.
us stages of survey Thus they act as source to provide the variable voltage-
Gujarat (6X200 MW)) is not variable frequency. SFCs usually consist of Convertor circuit,
FR stage.
use of non operation of lower DC link and inverter units. Inverters used are load
commutated inverter types wherein commutation of thyristor
bridges is enabled with armature induced voltages. The SFC
logieS units in fixed speed PSPs are also used for braking.
o projects Tehri Stage II, 4 X Fig. 1[6] : Diagram of Fixed Speed PSP
and Kundah InStage I, II, III & Figure 1 [6]: Diagram
a conventional, single-speed pump-turbine, the magnetic of Fixed
field of Speed
the statorPSP
and that of the rotor always rotate with the
du are undersame speed stage
advance and the two are coupled [7]. Therefore,
In a conventional, single-speed pump-turbine, the magnetic
be commissioned
Stator by
ns = fsof
/ p the stator and that of the rotor always rotate with the
n concurred & onefsis: stator under
same speed and the two are coupled [7]. Therefore,
are at various stagespof survey
: poles pairs number
are under PFR
Stator field speed ns = fs / p
stage.Rotor field speed n = n . s
fs : stator frequency
ge TechnologieS
p : poles pairs3 number
Therefore, to ove
speed machines
generator is used i
with AC excitatio
reduced size.
A DFIM is gener
outputs (higher th
requires lower po
the total output and
Fig. 2[8] : Variable Speed PSP with Full Size Converter In the beginning D
Figure 2 [8]: Variable
In full size converter based variable speed machines, Speed PSP
reversible with
frnacis Full Size
pump-turbine Converter
is coupled with a synchronouus motor- field on th
generator with DC excitation on rotor. However, the variablity in speed is achieved trhough full size converters connected
on stator side to decouple the stator & rotor fields. Therefore, But Cyclo conver
Stator field speed n = fs / p
be compensated b
fs : stator frequency
p : poles pairs number
Rotor field speed nr = fr / p = ns – n
n : rotational speed
A fully fed solution has significant advantages relating to flexibility, start-up and transition times. Start-up in pump operation
and all transitions can be performed in water, thus reducing the required times substantially [9]. However fully fed converter
based variable speed machines can be used upto 100 MW size beyond which size of converter becomes unfeasible. To date,
no fully-fed pump turbine is in operation [9].
unfeasible. To date, no fully-fed pump turbine is in operation
ferent speeds
Noramally a Variable PSP, Modern speed
Technologies and Generator
Large Scale RE Integration- An–
Overview Motor
nous speed is Doubly Fed Induction Machines (DFIM):
Variable speed Generator – Motor Doubly Fed Induction Machines (DFIM):
according to
mping mode.
machine and
agnetic fields
the grid and
m the grid, or
ncy converter
rom the rotor
Fig. 3 [8] : Variable Speed PSP using DFIM
Figure 3 [8]: Variable Speed PSP using DFIM
The synchronous machine-based variable speed PSP has its limitations as power converter with a rating similar to the
machine is required, which is unfeasible due to the larger size (space requirement) and cost, especially in the case of an
speed PSPs- underground power house.[10]
a double-fed
Therefore, to overcome this limitation doubly fed variable speed machines are used where asynchronous motor-generator
is used in The synchronous
place of synchrnous one andmachine-based variablethrough
rotor is fed with AC excitation speed PSPviahas
slip rings its of reduced
a converter
rcuit. size.
limitations as power converter with a rating similar to the
A DFIM is generally the preferred solution for large unit outputs (higher than 100 MW). Its main advantage is that it requires
machine is required, which is unfeasible due to the larger size
lower power converters that use only a fraction of the total output and hence less converter losses [9].
In the beginning DFIMrequirement) and
used Cyclo converters cost,
to create especially
the rotating inrotorthe
field on the casevariable
to enable of an
speed operations.
But Cyclo converters absorb reactive power which needs to be compensated by condensers or provided by the generator.
Further, theunderground power
frequency range of these house.[10]
converters is limited and they cannot be used to start the unit in pump mode. Therefore,
an additional static frequency converter needs to be used to start the unit. Altogether Cyclo converters using Thyristors are
a robust technology proven for many years. [11]
Therefore, to overcome this limitation doubly fed variable
Hitachi’s excitation system supplied for adjustable speed pumped storage plant for The Okawachi Power Plant of The
Kansai Electric Power is based on cycloconverters. The thyristor-based cycloconverter used as the exciter can operate in
speed machines are used where asynchronous motor-
torque-producing or regenerative mode. It allows generation at sub-synchronous speed and pumping at super-synchronous
generator is used in place of synchrnous one and rotor is fed
speed. Also, this exciter can supply a current component corresponding to the air-gap flux, which produces internal induced
voltage to control the reactive power. [12]
Goldisthal with
Pumped AC
storage excitation
plant in Germanythrough slip rings
is the first cycloconverter basedvia a speed
variable converter
PSP installedof
in Europe.
With advancement size.
in semiconductor technologies and improvements in the power ratings of IGBTs and IGCTs, voltage
source inverters (VSI) with high power handling capacity are now available in market. These converters do not absorb
reactive power and can be used to start the motor in pump mode without any additional device. For VSI based strating
A DFIM is generally the preferred solution for large unit
in pump mode the stator is short-circuited and a rotating field of increasing frequency is injected into the rotor. These
converters provide the frequency or speed variation of 5 to 8% in both direction resulting in pump input power variation of
outputs (higher than 100 MW). Its main advantage is that it
approx. 60 to 100 %.[11]
The concept requires lower
of variable speed power
technology converters
is still nascent in India.that useis only
Tehri PSP a fraction
the first project to use VSIof
based excitation
system using a DFIM for variable speed PSP. Advantages of these machines over conventional ones are yet to be practically
realized in the totalOther
the country. output and hence
such installations less converter
are Linthal losses
& Nant de Drance [9].
in Switzerland.
at Glasgow to make its e
emission to net zero b
Generation Capacity b
need of energy storage.
PSP, Modern Technologies and Large Scale RE Integration- An Overview
of blackout.
Frequency Can follow frequency within the given
PSP, Modern Technologies and Large Scale RE Integration- An Overview
Characteristics Value
Capacity of balancing Reservoir for Tehri PSP (Operating range EL 612-606= 6 m
606m to 612m)
Capacity of reservoir / mtr 2.6 MCM
Gross Capacity Available 15.6 MCM
Pumping Discharge of Tehri PSP/Machine 110 Cumecs (109.5 Cumecs at nominal net Head)
Generation mode Discharge of Tehri PSP/Machine 150 Cumecs (146.9 Cumecs As per Design)
Discharge of Koteshwar HEP/Machine 155 Cumecs (157.93 Cumecs As per Design)
Discharge of Tehri HPP/Machine 150 Cumecs (146 As per Design)
Case I : Emptying Balancing Reservoir
Time Required for emptying balancing reservoir while 04 Machines of PSP in Pumping mode and 01 unit of KHEP in
Generating mode:
Let the time required is ‘T’
Volume of water pumped back by Tehri PSP
= Tx (4x110x3600)/10^6 =T x 1.584 MCM
Volume of water release by KHEP
= Tx(1x155x3600)/10^6 = Tx 0.558 MCM
Net volume of Water evacuated from balancing reservoir
= Tx(1.584+0.558) MCM = Tx 2.142
Time Required to evacuate the reservoir
Tx2.142=15.6 MCM
T = 7:16:58 hrs
Case II: Refilling Balancing Reservoir
Time Required to refill balancing reservoir while all 08 Machines of Tehri HPP & PSP and 01 unit of KHEP in Generating
Mode :
Let the time required is ‘t’,
Volume of Water Release in t hrs from Tehri HPP and PSP
= t x (8x150x3600)/10^6 = t x 4.32 MCM
R.K. Vishnoi, et al.
PSP, Modern Technologies and Large Scale RE Integration- An Overview
[1] Hydropower Status Report Sector trends and Insights 2021, International Hydropower Association.
[2] Hydropower Status Report Sector trends and Insights 2020, International Hydropower Association.
[3] Status of Large Hydro Electric Potential Development- Basin Wise (In terms of Installed Capacity Above 25MW) As
on 31.01.2022.
[4] All India Installed Capacity (in MW)of Power Stations As on 31.01.2022.
[5] Status of Pumped Storage Development in India As on 31.01.2022.
[6] Presentation on “PSP Vriable Speed Control Concept” by GE to THDCIL.
[8] Regulation Characteristics and Load Optimization of Pump-Turbine in Variable-Speed Operation
[12] Hitachi’s Adjustable-speed Pumped-storage System Contributing to Prevention of Global Warming.
[13] Presentation by / ANDRITZ HYDRO / SUB GROUP - 3, MOP / 20211011
[14] Pumped storage machines Reversible pump turbines, Ternary sets and Motor-generators – Voith.