Recent BIBM
Recent BIBM
Recent BIBM
1. In a class, 120 students are male and 100 students are female. 25% of male students and 20% of
female students are engineering students. 20% of the male engineering students and 25% of the
female engineering students passed the final exam. What percentage of engineering students
passed the exam? [GKwU †kªwY‡Z 120 Rb wkÿv_©x cyiæl Ges 100 Rb wkÿv_©x gwnjv| 25% cyiæl Ges 20%
gwnjv BwÄwbqvwis Gi wkÿv_©x | 20% cyiæl BwÄwbqvwis Ges 25% gwnjv BwÄwbqvwis wkÿv_©xiv P‚ovšÍ cix¶vq DËxY©
n‡q‡Q| KZ kZvsk BwÄwbqvwis wk¶v_©x cix¶vq DËxY© n‡q‡Q?]
a) 10% b) 16% c) 22% d) 25%
Male Female Total
120 100 220
Engineering students 120×25% = 30 100×20% =20 30+20 = 50
Passed in final exam 30×20% = 6 20×25% = 5 6+5 =11
Percentage of engineering students passed the exam = ×100% = 22%
Another way (Presentation)
Engineering students male = 120× 25% = 30
Engineering students female = 100 × 20% = 20
Passed in final exam male = 30 × 20% = 6
Passed in final exam female = 20 × 25% = 5
Total passed students = 5 + 6 = 11
Percentage of engineering students passed the exam = × 100% = 22%
Answer c) 22%
2. M is a girl and has the same number of brothers as sisters. N is a boy and has twice as many
sisters as brothers. M and N are the children of Q. How many children does Q have? [M GKRb
evwjKv Ges Zvi mgvb msL¨K fvB I †evb Av‡Q| N GKRb †Q‡j Ges Zvi fvB‡qi †P‡q wظY †evb i‡q‡Q| M Ges
Ges N, Q Gi mšÍvb| Q Gi KqwU mšÍvb Av‡Q?]
a) 2 b) 3 c) 5 d) 8
Conditions: 1) M is a girl and has the same number of brothers as sisters. 2) N is a boy and has twice as
many sisters as brothers.
Brothers Sisters Total children Condition
1 2 (M + another 1) 4 ×
N 2 4 (M + another 3) 7 √
3 6 (M + another 5) 10 ×
Dc‡ii †Uwej n‡Z, M Qvov 3 Rb sister Ges 3 Rb brother nq| Avevi N Qvov 2 Rb brother Ges wظY †evb gv‡b 4
Rb sister nq| myZivs Q Gi children †gvU 7 Rb|
Answer 7 children
3. The area of the floor of an auditorium is 600 AwW‡Uvwiqv‡gi †d¬v‡ii AvqZb 600 eM©wgUvi| †g‡S
sq. meter. How many unbroken tiles of m¤c~Y©iƒ‡c †X‡K ivL‡Z 10 × 30 †mwg gvÎvi KZwU
dimension 10 cm x 30 cm will be required to Awew”Qbœ UvBj‡mi cÖ‡qvRb n‡e?]
cover the floor completely? [GKwU a) 200 b) 15000
B-2 1+ Publication : Bank Math Review
c) 10000 d) 20000 the clock? [Avqbv w`‡q `„k¨Z Nwo‡Z mgq wZbUv †e‡R
Solution c‡bi wgwbU n‡j, Nwo‡Z †`Lv‡bv mwVK mgq KZ]
Area of the floor a) 3:15 b) 7:15
cÖ‡qvRbxq m~Ît Number of tiles = Area of tiles
c) 8:45 d) 9:45
10 Solution
Here, dimension of tiles = 10×30 sq cm =
100 Quarter past three A_© n‡jv Nwo‡Z 3 Uv †e‡R 15
× sq m [⸫100 cm = 1 m] = 0.1 × 0.3 sq m wgwbU| Avqbvq NwowU 3:15 wgwbU ‡`Lv‡j cÖK…Z mgq
Area of the floor n‡e 11:60 ‒ 3:15 = 8:45 wgwbU
Now, Number of tiles = Answer c) 8:45
Area of tiles
600 10 10 7. If x/y = 1/3, then the value of (x2+ y2)/(x2 ‒ y2) is
= = 600× × = 200×100 = 20,000 a) -10/9 b) 5/4
0.3×0.1 3 1
Answer d) 20000 c) -5/3 d) -5/4
4. The average daily wage of 10 workers is Tk. Solution
400. If the lowest wage is Tk. 300, then what x 1
Here, =
is the possible maximum wage?[ 10 Rb y 3
kªwg‡Ki Mo ˆ`wbK gRywi nj 400 UvKv| hw` me©wb¤œ x2 1
Or, 2 =
gRywi 300 UvKv nq, Zvn‡j m¤¢ve¨ m‡e©v”P gRywi KZ?] y 9
a) 1300 b) 1200 x2 + x2 1 + 9 10 5
Or, 2 2 = = =‒
c) 1000 d) 800 x ‒y 1 ‒ 9 ‒8 4
Solution Answer d) ‒
cÖ‡qvRbxq m~Î : Total Sum = Average × no of people
8. The perimeter of a rectangle is 20cm. If the
Total wage of 1 workers = Tk. 10×400 = Tk. 4000 length of the rectangle is 6cm, then its
Let, Each of the 9 workers get salary Tk. 300
breadth will be. [GKwU AvqZ‡¶‡Îi cwiwa 20
In total 9 workers get Tk. 300×9 = Tk. 2700
Now, the possible maximum wage = Tk. (4000 †mwg| hw` AvqZ‡¶‡Îi ˆ`N¨© 6 †mwg nq, Zvn‡j Gi
‒ 2700) = Tk. 1300 cÖ¯’ KZ n‡e?]
Answer a) 1300 a) 4 cm b) 6 cm
5. Ruby's height is 52". Ana is taller than c) 10 cm d) 14 cm
Ruby but she is not taller than Pamela. Solution
Pamela is shorter than her cousin Rony but Here, length (ˆ`N¨©) of the rectangle, L = 6cm.
she is not shorter than Ruby. Who is the Let breadth (cÖ¯’ ) = B cm
tallest in the group? [iæwei D”PZv 52"| Avbv Now, Perimeter = 2(L+B) =20
iæwei †P‡q j¤^v wKš‘ †m cv‡gjvi †P‡q j¤^v bq| cv‡gjv Or, 2(6 + B) = 20
Zvi PvPv‡Zv fvB iwbi †P‡q Lv‡Uv wKš‘ †m iæwei †P‡q Or, 6 + B = 10
Lv‡Uv bq| MÖæ‡c me‡P‡q j¤^v †K?] Or, B = 4
a) Ana b) Rony Answer a) 4 cm
c) Pamela d) Ruby 9. The diameter of the driving wheel of a bus is
Solution 140 cm. How many revolutions per minute
Avbv iæwei †P‡q j¤^v wKš‘ †m cv‡gjvi †P‡q j¤^v bq = P > must the wheel make in order to keep a speed
A>R of 66 km per hour? [GKwU ev‡mi WªvBwfs PvKvi e¨vm
cv‡gjv Zvi PvPv‡Zv fvB iwbi †P‡q Lv‡Uv wKš‘ †m iæwei 140 †mwg| NÈvq 66 wKwg MwZ ivL‡Z PvKv‡K cÖwZ
†P‡q Lv‡Uv bq = iwb > cv‡gjv > iæwe wgwb‡U KZwU N~Y©b Ki‡Z n‡e?]
Answer Rony a) 200 b) 250
6. A clock seen through a mirror, shows quarter c) 300 d) 350
past three what is the correct time shown by Solution
1+ Publication : Bank Math Review B-3
cÖ‡qvRbxq m~Ît Plugging it into the equation above, Sum of
Diameter interior angle = (4 – 2) × 1800= 360°
Radius, r = unit Answer c) 3600
Circumference, cwiwa = π × Diameter = 2πr unit 11. A man needs money for 120 days. He asked
PvKv GKevi Nyi‡j cwiwai mgvb `yiZ¡ AwZµg K‡i the banker for a loan and the banker
Distance charged Tk. 360 @ 6% per annum. What is
Number of revolution = the amount of loan? [GKRb gvby‡li 120 w`‡bi
Given that, diameter 2r =140 cm Rb¨ UvKvi cÖ‡qvRb| wZwb e¨vsKv‡ii Kv‡Q FY PvB‡jb
140 Ges e¨vsKvi cÖwZ eQi 6% my` nv‡i 360 UvKv PvR©
So, Radius, r = = 70 cm
2 K‡ib| F‡Yi cwigvY KZ wQj?]
22 a) Tk. 15000 b) Tk. 16000
Circumference, cwiwa = 2πr cm = 2× ×70 cm
7 c) Tk. 18000 d) None of these
= 440 cm [⸫π = ] Solution
cÖ‡qvRbxq m~Ît Simple interest, I = Pnr
Speed 66 km/hr = 66,000 meter per 60 minutes.
[⸫1000 m = 1 k.m.] Here, Rate of interest, r = 6%
In 60 minutes it covers 66000 meters Interest, I = 360
66000 120 1
So, in 1 minute, it covers = = 1100 meter = Time, t = 120 days = = year
60 360 3
1, 10,000 cm [⸫100 cm = 1m] [mvaviYZ e¨vsK F‡Yi ‡ÿ‡Î 1 eQi‡K 360 w`b aiv
So, to cover the distance, revolutions needed nq I wW‡cvwR‡Ui ‡ÿ‡Î 1 eQi‡K 365 w`b aiv nq]
110000 Principal, P =?
= = 250 times
440 We know I = Pnr
Another way 1 6
Here, Circumference, cwiwa = π × Diameter Or, 360 = P × ×
3 100
22 Or, P = 18000
= ×140 cm = 440 cm
7 Answer c) Tk. 18000
PvKvi cÖwZ wgwb‡U KZwU N~Y©b Ki‡e Zv wbY©q Ki‡Z 12. The average monthly income of P and Q is
n‡e, Zvi Rb¨ PvKvi 1 wgwb‡Ui AwZµvšÍ `yiZ¡ Rvb‡Z Tk 5050. The average monthly income of Q
n‡e| and R is Tk.6250 and the average monthly
66×1000 income of P and R is Tk.5200. Calculate the
Total distance covered per minute =
60 monthly income of P.[ P Ges Q -Gi Mo gvwmK
= 1100 m = 110000 cm Avq 5050 UvKv| Q Ges R -Gi Mo gvwmK Avq
Distance 6250 UvKv Ges P Ges R -Gi Mo gvwmK Avq 5200
Number of revolution =
UvKv| P Gi gvwmK Avq MYbv Kiæb|]
110000 cm
= = 250 a) Tk.4000 b) Tk.6100
440 cm
Answer b) 250 c) Tk.6400 d) Tk.16500
10. What is the total sum of all the interior Solution
angles of a parallelogram? [GKwU mgv¯Íwi‡Ki Let P, Q and R represent their respective
monthly incomes. Then, we have:
me¸‡jv Af¨šÍixY †Kv‡Yi †hvMdj KZ?] P + Q = (5050 × 2) = 10100.... (i)
a)180 b) 240 Q + R = (6250 × 2) = 12500.... (ii)
c) 360 d)540 P + R = (5200 × 2) = 10400.... (iii)
Solution Adding (i), (ii) and (iii), we get: 2(P + Q + R)
= 33000
Total internal angle: (n ‒ 2) × 1800 [n- number Or P + Q + R = 16500.... (iv)
of sides the polygon]
Since parallelogram has four sides.
B-4 1+ Publication : Bank Math Review
Subtracting (ii) from (iv), we get P = 16500 ‒ 15. A man sells 2 commodities for Tk. 4000
12500 = 4000 each, neither losing nor gaining in the deal.
P's monthly income = Rs. 4000. If he sold one commodity at a gain of 25%,
Answer a) Tk.4000 then what is the cost price of another
13. The present ratio of students to teachers at a commodity? [GKRb †jvK 2wU wRwbm cÖwZwU 4000
certain school is 30 to 1. If the numbers of
UvKvq wewµ K‡i | †hLv‡b ÿwZ ev jvf †bB| hw` wZwb
students were to increase by 50 and that of
teachers were to increase by 5, the ratio of GKwU cY¨ 25% jv‡f wewµ K‡ib, Zvn‡j Ab¨ c‡Y¨i
students to teachers would then be 25:1. g~j¨ KZ?]
What is the present number of teachers? a) Tk.3200 b) Tk.4800
[GKwU wbw`©ó we`¨vj‡q QvÎ-wk¶K‡`i eZ©gvb AbycvZ c) Tk.4000 d) Tk.3600
30: 1| wk¶v_©xi msL¨v 50 Ges wk¶K‡`i 5 evo‡j Solution
QvÎ-wk¶K‡`i AbycvZ 25-Gi mv‡_ eZ©gvb wk¶K Selling price of one commodity = Tk. 4000
msL¨v KZ n‡e?] At 25% profit cost price of one commodity =
a) 8 b) 10 4000
c) 12 d) 15 Tk. = Tk. 3200
Solution Cost price of another commodity = Tk.
Here, the present ratio of students to teachers at (4000×2 ‒ 3200) = Tk. 4800
a certain school is S: T = 30 to 1 = 30: 1 Short cut
Let, no of present students = 30x and no of 125% = 4000
present teachers = x 4000
30x + 50 25 Or, 100% = × 100% = 3200
Now, = 125%
x+5 1
Or, 30x + 50 = 25x + 125 Therefore, cost price of another commodity =
Or, 5x = 75 4000 + (4000 ‒ 3200) = 4800
75 Answer b) Tk.4800
Or, x = = 15 16. Find the number of zeroes in 10×20× 30× ...×1000
Answer d) 15 a) 100 b) 124
14. A worker was hired for 7 days. Each day, he c) 130 d) 154
was paid Tk. 10 more than what he was paid Solution
for the previous day of work. The total
amount he was paid in the first 4 days of Given, 10 × 20 × 30 × ... × 1000 = (10×1) ×
work equaled the total amount he was paid (10×2) × (10×3) × (10×4) ×…. × (10×100)
in the last 3 days. What was his starting = 10100 × (1×2×3×…×100) = 10100(100!)
pay? [GKRb Kg©x‡K 7 w`‡bi Rb¨ wb‡qvM †`Iqv Formula: Number of trailing zeros in n! =
n‡qwQj| Av‡Mi w`‡bi Kv‡Ri Rb¨ Zv‡K hv †eZb Divide n by 5 and add all the quotients till it
†`Iqv n‡qwQj Zvi †_‡K 10 UvKv †ewk ‡`qv nq c‡ii reaches less than 5 [⸪given numbers are
w`b| Kv‡Ri cÖ_g 4 w`‡b Zv‡K †h cwigvY A_© cÖ`vb multiple of 5]
Kiv n‡qwQj Zv †kl 3 w`‡b Zv‡K †`Iqv †gvU A‡_©i Now, 10100 give 100 zeroes
mgvb| Zvi ïiæi †eZb KZ wQj?] 100 20
Number of zeros in 100! = = 20, =4
a) Tk.90 b) Tk.138 5 5
c) Tk. 150 d) Tk.160 So, the trailing zeroes = 100 + (20 + 4) = 124
Solution Answer b) 124
Let, his starting payment was Tk. X 17. The total number obtained by a student in
Now, X+X+10+X+20+X+30 = Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics
X+40+X+50+X+60 together is 120 more than the marks
Or, 4X + 60 = 3X + 150 obtained by him in Chemistry. What is the
Or, X = 90 average mark obtained by him in Physics
Answer a) Tk.90
and Mathematics together? [c`v_©we`¨v, imvqb
1+ Publication : Bank Math Review B-5
Ges MwY‡Z GKRb wk¶v_©xi †gvU cÖvß b¤^i Zvi 42% = (660 + 264) = 924
imvq‡b cÖvß b¤^‡ii †P‡q 120 †ewk| c`v_©we`¨v I 100% = 2200
MwY‡Z GK‡Î Zvi cÖvß Mo b¤^i KZ?] Answer c) 2200
a) 40 b) 60 19. Salam earns Tk. 8.50 per hour on days other
c) 120 d) none than Friday and twice than the rate on
Solution Friday. Last week he worked a total 50
hours including 8 hours on Friday. What is
Sum of the entities
cÖ‡qvRbxq m~Ît Average = No of entities
his earning for the week? [mvjvg ïµevi e¨ZxZ
Ab¨vb¨ w`‡b cÖwZ N›Uvq 8.50 UvKv Avq K‡ib | Ges
From the question, total number of (Physics +
Chemistry + Mathematics) = number of Ab¨ w`‡bi †P‡q ïµevi wظY Avq K‡ib| †m MZ
Chemistry + 120 mßv‡n ïµev‡ii 8 N›Uv mn ‡gvU 50 N›Uv KvR
Or, Physics+ Mathematics = 120 K‡iwQj| mßv‡n Zvi Avq KZ?]
The average mark obtained by him in a) Tk. 340 b) Tk. 398
120 c) Tk. 408 d) Tk. 493
Physics and Mathematics together = = 60 Solution
Answer b) 60 ïµevi ev‡` 6 w`‡bi Kg©N›Uv = 50 ‒ 8 = 42 N›Uv
18. In a factory, there are workers, executives and 1
42 N›Uvq Avq = 42×8.5 = 42 × 8 + 42× 2
clerks. 58% of the employees are workers, 660
are executives and the remaining 264 = 336 + 21 = 357 UvKv
employees are clerks. How many employees ïµev‡ii Avq = 8.5×2×8 = 136 UvKv
are there in the factory? [GKwU KviLvbvq kªwgK,
mßv‡ni me©‡gvU Avq = 357 + 136 = 493 UvKv
wbe©vnx Ges †Kivwb Av‡Q| Kg©Pvix‡`i 58% kªwgK, 660
Rb wbe©vnx Ges evwK 264 Rb Kg©Pvix †Kivwb| KviLvbvq Answer d) Tk. 493
‡gvU KZRb Kg©Pvix Av‡Q?] 20. A train 240 m long passes a pole in 24
a) 1500 b) 2000 seconds. How long will it take to pass a
c) 2200 d) 2500 platform 650 m long? [240 wgUvi j¤^v GKwU †Uªb
Solution 24 †m‡K‡Û GKwU LyuwU AwZµg K‡i| 650 wgUvi j¤^v
Let, there is 100x no of employees in the factory GKwU cø¨vUdg© AwZµg Ki‡Z KZ¶Y jvM‡e?]
Here, in a factory, there are workers, a)80 Sec b) 89 Sec
executives and clerks = 58% ×100x = 58x c) 90 Sec d) 95 Sec
According to the question
58x + 660 + 264 = 100x
Or, 42x = 924 Speed of the train = = 10 m/s
Or, x = = 22 Require time to pass the platform
240 + 650
Hence, no of employees in the factory = 100 × = = 89 sec
22 = 2200
Answer b) 89 Sec
Short cut
Here, rest of the employee = 100% ‒ 58% = 42%
B-6 1+ Publication : Bank Math Review
Bangladesh Bank
02 Post: Assistant Director-2023
Bangladesh Bank
03 Post : Officer-2023
1. 212 +212+212 +212 = ? [SIBL PO – 2021] 4. An employee may claim Tk 7 for each km
a) 214 b) 248 when he travels by taxi and Tk 6 for each
c) 413 d) 216 km if he drives his own car. If in one week
Solution he claimed Tk 900 for traveling 135 km.
From the term, 212(1 + 1 + 1 + 1) = 212 ×4 = 212 How many kms did he travel by taxi? [GKRb
× 22 = 212+2 = 214 Kg©Pvix U¨vw·‡Z ågY Kivi mgq c«wZ wK‡jvwgUv‡ii
Answer: a) 214 Rb¨ 7 UvKv Ges wb‡Ri Mvwo Pvjv‡j c«wZ
2. Which of the following is not equal to wK‡jvwgUv‡ii Rb¨ 6 UvKv `vwe Ki‡Z cv‡ib| hw` GK
0.0675? [wb‡Pi ‡KvbwU 0.0675 Gi mgvb bq?] mßv‡n 135 wK‡jvwgUvi åg‡Yi Rb¨ 900 UvKv `vwe
a) 67.5 × 10-3 b) 6.75 × 10-2 K‡ib| wZwb U¨vw·‡Z KZ wKwg ågY K‡i‡Qb?]
c) 0.00675 × 10 d) 0.675 × 10-1 a) 110 km b) 120 km
Solution c) 90 km d) 100 km
From the term Solution
675 675 Let, x and y be the respective km's travelled by
a) 0.0675 = = = 675×10‒4 taxi and by his own car
10000 104
= 67.5×10×10‒4 = 67.5×10‒4+1 = 67.5 × 10 -3 Given x + y = 135
b) 0.0675 = 6.75 × 10-2 Or, x = 135 ‒ y
According to the question,
d) 0.0675 = 0.675 × 10-1
7x + 6y = 900
Answer: c) 0.00675 × 102
Or, 7(135-y) + 6y = 900
3. In a group of buffaloes and ducks, the number Or, y = 45
of legs is 24 more than twice the number of So, x = 135 ‒ 45 = 90
heads. What is the number of buffaloes in the Therefore, the distance travelled by taxi is 90 kms.
group? [gwnl Ges nvu‡mi GKwU `‡j, cv‡qi msL¨v Answer: c) 90 km
gv_vi msL¨vi wظ‡Yi ‡P‡q 24 ‡ewk| `‡j gwn‡li 5. A school has a total enrollment of 90
msL¨v KZ?] students. There are 30 students taking
a) 6 b) 12 physics, 25 taking English, and 13 taking
c) 8 d) 10 both. What percentage of the students is
Solution taking either physics or English? [GKwU ¯‹y‡j
Let the number of buffaloes be x and the ‡gvU 90 Rb wk¶v_©xi bw_fyw³ i‡q‡Q| ‡mLv‡b 30 Rb
number of ducks be y. wk¶v_©x c`v_©we`¨v, 25 Rb Bs‡iwR Ges 13 Rb
Each buffalo has 1 head & 4 legs. DfqB cix¶v wb‡q‡Q| KZ kZvsk wk¶v_©x c`v_©we`¨v
Each duck has 1 head & 2 legs. ev Bs‡iwR wb‡q‡Q?]
So the number of heads = x+y and the number
a) 30% b) 36%
of legs = 4x+2y
According to the question, c) 47% d)51%
4x+2y = 2(x + y) + 24 Solution
Or, 4x − 2x + 2y −2y = 24 Total Students = 90
Or, 2x = 24 Students taking Both Physics and English = 13
Or, x = 12 Students taking Physics = 30
Answer: b) 12 Students taking Only Physics = 30 13 = 17
Students taking English = 25
1+ Publication : Bank Math Review B-11
Students taking Only English = 25 13 = 12 8. The interest charged on a loan is p per Tk
Therefore Total Students taking either Physics 1,000 for the first quarter (3 months) and q
or English = 13 + 17 + 12 = 42 Percentage of per Tk 1,000 for each month after the first
the students are taking either physics or English quarter. How much interest will be charged
42 during the first year on a loan of Tk 10,000?
= ×100 = 46.666% ᴝ 47%
90 [GKwU F‡Yi Dci avh©K…Z my` c«_g ‰Îgvwm‡Ki (3
Answer: c) 47% gvm) Rb¨ c«wZ 1,000 UvKvq p Ges c«_g ‰Îgvwm‡Ki
6. The average temperature for the first four c‡i c«wZ gv‡mi Rb¨ c«wZ 1,000 UvKvq q| 10,000
days of a week is 40.2° C and that of the last UvKv F‡Y c«_g eQ‡i KZ my` avh© Kiv n‡e?]
four days is 41.3° C. If the average
temperature for the whole 40.6°C, then the a) 30p b) 30q
temperature on the fourth day is- [mßv‡ni c) 10p + 90q d) 20p + 10q
c«_g Pvi w`‡bi Mo ZvcgvÎv nj 40.2° C Ges ‡kl Solution
Pvi w`‡bi ZvcgvÎv nj 41.3° C| hw` Mo ZvcgvÎv 10,000 is 10 times of 1,000.
40.6° C nq, Zvn‡j PZy_© w`‡bi ZvcgvÎv nj-] Interest for the first 3 months is 10p
a) 40.8° C b) 41.3° C Interest for the next 9 months will be 90q
c) 41.8° C d) 38.5° C Total Interest = 10p + 90q
Solution Answer: c) 10p + 90q
Weekly temperature (7 days) = 40.6 ° C × 7 = 9. X sells an item to Y at a profit of 28% on his
284.2°C cost and Y sells the same item to Z at a loss
Total Temperature of 8 days = {(40.2 × 4 + to of 25% on his cost. If Y has thus sold the
41.3 × 4)}°C = 326° C item to Z at Tk. 2 less than the cost of the
Temperature of 4th day = 284.2°C ‒ 326° C = item to X, what is the cost of the item to X in
41.8° C Taka? [X Zvi g~‡j¨i 28% jv‡f Y Gi Kv‡Q GKwU
Answer: c) 41.8° C AvB‡Ug wewµ K‡i Ges Y Zvi g~‡j¨i 25% ¶wZ‡Z Z
7. There are 2 numbers such that the sum of Gi Kv‡Q GKB wRwbm wewµ K‡i| hw` Y wRwbmwU X
twice the first number and thrice the second Gi µqg~‡j¨i ‡P‡q 2 UvKv K‡g Z Gi Kv‡Q wewµ K‡i
number is 100 and the sum of thrice the first _v‡K, Z‡e X AvB‡UgwU KZ `v‡g µq K‡i?]
number and twice the second number is 120.
Which is the larger number? [2wU msL¨v hv‡`i a) Tk. 200 b) Tk. 100
c«_g msL¨vi wظY Ges wØZxq msL¨vi wZb¸Y Gi c) Tk. 150 d) Tk. 50
‡hvMdj 100 Ges c«_g msL¨vi wZb¸Y Ges wØZxq Solution
msL¨vi wظ‡Yi ‡hvMdj 120| eo msL¨v ‡KvbwU?] Assume the initial price of Tk 100x
a) 32 b) 12 c) 35 d) 12 X sells an item to Y at a profit of 28%,
Solution therefore, selling price of X is equal to the cost
Let larger number is x, smaller number is y. price of Y which is 128x.
First condition, 2x + 3y = 100..... (1) Y sells the same item to Z at a loss to of 25%
Second condition, 3x + 2y = 120..... (2) on his cost, therefore, selling price of Y is
equal to cost price of Z. which is 128x×75% =
(2) ×3 ‒ (1)×2, we get 3
9x + 6y = 360 128x× = 96x
4x + 6y = 200 1
------------------- Now, 100x – 96x = 2 Or, x =
Or, 5x = 160 1
160 Hence, the cost of the item to X = Tk100× = Tk 50
Or, x = = 32 2
Answer: d) Tk 50
Answer: a) 32
B-12 1+ Publication : Bank Math Review
10. A salesman receives daily wages of Tk.250 and Or, 5t2 ‒ 5t = 360
earns commission of 15% on all sales he Or, t2 ‒ t = 72
makes. How much taka worth of sales does he Or, t2 ‒ 9t + 8t ‒ 72 = 0
need to make in order to bring his total daily Or, t(t ‒ 9) + 8(t ‒ 9) = 0
income of taka 1000? [GKRb weµqKg©x ‰`wbK 250 Or, (t ‒ 9) (t + 8) = 0
UvKv gRywi cvb Ges Zvi mg¯Í weµ‡qi Dci 15% Kwgkb Therefore, time of the journey = 9 hour
cvb| Zvi ‡gvU ‰`wbK Avq 1000 UvKv Ki‡Z Zv‡K KZ 360 km
Hence, the speed of the train = = 40 km/h
UvKvi weµq Ki‡Z n‡e?] 9h
a) Tk. 2000 b) Tk. 5000 Answer: b) 40 km/h
c) Tk. 1500 d) Tk. 5050 12. A man's invest doubles in every 5 years. If he
Solution invested Tk 5,000 in each of the year’s 2010,
Let, x taka worth of sales does he need to make in 2015, 2020, then what will be the amount
order to bring his total daily income of taka 1000 received by him in 2025? [GKRb e¨w³i wewb‡qvM
According to question, c«wZ 5 eQ‡i wظY nq| hw` wZwb 2010, 2015, 2020
250 + 0.15x = 1000 Gi c«wZwU eQ‡i 5,000 UvKv wewb‡qvM K‡ib, Zvn‡j
Or, 0.15x = 1000 ‒ 250
2025 mv‡j wZwb KZ UvKv cv‡eb?]
Or, 0.15x = 750
750×100 a) 3000 b) 50000
Or, x = = 5000 c) 70000 d) 40000
Answer: b) Tk. 5000
Let, in 2010 his initial investment = 100x
11. A train travels 360 km at a uniform speed. If
the speed had been 5 km/h more, it would Year Amount
have taken 1 hour less for the same journey. 2010 100x 5000
Find the speed of the train. [GKwU ‡U«b GKB 2015 200x + 5000 15000
MwZ‡Z 360 wKwg ågY K‡i| MwZ‡eM hw` 5 2020 400x + 5000 35000
wKwg/N›Uv ‡ewk n‡Zv, Zvn‡j GKB hvÎvq 1 NÈv Kg 2025 800x 70000
jvMZ| ‡U«‡bi MwZ wbY©q Kiæb|] Answer: c) 70000
a) 30 km/hr b) 40 km/hr 13. In a family, the father took 1/4 of the cake and
c) 60 km/hr d) 50 km/hr had 3 times as much as each of the other
Solution member had. The total number of family
Let, Speed of train = x km/hr member is- [GKwU cwiev‡i evev ‡K‡Ki 1/4 Ask
According to question, wb‡qwQ‡jb Ges Ab¨ m`m¨‡`i ‡_‡K 3 ¸Y ‡ewk wQj|
360 360 cwiev‡ii †gvU m`m¨ msL¨v-]
‒ =1
x x+5 a) 3 b) 7 c) 10 d) 12
360x + 360×5 ‒ 360x Solution
Or, =1
x2+5x 1
2 Father took part of cake
Or, x + 5x = 1800 4
Or, x2+ 5x ‒1800 = 0 1 3
Or, x2+ 45x ‒ 40x ‒1800 = 0 Cake left for other members is 1 ‒ = parts
4 4
Or, x(x + 45) ‒ 40(x + 45) = 0 Let, there are x members left in the house
Or, (x + 45) (x ‒ 40) = 0 1
Hence, speed of the train = 40 km/h 4 1
Each of other members have = of the cake
Another way 3 12
Let, time of the journey = t hour According to the question,
According to question, 1 3
360 360 x=
12 4
‒ =5
t‒1 t Or, x = 9
360t ‒ 360t +360 So, Total members = 9+1= 10
Or, =5
t2 ‒ t Answer: c) 10
1+ Publication : Bank Math Review B-13
14) In 10 years, A will be twice as old as B was 17. The measurement of a rectangle is 16 feet by
10 years ago. If A is now 9 years older than 12 feet. What is the area of the smallest
B, then the present age of B is? [10 eQ‡ii circle that can cover the rectangle entirely?
g‡a¨, A-Gi eqm B-Gi 10 eQi Av‡M eq‡mi ‡P‡q (So that no part of the rectangle is outside
wظY n‡e| hw` A GLb B Gi ‡_‡K 9 eQ‡ii eo nq, the circle) [GKwU AvqZ‡¶‡Îi cwigvc nj 16 dyU
B Gi eZ©gvb eqm KZ?] evB 12 dyU| ¶y`«Zg e…‡Ëi ‡¶Îdj KZ n‡e hv
a) 29 years b) 19 years AvqZ‡¶ÎwU‡K m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c Ave…Z Ki‡Z cv‡i? (hv‡Z
c) 39 years d) 49 years
Solution AvqZ‡¶‡Îi ‡Kvb Ask e…‡Ëi evB‡i bv _v‡K)]
Let, Present age of B = x years a) 100 sq. ft b) 100 sq. ft
So, Present age of A = (x + 9) years c) 192 sq. ft d) 100π sq. ft
10 years ago, age of B was = (x ‒10) years
After 10 years, age of A will be = (x + 9) + 10 Solution
= (x + 19) years
According to question,
(x+19) = 2(x−10)
Or, 2x ‒ 20 = x+19
Or, x = 20+19 = 39
So, Present age of B is 39 years.
Answer: c) 39 years
15. A natural number when increased by 12,
equal 160 times reciprocal. The number is-
[GKwU ¯^vfvweK msL¨v hLb 12 e…w× cvq, Gi From the above figure, BC = diameter =
e¨šÍvbycvwZ‡Ki 160 ¸Y nq| msL¨vwU nj-] 162 + 122 = 256 + 144 = 400 = 20
a) 16 b) 8 c) 6 d) 18 Diameter of rectangle = 20 = Diameter of circle.
Let, the number is x So, Radius of Circle r = = 10 feet
According to question, 2
1 So, Area of Circle = πr = π102 = 100π sq feet.
1. What is the minimum number of chocolates jvB‡e«wi wm‡÷‡g 60 Rb Kg©x wbhy³| hw` ‡Kv‡bv
that must be added to the existing stock of jvB‡e«wi‡Z 7 R‡bi Kg Kg©x bv _v‡K Ges 11 R‡bi
260 chocolates so that the total stock can ‡ewk bv _v‡K, Zvn‡j ‡h‡Kvb 2wU kvLvq me©wbgœ Kg©x
equally be divided among 1, 4, or 6 persons? msL¨v KZ? ][BDBL 2014, AIBL 2021]
[260wU PK‡j‡Ui we`¨gvb gRy‡` b~¨bZg KZ¸wj
a) 10 b) 14
PK‡jU ‡hvM Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z ‡gvU gRy`wU 1, 4 ev 6 c) 19 d) 16
R‡bi g‡a¨ mgvbfv‡e fvM Kiv hvq?] Solution
a) 4 b) 8 11 – 7 = 4
c) 12 d) 16 60 – 4×11 = 16
Solution Answer d) 16
LCM Of (1, 4, 6) = 12 3. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 min
Multiple of 12 = 12, 24, 36, 48 . . . 252, 264 and 30 min respectively. Both pipes being
Minimum number of chocolates must be added opened find when A must be turned off so that
= 264 – 260 = 4 the tank may be just filled in 15 mins? [`ywU
Answer a) 4 cvBc A Ges B h_vµ‡g 20 wgwbU Ges 30 wgwb‡U
2. In a library system with 6 branches, 60 GKwU U¨v¼ c~iY Ki‡Z cv‡i| Dfq cvBc ‡Lvjvi ci
workers are employed. If no library has KLb A eÜ Ki‡Z n‡e hv‡Z U¨v¼wU gvÎ 15 wgwb‡Ui
fewer than 7 workers and no more than 11, g‡a¨ c~Y© n‡Z cv‡i?]
what is the minimum number of workers in a) 20 b) 30
any 2 of the branches? [6wU kvLv mn GKwU c) 10 d) 25
1+ Publication : Bank Math Review B-17
Solution 6. A number is as much greater than 31 as is
Let, A must be turned off in “x” mins less than 55. Find the number. [GKwU msL¨v 31
According to the question Gi †P‡q hZ ‡ewk Ges 55 Gi ‡P‡q ZZ Kg| msL¨vwU
1 1 (15 – x)
x + + =1 wbY©q Kiæb|]
20 30 30 a) 47 b) 62
3x + 2x + 30 – 2x
Or, =1 c) 52 d) 43
60 Solution
Or, x = 10 min Let the number is x
Answer c) 10
According to the question
4. What is the ratio of 8 inches to 6 feet? [8 BwÂ
x – 31 = 55 – x
‡_‡K 6 dy‡Ui AbycvZ KZ?]
a) 1: 9 b) 1: 8 c) 1: 5 d) 1: 9 Or, 2x = 86
Solution Or, x = 43
We know that, 12 inches = 1 feet Answer d) 43
Ratio of 8 inches to 6 feet = 8:6×12 = 8: 72 = 1: 9 7. For all numbers x and y, x # y =xy + x. what
Answer d) 1: 9 is the value of 5 # 4? [x Ges y me msL¨vi Rb¨, x
5. The maximum number of students among # y = xy + x| 5 # 4 Gi gvb KZ?]
whom 100 pens and 165 ice creams can be
distributed equally so that no item in remain a) 9 b) 25
left? [me©vwaK msL¨K wk¶v_©x hv‡`i g‡a¨ 100wU Kjg c) 24 d) 36
Ges 165wU AvBmwµg mgvbfv‡e weZiY Kiv ‡h‡Z Solution
cv‡i hv‡Z ‡Kvb I wRwbm Aewkó bv _v‡K?] 5#4 = 5 × 4 + 5 = 25
a) 5 b) 15 c) 10 d) 24 Answer b) 25
Solution 8. Which of the following number is divisible
Factor of 100 = 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 by 11? [wb‡Pi ‡Kvb msL¨vwU 11 Øviv wefvR¨?]
Factor of 165 = 5, 11, 15, 33 a) 10,217 b) 44,221
HCF is 5
c) 39,403 d) 60,412
Answer a) 5
If the difference between odd place and even place digit of a number is 0 or divisible by 11, the
original number is also divisible by 11.
Number Sum of odd digits Sum of even digits Difference
10,217 1+2+7 = 10 0+1 = 1 10 – 1 = 9
44,221 4+2+1 = 7 4+2= 6 7–6=1
39,403 3+4+3= 10 9+0 = 9 10 – 9 = 1
60,412 6+4+2 = 12 0+1 = 1 12 – 1 = 11, divisible by 11
Answer d) 60,412
9. What is the average of the following 10. In an election between two candidates, the
numbers: 35.5, 32.5, 34, 35.5, and 34.5? candidate who gets 30% of the votes polled
[wbgœwjwLZ msL¨v¸wji Mo KZ: 35.5, 32.5, 34, is defeated by 15,000 votes. What is the
35.5 Ges 34.5?] number of votes polled by the winning
a) 34.4 b) 34 candidate? [GKwU wbe©vP‡b `yB c«v_©xi g‡a¨, ‡h cªv_©x
c) 35 d) 35.2
30% ‡fvU cvq ‡m 15,000 ‡fv‡U civwRZ nq|
weRqx c«v_©xi ‡fv‡Ui msL¨v KZ?]
Sum of the numbers
Solution Average = a) 20,500 b) 26,500
Total numbers
35.5 + 32.5 + 34 + 35.5 + 34.5 c) 21,500 d) 25,500
= = 34.4 Solution
Defeated candidate gets 30% of polled votes
Answer a) 34.4 Winner candidate gets 70% of polled votes
B-18 1+ Publication : Bank Math Review
According To the Question Solution
70% – 30% = 15000 6
Rahim hammers1 nail in = = 0.3 nails
Or, 40% = 15000 20
15000 20
Or, 100% = ×100% = 37,500 [polled votes] In 1 minute, Charlie hammers = = 4 nails
40 5
Winner candidate gets = 37,500×70% = 26,500 6
Hammering first 5 nails Rahim takes = ×5 = 1.5 mins
Answer b) 26,500 20
In 3 mins Charlie hammers = 3×4 = 12 nails
11. Modric puts Tk 100 in the bank for one year Rest of the nails = 20 – 12 – 5 = 3 nails
at 10% interest compounded annually. At 3 nails hammer by Rahim in = 0.3×3 = 0.9 mins
the end of years what will be his balance? Total time taken = 1.5+3+0.9 = 5.4 minutes
[gwW«P evwl©K Pµe…w× 10% nv‡i GK eQ‡ii Rb¨ 100 Answer b) 5.4 minutes
UvKv e¨vs‡K iv‡L| eQi ‡k‡l Zvi e¨v‡jÝ KZ n‡e?] 14. A fruit - seller buys lemons at 2 for a taka
and sells them at 5 for three taka. What is
a) 101 b) 110 his gain percent? [GKRb dj - we‡µZv UvKvq
c) 11 d) 120 2wU ‡jey wK‡b wZb UvKvq 5wU wewµ K‡ib| Zvi jvf
Solution KZ kZvsk?]
Here, Principal = Tk. 100 a) 10% b) 15% c) 20% d) 30%
Interest, I = 10% Solution
Time, n = 1 years 1
Cost Price of 1 Lemon = Tk.
Future value =? 2
We know, F.V. = P (1+r %)n 3
Selling price of 1 Lemon = Tk.
110 5
F.V. = 100× (1+10%) =100× = 110 3 1 6–5 1
100 Gain = – = =
Answer b) 110 5 2 10 10
12. 16 men can complete a work in 6 days. How 1
many men are needed to complete the work in 8 10 1 2
Gain% = ×100% = × ×100 = 20%
days? [16 Rb cyiæl GKwU KvR 6 w`‡b m¤úbœ Ki‡Z 1 10 1
cv‡i| 8 w`‡b KvR ‡kl Ki‡Z KZRb cyiæ‡li cÖ‡qvRb?] 2
Answer c) 20%
a) 12 b) 10 15. A man rowed 3 miles upstream in 90
c) 8 d) 6 minutes if the river flowed with a current of
Solution 2 miles per hour, how long did the man's
M1 × D1 = x × D2 return trip take? [GKRb e¨w³ DRv‡b 90 wgwb‡U 3
Or, 16 ×6 = x × 8 gvBj hvq, hw` b`xi †¯ªvZ cÖwZ N›Uvq 2 gvBj ‡e‡M
Or, x = 12 cÖevwnZ nq, Z‡e ‡jvKwUi wdi‡Z KZ¶Y mgq jvM‡e?]
Answer a) 12 a) 20 b) 30 c) 45 d) 60
13. Rahim can hammer 20 nails in 6 minutes. Here, speed of current, b = 2 mph
Charlie can do the same job in only 5 Speed of the boat = a mph
minutes. How long will it take them to finish 3 6
if Rahim hammers the first 5 nails, then Upstream speed, a – b = = 3 × = 2
90 9
Charlie hammers for 3 minutes, then Rahim 60
finishes the job? [iwng 6 wgwb‡U 20wU ‡c‡iK Or, a = 4 mph
gvi‡Z cv‡i| Pvwj© gvÎ 5 wgwb‡U GKB KvR Ki‡Z 90
Total distance covered = (a – b) × = 3 miles
cv‡ib| iwng cÖ_g 5wU ‡c‡iK, Zvici Pvwj© 3 60
In return the boat flows in downstream, if the
wgwb‡Ui Rb¨ nvZywq gvi‡j, iwng KvR ‡kl K‡ij time denote as “t”
Zv‡`i ‡kl Ki‡Z KZ¶Y jvM‡e?] Now, (a+b) ×t = 3
a) 4.6 minutes b) 5.4 minutes 3
Or, t = ×60 = 30 minutes
c) 5 minutes d) 6 minutes 6
Answer b) 30
1+ Publication : Bank Math Review B-19