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Authors Year Country Cases

Bukhari et al. 2016 Pakistan 30

Camuzcuoglu et al. 2009 Turkey 24
Delimaris et al. 2007 Greece 15
Chen et al. 2017 China 573
Knapp et al. 2017 Poland 74
Melvin et al. 2012 Sweden 786
Qadir et al. 2008 Pakistan 40

Column1 TC (mg/dL) D TG (mmol/L)

All studies
Age groups
Young adults ( under 49 years)
Old adults (over 49 years)
Type of tumor
Stage of cancer
Early (under II)
Advanced (over III)
Type and/or Stage
Benign and Early
Malignant and Advanced
Risk of Bias of included studies
Control Lipid profile Ascertainment of ovarian tumor cases Classification
30 TC, TG, HDL, LDL Hospital/Medical record NR
29 TC, TG, HDL, LDL Hospital/Medical record FIGO
30 TC, HDL, LDL Hospital confirmed FIGO
1146 TG, HDL Histopathological examinations FIGO
81 TC, TG Hospital/Medical record NR
829 TC, TG, HDL, LDL Histopathological examinations FIGO
50 TC, TG, HDL, LDL Hospital confirmed FIGO

D2 HDL (mmol/L) D3 LDL (mmol/L) D4

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