TB-Ordinance Draft v.2023
TB-Ordinance Draft v.2023
TB-Ordinance Draft v.2023
Series of 2023
WHEREAS, the Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991, states that every local
government unit (LGU) shall exercise the powers expressly granted, implied, as well as powers
necessary, appropriate, or incidental for efficient and effective governance. Under the general
clause of the Code, the LGU shall ensure support in the promotion of health and safety of their -
constituents. The LGUs is likewise expected to be capable of responding to problems that
include prioritization of health issues; monitoring of activities relative to health care; and
adopting innovative and sustainable interventions for its constituents;
WHEREAS, Republic Act 10767 (TB Law), otherwise known as the Comprehensive
Tuberculosis Elimination Plan Act, mandates the state to support and expand efforts to eliminate
tuberculosis by 2035 by increasing investments for its prevention, treatment and control;
WHEREAS, in response to the alarming report from the World Health Organization
(WHO) and confirmed by the Department of Health (DOH) that the Philippines is ranked
number one in the ASEAN and fourth in the world with the highest TB incidence rate. The
Municipality of ________________ remains steadfast in ensuring active participation of all
stakeholders from the public and private health sectors. Nonetheless, efforts need to be
intensified on case-finding and case-holding to deter the rising cases of both drug susceptible TB
(DSTB) and of drug resistant TB (DRTB);
WHEREAS, during the 2018 United Nations High Level Meeting (UNHLM), the
Philippines committed to find and treat 2.5 million Filipinos with TB by 2022 using a "business
not as usual" approach, where strong sustained political commitment was underscored as
primordial element of TB eradication in the Philippines;
WHEREAS, goal number 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seeks to
address infectious diseases like tuberculosis, that remains the leading cause of death among
people living with HIV (PLHIV), accounting for around one in three AIDS-related deaths;
WHEREAS, the Municipality of ________________ will do its share for the country to
achieve the Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan (PhilSTEP) targets in 2023 to reduce TB
incidence by 12% and mortality rate by 15%, reduce catastrophic cost from 35% to 0 and ensure
responsive deliver of TB services;
WHEREAS, while the Department of Health and the Provincial Health Office provide
TB drugs, commodities and other supplies essential for program implementation, the
Municipality of ________________ will allocate funds for to strengthen TB elimination
initiatives that will be reflected in the Annual Operations Plan (AOP) to ensure continuity of
quality TB services;
WHEREAS, the enactment of a local TB policy or ordinance will ensure the adoption,
and localization and implementation of effective, efficient and doable innovative and
recommended strategies to eliminate TB.
This Ordinance aims to institute, establish and localize a comprehensive and sustainable
response and commitment towards TB elimination in the Municipality of ________________,
___________________ as espoused by the TB law and to help the country achieve the
Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan (PhilSTEP) targets.
It is hereby declared that the Municipality of ________________ joins the National Government
in instituting health reforms to eliminate TB anchored on the mandates, provisions and
recommendations of the NTP; TB Law and UHC. Equally important measures to be undertaken
by the municipality to further to scale up TB elimination efforts include the following, to wit:
a) Promote better public awareness and intensify community education on TB that includes but
not limited to TB as the top infectious killer disease in the world, leading killer of people
with HIV and a major cause of deaths related to antimicrobial resistance; 70 Filipinos die of
TB every day; modes of transmission; high risk groups; consequences of self-medication,
non-adherence to DOTS and/or failure to complete treatment; control and prevention; and
socio-economic impact.
b) Organize and mobilize multi-sectoral stakeholders and community-based organizations from
the public and private sectors and development partners to support and actively participate in
the implementation of the TB program through the Municipal TB Council;
c) Organize patient support groups (PSG) where TB patients either undergoing treatment or
cured are recognized as vital source of information in educating the community by utilizing
their experience to inform the public about the disease and encourage presumptive TB
patients to seek care and treatment;
d) Develop an annual TB Plan with specific budget allocations based on needs assessment and
the prevailing TB situation particularly on the following but not limited to TB
medicines/commodities, laboratory supplies and other supplies, human resources for health
(HRH), capacity building, equipment, etc. which will be incorporated in the Annual
Operations Plan (AOP) and the Local Investment Plan for Health LIPH;
e) Address all kinds and forms of discrimination and stigma against individuals afflicted with
TB and provide equal opportunities in employment through intensified dissemination of TB
awareness in communities and support for social behavior change communications (SBCC);
f) Adopt and implement the Find TB cases Actively, Separate Safely and Treat effectively
(FAST strategy) and/or SCREEN ALL Approach in all RHUs and BHS (whatever is
applicable), public hospitals, private hospitals, and health facilities as deemed necessary to
intensify case-finding efforts and ensure that infection prevention control is observed;
g) Adopt and implement e-health innovations and digital platforms such as ConnecTB or any
existing digital platforms in the LGU to further strengthen observance and monitoring of TB
patients particularly in the compliance and adherence to DOTS;
h) Develop capacities of BHWs and CHVs on trainings related to case-finding such as the BE
ALIVE and case-holding to ensure that NTP annual targets are achieved;
i) Establish a functional Primary Care Provider Network (PCPN) a prelude to the
implementation of the province wide Health Care Provider Network (HCPN);
j) Enforce the “No Prescription; No Dispensing” policy in all pharmacies to help mitigate the
adverse consequences of self-medication such as the increasing microbial resistance or drug-
resistant TB (DR TB) cases;
k) Require compliance and implementation of the Mandatory Notification of all public and
private healthcare providers and facilities as required by RA 10767, the Comprehensive TB
Elimination Law (TB Law) in lieu of the renewal of business permits/licenses and implement
corresponding sanctions such as the enforcement of penalties and/or revocation of business
l) Require LGU-registered local organizations that include but not limited to the following:
transport groups; MFARMC affiliated organizations and all recognized organizations in the
LUG to support X-ray annual screening of their members and submit to the Municipal Health
Office (MHO) results prior to the renewal of business permits/licenses;
m) Ensure compliance to DOH AO 2015-0039-Guidelines on Managing Tuberculosis Control
Program during Emergencies and Disasters and to provide support for NTP
emergency/disaster preparedness and response; and
n) Ensure PHIC accreditation of TB DOTS facilities and filling of PHIC TB DOTS package
claims to further support DOTS facilities and health staff involved in the TB program.
The Revised Manual of Procedures (MOP) 6th Edition for the National Tuberculosis Control
Program (NTP) provides important guidelines for the effective and efficient implementation of
the TB program. Therefore, all health care providers must abide and comply with all provisions
embodied in the MOP;
a) Systematic screening shall be implemented in all DOTS (health) facilities. Cough of two
weeks shall be the primary screening tool for systematic screening while Chest X-ray shall be
done in targeted high-risk groups;
b) Active case finding shall be implemented in congregate settings, targeted communities and
workplaces using Chest X-ray as primary screening tool;
c) All People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and those diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus shall be
screened for TB;
d) All health (DOTS) facilities should set up a strong TB surveillance amongst all employees
and healthcare workers by providing free annual Xray;
e) Gene Xpert MTB/RIF (Xpert) test shall be the primary diagnostic tool for diagnosis of both
pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB with or without high suspicion for multi-drug resistance.
All presumptive pulmonary and extra-pulmonary TB shall be asked to expectorate a sputum
sample and should undergo Xpert test;
f) Other screening tests (i.e., Tuberculin Skin Testing-TST, Interferon Gamma Release Assay-
IGRA) and diagnostic tests (i.e., Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification–TB LAMP, Direct
Sputum Smear Microscopy–DSSM, TB Culture) for TB shall also be used with or without
Xpert test if needed;
g) Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy (DSSM) shall be used for monitoring treatment of TB
h) All health (DOTS) facilities, whether public or private shall established their own in-house
TB diagnostic laboratory (i.e., DSSM, Xpert MTB/Rif, Xpert Ultra and TB LAMP). All
laboratories providing TB diagnostic tests, shall participate in Quality Assurance (QA)
System of the NTP;
i) All diagnosed TB cases shall be provided with free adequate drugs and standard treatment for
either drug susceptible or drug resistance TB regimen within seven (7) days from the
collection of sputum for diagnosis;
j) Adherence to counseling shall be done for every patient prior to treatment;
k) The fixed dose combination (FDC) shall be used as first line drugs (i.e., Isoniazid,
Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol) for drug susceptible TB; while second line drugs
(i.e., Quinolones, Bedaquiline, Delamanid, etc.) for drug resistant TB. For Latent TB
Infection (LTBI), Isoniazid or Rifapentine shall be used in the TB Preventive Therapy (TPT)
among contacts of TB cases especially children and persons who are immunocompromised.
l) Treatment adherence shall be ensured through patient-centered approaches. Treatment
support shall be provided by health workers, community, or family members. All Adverse
Drug Reactions (ADRs), whether minor or major, shall be reported using the official FDA
reporting form. All registered TB patients fifteen years old and above shall be offered HIV
Counseling and Testing (HCT);
m) In the continuum of TB care, healthcare workers shall respect patient autonomy, and support
self-efficacy. Patient physical comfort, safety, and wellness shall be maximized with psycho-
emotional support. The impact of poverty and food insecurity on TB diagnosis and treatment
shall be recognized and addressed;
n) All baseline laboratories and other pertinent laboratories tests for DR TB during treatment
and two years post-treatment shall be provided for free whenever available in the
government-owned hospitals;
o) All hospitals in the LGU shall establish a TB committee to oversee its TB services and a
fully operational TB Clinic, while government-owned hospitals shall provide an isolation
room for TB cases admitted for hospital care.
p) All DOTS facilities and TB laboratories should always observe appropriate infection control
measures following in order of hierarchy: administrative, environmental, and respiratory
controls; and
q) Recording and reporting for the NTP shall be implemented in all DOTS facilities whether
public or private according to internationally accepted case definition and standards. The
NTP records should be kept for at least seven (7) years before properly discarding. The
Integrated TB Information System (ITIS) shall be the official web-based electronic TB
information system.
ACTIVE TB: A person having TB with or without signs and symptoms, with bacteriologic and
or radiographic findings consistent with TB disease.
ACTIVE CASE FINDING: Purposive effort by a health worker to find TB cases from among
TB presumptive in the community who do not seek consultations relating to TB in a healthy
CASE HOLDING: An activity to treat TB cases through proper treatment regimen and health
DOTS FACILITY: A health care facility, either public or private, that provides TB-DOTS
services in accordance with the policies and guidelines of the DOH’s National TB Control
Program (NTP).
DSSM: Direct Sputum Smear Microscopy. The principal diagnostic method adopted and
recommended by the NTP due to the following advantages: a) provides a definitive diagnosis of
active TB; b) utilizes a simple procedure is simple; c) economical; and d) ease to setup
microscopy centers even in remote and hard to reach areas.
FAST: The systematic approach focusing on cough surveillance among high-risk groups and
utilized to diagnose unsuspected infectious TB patients to further improve TB detection and
treatment for both DS TB and DR TB cases.
INDEX (index patient) OF TB: The initially identified TB case of any age in a specific
household or other comparable setting in which others may have been exposed.
INTENSIFIED CASE FINDING: Active case finding among individuals belonging to special
or defined population.
iDOTS: Integrated Directly Observed Treatment.
PASSIVE CASE FINDING: Finding a case of tuberculosis from among TB presumptive who
present themselves at the TB DOTS facility.
PRESUMPTIVE DRUG RESISTANT TB: Any person whether adult or child, who belongs to
any of the DR-TB high-risk groups, such as: a) re-treatment cases; b) new TB cases that are
contacts of confirmed DR-TB cases or non-converter of Category I; and c) people living with
HIV with signs and symptoms of TB.
PRESUMPTIVE PULMONARY TB: Refers to any person having: a) two weeks or longer of
any of the following – cough, unexplained fever, unexplained weight loss, drenching night
sweats; b) cough of any duration in high-risk groups, and c) CXR finding suggestive of TB.
PRESUMPTIVE TB: Any person whether adult or child with signs and/or symptoms
suggestive of TB whether pulmonary or extra-pulmonary, or those with Chest X-ray findings
suggestive of active TB.
TB TASK FORCE: A group of volunteers who will assist in most of the activities in the
implementation of the TB program under the supervision of the TB Council.
USAPANG DIBDIBAN: A heart to heart talk/ forum about Lungs and TB.
6.1 The Municipality of ________________ Anti-TB Council shall create the Municipal TB
Council that will serve as an oversight body responsible in consolidating and harmonizing
TB elimination efforts. The Anti-TB Council structure is as follows:
a. Municipal Mayor Chairperson
b. Municipal Health Officer/ NTP Medical Coordinator Vice Chairperson from
the public sector
c. Non-Government Organization/Private Sector representative Vice Chairperson from
or Civil Society Organization the private Sector
d. SP Chairperson on Committee on Health Member
e. NTP Nurse Coordinator Member
f. Liga ng Barangay President or 1 alternate representative Member
g. DOH Representative (DMO) or 1 alternate representative Member
h. PhilHealth Representative or 1 alternate representative Member
i. DILG Representative or 1 alternate representative Member
j. Barangay Health Workers / Anti-TB Task force Member
representative or 1 alternate representative
k. Barangay Committee on Health Chairperson Member
l. CSSD Representative or 1 alternate representative Member
m. Hospital Association Public and Private or 1 alternate Member
n. Faith-Based Organization or 1 alternate representative Member
o. Patient treated/cured or 1 designated representative Member
p. Philippine National Police representative or 1 alternate Member
6.2 The roles and functions of the Municipal Anti-TB Council include:
a) Identifies and establishes the roles and responsibilities of partners in the organization and
delivery of quality TB services as per NTP guidelines.
Establishes a secretariat for the Anti-TB Council;
Ensures the socio-economic development policies and program and include
consideration of the impact of TB infection to the community;
Identifies prioritization in the allocation of resources for the TB Program;
Identifies other sources of funds aside from the regular health budget for TB to include
but not limited to the GAD, L/MCPC to ensure ample budget for the annual TB AOP.
Spearheads conduct of TB-related events such as the Celebration of Lung Month and
World TB Day (WTBD)
b) Coordinates with the different sectors involved in the NTP implementation and ensure that
the NTP policies and the DOTS strategy are implemented thereby ensuring case detection
rate of at least 90% and treatment success rate of 90%.
Strengthens partnership with other government agencies, NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, private
entities and international agencies for a more comprehensive NTP implementation;
Supports local community health volunteers and TB Diagnostic Committee activities to
sustain private sector interest and participation in the NTP; and
Conducts resource mobilization or additional support, either financial or in-kind for the
continuous implementation of the TB program.
c) Ensures that efforts and resources generated are geared towards achieving the goal of a
TB-Free LGU or community, where TB is no longer a public health problem.
Ensures that the budget requirements for the TB Program for the municipality is
Ensures ample support for monitoring, mentoring, supervision, evaluation, capacity-
building among health workers
Ensures sufficiency of NTP medicines/commodities and supplies;
Advocates for the investment of continuous quality improvement; and
Ensures DOH certification and PHIC accreditation of all municipal health facilities as
DOTS centers.
e) Ensures that infection prevention and control shall be implemented and observed to
prevent TB transmission in all health facilities;
f) Ensures that all TB presumptive persons are provided proper assistance, tracked, and
monitored until final diagnosis;
g) Ensures that all diagnosed TB patients (i.e., latent, DSTB, DRTB) are provided tracked,
counseled, and monitored during treatment or until treatment is completed or successful in
lieu of their prescribed treatment regimens;
h) Appoints 1 TB focal person per barangay who will work solely in intensifying TB
elimination efforts. The TB focal person shall be compensated under the MHO/RHU;
i) Establishes an isolation facility for DRTB patients to ensure treatment and treatment
adherence; and mitigate or prevent DRTB transmission.
7.1 This will strengthen partnerships for a more comprehensive and holistic NTP implementation
with different stakeholders and sectors such as government agencies, NGOs, CSOs, FBOs,
private sector, donor institutions and other relevant local, national, or international partners.
7.2 All public and private health facilities, hospitals, including laboratories, pharmacies, private
diagnostic clinics/centers, workplaces, transport groups, locally organized organizations, day
care centers, schools, colleges or universities in the municipality shall be engaged in TB
control and prevention.
7.3 All physicians practicing in municipality shall be oriented and updated on the TB-MOP to
ensure key participation in TB Control and mandatory notification.
8.1 A continuous promotion of TB awareness, and Active Case Finding (ACF) and care shall be
conducted in every barangay in the municipality. The municipality can adopt the Usapang
Dibdiban that can coincides during the World TB Day (March) Commemoration and the
Lung Month (August) Celebration in cooperation with stakeholders/development partners.
9.1 The municipality shall strictly enforce implementation of the mandatory notification (MN) in
accordance with the TB Law and NTP guidelines to ensure that all TB cases are reported.
9.2 The municipality shall spearhead and intensify advocacy, coordination and orientation
activities on MN with stakeholders that include the following but not limited to public and
private health centers and hospitals, NGOs, local organization and other relevant
organizations, to ensure proper information and reporting mechanisms are disseminated.
9.3 The municipality shall support stakeholders that adhere and comply to the MN such as the
provision of appropriate trainings i.e., MOP to facility staff; free GeneXpert tests and TB
drugs for TB patients, and just share from the Philhealth TB Outpatient Benefit Package
10.1 The Municipality of ________________ shall strictly enforce the “No Prescription, No
Dispensing of TB Drugs” policy that will cover drugstores, pharmacies and similar
establishments or medicines retail outlets including the owners, managers and employees of
such businesses or enterprises. This is to deter the increasing occurrence of MDR TB, a more
dangerous variant of TB due to drugs misuse or mismanagement that usually happen when
TB patients self-medicate. Violations to this provision (Section 9) of this Ordinance shall be
meted with penalties thereof.
11.1 The Municipality of ___________ shall utilize and will determine the just share of every
staff or stakeholder in the Philhealth TB Outpatient Benefit Package as follows:
Percentage Recipient
Referral of TB Presumptive ____% BHW/ILW/CHV, RM, RN
Consultation ____% MD
Treatment partner ____% BHW/ILW/CHV, RM
Microscopist/MedTech ____% Microscopist/MedTech
Referring Health Facility ____% MD, RN, RM, etc.
N.B. All cured/ treatment completed TB patients shall be entitled to receive the one-time allocate amount upon the
presentation of NTP Identification Card with certificate treatment completion.
13.1. The Municipality of ________________ shall allocate an annual fund for the
municipality’s campaign against Tuberculosis a total amount of ____________ to complement
the Annual Investment Plan (AIP) of the MHO. This would not be limited to trainings, medical
supplies and case findings of TB among identified vulnerable groups. An annual increase will be
based on the results of annual assessment or program implementation review to ensure
sustainability and effective delivery of the quality TB services. Disbursements shall be approved
by the Municipal Mayor subject to the usual accounting and auditing procedures.
13.2. The TB annual budget as indicated in this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Municipal
Annual Investment Plan (AIP). The Annual TB Plan with budget aims to:
a) Ensure enough budget to support the effective and efficient localization and
implementation of the TB program;
b) Ensure that efforts and resources are geared towards achieving the goal of having a
community where TB is no longer a public health problem;
c) Ensure that the NTP policies and the DOTS strategies are implemented, thereby ensuring
a case detection of at least 90% and a treatment success rate of at least 95%;
d) Ensure continuing investment for quality improvement and certification and accreditation
of the municipal health facilities as DOTS centers.
e) Strengthen and capacitate BHWs and CHVs;
f) Ensure regular monitoring, supervision, evaluation, training requirements, and NTP
activities are conducted; and
g) Ensure enough budget to support the effective and efficient localization and
implementation of the TB program.
The Municipality of ________________ in coordination with the Local Chief Executive, shall
formulate the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) pertaining to this Ordinance.
All ordinances, resolutions or laws of local application an effect inconsistent hereto hereby
modified, superseded, and repealed accordingly;
On matter not provided in this Ordinance, any existing applicable laws and their corresponding
IRR, executive orders and relevant issuance therefore shall be applied in a supplemental manner.
________________, ________
_____________________________ _____________________________
Date Signed Date Signed