FINAL - Revised Innovation Guidelines
FINAL - Revised Innovation Guidelines
FINAL - Revised Innovation Guidelines
No.________________, s. 2022
I. Rationale
Anent this, to promote the culture of excellence in the region, this Office
will strengthen the institutionalization of educational innovation. The Office
will lead in the conduct of educational showdown which will showcase the best
practices across governance levels and sectors. Likewise, this endeavor will
recognize exemplary performances of innovators in schools divisions offices
and regional office in the five categories namely: Curriculum and Instruction
Delivery; Policy, Planning, Research, & Governance; Learning Environment
Improvement; Human Resource Development; and ALS, SPED, IPEd Programs,
and Farm Schools.
A. Innovation Showdown
4. Evaluation Criteria
4th Runner-up
3rd Runner-Up
2nd Runner-Up
1st Runner-Up
(Regional Innovator/s of
the Year)
Each Schools Division Office shall select 1 winner for the most
sustained innovation among the submitted innovations during the
previous division showdown. The Means of Verifications (MOVs) of the
most sustained innovation winner shall be submitted to the Regional
Office for the regional level selection. The evaluation committee shall
disseminate criteria for the selection of winner.
Name of Innovator/s:
Title of Innovation:
-states the perceived problems and the reasons/effects for solving
those problems (may include literature and statistics)
-states how the innovation will resolve the problems stated
-states the relevance of the innovation to the Department’s Vision,
Missions, and Goals and Regional Mantra
Innovation Description
-Describes explicitly the innovation
-States how the innovation works
-May Include design/layout
Goal Statement
-States the goals and objectives to be achieved by the innovation
Implementation Procedure
Sustainability Plan
-states future actions to be done to sustain the implementation
-states further improvement/enhancement plans to be done for
better outcomes
-projects the desirable outcomes of continuing the innovation
Prepared by:
Recommending Approval:
(School Head)
8. Timeline of Selection
4th week of
2022 Regional
Education Showdown
December 5, 2022