Carbon Footprint, Measurement and Inferences Assignment-2

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Deepanshu 20CSU363


What is Carbon Footprint?

Carbon footprints refers to the amount of gases released into atmosphere as a result of
human activities of a person, building , corporation country etc. It includes direct emissions
in form of gases like Carbon Dioxide, Methane , Nitrous Oxide and Chlorofluorocarbons etc.
Direct emissions include of activities like transportation, energy consumption. Carbon
footprint also includes indirect emissions like fossil fuel required to produce electricity etc.

How is it Measured?
Carbon footprint is measured in terms of metric tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (C02e) ,
it also account the impact of other greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide.
The larger the carbon footprint , the greater the impact on climate change and the

Carbon footprint could be measured in various ways like The World Resources Institute
(WRI) protocol , ISO 14064 , Life Cycle Assessment , Carbon Footprint Calculator , Input
Output analysis and many more.
The most common method used to measure carbon footprint is called “Life Cycle
It is a systematic and standardized approach that considers all stages of a product's life,
from the extraction of raw materials, through processing, manufacturing, distribution, use,
and disposal.
The life cycle assessment process typically involves four main stages:

 Goal and scope definition

 Life cycle inventory
 Life cycle impact assessment
 Interpretation
Deepanshu 20CSU363

What Inferences are drawn from measured carbon footprints?

Inferences drawn from measuring carbon footprints are:

 Identification of High-Emission activities

Measuring carbon footprint can help identify activities and processes that contribute
the most to greenhouse gas emissions. This can help individuals, organizations, and
governments prioritize actions to reduce emissions.
 Comparisons between different activities or product
Measuring the carbon footprint of different activities or products can help
consumers make more informed decisions based on the environmental impact of
their choices.
 Monitoring progress towards emission reduction goals
By measuring carbon footprint over time, it is possible to track progress towards
emissions reduction goals and identify areas where further action is needed.

 Communication of Environmental impact

Measured carbon footprint can be communicated to stakeholders, such as investors,
customers, and employees, to demonstrate an organization's commitment to
reducing its environmental impact.

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