Detailed Lesson Plan Sir Jerome

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A Detailed Lesson Plan In

Intended for grade- 7 High School Students


A. Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of mental health as a dimension of holistic health for a
healthy life.

B. Performance Standard:
Consistently demonstrates skills that promote mental health.

C. Learning Competencies:
 Differentiates eustress from distress
 Identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress.
D. Code:
 H7PH-IIIa-b-30
 H7PH-IIIa-b-31

E. Specific Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
 Identify situations that develop eustress and distress;
 Define eustress and distress using personal experiences and/or using other
references; and
 In a creative manner, perform a role play about being stressed and the ways on
coping with it.

A. Topic :
B. Sub-topic :
Eustress and Distress
C. References :
DepEd-BLR (2017). Physical Education and Health 7
(First Edition). Stress: Eustress and Distress.Pasig City,
Philippines Pp.347-353
G.Lacia 21st Century MAPEH in Action (Revised
Edition). Health Education: Understanding stress. Rex
Bookstore, Manila, Philippines. Pp.284-286.
Department of Education (DepEd). 2012. K to 12
Curriculum Guide: Health Education. Pasig City,
D. Materials : Video Clip from YouTube, Hand-outs, PowerPoint
E. Concepts : Being familiar with the kinds of stress is one way or
another of drawing essential conducts in coping with it.
F. Skills : Coping with stress.
G. Value Integration : Giving importance to the positive things in life that
would result to a healthy mental health which may be a
great motivation to achieving one’s dream.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preliminary Activities:
1. Opening Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
Good morning class, how are you doing
Good morning Sir, we’re doing good!
It’s good to know you’re doing well!

Kindly stand up, we will have a simple

*A music will be played
ENGAGE (Establishing a purpose for the lesson/Presenting examples and instances of new
Class, what was our lesson last meeting?
Sir, our lesson last meeting was all about mental
Very Good! What is mental health?
Sir, Mental health refers to our Cognitive, and
Emotional well-being, it is all about how we think,
feel and behave.
Well said ! And Class what do you mean by
Sir! W,H,O is World Health Organization.
According to W,H,O what is Mental Health?
Sir, Mental health is a state of well-being in which
the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can
cope with the normal stresses of life, can work
productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a
contribution to his or her community.
Excellent! How will you improve your mental
Enjoying oneself is not the goal of mental health. It
is a by-product of mental health. Gaining mental
health does not mean complete freedom from
everyday problems. This is not realistic, more
I’m glad that you have had mastered our
previous lesson.

Class, I am going to show you a video clip,

what you are going to do is to observe and
afterwards I’m going to ask your reaction
based from the video presented.

But before that, what will you do while your

teacher is discussing in front?

Listen, behave, sit properly, understand the lesson

and cooperate, and participate.
*A video clip about a story of a person being
stressed and a way of overcoming it will be shown
to the students.
What is your impression about the video
that you have watched?
Sir, I have this realization that we need to be
optimistic in order not to be stressed in life.
However, stress is part of our daily living; therefore,
we need to be resilient for us to survive.
Wow, That’s a good understanding about
the video!
With the video that you’ve watched, what
do you think will be the topic that we will
discuss today?
I guess, we’ll be discussing about challenges and
some ways on how to overcome it.
Great! You have a hang of it!
To be specific, we’ll be discussing about
stress and its kinds.

Let me first present to you the objectives

that we need to meet at the end of the 60-
minute lesson.
*The objectives will be presented via PowerPoint

1. Identify situations that develop eustress

and distress;
2. Define eustress and distress using personal
experiences and/or using other references;
3. In a creative manner, perform a role play
about being stressed and the ways of
coping with it.

EXPLORE (Discussing new concept and practicing new skills 1)

So, to begin with the discussion, I’ll be
providing you some situation and each of
you will raise SAD smiley if the situation is a
source of distress and a LOVE emoji if it is a
source of eustress.
1. Choosing a gift for a friend.
2. Arguing with a classmate.
3. Saying to your love ones
4. Having a newborn sibling.
5. Getting a failing mark.
6. Losing your money.
7. Getting a birthday surprise.
8. Attending a party.
9. Witnessing a tribal dance.
10. Watching a puppet show.
As you raise your emoji, I have found out
that some of you will really have another
learning opportunity in this lesson and you’ll
only be able to achieve that if you listen
carefully and participate with our discussion.

We are actually looking forward too many learning,

Alright, let’s define what STRESS is first.
According to your experiences in life, how
would you define what stress is?
For me Sir, stress is part of our everyday lives which
can either be motivating or frustrating depending
on how you react to it.
Wow, that’s a great definition! Who else has
an idea?
Stress is psychological or physical and emotional
responses to a significant or unexpected change or
disruption in one’s life.
That’s fantastic!

Truly, stress can be motivation to one’s life

in order to achieve his/her goal. Since it is
part of our everyday lives, we need to be
optimistic enough in dealing with it.
Dr. Lazarus suggested that there is a
difference between eustress and distress

Okay what’s difference between eustress

and distress?
Sir Eustress means Positive stress and
Distress which refer to negative stress
That’s correct very good

Stress is not always bad thing. Stress is

subjective so something that is stressful for
you may not be stressful for someone else.
To elaborate more our topic, here’s another
video that can explain us some important
matter about stress.
*A short video entitled what is a positive stress?
(Healthytarian Minutes ep. 16)
So, you already know the two kinds of stress
and its meaning.

Who among of you can give an example of

situation in your lives that you would
consider as eustress or distress?
Whenever I am studying the lessons up until
midnight, but none of the things I’ve reviewed has
been part of the quiz, that’s so stressful and it can
be considered as Distress.

On the other hand, whenever I spend my nights

with reviewing our lessons and I was able to pass
the quiz, that is very rewarding and that is an
example of Eustress.
Fantastic! That’s the kind of student I want
to be with all throughout the school year!
Let’s check if you are able to learn from the
lesson by presenting to you again the
situations I have given you a while back.

This time, each of you will clap 3 times and

will say “LIKE” if it suggests a eustress, but
only 1 clap and say “AWWW” if it suggests
1. Going on a holiday or vacation.
2. Learning something new.
3. Starting a new job.
4. Having a Christmas gift.
5. Death of a significant person.
6. Financial challenges.
7. Being abused or neglected.
8. Major personal injury or illness.
9. Getting a promotion at your job.
10. Change in health or behaviour of a family
You improved a lot as compared to your
responses a while ago! It only means that
you’re learning!
ELABORATE (Finding practical applications and concepts and skills/Making generalizations
and abstractions about the lesson)
Alright, this time, you need to showcase
your prowess in theater arts by preparing a
short role play about being stressed and
your ways of coping with it. You can choose
between eustress and distress. You’ll have
15 minutes to prepare for it and each group
will only be given 2-3 minutes to present.

This activity will prove everyone that you’ve

learned from this lesson and you’ll be able
to understand the essence of stress, be it
eustress or distress, in our lives.

The Teacher will guide the students.

*15 minutes will be given to the students to prepare
for their role play and only 2-3 minutes to present.
EVALUATE (Evaluating Learning)
Everybody must get ¼ sheet of paper for a written assessment.
1. It refers to things that make a person stressed. (Stressor)
2. It is defined as the psychological and emotional response to significant or unexpected
change or disruption to one’s life. (Stress)
3. A positive and healthy response of the body from the stressor. (Eustress)
4. The Negative reaction of the body towards a given stressor. (Distress)
Identify if the situation is a distress or eustress
5. Being awake late at night because of thinking your financial obligations.
6. Being pregnant and unwed.
7. Being involved with alcohol or other drugs.
8. Able to answer a question from a graded recitation.
9. Going to the gym to have exercise.
10. Experiencing the serious illness of a parent.
Choose a situation of distress and state the ways on how you overcome it.
Prepare it in an artistic manner.

Prepared by:
Teacher I

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