He Was Right by Herbert W. Armstrong
He Was Right by Herbert W. Armstrong
He Was Right by Herbert W. Armstrong
He Was
Remembering five decades of accurate forecasting by Herbert W. Armstrong
He Was
Whats Next?
so RigHt foR so long Herbert Armstrong accurately forecast world news for more than 50 years.
any readers of the Philadelphia Trumpet magazine tell us they recognize the same message the Plain Truth carried for 52 years under the direction of its founder, Herbert W. Armstrong. Subscribers even point to similarities between our style of writing and presentation compared to the Plain Truth in its heyday. There is a reason for thisand it will be made plain in this booklet. Mr. Armstrong was one of the most prominent religious leaders of the 20th century. He was watched, read and followed by millions of people worldwide. At the time of his death in 1986, the newsmagazine he founded was being produced in seven languages; global circulation peaked at 8.4 million. (By comparison, Time magazines circulation that year was 5.9 million.) What happened to the Plain Truth? One example, in particular, will explain. For more than five decades under Mr. Armstrongs leadership, year in and year out the Plain Truth had powerfully and consistently shouted a warning in print about the revival and unification of Germany. It proclaimed that Germany would be the dominant force behind a powerful union of European nation-states that would surpass the Russian bloc and even Britain and America in power and hegemony. Imagine predicting that when Germany lay in rubble after World War ii. But thats what the Plain Truth did. Mr. Armstrong did not live to see the Berlin Wall breached on Nov. 9, 1989, or Germany unite on October 3 a year later. By that time, however, an amazing thing had occurredthose who took over publishing the Plain Truth after Mr. Armstrongs death in 1986 had totally changed its editorial policy! Here is what the publishers of the new look Plain Truth said about that Earth-shattering event in 1989: Following the spectacular news about the opening of the Berlin Wall, we unexpectedly received a call from a news station in Seattle. The news director was well aware of the World Tomorrow program and the fact that for more than 40 years the Church had been predicting the reunification of Europe in some form. He asked for on-air comments about whether the Church believed the opening of the wall was the commencement of end-time prophetic events. We responded that it was premature to make statements like that . The news director was disappointed that we would not proclaim this to be the absolute beginning of end-time events, but it was interesting that he did say that what the Church has predicted from the Bible was remarkably close to what appears to be happening (Worldwide Church of God Pastor Generals Report, Nov. 21, 1989; emphasis ours).
To long-time readers of the Plain Truth, such a weak assessment of the dramatic events surrounding the fall of the Berlin Wall was dumbfounding. The magazine had lost its vision, its reason for being! It was fast beginning to deny its editorial heritage of forecasting events boldly and outspokenlybased on the foundation of a more sure word of prophecy (2 Peter 1:19). Readership dropped off quickly. Soon the publishers were facing a financial crisis as subscribers donations disappeared. Readers and supporters of Mr. Armstrongs flagship magazine decamped in droves. At one time, those readers had a visiona vision of reality that gave them a confidence in the future. Millions of Plain Truth readers who saw the Berlin Wall tumbling down via television news combed the pages of the Plain Truth in vain, searching for a perspective on the next event that would hasten the rise of the Europower Mr. Armstrong had prophesied. Many of those former Plain Truth readers are now among the hundreds of thousands who receive the Trumpet. In 1990, we started the Trumpet with a shoestring budget, a handful of subscribers and one objective: to pick up where Mr. Armstrong left off. In Revelation 10:11, God gave one of His servants a commission to prophesy again. That command, if you understand the context, reveals the need for the work we are doing today. Mr. Armstrong had a strong work of prophesying. But then that work was tragically dismantledand God had to raise up another organization to do that work again. Our work is grounded in what God taught through Mr. Armstrong and what He is teaching today. We follow what Mr. Armstrong did, building on the understanding he had. This booklet is a look back at our roots. Our staff looked back through decades of old Plain Truth issues, looking for bold predictions. We then matched those prophetic statements with what actually happened, or is now happening, on the world scene. The result was amazing. The sheer number of prophetic statements made by Mr. Armstrong and his editorial team, and their accuracy, will astound you. This booklet is by no means exhaustive. But it does pretty well encapsulate what the Plain Truth was about for more than 50 years. Its a remarkable history that is truly important to remember. This lengthy track record of accurate predictive analysis should build our faith in the certainty of biblical prophecy. God has opened our understanding of these events in advance for several important reasons. Its up to us to take advantage of it.
part one
A mAssive bAnking crisis in AmericA could suddenly result in triggering europeAn nAtions to unite As A new world power lArger tHAn tHe u.s.
co-worker letter, july 1984 described in Matthew 24. Now were hearing in the news of a soon-coming nuclear winter, he wrote. Nuclear explosions will produce an Earth-covering cloud that will give us a nuclear night. The sun will not get through. Crops will not grow. Billions will be killed by the nuclear blasts. Those remaining will starve. [T]his is no wolfwolf cry! It is prophesied in your Bible! It is real! And economic crisis threatens to bring this about (coworker letter, Aug. 23, 1984). In autumn 2008, that economic crisis struck.
the proof
In March 1964, Mr. Armstrong wrote a letter discussing the catastrophic economic conditions that would plague the U.S. and Britain in the end time. If the dollar is devalued, inflation will almost surely result, he wrote, and eventual economic collapse for the United States (coworker letter, March 26, 1964; emphasis ours throughout). Referring to prophecies such as those in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28, he continued: Those of you who truly believe the prophecies of HistoRy RepeAts your Bible know such economic collapse is prophesied to hapmr. Armstrong wrote pen! We have shown how that Hitlers monstrous german uprising wasnt God prophesied a virtual trade a one-time event. war will get under way against
disastrous week represented a drastic turning point in U.S. financial power. What remains is a gaping crater in the nations now-discredited economic core. Americas economy will never fully recover from what essentially was a massive banking crisis. The nation is gripped by the noRWay worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, the New York Times Atlantic sWeden wrote Sept. 21, 2008. Before Ocean North the Treasury secretary, the Federal Reserve chairman and leaders on Sea iReland Capitol Hill proclaimed their intendenmaRk tions to take over bad debts, the united lit prognosis for the American financial kingdom system was sliding from grim toward netheRlands potentially apocalyptic. That calamity touched off a major belgium recession in America that quickly geRmany went global. Some even called it a depression. Millions of jobs were CzeCh ReP. lost. Over the rest of that year and through 2009, more than 140 banks slovakia failed in the U.S. alone. In an effort to austRia sWitzeRland hungaRy turn things around, the U.S. governslovenia ment felt compelled to inject trillions PoRtugal CRoatia of dollars into rescue packages and bailouts, burdening an already debtbosnia saturated economy even further. seRbia The events of September 2008 italy dealt a death blow to Americas repualbania tation as a stable economic superpower. It really does look as if the foundations of U.S. capitalism have gReeC shattered, observed German daily moRoCCo Der Spiegel. For the United States, September 2008 was more of a turnmalta ing point than Sept. 11, 2001! It was a blaring announcement to the world Mediterranean that the American economic system tunisia Sea had passed the point of no return. Note this accurate forecast from a 1983 Plain Truth edition. After a G-7 economic summit, it And the September 2008 economic calamity fulfilled noted just how important confidence in America is to the this prediction with uncanny accuracy. Where it rocked stability of the entire Western world. A crisis of confidence Americas reputation, for Europe it precipitated a very in America was bound to have dramatic global ramificadifferent series of events. Europe took it as a sign to unite tions, it saida forecast that proved frightfully true right quickly, and then step into the vacuum being created by before our eyes. Then that article made this additional, Americas crumbling financial system. more specific remark: The lack of confidence in American leadership must ultimately lead to a parting of the ways europe rises between the United States and Western Europe . Within 14 months of the events of September 2008, all 27 The inevitability of this stunning transatlantic split is European Union members had ratified the Lisbon Treaty. abundantly clear in biblical prophecy. Still, the insight By December 2009, the EU constitution had taken effect, that it would be precipitated by convulsions within the effectively forging the EU into an imperial power. U.S. that would shatter global confidence is remarkable.
the Post continued. Europe has also seized the initiative in developing new rules to monitor hedge funds while forging ahead this week with plans to create two new powerful regulatory agencies in Europe, according to analysts and regulators. Europes ever growing web of rules and regulations will have a major impact on America, noted the Post: The campaign across the Atlantic has global implications, in large part because even firms based in the United States may be compelled to follow Europes tougher rules. Some of the more astute thinkers in America saw what was happening and began voicing their alarm. Not to put too fine a point on it, but we are very concerned, said Andrew Baker, chief executive of the Alternative Investment Management Association. You have a situation where other countries may be committed to the path Europe is taking (ibid.). The speed at which Europe moved was incredible. A new balance of power is being worked out in Europe, reported independent news organization EurActiv. France and Germany are openly challenging the rule of the City of London as Europes main financial hub, and are keen to see Paris or Frankfurt as powerful financial centers in a new, more regulated global system (July 31, 2009). Today, this trend that was touched off in fall 2008 is in full swing: Americas presence, power and prosperity is languishing, while Europes is growing to fill the void!
As you read earlier, this was exactly what Mr. Armstrong forecast would happen! German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrck summed Finland up European sentiment in October 2008 when he stated that the origin and the center of gravity of the problem is clearly in the estonia U.S. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy latvia agreed, both making it clear thuania that they believed the global financial crisis was Americas fault. Pope Benedict xvi belaRus threw his voice behind the Europeans too. In a July 2009 encyclical, he joined the chorus calling for a new world financial order independent of the U.S. The crumbling of Amermoldova icas financial system left the world with few options. Romania The new rising powers in Asia were too new and Black Sea untested. Investors were a unwilling to trust CombulgaRia munist China. It quickly became clear that there was only one good alternative to America: Europe! Ce It wasnt long before Europes demands for tighter control over global finance gave rise to tangible actions. At the G-20 economic summit in November 2008, the worlds most powerful economies discussed the creation of international bodies for the regulation of global finance. Europe, which dominates the G-20, quickly emerged at the forefront of the movement to reform the worlds financial system. Europe is moving rapidly to overhaul the global financial system in the wake of the economic crisis, pushing through new measures and proposing others that could impose significant restrictions on American and other firms based far beyond its borders, observed the Washington Post on June 13, 2009. The Europeans are now out front, for instance, in setting strict new standards for rating agencies and risk management at firms selling mortgage-backed securities,
ten nAtions, one goveRnment mr. Armstrong wrote in 1934 of events that have come to passa united europeand events yet futurea Holy roman empire blitzkrieg.
years associated with kings, princes, prime ministers, presidents and leaders of nations all over the worldcame to see that the five fallen kings mentioned in Revelation 17:10 symbolized the five revivals of the Roman Empire under the aegis of the Roman papacy that had occurred up to that time. These Roman Empires resurrected under the successive leadership of Justinian, enthroned as emperor in a.d. 554; Charlemagne (Karl the Great to the Germans), crowned in a.d. 800; Otto the Great in a.d. 962; Charles v (commencing the Habsburg dynasty) in 1530; and Napoleon, who crowned himself emperor in 1804. But the forecast in Revelation 17:10 referred to one revival of the Roman Empire existing at the very time that
the mysterious vision of the book of Revelation would first come to be understood: and one is. Herbert Armstrong came to see that the dictator Benito Mussolini was that one that is, at that time, in the 1930s, prior to and during the onset of World War ii. (For a thorough explanation of this prophecy, request our free booklet DanielUnsealed at Last.) In one of his final articles, which appeared in the Plain Truth magazine after his death, Mr. Armstrong reflected: In 1929 Mussolini arranged a concordat with the papacy. Then about 1935 Mussolini, having united Ethiopia, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland to Italy, proclaimed it to be the reestablishment of the Roman Empire. I announced the news of this restoration myself on radio at the time (Plain Truth, March 1986). Mr. Armstrong also referred to the one that is at the time of the prophecy as being Mussolini, or the Hitler-Mussolini axis (Plain Truth, October 1962). Within the context of the Apostle Johns vision of a sequence of seven resurrections of the Roman Empire, the defeat of this weak sixth revival by the Western Allied forces left one final revival to come: the other is not yet come. Keep in mind that Mr. Armstrong came to this understanding at least five years before hostilities broke out between the Axis powers and the Western Allies in 1939. In fact, he understood the meaning of the great prophecies for our time today, contained in the books of Daniel and Revelation, clear back in 1927! British Commonwealth and American forces, still he proclaimed the future resurrection of Germany, destined to dominate a European combine that would be the final revival of the Holy Roman Empire. Right up to his final sermon delivered toward the close of 1985, Herbert Armstrong continued to powerfully prophesy of these events. Read the following extracts, taken verbatim from the Plain Truth magazine over the 52 years under leadership of its founder. Readand wonder. Wonder at the farsighted vision of a man who prophesied over 70 years ago of a major event that has suddenly become a present-day reality: the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire! This is living prophecyunbreakable, unchangeable prophecy of inevitable events that are now coming to a sud-
tHe bible [propHesies] oF tHis coming united stAtes oF europeA new united superpower perHAps more powerFul tHAn eitHer tHe soviet union or tHe united stAtes!
subscriber letter, july 1983 den climax right before your eyes! Less than 10 years after World War ii, Mr. Armstrong reinforced his pre-war claims that a German revival would lead to a united Europe. In February 1945just a few months before the end of the warPresident Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill announced the joint American-British policy on Germany. This was the solemn policy and warning for the future. Listen. Quote: It is our inflexible purpose to destroy German militarism and Nazism and to ensure Germany will never again be able to disturb the peace of the world. We are determined to disarm and disband all German armed forces; break up for all time the German General Staff that has repeatedly contrived the resurgence of German militarism . And now, a short nine years later, behold the spectacle of Washington and London making every possible diplomatic effort, backed by American dollars, to do two things: create a United States of Europe, and to rearm Germany (Plain Truth, November/December 1954). With Europe almost rebuilt through the massive aid of the U.S. Marshall Plan, but still disunited, Mr. Armstrong forecast in the same edition of the Plain Truth, Germany inevitably [will] emerge as the leader of a united Europe. It will require some spiritual binding force to inspire this confidenceto remove these fearsand that spiritual binding force must arise from inside Europe! All Europe is actually readyjust waiting for the confidence-inspiring leader. That man is there somewhere (ibid.). These quotations taken from the Plain Truth magazine of 1954 contain the essence of one of the most powerful
tHe cry oF A politicAl union in europe will get louder And beFore long we will see tHe common mArket develop into A united stAtes oF europe.
By the mid-1960s, when the most evident initiative of union in Europe was still in trade and commerce, the Plain Truth had already noted an increasing urge within the Common Market for political unity. Yet if 300 million Europeans were united and could speak with one voice, this would excel any might in the world today . One thing you can count on. In fact it is so sure you can bank on it: The cry of a political union in Europe will get louder and before long we will see the Common Market develop into a United States of Europe. You wont have to wait long! (September 1967). One of the senior writers of the Plain Truth in the 1970s wrote, For nearly 30 years the Plain Truth magazine and the World Tomorrow broadcast have been telling the world that Europe would unitethat a United States of Europe was as certain as the rising of tomorrows sun (February 1970). In 1973, when Britain joined the European Common Market, Herbert Armstrong wrote, Four years before Adolf Hitler plunged the world into World War ii, an article appeared in the July 1935 Plain Truth. That article might have been summarized by this sentence in it: Out of the present Italy is to emerge a reincarnation of the once great and powerful Roman Empire, by an alliance of 10 nations within its territory. Biblical prophecy revealed that this empire would start as an economic movementthat it would bring an era of unusual prosperity to Europe. It did start in March 1957, when six European countriesWest Germany,
eARly WARning system mr. Armstrong, supported by his wife, sounded the alarm of britains absorption into europe.
she is less suspect of nationalistic motivations. After all, World War ii is not that far in the past (October 1976). But, since Germanys first baby boomer chancellorsGerhard Schrder, followed by Angela Merkel came to power, all that is changing. Germany may have a fresher-faced ministry at the helm of government now, but German institutions have been manned at senior levels for over 60 years of its massive postwar growth by the old guard that supported Hitlers Third Reich! Where are the geopoliticians, the lawyers, the judges, the teachers, the magistrates, the policemen, the young businessmen, the members of the many branches of the armed forces, the former members of Hitler Youth, the party workers, the industrialists who supported Hitler to the hilt, the propagandists, the fifth column agentsand all the rest? the Plain Truth asked in December 1963. Simple. Theyre right back where they used to be! Today, for example, 60 percent of the lawyers, judges, civil service workers, Brgermeisters (mayors) and magistrates in the one state of Bavaria are known former Nazis. Nearly ALL the top industrialists in the Ruhr are former Nazis. Members of the present governmentincluding the cduare known, card-carrying, former Nazis. The Christian Democratic Union (cdu) dominated postwar German politics for 33 years. It is the bastion of German corporatism and German-style conservatism. It is now revealed that the cdu was supported by a sophisticated system of illegal funding via contributions from Germanys corporate and industrial mogulsmany of them, no doubt, those same card-carrying former Nazis.
No longer is a lone voice crying out a warning of the drastic and inevitable results of the foolishness of Britain and the U.S. in financing and promoting the rise of a united Europe. Some astute politicians have cried out that same warning. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has been one. Baroness Thatcher last night fiercely attacked plans for a European defense structure, saying it would threaten nato and could help to create a European superstate . Taking the unusual step of attacking British government policy from abroad, she put the drive toward a separate European defense on the same level as the single European currency. Both were aimed at the utopian venture of creating a single European superstate to rival America on the world stage (Times, London, Dec. 8, 1999). Now, over six decades after disastrous defeat at the hands of the Allied forces, Germany, it is widely acknowledged, is the most politically influential and economically powerful nation on the Continent. In a 1999 book called On the Next War With Germany, French author Philippe Delmas, a senior civil servant, argued that fear of Germany is back. Germany seems threatening, despite itself, and nowhere more so than in France! he wrote. What powerful endorsement of the prophetic words of Herbert Armstrong. Consider as well this startling statement by Mr. Armstrong in the Plain Truth way back in 1952: The United States is determined, now, to let nothing stand in the way of building up a re-armed, independent Germany. This will be the heart and core of the united Europe that will revive the Roman Empire (June 1952).
know. We know only one kind of war. We have never lost direction of the German High Command under German a warthat is, a military war; but we have never won a parliamentary approval! conference, where leaders of other nations outfox us in The way is now set for Germany to lead Europe forthe battle for the peace. ward to fulfill that vital part of Mr. Armstrongs prophecy, We dont understand German thoroughness. From a common military force as great or greater than Russia the very start of World War ii, they have considered the or the U.S.! possibility of losing this second round, as they did the Even the German mindset toward national defense and firstand they have carefully, methodically planned, in military matters is undergoing a radical transformation. such eventuality, the third roundWorld War iii! Hitler The political mood in Berlin is rapidly evolving from that has lost. This round of war, in Europe, is over. And the of a mostly passive to a more aggressive, even combative Nazis have now gone underground. ... Now a Nazi under- mindset. The nation is moving toward a more assertive ground is methodically planned. They plan to come back role in geopolitics. The EU cloak, the nato cloak, the UN and to win on the third try. cloak, the friendly, peaceful, democratic, best-ally-of-theTo those following Herbert Armstrong, the disclosure West cloak are all being dropped to reveal a nation rising of a Nazi document in 1996 proving that the Nazis had to assert its natural role as leader of Europe. gone underground after World War ii and were planning Much of this transformation a resurgence was not in the least bit has occurred under the watch of surprising. It was confirmation of a the nations new defense minister, truth Mr. Armstrong had preached who took office in October 2009. for decades, beginning as early as His name is Baron Karl-Theodor May 1945! zu Guttenberg. This man quickly Today, this spirit of Nazism is enacted policies making it easier for manifesting itself in the military the Bundeswehr to engage ambitions of the German-led Euroin combat in Afghanistan. pean Union. Germany has grown to He was the first Gerbecome the most powerful economic man politician to use the and political force within the 27-nation formerly taboo word war combine of a united Europe, which when describing the conflict possesses its own constitution, its own in Afghanistan. Guttenberg imperial diplomatic corps and its own has also been instrumental presidentin essence a united governin convincing the German ment! Within its borders, the European public of the need for a more Central Bank dictates policy relating assertive and aggressive Gerto the EUs own common currency, man military. the euro. It has also quietly built Guttenberg has made clear the foundation of a united European that the engines of Germanys military force! military industry need to be Under the Lisbon Treaty/EU stoked, and that there must be constitution, the EU is empowered greater cooperation between to develop a united military force the German government and its supported by a consolidated European military industry. For example, in armaments industry. January 2010, during a breakfast good cAll In an interesting development, meeting at the World Economic Plain Truth headlines from decades long however, Germanys Federal Constitu- past predict the rise of the european union Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Gertional Court determined that, unless manys government launched an taking place today. a contrary law was enacted before the initiative to strengthen its military Lisbon Treaty was ratified, that treaty would disempower industry (Wall Street Journal, Jan. 31, 2010). During the the German parliament. The court quickly acted to ensure meeting, attended by top executives from large German that German law would override EU law. It determined companies and government leaders, Guttenberg spoke that the Bundestag must have ultimate say over whether about the necessary interplay of defense policy and the German Army participates in an EU military operaGermanys economic interests (ibid.). tion. The remarkable upshot of this trick is that, now, One month earlier, two of Germanys top military Germany must give the go on any deployment of any EU manufacturersRheinmetall and man Groupannounced battle group. Thus, not only are the most vital EU parliatheir intention to merge their military vehicle producmentary committees now dominated by Germany, but the tion. This project was directly chaperoned by Germanys deployment of EU battle groups is also essentially at the political class: The German government is a big supporter
a confidence-inspiring leader
In 1953, Mr. Armstrong wrote that the peoples of Europe as a whole want ... a united Europeand yet, Without Germany such a federation of nations is impossible. Prophecy reveals that Germany, the very nation that has emerged as the economic and military heart of Europe, will drive the unification of the Continent in its final superstate form. Mr. Armstrong went on to state that it is probable that none but a German can provide the dynamic, inspired leadership required to organize such a political military federation (Good News, May 1953). In 1956, Mr. Armstrong wrote that the Europeans were thinking more and more about the coming United States of Europe! ... [Europe is] going to unite against us! And
and add them to the thread of political thought that has pervaded Bavarian politics for decades under Strauss and Stoiberthe dream of a united Catholic Europe under German leadership. Add to that something that neither Strauss nor Stoiber ever possesseda striking family title that cements all of these connections togetherand we have a man to watch in Germany. What is that family title? Guttenbergs official title was granted to his forebears during the 18th century. His correct title is Reichsfreiherrthe English translation being, Baron of the Holy Roman Empire. Thats a fascinating title when you consider what is happening in Europe! As we have seen, Guttenberg calls war and terrorism what they really are, not vague euphemisms. He is swinging the German population into a military mindset and stoking the fires of Germanys military industry. He has been enthusiastically embraced by the German officer corps. His noble title stirs them, as does his aristocratic familys 800-year-old tradition. Such influences remain strong within the German Army as in perhaps no other nation in the world. We continue to watch to see whether this man fulfills Mr. Armstrongs Bible-based prophecy of a powerful political leader over the whole of Europe. Three or four short years ago many laughed and scoffed when we said that there would be another world war in five to seven years. They do not laugh and scoff today. Everyone knows the next world war is coming, and soon. That war did come five years laterwhen World Warii began in 1939. Mr. Armstrong commented, So once again the Plain Truth, even in its first issue, was way ahead of its time. It was predicting what was going to happen. People scoffed and said, Thats a crackpot. He doesnt know what he is talking about. But World War ii did happen. It did come. Herbert Armstrong spoke those words back in 1982. Since his death on Jan. 16, 1986, many who even followed and supported him to that point have since turned away, calling him, as some did over 70 years ago before World War ii, a crackpot! But the prophecies that Herbert Armstrong published and broadcast to multiple millions over his 57-year ministry are about to smack the gainsayers square in the face! Just as he prophesied World War ii ahead of its time, so he prophesied World War iii way ahead of its time, giving in cogent detail the conditions that would prevail in Europe just before that war explodes on the world scene. He prophesied that Europe would unite under a resurgent German nation. It has. He prophesied that a confidence-inspiring leader would arise to lead the seventh resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire on its final crusade. Europe is crying out for such a leader, and we may well have pinpointed his identity. Mr. Armstrong prophesied that a spiritual binding force would draw Eastern Europe out of Soviet communism back into its spiritual fold and bind a united European economic, monetary, political and military force together as the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. That prophecy was largely fulfilled as we entered the second decade of the 21st century with the EU constitutionally united as an imperialist power. Even as you read this, the final elements of those great prophecies contained in the books of Daniel and Revelation are rapidly coming together, though being given little publicity by a largely blinded world press and media. But we are certainly not blind to these dramatic, soon-to-be earthshaking events. We have the privilege to be tasked with the job to publish the great prophecies revealed through Herbert Armstrong and demonstrate their fulfillment through daily-occurring current world events. The delay in fulfillment of end-time biblical prophecies was arrested at the death of Herbert Armstrong. His task was to declare them in advance of their fulfillment. Ours is to warn of the present-day and immediate future reality of their actual, dramatic fulfillment! As our editor in chief noted in his booklet Prophesy Again, This is living drama. God has given us many revelations about this commission to prophesy again. NOW is the time to be tuned in to these many revelations and to really live this great prophetic drama!
any historians and analysts underestimate the role of the Roman Catholic Church in European history. Many also underestimate the extent of the Vaticans involvement in the affairs of Europe and European countries today. Herbert Armstrong never made this mistake. We have seen how Mr. Armstrong for decades prophesied of the emergence in this end time of the seventh and final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire. And though this globe-controlling United States of Europe, he warned, would be ruled by Germany, biblical prophecy points to the necessity of some additional power to glue the fractious nations of Europe together. After all, Daniels prophecy likened the final resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire
to a brittle mix of iron and clay (Daniel 2:41-43). Matching Daniel 7 with Revelation 13 and 17, Mr. Armstrong understood that glue would be religion. Under Gods guidance, he linked these prophecies with history and came to see clearly that the deadly spiritual force guiding this European superstate would be the Vatican. This Vatican is the holy in the term Holy Roman Empire. Europeans want their own united military power! Mr. Armstrong wrote in August 1978. They know that a political union of Europe would produce a third major world power, as strong as either the United States or the ussrpossibly stronger. But they well know there is but one possibility of union in Europeand that is
through the Vatican (Good News, Aug. 28, 1978; emphasis ours throughout). To members and co-workers he wrote on Jan. 23, 1980: What Russia is doing will be the spark to bring the heads of nations in Europe together with the Vatican to form a United Nations of Europe. The politicians cannot do this by themselves. Only with the collaboration of the pope can they do it. I have been proclaiming and writing ever since 1935 that the final one of the seven eras of the Holy Roman Empire is coming in our generationa United States of Europe, combining 10 nations or groups of nations in Europewith a union of church and state! he wrote in the January 1979 edition of the Plain Truth. The nations of Europe have been striving to become reunited. They desire a common currency, a single combined military force, a single united government. They have made a start in the Common Market. They are now working toward a common currency. Yet, on a purely political basis, they have been totally unable to unite. In only one way can this resurrected Holy Roman Empire be brought to fruitionby the good offices of the Vatican, uniting church and state once again, with the Vatican astride and ruling (Revelation 17:1-5). Herbert Armstrong and the Plain Truth continually made reference to Europe forming a church-state union under the auspices of the Vatican. new Europe! (Plain Truth, January 1963). In respect of Eastern Europe, the Plain Truth declared that the papacy had its mind set on leading the diplomacy that would create the rapport between East and West Europe: One of the biggest roles desired by the Vatican is that of mediator between East and West. The Vatican, you can be sure, will continue to do its part in courting the Eastern European countries. Its Ostpolitik has been to bring them back into the fold for a long time. And that is certainly the path it must continue to travel (February 1972). When Pope John Paul ii appeared on the scene, Mr. Armstrong made a far-sighted prediction: The character, personality and actions of the Polish Pope, John Paul ii, indicate more than possibly that he may be the pope to
one oF tHe biggest roles desired by tHe vAticAn is tHAt oF mediAtor between eAst And west. tHe vAticAn, you cAn be sure, will continue to do its pArt in courting tHe eAstern europeAn countries.
Plain truth, january 1963 offer his good services to unite the nations of Europe once again. European nations want, seriously, to be united. Of themselves they are unable. John Paul ii could make it possible (Good News, January 1980). Throughout his papacy, Pope John Pauls cry was for the whole of Europe to return to its roots. On Nov. 9, 1982, Pope John Paul ii, speaking on his pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, Spain, issued the following declaration to Europe, I, bishop of Rome and shepherd of the universal church, from Santiago, utter to you, Europe of the ages, a cry full of love: Find yourself again. Be yourself. Discover your origins, revive your roots. Return to those authentic values which made your history a glorious one and your presence so beneficent in the other continents. Rebuild your spiritual unity. You can still be the guiding light of civilization. Remember Mr. Armstrongs remarkable foresight in indicating that the EU would break across the Soviet divide to build the eastern leg of the European Union, and that John Paul ii could make it possible. This prediction was borne out in an event involving the popes homeland, Poland. On Jan. 9, 1998, the Associated Press reported how that nations Communist leader capitulated to the will of Rome: Martial law had crushed the churchbacked Solidarity labor movement, and Polands Communist rulers expected a chastened Pope John Paul ii ready for compromise when he visited his homeland in 1983. Instead, his voice rising, the pontiff lectured a surprised party chief, Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, as the nation watched on television. History would be his judge, the pope warned, demanding that union rights be restored for the Soviet blocs first free trade union [Solidarity].
rom the early 1930s, Herbert Armstrong spoke out about a coming unity between Catholics and Protestants. Notice this excerpt from the Plain Truth in 1961: The pope will step in as the supreme unifying authoritythe only one that can finally unite the differing nations of Europe. The iron jurisdiction over both schools and religion will be turned over to the Roman Catholic Church. Europe will go Roman Catholic! Protestantism will be absorbed into the mother churchand totally abolished (October 1961). At that time, any kind of reconciliation between Catholics and Protestants seemed impossible to most. But look at the situation today. In October 2009 the Catholic Church offered membership in the Church of Rome to any Anglicans who would choose to convert, with the historic concessions that they could keep their Anglican practices and that married clergy would be accepted as priests in a newly established Catholic/Anglican community. In recent years, many Anglicans have been angered by their churchs liberal stance on issues such as the ordination of female clergy and homosexual priests. Now, thanks to the popes directive, they may flock to the Catholic Church. Defections began immediately. This process has not been limited to the Anglicans. The Vatican is making great strides toward bringing every major Christian denomination, especially in Europe, under the authority of Rome. This is exactly what Herbert Armstrong said would
submission happen. Through the pages of the John paul ii and top Plain Truth, Mr. Armstrong prophcatholic officials esied of this coming church unity. happily look on as Notice, again: The finalalbeit short-livedtriumph of Catholicism Anglican Archbishop rowan williams is recorded in literally dozens of Bible kneels to the pope. prophecies. Right nowwhether we want to believe it or notthe stage is being set for the greatest revolution in religion the world has witnessed. The mighty problem of achieving unity is twofold. First, it involves reconciliation of the Orthodox Schism that officially commenced in 1054 and divided the churches in the East. Second, it involves restoration to the Roman Communion all Protestantism which developed from 1517 onward (November 1963). The Vatican has broadcast the importance of its aim for unity for well over a century. Pope Leo xiii stated it in the opening comment of his June 29, 1896, encyclical to the church: It is sufficiently well known unto you that no small share of our thoughts and of our care is devoted to our endeavor to bring back to the fold, placed under the guardianship of Jesus Christ, the chief Pastor of souls, sheep that have strayed. Bent upon this, we have thought it most conducive to this salutary end and purpose to describe the exemplar and, as it were, the lineaments of the church. Amongst these the most worthy of our chief consideration is unity. We earnestly pray that He (the Father of Lights) will graciously grant us the power of
England. In his sermon, he appealed to his audience, which included millions watching on television, to be praying and working for reconciliation and ecclesiastical unity. In 1998, the Vatican and the Lutheran World Federationwhich represents a majority of Lutherans worldwide, some 7.6 million believersaffirmed that Roman Catholics and Lutherans share a basic understanding. The New York Times called the event a triumph for supporters of the ecumenical movement, which has urged closer cooperation among churches (June 26, 1998). Pope John Paul ii undertook enormous effort to promote unity. He was the most traveled pope in history. From March 1983 to July 1998, he visited no fewer than 116 separate nations, many of them multiple times. It was one visible sign of the popes tremendous effort to offer the olive branch to Catholicisms protesting, or Protestant, daughter churches. Yet as hard as John Paul ii worked to bring Catholics and Anglicans together, his death in April 2005 only advanced this movements cause even further.
because it gave him too much jurisdiction, but not enough. In October 2007, Orthodox leaders signed an agreement with Vatican officials that established the primacy of the pope over all Catholic and Orthodox bishopsthough there is still disagreement on exactly what authority that status grants the Catholic leader. Another joint meeting on the question of papal primacy occurred in 2009. The pope is also wooing the Orthodox, who split from Rome in 1054, by embracing more tradition and ceremony, something that particularly appeals to the Eastern Orthodox churches. In December 2008 Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomewi met with Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity; the two agreed that Catholic-Orthodox union was the only solution to the worlds economic, political and social crises. After all that, the pope launched his surprise attack on the Anglican Church. On Oct. 20, 2009, came the announcement that the Catholic Church would offer a free ticket to Rome for all Anglicans who chose to reject the policies of their liberalized hierarchy. Rome has parked its tanks on the archbishop of Canterburys lawn, proclaimed Britains Times newspaper (Oct. 21, 2009). The Anglican community, tremendously weakened by the aggressive penetration of its ranks by feminists and homosexuals since the social revolt of the 1960s, was always going to be riper for Vatican takeover than Romes eastern daughters; the Vatican simply had to take the moral high ground and hold it. the rift between Anglicans and Catholics stemming from the Reformation could finally be healed (Australian, April 12, 2005). A Guardian headline in London read, Its as if the Reformation had never happened. John Paul iis death swept Protestant churches along in the euphoria of papal adulation, and his successor, Pope Benedict xvi, sought to capitalize on these sentiments. From the start of his papacy he stated that his primary task was to unify all Christians. However, the approach toward achieving unity by this pope would prove to be less diplomatic, more forceful and stern, than that of his predecessor. In July of 2007, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith restated the doctrines of Dominus Iesus, a document Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had signed in 2000 to proclaim that non-Catholics were gravely deficient and that Protestant churches are not churches in the proper sense. The restatement added that Orthodox churches suffer from a wound because they do not accept the popes authority. In March 2006, Pope Benedict chose to drop patriarch of the West from his list of official titles. Why? The Eastern Orthodox synod said the move implied that the Catholic Church still sought universal jurisdiction of the bishop of Rome over the entire church. The pope retained the titles vicar of Christ and supreme pontiff of the universal church. He cast off the title patriarch of the West not
true unity
What is ahead for Christian unity? For now, the Vatican is willing to compromise to draw in its daughters. But that wont always be so. As Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in May 2007, Indeed, biblical prophecy indicates that full unity will not be achieved purely voluntarily. At a certain point, the mother church will abandon its efforts to woo her daughters back by flatteries and instead revert to the age-old method of preserving Christian unity by exerting physical force. In the end, this coming reconciliation between the Vatican and its protesting daughters will not usher in the peace mankind so desperately desires: just the opposite! It will bring about the fulfillment of the great prophecies of Revelation 13. These prophecies speak of a universalist religion that imposes its will upon the Earth with crusading power. It will enforce a social contract that dictates not only who will work but who will eat! (Revelation 13:15-16). For well over 50 years, Herbert Armstrong prophesied of this great religious power and its coming global dominance. But he looked beyond the great time of trial this religious power and the empire it leads will bring to this world. He prophesied of another empirean empire that will soon overcome all other imperial and religious forces to finally impose justice on all mankindthe very Kingdom of God under the divine rule of the author of pure religion, the living Jesus Christ!
s early as 1945, broadcasting during the inaugural United Nations convention, Mr. Armstrong warned that German industry was working to revive the nations empire. We dont understand German thoroughness, he said. From the very start of World War ii, they have considered the possibility of losing this second round, as they did the firstand they have carefully, methodically planned, in such eventuality, the third round World War iii! In 1953, Mr. Armstrong even identified a company he believed would one day be resurrected and work in cahoots with this newly empowered German empire. At the end of World War ii, the factories and facilities of German industrial giant Fried Krupp AG lay in ruins. After the war its owner, Nazi supporter Alfried Krupp, was convicted at Nuremburg and AlfRied KRupp imprisoned for war crimes. But heres what Mr. Armstrong forecast: Alfried Krupp, who once provided Germany with most of her munitions that plunged the world into the holocaust of the last war, can no longer manufacture crude steel or own coal mines in Germany. But Alfried Krupp is not giving up on his plans! No indeed. Latest reports reveal that Krupp has made contracts with foreign governments to build up his vast empire abroad (Plain Truth, November 1953). History has proven these forecasts startlingly accurate. Today, Germanys military industry, including ThyssenKrupp, is thriving.
In 2009, ThyssenKrupp began a dramatic shift in its operations. It sold stakes and entire production sites of its civil shipbuilding operations in Germany. It also struck an agreement to jointly produce naval surface ships with the Abu Dhabi mar Group. Essentially, the company took strides in the direction of military production, moving back toward its historic focus: manufacturing military equipment. The secret document released in 1996 clearly shows that several German industrial giants, including Krupp, had a specific plan to support the resurgence of Germany and its domineering ideologies. Krupp representatives were told that they must through their exports increase the strength of Germany, and to prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground. Under Beitzs leadership, the corporation shed much of its public association with Nazism. What it has not lost is unswerving devotion to the goal of establishing a globally dominant postwar Germany. Everything is going just as Alfried Krupp and Dr. Kasper planned over 60 years ago. Though the Krupp name is above reproach in Germany today, the indisputable facts of history show that Mr. Armstrongs forecasts about this powerful company were well-founded, and uncannily accurate.
more evidence
On Jan. 18, 2010, MarketWatch columnist David Marsh wrote an article titled German defense giant in the making. Marsh was referring to the announcement in January 2010 by two of Germanys top military manufacturersRheinmetall and Man Groupof their intention to merge their military vehicle production. The resulting combine will produce a new national champion and leading supplier for wheeled military vehicles in Europe. According to Marsh, the amalgamation, which was in the works for a year, was pushed by Germanys political class. The German government is a big supporter of bulking up German military industry, and has been providing behind-the-scenes assistance to make sure industry goes in the right direction, reported Marsh. The new combine meets the long-held German desire to build industrial companies with world scale in the defense field. It appears some are finally waking to the transformation occurring within Germanys military industry. But Herbert Armstrong warned about this long-held German desire to rebuild the nations military industry for decades!
Rheinmetall has been deAling in deAtH the essen gun works of a comat the forefront of German pany that armed germany in military manufacturing two world wars and was led by for over 100 years, so it a war criminal in the second. isnt too surprising that it again became a weapons builder after the World War ii loss. In fact, despite the Allies initial ban on arms production, Rheinmetall was back mass producing machine guns by 1956. By 1972, Rheinmetall had developed and begun selling the Leopard 2 battle tank. Not much later, and after a series of corporate acquisitions, Rheinmetall became Europes leading military supplier of systems and equipment for ground forces, providing everything from artillery and munitions to communications, surveillance technology and guided missile systems. Rheinmetall subsidiaries, which also include significant automotive component manufacturers, are located throughout Europe, the Americas and China. Man Groups 252-year history is even more impressive. Man is one of Europes leading manufacturers of commercial vehicles, engines and mechanical engineering equipment. Man builds trucks, buses, diesel engines and turbo-machinery; it also provides industrial services. During World War ii, and in conjunction with Rheinmetall, Man produced the hugely successful Panther tank. Following the war, Man took over notorious World War ii light vehicle manufacturer Bssing. Heres the real reason the Rheinmetall-Man Group alliance should be thoroughly scrutinized.
nazi-latino underground
As early as May 1962, the Plain Truth magazine issued this warning: Germanys plans in South America were temporarily halted by its defeat in World War ii. South America will be conquered by business agents, not by guns! (quoting T.H. Tetens Germany Plots With the Kremlin; emphasis ours throughout). After World War ii, over 55,000 Germans fled their native land to havens in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the countries of Central and South America, many through the Vatican-engineered ratlines. Other Nazi sympathizers from Croatia, Hungary and Yugoslavia found their way to foreign countries to continue working for the coming European religious-corporate Reich. In its October 1957 issue, the Plain Truth said, During World War ii, Argentina was an outspoken friend
of Hitler, sheltering Nazi officers and men, offering safe and Uruguay, with Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and haven for Nazi ships and submarines. Many Nazis found Peru as its associate members. Venezuela was accepted as their way to Argentina and safety while Hitlers regime a full member in 2006 and is in the process of integrating was collapsing under the steady rain of Allied bombs. into the bloc. In June 1999, delegates from the EU signed German influence began to dominate Latin America by a historic free-trade agreement in Rio de Janeiro with the the late 1940s. The Germans had high-level military prespresidents of the four Mercosur nations and Chile that ence in Argentina, Krupp industrial strength established provided for the bilateral, progressive and reciprocal in Brazil, Hitlers Croat Ustashi chief Ante Pavelic influenc- liberalization of trade, with no sector excluded. German ing security in Paraguay, Nazi intelligence agents of Farben Chancellor Gerhard Schrder, president of the European Bayer in Chile and Venezuela, and Nazi Party organizers of Council at the time, led the talks, voicing his strong supBrueckmann and Co. on the ground in Ecuador. port for the integration of European and Latin American Since then, German businesses, with the support of the markets. That November, the EU said it was working to Vatican, have led European efforts to penetrate key indusconclude formal talks toward a free-trade pact with the trial, agricultural and corporate industries in Latin Amerentire Latin American region. Such an agreement would ica. Many German corporate giants such as Krupp, Siecover 90 percent of two-way trade, and could bring mens, Bayer, Volkswagen, I.G. Farben and Deutsche Bank additional annual profits of more than $6 billion to the steadily became household names south of the Rio Grande, Europeans and nearly $5 billion to Mercosur. across Panama and clear down to southern Argentina. While negotiations on trade stalled for several years From 1990, with a united Germany over disagreements on agricultural import restrictions, and other EU members now on a summit of leaders of the EU and Latin America and side, all levels of EU trade and the Caribbean in May 2010 held in Madrid resulted venezuela investment to the Latin region in a decision to re-launch negotations for dramatically increased. an EU-Mercosur free-trade agreement. guyana Herbert Armstrong knew At the same summit, leaders also Colombia suRiname far in advance that comapproved a comprehensive trade munism would fail to agreement between the EU and eCuadoR entice the Latinos and the Andean countries (Peru that British and Ameriand Colombia), and can influence would announced the dwindle. He knew it conclusion of PeRu was Europe that would an association ultimately achieve its agreement long-term goal of economic between the and religious domination of EU and CenLatin America. Today, Europe tral America. has significantly achieved that goal. The EU is an bolivia enormously important trading partner eu and mercosur for Mercosur, buying PaRaguay Beginning in the 1990s, the EU has worked Chile 36 billion worth of to establish itself as the number-one trading Mercosur exports in partner and investor in Latin America. 2006. And among EU Europes exports to Latin America grew by member states, exports to and from aRgentina 164 percent during that decade. Over 55 Germany are most substantial. In a percent of all Latin American financial 1999 report, titled, European Union uRuguay aid came from EU coffers; prior to 2000, and Latin America Advancing Together, just in loan grants, the EU gave over the European Commission noted that the $746 billion to Latin America. driving force in escalated Euro-Latin trade By developing this relationship, was a comprehensive document mapped in 1994 what it has called a strategic alliance, under the impetus of the German presidency. So Europe is directly challenging the often, where Germany leads, Europe follows. United States one-time hopes of creatHowever, China has also been making inroads into Latin ing a pan-American free-trade area. American trade. Since 2000, trade between Latin America The vast Latin American trade and China has exploded. But there is a fundamental bloc known today as Mercosur incordifference between Europes drive into Latin America and porates Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay that of China. China is there because it needs resources
tHe united stAtes is going to be leFt out in tHe cold As two gigAntic trAde blocs, europe And lAtin AmericA, mesH togetHer And begin cAlling tHe sHots in world commerce.
Plain truth, january 1963 his tenure, Pope John Paul visited all 24 countries of Central and South America as part of an effort to stabilize the region in support of its trade obligations to the EU and its collective religious unity with the Catholic Church. In advance of the pivotal Nov. 25, 1999, EU-Mercosur announcement, the Trumpet reported that the ecstatic support given to the popes 1998 Latin America visit reconfirms where this population ultimately offers its allegianceto the heart of Europe, the seat of their economic and religious heritage (February 1998). The common religious heritage of Europe and Latin America gives Europe an advantage in the area that China could never enjoy. With religious unity and an EU-Mercosur free-trade agreement already assured, no other area of the world is better prepared to dominate global trade than the EU. Remember, while Germany still lay defeated, Mr. Armstrong warned that it would again unite behind the cloak of a uniting Europe. He also declared that Europe would dominate the Latino common market while the Catholic Church would exercise religious dominance. Just as the May 1962 Plain Truth predicted, the United States is going to be left out in the cold as two gigantic trade blocs, Europe and Latin America, mesh together and begin calling the shots in world commerce. This shocking prophecy is already unfolding before us!
trashing the founding principles on which British sovereignty was established. The founding texts of the English constitutioncharter, petition, bill of rights have one theme in common: They create nothing. They assert old freedoms; they restore lost harmony. In this they guided Americas Revolution, itself a codification of early colonial liberties, he wrote (ibid., Dec. 6, 2009). Contrast this with the Lisbon Treaty/EU constitution. Regarding its creation, Evans-Pritchard correctly asserted that insiders hijacked the process. These insiders were unelected Teutonic/Romish elites who worked for years seeking to enforce their undemocratic constitution on their constituents by the most undemocratic of means. The Lisbon Treaty was carefully crafted as an instrument to enact their imperial objectives. Evans-Pritchard described the document as a Hegelian monstrosity that says much about the heightened powers of EU bodies, but scarcely a word to restrain EU bailiffs and constables. The Charter britain and the eu of Fundamental Rightslegally binding in the UK as of After decades of planning, on Jan. 1, 2010, the EU officially became a global imperialist power, underpinned by its Tuesday, when Lisbon came into forceasserts that the EU own federal constitution binding European countries to a has the authority to circumscribe all rights and freedoms. Underpinning this legal atrocity is a massive body of legsupreme head in Brussels. For centuries, European powers islation, rules and regulations designed to enforce the most from Caesar to Napoleon to Hitler had sought dominance confusing constitution on the planet. This body of wordage, over the sceptered isle. On Jan. 1, 2010, when the EU called the Aquis Communitaire, estimated to be over 170,000 presidency and foreign ministry came into force under the pages, details the onerous legalities and bureaucratic conLisbon Treaty, Britain finally became subservient to Europe. trols that EU elites have imposed on their citizenry. More than a few Britons were deeply concerned. On the day one month earlier, when the Lisbon Treaty/EU constitution was enacted, British Euroskeptic Daniel Hannan, a member of the European Parliament, wrote, britain loses Britain is no longer a sovereign nation. At midnight last In all this, Germany and France have gained the tools night, we ceased to be an independent state, bound by to further dominate Europeand cut out Britain. In international treaties to other independent states, and the new European Commissions lineup following became instead a subordinate unit within a European state ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, to be effective for five (Telegraph, Dec. 1, 2009; emphasis ours throughout). years, Germany and France got key positions they The EUs Lisbon Treaty effectively trampled Britcan use to increase their influence over the European ains Magna Carta, lamented Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Unions inner workings and important policy areas
ritain is going to look back on Monday, Jan. 1, 1973, in all probability, as a most tragically historic datea date fraught with ominous potentialities! For that date marked the United Kingdoms entry into the European Community. That statement, written in the March 1973 Plain Truth, is classic Herbert Armstrong: gripping, plain, sincere. More importantly, its true. Just ask the growing number of Britons grappling with the realization that the European Union has established a major beachhead within British society. For them, its growing increasingly difficult not to look back on Jan. 1, 1973, and lament it as a tragically historic date. Today, the ominous potentialities Mr. Armstrong referred to have become alarming realities.
jAnuARy 1, 1973 Amid all the headlines proclaiming britains entry into the european community, the Plain Truth was the most prescient.
learn its lesson through total defeat and subjugation of its people as slaves to a United Europe! I know Ephraim, and Israel is not hid from me: They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God: . Ephraim also is like a silly dove without heart: they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria [Britain is fulfilling this prophecy even as you read this]. When they shall go, I will spread my net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls of the heaven; I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard. My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations (Hosea 5:3-4; 7:11-12; 9:17). What will it take to wake up the people of Britain?
dubious symbol whether dropping troops into vietnam, evacuating saigon, or crashing in iran or mogadishu, the American helicopter has been emblematic of Americas recent defeats.
part two
off into tHe sunset like its belief in god, Americas victories have faded into the monuments of history.
Vietnam (Plain Truth, January 1967). The war lasted another eight years, ending in the shameful evacuation of American officials from the rooftop of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. It was the longest war in Americas history. It was also the nations most humiliating defeat. Historian Paul Johnson called it a collapse of American power. During those years, the Plain Truth often touched on another Vietnam casualtythat of American honor worldwide. No military nation can operate a military force by accepting defeat in an enemy attack, Mr. Armstrong wrote, on the excuse we wanted to save the lives of men who had offered those lives to protect our honor and our freedom. How many more lives will yet be lost in future battles because enemies will now be emboldened by this display of weakness to anticipate easy victories over a United States that is afraid to fight? (January 1969). Indeed, the war in Vietnam gave Americas reputation as a superpower quite a beating. The Plain Truth pointed this out in February 1978 and then made this stunning prediction: The days are over when the military might
of the United States is used to accomplish what America perceives as correct and proper. Americas influence and prestige is on the rapid decline. The pride of our power has been broken. The time is fast approaching when the United States will be so weak and so fearful of its own shadow that, as the Prophet Ezekiel predicted, the trumpet will sound the call to battle, but none shall answer (Ezekiel 7:14). It was a portent of things to come.
anti-war era
If the Korean War marked the beginning of the limited warfare strategy, Americas ignominious defeat in Vietnam marked the beginning of its anti-warfare strategy. Nothing illustrated this aversion to danger like the Iran hostage crisis. In November 1978, a band of Iranian revolutionists stormed the American Embassy in Tehran and captured 52 U.S. staff members. President Jimmy Carter repeatedly demanded that Tehran return the captives, but the Ayatollah Khomeini said he was beating an empty drum. Carter does not have the guts to engage in a military operation, Khomeini taunted. Carters only show of force was a bungled rescue attempt in April 1979 that left the bodies of eight U.S. servicemen burning in the Iranian desert. Television cameras captured the images for all to see. It was another humiliating defeat. Iran held the worlds greatest superpower at bay for another eight months after the botched rescue mission. One wonders how Theodore Roosevelt would have handled the situation. With more conservative leadership during the 1980s, some might argue that America regained some of the pride in its power. President Ronald Reagan sent troops to Grenada in 1983 to stamp out communism from the West Indies. In 1986, he bombed Col. Muammar Gadhafis military headquarters in Libya in response to a terrorist act. These small skirmishes, however, hardly qualify as decisive military victories for the United States. (The population of Grenada, after all, is only slightly bigger than Fargo, North Dakota.) If anything, they revealed an increasingly gun-shy America willing to use its military might only in small, relatively risk-free conflicts. Consider Lebanon. In October 1983, an Islamic terrorist rammed a truck packed with explosives into Marine barracks in Beirut, killing 241 Americans. Four months later, President Reagan withdrew all U.S. troops, a move that all but dissolved the Lebanese Christian power structure. After another embarrassing U.S. retreat, the Plain Truth was quick to remind readers of what it had been saying for decades. The November/December 1983 issue carried an article titled Why America Has Won Its Last War. In it, Mr. Armstrongs booklet The United States and Britain in Prophecy was quoted: The United States, even still possessing unmatched power, is afraidfearsto use it, just as God said.
September/October 1995 Trumpet. He wrote about how the U.S. strongly opposed the recognition of the breakaway Yugoslav republics of Slovenia and Croatia in 1991. Yet, after German pressure, the United States caved in and offered its tacit approval. Recognizing those two states, more than anything else, is what sparked a succession of wars within the Balkan region during the 1990s. Croatia sided with the Nazis during World War ii. The Croatian leader Germany insisted on supporting in 1991, Franjo Tudjman, was himself a Nazi sympathizer. When war erupted, Croatia proceeded to rid its territory of Serbian blood. Carl Bildt, former European Community mediator in the Balkans, called it the most efficient ethnic cleansing weve seen in the Balkans. America had effectively given its full support to the wrong sideand few commentators besides the Trumpet said anything about it. The Trumpet has been blaring this warning for some years now. During the war in Kosovo, we exposed a further breakdown of U.S. willpower: Given the apparent lack of will to effectively deploy its military might to actually win a victory [for the right side] in its numerous military adventures in recent years, why bother to deploy force at all ? (Trumpet, May 1999). The U.S.-led bombing campaign, in the long run, will end up hurting America far more than it did Serbia. This trend for America to often support the wrong side will have a disastrous end, according to biblical prophecy. So, weighing America has won its last war against the facts, what do we find? That Mr. Armstrong was right. From Korea to Cuba to Vietnam to Iran to Lebanon to Somalia to Kosovo to Iraq to Afghanistanall these episodes constitute clear American political and military defeats.
2003 to pResent the quagmire in iraq continues to show the weakening power of American and british will.
so deep that Iraq is increasingly taking marching orders from its America-hating neighbor. Those who think we have won Iraq are fooled, wrote Robert Baer, a former cia officer in the Middle East, in 2008. The United States can do nothing to contain Iranian proxies in Iraq short of a full and permanent occupation (National Interest Online, Oct. 30, 2008). Is America winning? The consensus in the Middle East, wrote Baer, is that Iran has turned the Iraqi and Afghan wars into major strategic victories. Holding sway over a third of the Middle East and blackmailing 55 percent of the worlds oil reserves, Iran is looking more and more like a superpower, he said. Far from winning the war on terror, America has built up a terrorist-sponsoring superpower!
Even more shameful has been Americas dreadful foreign policy in Europe. This has been well documented in both the Trumpet and the Plain Truth. Just four years after World War ii ended, Mr. Armstrong wrote, But while trusting, gullible Uncle Sam, always unable to see more than one enemy at a time, has been busy worrying about Russia, the real menace has been making diabolical and rapid headwayunder coverin Europe! (Plain Truth, November 1949). In the June 1952 Plain Truth, Mr. Armstrong likened Americas bungling foreign policy in Europe to creating a Frankenstein monster that would eventually turn on its maker. Gerald Flurry used that same analogy in the
atlantic Rift
the friendship between the u.s. and europe is not what it appears to be.
hod have thought, amid the butchery of World War ii, that America and Germany would ever be allies? Yet soon after wars end, the foundation for an unlikely partnership was laid. The United States established the Marshall Plan to rebuild Western Europe, especially Germany, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization launched, binding Europe and North America in a military alliance. Biblical prophecy shows that this union, from the beginning, was bound to end in ruin. The fraying of the transatlantic relationship we see today is merely an unfolding of this inevitability. Under the guidance of Herbert W. Armstrong, the Plain Truth had this understanding. Economic recovery masks deep divisions that must eventually rip asunder the Atlantic alliance, the Plain Truth wrote in September 1983. That statement marks a prophecy that has greatly accelerated toward its fulfillment: an inevitable rift between the United States and Europe.
The hour of decision struck at Lisbon when it was decided to rearm Germany. Your future is at stake! How are you going to know what will happen in Europe? Why will the diplomats think that TODAY the hearts of the people in Germany are different from yesterday? Every one of those undemocratic nations when once armed has turned upon us. We are the hated have nations, the capitalist nations, the imperialistic nations. The heart of the German people, indoctrinated with Nazism, has not been converted to our way of life. If they really have come to love us since their defeat, would they now be trying to bargain for domination in Europe, and threatening to withhold support from the cause of democracy against Russia? Is that the way love is manifested? Can we purchase love with money? (Good News). Remember, this was written 58 years ago! Even back in 1952, Germany was fighting for domination of Europeand America didnt understand what it meant, or chose not to understand. That has been Germanys goal from the beginning. Notice, though, how that article pinpointed the problem of America trying to buy Germanys love. This tendency, which has grown even stronger in the decades since, was doomed from the start, prophecy reveals. The Plain Truth wrote this in February 1956: America seems wedded to the idea that it can buy friends and allies around the world with ready American cash. We intend to hold friendly nations to us by generously supplying money and arms. But it isnt working! That statement applies more today than ever. Consider the billions of dollars the U.S. has spent to try to buy allies such as Pakistan and Egyptnations that continue their march toward radicalism regardless. American money has been pumped into numerous causes in South America, Asia and several other arenas. None of this largesse has increased support for American policies or earned a jot of respect. The money isnt talking. Clearly,
America is out of money anyway. It has actually become desperate for foreign money to support its broken economy. These humanitarian efforts are a trap. But biblical prophecy points in particular to the danger in America seeking an alliance with Germany. It reveals, first, that we can expect to see America, as the Plain Truth alluded to, try to strengthen this ill-fated relationship. (You can read about these prophecies in our booklets Nahum: An End-Time Prophecy for Germany and Ezekiel: The End-Time Prophet.) It was this impulse that led America (under the auspices of nato) to act as a willing lackey of Germany (itself under cover of the EU common foreign policy) in the horrible Balkan wars that broke the Yugoslav Republic into pieces and ended with the former Yugoslavias constituent states becoming virtual colonies of the rising EU empire. This forecast again echoed on Dec. 1, 2009, when Americas ambassador to Germany publicly declared that Germany is Washingtons most important ally. We need strong partnersand nowhere are there better or more committed partners than in Europe. And Germany is the centerpiece of the European Union, he said. Many American leaders have encouraged Europe, particularly Germany, to take a stronger leadership role in the world; even President Barack Obama urged Europeans to assume the burdens of global leadership. America thoroughly trusts Europe and sees the relationship as mutually beneficial. Europe, however, has a different view.
a nuclear power?
An additional grave concern is the fact that, under the auspices of nato, the U.S. has about 200 B61 nuclear gravity bombs stored in European countries. Is it possible natos new Strategic Concept could include strictures that place Americas nuclear bombs in the hands of the EU? As Europe cannibalizes nato, dont be surprised if it cannibalizes these nuclear weapons as well! What did Mr. Armstrong say about this prospect? He was well aware of the weapons of mass destruction America had stored in Plain truth, february 1956 Europe. You may be sure the West Eurosigned up to permit the EU-controlled Financial Stability pean leaders are conferring hurriedly and secretly about how and how soon they may unite and provide a united Board to regulate their economies. America has subjected European military force so they can defend themselves! itself to Europes economic rule. It has placed enormous Mr. Armstrong wrote in the April 1980 Plain Truth. And faith in Europes beneficence and sense of fair play. so they will no longer have to give in meekly to Russia! Where is this leading? Again lets turn to the prophetiAnd who will they blame for their humiliation and their cally guided forecasting of Mr. Armstrongs Plain Truth for necessity now to have a united Europe, with a united the startling answer! government, a common currency, and a common military force as great or greater than either the ussr or the usa? They will blame the United States! And when they are strong taKing over nato enough to assert themselves, they will first attack Britain for Read what was published in the March 1974 Plain Truth: standing firm with the U.S., and then they will return a lot European antagonism toward the United States and its of hydrogen bombs the U.S. has stored now in Europe! policies is now in the open. The next few years will bring forth more misunderstanding, conflicts of interest and, at That, shockingly, is the ultimate fate of the Americantimes, outright hostility between the United States and European relationship! Europe. Europeincluding [then] West Germanywill To have the Americans cajole Germany into accepting have to build its own unified armed forces, including nuclear combat roles outside of its borders is tantamount to havweapons. Religious as well as political forces will play a ing that nations old enemies invite the Germans to take key role in the future. up arms in anger yet again. As Mr. Armstrong prophesied, Though these misunderstandings, conflicts of interwhen they do, ultimately the Germans will say to their est and outright hostility may at times be obscured Anglo-Saxon enemies, You made us do it! by Americas prophesied desperation to become lovers The EU is growing more independent of the U.S. and with Europe, this is the inescapable underlying reality. is strengthening its position as a world power, just as the This is now happening! Plain Truth prophesied. The growing rift between the U.S. The trend that began with the Balkan warsthat of and the EU is tipping the power balance decisively in Europe increasingly co-opting American power via nato Europesparticularly Germanysfavor. This should stir to serve its own interestscontinues. Thanks to Eurothe deepest alarm within Americas leaders, if they only pean machinations, nato has metamorphosed radically knew where it was leading! They ignore Mr. Armstrongs from its form at its creation as a protector and defender warnings at their peril.
you mAy be sure tHe west europeAn leAders Are conFerring Hurriedly And secretly About How And How soon tHey mAy unite And provide A united europeAn militAry Force so tHey cAn deFend tHemselves!
Hong Kong
good Hope
35 fAlKlAnds
A year before the Colonial Office closure sounded the empires death knell, Singapore withdrew from the
AmericA, beFore tHis is All over, is going to lose tHe pAnAmA cAnAl unless it repents.
Plain truth, march 1964
Of the four major sea gates Mr. Armstrong mentioned in the October 1954 Plain Truth, only Gibraltar has yet to be handed over. But that will happen soon. Already, Britain has seen its hold on the rocky fortress loosen. If it were expedient, politically or otherwise, Britain would most probably relinquish Gibraltar, the Plain Truth declared in September 1974. In August 1982, the Plain Truth predicted, In the long run, the British government fully intends to negotiate away Gibraltar. True enough, in June 1985, the Plain Truth told readers about an agreement forged between Britain and Spain where the British agreed to tackle the question of sovereignty in Gibraltar. For us, this really opens a process of decolonizing the Rock, the Spanish Foreign Ministry said. The Trumpet continued to follow this story throughout the 1990s. In December 1997, we told readers the British would hand over this mighty Mediterranean sea gate without so much as a whimper! This article concluded, The fact is that Britain has no objection in principle to handing Gibraltar over to Spain, providing this is acceptable to the majority of the Rocks inhabitants. In other wordsit is just a matter of time. At this juncture, the majority of those living on the Rock wish to remain under British rule, but the Spanish are increasingly emboldened. In May 2009, for example, Royal Navy warships had to force an armed Spanish ship to retreat from British territorial waters surrounding Gibraltar after Spain illegally began sending boarding parties to inspect British fishing vessels. The incident came after the European Commission approved a Spanish application to mark the waters around Gibraltar as a Spanish site under EU nature legislation.
Spanish combativeness will increase, and, as the Trumpet article stated, we can watch for Britains grip on Gibraltar to continue to slip. Kirchner stated that her nations claim to the islands was inalienable. Vice President Julio Cobos spelled out what Buenos Aires had in mind: We must recover this territory that is ours, that belongs to us. The following year, a Falkland Islands government official indicated what one of its methods would be. Mike Summers said Argentina was trying to force the Falklands to accept claims of Argentine sovereignty through economic war. A spokesman for Argentinas Foreign Ministry said the measures, affecting the Falklands fishing and other industries, would remain in place until Britain agreed to enter into talks on Argentinas claim of sovereignty over the islands. Like Gibraltar, the Falklands days under British rule are numbered. We could go on. But the point is this: During the last half of the 20th century, the United States and Britain were stripped of almost every critical sea gate in the world. Herbert Armstrong prophesied of these losses because he used the Bible as his guide to understand world events. For that reason, we turn to him to see where this is all leading. The sun has already set on the British Empire, he wrote in the Plain Truth nearly half a century ago. And because the U.S. came to power a little later than Britain, its setting sun is just behind Britains. But both nations have long since lost the pride they once had in their power. God said this would happen because of their rampant sin and rebellion against His law. For that reason, as Mr. Armstrong concluded in the September 1966 Plain Truth, Midnight is fast approaching.
peacekeeping undone
the uns failures at peace were prophesied since its inception. Heres advance news of the peacekeeping power that will fill its shoes.
erbert Armstrong, termed by many an unofficial ambassador for world peace, attended the inaugural session for the United Nations in San Francisco, April 1945. Already I see the clouds of World Wariii gathering at this conference, he wrote there. I do not see peace being germinated here, but the seeds of the next war! The United Nations conference is producing nothing but strife and bickering, and is destined from its inception to end in total failure. Yet world leaders are pronouncing it the worlds last hopewith the only alternative annihilation of humanity! In a personal in the August/ September Plain Truth some 25 years later, he wrote, World War ii was the war to end all wars. The United Nations was the world peace effort to prevent further wars. What are the results after a quarter-century? There have been more than 50 wars. The UN has contributed to the shortening of four warsBUTthere is no evidence to show that the United Nations has prevented any war! In the January 1977 Plain Truth, Mr. Armstrong prophesied: For the immediate futurethe next 5, 10 or 25 yearsthe sobering revelation of Bible prophecy shows this world will go from bad to worse. World confusion, hatred, strife, warfare and terrible destruction will increase with rapid acceleration. Its the natural course to expect. Indeed, we see these forecasts verified. But notice the next paragraph!
The United Nations wont be able to bring peace. The aggressor nations and we are so gullible we never recognize them until after they plunge the world into another warwill go right on with their scheming and diabolical planning for world rule. Mr. Armstrong knew that the United Nations would notcould notbring peace to this world. How did he know? By looking into Gods Word, which reveals the nature of man. And the way of peace have they not known (Romans 3:17). He saw, through the Bible, that peace would never come on the Earth by mankind; it could only be possible by Jesus Christ, upon His return with His world-ruling government to usher in utopian peace and harmony (Revelation 20:4-6; Isaiah 2:2-4; 9:6-7; 11:1-9). So was Mr. Armstrong correct? Was heas Gods messenger of specific prophecies concerning our time todayaccurate in his predictions? Lets take a brief look at the UNs track record. The 192-nation organization has been the center of growing cynicism. Sir Anthony Parsons, British Ambassador to the UN from 1979 to 1982, declared it a disastrous failure. Jeanne Kirkpatrick, American ambassador to the UN in the early 1980s, said it was nothing more than a place for the nations to let off rhetorical steam. From the inception of the UN in 1945 until early 2010, there have been 267 warswith nearly as many people killed as died in World War ii itself! The UN was involved in 63
peacekeeping missions during that time. In the year 2009 alone, the UN maintained 17 missions, and the number of conflicts worldwide was 31 resulting in over 20 million refugees! Is the UN succeeding in keeping peace? Or have Gods prophecies, as proclaimed by Mr. Armstrong, come to pass? The United Nations has descended from a failure into a farce. Wracked by corruption, the UN appears to give important positions to the most ridiculous candidate available. In April 2007, Iran was appointed vice chairman of the Disarmament Commission, and Syria its rapporteur. Syria was also appointed vice president of the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency in 2007. China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Zimbabwe are among the current and former members of the Human Rights Commission. Zimbabwe was elected chair of the Commission on Sustainable Development in 2007. Libya won a seat on the Security Council for a two-year stint beginning in 2008, taking over the rotating presidency of the Council for the month of January that year. The list could go on. The UN has become an acceptable forum for anti-Israel and anti-American rhetoric. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for example, spoke to the UN General Assembly in September 2009, railing against Israel and the United States. The UN simply is being used by enemies of the West to marginalize Americas
influence on the world scene. Then there are the scandals. In what is possibly the biggest con job in the history of mankind, the UNs ineptitude reached its peak with the scandal involving the oil-forfood program that amounted to billions of dollars in graft and corruption at the highest levels of the organization. Iraqi Dictator Saddam Hussein pocketed between $10 billion and $40 billion under cover of the program, which ran from 1996 to 2003. Far more sickening, the good intentions Congo sex scandal, first An early un meeting, uncovered in February san Francisco, April 1945 2004, continued for over a year even after UN officials knew of allegations that mission in Somaliland in 1994. Japan their peacekeepers had raped chilmade its first overseas deployments, dren as young as 12 and committed to Cambodia and Mozambique, under numerous other sex crimes. There the banner of the UN in 1992 and were over 150 accusations of rape, 1993. Once these taboos were broken, child abuse, solicitation and other with the UNs help, it became easier sexual crimes70 in the town of for both Japan and Germany to send Bunia alone. Hundreds of images of their troops around the worldto child pornography involving Conthe point that both nations have now golese children were found on the turned their militaries loose outside of laptop of a French UN civilian work- UN missions. ing in Goma. Then in 2007, news The UN has been a useful cover, emerged that millions of dollars that especially for the German Army. were meant to go to UN developGerman troops are dotted throughment projects in North Korea had out Africa on UN and nato missions. been siphoned off by Kim Jong-Il. In 2006, the German Navy made its UN peacekeeping missions have first official foray into Middle Eastern been worse than useless. Not only waters since World War ii, as Gerhave they utterly failed in many many took command of the maritime cases, but at times they have made component of the UN Interim Force matters worse. In 2000, UN forces in Lebanon, allowing it to park its actually cooperated with Hezbollah ships right off Israels coast. on the Lebanon-Israel border in the Far from promoting peace, the UN kidnapping of three Israeli soldiers. is allowing nations with a history of These peacekeeping missions have aggression to spread their militaries also allowed Germany and Japan to around the world. Time will prove break the taboo of deploying troops this to be a tragic mistake. overseas in an acceptable manner. GerThe UN was billed as mans last manys first deployment overseas since hope for peace. Now, as Mr. ArmWorld War ii was in a UN-mandated strong wrote in his 1966 booklet The
Wonderful World TomorrowWhat It Will be Like, Man has failed his last chance! Rather than preventing World War iii, the UN has posted German troops right on the doorstep of Israel. As noted elsewhere in this booklet, it is the German invasion of the Middle East that will mark the beginning of World War iii. Instead of preventing catastrophe, the UN is helping bring it about. Mankind really does not know the way to peace. Does that mean all is lost? No. Now God must step inor we perish! wrote Mr. Armstrong. That is mankinds real hope for peace. The failed efforts of the UN to bring peace in the world will be replaced ultimately by the return of Jesus Christthe Prince of peace (Isaiah 9:6). He will rule the entire Earth, uniting all nations in His way of prosperity! That is mans only hope for peace. That has been prophesied in the Bible. Mr. Armstrong restated it for many to hear. The Trumpet prophesies the same so even more can hear it. And very shortly, that prophecy will thankfully come to pass!
part three
statement: Old Jerusalem is today almost entirely in the hands of the Kingdom of Jordan. But this prophecy unveils a struggle for the possession of Jerusalem by Judahthe Jews. Also, Zechariah 14:2 indicates that half of Jerusalem would be conquered just before Christ returns; that means the Jews would have to control the whole city prior to that time. Based on these and other scriptures, the Plain Truth staff believed the Jews were prophesied to take over the entire Old City of Jerusalem. On May 1, 1967, Mr. Armstrong was returning from a trip to Amman and Jerusalem, speaking to an assembly at the Ambassador College campus in England. In that tape-recorded address, he said: Any day, now, you may expect the Israelis of the country that calls itself Israel to flood over with a military invasion into the Jordanian half of the divided city of Jerusalem. Once the Israelis do take over the Jordan sector of Jerusalem, instantly the United Nations and the major individual powers, the United States, ussr, Britain, France, probably will stop further occupation of Arab countries by the Jews. But the Jews will undoubtedly be allowed to hold the Old City of Jerusalem (emphasis ours throughout). Just five weeks later, the Middle East exploded in war, just as Mr. Armstrong prophesied. Israel went on the attack and for six days pushed back its frontiers in virtually every directionalso taking over Jerusalem. It was a stunning defeat for the neighboring Arab countries, ending in a ceasefire. However, it was not to be a permanent peace. The July 1967 Plain Truth reported, Here on the spot in Jerusalem, a few days after the ceasefire, no one worries about another war. Israelis are exuberant, confident, proud. But notice the statement that followed: The air is filled with tense excitementthe Jews expect great events to occur soon. And indeed they will but not the way the world expects! While the Jews anticipated a more stable future on the heels of their victory, the Plain Truth foretold otherwise.
isrAel will very likely give bAck some territory. tHAt is, isrAel will use conquered lAnd sHe does not reAlly desire in order to bArgAin For beneFits sHe deArly wAnts.
Pe rs ia
n Gu lf
saudi aRabia
Re ea dS
u.a.e. oman
Arabian Sea
area which they control. They are fearful that the peace process will break down. What most of them dont know is that the peace process is a deadly delusion! It is a wound that is going to cause death, if they dont repent. It is like terminal cancer! Mr. Flurry stated in the same article: Through the peace process Judah has become vulnerable to the enemy, with very little freedom to strike back. Soon the whole world will see what the Arabs saw all alongthat the peace process was a wound from which Judah would never recover! (That is a reference to the wound spoken of in Hosea 5:13.) Mr. Flurry has prophesied that the peace process will break down, and that then half of Jerusalem will be taken by violence, in fulfillment of Zechariah 14:2. In the November 1996 Trumpet he wrote, When one half of Jerusalem is taken captive, [Israel] will see that it all happened as a part of the Middle East peace process. Their wound, or the peace process, primarily causes them to lose one half of Jerusalem. God tells Judah that Germany cannot heal you or cure you of your wound. Why does God say that? Because Judah got into this mess by looking to men. Now they are trying to get out of the quagmire by looking to men. [The Jews] will never find a cure or healing until they
middle eAst
look to God! Our readers will do well to remember these statements. Keep your eyes on that peace process as a prelude to further troubles for Israel! Scripture also tells us that when these treaties break down, the men Israel will ultimately look to are from German-led Europe.
fuRious fAitH Ayatollah Ali khamenei, supreme leader, guides irans extremist religious tenets and state sponsorship of terrorists.
to unify, though they often seem like siblings who always end up bickering over things no one else understands. Their rhetoric may be different at the bargaining tables of the various current peace processes, but the common denominator among most Arab nations remains largely their religious hatred for the Jewish presence in the region, and their continued, decades-old aim to throw Israel into the sea. Bible prophecy shows that they will eventually organize themselves into two main groups: one aligned with Iran, and one that quickly allies itself with Europe. Already the rough outlines of the two groups are visible. Iraq is moving ever closer to its Persian neighbor. With the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt seems poised to cast off its usual hostility to Iran at any moment. At the same time, Syria is moving out of Irans orbit and is calling for Europe to get more involved in the Middle East. The Bible identifies an end-time Middle Eastern power as the king of the south (Daniel 11:40)likely an international coalition of nations dominated by one in particular. Watch for Iranwhich is not Arab but Persian, yet still fueled by the furnace of radical Islamto grow in power. Based on current trends, the Trumpet strongly believes the king of the south will be radical Islam, drawing on the power of several countries and spearheaded by Iran.
tHe city oF JerusAlem will FinAlly be cAptured by A revivAl oF tHe power oF FAscism in europenot by A communist invAsion oF pAlestine!
Plain truth, november/december 1955 The Trumpet still stands behind this statement from the February 1966 Plain Truth: Before the mounting crisis in the Middle East is over, all major nations of the Earth will be embroiled [speaking of the battle of Armageddon, Zechariah 14:1-2]. Why will they be there? One major reason is oil. Western Europes economy is absolutely dependent upon these reserves. So is that of Japan. Any major disruption of this oil supplysuch as an all-out Arab-Israel warwould bring intervention. As of 2008, 40 percent of the EUs crude oil imports came from opec countries. These countries could try to push Europe by choking off that vital oil supply. That would certainly move Europe to swift retaliation. Even in July of 1971, the Plain Truth put forth this possibility by reporting that instability in the oil-rich region had sparked new calls for Europe to assume a greater role in the Middle East, including the peaceful settlement of the Arab-Israeli confrontation. Europe, and particularly the Common Market, is certain to increase its involvement in the area. Today, Europes involvement in the region includes the peace process and even extends to troop deployments. In late 2006, the German Navy took command of the maritime component of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, tasked by the Security Council to secure the Lebanese coastline. Other European states are part of a multinational task force acting as a buffer between Israel and southern Lebanon. Germany has soldiers deployed in natos operations in Iraq and in Afghanistan. Germany
jeRusAlem noW the wailing wall and the dome of the rock, at the center of a city drenched in bloody history and headed for more.
recover Palestine from the Mohammedan infidel. Today it would be establishedso goes the suggestionto keep the peace in the Middle East. Mr. Armstrong believed that Europe, under the influence of the Catholic Church, would take a greater and greater interest in Jerusalem. Mr. Flurry has since built on this theme. In the November 1996 Trumpet, he wrote: Even though Germany cannot help the Jews, the Germans do get involved in Jerusalem. The Catholic Church is going to unite and then guide the European Union, or the king of the northwith Germany as the real power behind it. The Catholic Church also has a great interest in Jerusalem. Christianity, Judaism and the Muslim religion all have an intense interest in Jerusalem. The city is the secondmost holy site to the Arabs. It is the most holy city for the Jews. Christians consider it their first or second holiest city. In the end, it is going to bring disaster to all three religions. Many leaders today are asking for Jerusalem to be made into an international city. Are the Jews about to invite a peacekeeping force in? Is [the push of Daniel
11:40] going to be over Jerusalem? It is probably going to involve oil. But the clash appears to be over Jerusalem. Jerusalem is constantly making the headlines in the festering Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As both Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Flurry have forecast, watch for Europe and the Catholic Church to take an intense interest in the situation. Future events in the Middle East can be foretold. In fact, all those who do not understand in advance what is to happen there will be dismayed as it explodes in a conflagration that will envelop the whole world! Not one person on Earth will be able to ignore the situation for much longer. You are witnessing in embryonic stages the dramatic fulfillment of these events prophesied for thousands of years in your Bible! For seven decades the Plain Truth and Trumpet have showcased and broadcast the absolute currency of these prophecies. Are those prophecies the world has already seen fulfilled enough to convince you to take those yet to occur seriously? How much more do you need to see before you will believeand act uponGods clear prophetic vision?
liKe tHe oceAn russia and china can and have deployed what no other military can: lethal, endless waves of humanity.
part four
he Cold War was a time of fear. As people languished under Communist tyranny behind the Iron Curtain, two superpowers built up elaborate space and missile programs that threatened human civilization with nuclear extinction. For more than four decades, the world remained transfixed by the American-Soviet standoff. By the 1980s, the arms race had inspired dread over the possibility of nuclear winter and global overkill. No one seemed to have an answer for the perplexing Cold War problems. No one, that is, besides one exceptional news forecaster. Amid the cacophony of news reports that emerged throughout that era, that lone voice cried out: Russia will not attack America! Herbert W. Armstrong repeatedly declaredyears ahead of the Soviet Unions fallthat the ussr was not the power to fear. The real power to watch, according to him, would be a 10-nation United States of Europe that would form in the years ahead. He said Russia would remain a threat to the worldjust not in the way most Westerners thought. Russia would combine economically and militarily with China, he prophesied, to eventually form a gargantuan Asian superpower such as the world has never seen. Even before World War ii broke out, Mr. Armstrong could foresee the emergence of these two superpowers. In the June/July 1934 Plain Truth, he proclaimed, Scripture prophesies two great military powers to arise in the last daysone the revival of the Roman Empire by a federation of 10 nations in the territory of the ancient Roman Empire; the other Russia, with her allies possibly China or Japan (emphasis ours throughout). Not many, however, listened to his predictions. Many
chortled at statements such as this, which appeared in the December 1956 Plain Truth: We have been warning that it is not Russia which will conquer usit is not Russia which will master Europe it is a union of 10 fascist nations in Europe which will become a third power in the world and rise up to conquer the democracies of Northwest Europe and America! Remember: That statement was printed at the height of the Cold War!
communist oppression in eAstern europe is being overtHrown. we HAve sHown yeArs in AdvAnce wHAt would HAppen to russiAs ill-FAted empire in eAstern europe.
Plain truth, december 1956 During the public uncertainty over the Berlin Crisis of 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, the Plain Truth categorically declared that the U.S. need not fear the Soviet Union. The Russians would back down, or give in on almost any point that has arisen, rather than go to war with America (October 1962). Mr. Armstrong continued to provide clear projections regarding major world events until his death on Jan. 16, 1986. Still, not many believed him. Yet, a few short years after he died, the ussr collapsed and the Iron Curtain rusted away. Suddenly, the evil empire lost its foothold in Eastern Europe and the Communist threat to America indeed seemed to diminish. The Cold War was over. In addition, a reunited Germany appearedjust as Mr. Armstrong had declared! In the years since, Mr. Armstrongs prophecies have come even more vividly to life. Increasingly we see events
leading toward the fulfillment of what he said would happen, based on the sure word of biblical prophecy. A giant Asian superpower, with a modernized Russia and China at the helm, will dramatically affect the course of history. This emerging power bloca conglomerate of peoples that comprise one fourth of the worlds populationwill be deeply involved in the tumultuous tide of events that will lead to the conclusion of mankinds 6,000 years of self-rule! From time to time, news commentatorsin describing the coming catastrophic military struggle for world controluse the biblical expression Armageddon found in Revelation 16:16. But what they do not mention is a striking prophecy about Armageddon found in Revelation 16:12. In this verse we read that the way of the kings of the east is to be prepared! (Plain Truth, December 1962). Who are these kings of the east? Their identities are critical for us to understand if we are to know where modern nations fit in biblical prophecy. Your Biblemainly in the books of Genesis, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Revelationidentifies these leaders or nations as Meshech, Tubal, Gog and Magog. Mr. Armstrong pointed out that There is general agreement among students of prophecy that Gog in the land of Magog is the vast regions of northern Eurasia extending from the Baltic to the Pacific. Meshech is Moscow, Tubal is Tobolsk. The Bible margin says Prince of Rosh, which is Russia (Plain Truth, April 1981). Historically, relations between these countries have been rockyespecially between Russia and China. For centuries, these two nations have vacillated between conflict and cooperation. In recent years, these two neighbors have been forging a closer bondfor several reasons. (For further explanation, please request our free booklet Russia and China in Prophecy.)
R u s
uzbekistan tuRkmenistan kyRgyzstan tajikistan aFghanistan
u.a.e. oman
bhutan bangladesh
Arabian Sea
oppression in Eastern Europe is being overthrown. We have shown years in advance what would happen to Russias ill-fated empire in Eastern Europe. These prophecies have been in your Bible for the past 1,900 years. But the world, and the churches of this world, have refused to believe them (December 1956). Mr. Armstrong once suspected that Eastern Europes breakaway would happen sooner than it did. These events were forestalled a little longer than he (and everyone else) expected. As wise Solomon said millennia ago, To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Conditions werent quite ripe during the mid-1950s. In January 1957, Mr. Armstrong wrote, When the right psychological moment arrives, a number of these nations will break away from Moscow, and the world will then be
nations away from the Soviet sphere of influence. Now we can see that many of the Eastern European nations did in fact escape the clutches of Soviet Russia! These countries include the Czech Republic, the former East Germany, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the states that once comprised Yugoslavia. Each of these is already a part of the European Union. Throughout the Cold War, Mr. Armstrongs insights were correct! Why is the loss of these Eastern European nations significant? Because it drastically weakens the western border defenses of Russia. Russia has learned, having thrice suffered European invasion through Poland in two centuries, that it needs a strong buffer against Germany on its western flank. Fearing the rise of a German-dominated empire to its west, Russia is seeking to create a buffer at the Ukraine Plain and reassert its influence in the Caspian region. It has used European dependence on Russian oil as a powerful lever in this process. It would like nothing better than to bring the former-ussr Commonwealth of Independent States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan) back into the Communist fold. To counter EU expansion, at the same time, Russia is drawing closer to its Asian relatives.
s i a
noRth koRea south koRea
Sea of Okhotsk
laos vietnam thailand South
Pacific Ocean
China Sea
stunned to learn that they had previously entered into a secret pact allying themselves with Germany, Italy, Spain and other European nations in a fascist united Europe! Another most significant evidence of this trend, showing that these satellite nations are in actual fact breaking away from Moscow and turning more toward the West, is the fact that Roman Catholics in these countries are again being allowed their liberties. That right psychological moment finally arrived after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989! That prophecy has unfolded right before our eyes. Yes, the Russians believed for years that the West would try every means within its power to attract the satellite nations of Eastern Europe into its orbit. The Russians feared that West Germany, above all, would use these very means to attract some of the Balkan
the future
The Plain Truth of October 1973 predicted that democratic headway into Communist Asia would eventually fail. It also stated that Russian and Chinese leaders were contemplating the formation of an alliance of socialistcommunist nations: The Communists havent suddenly changed ideologically. They havent come to believe that their system is unworkable. Neither have the Communists given up their hopes of leading the world to socialism. But they do profess that their goals can be reached by means of peaceful coexistence. God has prophesied the final outcome of the emerging Asian alliance. Using those prophecies, Herbert Armstrong and the staff writers of the Plain Truth, as well as the editorial staff of the Trumpet, have accurately forewarned of what is coming for Asia for many years. Mr. Armstrong died in 1986, but the Trumpet continues to declare that a nuclear World War iii is coming! Biblical prophecy powerfully supports Mr. Armstrongs assertion that the kings of the east will forge an even deeper relationship in the years aheadand eventually play a major part in the coming battle of Armageddon! Although America and Britain are destined to fall, we still say it is not Russia, nor a Russian-Asian conglomerate, that these nations need fear. It is Germany and the revived Holy Roman Empire! Some will still scoff even today. They say the Cold War is over and we need not fear a hot war anytime soon. But God has prophesied that our world is about to be rocked! However, our message isnt all about gloom and doom. Just beyond the perilous times that lie ahead is unbelievably good news! That is the biggest news of all! No major newsmagazine is announcing that good news. They simply do not believe it! That good news involves the gospel of the Kingdom of God. (The word gospel means good news.) This worldwide work is actively announcing the crisis at the close of this agethe crisis of which the greatest news forecaster of all times, Jesus Christ, warned in Matthew 24. We are announcing a crisis that will usher in a new and better age, when all peoples everywhere will begin to enjoy peace and prosperity under Gods divine rulership.
he Chinese dragon has long been watching as U.S. global dominance wanes. Now it seeks to build a global power bloc in the East to replace it. Herbert W. Armstrong believed that for a great Eastern power bloc to truly have global influence, it must be comprised of more than just Russia and China. The experts at the intelligence firm Stratfor agree: China and Russia, bound together into the tightest alliance, can change the regional balance in Eurasia but cannot affect the global balance (April 16, 2001). If you add Japan, however, with its technological prowess and naval might, to this formidable duo, it suddenly becomes a force that could transform the global balance of power. As unlikely as this may have seemed at the time, this is exactly what the Plain Truth believed would one day happen. There is an utter inevitability of the ultimate tie-up between Japan and Red China! declared the February 1963 Plain Truth. The big question is how long China will remain Red and survive without a tie-up with Japanese capitalism. Despite its many national, religious and political differences, Asia will ultimately be welded together into a common power bloc, wrote the Plain Truth in April 1968. It will ultimately send its military muscle into the Middle East at the return of Jesus Christ. This prophecy is recorded in Revelation 16:12 and 16. Japan will play a vital role in this battle. For decades, the Plain Truth forecast that Japan would be an important part of the future kings of the east!
At the end of the Second World War and the beginning of the Cold War, the U.S. softened the worlds bitter memories of Japanese aggression with this agreement: America would defend Japan if America could station troops close to potential conflict zones in the region. America, in fact, wrote Japans postwar peace constitution. So instead of first rebuilding its military, Japan was able to pour its resources into becoming an economic superpower. Notice what Mr. Armstrong wrote in the Plain Truth, March 1971: Japan today has no military establishment. Some United States forces are still there. But we should not lose sight of the fact that Japan has become so powerful economically that it could build a military force of very great power very rapidly. Sure enough, that is now happening.
in the Diet that enabled the Japanese military to supply logistical support for Americas declared war on terrorism. Why was Japan able to enter the battle theater so readily? Look beneath the surface and you will find that Japan has not, in reality, been the benign power it has projected itself to be since its defeat in World War ii. For decades, Japan has evaded the strict enforcement of Article 9 of the constitutional law imposed by America, which states unequivocally that the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes. [L]and, sea and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. Japans military began to be resurrected as early as 1950, when a National Police Reserve was established as a replacement for American troops that were sent into the Korean War. The Japanese government transformed this police force into the Self-Defense Forces in 1954, with the full support of the U.S. As time went on and memories of World War ii faded, the force gradually expanded its scope. In 1992 Japan passed the UN Peacekeeping Cooperation Law, which allowed the Self-Defense Forces to take part in certain non-military aspects of UN missions. Japanese soldiers could now be stationed outside Japans borders. Events stemming from 9/11 brought about what the New York Times called the most significant transformation in Japans military since World War ii (July 23, 2007). The Japanese military is looking less and less like a self-defense force. In 2004, Japan sent non-combat troops to Iraq. At the end of 2006, Japans Defense Agency was upgraded to become a full-fledged ministry, giving it a louder and clearer voice in Japans cabinet. In 2007, Japans f-2s flew 1,700 miles without refueling and dropped 500-pound live bombs as part of a training exercise. Now Japan is even looking to use space for military purposes. With many of the taboos already broken, it would be a small step for Japan to amend its pacifist constitution. George Friedman, founder of Stratfor, and Meredith Lebard wrote in The Coming War with Japan: For many years Japans Self-Defense Forces have been laying the groundwork for this new era. Japan has a small armyalthough it is larger than most people imaginebut more important, Japans military industrial capability is much greater than is generally assumed. Japan has already created some of the most advanced weapons in the world and knows how to mass-produce them. Japans emergence as a great military power in the future depends more on its will than its ability. In order to have a world-class military force in a few short years, Japan merely has to decide that it needs one.
JApAn todAy HAs no militAry estAblisHment. but we sHould not lose sigHt oF tHe FAct tHAt JApAn HAs become so powerFul economicAlly tHAt it could build A militAry Force oF very greAt power very rApidly.
Plain truth, march 1971
Whats next?
the Plain Truths most important prophecies were of the wonderful world tomorrow.
s this booklet has clearly shown, Herbert W. Armstrong was able to see and publicly declare many prophecies because he was willing to submit to the authority of the Bible. We have highlighted only a few of those that concern major events now shaping the future of our existence. One of the earliest prophecies of which he spoke, howeverpossibly the first and certainly the most importanthas only been touched on here. It is an event that will bring the final, peaceful end of all the prophecies spoken of. It is a prophecy he began teaching back in the 1930s: the prophecy of the soon-coming government of God in the wonderful World Tomorrow. Mr. Armstrong first determined to broadcast the wonderful news of the World Tomorrow in 1933. Later he wrote, All I had in mind, as the World Tomorrow program was being planned late in 1933, was to serve God faithfully wherever He should lead (Autobiography of Herbert W. Armstrong, Volume 1). Of that prophecy, he wrote in 1966, You dont have to believe it! It will happen, regardless. It is surethe worlds only sure hope. This advance good news of tomorrow is as certain as the rising of tomorrows sun. Humanity wont bring it aboutit is going to be done to us. Humanity is going to be forced to be happyto enjoy world peaceto see universal abundance and joy fill the Earth (The Wonderful World TomorrowWhat It Will Be Like). As the saying goes, Hindsight is 20/20. It is easy to see the truth after the fact. That kind of vision, however, is of limited value. What we really need is the ability to know whats coming before it happens. This booklet has shown how you can have 20/20 vision of the future. We have looked back at the prophetic knowledge of Herbert W. Armstrong and shown the fulfillment as it is happening, so youthe readercan plan your future. Winston Churchill declared before the United States Congress: He must indeed have a blind soul who cannot see that some great purpose and design is being worked out here below of which we have the honor to be the faithful servants, Mr. Armstrong wrote. It is true, though almost totally unrealized: Mankind was put on this Earth for a purpose! And the Maker of mankind sent along with the human product of His making an Instruction Book to reveal that purpose and to guide man in happily, enjoyably
fulfilling it (The United States and Britain in Prophecy). Gen. Douglas MacArthur spoke the truth when he said, Men since the beginning of time have sought peace . Military alliances, balances of powers, leagues of nations, all in turn failed, leaving the only path to be by way of the crucible of war. The utter destructiveness of war now blots out this alternative. We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater and equitable system, our Armageddon will be at our door. The problem basically is theological and involves a spiritual recrudescence, an improvement of human character that will synchronize with our almost matchless advances in science, art, literature, and all material and cultural developments of the past 2,000 years. It must be of the spirit if we are to save the flesh. Its all about vision. Dutch philosopher Erasmus said, In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. He was talking about visionone man with vision in a land filled with those who refuse to see. Today, very few see the world as a boiling pot about ready to boil over! (Jeremiah 1:13). Yet anyone with half an eye should have that discernment. Mr. Armstrong warned of what is just ahead: In this folly of educated ignorance, it has become fashionable today and intellectually titillating to ignore the great basic cause of all things; the fact of the purpose being worked out here below, and the master plan for its working out; the invisible but Supreme Power now soon to intervene and drastically alter the course of historybefore mankind blasts itself out of existence (ibid.). Yes, as Mr. Armstrong said, the greatest prophecy beyond it all is that mankind will not self-destruct! God is about to intervene to save humanity. Thats the good news! Herbert W. Armstrong saw it well before 1945. Today, Gods warning message of the coming events, as well as the good news of the wonderful World Tomorrowthe work started through Mr. Armstrongcontinues to be trumpeted around the world by this work as a witness! You can escape the horror of the next few years by heeding that witness. What choice will you makeblindness or vision? Hopefully, we will have the vision to look aheadaccept the revelation and guidance provided in the Bible, and reap the blessings that come with that decision.
2010 Philadelphia Church of God. All rights reserved. Images are the property of their respective owners and used with permission. This booklet is not to be sold. It is a free educational service in the public interest. Printed in the United States of America. Scriptures in this publication are quoted from the King James Version, unless otherwise noted.
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