Notes in Purposive Communication
Notes in Purposive Communication
Notes in Purposive Communication
5. Language is Idiolect
Duality – referring to the two systems of
- It refers to the speech habits of an sound and meaning.
individual. From this view, even Displacement – means the ability to talk
twins who have lived together all across time and space.
their lives will use language
differently. It includes voice quality, Humanness – means that animals cannot
pitch, intonation, word choice and acquire it.
many other factors. Universality – means refers to the
equilibrium across humanity on linguistic
Language is Arbitrary – No inherent grounds.
relation between the words of a language and Competence and Performance – language is
their meanings or the ideas conveyed by innate and produced is society and
them. furthermore, language is culturally
Language is Social – a possession of a social transmitted.
group, comprising an indispensable set of
rules which permits its members to relate to
each other, to interact with each other, to (Structure of Language)
cooperate with each other; it is a social Language and the ability to
institution. communicate is an essential building block of
Language is Symbolic - consists of various human relationships. It helps us share
sound symbols and their graphological information, ideas and feelings with one
counterparts that are employed to denote another, making language structure and
some objects, occurrences or meaning. development critical to groups of people and
on an individual basis. Language
Language is Systematic - All languages development begins in infancy and continues
have their system of arrangements. Every throughout a person.
language is a system of systems. All
languages have phonological and
The Basic Structure of Language new sights and sounds,
including speech.
• The fundamental building
blocks of a language are the
• Mothers in particular play a
syllables. It is to be noted that
large role in teaching the
auxiliary modifications of the
structure of language to their
pronunciation of multisyllable
words are of the syllable
rather than the phoneme. Expert Insight
Thus, the basic chunks of a
• Due to the importance of
language are the syllables.
language development in
children, many parents are
concerned about the pace at
(Language Theory & Development)
which their child is learning
The Five Parts of Language Development speech. Refer their child to a
language development
- The basic function of language
specialist, such as speech
structure is to help people
pathologist, who is an expert
communicate with one another
in the field of language
through speech, whether verbal,
structure and development.
written or through sign language.
Although there are many different
• The specialist will evaluate
languages, they share the same basic
the child and then make
attributes of sounds, word and
recommendations based on
sentence formation and meaning and
his findings.
cadence of speech.
C. The power of language: How words
• Language development
shape people, culture.
occurs primarily in infants
and toddlers under three years
• Speaking, writing, and
of age. As humans age, it
reading are integral to
becomes increasingly difficult
everyday life, where language
to learn new language
is the primary tool for
expression and
Time Frame communication.
- Also, all human beings uniformly - Thus, the relation between a word and
possess language. It is only a few deaf its meaning is quite arbitrary; it is a
persons who cannot speak. Thus, matter of convention.
language is species-uniform to that
extent - Language is arbitrary in the sense that
there is no inherent relation between
5. Form of Social Behavior: the words of a language and their
“Language is the institution whereby meanings, or the ideas conveyed by
humans communicate and interact them.
with each other by means of
habitually used oral-auditory - Language may, therefore, be called a
arbitrary symbols”. system of conventional symbols,
where each symbol represents a
- Language has to be acquired and stretch of sounds with which a
learnt, it do not passes from parent to meaning is associated.
a child. Both acquisition & learning
of language is possible in society. A - It may be noted that had language not
human child learns to speak the been arbitrary, there would have been
language of the community or only one language in the world.
group in which he or she is placed.
8. Displacement: “No matter how
- Language is thus a form of social eloquently a dog may bark, he cannot
behavior. tell you that his parents were poor but
6. Creativity: “A language is a set
(finite or infinite) of sentences, each - Human language possesses the
finite in length and constructed out of quality of being ‘context free’ i.e.
a finite set of elements” human beings can talk about
experiences without actually living
- Human brain is competent enough to them and of objects and events not
construct different sentences from out physically present at the time and
of the limited set of sound/symbols place of speaking because the use of
belonging to a particular language. human language is not directly
Human brain is so productive, that controlled by stimulus.
using a few basic principles of
construction, it can create a large - Only Human language users are
number of constructions; there is no capable of producing messages
pertaining to the present, past or
future, near or distant places, i.e. in a - In order to choose the most effective
multidimensional setting. language, the writer must consider the
objective of the document, the
9. Culture-preserving & Culture- context in which it is being written,
transmission: ‘Thanks to language, and who will be reading it.
man became Man’.
(Characteristics of Effective Language)
- Language is culture-preserving and
culture-transmitting. Language is the There are six main characteristics of effective
most dynamic form in which language. Effective language is: (1) concrete
culture is preserved and and specific, not vague and abstract; (2)
transmitted to future generations. concise, not verbose; (3) familiar, not
obscure; (4) precise and clear, not
10. Dynamic: “A language is a symbol inaccurate or ambiguous; (5) constructive,
system…based on pure or arbitrary not destructive; and (6) appropriately
convention…infinitely extendable formal.
and modifiable according to the
changing needs and conditions of the
speakers”. 1. Concrete and Specific Language
3. Familiar Language
b. Effective Use of Language.
- Familiar language is that which the
readers easily recognize and
(The Importance of Language)
understand because they use it on a
- As a writer, it is important not only to regular basis. One of the most
think about what you say, but how important functions of language is to
you say it. To communicate build "homophily" or a sense of
effectively, it is not enough to have commonality with one's readers.
well organized ideas expressed in
complete and coherent sentences and - Language which is foreign and
paragraphs. One must also think unfamiliar to the reader tends to
about the style, tone and clarity of emphasize the differences between
his/her writing, and adapt these writer and reader and makes the
elements to the reading audience. message difficult to understand. By
using language that is familiar to
- Again, analyzing one's audience the reader, the message is likely to
and purpose is the key to writing have more impact.
4. Precise and Clear Language
5. Constructive Language
6. Formality of Language