Rekha Pande's Article On Bhakti
Rekha Pande's Article On Bhakti
Rekha Pande's Article On Bhakti
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Proceedings of the Indian History Congress
1.8 The social front was also characterised by a change. There was the
Brahmanical oppression of the worse kind. In order to maintain their
status quo, complex rites and rituals were practiced by them and those
who did not fit into the traditional four castes were termed outcastes
or chandalas.8 By this time Jainism and Buddhism had practically
disappeared and it was orthodox Brahmanism that had reigned supreme
over the whole of India. They alone understood Sanskrit in which the
ancient religious texts were produced, and this made the performance of
various rites and rituals their monopoly.
1.9 Indian muslims were also divided into * Sharif Zats, or high castes
and 4 Ajlaf Zars ' or low castes. The conversion of Islam, had certainly
not made an individual change his old environment which was deeply
influenced by caste distinctions and a general social exclusiveness. The
different classes of muslim communities also began to live aloof from
one another, even in seperate quarters in the same city.® Among the
muslims although caste was recognised in social relations, yet when it
came to prayer and worship the caste and class differences were ignored
and the poor and lich worshipped side by side, but outside they were
again ajlafs and sharifs. Ignorance, blind faith and meaningless habits
and customs had dotted the religious scene.
1.10 The Bhatki movement was a product of this society and its ideology
served a purpose. Its saints were not idle philosophers or arm chaired
reformers. They mostly came from the lower sections of society and
worked for their living. Raidas was a cobbler, Dharna an untouchable
jat peasant, Kabir was a low casts weaver, Dadu a low caste spinner,
Nanak a small time trader, Namdev a tailor and Tukaram was also a
low caste trader. They narrated their philosophy in local dialects in
lyrical forms which showed little adherence to conventional literary
traditions of Sanskrit. The readings of the various hymns and songs
composed by the Bhaktas give us a clear glimpse into their social aims
and objectives. The saints were trying to make a readjustment among the
hindus and muslims no doubt, for the creation of a harmonious society.
To Nanak, 'religion did not consist in mere words, but one who looked
on all men as equal is religious'.10
1.11 Dadu also spoke against the divisions of people on various grounds
Kabir also says that in the beginning there were no such distinctions
of race, caste and creed.
Kabir also states that one does not become a scholar by reading scrip-
tures. It is only through the learning of love that one can become a real
1.12 The Bhakti saints spoke of a direct relationship between man and
God. They were opposed to the traditional, rigid, elaborate and meaning-
less rituals that had crept into religious practices.
To Nanak,
Religion does not consist in wandering to tombs
Or places of cremation, or sitting in
different postures of contemplation.
Religion does not consist in wandering from
country to country or in bathing at sacred places
Abidipure, amid the impurities of the world
Thus shalt thou find the way of religion.15
Kabir also discards the temple and the mosque by asking, if the Hindu
god stays in a temple and the muslim God in a mosque what happens
1.13 By doing away with the various rituals the Bhaktai were alio
fighting the Brahmanical domination and the injustices of the caste
To Nanak
'Nonsense are castes and nonsense the names attached to them
All creatures are under one shelter that of God.1*
He further states,
'It is needless to ask a saint,
the caste to which he belongs
the barber has sought God, the washer man and the carpenter
Hindus and muslims alike have achieved that end
Where, remains no mark of distinction.19
Kabir also denounces all rituals stating that God can be found in every
1.14 By enroling a large number of traders and craftsmen into its rank
and file, the Bhakti movement was making them conscious, of their
position and the need for democratising the religious and social structure
of the society. There was to be no previleged class at the top dominating
over the vast majority of silent, submissive and improtesting believers.
The preachings of many of these saints and their devotional songs gave
a real shape to the concept of an egalitarian society. They played an
important role in awakening the hindu consciousness on the necessity of
reforming the religion of its customs and superstitions'. By establishing
1.15 Therefore the Bhakti saints, were protesting in a loud voice against
the various injustices meted out to them by society. Religion is but a
part of the social mileu and has to be assessed on the basis of the needi
of the society at a particular point in time. The creation of a casteless,
society was the need of the time and hence a clamour for the total
1.16 But was it really a 'total change'? Were women any part of this
change? The answer is 'No*. A very interesting phenomena which
emerges is that though these saints were clamouring for various reforms
and a great change women were completely left out. This is in complete
contrast to a number of women Bhaktas who were getting the liberty of
self expression for the first time, through their Bhakti poetry. Most of
these women were very revolutionary in their personal lives opposing the
institution of marriage and family itself. The most prominent among
these were Meera in Rajasthan, Laleshwari in Kashmir, Sahajobai and
Bihanabai in Maharashtra, Akk Mahadevi in Karnataka and Godamma
in Tamil Nadu.
1.17 In contrast to these women, the male Bhaktas talk in very deroga-
tory terms for women. Except perhaps for Nanak who says.
1.21 The Saguna Saints were mainly agriculturist or still associated with
agrarian related areas, where woman did play a pivotal role. Hence they
do not look down upon women. Even when Tulsi looks down upon
woman, he raises the characters of Sita, Parvati, Kaikai, Mandodari
and Tara to a high stature.31 On the other hand, most of the Nirguna
Saints were related to the upcoming industrial sector, being associated
with professions like tanning, weaving, trading, tailoring etc., where
women did not have apivotal role to play, and their age old [prejudices
against women, as a barrier to salvation, continued.