WEEK 1-Mathematics - Secondary-Jhs
WEEK 1-Mathematics - Secondary-Jhs
WEEK 1-Mathematics - Secondary-Jhs
to 12
Teacher Norman C. Barroso Learning Area Statistics and Probability
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Week 1 Quarter 4th
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives,
necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may
be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment
strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find
significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key understanding of key
concepts of random concepts of random concepts of random concepts of random
variables and probability variables and probability variables and probability variables and probability
distributions. distributions. distributions. distributions.
B. Performance The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to The learner is able to
Standards apply an appropriate apply an appropriate apply an appropriate apply an appropriate
random variable for a random variable for a random variable for a random variable for a
given real-life problem given real-life problem given real-life problem given real-life problem
(such as in decision (such as in decision (such as in decision (such as in decision
making and games of making and games of making and games of making and games of
chance) chance) chance) chance)
C. Learning Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG,
Competencies / the content can be tackled in a week or two.
The learner illustrates a The learner finds the The learner illustrates a The learner constructs the
random variable (discrete possible values of a probability distribution for probability mass function
and continuous). (M11/ random variable. (M11/ a discrete random variable of a discrete random
12SP- IIIa-1) 12SP – IIIa- 3) and its properties. (M11/ variable and its
The learner distinguishes 12SP- IIIa- 4) corresponding histogram.
between a discrete and a. Define a random The learner computes (M11/ 12SP – IIIa-5)
continuous random variable probabilities
variable. (M11/ 12SP – b. Find the possible values corresponding to a given
IIIa-2) of a random variable. random variable.
a. Define variable
b. Differentiate a. Determine whether a
quantitative from distribution represents a
qualitative variable probability distribution.
c. Distinguish discrete b. Compute probabilities
from continuous variable corresponding to a given
random variable.
II. CONTENT Discrete and Continuous Random Variable Discrete Probability Probability Mass Function
Random Variable Distribution and its Corresponding
III. LEARNING List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson
RESOURCES and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based
materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Conceptual Math and Conceptual Math and Conceptual Math and Conceptual Math and
Beyond Beyond Beyond Beyond
Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability Statistics and Probability
Jose M. Ocampo, Jr., Jose M. Ocampo, Jr., Jose M. Ocampo, Jr., Jose M. Ocampo, Jr.,
Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D.
Wilmer G. Marquez, M.A. Wilmer G. Marquez, M.A. Wilmer G. Marquez, M.A. Wilmer G. Marquez, M.A.
Pages 4- 5 Pages 2-3 Pages 6-9 Pages 6-10
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn
well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative
assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new
things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in
relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing LIKE or UNLIKE GROUP QUIZ BEE “Questions in a Bowl” Pak! Ganern!
previous lesson or Identify whether the given Each group will work Each group will pick a The students will say
presenting the new situation is countable or collaboratively and answer question in a bowl then pak if the given place can
measurable. The students each question precisely. they will work be found at Cavite and
will raise the board LIKE if 1. In how many ways can collaboratively to answer ganern if the given place
it is countable and a coin fall? the given questions can be found at Laguna.
UNLIKE if it is 2. In how many ways can pertaining to probability. 1. Enchanted Kingdom
measurable. a die fall? QUESTIONS: 2. Aguinaldo Shrine
1.number of notebooks in 3. In ways can two coins 1. What is the probability 3. Bonifacio Trial House
the bag fall? of getting a tail in flipping a 4. Rizal Shrine
2. amount of salt needed 4. In how many ways can coin? 5. Picnic Grove
to bake a loaf of bread two dice fall? 2. What is the probability 6. Gardenia Factory
3. number of students who 5. In how many ways can of getting a heart in a 7. People Park in the Sky
got an average grade of four coins fall? single draw from a deck of
85 and above card?
4. the capacity of an 3. What is the probability
auditorium of getting an even number
5. length of blackboard in rolling a die?
4. What is the probability
of getting a face card in a
single draw from a deck of
Accuracy – 10
Explanation - 10
Total 20
B. Establishing a COMPLETE YOUR KNOW MY SAMPLE A small remedial class WORKING BY PAIR
purpose for the FACEBOOK GROUP SPACE contains 8 boys and 5 “It’s Field Trip Time”
lesson PROFILE Each group will girls. If three students Cavite National
Each group will fill up the complete the table by were selected at random Science High School is
following data: identifying the sample one after the other, planning to have a field
Name of the student: space of the given event. determine the values of trip at Cavite and Laguna.
Number of siblings: EVENT SAMPLE random variable B The places in the given
Allowance in a day: SPACE representing the number activity which are 4 places
Religion: 2 coins are of boys. in Cavite and 3 places in
Height (in centimeter): tossed Guide Questions: Laguna are the choices of
Weight (in kilogram): 3 coins are 1. What are the outcomes the principal. If three
Final Grade in General tossed (sample space) of the places will be selected,
Mathematics: 4 coins are given problem? how many possible values
Each group will design in a tossed 2. Complete the table of the random variable C
cartolina their facebook below. representing the number
group profile using the of places in Cavite?
given data. Guide Questions:
Rubrics: 1. What is the number of
Desig - 10 Rubrics: Outcomes Number of occurrence of each values
Organization of the data - Accuracy of the answer Boys of random variable C?
(Value of B)
10 - 15 2. What is the probability
20- Total Organization (while doing of the occurrence of each
the activity) value of the random
Guide Questions: - 5 variable C?
1. What are the 20 Total
informations gathered
from the members to Guide Questions:
complete the facebook 1. How many outcomes
group profile? are there in tossing 2
2. What is the unit of coins? 3 coins? 4 coins? 3. What are the values of
measurement used for the random variable B?
each information (if there 4. How many 3 boys occur
are any)? in the given event?
3. Which among the 5. How many 2 boys occur
information gathered are in the given event?
countable? Measurable?
2 3
1 3
0 1
Total 8 1
E. Discussing new The students are going to A basket contains 7 ripe Consider the probability Using the probability mass
concepts and classify the quantitative and 5 unripe bananas. If distribution of the number function of the random
practicing new variable as discrete or three bananas are taken of boys given below. variable T. Construct a
continuous by putting the from the basket one after B 3 2 1 0 histogram using the table.
skills #2
data in the correct column the other, determine the P( 1 3 3 1 T 2 1 0
of the table. possible values of the B) 8 8 8 8 1 1 1
) 4 2 4
representing the number Find the following: 2.5
of ripe bananas. 1. P(B>1)
1. What are the outcomes 2
2. P(B=4)
(sample space) of the Guide Questions? 1.5
given problem? 1. What do you notice
2. Complete the table 1
about the probability
below. values of the random 0.5
Outcomes Number of variable in each probability
1. How are you going to distribution? 0 1 2
Bananas 2. What is the sum of the
say that the given data (Value of
represent discrete probabilities of a random
B) variable?
quantitative variable?
2. How are you going to
say that the given data
represent discrete
qualitative variable?
3. What are the values of
the random variable B?
F. Developing Distinguish if the given If three coins are tossed, Determine whether or not Construct probability mass
mastery data represents a find the random variable H the distribution represents function and its
(Leads to quantitative or qualitative where H represents the a probability distribution. corresponding histogram
Formative variable. If it is quantitative number of heads that in the given experiment.
Assessment 3) variable write if it is occur. Three coins are tossed.
discrete or continuous. 1. What are the outcomes 1. Let H be the number of
1. Age of mother (sample space) of the Y 2 4 6 8 heads that occur.
2. Usual number of given problem? P( 1 1 1 3
messages in the facebook 2. Complete the table Y) 4 4 4 4
3. Most preferred color of below. 2.
ballpen X 0 1 2 3
4. number of buildings in P(X .35 .20 .15 .30
the school )
5. gender of the head
teachers in the school Compute for the
Outcomes Number of probabilities of the values
Heads of the random variable.
(Value of Outcomes Number of
H) Head
(Value of
HH 2
HT 1
TH 1
TT 0
G. Finding practical Group Activity The students will work by UNITED AS ONE Each group will ask
applications of A survey of students in a pair in answering the given The students will work each member to give the
concepts and skills certain school is problem. by group and answer the number of siblings that
conducted. The survey The Tanza National given real-life problem. they have. Let S be a
in daily living
questionnaire details the Comprehensive High In the book shelf inside random variable that
information on the School has 50 ABM your classroom there are 6 represents the number of
following variables. For students and 43 HUMSS Mathematics books and 5 siblings.
each of these variables, students. If four students Science books. If four a. Construct the probability
identify whether the were selected at random books were selected at distribution of random
variable is qualitative or one after the other, random one after the variable S.
quantitative and if the determine the values of other, below will be the b. Construct the probability
latter state whether it is the random variable A table of values of random histogram.
discrete or continuous. representing the number variable M representing
1. Number of family of ABM students. the number of Reminders:
members who are working 1. What are the outcomes Mathematics books. 5 minutes – each member
2. Ownership of cellphone (sample space) of the of the group will work
among family members given problem? collaboratively
3. Ownership/ Rental of 2. Complete the table 5 minutes – presentation
dwelling below. Outcomes Number of of the output of the group
4. Length (in minutes) of Mathematics
longest call made on each Outcomes Number of
(Value of M)
cellphone owned per ABM Accuracy - 10
Students MMMM
month. Explanation - 10
(Value of A) MMMS
5. Amount in pesos on Total 20
food in one week.
6. Occupation of
household head.
7. Total family monthly MSMS
income. MSSM
Reminders: SMMM
5 minutes – the students SMSM
will work individually SMSS
3 minutes the students SSMM
will have brainstorming SSMS
session on the activity SSSM
2 minutes – finalization of SSSS
the answer Rubrics:
Accuracy - 15
3. What are the values of Organization - 5
the random variable A? Total 20
H. Making 1. How are you going to 1. What are the steps in 1. What are the properties 1. How do you construct
generalizations and differentiate a quantitative finding the values of the of discrete probability the probability mass
abstractions about and qualitative variable? random variable? distribution? function?
2. How are you going to 2. How are you going to 2. How do you construct
the lesson
distinguish a discrete and compute for the the histogram of the
continuous variable? probabilities probability mass function?
corresponding to a given
random variable?
I. Evaluating learning Identify whether the Find the values of random I. Determine whether or A meeting of consuls was
variable is qualitative or variable in each of the not the distribution attended by 4 Americans
quantitative and if the following situations. represents a probability and 2 Germans.
latter state whether it is 1. Two coins are tossed. distribution. If it does not
discrete or continuous. Let H be the number of explain why. a. If three consuls were
1. the number of senators heads that occurs. selected at random,
present in the meeting Determine the values of 1. construct the probability
2. the most preferred random variable H. ____________________
distribution of the random
viand of the students 2. A box contains 3 yellow A 3 6 9 12
3. the weight of the and 2 pink balls. Three 1 1 1 1 variable G representing
newborn babies for the balls are chosen one after A) 4 4 4 4 the number of Germans.
month of June the other. Determine the 2. ____________________ b. Construct the probability
4. the number of values of random variable B 3 6 9 12 histogram.
households with television Y representing the number P(B .25 -.15 .40 .20
5. the brand of bags of the of yellow balls. )
II. Compute for the
corresponding to a given
random variable.
Number of Number of
Heads Occurrence
(Values of (frequency)
2 1
1 2
0 1
J. Additional Reflection: Using the number of boys Reflection:
activities for and girls of the faculty The probability that we
application or Count what is countable, teachers of senior high may fail in struggle, ought I learned that
Measure what is school, determine the not to defer us from the _____________________
measurable, And what is values of random variable support of a cause we _____________.
G representing the believe to be just. –
not measureable
number of female faculty Abraham Lincoln I still need to clarify on
MAKE MEASURABLE. teachers, if the principal _____________________
will select three female _____________.
– Galileo Galilei senior high school
teachers to join a contest.
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What
works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors
can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?