Non Verbal Cueing and Teaching Facing Forward - Barbara Klontz

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Barbara Klontz
Zumba Education Specialist, USA
Barbara Klontz

10 min: Introduction
35 min: Master Class – showing non-verbal cueing options.
60 min: Lecture & Drills
15 min: Final wrap-up/Q&A
(Total: 2 hours)

Session Objective
Today we will present a Master Class with the instructor facing the students for the majority of the class
showcasing examples of the Non-Verbal Cueing Techniques taught in this session. Our goal is to increase
your Non-Verbal Cueing skills and either introduce you to; or advance your ability to teach facing your
students and have them LOVE the experience. Our objective is to give you tools to take home and use
in your very next Zumba® class (or Zumba® Specialty Class).

*IMPORTANT: This manual is NOT a set of RULES. Consider this a fully loaded toolbox. Just as you don’t
use every tool in the box for every home repair project, you won’t use every tool in this manual for every
song or even every class. Then again, you may use many tools in one song. You will assess each song and
situation and apply the tools as appropriate.
Remember: When teaching ANY Zumba® Specialty Class you will combine both verbal and non-verbal cues
as per your training.

History & Background

Zumba® Fitness provides Zumba® Instructor Network (ZIN™) Members with the tools that they need to be
successful. One of the unique benefits of being a ZIN™ Member is having access to the choreography DVDs
that model successful Non-Verbal Cueing Skills and Teaching Facing the Class. In addition ZIN™ members
have access to ZIN™TV where you can find even more continuing education on all the topics above. This
session is to expand your experience and knowledge based on skills and protocol set by the professionals in
the fitness industry. Non-Verbal Cueing is one of the primary cueing techniques in the Zumba® program to
ensure, and to enhance the Zumba® experience. This session and manual will focus on advancing your
non-verbal cueing skills, and apply them in a forward facing format. In this manual, we will introduce and
identify skills for you to keep in your toolbox. In this toolbox you will have a plethora of non-verbal and
Instructor Position (facing students or facing away) skills. You can use these skills on their own, or combine
them with Verbal Cueing when you teach any or our Zumba® Specialty programs that require Verbal

Keep in mind, as a Zumba® Instructor we ask that you go to your non-verbal cueing skills FIRST; verbal
cueing is used in Zumba® classes to enhance the experience, for safety, or to communicate something you
could not have communicated non-verbally (and regularly in all Specialty Zumba® classes).
In addition, you’ll notice in every live event with Beto or DVD, the instructor always faces his/her students for
the majority of the class. This is to enhance the Zumba® experience and to ensure the effectiveness of non-

verbal cueing. Teaching facing a mirror is an effective technique to assist your students with a step for a
moment, but is NOT the recommended format for the entire Zumba® class, or in most fitness programming.


Application of the Zumba® Formula

The key to successful cueing is to remember that you are communicating with your students (cueing is
NOT ONLY to be used to prep the NEXT step). The purpose of cueing is primarily to prepare your students
for a change in movement, encourage and enhance their experience, and keep them engaged. Cueing (of
all kinds) is no small task, and like most skills is honed and perfected over time. There is always something
new to be learned.
Cueing in Zumba® classes, serves one master: your students and follows the Formula (Z=MC2)
M= Music - The music makes your class. You’ll use your music to help you cue and create a
fun atmosphere in class.
C= Core Steps –Using your repetition of core steps to make the class easier to follow; and
variations for flavor will help make your class exciting and fell new. This repetition reduces the
need for constant cueing to your students.
C= Choreography – We will use the formula choreography model to take the class from a fun
to an efficient workout.
The cueing you provide within (and without changing) the Zumba® Formula makes your
students successful and enhances their experience.

Doing It Right!
Where does anxiety in our students come from? Our students come to class wanting to have a good time,
exercise, party, and enjoy themselves. At the root of that (for most of them) is the desire to do a good job
(i.e., they want to do it RIGHT). The anxiety, intimidation, or fear they feel often comes from being afraid
they can’t do the steps or can’t follow the instructor. They fear embarrassment, humiliation, and even your

Reminding your students that there is no “right and wrong” in the Zumba® program (just safe and unsafe,
for instructors to keep in mind) is an important step, but it won’t make their fears disappear. The desire to
“do it right” is innately human. As you (the instructor) learn to communicate better with your students, the
more confident and adventurous your students will become. The more your students trust you to clearly
communicate, the more they will let go and give you more energy and intensity. It is this fear of
embarrassment or discomfort with change that makes students ask their instructor to cue verbally
or teach facing the mirror. If you’ve been asked to cue verbally or face the mirror – ask yourself
“Where I need to enhance your skill set?”!

As the instructor, our job is to take charge and set the standard & atmosphere for class. The way you “Set
the Scene” and create a culture in the class will affect their performance and attendance. While we
manage the class atmosphere we also translate the music and movements into a language that the
students can read and follow. The timing of your cues (before the change) is just as essential as the style

and clarity of your cues. Cue too late and your students won’t have enough time to follow you. Cue too
early and they will feel silly and frustrated trying to figure out when to make the change. Watching the
students and reading them for frustration is also essential to know when and how to alter your cueing plan
on the spot.

Prevention is the key! Cueing success begins at the door. You can manage your student’s anxieties and
encourage their success even before the class begins.

Setting The Scene!

The first step in making your students successful is setting the scene. Prepare your students for the
journey ahead with your introduction at the beginning of the class. They are about to embark on an
“experience” and whether they are new students or existing students a brief introduction will prepare them
for the ride.

This is your ONCE UPON A TIME MOMENT: ME, C, U, When, I Connect, MMORE: Should take 45
seconds to 2 minutes.
ME: Introduce yourself.
C: Class Name ( Zumba®, Zumba Toning®, etc.)
U: Do we have new students in class – make them (you out there) a priority!
I: Introduce the class format and location: a) Type of class, b) Intermittent Interval format c) safety
information (hydration, floor structure, bathrooms, etc.) d) WATER e) The non-verbal concept (indirectly) –
Keep an eye on me, I’ll always SHOW you what to do, I may not TELL you what to do, but I’ll always Show
you what to do.
Connect: Connect – tell a brief personal story. Make yourself a person – not an idol.
MMore: Motivate – give them a goal for the day and MOVE!
Now is the time to set your students up to succeed.

From Fairly New to Fitness Fare!

To properly prepare your introduction, let’s understand whom you’re talking to. Some of the new students
who wander into your Zumba® class will be brand new to fitness. These students will be full of excitement
and, most likely, some trepidation. They are likely to be the most easily intimidated and it’s important to
briefly introduce the concept of non-verbal cueing to prepare them for what’s next and ease their nerves
about how to follow your lead.

Other students will have previous fitness or group fitness class experience. It is equally important to
prepare these students for non-verbal cueing. In the fitness world verbal cueing is the norm. And in many
group fitness formats verbal cueing is absolutely essential to the success and safety of the student. In the
fitness world, a sign of poor instructor skills is they don’t speak enough – or – they aren’t verbally cueing
clearly or on time.
When you have experienced fitness students in your Zumba® class for the first time, neglecting to give a
brief introduction to the non-verbal cueing concept can create a negative first impression. This can rob the
students of relaxing into and enjoying the class.

A SHORT introduction to the concept of non-verbal cueing can make a big difference to the experience of
your students. And in the end the experience of the Zumba® program IS the Zumba® program.

Beginner Instructors – Basic Non-Verbal Cueing (Overt Cueing)

Instructors new to the Zumba® program and/or non-verbal cueing usually start with the most overt form of
non-verbal cueing. Overt cues are the non-verbal counterpart to verbal cueing. These cues include:
Finger Counting
Directional Cues
Sign Language (From the top, turn around, etc.)

This type of non-verbal cueing is easy to learn both for instructors and students. In terms of the party
atmosphere/experience, these overt cues can become cumbersome and feel like a non-verbal lecture if
overused in every change for every part of your class. Like strong spices, OVERT non-verbal cues are
best used in small quantities to season a class well and make it more palatable.

As instructors improve, new skills/tools are added to the non-verbal toolbox in addition to a few OVERT
non-verbal cues.

The Traffic Cop: When to Use Overt Non-Verbal Cue(s)

As you progress as an instructor, there are still times for OVERT non-verbal cues. Imagine a traffic
cop at a busy intersection with no working traffic lights. Without clear signals that can be
deciphered quickly and followed easily, you would have a traffic pileup or an accident.

As you have big directional changes, turns, directional variations of core steps, or situations where
you need to manage the flow of traffic in your classes, these are the best times to be the Traffic
Finger Counting
Directional Cues
Sign Language
Verbal Cueing
Facing away from the class (Facing the mirror)

Put It In Your Piggy Bank:

The best way to ensure your students pay attention to certain non-verbal cues is to use them
sparingly. If you whistle 10 times every song to get their attention, that cue becomes less unique.
Pick a few cues you will use as a Traffic Cop to manage your students in situations where they will
need to pay close attention and use these cues sparingly – save them in your piggy bank. Thus,
when it comes up in a class the meaning is clear and catches their attention immediately.

Piggy Bank Cues are most important when ½ or the whole class cannot see you clearly and
may often include;
Sound cues (noises rather than words) and verbal cues.
The best time to face away from your class is when a complicated or new directional
variation is being used. Once you’re students have learned the variation, challenge them
by facing the class while doing the step.
These may be times to consider a verbal cue.

Avoiding a Non-Verbal Cueing Dictionary:

Using the same non-verbal cues over and over again is a good plan and creates consistency for
your students. However, we do want to avoid creating a lexicon of Zumba®-inspired sign language
for your students to decipher. Zumba® classes are popular because you don’t have to know
Fitness Language, Dance Language, or even the Spanish Language to participate. A
complicated non-verbal language will scare your students away.

KISS! Keep It Simple Silly!

No matter what cueing technique you are using – Verbal, Non-Verbal, Combination, etc. each cue
is truly about getting your student’s attention. Zumba® classes are successful because you don’t
have to speak fitness or dance to be successful. Verbal and non-verbal cues only grab your
student’s attention. Once you have their attention, it’s what you do next that will make your cueing
successful or a flop!

Advancing Non-Verbal Cueing Skills (Subtle Cueing):

Subtle cueing will be less obvious to your students, but done correctly they will easily follow you,
without even realizing you are cueing. Your goal is to make your students feel psychic!

What You Need To Know Before You Start:

Always use the Zumba® Formula! Z=MC2!!!!
When embarking on the journey of more advanced non-verbal cueing it is essential that you have
your music memorized. Know your music, choreography, and cueing plan inside and out. If you
have your cueing planned out, then your students can have your total attention; which is what they

Stepping into your next phase as an instructor will challenge your current skills. Wherever your
skills may currently be, you’re here to be a better you.

Really!?! This Seems So Simple:

Here are some simple techniques that may seem like common sense, but using these skills
purposefully will make a noticeable difference to your students.
1. Clear/clean movements.
2. Finish one step before you start a new one!
3. Consistency!!!!! Consistency leads to predictability, if you students can predict some of your
moves or the direction you are likely to go in a turn, then they can focus on other aspects of
the party and let go!
a. Pick a lead side (right or left) and stick with it for the duration of the class (do make sure
both right and left sides of the body are balanced).
b. If you turn around to facilitate their learning – stay on the correct foot. Pay attention to
your student’s experience.
c. If you turn one way in the Cumbia – do the same on the other side (to the right – turn right
– to the left – turn left) Consistency. (Remember – to avoid injury you must provide
balance in your steps. What you do on the right you must do on the left!)
4. Teach one part of the step, before adding a variation or flair. (Teach the feet, before adding
arms, style, etc.). Stay on Formula when you use this technique.

Plan Your Cueing Choreography:

Just as you will map out your choreography and fitness steps for your class, you can create a plan
for cueing your students before class. This will help you learn your choreography and have a
more polished product for your students. It will also clear your mind to be more responsive to your
students rather than reactive to your choreography.
Follow the Formula! Z=MC2
1. Identify the parts of the music.
2. Learn the music.
3. Choose the core steps that go with each part of the music.
4. Choose any variations you’ll use for your core steps.
5. TEST your transitions! Can you transition from one step to another easily? What do I do if my
steps don’t transition well?
a. Make a small change to smooth out the transition. Maybe a small change in arm
patterns or foot placement will help.
b. Add a transitional step between the 2 steps.
c. STOP! Yes, it’s true! You don’t have to be in constant motion.
d. Change the variation used with the Core Step to facilitate a smooth transition.
e. Change the Core Step to facilitate a smooth transition.
6. Practice – Practice – Practice.
7. Start a cueing plan – how you intend to cue your students.
8. Try it on your students…see how it goes! Changes may be on the horizon !

Using Your Choreography To Cue:

Taking your Overt Cueing to the next subtle level and stepping out of the Traffic Cop role, you can
use your arm, body, and leg variations to help cue transitions and changes in direction, intensity,
or core steps.

Look Ma, No Hands!

While hand and arm cues are useful, they are not your only tool. Let’s practice some hands-free
Body Placement
Telegraphing the moves
Emphasize a change in the step before the transition
Facial Expressions
Body Expressions
Showing the movement vs. dancing the step

Using the Music:

Teach one element at a time (core step, then add arm variation, then add another
Use a distinct sound from the music
Use sound to teach technique
Sing along
Challenge your students to dance without you
Get your students involved! Make them dance with you not follow you!

New Skills:
There are many skills in the Non-Verbal Toolbox. Let’s introduce you to 3 new options. You can
review some of these on ZIN™TV. Or even attend the Pro Skills Training to take what you’ve
learned today to a new and even more effective level.
 2-Count Cusion
 Cue in the Blind
 Pre-Cue

Applying New Skills – The Weaning Technique:

When you begin to apply new skills to class, the instructor usually knows when it might be “too
much” for your students. If you are simply making little changes to your style and skills, do your
thing. However, if you are making the change from teaching facing the mirror or a class where you
use little or no non-verbal cues, we must think of our student’s experience. Just as these will be
new skills for you, learning to follow an instructor non-verbally or facing the students (instead of the
mirror) is a skill for your students to learn as well. I recommend weaning your students into any
MAJOR changes. This means:
Make any major changes slowly one song at a time and let it take weeks or even months to get to
your final product with your students.

During the process the changes should be so fun, so fabulous, so much better than what you did
before; that they just can’t live without the new class format!

The Ability To Adapt:

The best instructor with the coolest music, moves, and most amazing choreography plan in the whole wide
world is still only mediocre if that instructor doesn’t have the ability to adapt their choreography and cueing
plan in the moment to best serve their students. We all know the best-laid plans are often the ones that fail
with the biggest SPLAT. What was spectacular in your living room may only be OK in the classroom. What
one group of students can do and follow may not work for another group.

As instructors advance they develop the ability to recognize the need to adapt their plan as well as have
the skills to make that adaptation on the spot. These are skills that take a lot of time and a lot of failure to
cultivate, but your students will benefit immensely from your effort.

Stages of Engagement:

Level 1:
Level 1 is all about self.
When you catch yourself in Level 1 (and you will), recover and focus on Levels 2 and 3.

Level 2:
Level 2 is all about the other person. The benefits of Level 2 are connection with others, ability to
focus on their needs and experience, and the ability to adjust accordingly.

Level 3:
Level 3 is the final stage of engagement where you are able to monitor your Level 1 (your own
internal dialogue and needs) while connecting with the others in the room and keying into their
needs and experience, AND taking in the environment around you and responding to it all at the
same time. Level 3 is a true balancing act and often at any one time an instructor is bouncing
between Levels 1, 2, and 3.

When you are able to master the task of Level 3 engagement with your students, you will be able
to see to their needs and assess your plan of attack. The most CRUCIAL cueing skill (verbal and
non) is the ability to adapt to your students needs.

You may have a wonderful cueing plan when you walk in the door, but it may not work tonight with
the unique set of circumstances that make up that class. Being able to respond to your students’
needs by adapting your cueing plan or adjusting your plan of action, are beneficial skills to have
available in your little toolbox.

Managing the level 3 is what will help your students LOVE the Non-Verbal Cueing AND taking
class from an instructor FACING THEM. Your job as their instructor is to manage their needs and
use your tools to keep them happy, motivated, having fun, engaged, and keep frustration away!

Now take your toolbox and build something great!

Choreography Notes: - More notes will be made available on

Krazy – Pitbull – ZIN™ 15

Intro: (Use this to show ½ time example of the Chorus Step to come. Show “Traffic Cop” Cues with finger
numbers for Single, Single, Double)
Arms Overhead Single, Single, Double (SSD) – then move them to full speed with music.
Chorus: (Done at tempo – you’ll use the 1 2 time you hear the Chorus to teach the full choreography
including variations. Teach slowly – one step, on variation addition at a time.)
Arms over head (SSD) – add (funky style) step side, step together, step other side, and step together.
Repeat Arms (SSD) and Funky Step. (Cueing for funky step is “teaching” mode – draw attention to the
feet for student to get comfortable.)

Part 1: (Use your Body Position to cue this step – stand facing the side to do Cumbia step.)
Cumbia Forward/Back x3 – 1 slow/funky turn to other side. (Use vocal noise to cue the turn because
½ the room is facing away from instructor and need a vocal but not verbal cue.) Repeat.

Chorus: Arms (SSD) – Funky step the same until the song says “EVERYBODY” use that cue to add in a
mapale to each funky step. (Scream “EVERYBODY” with the song – use this to set up next phase of
choreography and a “safe” way to get the class to make noise with you.)

Part 1: Same as above.

Chorus: Arms (SSD) – Funky step with mapale (no additions to choreography this is the final version.
When song sassy “EVERYBODY” make a big deal of it.)

Part 2: Beto Shuffle (As the song gains volume – “add feet variation” (B1) to the step. Make it bigger as
the song gets louder. Use your face to cue this)
….Part 2 will end with EVERYBODY – stand back and watch your students go right into Chorus
step (Arms SSD) – continue with Chorus as above.
Chorus: same as above.
Part 3: (Use the music to cue a difficult step) (Begin with step ½ time) arms overhead.
1. Reach Left (weight shift left) – circle arms over your head – Tap Right Foot. Then….Reach Right
(weight shift right) – Circle arms over head – Tap Left Foot – Repeat: Reach Left (weight shift) –
Circle Head – Reach Right (Weight shift) (total 4 times) –
Then do the same step at Tempo speed x 4
Then do the tempo step with a knee lift on the weight shift until end of song. (This finished step is
from B2 (Calypso Knee Lift with Circle Arms Overhead from your B2 DVD).


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