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NEMA Standards Publication MG 2-2001

Safety Standard and Guide for Selection, Installation, and Use of Electric Motors
and Generators

Published by

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847
Rosslyn, Virginia 22209

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. All rights including translation into
other languages, reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention for the
Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and the International and Pan American Copyright Conventions.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services

The information in this publication was considered technically sound by the consensus of persons
engaged in the development and approval of the document at the time it was developed.
Consensus does not necessarily mean that there is unanimous agreement among every person
participating in the development of this document.

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards and guideline publications, of
which the document contained herein is one, are developed through a voluntary consensus
standards development process. This process brings together volunteers and/or seeks out the
views of persons who have an interest in the topic covered by this publication. While NEMA
administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of
consensus, it does not write the document and it does not independently test, evaluate, or verify the
accuracy or completeness of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its
standards and guideline publications.

NEMA disclaims liability for any personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature
whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indirectly
resulting from the publication, use of, application, or reliance on this document. NEMA disclaims
and makes no guaranty or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of
any information published herein, and disclaims and makes no warranty that the information in this
document will fulfill any of your particular purposes or needs. NEMA does not undertake to
guarantee the performance of any individual manufacturer’s or seller’s products or services by
virtue of this standard or guide.

In publishing and making this document available, NEMA is not undertaking to render professional
or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity, nor is NEMA undertaking to perform any
duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his
or her own independent judgment or, as appropriate, seek the advice of a competent professional
in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. Information and other
standards on the topic covered by this publication may be available from other sources, which the
user may wish to consult for additional views or information not covered by this publication.

NEMA has no power, nor does it undertake to police or enforce compliance with the contents of this
document. NEMA does not certify, test, or inspect products, designs, or installations for safety or
health purposes. Any certification or other statement of compliance with any health or safety-
related information in this document shall not be attributable to NEMA and is solely the
responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page i


1. SCOPE ... ................................................................................... 1

2. REFERENCED STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS ...................................................... 1
3. GENERAL .......................... .................................................................................. 2
4.1 Open Machine (IPOO, ICOI) ...................................................................... 3
4.1.1 Dripproof Machine (IP12, C O I ) ................................................... 3
4.1.2 Splash-Proof Machine (IP13, ICOI) ........................................................................ 3
4.1.3 Semi-Guarded Machine (COI) ....................................................... 3
4.1.4 Guarded Machine (COI) ...... ....................................................... 3
4.1.5 Dripproof Guarded Machine (ICOI) .................. .......................... 3
4.1.6 Open Independently Ventilated Machine (IC06) .......................... 3
4.1.7 Open Pipe-Ventilated Machine .................................................... 3
4.1.8 Weather-Protected Machine........................................................ 6
4.2 Totally Enclosed Machine .................................................................................. 6
4.2.1 Totally Enclosed Nonventilated Machine (IC41O) ................................................... 6
4.2.2 Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled Machine ...................................................... 6
4.2.3 Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled Guarded Machine (IC411) ....................................... 6
4.2.4 Totally Enclosed Pipe-Ventilated Machine (lP44) .......................... 6
4.2.5 Totally Enclosed Water-cooled Machine (IP54) .......................... 6
4.2.6 Water-Proof Machine (IP55)........................................................ 7
4.2.7 Totally Enclosed Air-to-Water-cooled Machine (lP54) ................ 7
4.2.8 Totally Enclosed Air-to-Air-Cooled Machine (lP54) ................................................ 7
4.2.9 Totally Enclosed Air-Over Machine (IP54, IC417) .................................................. 7
4.2.1O Explosion-Proof Machine...... ...................................................... 7
4.2.1 1 Dust-lgnition-Proof Machine. ...................................................... 7
5. CONSTRUCTION AND TESTS ............................................................................ 7
5.1 General .................. .................................................................................. 7
5.2 Corrosion Protection .......................... ...................................................... 8
5.3 High Potential Testing ....................... ...................................................... 8
5.3.1 Motors............................................................... .......................... 8
5.3.2 Synchronous Generators.................................. .......................... 8
5.3.3 Grounding ......................................................... .......................... 9
5.3.4 Accessories and Components..................................................... 9
5.3.5 Discharging Windings After Test .......................................................................... 10
5.3.6 Guarding ... ................................................................................ 10

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COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

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MG 2-2001
Page ii

5.4 Thermal Protection ............................................................................................................ 10

5.5 Impedance Protection........................................................................................................ 10
5.6 Overspeed 10
5.6.1 Induction Motors 10
5.6.2 Direct-Current Motors ........................................................................................... 11
5.6.3 Alternating-Current Series and Universal Motors ................................................. 12
5.6.4 Synchronous Motors ............................................................................................. 12
5.6.5 Synchronous Generators...................................................................................... 12
5.6.6 Direct-Current Generators .................................................................................... 12
6. SAFETY IN MACHINE APPLICATION .......................................................................................... 12
6.1 Matching of the Machine to the Load ................................................................................ 13
6.2 Degree of Machine Enclosure ........................................................................................... 13
6.2.1 General ................................................................................................................. 13
6.2.2 Application in Residences and in Places Regularly Open to the Public ............... 13
6.2.3 Applications in Places Restricted to Persons Employed on the Premises 14
6.2.4 Application in Places Accessible Only to Qualified Personnel 17
6.2.5 AC Motors For Class I, Division 2, Hazardous Locations..................................... 17
6.3 Proper Selection of Machines............................................................................................ 18
6.3.1 Variation From Rated Voltage and Rated Frequency........................................... 18
6.3.2 Usual Service Conditions ..................................................................................... 21
6.3.3 Unusual Service Conditions ................................................................................. 22
. .
6.3.4 Speed Limitation ................................................................................................... 22
6.3.5 Operation of Direct-current Motors on Rectified Alternating Current 23
6.3.6 Shaft Loading 24
6.3.7 Transient Torques 24
. .
6.3.8 Torsional Vibration ................................................................................................ 24
6.3.9 Torque Pulsations During Starting of Synchronous Motors.................................. 25
7. SAFETY IN MACHINE INSTALLATIONS ..................................................................................... 25
7.1 Installation and Protection 25
7.2 Grounding .......................................................................................................................... 25
7.3 Wiring Connections ........................................................................................................... 25
7.4 Flammable Materials ......................................................................................................... 26
7.5 Rotating Parts .................................................................................................................... 26
7.6 Maximum Speed of Drive Components............................................................................. 26
7.7 Lifting of Machines 26
7.8 Surface Temperatures 28
7.9 Hold-down Bolt Sizes 28

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COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

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Page iii

7.1O Power Factor Correction ................................................................ 28

7.1 1 Starting Current in Induction Motors .................................................. 30
7.1 1. I Locked Rotor Current ...........................................................................................30
7.1 1.2 Instantaneous Peak Value of Inrush Current ....................................................... 30
8. SAFETY IN MACHINE USE ........................................... ................................ 32
8.1 Loading ................................................................ 32
8.2 Automatic Reset Thermal Protectors ................................................................................ 32
8.3 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 32
8.4 Repair ................................ ................................................................ 33

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page iv


The use of electric machines, like that of all other utilization of concentrated power, is potentially
hazardous. The degree of hazard can be greatly reduced by proper design, selection, installation, and use,
but hazards cannot be completely eliminated. The reduction of hazard is the joint responsibility of the user,
the manufacturer of the driven or driving equipment, and the manufacturer of the machine. The words
"driven or driving equipment" as used in this publication mean equipment driven by a motor or equipment
driving a generator.
This publication is intended to assist the user and the manufacturer of the driven or driving equipment in
the selection of machines which have been designed and built to have features that contribute to safety.
The machine manufacturer has little, if any, control over the selection, installation, and use of these
machines. Since the reduction of hazards depends greatly on how machines are selected, installed, and
used, this publication has been prepared as a guide to assist the user and the manufacturer of the driven
or driving equipment in the proper selection, installation, and use of machines. It points out possible
hazards and suggests ways and means to reduce them. If the guidelines are followed, the possible
hazards and risks of using machines will be reduced.
MG 2-2001 completely revises and supersedes MG 2-1999.
This publication is periodically reviewed by the Motor and Generator Section of NEMA for any revisions
necessary to keep it up to date with advancing technology. Proposed or recommended revisions should
be submitted to:
Vice President, Engineering
National Electrical Manufacturers Association
1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847
Rosslyn, Virginia 22209

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 1

This publication provides recommendations for the selection, installation, and use of rotating electric
machines in such a manner as to provide for the practical safeguarding of persons and property.
Excluded from the scope of this publication are the following:
Welding generators.
Booster, dynamic braking, and absorption type machines.
Isolated electric farm lighting plants.
Variable speed generator equipment for railway passenger cars.
Main propulsion motors, generators, and motor generator sets mounted on railroad and transit
locomotives and cars.
Automotive motors, generators, and motor generator sets.
Motors, generators, exciters, and motor generator or exciter sets mounted on airborne craft.
Toy motors and small synchronous motors of the type generally used in household clocks and
timing devices.
Additional specific features required in machines for use in hazardous (classified) locations. Such
locations might be in mines or in areas defined in the National Electrical Code (ANSVNFPA 70),
Articles 500 through 503.
Machines built to military specifications having requirements which conflict with or override the
provisions of this publication.
Machine parts intended for installation in a hermetically sealed enclosure.
Nonsalient-pole generators and their exciters.
Generators larger than 10,000 kVA, and their exciters, for hydraulic turbine drive, including
reversible motor generator units.
Synchronous condensers, frequency changers, and phase converters.

Since any machine can be installed or operated in such a manner that hazards can occur, compliance
with this publication does not by itself assure a safe installation. However, when a machine complying with
this publication is properly selected with respect to the driven load and environment, and is installed in
accordance with the applicable provisions of national codes and sound local practices, the hazards to
persons and property will be reduced.


In this publication, reference is made to the following standards and other publications listed below.
Copies are available from the indicated sources.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
11 West 42nd street
New York, NY 10036
ANSVASME B I 5.1-2000 Safety Standard for Mechanical Power Transmission Apparatus
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
1916 Race Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
ASTM D149-81 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Solid
Electrical Insulating Materials at Commercial Power Frequencies

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 2

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)’

3 Rue de Varembé, CP 131, CH-I211
Geneva 20, Switzerland
IEC 60034 (Series) Rofafing Elecfrical Machines
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1847
Rosslyn, VA 22209
NEMA MG 1-1998 Mofors and Generafors
NEMA MG 10-2001 Energy Managemenf Guide for Selecfion and Use of Polyphase Mofors
NEMA Applicafion Guide for AC Adjusfable Speed Drive Sysfems
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Batterymarch Park
Quincy, MA 02269
ANSVNFPA 70-2002 National Electrical Code
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL)
333 Pfingsten Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
ANSVUL 674-1994 Elecfric Mofors and Generafors for Use in Hazardous Locafions, Class I Groups C
and D, Class II Groups E, F, and G

Construction of rotating machines alone can not assure safety in use. There is as great a need for
safeguards in the selection, installation, and use of machines as there is for safeguards in their design and
manufacture. The following recommendations are generally applicable but there may be situations where
conflict with other safety measures or operational requirements will necessitate that these
recommendations be modified. Where the above-mentioned safeguards and past experience of the user
are not sufficient to serve as a guide, the manufacturer of the driven or driving equipment or the machine
manufacturer, or both, should be consulted to develop further information. This further information should
be considered by the user, his consultants, or others most familiar with the details of the application
involved when making the final decision.
The importance of communication between manufacturer and user cannot be over-emphasized. The
chances for preventing hazardous incidents and limiting their consequences are greatly improved when
both user and manufacturer are correctly and fully informed with respect to the intended use and all
environmental and operating conditions. Since such intended use and environmental and operating
conditions are under the sole control of the user, who has the most complete knowledge of the intended
use and the environmental and operating conditions, the user should select and install machines which will
optimize safety in use. This guide is intended to assist the user in selection, installation, and use of electric


Ventilation and other design considerations of machines frequently require openings in the exterior
enclosures in the vicinity of uninsulated live metal parts, space heaters, or moving mechanical parts of the
machine. Machine enclosures in general use are defined in 4.1 and 4.2. Details of international protection
(IP) and methods of international cooling (IC) conform to IEC Standards. For further information, see
NEMA Standards Publication MGI, Part 5 (IP Code) and Part 6 (IC Code).

Also available from ANSI

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 3

4.1 Open Machine (IPOO, ICOI)

An open machine is one having ventilating openings which permit passage of external cooling air over and
around the windings of the machine. The term “open machine,” when applied in large apparatus without
qualification, designates a machine having no restriction to ventilation other than that necessitated by
mechanical construction.

4.1.1 Dripproof Machine (IP12, ICOI)

A dripproof machine is an open machine in which the ventilating openings are so constructed that
successful operation is not interfered with when drops of liquid or solid particles strike or enter the
enclosure at any angle from O to 15 degrees downward from the vertical.’
The machine is protected against solid objects greater than 2 inches.

4.1.2 Splash-Proof Machine (IP13, ICOI)

A splash-proof machine is an open machine in which the ventilating openings are so constructed that
successful operation is not interfered with when drops of liquid or solid particles strike or enter the
enclosure at any angle not greater than 60 degrees downward from the vertical.
The machine is protected against solid objects greater than 2 inches.

4.1.3 Semi-Guarded Machine (COI)

A semi-guarded machine is an open machine in which part of the ventilating openings in the machine,
usually in the top half, are guarded as in the case of a “guarded machine” but the others are left open.

4.1.4 Guarded Machine (COI)

A guarded machine is an open machine in which all openings giving direct access to live metal or rotating
parts (except smooth rotating surfaces) are limited in size by the structural parts or by screens, baffles,
grilles, expanded metal, or other means to prevent accidental contact with hazardous parts.
The openings in the machine enclosure shall be such that (1) a probe such as that illustrated in Figure 1,
when inserted through the openings, will not touch a hazardous rotating part; (2) a probe such as that
illustrated in Figure 2 when inserted through the openings, will not touch film-coated wire; and (3) an
articulated probe such as that illustrated in Figure 3, when inserted through the openings, will not touch an
uninsulated live metal part.

4.1.5 Dripproof Guarded Machine (COI)

A dripproof guarded machine is a dripproof machine whose ventilating openings are guarded in
accordance with 4.1.4.

4.1.6 Open Independently Ventilated Machine (IC06)

An open independently ventilated machine is one which is ventilated by means of a separate motor-driven
blower mounted on the machine enclosure. Mechanical protection shall be as defined in 4.1.1 to 4.1.8,
inclusive. This machine is sometimes known as a blower-ventilated machine.

4.1.7 Open Pipe-Ventilated Machine

An open pipe-ventilated machine is an open machine except that openings for the admission of the
ventilating air are so arranged that inlet ducts or pipes can be connected to them. Open pipe-ventilated
machines shall be self-ventilated (air circulated by means integral with the machine) (ICI 1) or force-

A method for demonstrating successful operation is: (1) by exposing the machine, with the machine at rest, to a
spray of water at the specified angle and a rate no greater than 1 inch per hour for 1 hour, and (2) after exposure,
by subjecting the windings to a high potential test of 50 percent of the nominal high potential test followed by a 15-
minute no-load operation at rated voltage.

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 4

ventilated (air circulated by means external to and not a part of the machine) (IC17). Enclosures are as
defined in 4.1 . I to 4.1.8, inclusive.


Figure I*

*All dimensions in inches.


7~- ANY 4.0 - D=0.50

Figure 2*

*All dimensions in inches.

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 5

0 75 e
t I O
Handle U
Guard -/ Insulating
Both joints of this finger may
bend through an angle of 90°, but in
one and the same direction only.
Dimensions in millimeters.
On angles: 55'
On linear dimensions:
Less than 25mm: 50.05
More than 25 mm: 20.2 I

Stop face'

Joints Chamfer all edges

R2 t 0.05

' R4t0.05
/ '


0 50

Figure 3

(Reproduced with permission of IEC which retains the copyright)

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 6

4.1.8 Weather-Protected Machine Type I (ICOI)
A weather-protected Type I machine is a guarded machine with its ventilating passages so constructed as
to minimize the entrance of rain, snow, and air-borne particles to the electric parts. Type II (COI)

A weather-protected Type II machine shall have, in addition to the enclosure defined for a weather-
protected Type I machine, its ventilating passages at both intake and discharge so arranged that high-
velocity air and air-borne particles blown into the machine by storms or high winds can be discharged
without entering the internal ventilating passages leading directly to the electric parts of the machine itself.
The normal path of the ventilating air which enters the electric parts of the machine is so arranged by
baffling or separate housings as to provide at least three abrupt changes in direction, none of which shall
be less than 90 degrees. In addition, an area of low velocity not exceeding 600 feet per minute shall be
provided in the intake air path to minimize the possibility of moisture or dirt being carried into the electric
parts of the machine.
Note: Removable or otherwise easy to clean filters may be provided instead of the low velocity chamber.

4.2 Totally Enclosed Machine

A totally enclosed machine is so enclosed as to prevent the free exchange of air between the inside and
outside of the case but not sufficiently enclosed to be termed air-tight and in which dust does not enter in
sufficient quantity to interfere with satisfactory operation of the machine.

4.2.1 Totally Enclosed Nonventilated Machine (IC410)

A totally enclosed nonventilated machine is a frame-surface cooled totally enclosed machine which is only
equipped for cooling by free convection.

4.2.2 Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled Machine

A totally enclosed fan-cooled machine is a frame-surface cooled totally enclosed machine equipped for
self exterior cooling by means of a fan or fans integral with the machine but external to the enclosing

4.2.3 Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled Guarded Machine (IC411)

A totally-enclosed fan-cooled guarded machine is a totally-enclosed fan-cooled machine in which all
openings giving direct access to the fan are limited in size by the design of the structural parts or by
screens, grilles, expanded metal, etc., to prevent accidental contact with the fan. Such openings shall not
permit the passage of a cylindrical rod 0.75 inch diameter, and a probe such as that shown in Figure 1
shall not contact the blades, spokes, or other irregular surfaces of the fan.

4.2.4 Totally Enclosed Pipe-Ventilated Machine (IP44)

A totally enclosed pipe-ventilated machine is a machine with openings so arranged that when inlet and
outlet ducts or pipes are connected to them there is no free exchange of the internal air and the air outside
the case. Totally enclosed pipe-ventilated machines may be self-ventilated (air circulated by means
integral with the machine [IC31]) or force-ventilated (air circulated by means external to and not part of the
machine [IC37]).

4.2.5 Totally Enclosed Water-cooled Machine (IP54)

A totally enclosed water-cooled machine is a totally enclosed machine which is cooled by circulating water,
the water or water conductors coming in direct contact with the machine parts.

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 7

4.2.6 Water-Proof Machine (IP55)

A water-proof machine is a totally enclosed machine so constructed that it will exclude water applied in the
form of a stream of water from a hose, except that leakage may occur around the shaft provided it is
prevented from entering the oil reservoir and provision is made for automatically draining the machine.
The means for automatic draining may be a check valve or a tapped hole at the lowest part of the frame
which will serve for application of a drain pipe.

4.2.7 Totally Enclosed Air-to-Water-Cooled Machine (IP54)

A totally enclosed air-to-water-cooled machine is a totally enclosed machine which is cooled by circulating
air which, in turn, is cooled by circulating water. It is provided with a water-cooled heat exchanger, integral
(IC7-W) or machine mounted (IC8-W), for cooling the internal air and a fan or fans, integral with the rotor
shaft (IC-1W) or separate (IC-5W) for circulating the internal air.

4.2.8 Totally Enclosed Air-to-Air-Cooled Machine (IP54)

A totally enclosed air-to-air-cooled machine is a totally enclosed machine which is cooled by circulating the
internal air through a heat exchanger which, in turn, is cooled by circulating external air. It is provided with
an air-to-air heat exchanger, integral (IC5-), or machine mounted (IC6-), for cooling the internal air and a
fan or fans, integral with the rotor shaft (IC-I-) or separate (IC-5-) for circulating the internal air and a fan
or fans, integral with the rotor shaft ( L I ) , or separate, but external to the enclosing part or parts (IC-6),
for circulating the external air.

4.2.9 Totally Enclosed Air-Over Machine (IP54, IC417)

A totally enclosed air-over machine is a totally enclosed frame-surface cooled machine intended for
exterior cooling by a ventilating means external to the machine.

4.2.10 Explosion-Proof Machine’

An explosion-proof machine is a totally enclosed machine whose enclosure is designed and constructed
to withstand an explosion of a specified gas or vapor which may occur within it and to prevent the ignition
of the specified gas or vapor surrounding the machine by sparks, flashes, or explosions of the specified
gas or vapor which may occur within the machine casing.

4.2.1 1 Dust-lgnition-Proof Machine2

A dust-ignition proof machine is a totally enclosed machine whose enclosure is designed and constructed
in a manner which will exclude ignitable amounts of dust or amounts which might affect performance or
rating, and which will not permit arcs, sparks, or heat otherwise generated or liberated inside of the
enclosure to cause ignition of exterior accumulations or atmospheric suspensions of a specific dust on or
in the vicinity of the enclosure.
Successful operation of this type of machine requires avoidance of overheating from such causes as
excessive overloads, stalling, or accumulation of excessive quantities of dust on the machine.


5.1 General
The provisions of the definitions in 4.1 and 4.2 for machine enclosures may be obtained by the
construction of the machine housing or by the use of a supplemental enclosure, shield, or structure,
provided such item is securely held in place; or by a combination of two or more such items when the
machine is assembled to the driven or driving device.

See ANSVNFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 500. For Hazardous Locations, Class I, Groups A, B, C, or D.
See ANSVNFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 500. For Hazardous Locations, Class II, Groups E, F, or G.

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 8

Tests for compliance with the definitions for guarded machines given in 4.1.4 and 4.2.3 are made from the
exterior of the supplemental enclosure.
A machine enclosure, including that of parts mounted on a machine, is constructed so that it will have the
strength and rigidity necessary to resist the normal service to which it may be subjected without reduction
of spacings or displacement of parts.
Enclosures of nonmetallic material are resistant to adverse effects from exposure to moisture, oil, and
temperature under normal conditions of use and are flame retardant.
In the case of capacitors mounted on or in the machine, the capacitor, or its supplementary enclosure,
prevents the emission of flying fragments, flame, or molten material resulting from failure of the capacitor.
Totally-enclosed water-air-cooled machines have interior baffles, or other means, to prevent cooler-tube
leakage and condensation from contacting the machine winding. The interior of the machine base shall be
constructed so that coolant leakage will collect and drain from the machine before reaching the level of the
For the selection and use of machine enclosures, see clause 4.
5.2 Corrosion Protection
Iron and steel parts’, except bearings, laminations, and minor parts of iron and steel, such as washers,
screws, and similar parts, are suitably protected against corrosion by enameling, galvanizing, plating, or by
other equivalent means, if the failure of such unprotected parts would be likely to result in a hazardous
5.3 High Potential Testing

5.3.1 Motors
Representative examples of high potential test voltages are provided in Table 1.
Motors are tested at these levels or greater in manufacturing. Since high potential testing is stressful on
winding dielectric components it is recommended that field high potential test voltages be limited to 85
percent of the values shown in Table 1.
WARNIN-Because of the high voltages used, high potential tests should be conducted only by trained
and qualified personnel and the following minimum safety precautions stated in 5.3.3 through 5.3.6 should
be taken to avoid injury to personnel and damage to property.

5.3.2 Synchronous Generators

Generators are tested at these levels or greater in manufacturing. Since high potential testing is stressful
on winding dielectric components it is recommended that field high potential test voltages be limited to 85
percent of the following values. Test Voltage - Armature Windings
The test voltage for all generators is an alternating voltage whose effective value is 1000 volts plus twice
the rated voltage of the machine but in no case less than 1500 volts.
A direct instead of an alternating voltage is sometimes used for high-potential tests on primary windings of
machines. In such cases, a test voltage equal to 1.7 times the alternating-current test voltage (effective
value) as given in and is recommended. Following a direct-voltage high-potential test, the
tested winding should be thoroughly grounded. The insulation rating of the winding and the test level of the
voltage applied determine the period of time required to dissipate the charge and, in many cases, the
ground should be maintained for several hours to dissipate the charge to avoid hazard to personnel.

In certain instances where the oxidation of iron or steel caused by the exposure of the metal to air and moisture is
not likely to be appreciable (thickness of metal and temperature also being factors) the surfaces of sheet steel and
cast-iron parts within an enclosure need not be protected against corrosion

O Copyright 2001 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.

COPYRIGHT National Electrical Manufacturers Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
MG 2-2001
Page 9 Test Voltage - Field Windings, Generators with Slip Rings

The test voltage for all generators with slip rings is an alternating voltage whose effective value is as
a) Rated excitation voltage f.500 volts direct current - ten times the rated excitation voltage but in no
case less than 1500 volts
b) Rated excitation voltage > 500 volts direct current - 4000 volts plus twice the rated excitation voltage Test Voltage - Assembled Brushless Generator Field Winding and Exciter Armature
The test voltage for all assembled brushless generator field windings and exciter armature windings is an
alternating voltage whose effective value is as follows:
a) Rated excitation voltage f.500 volts direct current - ten times the rated excitation voltage but in no
case less than 1500 volts
b) Rated excitation voltage > 500 volts direct current - 4000 volts plus twice the rated excitation voltage
The brushless circuit components (diodes, thyristors, etc.) on an assembled brushless exciter and
synchronous machine field wiring are short-circuited (not grounded) during the test. Test Voltage - Brushless Exciter Field Winding
The test voltage for all brushless exciter field windings is an alternating voltage whose effective value is as
a) Rated excitation voltage 1. 500 volts direct current - ten times the rated excitation voltage but in no
case less than 1500 volts
b) Rated excitation voltage > 500 volts direct current - 4000 volts plus twice the rated excitation voltage
c) Exciters with alternating-current excited stators (fields) are tested at 1000 volts plus twice the rated
alternating-current voltage of the stator, but in no case less than 1500V
5.3.3 Grounding
During high potential testing the frame and core and all external metal parts of the machine being tested
should be grounded. During high potential testing all windings and components not under test should be
connected together and then connected to the frame or core during high potential testing.
If the machine under test is to be ungrounded, proper precautions (which may include the selection of test
equipment) should be taken to render the test and the test area safe for personnel.

5.3.4 Accessories and Components

All accessories such as surge capacitors, lightning arresters, current transformers, and so forth, which
have leads connected to the rotating machine terminals shall be disconnected during the test, with the
leads connected together and to the frame or core. These accessories shall have been subjected to the
high-potential test applicable to the class of apparatus at their point of manufacture. Capacitors of
capacitor-type motors must be left connected to the winding in the normal manner for machine operation
(running or starting).
Component devices and their circuits such as space heaters and temperature sensing devices in contact
with the winding (thermostats, thermocouples, thermistors, resistance temperature detectors, and so forth)
connected other than in the line circuit, shall be connected to the frame or core during machine winding
high-potential tests. Each of these component device circuits, with leads connected together, shall then be
tested by applying a voltage between the circuit and the frame or core, equal to twice the circuit rated
voltage plus 1000 volts, or equal to the high-potential test voltage of the machine, whichever is lower.
During each device circuit test all other machine windings and components shall be connected together
and to the frame or core. Unless otherwise stated, the rated voltage of temperature sensing devices shall
be taken as follows:
a) Thermostats 600 volts

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b) Thermocouples, thermistors, RTDs 50 volts.

When conducting a high-potential test on an assembled brushless exciter and synchronous machine field
winding, the brushless circuit components (diodes, thyristors, and so forth) shall be short circuited (not
grounded) during the test.

5.3.5 Discharging Windings After Test

As a result of the alternating voltage high-potential test, the tested winding may retain a significant charge.
The tested winding should be discharged to ground before it is touched by personnel.
Following a direct-voltage high-potential test, the tested windings should be discharged to ground. The
insulation rating of the winding and the test level of the voltage applied determine the period of time
required to dissipate the charge and, in many cases, the ground should be maintained for several hours to
dissipate the charge to avoid hazard to personnel.

5.3.6 Guarding
In the interest of safety, precautions shall be taken to prevent anyone from coming in contact with any part
of the circuit or apparatus while high-potential tests are in progress.
5.4 Thermal Protection
Motors provided with a thermal protector conforming to the requirements of MG 1-1.72, Thermal Protector
(definition), are stamped Thermally Protected* on the nameplate.
A fhermallyprofecfedmotor is a motor which is protected against dangerous overheating due to overload
and failure to start.
*Motors rated 1O0 watts and less may be marked TP.

5.5 Impedance Protection

Motors supplied as impedance protected are stamped Impedance Protected* on the nameplate.
An Impedance Profecfed motor is one in which the impedance of the motor windings is sufficient to
prevent overheating due to failure to start.
* Motors rated 1O0 watts and less may be marked ZP.

5.6 Overspeed
It may be hazardous to operate a machine for a significant length of time at higher than rated speed.
However, machines shall be so constructed that, in an emergency not to exceed 2 minutes, they will
withstand without mechanical damage, overspeeds in accordance with the following specifications.

5.6.1 Induction Motors

Overspeed, Percent of Synchronous Speed

Synchronous Speeds, Rpm 200 Hp and Smaller Over 200 Hp
1801 and over 25 20
1201 to 1800 25 25
1200 and below 50 25

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Table 1
Category Effective Alternating-Current Test Voltage
A Universal Motors (rated for operation on circuits not exceeding
250 volts)
1. Motors rated greater than 1/2 horsepower and all motors for
portable tools. .............................................................................. 1O00 volts + 2 times the rated voltage of the motor
2. All other motors* .................................................................... 1O00 volts
B. Induction and Nonexcited Synchronous Motors
1. Motors rated greater than 1/2 horsepower
a. Stator windings ..................................................................... 1O00 volts + 2 times the rated voltage of the motor
b. For secondary windings of wound rotors of induction motors ... 1000 volts + 2 times the maximum voltage induced
between collector rings on open circuit at standstill (or
running if under this condition the voltage is greater)
with rated primary voltage applied to the stator
c. For secondary windings of wound rotors of reversing motors.. . 1000 volts + 4 times the maximum voltage induced
between collector rings on open circuit at standstill with
rated primary voltage applied to the stator terminals
2. Motors rated 1/2 horsepower and less
a. Rated 250 volts or less ............................................................ 1000 volts
b. Rated above 250 volts ............................................................ 1O00 volts + 2 times the rated voltage of the motor
C. Direct-Current Motors
1. Motors rated greater than 1/2 horsepower
a. Armature or field windings for use on adjustable-voltage 1000 volts + 2 times the ac line-to-line voltage of the
electronic power supply ........................................................... power supply selected for the basis of rating
b. All other armature or field windings ........................................ 1O00 volts + 2 times the rated voltage** of the motor
2. Motors rated 1/2 horsepower and less
a. 240 volts or less ...................................................................... 1O00 volts
b. Rated above 240 volts ............................................................ See C.1.a and C.1.b above (Direct-Current Motors)
*Complete motors 1/2 horsepower and less are in the "all other" category unless marked to indicate that they are motors for
portable tools.
**Where the voltage rating of a separately excited field of a direct-current motor is not stated, it is assumed to be 1.5 times the
field resistance in ohms at 25°C times the rated field current.
1 - To avoid excessive stressing of the insulation, repeated application of the high-potential test-voltage is not recommended.
Immediately after manufacture, when equipment is installed or assembled with other apparatus and a high-potential test of the
entire assembly is required, it is recommended that the test voltage not exceed 85 percent of the original test voltage or, when in
an assembled group, not exceed 85 percent of the lowest test voltage.
2 -The specified high-potential test voltage is applied continuously for 1 minute. Machines for which the specified test voltage is
2500 volts or less are permitted to be tested for 1 second at a voltage which is 1.2 times the specified I-minute test voltage as
an alternative to the I-minute test, if desired. To avoid excessive stressing of the insulation, repeated application of the high-
potential test voltage is not recommended.
3 - A direct instead of an alternating voltage may be used for high-potential tests. In such cases, a test voltage of 1.7 times the
specified alternating voltage is required.

5.6.2 Direct-Current Motors Shunt-wound Motors
Direct-current shunt-wound motors are capable of withstanding an overspeed of 25 percent above the
highest rated speed or 15 percent above the corresponding no-load speed, whichever is greater.

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Page 12 Compound-Wound Motors Having Speed Regulation of 35 Percent or Less

Compound-wound direct-current motors having a speed regulation of 35 percent or less are capable of
withstanding an overspeed of 25 percent above the highest rated speed or 15 percent above the
corresponding no-load speed, whichever is greater, but not exceeding 50 percent above the highest rated
speed. Series-wound Motors and Compound-Wound Motors Having Speed-Regulation
Greater Than 35 Percent

Since these motors require special consideration, depending upon the application for which they are
intended, the manufacturer assigns a maximum safe operating speed which is stamped on the nameplate.
These motors are capable of withstanding an overspeed of 10 percent above the maximum safe operating
Small motors usually are capable of withstanding a speed of 10 percent above no-load speed. When this
is the case, the safe operating speed marking is not required.

5.6.3 Alternating-Current Series and Universal Motors

Alternating-current series and universal motors shall be capable of withstanding a speed which is 10
percent above the no-load speed at rated voltage.
For motors which are integrally attached to loads that cannot become accidentally disconnected, the
words “no-load speed” shall be interpreted to mean the lightest load condition possible with the load.

5.6.4 Synchronous Motors

Synchronous motors are capable of withstanding over-speeds above rated synchronous speed in
accordance with the following table. During this overspeed condition the machine is not electrically
connected to the supply.

Synchronous Speed, Rpm Overspeed, Percent of Synchronous

1500 and over 20
1499 and below 25

5.6.5 Synchronous Generators

Synchronous generators and their exciters (if provided) are capable of withstanding overspeeds above
rated synchronous speed as follows:

Synchronous Speed, Rpm Overspeed, Percent of Synchronous

1801 and over 20
1800 and below 25

5.6.6 Direct-Current Generators

Direct-current generators are capable of withstanding an overspeed of 25 percent above rated speed.


The applications for machines are so numerous that exceptions can be cited to almost every
recommendation for safe application. Among the many factors that must be considered in machine
application are:
a) Proper matching of the machine to the load.
b) Degree of enclosure.

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c) Service conditions.
d) Use of back-up equipment where the application requires exceptional reliability for the protection of life
and health, property, or perishable products.

Where the application or performance information beyond that contained in this publication is needed,
NEMA Standards Publication MG 1 or the machine manufacturer, or both, should be consulted.
6.1 Matching of the Machine to the Load
The application information required for the proper matching of a machine to the infinite variety of load
requirements is beyond the scope of this publication. NEMA Standards Publication MG 1 provides basic
application information along with minimum performance characteristics for machines to assist the user in
making the proper selection of the machine for the particular application.
6.2 Degree of Machine Enclosure

6.2.1 General
The required degree of enclosure of a machine, for personnel safety, is dependent upon the installation
and application of the equipment. Therefore, the user or the manufacturer of the driven or driving
equipment should consider the following questions when selecting the degree of enclosure for the
a) Will the equipment be installed in:
1. Residences?
2. Places regularly open to the public?
3. Places frequented only by persons employed on the premises?
4. Places accessible only to qualified personnel?
b) Will the equipment be attended by an operator when it is in use?
c) Are the size, location, appearance, and working arrangement of the equipment such that they will
discourage inappropriate use or approaches to the equipment?
d) Is it possible to encounter hazard in the installed machine if it is approached or serviced in a manner
other than the manner for which it was designed? If so, are the hazards of such actions visibly obvious
to the personnel operating, servicing, and generally having access to the machine?
The following recommendations for the selection of machine enclosures are given as a guide. If other
than the recommended machine enclosures are to be applied, it is recommended that the installation be
isolated and made inaccessible by fencing, by isolation in a room, by additional enclosures, or by other
means, so that access to the isolated areas is limited only to qualified personnel. Qualified personnel are
those who are familiar with the construction and operation of the equipment and with the hazards involved.
Refer to Table 2 for a description of IP Codes designating degrees of protection.

6.2.2 Application in Residences and in Places Regularly Open to the Public

For those applications in residences and in places which are regularly open to the public and which cannot
be isolated from the public, only the following machines should be used:
a) Guarded machines;?
b) Totally-enclosed nonventilated machines;
c) Totally-enclosed fan-cooled guarded machines;
d) Totally-enclosed water-air-cooled machines;
e) Totally-enclosed pipe-ventilated machines;
f) Weather- protected machines; and
g) Open machines when the enclosure of the equipment provides the equivalent of a guarded machine.

Certain machine applications may require openings smaller than those mentioned for a guarded machine.

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6.2.3 Applications in Places Restricted to Persons Employed on the Premises

Many years of experience in industrial plants, light commercial installations, and other areas where access
to the equipment is normally restricted to persons employed on the premises have established that the
following machines have a successful and satisfactory safety record:
a) Dripproof machines;
b) Semi-guarded machines;
c) Totally-enclosed fan-cooled machines; and
d) Machines recommended above for use in places regularly open to the public.

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Table 2

First Second
Characteristic Characteristic
Numeral Brief Description" Definition Numeral Brief Description* Definition
Non-protected machine No special protection O Non-protected machine No special protection
Machine protected Accidental or inadvertent contact with 1 Machine protected against Dripping water (vertically falling drops)
o against solid objects or approach to live and moving parts
- ._
dripping water shall have no harmful effect.

F greater than 1.968 inch

(50 mm)
inside the enclosure by a large surface
of the human body, such as a hand

(but no protection against deliberate
rQ access).
Ingress of solid objects exceeding
O 1.968 inch (50 mm) in diameter
Machine protected Contact by fingers or similar objects 2 Machine protected against Vertically dripping water shall have no
o- against solid objects not exceeding 80 mm in length with or dripping water when ilted up to harmful effect when the machine is tilted
greater than 0.4724 approach to live or moving parts inside $52-
........... 15 degrees at any angle up to 15 degrees from its
CD inch (12 mm) the enclosure. A

I ,.-,
.e ".i\

normal position.
z Ingress of solid objects exceeding
: .:

2 0.4724 inch (12 mm) in diameter.

0) Machine protected Contact with or approach to live or 3 Machine protected against Water falling as a spray at an angle up to
against solid objects moving parts inside the enclosure by spraying water 60 degrees from the vertical shall have
E greater than 0.0984 tools or wires exceeding 0.0984 inch no harmful effect.
inch (2.5 mm) (2.5 mm) in diameter.
o Ingress of solid objects exceeding
0.0984 inch (2.5 mm) in diameter.
Machine protected Contact with or approach to live or 4 Machine protected against Water splashing against the machine
against solid objects moving parts inside the enclosure by from any direction shall have no harmful
greater than 0.0394 wires or strips of thickness greater effect.
inch (1 mm) than 0.0394 inch (1 mm) in diameter.

Dust-protected Contact with or approach to live or 5 Machine protected against water Water projected by a nozzle against the
machine moving parts inside the enclosure. jets machine from any direction shall have no
Ingress of dust not totally prevented harmful effect.
o but dust does not enter in sufficient
quantity to interfere with satisfactory
F operation of the machine.

ru The brief description given in columns 2 and 5 in this table should not be used to specify the form of protection.
2 ** Machines assigned a first characteristic numeral 1, 2, 3, or 4 will exclude both regularly or irregularly shaped solid objects provided that three normally
o- perpendicular dimensions of the object exceed the appropriate size in column "Definition."
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Table 2

First Second
Characteristic Characteristic
Numeral Brief Description" Definition Numeral Brief Description* Definition

moving parts inside the enclosure.

No ingress of dust

m which shall be specified by the


The degree of protection against dust d articles, their nature, for instance
fibrous particles) is specified, test condi

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6.2.4 Application in Places Accessible Only to Qualified Personnel

Any of the machine enclosures mentioned in 6.2.3 may be used in these places. In addition, many years
of experience in power plants and in other applications where machines are so located or installed that
they are accessible only to qualified personnel have established that open machines have a successful
and satisfactory safety record.

6.2.5 AC Motors For Class I, Division 2, Hazardous Locations

Open or nonexplosion-proof enclosed motors are allowed by the National Electrical Code as long as they
do not have brushes, switching mechanisms, or other similar arc-producing devices. Accordingly, the user
has two possibilities when selecting a motor for Class I, Division 2 applications.
The recommended approach for the user is to select an explosion-proof motor, which in accordance with
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. requirements, shall not exceed the specified external surface temperature
under any operating condition.
As an alternative, the user may select an open or nonexplosion-proof enclosed motor for submission to
the local authority for approval. Since the enclosure is not explosion-proof, the user should consider the
temperature of external and internal surfaces of the motor to which the surrounding atmosphere has
For open, ambient-air-breathing ac integral and large machines, the operating surface temperature of
insulated windings will normally be associated with the insulation class. NEMA standards do not establish
values of total temperature; only values of observable temperature rise are given. However, the following
table can be used as a guide based on a 40°C ambient temperature and observable continuous
temperature rises as specified in NEMA MG 1-12.43, 12.44, 20.8, and 21.10.

Typical Total Winding Temperature

Insulation Class 1.15 Service Factor 1.0 Service Factor
Class A 115°C 105°C
Class B 140°C 130°C
Class F 165°C 155°C
Class H ___ 180°C

The rotor surface temperature of squirrel-cage induction motors cannot be accurately measured on
production units. The rotor surface temperature varies greatly with enclosure type, cooling method,
insulation class, and slip, but may be in the range of 150-225°C for Class B or Class F insulated normal
slip motors when operating at rated load and in a 40°C ambient temperature.
The above insulated winding temperature and rotor surface temperature values are typical values based
on continuous operation at rated voltage and rated frequency under usual service conditions. Margin for
voltage and frequency variations, manufacturing variation, overload, or hot start and acceleration is not
included. The motor manufacturer should be consulted for further information.
When motor-mounted space heaters are to be furnished, it is recommended that the exposed surface
temperature be limited to 80 percent of the ignition temperature of the gas or vapor involved with rated
space heater voltage applied and the motor deenergized.
The range of ignition temperatures is so great and variable that it is not practical for the motor
manufacturer to determine if a given motor is suitable for a Division 2 area. The user's knowledge of the
area classification, the application requirements, the insulation system class, and past experience are all
factors which should be considered by the user, his consultant, or others most familiar with the details of
the application involved when making the final decision.

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6.3 Proper Selection of Machines

Machines should be properly selected with respect to their usual or unusual service conditions, both of
which involve the environmental and operating conditions to which the machine is subjected. Machines
conforming to the Scope of this publication are designed for operation in accordance with their ratings
under usual service conditions. Some typical applications for motors of standard Design types are given in
Table 3. Typical speed torque characteristics are shown in Figure 4. Some machines may also be capable
of operating in accordance with their ratings under one or more unusual service conditions. Definite-
purpose or special-purpose machines may be required for some unusual conditions.
Good energy management is the successful application of the motor controller, motor, and the driven
components that results in the least consumption of energy. Since all motors do not have the same
efficiency, careful consideration must be given to their selection and application. For further information
and guidance, see MG 10 Energy Managemenf Guide for Selecfion and Use of Fixed Frequency Medium
AC Squirrel-Cage Polyphase Inducfion Mofors.
Service conditions, other than those specified as usual, may involve some degree of hazard. The
additional hazard depends upon the degree of departure from usual operating conditions and the severity
of the environment to which the machine is exposed. The additional hazard results from such things as
overheating, mechanical failure, abnormal deterioration of the insulation system, corrosion, fire, or
Although past experience of the user may often be the best guide, the manufacturer of the driven or
driving equipment or the machine manufacturer, or both, should be consulted for further information
regarding any unusual service conditions which increase the mechanical or thermal duty of the machine
and, as a result, increase the chances for failure and consequent hazard. This further information should
be considered by the user, his consultants, or others most familiar with the details of the application
involved when making the final decision.

6.3.1 Variation From Rated Voltage and Rated Frequency Induction Motors
6.3.1. I . I Running
Motors will operate successfully under running conditions at rated load with a variation in the voltage or the
frequency up to the following:
a) Plus or minus 10 percent of rated voltage with rated frequency.
b) Plus or minus 5 percent of rated frequency with rated voltage.
c) A combined variation in voltage and frequency of 10 percent (sum of absolute values) of the rated
values, provided the frequency variation does not exceed plus or minus 5 percent of rated frequency.
Performance within these voltage and frequency variations will not necessarily be in accordance with the
standards established for operation at rated voltage and frequency.
6.3.1. I .2 Starting
The limiting values of voltage and frequency under which a motor will successfully start and accelerate to
running speed depend on the margin between the speed-torque curve of the motor at rated voltage and
frequency and the speed-torque curve of the load under starting conditions. Since the torque developed by
the motor at any speed is approximately proportional to the square of the voltage and inversely
proportional to the square of the frequency, it is generally desirable to determine what voltage and
frequency variations will actually occur at each installation, taking into account any voltage drop resulting
from the starting current drawn by the motor. This information and the torque requirements of the driven
machine define the motor speed torque-curve, at rated voltage and frequency, which is adequate for the

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Polyphase Characteristics Locked Locked
Rotor pull-up Breakdown Rotor
Torque Torque Torque Current
(Percent (Percent (Percent (Percent
Rated Load Rated Load Rated Load Rated Load Relative
Torque) Torque) Torque) Current) Slip Typical Applications Efficiency
Design A Fans, blowers, centrifugal pumps and compressors, motor-
70-275" 65-190* 175-300" Not Defined 0,5-5% generator sets, etc., where starting torque requirements are Medium or
Normal locked rotor torque and high
o high locked rotor current
relatively low.

F Design B Fans, blowers, centrifugal pumps and compressors, motor-
Medium Or
generator sets, etc., where starting torque requirements are
Normal locked rotor torque and 70-275" 65-190* 175-300" 600800 0,5-5%
relatively low. high
5 normal locked rotor current
ru Design C Conveyors, crushers, stirring machines, agitators,
200-285" 140-195* 190-225" 600-800 13% reciprocating pumps and compressors, etc., where starting Medium
2 High locked rotor torque and
under load is required
o- normal locked rotor current
5 Design D High peak loads with or without flywheels such as punch
CD 275 Not Defined 275 600-800 >5% presses, shears, elevators, extractors, winches, hoists, oil-well Medium
High locked rotor torque and
pumping and wire-drawing machines
high slip
IEC Design H Conveyors, crushers, stirring machines, agitators,
High locked rotor torque and 200-285" 140-195* 190-225" 800-1O00 1-5% reciprocating pumps and compressors, etc., where starting Medium
under load is required
high locked rotor current
IEC Design N Fans, blowers, centrifugal pumps and compressors, motor-
75-190 60-140 160-200 800-1000 0,5-3% generator sets, etc., where starting torque requirements are Medium Or
Normal locked rotor torque and high
relatively low.
high locked rotor current

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2 200

O 20 40 60 80 1O0

Figure 4

6.3.1. I .3 Operation From Variable-Frequency Or Variable-Voltage Power Supplies or Both

Induction motors to be operated from solid-state or other types of variable-frequency or variable-voltage
power supplies, or both, for adjustable-speed-drive applications may require individual consideration to
provide satisfactory performance. Especially for operation below rated speed, it may be necessary to
reduce the motor torque load below the rated full-load torque to avoid overheating the motor. Refer to
MGI Parts 30 and 31 for other information. See also NEMA Applicafion Guide for AC Adjusfable Speed
Drive Sysfems.
WARNING: High frequency effects of inverters can cause an increase in the level of leakage current in the
motor. Therefore users are cautioned to follow established grounding practices for the motor frame. Synchronous Motors Running
Motors will operate successfully in synchronism, rated exciting current being maintained, under running
conditions at rated load with a variation in the voltage or the frequency up to the following:
a) Plus or minus 10 percent of rated voltage with rated frequency;
b) Plus or minus 5 percent of rated frequency with rated voltage; and
c) A combined variation in voltage and frequency of 10 percent (sum of absolute values) of the rated
values, provided the frequency variation does not exceed plus or minus 5 percent of rated frequency.

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Performance within these voltage and frequency variations will not necessarily be in accordance with the
standards established for operation at rated voltage and frequency. Starting
The limiting values of voltage and frequency under which a motor will successfully start and synchronize
depend upon the margin between the locked-rotor and pull-in torques of the motor at rated voltage and
frequency and the corresponding requirements of the load under starting conditions. Since the locked-
rotor and pull-in torques of a motor are approximately proportional to the square of the voltage and
inversely proportional to the square of the frequency, it is generally desirable to determine what voltage
and frequency variation will actually occur at each installation, taking into account any voltage drop
resulting from the starting current drawn by the motor. This information and the torque requirements of the
driven machine determine the values of locked-rotor and pull-in torque at rated voltage and frequency that
are adequate for the application. Operation From Variable-Frequency Power Supplies
Synchronous motors to be operated from solid-state or other types of variable-frequency power supplies
for adjustable-speed-drive applications, may require individual consideration to provide satisfactory
performance. Especially for operation below rated speed, it may be necessary to reduce the motor torque
load below the rated full-load torque to avoid overheating the motor. The motor manufacturer should be
consulted before selecting a motor for such application. Synchronous Generators
Synchronous generators will operate successfully at rated kVA, frequency, and power factor with a
variation in the output voltage up to plus or minus 5 percent of rated voltage.
Performance within these voltage variations will not necessarily be in accordance with the standards
established for operation at rated voltage. Direct-current Motors
Direct-current motors will operate successfully using the power supply selected for the basis of rating up to
and including 110 percent of rated direct-current armature voltage provided the highest rated speed is not
exceeded. Direct-current motors rated for operation from a rectifier power supply will operate successfully
with a variation of plus or minus 1O percent of rated alternating-current line voltage.
Performance within this voltage variation will not necessarily be in accordance with the standards
established for operation at rated voltage. For operation below base speed, see 6.3.4.

6.3.2 Usual Service Conditions Environmental Conditions
Machines are designed for the following operating site conditions, unless other conditions are specified by
the purchaser.
a) Exposure to an ambient temperature in the range of -15°C to 40°C or, when water cooling is used, an
ambient temperature range of 5°C (to prevent freezing of water) to 40"C, except for machines rated
less than 3/4 hp and all machines other than water cooled having commutator or sleeve bearings for
which the minimum ambient temperature is 0°C
b) Exposure to an altitude which does not exceed 3300 feet (1O00 meters)
c) Installation on a rigid mounting surface
d) Installation in areas or supplementary enclosures which do not seriously interfere with the ventilation
of the machine Operating Conditions
a) V-belt drive in accordance with MG 1-14.42 for alternating-current motors and with MG 1-14.67 for
industrial direct-current motors
b) Flat-belt, chain, and gear drives in accordance with MG 1-14.7

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6.3.3 Unusual Service Conditions

The manufacturer should be consulted if any unusual service conditions exist which may affect the
construction or operation of the motor. Among such conditions are:
a) Exposure to:
1. Combustible, explosive, abrasive, or conducting dusts
2. Lint or very dirty operating conditions where the accumulation of dirt may interfere with normal
3. Chemical fumes, flammable or explosive gases
4. Nuclear radiation
5. Steam, salt-laden air, or oil vapor
6. Damp or very dry locations, radiant heat, vermin infestation, or atmospheres conducive to the
growth of fungus
7. Abnormal shock, vibration, or mechanical loading from external sources
8. Abnormal axial or side thrust imposed on the motor shaft
b) Operation where:
1. There is excessive departure from rated voltage or frequency, or both (see for
alternating-current motors and for direct-current motors)
2. The deviation factor of the alternating-current supply voltage exceeds 10 percent
3. The alternating-current supply voltage is unbalanced by more than 1 percent (see MG 1-12.46
and MG 1-14.36)
4. The rectifier output supplying a direct-current motor is unbalanced so that the difference between
the highest and lowest peak amplitudes of the current pulses over one cycle exceed 10 percent of
the highest pulse amplitude at rated armature current
5. Low noise levels are required
6. The power system is not grounded (see MG 1-14.31)
c) Operation at speeds above the highest rated speed
d) Operation in a poorly ventilated room, in a pit, or in an inclined position
e) Operation where subjected to:
1. Torsional impact loads
2. Repetitive abnormal overloads
3. Reversing or electric braking
4. Frequent starting (see MG 1-12.55)
5. Out-of-phase bus transfer (see MG 1-20.34)
6. Frequent short circuits
f) Operation of machine at standstill with any winding continuously energized or of short-time-rated
machine with any winding continuously energized
g) Operation of direct-current machine where the average armature current is less than 50 percent of the
rated full-load amperes over a 24-hour period, or continuous operation at armature current less than
50 percent of rated current for more than 4 hours
6.3.4 Speed Limitation Operation Below Rated or Base Speed
When a machine is operated below rated speed (base speed in the case of direct-current motors), it may
be necessary to reduce its loading in order to avoid overheating. Overheating may result from reduced
ventilation, changes in power supply characteristics, or changes in the characteristics of the machine. The
manufacturer of the driven or driving equipment or the manufacturer of the machine, or both, should be
consulted for further information regarding applications where operation below rated or base speed is

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contemplated. This further information should be considered by the user, his consultants, or others most
familiar with the details of the application involved when making the final decision. Operation Above Highest Rated Speed
Series motors and direct-current compound-wound and shunt-wound motors are subject to overspeeding
under certain conditions of misoperation.
A series motor with no load (or light load) connected to it will increase in speed very rapidly, and the
armature may be thrown apart by centrifugal force. Series motors should therefore be positively connected
to the driven load in a manner which will not allow the motor to become disconnected accidentally from the
driven load.
Dangerous overspeeding of a direct-current compound-wound or shunt-wound motor may occur if the
shunt field circuit becomes deenergized. Unless the speed is inherently limited by the application of the
motor, these motors should be protected against dangerous overspeed by overspeed devices, field loss
relays, or other means.

6.3.5 Operation of Direct-current Motors on Rectified Alternating Current General
When a direct-current motor is operated from a rectified alternating-current supply, its performance may
differ materially from that of the same motor when operated from a low-ripple direct-current source of
supply, such as a generator or a battery. The pulsating voltage and current wave forms may increase
temperature rise and noise and adversely affect commutation and efficiency. Because of these effects, it
may be necessary that direct-current motors be designed or specifically selected to operate on the
particular type of rectifier to be used. Motors Built in Frames Having a Continuous Dripproof Rating or Equivalent Capacity,
Up to and Including 1.25 Horsepower per RPM, Open Type

Standards for these motors, as contained in Parts 4, IO, 12, and 14 of NEMA Standards Publication MG 1,
set forth a basis of rating direct-current motors intended for use with rectifier power supplies. These
ratings are based upon tests of the motors using a test power supply.
Small motors are identified on the nameplate by means of a rated form factor, whereas medium motors
are identified on the nameplate by a single letter or a combination of digits and letters designating a
particular type of rectifier power supply.
All direct-current motors intended for use on rectifier power supplies may be used on low-ripple power
supplies such as a direct-current generator or battery. In addition, motors identified by a rated form factor
or a single identifying letter may be used on a power supply having a lower form factor or on a power
supply designated or identified by a lower letter of the alphabet. For example, a motor rated on the basis
of an E power supply may be used on a C or D power supply.
For operation of direct-current motors on power supplies other than those used to establish the basis of
rating (except as noted above), the combination of the power supply and the motor should be considered
in combination with the motor manufacturer. Motors Built in Frames Larger than Those Having a Continuous Dripproof Rating,
or Equivalent Capacity, of 1.25 Horsepower per RPM, Open Type

Standards for these motors, as contained in Part 23 of NEMA Standards Publication MG 1, are based on
operation from a low-ripple power supply. The power supply and series inductance (including motor
armature) selected should be such that the magnitude of the ripple current (peak-to-peak), expressed in
percent of rated load current, does not exceed 6 percent at rated load, rated armature voltage, and rated
base speed. For operation on other power supplies, the combination of the power supply and the motor
should be considered in consultation with the motor manufacturer.

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Page 24 Bearing Currents

When a direct-current motor is operated from some unfiltered rectifier power supplies, bearing currents
may result. Ripple currents, transmitted by capacitive coupling between the rotor winding and the core,
may flow through the ground path to the transformer secondary. While these currents are small in
magnitude, they may cause damage to either antifriction or sleeve bearings under certain circumstances.
It is recommended that the manufacturer be consulted to determine whether bearing currents may be a
problem and, if so, what measures can be taken to minimize them.

6.3.6 Shaft Loading

Hazards can be created by overstressing the motor or generator shaft by such means as misalignment of
couplings, overtightening belts, and so forth, or by using V-belt sheaves, gear pinions, or chain sprockets
smaller in diameter than provided for in the design of the machine. In coupling to the motor or generator
shaft, the practices outlined in Part 14 of NEMA Standards Publication MG 1 should be followed, or the
machine manufacturer should be consulted.

6.3.7 Transient Torques

Machines are inherently capable of developing transient torques considerably in excess of their rated
torque when exposed to any of the following conditions:
a) Bus transfer;
b) Out-of-phase synchronizing;
c) Plugging;
d) Speed transfer or regenerative braking, or both, of multispeed motors; or
e) External short circuits.

The magnitude of these transient torques ranges from 2 to 20 times rated torque as a function of the
machine operating conditions, switching times, system inertia, and so forth.
To avoid the possibility of damaging equipment (that is, shafts, couplings, gears, and so forth), the peak
magnitude of the transient torques likely to be encountered should be considered in the design of the
system. The machine manufacturer should be consulted regarding the peak magnitude of the transient
air-gap torque, and this information should be considered by the manufacturer of the driven or driving
equipment, the user, his consultants, or others most familiar with the details of the application involved
when making the final decision.
MG 1-20.34, and 21.35 provide basic application information relative to bus transfer or reclosing. It is
recommended that slow transfer or reclosing be used when possible. A slow transfer or reclosing is
defined as one in which the length of time between disconnection of the machine from the power supply
and reclosing onto the same or another power supply is equal to or greater than one and a half machine
open-circuit alternating-current time constants. When it is necessary to perform the bus transfer or
reclosing in a shorter time, referred to as a fast transfer or reclosing, it is recommended that the
electromechanical interactions of the machine, the driven or driving equipment, and the power system be
studied to evaluate the effects of the fast transfer or reclosing.

6.3.8 Torsional Vibration

Overstressed shafts or couplings and other hazards can result from equipment which subjects machines
to excessive torsional vibration. Unlike lateral vibrations that can be readily sensed by touch and
measured with relatively common instruments, torsional vibrations with considerable amplitudes can exist
and be undetectable except by special, relatively uncommon instruments. Since torsional vibrations are so
difficult to detect and measure, it is particularly important that torsional stresses be considered when
machines are to drive or be driven by equipment producing periodic torque pulses, such as reciprocating
engines, chippers, hammer mills, and so forth.
While the factors which affect torsional vibration are primarily contained in the design of the equipment
external to the motor, the design of the machine rotor to which the external equipment is mechanically

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connected should also be considered. When the manufacturer of the external equipment makes a
torsional analysis of the complete assembly, the machine manufacturer should be consulted for the rotor
design data which affects torsional vibration.

6.3.9 Torque Pulsations During Starting of Synchronous Motors

When operated at other than synchronous speed, all salient-pole synchronous motors develop a pulsating
torque superimposed on the average torque. During starting and acceleration (with no field excitation
applied), the frequency of the torque pulsations is at any instant equal to the per-unit slip times twice the
line frequency. Thus, for a 60-hertz motor, the frequency of the torque pulsation varies from 120 hertz at
zero speed to zero hertz at synchronous speed.
Any system consisting of inertias connected by shafting has one or more natural torsional frequencies.
During acceleration by a salient-pole synchronous motor, any torsional natural frequency at or below twice
line frequency will be transiently excited.
When it is desired to investigate the magnitudes of the torques which are transiently imposed upon the
shafting during starting, the instantaneous torque pulsations should be considered in addition to the
average torque.


7.1 Installation and Protection
All machines covered by this publication should be installed and protected in accordance with the
applicable provisions of national codes and sound local practices.
7.2 Grounding
The frames and other metal exteriors of machines (except for insulated pedestal bearings) usually should
be grounded to limit their potential to ground in the event of accidental connection or contact between live
electrical parts and the metal exteriors. See the National Electrical Code, Article 430, Part L, for
information on grounding of motors; Article 445 for grounding of generators; and Article 250 for general
information on grounding. In making the ground connection, the installer should make certain that there is
a solid and permanent metallic connection between the ground point, the machine terminal housing, and
the machine frame. A common method of providing a ground is through a grounded metallic conduit
Motors with resilient cushion rings are usually supplied with a bonding conductor across the resilient
member. Some motors are supplied with the bonding conductor on the concealed side of the cushion ring
to protect the bond from damage. Motors with bonded cushion rings should usually be grounded at the
time of installation. When motors with bonded cushion rings are used in multimotor installations employing
group fusing or group protection, the bonding of the cushion ring should be checked to determine that it is
adequate for the rating of the branch circuit overcurrent protective device being used.
There are applications where grounding the exterior parts of a machine may result in greater hazard by
increasing the possibility of a person in the area simultaneously contacting ground and some other nearby
live electrical part or other ungrounded electrical equipment. In portable equipment, it is difficult to be sure
that a positive ground connection is maintained as the equipment is moved, and providing a grounding
conductor may lead to a false sense of security. When careful consideration of the hazards involved in a
particular application indicates the machine frames should not be grounded or when unusual operating
conditions dictate that a grounded frame cannot be used, the installer should make sure the machine is
permanently and effectively insulated from ground. In those installations where the machine frame is
insulated from ground, it is recommended that appropriate warning labels or signs be placed on or in the
area of the equipment by the installer.
7.3 Wiring Connections
The connection of the machine to the power supply should be made by qualified personnel in accordance
with the diagram or other instructions furnished by the machine manufacturer. Where the machine has
provision for use on different values of voltage by alteration of the connections, care should be taken to
ensure that the connections made are correct for the voltage supplied to the machine.

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If a machine having a cord and attachment plug cap is required to be reconnected for operation on a
different voltage, it is recommended that the changes be made by a qualified electrician. Care should be
taken to ensure that the attachment plug cap is replaced with one of a type suitable for the voltage for
which the machine is reconnected and that all of the instructions of the machine manufacturer are
followed, since improper connections could result in the machine becoming a shock hazard.
7.4 Flammable Materials
Sparking of brushes on commutator or collector rings may be expected during normal operation. In
addition, open-type machines may eject flame or molten metal, or both, in the event of an insulation
failure, commutator flashover, or arc-over of collector rings. Therefore, consideration should be given to
the avoidance or protection of flammable or combustible materials in the area of open-type machines.
7.5 Rotating Parts
Except for openings in machine enclosures (see 4.1), the guarding of rotating parts such as couplings,
pulleys, and unused shaft extensions, should be in accordance with ANSI B15.1. This is particularly
important where the parts have surface irregularities such as keys, keyways, or set screws. Some
satisfactory methods of guarding are:
a) Covering the machine and associated rotating parts with structural or decorative parts of the driven or
driving equipment.
b) Providing covers for the rotating parts. The openings in or at the edges of such covers should not be
more than 1/2 inch wide (3/4 inch if the rotating parts are more than 5.5 inches from the opening) in
the direction (usually above and to the side) from which contact is to be expected. In other directions
where other stationary parts, such as a sub-base, provide partial guarding, somewhat wider openings
may be used. Covers should be sufficiently rigid to maintain adequate guarding in normal service.

NOTE: Where the torques involved are small and the rotating parts of the motor are of small diameter without sharp
edges, guarding is not ordinarily necessary. Such motors are usually rated 1/2 horsepower or less.

7.6 Maximum Speed of Drive Components

The maximum speed of drive components should not exceed the values recommended by the component
manufacturer or the values specified in the industry standards to which the component manufacturer
indicates conformance. Speeds above the maximum recommended speed may result in damage to the
equipment or injury to personnel.
7.7 Lifting of Machines
The lifting of machines and related equipment is a potentially hazardous operation requiring care and
knowledge of proper lifting techniques to assure safety of personnel and to prevent damage to the
equipment. Any instructions or guidelines given by the machine manufacturer on machine labels,
instruction sheets, or drawings should be followed carefully.
Generally, where lifting means has been provided on the machine by the manufacturer, such lifting means
(that is, eyebolts, lifting lugs, and so forth) are so located that when the machine is suspended in the
intended manner, the resultant angle of lifting from the design lifting direction will not be greater than 30
degrees for machines with single lifting means or 45 degrees for machines with multiple lifting means. In
all cases, care should be taken to assure lifting in the direction intended in the design of the lifting means
(see Figures 5 and 6). With multiple lifting means, a spreader bar or a supporting sling, or both, is
recommended to reduce the lifting angle or prevent damage to top mounted protective or ventilating

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Figure 5



Figure 6

For unusual conditions, such as side-wall and ceiling mounting of horizontal motors and installation of
vertical motors shipped in a horizontal position, special precautions should be taken and it is
recommended that an experienced rigger be employed.
Precautions should be taken to prevent hazardous overloads due to acceleration, deceleration, or shock
forces. Additional care should also be used when lifting or handling at temperatures below 0°C because
the ductility of the lifting means is reduced.
In the case of assemblies on a common base, any lifting means provided on the machine should not be
used to lift the assembly and base, but rather the assembly should be lifted by a sling around the base or
by other lifting means provided on the base. It is recommended that a spreader bar be used when lifting
assemblies on a common base.

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Unless specifically allowed by the manufacturer's instruction manual or drawings, or both, the lifting means
provided for lifting a machine should not be used to lift the machine plus additional equipment such as
gears, pumps, compressors, or other driven equipment.
EXCEPTION: For machines builf in 34-inch diamefe? (680 frame) and smaller, fhe following
guide may be used:

If care is taken to minimize shock loading, and a spreader bar or supporting sling (securely anchored), or
both, is used to assure a lifting force parallel with the designed lifting direction (lifting angle of zero
degrees) and equally distributed over multiple lifting points, connected loads not exceeding 100 percent of
the machine weight can normally be safely handled with the machine lifting device (see Figures 7, 8, and
7.8 Surface Temperatures
The surface temperature of machines varies with enclosure type, cooling method, insulation class, and
operating conditions. Exposed surfaces may reach temperatures which could cause discomfort or injury to
personnel accidentally coming in contact with the hot surfaces. For this reason during machine installation
consideration should be given to the possible need to protect against accidental contact with hot machine
7.9 Hold-down Bolt Sizes
The bolt holes in machine feet and flanges have been selected to accept bolts which will hold the machine
securely in place. The largest bolt diameter which will fit the nominal hole should be used to mount the
machine. The length of the bolt should be such that the minimal thread engagement based on steel (or
equivalent) is equal to the bolt diameter after allowing for washers under the head of the bolt and any
shims under the feet.
7.10 Power Factor Correction
When power factor correction capacitors are used, the total corrective kVAR placed on the load side of
the motor controller should not exceed the value required to raise the no-load power factor of the motor to
unity. Corrective kVAR in excess of this value may cause overexcitation resulting in high transient
voltages, currents, and torques that can increase safety hazards to personnel and can cause possible
damage to the motor or to the driven equipment.
The use of capacitors for power factor correction, switched at the motor terminals, is not recommended
for elevator motors, multi-speed motors, motors used on plugging or jogging applications, motors subject
to high speed bus transfer, and motors used with open transition wye-delta or auto-transformer starting.
For such applications the motor manufacturer should be consulted before installing power factor corrective
capacitors switched at the motor terminals.

This is a diameter measured in the plane of laminations of the circle circumscribing the stator frame, excluding
lugs, fins, boxes, and so forth, used solely for machine cooling, mounting, assembly, or connection.

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Figure 7
(100% OF


Figure 8


Figure 9

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7.11 Starting Current in Induction Motors

7.11. I Locked Rotor Current

The proper selection and operation of motor branch circuit, short-circuit, and ground-fault protective
devices, such as overload relays, instantaneous trip breakers, motor controllers, and fuses, require
coordination with the level of motor rated locked rotor or inrush current. Limits on locked rotor current have
been established for some NEMA Design B, C, and D and IEC Design N and H type induction motors as
given in Table 4.
For medium ac induction motors the nameplate is marked with a code letter designating the ratio of kVA
to horsepower at locked rotor for that particular design. The relationship between the code letter and
kVAíhp is given in Table 5. When a motor is so marked, rather than using the limit given in Table 4 the
maximum level of locked rotor current at rated voltage and frequency can be found by multiplying the
upper limit on the range for the marked code letter by the rated horsepower times 1000 and dividing by the
constant 1.732 times the rated line-to-line terminal voltage. For single-phase motors, multiply the upper
limit on the range for the marked code letter by the rated horsepower times 1000 and divide by the rated
No limits on locked rotor current have been established for NEMA Design A motors. The manufacturer
should be consulted for information on Design A motors and motors not covered by Table 4 for which a
code letter has not been marked on the motor.

7.11.2 Instantaneous Peak Value of Inrush Current

The values of locked rotor current given in Table 4 are the steady-state rms symmetrical values after any
transients due to sudden application of line power at starting have decayed to negligible values. During the
initial transient in each phase there will be a one-half cycle instantaneous peak value which may range
from 1.8 to 2.8 times the steady-state value as a function of the motor design and the switching angle of
the power system voltage in that phase. This is based on an assumed ambient temperature of 25°C.

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Table 4
HP Amps Design Type Amps*
112 20 B, D 12
314 25 18

1-112 40 37

5 92 B. C. D 122
7-112 127 B, C, D 183
10 162 B, C, D 225
15 232 B. C. D 337
20 290 B. C. D 449
25 365 B. C. D 562
30 435 B. C. D 674
40 580 B, C, D 824
50 725 B, C, D 1030
60 870 B, C, D 1236
75 1085 B, C, D 1545
1O0 1450 B, C, D 1873
125 1815 B, C, D 2341
150 2170 B, C, D 2809
200 2900 B, C 3745
250 3650 B 4688
300 4400 B 5618
350 51O0 B 6554
400 5800 B 7490
450 6500 B 8427
500 7250 B 9363

*Limits on locked rotor amps for IEC motors are derived from the IEC limit on Locked Rotor Apparent Power per
the following:

Apparent Power In
Power Range KVAIkW
0.54< HP 5 8.4 13
8.4 < HP 5 34 12
34 < HP 5 84 11
84 < H P 5 8 4 0 10

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Table 5
Letter Designation kVA per Horsepower* I Letter Designation kVA per Horsepower*
A 0.00-3.15 K 8.0-9.0
B 3.15-3.55 L 9.0-10.0
C 3.55-4.O M 10.0-11.2
D 4.0-4.5 N 11.2-12.5
E 4.5-5.0 P 12.5-14.0
F 5.0-5.6 R 14.0-16.0
G 5.6-6.3 S 16.0-18.0
H 6.3-7.1 T 18.0-20.0
J 7.1-8.0 U 20.0-22.4
V 22.4-and up


8.1 Loading
There is no single, applicable standard for safe loading of a machine. The principle effect of overloading a
machine is an increase in operating temperature. While it should be recognized that operation at a higher
temperature does accelerate the deterioration of the insulation, no ordinarily attainable temperature
normally results in an immediate hazard (Cautiortsee 6.2.5) if adequate overload protective equipment
is properly selected and applied.
8.2 Automatic Reset Thermal Protectors
Motors with automatic reset thermal protectors should not be used when unexpected starting of the
equipment might result in injury to the operator or malfunctioning of the equipment. Examples of such
equipment are bench saws and food choppers.
8.3 Maintenance
A well planned and executed maintenance schedule is essential to the satisfactory operation of electrical
equipment. The kind and frequency of the maintenance operation will vary with the kind and size of the
equipment as well as with the nature of the operating conditions.
It is not possible to establish a single maintenance program to serve all classes of equipment within the
scope of this publication. The user should establish a maintenance program giving due consideration to
the installation and application of the equipment as well as to the maintenance instructions and
recommendations of the machine manufacturer.
The following factors should be considered when formulating a maintenance program:
a) Maintenance should be performed by qualified personnel.
b) The equipment should be so located as to permit the performance of all maintenance operations
without hazard to the worker.
c) Whenever possible, maintenance should be performed with the equipment not in operation and
disconnected from the line. In particular, the alternating-current primary power source for a direct-
current or alternating-current motor used on an adjustable-voltage or adjustable-frequency electronic
power supply, or with an electronic controller, should be completely disconnected from the line.
d) All hazardous energy sources should be locked out and/or tagged if workers may be exposed to injury
by reenergization.

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A general inspection of mechanical integrity, that is, fracture, loose bolts, missing parts, and so forth,
should be made.
Vibration and noise should be observed. A change in the magnitude or frequency of the vibration or
noise, or both, indicates a need for attention.
Ventilation passages should be kept open. If the equipment depends upon auxiliary cooling, that is,
air, water, oil, and so forth, periodic inspections should be made of these systems.
Periodic inspection or tests, or both, of the insulation system, when recommended by the machine
manufacturer, should be made.
Brushes, slip rings, and commutators should be frequently inspected and serviced as required.
Lubrication procedures given in the machine manufacturer's instructions should be followed.
The means employed for grounding the machine or insulating the machine from ground should be
checked to assure its integrity.
Flexible cords and connectors should be examined to determine that the cords are free from abrasion,
cracks, and exposed strands and that the connectors have unbroken bodies so that live parts are not

8.4 Repair
When a machine is repaired, it is important that any replacement part be of a quality equal to or better
than that of the original part. For example, any replacement shaft should be of as high quality steel and
have as good heat treatment as the shaft being replaced; insulation should be replaced by insulating
materials of at least the same, or higher, temperature rating. Care should be taken to avoid the use of
parts which no longer are compatible with other changes in the machine. Also, replacement parts should
be inspected for deterioration due to shelf life and for signs of rework or wear which may involve factors
critical to safety.
Repaired machines should conform to the provisions of this publication except that if a winding is only
repaired or partially replaced, the applied high-potential test voltage should be 70 percent of the specified

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