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104 ETSI TS 102 221 V17.1.

0 (2022-02) Void Command parameters

Code Value
CLA As specified in clause 10.1.1
INS As specified in clause 10.1.2
P1 '00'
P2 Qualifier of the reference data, see table 11.15
Lc Empty or '08'
Data EMPTY or PIN value
Le Not present

Table 11.15: Coding of P2

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Not supported
0 - - - - - - - Global reference data (e.g. MF specific PIN)
1 - - - - - - - Specific reference data (e.g. DF specific/application
dependent PIN)
- X X - - - - - '00' (other values are RFU)
- - - X X X X X Reference data number

The five least significant bits of parameter P2 specify the PIN key reference number (see clause 9.5.1 for permissible

Command data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1 to 8 PIN value 8

11.1.10 CHANGE PIN Functional description

The Change PIN command is used to initiate the comparison of the verification data with the PIN, and then to
conditionally replace the existing PIN with the new PIN sent to the UICC in the command. Once successfully changed
on a logical channel, the new value is immediately available to all channels.

This function assigns a new value to the relevant PIN subject to the following conditions being fulfilled:

• PIN is not disabled;

• PIN is not blocked.

The old and new PIN shall be presented.

If the old PIN presented is correct, the number of remaining PIN attempts for that PIN shall be reset to its initial value 3
and the new value for the PIN becomes valid.

If the old PIN presented is false, the number of remaining PIN attempts for that PIN shall be decremented and the value
of the PIN is unchanged. After 3 consecutive false PIN presentations, not necessarily in the same card session, the
respective PIN shall be blocked and the access condition can never be fulfilled until the UNBLOCK PIN function has
been performed successfully on the respective PIN.


• Indication of PIN, old PIN, new PIN.

105 ETSI TS 102 221 V17.1.0 (2022-02)


• None. Command parameters

Code Value
CLA As specified in clause 10.1.1
INS As specified in clause 10.1.2
P1 '00'
P2 As specified for the VERIFY PIN command, see clause 11.1.9
Lc Length of the subsequent data field = '10'
Data Old PIN value, new PIN value
Le Not present

NOTE: "Change PIN" is named "exchange reference data" in ISO/IEC 7816-4 [12].

Byte(s) Description Length

1 to 8 Old PIN value 8
9 to 16 New PIN value 8

11.1.11 DISABLE PIN Functional description

The Disable PIN command is used to switch off the requirement to compare the PIN verification data with the PIN
reference data. The command also allows an indication whether to use an alternative global key reference, if enabled, or
not when the application PIN is disabled. For universal PIN definition see clause 9.4.1. Usage of an alternative global
key reference for user verification is indicated in parameter P1. If an alternative global key reference is used as a
replacement for the application PIN, the usage qualifier in the PS_DO template data object for the alternative global key
reference is set to 'use' = '08'. The verification of the alternative global key reference shall be performed instead of the
application PIN verification to get access to the application.

The UICC shall perform a validation of the SE after the successful execution of this command as the current SE may
have changed and this shall affect the access to files.

NOTE 1: The access rules for the application have to cater for the case that an alternative global key reference
replaces the application PIN. It is the responsibility of the application to specify this.

The successful execution of this function has the effect that files protected by PIN are now accessible as if they were
marked "ALWAYS", except in the case where the alternative global key reference is to be used as a replacement for the
disabled PIN. In this case the access condition for files containing only a reference to the disabled PIN is the alternative
global key reference. For files having more than one global key reference indicated in the access rules the access
condition is "ALWAYS" after disabling on of the key references used in the access rules. The function DISABLE PIN
shall not be executed by the selected application when PIN is already disabled or blocked.

NOTE 2: Every application has to specify whether this function is applicable to all PINs defined for the application.

If the PIN presented is correct, the number of remaining PIN attempts shall be reset to its initial value 3 and PIN shall
be disabled.

If the PIN presented is false, the number of remaining PIN attempts shall be decremented and PIN remains enabled.
After 3 consecutive false PIN presentations, not necessarily in the same card session, the PIN shall be blocked and the
access condition can never be fulfilled until the UNBLOCK PIN function has been successfully performed on PIN.


• PIN.

106 ETSI TS 102 221 V17.1.0 (2022-02)


• None. Command parameters

Code Value
CLA As specified in clause 10.1.1
INS As specified in clause 10.1.2
P1 See table 11.16
P2 As specified for the VERIFY PIN command, see clause 11.1.9
Lc Length of the subsequent data = '08'
Data PIN value
Le Not present

Table 11.16: Coding of P1

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 Meaning
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Verification data present in data field
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Reserved by ISO/IEC 7816-4 [12]
1 - - - - - - - Verification data present, and use reference
data number as verification replacement
- X X - - - - - '00' (other values are RFU)
- - - X X X X X Global key reference data number

The five least significant bits of parameter P2 specify the PIN key reference number (see clause 9.5.1 for permissible

Command data:

Byte(s) Description Length

1 to 8 PIN value 8

11.1.12 ENABLE PIN Functional description

The Enable PIN command is used to switch on the requirement to compare the PIN verification data with the PIN
reference data. It is the reverse function of DISABLE PIN. If an alternative global key reference has been used as a
replacement for the application PIN, the usage of the alternative global key reference as a replacement shall be disabled
upon enabling the PIN for which the alternative global key reference has been a replacement (setting the usage qualifier
in the PS_DO template data object for the alternative global key reference to do not use = '00').

The UICC shall perform a validation of the SE after the successful execution of this command as the current SE may
have changed and this shall affect the access to files.

The function ENABLE PIN shall not be executed by the selected application when PIN is already enabled or blocked.

Every application shall specify whether this function is applicable to all PINs defined for the application.

If the PIN presented is correct, the number of remaining PIN attempts shall be reset to its initial value 3 and PIN shall
be enabled.

If the PIN presented is false, the number of remaining PIN attempts shall be decremented and PIN remains disabled.
After 3 consecutive false PIN presentations, not necessarily in the same card session, PIN shall be blocked and may
optionally be set to "enabled". Once blocked, the PIN can only be unblocked using the UNBLOCK PIN function. If the
PIN is blocked and "disabled", the access condition shall remain granted. If the PIN is blocked and "enabled", the
access condition can never be fulfilled until the UNBLOCK PIN function has been successfully performed on PIN.


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