Dube-Rioux & Russo 1988 (Debiasing Availability Bias) PDF
Dube-Rioux & Russo 1988 (Debiasing Availability Bias) PDF
Dube-Rioux & Russo 1988 (Debiasing Availability Bias) PDF
I , 223-237 (1988)
When branches of a fault tree are pruned, subjects d o not fully transfer the
probability of those branches to the ‘all other’ category. This underestimation of
the catch-all probability has been interpreted as an ‘out of sight, out of mind’form
of the availability bias. The present work replicates this underestimation bias with
professional managers. It then demonstrates the effectiveness of a corrective tactic,
extending the tree by generating additional causes, and also reveals that more easily
retrieved short-term causes dominate the generation process. These results d o not
differ across managers’ culture, education or experience. After evaluating such
alternative explanations as category redefinition, we conclude that availability is a
major cause, though possibly not the sole cause, of the underestimation bias.
KEY WORDS Availability Bias Debiasing Heuristic Likelihood estimation
Reason generation
In this work we investigate an availability phenomenon in the estimation of event probabilities. Before
turning to the specific task and context of the present research, we distinguish two uses of the term
availability. The original meaning denotes the ease of recall (or imagination) of instances of a specified
event (Tversky and Kahneman, 1973). When an event’s likelihood is estimated by this form of avail-
ability, the availability heuristic is said to be used. A bias occurs when such availability-based estimates
are distorted by the influence on retrieval of such factors as the concreteness, drama, familiarity,
recency, relevance, similarity or vividness of instances (Billings and Schaalman, 1980; Folkes, 1988;
Shedler and Manis, 1986; Taylor, 1982).
Availability has a second meaning, whether the event itself is available at the time subjective pro-
babilities are estimated. This all-or-none form partitions the continuum of ease of recall into the
limiting case of failure to recall versus all successful recalls regardless of difficulty. An estimation bias
occurs when those events not brought to mind are overlooked and the probabilities of retrieved events
are distorted upward. The case of retrieval failure is an availability phenomenon, but not an instance of
the availability heuristic. In what follows it is the retrieval failure form of availability that will be
Because availability can depend on what is present in the environment as well as what can be
retrieved from memory, external decision aids come into play. One such aid is a fault tree, a hierarchical
delineation of the possible causes of some undesired terminal event (see, e.g., Von Winterfeldt and
Edwards, 1986). Exhibit 1 presents a fault tree for the failure of a restaurant.
Decreaaing Revenuea
DecrOa8ing Number
of Cuatoura
I n c r e a a i n g Food Coata 1 I n c r e a e i ng Labor Costa 1 I n c r e a a i n g Overhead Coat
Incorrect Pricing
Unclear Image o f
Changing Atmoaphere
Decreaaed Perceived
Value by C u a t o u r s
Incorrect Pricing
Inadequate S e r v i c e Pace
Improper Purchaai ng
and R e c e i v i n g
Menu V a r i e t y (Too
L i m i t e d o r Too
I n c r e a a i n g Overtime
Decreaaing P r o d u c t i v i t y
o f Employee.
7H i g h Debt S e r v i c e Coat
Poor Design o f t h e
Faci Ii t y
H i g h Occupancy Coata
Outdated Restaurant Poor Yerchandiaing Extenai ve) Poor O r g a n i z a t i o n a l Inadequate C a p i t a l
Concept Lack o f Employoe Poor Sale. F o r e c a a t i n g Climate Structure
Inadequate Promotion Yotivation Change. i n S u p p l i e r Union Rules Low Sales Volume
and A d v e r t i a i n g Changing C u a t o m r D i n i n g Yarket Improper P h y s i c a l Improper Growth Rate
Changing Eapectationa Out Budget H i g h Waate and Layout and Equipment High Adminiatrative
o f Cuatomra Changing N i x o f Food/ L e tt o v e r a Poor Employee S e l e c t i o n Coata
Poor Q u a l i t y o f Food Beverage Sa lea Inadequate Number o f and T r a i n i n g I n c o r r e c t Work Method
Changing Competition Inconeiatent Quality P r o d u c t i o n Employeea High Employee Turnover o f Personnel
Poor Q u a l i t y o f Servica o f Food High Theft Menu V a r i e t y Too E x t e n a i v Improper Buaineas
Changing Cuatomer Changing Competition Poor Superviaion Poor Supervi a i o n Hour.
Demographic. Improper P o r t i o n S i r e Incorrect Sire Inadequate Wage S t r u c t u r e Outdated F a c i l i t y and
Lack o f Yenu V a r i e t y Changing Customer o f Food P o r t i o n s I n e f f i c i e n t Employee Equipment
Changing L o c a t i o n Demographica Improper Storage Schedu I ing High I n f l a t i o n
Characteriatica Changing Cuatomer Taatea and I s a u i n g I n c r e a a i n g B e n e f i t Costa Poor C r e d i t R a t i n g
A l l Other A l I Other I A l I Other A l I Other A l I Other
Exhibit 1.
L. Dubt-Rioux and J. E. Russo Availability Bias 225
If incomplete, an availability bias may distort the estimated frequency of causes. Fischhoff, Slovic and
Lichtenstein (1978) demonstrated this danger by using a fault tree with some branches pruned. One
group of subjects saw a full fault tree like Exhibit 1, and estimated the likelihoods of its major branches
plus a catch-all branch for ‘all other’ unlisted causes. A second group performed the same estimation
task on a pruned tree, where some branches had been omitted. Normative performance requires that the
relative frequencies assigned to the pruned branches be transferred to the catch-all category. Fischhoff,
et al. found this transfer to be less than a quarter of what it should have been. They interpreted this
result as an availability phenomenon, ‘what is out of sight is out of mind’ (p. 333).
We shall refer to this failure to transfer the total probability of pruned branches to the catch-all
category as an underestimation bias. This neutral term avoids labeling the result by its explanation
before that explanation has been shown to be the only one possible. Fischhoff, et al. found the underesti-
mation bias to be quite robust. It was not eliminated by (1) using professional subjects rather than
college students, (2) increasing the level of detail in each branch, or (3) instructing subjects to focus on
the ‘all other’ branch.
The goal of the present work is to investigate both the basis and remediation of the underestimation
bias. First, for a new group of professionals we test the core finding that a pruned fault tree leads to
biased probability estimates. Managers in the hospitality industry used the fault tree for the failure of a
restaurant shown in Exhibit 1. However, the main focus of the present work is three extensions of the
underestimation bias: a technique for correcting the bias, an investigation of the role of short-term
versus long-term causes, and a search for differential effects of culture and education.
inadequate promotion (including advertising) and a lack of menu variety. Note that promotion
decisions must be made continually, in part because salespeople from newspapers and radio stations
often contact restaurant managers. Similarly, menu variety must be reconsidered with seasonal changes
in the availability of ingredients or as customers either complain or praise certain menu items. Both
problems can arise and be rectified relatively quickly. In contrast, changing customer demographics and
unclear restaurant image are long-term causes. Both their origin and correction take more time; and
such problems are encountered by managers less frequently, and usually only when they look for them.
The ease of retrieval of short-term causes may be facilitated not only by a greater frequency of stored
instances, but also by specific retrieval strategies. For instance, recalling ‘the things customers complain
about’ is apt to produce more short- than long-term causes. In general, we expect that the short-term
causes will be more easily recalled, even though they may be neither more important nor more numerous.
The fault tree shown in Exhibit 1 contains two first-level branches, decreasing revenues and increasing
costs. Beneath these are five second-level branches, each of which heads a list of 12 third-level causes
and a thirteenth, catch-all category labelled ‘all other’. We focus primarily on these third-level causes
and treat each of the five second-level branches as if they were separate trees.
The fault tree for restaurant failure was developed after consulting practitioners, academic experts,
and publications on restaurant management. The 60 causes in the 5 branches were selected on the basis
of a pre-test in which ten experts rated a preliminary group of nearly 150 third-level causes on the
likelihood that they would play a major role in the occurrence of the second-level ones. The experts
were five professors of foodservice management and five present or former restaurant managers. Only
L. Dubt-Rioux and J. E. Russo Availability Bias 227
causes achieving a mean rating of 4 or higher on a 5-point scale (1, not at all likely, to 5, very likely)
were selected. About 15 to 18 causes in each branch met this criterion.
The same experts were also asked to classify each of the qualified causes as short-term or long-term.
The level of agreement among the experts served to qualify each reason as strongly or weakly short-
term (long-term). If at least 8 of the 10 experts agreed, the reason qualified as strong; agreements of 6
and 7 out of 10 were classified as weak. Finally, within each branch 12 causes were randomly selected
for the full tree within the following distributional constraint: 4 each of strongly short-term and strongly
long-term, and 2 each of weakly short-term and weakly long-term.
In the Full condition the 12 specific causes of a branch were all displayed to subjects. To test for an
underestimation bias a Pruned condition was used in which 6 of the 12 specific causes were omitted.
The absence of any estimation bias would be manifest as the complete transfer of the six omitted
probabilities to the catch-all category. A catch-all probability less than this ideal signifies an under-
estimation bias.
The use of two Pruned conditions enabled a test for differences in bias between short-term and
long-term causes. The Pruned Long-Term condition consisted of 4 strongly short-term and 2 weakly
long-term causes, while Pruned Short-Term listed 4 strongly long-term and 2 weakly short-term causes.
Rather than using all causes of one kind, the mixed lists were designed to reduce the risk of subjects’
detecting the manipulation.
The final two conditions were the Extended Pruned Short- and Long-Term. These two differed from
the corresponding Pruned conditions only in the additional instruction to extend the list of six specific
causes before assigning probabilities.
Thus, there were five conditions in all: Full, two Pruned and two Extended. These formed a Latin
square design in which each subject in a block of five participated in the five conditions once and saw
each of the five branches once. To minimize carry over effects, the two Extended conditions were always
presented last. Except for this constraint the order of presentation was counterbalanced.
Active professionals in the hospitality industry were recruited from registrants in a summer program at
Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration. Eighty managers in four different courses were
asked to participate in a ‘study of why restaurants fail’. All agreed to participate and were randomly
assigned to one of the five condition-by-branch rows of the Latin square design. Eleven subjects were
eliminated because they failed to follow instructions or provided missing data. To achieve the maximum
number of complete replications of the Latin square, 9 more subjects were randomly dropped, leaving
60 subjects in total.
All subjects were currently employed in the hospitality industry: 22 in food-related management, 17
in administrative functions like personnel or accounting, 14 in general management, and 9 in other
functions like marketing and consulting. Overall they averaged more than 8 years of experience in
restaurant operations. Even for those with little experience in restaurant management, the organi-
zational structure of the hospitality industry allows us to assume that every manager had sufficient
exposure to foodservice management to complete the experimental task.
The group was comprised of 21 North Americans, 21 Europeans, 16 Asians and 2 others. All
managers were functional in English, a requirement for admission to the summer program. Their
formal education varied widely, with 26 holding an undergraduate degree in hotel or restaurant
management, 7 in business, and 13 in other fields, mainly liberal arts. Three others held technical
degrees from culinary institutes, and 11 had no formal education beyond high school.
228 Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Vol. 1, Iss. No. 4
The results are organized as follows. We first test for the same underestimation of the catch-all
probability reported by Fischhoff, et al. (1978). We then move to the three novel concerns of our work:
the remedial value of extending the tree, differences between short-term and long-term causes, and
whether the observed effects differ with culture or education. Finally, we consider whether pruning and
extending specific causes affects the estimates of higher-level probabilities.
Calculation of bias
Any underestimation bias was measured as the difference between the ideal and observed probabilities
assigned to the catch-all category in a Pruned condition. The ideal probability was computed from the
Full condition by cumulating the probabilities assigned to the six pruned causes and the catch-all
category. In the Extended conditions, the ideal was compared to an extended catch-all value that
included the probabilities assigned to all subject-generated causes as well as to the ‘all other’ category.
Observed effects were tested for significance by an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the factors of
condition (treatment), branch, square and subjects within square. Because square differences consisted
only of subject differences, the latter two factors were combined into a single subjects factor. To stabilize
the variance of the data, which were probability estimates bounded by 0 and 1, an arcsin transform was
performed prior to the ANOVA (Neter and Wasserman, 1974). The specific research hypotheses were
tested by planned comparisons, for example, between a Pruned condition and the Full tree.
L. Dub&-Riouxand J. E. Russo Availability Bias 229
Long-Term 334 .074 ___ S10"
Short-Term .497 .065 ___ .432"
Combined .541 .070 ___ .471"
Extended Pruned
Long-Term 3 4 .024 .I86 .39gab
Short-Term .497 .027 .244 .254'b
Com bined .541 .025 .215 .326ab
where Y is the underestimation bias and X the number of generated causes. The overall fit of the model
was highly significant, F(3, 117) = 180.6, p < .001, and accounted for 81.8% of the variance. The
estimate of the asymptote a,which represents the predicted bias when a very large number of causes is
generated, was -. 114 with a 95 percent confidence interval of (-.368, .139). This estimate is conditioned
on the substantial assumptions that the relation between causes and bias is exponential (among many
other functions with a finite asymptote) and can be extrapolated to much larger numbers of causes than
those observed.
The data shown in Exhibit 3 strongly suggest that if enough explicit causes are added to the Pruned
list the underestimation bias may be completely eliminated. However, zero bias relative to the Full
condition is probably not accurate with respect to the natural ecology of restaurant failures. If the Full
condition itself suffers from the unavailability of causes beyond the 12 listed, as seems plausible given
the results of the Pruned treatment, then the true value of the Full catch-all probability is higher than
the .036 measured. This means that the true underestimation bias is greater than our estimates, and the
measured disappearance suggested by the trend in Exhibit 3 probably does not represent a full remedia-
tion of the problem. The preceding argument also implies that the negative estimate of the asymptote
(-. 1 14) may be entirely reasonable. In other words, generating a very large number of additional causes
might correct not only the bias caused by the Full-Pruned difference but also some of that inherent in
using only 12 explicit causes in the Full condition.
GI Number of Observations
40 -
20 -
0 2 4 6 8
Number of Extended Causes
(for culinary institute graduates) to a high of .494 (for business school graduates). These differences with
education were not statistically reliable. There was a similar absence of reliable effects in the reduction
of bias and the number of extended causes.
Finally, we searched for differences among the Asian, European and North American managers. The
mean underestimation bias for these three groups, in order, was .464, .488 and .459. These differences
were not statistically reliable, as was the case for the reduction in bias and the number of extended
causes. However, the absence of significant cultural differences should not be taken as conclusive.
Because the managers in our sample had all been selected to participate in the same summer program at
an American university, they may have been more homogeneous and less representative of their
cultures. We view the question of cultural differences in probabilistic judgment to be important and
largely unaddressed (except for the work of Wright and Phillips, e.g., 1980). We can say only that we
observed no reliable differences in our international sample of foodservice professionals.
Although our empirical results seem clear, their interpretation is not so transparent. The absence of any
impact of lower-level availability on higher-level probabilities is puzzling. And even whether the under-
estimation bias can be attributed to availability has been questioned in recent work by Hirt and
Castellan (1988). We attempt to resolve both issues via a consideration of the processes underlying the
estimation of event likelihoods. We begin by considering the estimation process when the events whose
likelihoods are to be estimated have already been identified. The process of generating the specific
events, which of course must precede likelihood estimation, is then considered.
L. DubO-Rioux and J. E. Russo Availability Bias 233
times greater for the subject-generated hypotheses. This suggests that in extending fault trees, the
likelihood of self-generated causes may be overestimated relative to externally provided causes. This
may partly compensate for retrieval failure and thereby reduce the underestimation bias - or even
reverse it if enough causes are generated. Conclusive estimates of such overestimation (and any bias
reduction) require veridical probabilities. Such values could be obtained by Mehle, et al. in a closed
system like course enrollments, but not by us for a less well structured domain like restaurant failure.
A second source of systematic error in estimating the probabilities of prespecified events follows from
a new explanation for the underestimation bias, category redefinition. Hirt and Castellan (1988) claim
that ‘all pruned causes may be fully available when probabilities are estimated, but because of uncert-
ainty about which category each one belongs in, not all are assigned to the catch-all category as
normatively predicted’ (p. 127). That is, the problem may not be the unavailability of unlisted causes,
but rather confusion over whether they belong in the catch-all or some other category.
Both availability and category redefinition can fully account for the failure to completely transfer the
probabilities of pruned causes to the catch-all category. In addition, some thought will reveal that the
redefinition hypothesis can also account for the bias-reducing effect of generating additional causes. We
believe, however, that the observed differences in the generation of short-term and long-term causes
support the availability hypothesis, and cannot easily be accounted for by category redefinition. Short-
term causes are easier to retrieve, which is the foundation of an availability explanation; yet they do not
seem to be either more or less susceptible to category redefinition, which is necessary if the latter
hypothesis is to apply. Thus, we believe that the short- versus long-term results support an availability
phenomenon and disconfirm the redefinition hypothesis. Nonetheless, category redefinition may still
explain some of the observed underestimation bias. Only the use in future research of a fault tree with
unambiguous category boundaries5 will remove the possibility of category redefinition.
One last possible contributor to the underestimation bias deserves mention. Subjects may presume
that the catch-allprobability is always low in any good fault tree. It doesn’t make much sense for fault
tree builders to leave causes in the ‘all other’ category whose probability equals that of some listed
causes. If subjects presume a low catch-all probability, the likelihood of pruned causes might not be
fully transferred to the catch-all category creating, at least in part, the underestimation bias.
In sum, we have speculated about strategies and biases in estimating likelihoods and how their
differential use might account for the underestimation bias as well as the conflicting results observed in
our work, Hirt and Castellan’s (1988) and Fischhoff, et al.’s (1978). Post hoc it is impossible to identify
the processes actually used. Only future work can choose among the competing explanations for the
observed effects.
ference processes have been hypothesized to account for this phenomenon. For our purpose it is
sufficient to note that such interference might inhibit the retrieval of causes and thereby provide one
specific foundation for an availability explanation of the observed underestimation bias. Part-list
interference, however, is only one retrieval phenomenon relevant to cause generation. A thorough
survey, though highly valuable, is beyond our scope.
What might be done to reduce the biases created by retrieval problems? Hoch (1984) has shown that
inserting a delay disables the interference from causes already generated. This suggests that a ‘spaced’
strategy for cause generation may prove superior to a single ‘massed’ effort, even holding constant the
total time on task. Another different but potentially useful technique involves shifting from a forward to
a backward perspective when anticipating future causes of trouble. This shift is accomplished by
phrasing a future event in the past, e.g., by assuming that it is two years in the future and a restaurant
has, in fact, failed. Mitchell, Russo and Pennington (1988) show that this shift of temporal perspective
generates more causes of an event (though not necessarily causes of higher quality which was not
assessed in their work).
In general, many of the techniques for aiding the retrieval of natural categories may prove useful for
improving how we extend fault trees. Similarly, known biases in likelihood estimation might inform the
fault tree task, and point the way toward improving its performance. Thus, we envision a more positive
prospect for studies of likelihood estimation than just the exposure of human shortcomings. What we
hope will eventually emerge is a program for aiding the performance of professionals in the use of real
world fault trees.
I. This instruction was designed to avoid the problem of multiple causes that are neither necessary nor sufficient
(Downing, Sternberg and Ross, 1985; Einhorn and Hogarth, 1986). Instructions permitting subjects to interpret the
likelihood of a given cause as the portion of causality attributed to that cause are greatly complicated by non-
mutually exclusive causes. For instance, there is no guidance on how joint causality should be partitioned between
two overlapping causes. Estimating the likelihood that a given cause is the single major cause avoids these
problems. Note that the automobile fault tree of Fischhoff, et al. (1978) does not encounter such difficulties because
the specific causes listed there are mutually exclusive and each is sufficient by itself.
2. In answering this question, we acknowledge that not all third-level causes are mutually exclusive. For instance,
changing customer demographics appears in both of the first two branches, and poor quality of service (in branch
I) is related to lack of employee motivation (in branch 2). Since the two Extended conditions were always presented
last, some of the generated causes may have been primed by a preceding listing. Because such priming does not
reflect naturally occurring retrieval processes, the causes generated by subjects were purged of any that were
identical or very similar to those on an earlier Full or Pruned list. This removed 47 of the 154 total causes generated
in the two Extended conditions. Although the analyses that follow are based on the 107 purged data only, they were
also performed on the complete set of extended causes. The results with all causes included were diluted, but not
otherwise changed; all significant differences were significant with either data set.
3. Because the exact proportion of causes classified by experts as short-term was unavailable, we also computed the
highest base rate such that an observed proportion of .80 (in a sample of 107) would still fall reliably above it
@<.05). That value, .74, is comfortably above the approximate base rate of SO.
4. There is at least one other strategy, the recall of a previously computed estimate of the required probability. We
presume that a recalled estimate could have originally been derived either from the availability heuristic or an
inference process. Thus, though such direct retrieval is possible, it does not expand the two main approaches and
will not be considered separately.
5. Whereas laboratory studies of availability can avoid unambiguous categories, professionally realistic categories
may often entail some ambiguity. Even here, however, we suspect that confusion about category definitions
decreases with professional experience. Thus, although category redefinition may routinely occur and legitimately
account for at least some underestimation bias, we suspect that it may be less prevalent for professionals.
236 Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Vol. 1, Iss. No. 4
T h e authors thank Leo Renaghan for this assistance in planning and conducting the experiment and
Stephen J. Hoch, Deborah J. Mitchell, Bernd H.Schmitt and Paul J. H. Schoemaker for comments on
an earlier version of this paper.
Von Winterfeldt, D. and Edwards, W. Decision Analysis and Behavioral Research, Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Wright, G. N. and Phillips, L. D. ‘Cultural variations in probabilistic thinking: Alternative ways of dealing with
uncertainty’, International Journal of Psychology, 15, 1980, 239-257.
Wright, G. N., Phillips, L. D., Whalley, P. C., Choo, G. T. G., Ng, K. O., Tan, I. and Wishuda, A. ‘Cultural
differences in probabilistic thinking’, Journal of Crosscultural Psychology, 9, 1978, 285-299.
Authors ’ biographies:
Laurette DubC-Rioux teaches foodservice management at the University of Montreal. She holds an MBA from
L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales and is currently completing doctoral studies at Cornell University. She
has also worked at different levels of management in foodservice operations, and is the co-author of a textbook on
cost and quality control in foodservices.
J. Edward Russo is Associate Professor of Marketing and Behavioral Science at the Johnson Graduate School of
Management of Cornell University. He earned a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Michigan in 1971. His
current research focus is decision aiding, especially that of consumers.