Uts Sociolinguistic Nikmatuz Zuhriah

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1. .The relationship between language and society is firmly anchored.

The relationship
between the two is deeply rooted. Language performs various functions in society and
society does the same. If one is not present, the other will be affected. Language is the
main tool for communication purposes, to establish peace and order in our society, to
demonstrate authority and power, and to achieve goals and objectives.
Society and the environment control our language by giving preference or choice to what is
acceptable and what is not, because each of us has our own perception or point of view. A
group of people may accept our language, but for others, it can be a kind of offense or insult.
We must know how, when and where to say it and for what purpose. Social change
produces language change. This affects values in ways that are not yet accurately
understood. Language incorporates social values. However, social values are only the same
as linguistic values if the society is stable and does not change. Once society begins to
change, language changes produce special effects.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society and the way
people use language in different social situations. It asks the question, “How does language
affect human social nature, and how social interactions shape language.” These studies vary
widely in depth and detail, from the study of dialects in a given region to analyzes of the way
men and women speak to each other in certain situations.
2. In the study of language, one of the expressions is known, “Language shows identity”. At
first glance, this proverb looks very simple, but actually has a very deep meaning. Language,
in the form of speech or speech, is often the main reflection in one’s self-assessment.
As one of the markers of meaning, it turns out that language is able to reflect the identity
and position of speakers in their social order.
The difference in the use of this language can also be seen from the educational
background, for example, a person with higher education will see a difference in the
character of his language use with an uneducated speaker even though both use the same
Language plays a very important role in explaining yourself, who and how. Many
unexpected events due to the use of inappropriate language just because the use of words
in the wrong situation can lead to hostility and even war. Nowadays, we can see the use of
arbitrary language everywhere, whether through social media or print. Not limited to the
age of its users from children to adults.
In cyberspace, the use of sarcasm (rude) language has become an inevitable part when
communicating and will at least be able to open our minds about the importance of morality
in language, namely when the language conveyed contains a good language attitude and
language ethics.
3. When women and men speak differently, it is because the common language they share has
a gender bias because boys and girls are brought up differently. The general assumption
already implies that women and men are indeed different in using language because they
are different in terms of sex. Linguists also agree that the differences in the characteristics
of the language used between men and women can be observed and distinguished. It is
believed that it cannot be contested in public life. Intersexuality is an anomaly in people’s
lives. That men and women speak differently is very natural (Coulmas, 2005:36). In
sociolinguistics, in general, discussions about the differences in language use between
women and men are concentrated in the context of social networks and speakers’ meaning.
The speaker’s intent is largely determined by the context, namely time, place, event, class,
ethnicity, religion, social environment, economy, politics, process, circumstances, and
speech partners. The speaker’s intention can be seen from the vocabulary he has chosen.
Because the difference in the way they grow up also affects the use of the language they
use. For example, a girl who lives in a war environment may be louder than a girl who lives
in a royal environment. And this is certainly influenced by the environment in which they
live and grow.
4. Usually, people use the language according to the local environment. Place of residence,
local environment.
And surely usually in that area there are several different languages.
So how do you tell the difference between your own language and that of others?
Here we take an example.
People whose houses are on the coast are usually loud because every day they are used to
the sound of the waves
In contrast to urban or even mountainous people they speak quietly and not loudly because
they are usually quiet and not too crowded.
Well here can be taken a very clear difference to distinguish the use of language between
oneself and others
5. How, When and Why does language change?
Language changes for several reasons. First, it changes because the needs of its speakers
change. New technologies, new products, and new experiences require new words to refer
to them clearly and efficiently. Consider texting: originally it was called text messaging,
because it allowed one person to send another text rather than voice messages by phone. As
that became more common, people began using the shorter form text to refer to both the
message and the process, as in I just got a text or I’ll text Sylvia right now.
Many of the changes that occur in language begin with teens and young adults. As young
people interact with others their own age, their language grows to include words, phrases,
and constructions that are different from those of the older generation. Some have a short
life span (heard groovy lately?), but others stick around to affect the language as a whole.
Language is constantly adapting and changing to reflect our changing lives, experiences and
cultures. Language change enables us to accommodate new ideas, inventions and
technologies. It’s not just the words themselves which change; the way in which we use
them can shift too.
Language can change and develop by itself slowly. Language can change and
development because of adaptation of development and pattern change and system of
society life, such as level of education, social, culture and technology mastery. Language
change and development can occur internally and externally.

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