Great Books Prelim Reviewer

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Metrical Romance
Module 1: Introduction to Literature 7. Play
8. Sonnet
 Literature - refers to written and 9. Epic
unwritten works in a specific 10. Lyric poetry
period of time and space 11. Ode - most formal poetry
Ex: Epic, Folklore, legend, Myth, dedicated to God
Fable, Fantasies (these literatures 12. Haiku - 17 syllables
are spred through the “mouth” 13. Taka - 31 syllables
 Literature is about life 14. Waka - means Japanese poem
 “litera means letter”
Elements of Narratives
Two main class of literature 1. Setting - when and where the
Prose Poetry story took place
- Lines, stanzas, - Written in 2. Characters - portrays a certain
verse sentences, role. Life giving factors
- No format paragraphs,  Protagonist - Positive
- Interpretation is composition  Antagonist - Negative
based on - Can also use  Major
experince, figure of speech  Minor
perception, etc. - Language is  Focal - most important character
- meaning is simple in the story
connotative - Direct to the 3. Plot - Series of events
- Language is point 1) Conflict - MVM, MVS, MVN,
more on figure of - There is a MVSN
speech format 2) Rising Action - Problems are
Types of Poetry 3) Climax - highest point of interest
 1 line is called Monostich 4) Denomount - falling action
 2 lines is called Couplet 4. Theme - Central idea of the story
 3 lines is called Tercet (Universal)
 4 lines is called Quatrain 5. Moral/Lesson
 5 lines is called Quintet/Quintain 6. Point of view - Manner of writing
 6 lines is called Sestet  1st pov - the author is the
 7 lines is called Septet character (non-fiction)
 8 lines is called Octave  3rd pov - the author is not the
 9 lines is called Spenserian character (Fictional)
stanza  Omniscient - combination of both
 10 lines is called Dizain all knowing
 11 lines is called Roundel
 12 lines is called Rondeau Prime How to analyze a poem
 13 lines is called A. Sound
 14 lines is called Sonnet a) Rhyme
b) Rhythm
Literary Genres c) Assonance - succession of
1. Short Story people’s vowel sounds
2. Novel d) Alliteration - Consonants
3. Poetry e) Onomatopeia - Imitation of
4. Narrative natural sounds
5. Essay
B. Structure
a) Syllable Proverb no. 2
b) Rhyme scheme “Since verbal science has no final
c) Free verse end, Since life is short, and
obstacles impend. Let central facts
C. Sense be picked and firmly fixed, as swans
a) Title extract the milk with water mixed”
b) Figures of speech
c) Is the message implied/direct to Moral lesson:
the point “Whoever learns the work by heart
d) Some difficult words or through the story-teller’s art
e) Message becomes acquainted, his life by sad
defeat although the king of heave be
Module 2: Panchatantra his foe is never tainted”

 Panchantra - means 5 books The Unteachable Monkey

1) The loss of Friends
2) The winning of Friends  Setting - Forest
3) Crowls and Owls  Characters
4) Loss of Gains  Monkey/Troop of monkeys
5) Ill-considered Actions  Needle-Face - a bird
 Settings - Maiden’s delight (a
city in a southern country) Moral lesson:
 Characters “No knife prevails against a stone
 Immortal Power - The king with No bends the unbending tree;
three sons No good advice from Needle-Face
 Rich power - son of the king Helped indocility”
 Fierce power - son of the king
 Endless power - son of the king Shell-Neck, Slim and Grim
 Counselor keen - the one who
said “O king the duration of life is  Setting - Lake, which has gone
limited, and the verbal sciences dry (twelve-year drought)
require much time for mastery.  Characters
Therefore let some kind of  Shell-Neck - a turtle
epitome be devised to wake their  Slim - a gander
intelligence.  Grim - a gander
 Vishnusharman - An 80 years
old brahman with a reputation for Moral lesson:
competence in numerous “To take advise from kindly friends,
sciences. and the rest of it.”

Proverb no.1 Rubaiyyat

“Of sons unborn, or dead, or fools,
Unborn or dead will do:  Epigram - Short poem that
They cause a little grief, no doubt; teaches moral value
But fools, a long life through.  Farsi - language in Persia
And again: To what good purpose  Persia - today known as Iran
can a cow that bings no calf nor milk,
be bent? Or why beget a son who
proves a dunce and disobedient”
“The Rubaiyyat can either be  Epic - narrative poem, heroice
dramatic, Lyrical, and Narrative” deeds, Gods/Goddesses, Love
- It’s all about life, death, love, affair, figure of speech.
religion  Dante Alighiere - Author of
 Hedonism - Pleasure & Divine Comedy.
Happiness is the most important “The adjective divine was added late
thing in the world. in the 14th Century”
 Rubai - singular. Quatrain
 Rubaiyyat - Plural. Collection of Classifications of Poem in the
Quatrain Ancient world: High Tragedy and
 Rhyme Scheme - “a a b a” Low Comedy
 Omar Khayam - (1050-1122).
Born on May 18, 1048, died on INFERNO
December 4, 1131. Persian  Opens at Good Friday
Astronomer, Mathematician, and  1st pov
a Poet. As astronomer to the  Dante is 35 years old lost in the
royal court, he was engaged with dark wood
several other scientists to reform  Virgil - greatest woman poet
the calendar; their work resulted (Roman Poet) guides him
in the adoption of a new era through hell and purgatory
called “Jalalian” or the “Seljuk”.  Beatrice - Dante’s ideal woman,
A writer on algebra. Famous as who guide him through heaven.
the author of the “Rubaiyat”. She is a florentine woman he
About 1000 of these had met in childhood from afar in
epigrammatic four-line stanzas, the mode of the the-fashionable
which reflect upon nature and courtly love tradition.
humanity, are ascribed to him  Inferno - represents Christian
 1859 - The translation of Soul seeing sin for what it really
Rubaiyat from Farsi to English. is.
 Edward Fitzgerald - The onw  Three beast - Three types of
who translated Rubaiyat. sins: SELF-INDULGENT,
 Figures of Speech - Metaphors, VIOLENT, MALICIOUS
Allusions, Personification.
 Versions - 1861, 1872, 1880 Three Divisions of Dante’s Hell

Module 3: Divine Comedy  Upper Hell - containing four

indulgent sins (LUST,
 Allegory - Is a story which the GLUTTONY, AVARICE,
characters, setting, and events ANGER)
stand for abstract concepts.  9 circles of hell
 The characters of events are 1) Limbo - non-believers of God
symbolic 2) Lust - unfaithfulness
EX: Lion - Symbol of Pride 3) Gluttony - “Katakatawan”
Leopard - Symbol of Lust 4) Greed - “Gahaman”
She-wolf - Symbol of greed 5) Anger - Wrathfulness
Dark wood - understood sin 6) Heresy - Antagonistic to other
 Divine Comedy - we call it as 7) Violence - “Kaharasan”
such because it has a happy 8) Fraud - “Panloloko”
ending 9) Treachery - Betrayal
7) Saturn - contains the
PURGATORIO temperant , the monks who
7 Teraces of Purgatorio abided to the contemplative
- The classification of sin here is lifestyle.
more psychological than that of the 8) Fixed Stars - contains those
inferno, being based on motives, who achieved the theological
rather than actions virtues of faith, hope, and love
1. Pride and represents the church
2. Envy triumphant
3. Wrath 9) Primum Mobile - contains the
4. Sloth angel, creatures herer poisoned
5. Avarice by original sin
6. Gluttony
7. Lust Empyrean - contains the essence of
 Wrath, Envy, Pride - man can God
sin using love towards improper Great Saints met by Dante:
or malicious ends Thomas Aquinas, Bonaventure, St.
 Sloth - Using it to proper ends Peter, and St. John.
but with love that is either not
strong enough The Illiad
 Lust, Gluttony, Greed - Love
that is too strong 7 episodes of illiad
1) The wrath of Achilles
Ante Purgatory - containing the 2) The single combat between
excommunicated from the church Paris and Meneleaus
and the late repentant who died, 3) The single combat between
often violently, before receiving rites Hector and Achilles
4) The farewell between Hector
PARADISO and Andromache
9 Spheres of Heaven 5) The death of Patroclus
- is based on the four cardinal virtues 6) The ransoming of the body of
and three theological virtues. Hector by King Priam
1) Moon - containing the inconstant 7) The funeral of Hector
whose vows to God waned as
the moon thus lack fortitude “The Illiad’s theme is the affirmation
2) Mercury - containing the of the truth that man’s fate is the
ambitious who were virtuous for result of his action”
glory and thus lacked justice
3) Venus - containing the lovers,  Characters
whose love was directed  Thetis - Mother of Achilles.
towards another than God thus Minor Goddess
lack temperance.  Peleaus - Father of Achilles. A
4) Sun - containing prudent, whose mortal
wisdom lighted the way for other  Eris - Goddess of Mischief
virtues.  Hera - The goddess who offered
5) Mars - contains men of fortitude power to Paris
who died in the cause of  Aphrodite - The goddess who
Christianity offered Hele of Troy to Paris
6) Jupiter - contains the kings of  Athena - The Goddess who
Justice offered wisdom to Paris
 Hermes - the one who
 Helen - the wife of King convinced calpyso to free
Menelaus, princess of Troy Odysseus
 Menelaus - King of Sparta,  Poseidon - the God who’s angry
brother of Agamenon to Odysseus.
 Agamemnon - King of  Polyphemus - A cyclops, son of
Mycenae, brother of Menelaus. Poseidon. Blinded by Odysseus
Leader of the Achean forces  Nausicaa - Princess of
 Chryseis - one of maidens Phaeacians
captured by the Achean army in  Tiresias - The prophet
the town of Chryse. He was the  Scylla - the sea monster
prize taken by Agamemnon  Eumaeus - The swineherd
 Briseis - one of maidens  Eurycleia - The nurse of
captured by the Achean army in Odysseus
the town of Chryse. He was the  Laertes - father of Odysseus
prize taken by Achilles
 Chryses - Trojan Priest of  Settings
Apollo. Father of Chryseis.  Begins ten years after the
 Apollo - The God who caused capture of Troy
plague throughout the Greek  Ogygia - An island where
Army Odysseus was trapped by the
 Andromache - Wife of Hector nymph Calypso
 Astyanax - Son of Hector  Pylos and Sparte - a place
 Patroclus - Bestfriend of where Telemachus went to find
Achilles, killed by Hector. his father
 Priam - King of Troy. Father of  Scheria - An island where
Hector. Odysseus was found by
 Achilles - The greatest warrior Nausicaa
of the Achean Army  Land of the Lotus Eaters - the
place where Odysseus’ journey
 Settings began
 Chryse - a town allied with Troy.  Underworld - Where Odysseus
A town sacked by the Achean met Tiresias.
army  Ithaca - Home of Odysseus
 Outside the city of Troy - it is
where the battled happened.

The Odyssey

 Characters
 Odysseus - Husband of
Penelope. Main character of the
epic poem
 Penelope - Odysseus’ wife
 Telemachus - Son of Odyseeus
and Penelope
 Calypso - A nymph
 Zeus - the one who ordered
hermes to convince calypso free

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