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BSD - Module 3 Fire Protection: To Be An FSI

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Fire Code of the Philippines is a standard reference for
fire safety features that needs to be complied in all
buildings pertinent to their compliance in the National • The City/Municipal Fire Marshal shall endorse
Building Code of the Philippines. back 5 copies of the approved building plans
with the FSEC and FSC to the Building Official
Republic Act 9514 (RA 9514) an act establishing a • The City/Municipal Fire Marshal shall inspect
comprehensive Fire Code of the Philippines, repealing the premises and issue the necessary Fire Safety
PD 1185 Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
• The FSI shall conduct final inspection in the
Fire Safety Inspectors in-charge for inspecting any establishment applying for Occupancy Permit
building, structure, or facility to ensure compliance with and then prepares an After Inspection Report
the Fire Code of the Philippines. (AIR) using a classified standard checklist
• The FSES will evaluate and recommend final
action as subject to the approval of the
To be an FSI:
City/Municipal Fire Marshal
• No FSIC shall be issued without the submission
• Licensed engineer: Civil, Electrical, Mechanical,
of FALAR 2
Chemical, sanitary, and electronic and
• For existing building, structure or facility;
industrial, commercial, or business operation;
• Architect with 1-year BFP service. periodic inspection by fire safety inspectors; no
• Baccalaureate degree with 3 years BFP FSIC shall be issued without the submission of
service FALAR 3
• completed Fire Arson Investigation and
Inspection Course (FAIIC) training. FALAR – Fire And Life Safety Assessment Report

Plan Evaluators it is their duty to review and evaluate
building plans and specifications including fire • Documentation on fire and life-safety features
protection system to determine compliance to the of the building/structure/facility
• A written report prepared by the designer/s of
requirement of the Fire Code, Building Code of the
the building/structure with documentations i.e.
Philippines and other Life and Safety Standard.
plans/specifications and design analysis
• The City/Municipal Fire Marshal shall not issue a
They also conduct site verification and inspection on FSEC for the issuance of Building Permit without
building under construction to determine compliance the submission of FALAR 1
with the approved plans and specifications.
To be a Plan Evaluator:
• Documentation submitted by the Contractor/s
• a licensed architect or engineer of the building/structure certifying that the
• must have undergone at least forty (40) hours construction was in accordance with the FALAR
of relevant seminars and workshop on the Fire 1 and authorized changes
Code of the Philippines of 2008 and other • Compilation report of all approved submittals,
relevant fire safety practices. test, and acceptance forms of all fire protection
and life-safety features
• The City/Municipal Fire Marshal shall not issue a
PROCESS IN SECURING FIRE SAFETY INSPECTION FSIC as a requirement for the issuance of
CERTIFICATE FOR BUSINESS PERMIT: Occupancy Permit without the submission of
• Before submitting an application for the
building permit, the owner must secure a Fire FALAR 3
Safety Evaluation Clearance (FSEC) evaluated
by the plan evaluators from BFP. • Documentation on the required periodic
• 6 sets of building plans payment of the assessed maintenance and upkeep of the fire and life-
fire code fees (FCF) application for building plan safety features of the building/structure/facility
review • a written report prepared by the building owner
• The Plan Evaluator shall evaluate and review with a compilation of the maintenance and
the plans using a fire safety checklist (FSC) the testing records
evaluated plans shall be submitted to the Fire • the City/Municipal Fire Marshal shall not issue a
Safety Enforcement Section (FSES) and endorse FSIC as a requirement for the issuance of
it to the City/Municipal Fire Marshal Business Permit without the submission of
• No building plan shall be evaluated without the FALAR 3
submission of Fire And Life Safety Assessment
Report 1 (FALAR 1)

FIRE the active principle of burning, characterized by ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM
the heat and light of combustion
• Fire alarm system has a number of devices
working together to detect and warn people
through visual and audio equipment when
smoke, fire, dangerous chemicals, or other
emergencies are present. These alarms may be
activated automatically from smoke detectors
and heat detectors which are classified as
automatic fire alarm signals, or may also be
activated via manual fire alarm activation
devices such as manual call points or pull
stations which are classified as manual fire
alarm signals.
CLASSES OF FIRE • Fire suppression system functions by putting
out fires through extinguishment mechanisms
CLASS A fires involving ordinary combustible materials using its fire suppression agents. Fire
such as wood, cloth, rubber, and plastics suppression methods can use one or a
CLASS B fires involving flammable liquids and gases combination of the following mechanisms to
CLASS C fires involving energized electrical equipment extinguish or control a fire.
CLASS D fires involving combustible materials (metals)
i.e. sodium, magnesium, potassium, and other similar FIRE SUPRESSION METHODS
CLASS K fires in cooking appliances (kitchen) that • Cooling: Heat Reduction
involve combustible cooking media i.e. vegetable or • Smothering: Oxygen Deprivation
animal oils and fats • Fuel Removal
• Fire suppression agents were used to fight the
fire and are classified as aqueous agents and
aims to protect occupants and/or a building through • Aqueous agents include water and water‐based
containment of fire and smoke agents that include additives to enhance the
effectiveness of water
ACTIVE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS • Non-aqueous agents are agents in which water
this consist of those that take an additional action to is not a component. These are useful in
activate in the event of a fire. This typically involves fire situations where water would not be
detection, fire alarm, and fire suppression systems. appropriate or effective, such as when water
would react with the item being extinguished
e.g. metal shavings, or would damage items
COMPARTMENTATION being protected e.g. electrical systems.
• Automatic sprinklers are thermosensitive
• the common mode of fire spread in a devices designed to react at predetermined
compartmented building is through open doors, temperatures by automatically releasing a
unenclosed stairways and shafts, unprotected stream of water and distributing it in specified
penetrations through fire barriers, and non‐fire‐ patterns and quantities over designated areas
stopped combustible concealed spaces • Four types of sprinkler systems: wet pipe
• where the building or facility includes additions system, dry pipe system, preaction system, and
or connected structures of different deluge systems.
construction types, the rating and classification
of the structure shall be as follows:
- two-hour (2-hr) fire resistance rating or
greater, if vertically-aligned fire barrier wall
exists between the portions of the building
- the least fire-resistive type of construction of
the connected portions if no such separation is


• the ability of the compartment boundaries to

resist fire is dependent on their integrity and
fire resistance rating.
• Fire resistive rating or fire resistive time period
rating defines the degree on how a structural
member can withstand being affected by

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