Aes10-2008 Madi

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Revision of AES10-2003


AES Recommended Practice

for Digital Audio Engineering —
Serial Multichannel Audio Digital Interface

Users of this standard are encouraged to determine if they are using the latest
printing incorporating all current amendments and editorial corrections. Informa-
tion on the latest status, edition, and printing of a standard can be found at:


60 East 42nd Street, New York, New York 10165, US.
The AES Standards Committee is the organization respon-
sible for the standards programme of the Audio Engineering
Society. It publishes a number of technical standards, infor-
mation documents and technical reports.

Working groups and task groups with a fully international

membership are engaged in writing standards covering fields
that include topics of specific relevance to professional audio.

Membership of any AES standards working group is open to all individuals who are
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Revision of AES10-2003

AES Recommended Practice

for Digital Audio Engineering —
Serial Multichannel Audio Digital
Interface (MADI)

Published by
Audio Engineering Society, Inc.
Copyright ©2008 by the Audio Engineering Society


This standard describes the data organization for a multichannel audio digital interface. It includes a bit-level
description, features in common with the AES3 two-channel format, and the data rates required for its
utilization. The specification provides for the serial digital transmission of 32, 56, or 64 channels of linearly
represented digital audio data at a common sampling frequency within the range 32 kHz to 96 kHz, having a
resolution of up to 24 bits per channel. The format makes possible the transmission and reception of the
complete 28-bit channel word (excluding preamble) as specified in AES3, providing for the validity, user,
channel status, and parity information allowable under that standard. The transmission format is of the
asynchronous simplex type and is specified for a single 75- coaxial cable point-to-point interconnection or the
use of fibre-optic cables.

An AES standard implies a consensus of those directly and materially affected by its scope and provisions and
is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. The existence of an AES
standard does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether or not he or she has approved the document, from
manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes, or procedures not in agreement with the
standard. Prior to approval, all parties were provided opportunities to comment or object to any provision.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this AES standard or information document
may be the subject of patent rights. AES shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patents.
Approval does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to
parties adopting the standards document. Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their
comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting
documentation. This document is subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest printing.

2009-02-16 printing


0 Patents ......................................................................................................................................................4
1 Scope.........................................................................................................................................................4
2 Normative references .............................................................................................................................4
3 Definitions and abbreviations ...............................................................................................................5
4 Format .......................................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Frame format ......................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Channel format ...................................................................................................................................7
4.3 Transmission format...........................................................................................................................9
5 Sampling frequency and data rates...................................................................................................11
5.1 Sampling frequency..........................................................................................................................11
5.2 Link transmission rate ......................................................................................................................11
5.3 Data transfer rate..............................................................................................................................11
6 Synchronization.....................................................................................................................................11
6.1 Sampling frequency synchronizing signal (synchronization signal).............................................12
6.2 Sample timing ...................................................................................................................................12
6.3 Transmitted frame start time............................................................................................................12
6.4 Received frame start time ................................................................................................................12
7 Electrical characteristics .....................................................................................................................12
7.1 Coaxial cable ....................................................................................................................................12
7.2 Fibre optic interfacing .......................................................................................................................15
Annex A (Informative) Example of link encoding...............................................................................16
Annex B (Normative)Use of 4B5B sync symbols for channel-independent data.........................17
B.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................17
B.2 Data insertion ...................................................................................................................................17
Annex C (Informative) Informative references....................................................................................18

2010-02-19 printing

[This forward is not part of the AES Recommended Practice for Digital Audio Engineering—Serial
Multichannel Audio Digital Interface (MADI), AES10-2008.]

Foreword to original edition

This document was prepared as a result of a desire by four manufacturers of digital audio equipment to produce
a common interface for serial transfer of digital multichannel audio in recording and broadcast studio
applications. The benefit of such an interface is the simplification of multichannel digital audio equipment
interconnection, commensurate with the obvious possibilities offered by the nature of the digitized audio signal.
Throughout the development of the interface, the following intentions have been adhered to as faithfully as

The documentation produced by the group shall enter the public domain as soon as feasibility of the interface is
• The interface itself shall be simple to engineer and use.
• The cost and simplicity of the interface shall be such that the benefits of its use shall be easily justifiable.
• The interface shall not depend on the existence of hardware or software the rights to which are owned by
any one or more members of the group.
The following individuals have contributed to the document: P. Eastty, T. Fujisawa, C. Jenkins, A. Jubb, P.
Lidbetter, R. Salter, D. Ward, and J. Wilkinson.

R. A. Finger, chair
AES Standards Committee Working Group on Digital Input/Output Interfacing, 1989 September

Foreword to second edition, 2003

This revision recognizes other uses to which the interface has been put, notably distributed routing and hence
the increase in channels to the maximum of 64 at 48 kHz, the introduction of 96-kHz sampling in digital audio
origination and the use of data transmission in the carrier system.

In this edition, figures 3 through 8 of AES10-1991 have been renumbered to figures 5 through 10. Clauses 2
though 6 of AES10-1991 have been renumbered to clauses 3 through 7, according to IEC guidelines.

This edition has been written by a writing group of SC-02-02. Contributors include R. Caine, C. Travis, R.
Silfvast, and others.

J. Dunn, chair
R. A. Finger, vice-chair
SC-02-02 Working Group on Digital Input/Output Interfacing, 2002-09-23

Foreword to third edition, 2008

This revision includes minor changes to conform to recent revisions of AES3 and AES5 and provides
clarifications of sync reference signals and link transmission-rate tolerance, and references for 'NRZI' and the
4B5B coding scheme. The writing group included: R.Caine, C. Travis, M. Yonge,

J. Grant.
Chair, SC-02-02 Working Group on Digital Input/Output Interfacing, 2008-10-28

Note on normative language

In AES standards documents, sentences containing the word “shall” are requirements for compliance with the
document. Sentences containing the verb “should” are strong suggestions (recommendations). Sentences giving
permission use the verb “may”. Sentences expressing a possibility use the verb “can”.

2010-02-19 printing

AES Recommended Practice

for Digital Audio Engineering —
Serial Multichannel Audio Digital
Interface (MADI)

0 Patents
The Audio Engineering Society draws attention to patents concerning the functionality described in annex B.
Those contemplating making use of this functionality should consider that any such use of sync symbols may
be subject to patents. Applicable patents include GB2276796, US5487067 and JP7015458.

The AES holds no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of these patent rights.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this AES standard may be the subject of patent
rights other than those identified herein. AES shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent

1 Scope
This standard describes the data organization and electrical characteristics for a multichannel audio digital
interface (MADI). It includes a bit-level description, features in common with the two-channel format of the
AES3, AES Recommended Practice for Digital Audio Engineering — Serial Transmission Format for Linearly
Represented Digital Audio Data, and the data rates required for its utilization. The specification provides for the
serial digital transmission over coaxial or fibre-optic lines of 28, 56, or 64 channels of linearly represented
digital data at a common sampling frequency within the range of 32 kHz to 96 kHz having a resolution of up to
24 bits per channel. Only single-point to single-point interconnections from one transmitter to one receiver are

2 Normative references
AES3-1992 (r1997) AES Recommended Practice for Digital Audio Engineering -- Serial transmission format
for two-channel linearly represented digital audio data.

AES11-1997 AES Recommended practice for digital audio engineering – Synchronization of digital audio
equipment in studio operations.

ISO/IEC 9314-3 (1990-12) Information processing systems - Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) - Part 3:
Physical Layer Medium Dependent (PMD). Geneva CH: International Electrotechnical Commission.

IEC 60169-8 (1978-01) Radio-frequency connectors. Part 8: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of
outer conductor 6.5 mm (0.256 in) with bayonet lock - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (Type BNC). Geneva
CH: International Electrotechnical Commission.

NOTE 2010-02-19
A new multi-part revision of AES3 was published in 2009. Its technical content is intended to be identical to the
relevant parts of the 2003 edition as amended by Amendment 5 (2008) and Amendment 6 (2008).

2010-02-19 printing

3 Definitions and abbreviations

audio sample data
audio signal that has been periodically sampled, quantized, and digitally represented in 2's complement form

set of audio sample data related to one signal accompanied by other data bits transmitted in any one period of
the source sampling frequency

two-channel format
bit, block, and subframe structure (less preambles) of the AES3 serial transmission format for linearly
represented digital audio data

sequence of 64 or less (typically 56 or 28) subframes designated using numbers 0 to 63, each carrying audio
sample and related data that are transmitted in one sample period, with the start of a frame beginning with the
first bit of subframe 0

connection between a single serial multichannel digital audio transmitter and a single multichannel digital audio

sync symbol
decoder synchronization symbol

multichannel audio digital interface

Nonreturn to Zero, Invert on Ones
a technique in which a polarity transition represents a logical "1" (one). The absence of a polarity transition
denotes a logical "0" (zero).

Note: the abbreviation NRZI has also been used for other related encoding schemes.

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4 Format
This specification provides for the serial digital transmission over coaxial or fibre-optic lines of 28, 56, or 64
channels of linearly-represented digital data at a common sampling frequency within the range of 32 kHz to
96 kHz having a resolution of up to 24 bits per channel. See figure 1.

Transmitter Receiver

Serial NRZI Data Data Data

Data Data 125 Mbit/s
4B/5B Receiver 5B/4B
32 32 32 Buffer 32
Encoder Decoder
Buffer Transmitter

fs Read Clock Clock

Clock fs ' fs
generator Receiver

Crystal Crystal

Synchronization Synchronization
regenerator regenerator

fs m


Figure 1 - Diagram of MADI

NOTE As sample rate changes non-return-to-zero inverted (NRZI) data rate stays constant;
transmitter and receiver are asynchronous. Sampling frequencies (fs) are 32 kHz to 96 kHz.

4.1 Frame format

Each frame consists of n channels, which are numbered from 0 to n – 1. The channels shall be consecutive
within the frame, starting with channel 0 as shown in figures 2, 3, and 4.

NOTE 1 Synchronization symbols not shown.

NOTE 2 The period of each pattern is shown for the 48 kHz sampling frequency. It can be longer for
lower frequencies and can vary with vari-speed operation.

MADI subframe 0 1 2 3 4 54 55 0
Audio channel Ch 0 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 54 Ch 55 Ch 0
Sample number n n n n n n n+1
AES3 subframe A B A B A B A
20,8 μs

Figure 2 - 48 kHz with 56 channels working

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MADI subframe 0 1 2 3 4 52 53 54 55 0
Audio channel Ch 0 Ch 0 Ch 1 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 26 Ch 26 Ch 27 Ch 27 Ch 0
Sample number n n+1 n n+1 n n n+1 n n+1 n+2
AES3 subframe A B A B A A B A B A
20,8 μs
Figure 3 - 96 kHz with 28 channels working

NOTE this represents the legacy pattern, as formed by legacy encoder fed by
28 single-channel double sampling-frequency mode signals per AES3.

MADI subframe 0 1 2 26 27 0 1 26 27 0
Audio channel Ch 0 Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 26 Ch 27 Ch 0 Ch 1 Ch 26 Ch 27 Ch 0
Sample number n n n n n n+1 n+1 n+1 n+1 n+2
AES3 subframe A B A A B A B A B A

20,8 μs

Figure 4 - 96 kHz with 28 channels working

NOTE 1 96 kHz frame pattern, using 10,4 μs framing, one channel-zero flag per frame

NOTE 2 While AES3 has been extended to sampling frequencies of quadruple rate and
octuple rate, no data packing scheme at these rates has so far been proposed for
standardisation in AES10 (MADI).

4.2 Channel format

Each channel consists of 32 bits, of which 24 are allocated to audio or to other data as defined by the
audio/nonaudio status flag. A further 4 bits represent the validity (V), user (U), status (C), and parity (P) bits of
the two-channel AES3 interface, with a further 4 bits allocated for mode identification. In this manner, the two-
channel format of AES3 is preserved. The channel format is shown in figure 5.

Unencoded channel data bits

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Audio data bit 27 = MSB

AES3 block start AES3P

AES3 subframe A/B AES3C

ON/OFF (MADI channel active) AES3U

MADI subframe zero AES3V

Figure 5 - Channel data format

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4.2.1 Mode bits

The mode bits provide for frame synchronization, for block start per AES3, for identification of the A and B
subframes also present in AES3, and for active/inactive status per channel.

NOTE AES-10id recommends the use of the NotA/B flag in a multichannel function. It is
possible that a receiver can meet this realization, and should be able to default to alternate
A/B operation if the multichannel function is presented.

4.2.2 Audio data representation

In the audio mode, the 24-bit format is represented linearly in 2's complement form, with the most significant
bit (MSB) transmitted last. All unused audio bits within a channel shall be set to zero, with the V, U, C, and P
bits set to default values, as defined by the AES3 two channel format.

4.2.3 Active channels

All active channels shall be consecutive, starting at channel zero. The channel active bit shall be set to 1 within
each active channel.

4.2.4 Inactive channels

All inactive channels shall have all bits set to zero, including the channel active bit. Inactive channels shall
always have a higher channel number than the highest numbered active channel.

4.2.5 Bit description

See tables 1 and 2.

Table 1 - Bit description

Bit Name Description Sense

0 MADI subframe 0 Frame synchronization bit 1 = true
1 MADI channel active Channel active bit 1 = true
2 AES3 subframe A/B AES3 subframe identifier 1 =B
3 AES3 block start First frame of AES3 block 1 = true
4 to 27 AES3 data bits (bit 27 shall be MSB)
28 AES3 V Validity bit 0 = valid
29 AES3 U User bit true to AES3
30 AES3 C Channel Status bit true to AES3
31 AES3 P Parity bit (excludes bits 0 to 3) Even

Table 2 - Bits 2 to 3 compatibility with AES3

Bit 2 Bit 3 Two-Channel Form Description

0 0 Form 2 A subframe
0 1 Form 1 A subframe status block start
1 0 Form 3 B subframe
1 1 Form 4* B subframe status block start

NOTE *Does not conform to AES3

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4.3 Transmission format

4.3.1 4B5B coding

The channels shall be transmitted serially. The binary sequence shall be recoded from 100 Mbit/s to 125 Mbit/s
by replacing every 4 source bits with a unique 5-bit sequence specified in This scheme is known as
4B5B coding.

NOTE The purpose of this new code is that it contains no continuous sequences of ones or
zeros. Encoding scheme

For the purposes of encoding, the 32-bit channel data shall be broken down into 8 words of 4 bits each, as
shown in table 3.
Table 3 - 32-bit channel data

Word Channel data bit

0 0123
1 4567
2 89..
3 ....
4 ....
5 ....
6 ....
7 ..31

Each 4-bit word shall be encoded into a 5-bit word using the 4B5B coding scheme shown in table 4.
Table 4 — 5-bit word coding

4-Bit data 5-Bit encoded

0000 11110
0001 01001
0010 10100
0011 10101
0100 01010
0101 01011
0110 01110
0111 01111
1000 10010
1001 10011
1010 10110
1011 10111
1100 11010
1101 11011
1110 11100
1111 11101

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Each 5-bit encoded word shall be transmitted from the left, as defined in table 5.
Table 5 - 5-bit word transmission

Word Channel link bit

0 01234
1 56789
2 .....
3 .....
4 .....
5 .....
6 .....
7 ...39

4.3.2 4B5B synchronization symbol (sync symbol)

A 4B5B sync symbol shall be inserted into the data stream at least once per frame period to ensure transmitter
and receiver synchronization of the 4B5B decoder in the receiver. Sufficient 4B5B sync symbols shall be
inserted by interleaving with the encoded data words to fill the total link capacity. The 4B5B sync symbol is
transmitted from the left. The 4B5B sync symbol may only be inserted at 40-bit channel boundaries, but may be
repeated between channels or during the idle period after the last channel has been transmitted in each frame
capacity, or both. The order placement of 4B5B sync symbols is not specified. Some examples of permissible
positions of the 4B5B sync symbol are shown in figure 7.

The default 4B5B sync symbol shall be 11000 10001. There are 32 synchronization symbols specified in
FDDI. Other symbols may be used in order to carry, for example, control data not associated with any audio
channel. Annex B outlines this function.

Start of frame

Channel 0 Channel 1 Sync Sync Channel 2

Channel N Sync Channel N + 1 Sync Sync Channel N + 2

Channel 54 Channel 55 Sync Sync Sync Channel 0 (next frame)

End of frame

Figure 7 - Some permissible 4B5B sync symbol positions

4.3.3 Sequence of transmission

In any bit sequence, the left-hand symbol shall always represent the first in time.

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4.3.4 NRZI transmission

The resultant 125 Mbit/s bitstream shall be transmitted by the polarity-independent technique known as NRZI.

This scheme enables a low direct-current (d.c.) bias to be maintained on the link. Although the link signal is
nearly d.c. free, the audio signal may contain d.c. Figure 6 shows the link transmission format for one channel.
Annex A illustrates the encoding process for a single-channel word.

Encoded channel link bits

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Figure 6 - Channel link format

5 Sampling frequency and data rates

5.1 Sampling frequency

The nominal sampling frequency at which the link operates shall be within one of three ranges:

a) 32 kHz to 48 kHz ± 12,5 %, 56 channels;

b) 32 kHz to 48 kHz nominal, 64 channels;
c) 64 kHz to 96 kHz ± 12,5 %, 28 channels.

Higher sampling frequencies may be accommodated (for example, 192 kHz) by using two or more channels per
audio sample on the link (but see note 3).

NOTE 1 The provision of 56 channels at 48 kHz ± 12,5 % or of 28 channels at 96 kHz

± 12,5 % results in a maximum used data rate of 96,768 Mbit/s. 64 channels at 48 kHz or
32 channels at 96 kHz results in a maximum used data rate of 98,304 Mbit/s.

NOTE 2 The provision of 56 channels at 32 kHz ± 12,5 % results in a minimum used data rate
of 50,176 Mbit/s.

NOTE 3 While AES3 has been extended to sampling frequencies of quadruple rate and
octuple rate, no data packing scheme at these rates has so far been proposed for
standardisation in AES10 (MADI).

5.2 Link transmission rate

The link transmission rate shall be 125 Mbit/s irrespective of the sampling frequency or number of active
channels. The tolerance of the link transmission rate of 125 Mbit/s should be ± 100 ppm. .

5.3 Data transfer rate

The data transfer rate shall be 100 Mbit/s. The difference between the data transfer rate and the link
transmission data rate is caused by the use of an encoding scheme. See 4.3.1.

6 Synchronization
This clause covers the sample synchronization of transmitters and receivers relative to a master synchronizing
signal. It does not apply in the case of a master-slave connection only.

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6.1 Sampling frequency synchronizing signal (synchronization signal)

Each transmitter and receiver shall be provided with an independently distributed master synchronizing signal.
This signal shall be in accordance with AES11. Alternatively, a video reference signal may be used in
accordance with the timing reference point provisions of AES11.

A 96-kHz coded link shall be capable of being synchronized by either a reference signal that should be 48 kHz
but may be 96 kHz

6.2 Sample timing

The link is not intended to carry sample timing information. The exact timing of connected equipment shall be
controlled by the independently distributed master synchronizing signal, not by the MADI.

6.3 Transmitted frame start time

In order to maintain constant latency, the frame start time output from a transmitter shall be within ± 5 % of a
sample period of the reference time defined by the transmitter's externally supplied master synchronizing signal.

6.4 Received frame start time

A receiver shall be able to correctly interpret a signal of any phase relative to the sample period of the
externally supplied master synchronizing signal. Constant latency shall be maintained with a signal whose
frame start time is within ± 25 % of a sample period of the reference time defined by the receiver's externally
supplied master synchronizing signal.

7 Electrical characteristics
The transmission medium shall be either 75- coaxial cable (see 7.1) or fibre-optic cable (see 7.2). For the
purposes of transmission characterization, the data input to the encoder shall be replaced with a pseudorandom
data generator having a sequence length of at least 216 - 1.

NOTE The random data are applied prior to the 4-bit to 5-bit encoder in order to represent
accurately those signals most likely to appear in normal transmission.

7.1 Coaxial cable

7.1.1 Transmitter Line driver

The line driver shall have a single-ended output having an output impedance of 75  ± 2 . The connection
between the emitter-coupled logic (ECL) signal transmitter, for example, and the coaxial cable may be achieved
by the circuits shown in figure 8.

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120R 120R
150n 68R
+ Output 1
1N4148 1N4148
150n 68R
Output 2
100R 100R 10K
1N4148 1N4148

Figure 8 - MADI transmitter circuit buffer Mean output

The average voltage of the output when terminated shall be 0 V ± 0,1 V with reference to the signal ground
terminal. Peak output

The peak-to-peak voltage of the output when terminated by a 75-  resistor shall be between 0,3 V and 0,6 V. Rise and fall times

When the output is terminated by a 75- resistor, the rise and fall times measured between the 20 % and 80 %
amplitude points shall be no longer than 3 ns and no shorter than 1 ns, and the relative timing difference to the
average of the amplitude points shall be no more than ± 0,5 ns.

7.1.2 Receiver Eye pattern

The eye pattern represented by the characteristics of figure 9 shows the range of signals at the input terminals
that should be decoded by a conformant receiver.

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Vmax Vmin



Figure 9 - Eye pattern diagram for maximum and minimum input signals:
tnom = 8 ns; tmin = 6 ns; Vmax = 0,6 V; Vmin = 0,15 V

7.1.3 Cable
The coaxial cable shall have a 75  ± 2  characteristic impedance.

7.1.4 Connectors
BNC connectors to IEC 60169-8 shall be used throughout.

7.1.5 Interface circuit example

The connection between the coaxial cable medium and a balanced emitter-coupled logic (ECL) signal may be
achieved by the circuit illustrated in figure 10.


68R 68R

10n (7&8=OL) 1/16V +
2 5
Input +
75R 4 6
1N4148 1N4148 1/16V
330R 330R 100R 100R
Receiver (s)

10K 1N4148 1N4148 1000pF -5V

4K7 4K7
1N4148 1N4148

1N4148 1N4148


Figure 10 - MADI buffer circuits

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7.1.6 Grounding
The coaxial cable shield shall be grounded at the transmitter. The coaxial cable shall be grounded to the
receiver chassis at radio frequencies above 30 MHz.

For the purpose of minimizing radio frequency emissions it is recommended that the connection be achieved by
direct bonding of the coaxial cable body to the equipment chassis. At the receiver this may be achieved by
capacitive bonding of the coaxial cable connector body to the receiver chassis. A suitable value of capacitor is
1000 pF. The capacitor should be a low-inductance type, having a sufficiently low impedance at all frequencies
from 30 MHz to 500 MHz. The lead bonding lengths shall be kept as small as practical. This method prevents
the possibility of audio frequency ground currents.

Note: Designers should note that specialised techniques, described in appropriate literature,
are required in order that the interface meet international regulations for electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC). Bonding the receiver coaxial outer to the enclosure at DC with a total
360-degree connection is preferred if other considerations do not preclude it.

7.2 Fibre optic interfacing

7.2.1 Fibre type

A fibre interface should be used as specified according to ISO/IEC 9314-3. It should be a graded-index fibre
with a core diameter of 62,5 nm, nominal cladding diameter of 125 nm and a numerical aperture of 0,275, at a
wavelength of 1300 nm. This specification can provide a range of up to 2 km.

7.2.2 Connectors
The ST1 connector listed on the databases page of should be used. It is designed to be
optically and mechanically compatible with the media interface connector (MIC) according to ISO/IEC 9314-3.

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Annex A (Informative) Example of link encoding

Suppose the channel data is as follows:

0 1 2 3
Bit: 0123 4567 8901 2345 6789 0123 4567 8901
Data: 1100 1010 0101 1111 0000 1100 0011 0000

These data words translate into the following:

Word 4-bit data 5-bit encoded data

0 1100 11010
1 1010 10110
2 0101 01011
3 1111 11101
4 0000 11110
5 1100 11010
6 0011 10101
7 0000 11110

The transmitted bit stream is thus:

0 1 2 3
Bit: 01234 56789 01234 56789 01234 56789 01234 56789

4B5B code : 11010 10110 01011 11101 11110 11010 10101 11110
Transmission code: 01001 10010 00110 10100 10101 10110 01100 10101

 Direction of transmission

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Annex B (Normative)
Use of 4B5B sync symbols for channel-independent data

B.1 Introduction
This annex describes in outline a method of carrying control data in the MADI transport carrier independent of
any particular audio channel. The transport sync symbol words inserted between audio data words can carry this
control data by virtue of the fact that there are a number of forms of sync symbol, of which the default is that
used by MADI systems complying with AES10. Four-bit nibbles are associated with 16 of the sync symbol
forms, thus allowing data to be inserted in the available space. The default sync symbol described in 4.3.2 is
associated with the binary value 0000.

A legacy MADI stream at full occupancy and highest permitted varispeed rate uses 96,768 Mbit/s, and a
64-channel 48 kHz stream uses 98,304 Mbit/s. Thus there will always be at least 1 Mbit/s for this data. This
may need to be reduced to ensure that bit-stream synchronization is maintained.

B.2 Data insertion

B.2.1 Ordering
Default sync symbol words shall be transmitted at least as often as required, in order to guarantee correct data-
recovery of the whole transport stream. Coded sync symbols shall be inserted as and when required, subject to
the needs of audio data and the provision above.

B.2.2 Data coding

This is not specified in this standard, or in annex A. A format relating to the high-level data link control
protocol uses the look-up table below as an example.

Table B.1 - Data coding look-up table

Command number Command symbol Name of symbol Function

0 11000 10001 JK Sync
1 11111 11111 II Not used
2 01101 01101 TT Not used
3 01101 11001 TS Not used
4 11111 00100 IH SAL
5 01101 00111 TR Not used
6 11001 00111 SR Not used
7 11001 11001 SS Not used
8 00100 00100 HH HDLC 0
9 00100 11111 HI HDLC 1
A 00100 00000 HQ HDLC 2
B 00111 00111 RR HDLC 3
C 00111 11001 RS HDLC 4
D 00000 00100 QH HDLC 5
E 00000 11111 QI HDLC 6
F 00000 00000 QQ HDLC 7

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Annex C (Informative) Informative references

ISO 9314-1 Information processing systems - Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) - Part 1 : Token Ring
Physical Layer Protocol (PHY), International Standards Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland

References for the 4B5B scheme are on the databases page of

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