ELS Q2 Answer-Key-4 PDF
ELS Q2 Answer-Key-4 PDF
ELS Q2 Answer-Key-4 PDF
(QUARTER 2, S.Y.2021-2022)
Directions: Read each item comprehensively and select the correct answer by writing
the letter of your choice in your answer sheet.
1. Who started the binomial system of nomenclature which contributed much to the
acceptance of the concept of common descent?
A. Georges Cuvier
B. Thomas Malthus
C. Carolus von Linnaeus
D. Charles Robert Darwin
3. Gregor Mendel was considered as the Father of Modern Genetics. Which of the
following works was associated with him?
A. Study with pea plants
B. Expedition in the Galapagos Islands
C. Discovering the molecular structure of DNA
D. Determination of the double-helix structure of DNA
5. In order for certain organisms to survive, they need to learn the process of
adaptation by which a species becomes fitted to its environment. Which of the
following situations exhibits adaptation?
A. Birds with light bones of their wings for easy flying.
B. Giraffes having long necks for feeding in the top of trees
C. Animals staying in one place all the time to protect its home
D. Succulents which store water in their short, thick stems and leaves in
preparation for dry season.
6. Living organisms sit like leaves at the tips of the branches of the Tree of Life. This
tree of life shows how all life on earth is related. Based on the figure below, which
of the following organisms is NOT directly related to vertebrates?
7. Charles Robert Darwin is an English naturalist and a biologist who is famous for
his theory of evolution by natural selection. Over time, some misconceptions
about natural selection arises. Which of the following is/are TRUE about natural
I. Natural selection always involves organisms trying to adapt.
II. Natural selection leads to the adaptation of organisms over time
II. Natural selection naturally results from genetic variation in a population.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I & III only
D. II & III only
8. In this time of Covid 19, many changes occur including the activities that people
could do. For us to survive in this time of pandemic, adaptation is a must. What
do you think is/are the BEST thing/s you need to do that shows adaptation?
I. Be vaccinated
II. Always observe social distancing
III. Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables.
III. Always wear face mask whenever you go outside.
A. I only
B. II only
C. I, II,III only
D. I, II, III & IV
11. Which of the following is the correct sequence in classifying organisms from
complex to simplest?
A. Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
B. Kingdom, Domain, Class, Phylum, Genus, Family, Order, Species
C. Domain, Kingdom, Class, Phylum, Order, Genus, Family, Species
D. Kingdom, Family, Domain, Class, Phylum, Order, Genus, Species
12. Gregor Mendel, through his work on pea plants, discovered the fundamental laws
of inheritance. He deduced that genes come in pairs and are inherited as distinct
units, one from each parent. Mendel tracked the segregation of parental genes
and their appearance in the offspring as dominant or recessive traits. Assuming
that the dominant trait for height is being tall and being short is the recessive
trait, is there a chance for a couple to bear a child that is tall if the father will
pass a heterozygous dominant trait while the mother will pass a homozygous
recessive trait to their child?
A. Yes, because the father contains the dominant trait.
B. Yes, because the mother contains the recessive trait.
C. No, because both parents contain the recessive trait.
D. No, because mother contains the homozygous recessive trait.
13. Based on the figure below, what is common among human arm, cat’s leg, whale
flipper and bat’s wing?
A. I only
B. II only
C. I & II only
D. II & III only
14. Someone gives you two black beetles: Carbonized Darkling Beetle (Eleodes
carbonaria) and Armored Stink Beetle (Eleodes armata). What group they both
belong in the biological classification of organisms?
A. Family
B. Genus
C. Order
D. Species
15. Every recognized species on earth (at least in theory) is given a two-part scientific
name. This system is called "binomial nomenclature." These names are
important because they allow people throughout the world to communicate
unclear about animal species. How will you create the scientific name for a
certain animal?
17. What is the relationship between biotic potential and environmental resistance?
A. Biotic potential increases the population of a species while environmental
resistance decreases its growth.
B. Biotic potential increases the population of a species while environmental
resistance limits its growth.
C. Biotic potential and environmental resistance are both factors that limit the
population growth of species.
D. Biotic potential and environmental resistance are both factors that increases
the population of species.
18. Which of the following reasons does NOT explain why different organisms have
different biotic potentials?
A. Offspring’s will have different survival rates
B. Numerous organisms have different proliferation rates.
C. Different organisms will have different reproductive life spans.
D. Organisms that dwell in the same environment will have the same potentials.
A. I only
B. I & II only
C. I, II & III only
23. Based on the figure above, what do you think will happen if the population
continuously increases?
I. Ecosystem may become unsuitable for the species to survive
I. Competition for resources will set limits to the population density
II. There will be a depletion of foods, water, and other necessities for
A. I only
B. II only
C. II & III only
D. I, II & III
24. Based on figure below, which of the following organisms give relatively little
parental care in any one offspring, and are vulnerable to predation and the
“dictates” of their environment?
A. Chimpanzee
B. Frog
C. Hare
D. Puma
25. On 16 December 2021, Typhoon Rai (local name Odette) brought torrential
rains, violent winds, landslides, and storm surges in the provinces of Surigao
del Norte and Dinagat Islands in Mindanao, in five provinces of Visayas, and
in the island of Palawan in Luzon before it exited the Philippine area of
responsibility on 17 December 2021.If a natural disaster like Typhoon Odette
devastates an ecosystem, what will this do to the carrying capacity of the
population of a species within that ecosystem?
Test Developer: Mary Joy P. Araneta DepEd-Caraga
School: Agusan del Sur National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Assessment
A. Increase it.
B. Decrease it
C. Always reduce it down to zero.
D. Will not affect it, so it will stay the same.
26. The family of Amelia lives in a “sitio” where most of her relatives are also living
there because it’s where their farm located which is the source of their foods.
Cora, friend of Amelia lives in another sitio, 5 kilometers away from Amelia’s
place. The family of Cora is living in another sitio because it is where their
farm located. How will you classify the household-population distribution
pattern with Amelia’s & Cora’s place?
A. Clumped Distribution
B. Random Distribution
C. Uniform Distribution
D. Vertical Distribution
Source: https://biologydictionary.net/predation/
Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/8/14/powerful-
Source: https://biologydictionary.net/competition/
28. The population of bullfrogs is growing out of control near a small pond. Its
main predator, a snake species, was killed off by disease. Without this natural
predator, the bullfrogs can thrive in and around the pond. The growing frog
population is having a negative impact on the quality of the environment and
other species living in the area. After learning the concept of carrying capacity,
as a student how will you alter carrying capacity of the bullfrog population so
that its population density returns to its normal level?
A. Alter the carrying capacity by breeding bullfrogs
B. Alter the carrying capacity by hunting the snakes
C. Alter the carrying capacity by hunting the bullfrogs
D. Will do nothing to alter the carrying capacity since the carrying capacity of
bullfrogs was already observed.
29. Covid-19 is one factor that can regulate the population’s density. If a
population becomes more crowded, then the Covid-19 impact is density
dependent, that’s why health workers always advise the people to always
follow health protocols. As a student, what will you tell those people who don’t
believe that Covid-19 exists?
I. Tell them that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a highly
transmittable pathogenic viral infection that killed millions of people
around the world, and they will be one of them if he/she continues to
attend unnecessary gatherings.
II. Tell them that current evidence showed that COVID-19 virus is
primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets
from coughing and sneezing and there’s a chance that they will acquire
it if they don’t properly wear their face mask.
III. Tell them to avoid touching objects used on the infected person
because the virus stays there for a minute even though the infected
person is not there already.
IV. Tell them that they can go outside and have fun with their friends as
long as they are vaccinated.
30. Carlito is a resident in Tubajon, Dinagat Islands. There was a total of 8,119
people who inhabit the said place as of 2020 census. Assuming that the area
can only support 5,000 inhabitants therefore, population in Tubajon is said
to be above it’s carrying capacity. Based on the given situation, how will you
conclude the effect of this on the town’s resources?
A. Resources will be unaffected.
B. Resources will be severely limited
C. Resources will be replenished fast.
D. Resources will no longer be produced