ME411 FEM - L4 - Practical Considerations

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Practical Considerations in Finite

Element Modelling

Dr. Muhamad Rizwan ul Haq

Learning Objectives

• Discuss various types of elements available for

• Considerations while meshing a finite element model
• Discuss example models for choice of elements and
• Various stress components and interpretation of
Finite Element Modelling
General Considerations

• Finite element modelling is

• partly an art
• guided by visualizing physical interactions taking place
within the body

• One appears to acquire good modelling techniques

• experience and
• by working with experienced people
Attributes of Mechanical Finite Elements

• Dimensionality
• Nodes: serve two purposes
• Geometric definition
• Home for DOFs (connectors)

• Degrees of freedom (DOFs)

• Conjugate nodal forces

• Material properties
• Fabrication properties
Element Geometry Defined by Node Locations
Classification of Mechanical Finite Elements

Primitive Structural



Macro Elements
Primitive Structural Elements
Often built from MoM models
Continuum Elements
Special Elements
Macro Elements
Early Use of Substructuring
Aspect Ratio and Element Shapes
• Aspect Ratio
• ratio of the longest dimension to the shortest dimension
of a quadrilateral element
Aspect Ratio and Element Shapes

• In many cases, as
the aspect ratio
increases, the
inaccuracy of the
solution increases
• Note that there
are exceptions to
this generalization
Aspect Ratio and Element Shapes

• General rules
• Try to maintain low aspect ratios
• Use corner angles of quadrilaterals near 90° when choosing
elements for a model
• Below are elements with shapes that should generally
be avoided
Natural Subdivisions at Discontinuities

• Examples of using finite element discretization at

natural subdivisions
Natural Subdivisions at Discontinuities
Mesh Revision (Refinement)

• Used to increase the accuracy of the results produced

by a finite element model
• First, start with a basic mesh using the fewest,
reasonable number of elements, and obtain a
benchmark result
• Then refine the model by doing actions like increasing
the mesh density and compare the results
• This process continues until the results converge to
some user-defined criteria

• Consider this original mesh for the

discussion of types of methods:
h Method of Refinement

• In the h method, we use the particular element based

on the shape functions for that element
• Elements of the same kind are then added or made
• Uniform or non-uniform refinements are possible as
shown below:
p Method of Refinement

• In the p method, the polynomial p is increased to

higher-order polynomials based on the degree of
accuracy specified
• These iterations are repeated until a convergence is
r Method of Refinement

• In the r method, the nodes are rearranged or

relocated without changing the number of
elements of the polynomial degree of the field
Where to Use a Finer Mesh?
Transition Triangles

• Triangular elements are useful for transitions from

smaller quadrilaterals to larger quadrilaterals
Concentrated or Point Loads and
Infinite Stress

• Concentrated or point loads are usually expressed for

distributed loads as a mathematical convenience
• In the infinite element model, these loads would lead
to infinite stresses causing the material to yield
• Models can account for these concentrated loads by
highly refining the mesh or adding elements to account
for the deformation
Infinite Medium

• The guideline for the finite element model is that

enough material must be included such that the
displacements at nodes and stresses within the
elements become negligible at locations far from
the foundation load

• The boundary
conditions must be
idealized to fit the
assumption of
infinite medium
Connecting (Mixing) Different Kinds of

• When connecting different kinds of elements, the

degrees of freedom of different elements must be
accounted for
• The figure below shows this for a beam and plane
element connected
• The calculated stresses in the plane element near
point A will normally be inaccurate
Element Geometry Preferences

Other things being equal, prefer

• In 2D
• Quadrilaterals over Triangles

• In 3D
• Bricks over Wedges
• Wedges over Tetrahedra
Stresses in

• Cross brace
• Supported at left edge by two lugs
• Loaded at right hand edge through two lugs
• Sitting in global XY plane
Stress in X Direction, SX
Stress in X Direction, SX
Stress in X Direction, SX
Stress in X Direction, SX
Stress in Y Direction, SY
Stress in Y Direction, SY
Local Coordinate System

• The global SX and SY

stresses provide good
indication of response of
horizontal and vertical
members Zone G

• How to investigate the Zone F

cross members at Zones
F and G?
• Global stresses SX and
SY are of no use
Local Coordinate System

• Problem can be solved by setting up a local

coordinate system
• Transform stresses from global coordinate system
to local coordinate system in post-processor
• Plotting local X direction stresses at Zone F so that
they align with bottom right-hand cross member
axial direction
• Requires defining a local coordinate system and
transforming stresses
Local Coordinate System
Shear Stresses

• Shear stress would exist across the cutting plane,

at right angle to axial stresses
• Contour plot of shear stresses and their
distribution across the cut plane can be plotted in
local coordinate system
Shear Stresses
Stress Zone G
Global Shear Stress, SXY
Stress Components

• Useful in understanding the load paths within

component regions
• Helps in identifying overall response of structure
• Stress transformation can help in visualizing
response of members not aligned with global stress
• It is important to realize that we are always
describing the same stress state
Stress Components
Stress Transformation Equations

𝜎𝑥 + 𝜎𝑦 𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎𝑦
𝜎𝑥ƴ = + cos 2𝜃 + 𝜏𝑥𝑦 sin 2𝜃
2 2

𝜎𝑥 + 𝜎𝑦 𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎𝑦
𝜎𝑦ƴ = − cos 2𝜃 − 𝜏𝑥𝑦 sin 2𝜃
2 2

𝜎𝑥 − 𝜎𝑦
𝜏𝑥ƴ 𝑦ƴ =− sin 2𝜃 + 𝜏𝑥𝑦 cos 2𝜃
Stress Transformation

• Pick a datum point on the structure, adjacent to the

top right hand corner lug
Stress Transformation
Maximum Principal Stress
Minimum Principal Stress
Principal Stresses
Principal Stresses
Von Mises Stress
Stress Interpretation

• Von Mises Stress: Overall indicator of stress

distribution and stress concentration region.
Margins over yield

• Cartesian Stress: Indicates which type of stress

dominates the response

• Principal Stress: Gives sense of flow stress. Givens

maximum tensile or compressive stresses or
maximum shear stresses
Examples of
Structural Models
Machined Component (Mechanical)
Dam Underground Motion (Civil
Rocket Nozzle (Aerospace)
Super Tanker (Marine)
F-16 Internal Structure (Aerodynamics)
General FEM Modelling Rules

• Use the simplest elements that will do the job

• Do not use complicated elements or special elements

unless sure of what is happening

• Use the coarsest mesh that will capture the dominant

behavior of the physical model, particularly in design

• Simplest model is the best model


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