Extra Practice On Emphasis

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1 C o m p le t e e a c h s e n t e n c e w ith a p h r a s e fr o m t h e b o x .

the least bit waited and waited as it may seem by no means not at all
what we did time and time again can’t have been none at all do think

1 I know you’re busy, but I ..4?.$?.%!?............................ you could have

helped me with the decorating.
2 It’s ............................................. certain that the president will be re-elected.
3 You may have lots of restaurants where you live, but there are
............................................. in this part of town.
4 I told y o u ............................................. about the leaking pipes, but you wouldn’t
5 You don’t seem ............................................. interested in my problems!
6 Strange............................................ .. the bus is actually faster than the train.
7 In the en d ,............................................. was to call a plumber.
8 W e............................................. all day, but Chris never turned up.
9 Nicola w as............................................. bothered by our turning up so late.
10 I t ............................................. Jim that you saw; he is in Germany at the moment.

2 C o m p le t e th e t e x t w ith t h e w o r d s fr o m t h e b o x . U s e o n e w o rd in e a c h g a p .

again all as at is utter what whatever whatsoever why

W hat really makes me furious is the sort of language used in official letters.
For example, I can't make any sense of this letter from the council
(1) .fit.....................all. It's ( 2 ) ........................... nonsense, if you ask me.
(3 ) .................. the council can’t write in plain English is beyond me.
(4 ) .................. I really can't stand is this kind of long-winded, complicated
English. In my opinion, what they're doing ( 5 ) ......................... systematically
destroying the language with all this new jargon - 'input', 'time window',
'feasibility study' - ( 6 ) .......................... are they talking about?
(7 ) .................. we get is the same meaningless drivel over and over
(8 ) .....................Listen to this: 'Difficult ( 9 ) ........................... it may be for
all parties concerned, this is the most viable solution on offer.' I have no idea,
none ( 1 0 ) ......................... , what that means. Can nobody write in plain English
nowadays? O r is there something wrong with me?


3 C o m p le t e th e s e c o n d s e n t e n c e s o t h a t it h a s a s im ila r m e a n in g to t h e firs t
s e n te n c e , u s in g th e w o rd g iv e n . D o n o t c h a n g e t h e w o rd g iv e n .

1 The car doesn’t need anything else except new tyres.

All ................. new tyres.
2 Liz didn’t worry at all about her exams.
Liz wasn’t th e ................................................................. about her exams.
3 The person who told me about the hotel was Keith.
I t ...............................................................................told me about the hotel.
4 I had spent every last penny of my money.
I h a d ..............................................................................................whatsoever.
5 Although the ticket may seem expensive, it is good value for money.
Expensive................................................. .. the ticket is good value for money.
6 I really hate lukewarm food.
What I ..................................................................................... lukewarm food.
7 In the end Martha went to the police.
In the end what M artha............................................................. to the police.
8 I think you must have seen a ghost.
I t ......................................................................................................... you saw.
9 Her car was the last car you’d expect to be stolen.
H ers.........................................................................you’d expect to be stolen.
10 The accident happened because someone was very careless.
Sheer.................................................................................................... happen.


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