Scroll of Errata
Scroll of Errata
Scroll of Errata
Author: John Chambers and Errata Team Prime
Editor: Peter K. Ullmann
Book Designer: Peter K. Ullmann
Art Direction & Layout: Brian Glass & Peter K. Ullmann
Cover Art: Pasi Pitkänen and UDON
Artists: Misty Coats, Jonathan Floyd, Groundbreakers Studio,
Andrew Hepworth, Imaginary Friends Studio, Shipeng Lee,
Saana “Kiyo” Lippalainen, MESS Studio, Peter Mohrbacher,
Justin Norman, Pasi Pitkänen, Mark Taduran, Andie Tong,
UDON and Melissa Uran
© 2009 CCP hf. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is
expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of reviews, and one printed copy, which may be repro-
duced for personal use only. White Wolf and Exalted are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights
reserved. Scroll of Errata, Glories of the Most High the Unconquered Sun, Luna, the Maidens of
Destiny, the Manual of Exalted Power the Lunars, the Manual of Exalted Power the Sidereals, the
Manual of Exalted Power the Abyssals, Graceful Wicked Masques the Fair Folk, the Books of Sor-
cery, the White Treatise, the Compass of Terrestrial Directions, the Scavenger Lands, the West, the
East, the South, the Compass of Celestial Directions, Yu-Shan, Scroll of the Monk, Scroll of Heroes
and Dreams of the First Age, Lords of Creation are trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. All
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themes. All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book contains
mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: General Questions 5
4 Chapter One • General Questions
Chapter One
General Questions
Issue: Backgrounds and Experience the necessary Experience, she must spend at least half of all
Clarification: The core book rules do not discuss how to raise a Experience she gains toward this Background until she is no
character’s Backgrounds. Storytellers are encouraged to adopt longer in debt.
one of two methods for this, depending upon their personal
preferences and what works for their game: For example, if Dace raids his own tomb and gains a reaver
daiklave, but doesn’t have 6 Experience points banked, then
he would still gain the daiklave but would need to invest the
Method 1: Backgrounds Cost Experience. Backgrounds may
Experience as soon as possible or lose the daiklave to story de-
be raised at the cost of 3 Experience per new dot (similar to
velopment (perhaps it is stolen by a sneaky Wyld Hunt scout).
the cost of a Specialty). Thus, an Exalt raising her Allies from
4 dots to 5 dots would pay 3 Experience points. Storytellers Method 2: Backgrounds Are Free. Backgrounds do not cost
should generally let players recover Experience invested in this any Experience to raise, but they may only be raised with the
fashion if story circumstances force the character to lose dots explicit permission of the Storyteller. The Storyteller may only
in a Background. allow the increase (or loss) of Backgrounds when dictated by
the story of the game. Although Backgrounds gained under
Such protection should not be absolute – dumb moves should this method are “free” they must still be earned via in-character
have consequences – but players shouldn’t be afraid of perma- play. For Dace to gain his ancient reaver daiklave, he must
nent losses merely at a whim, either. Should the story demand delve into his tomb, while building a mercenary unit requires
that a character gain a Background in play without having active recruitment and campaigning.
Answer: These do increase the DV directly, yes. The reason it Question: As a follow up to the answer that levels of damage
mentions the pool is in case the character is utilizing a Combo are soaked: How are they soaked? Before dice? After? Does one
in which a Charm that directly increases DV is used along- soak one level of damage with three points of soak?
side, say, an Excellency. So, for this purpose, a Charm that
adds +3 to your Dodge DV is effectively adding six dice to Answer: The automatic levels are soaked first. So, for example,
your (Dexterity + Dodge) pool for the purpose of deriving an attack that is inflicting 10 dice of lethal damage plus five
DV. Because you can only double any pool with such effect, if levels of lethal damage going up against a lethal soak of 7 in-
you had a (Dexterity + Dodge) of 10, you could only add the flicts eight dice of lethal damage: the five automatic levels are
equivalent of four more dice (or another effect with +2 DV) soaked first, then the first two dice of damage follow, leaving
to the example above. eight dice of damage.
Committed Motes from Peripheral Pool Question: And once again. What happens when an effect
Question: In the Exalted first edition errata it is stated that that deals Levels of Damage (say 12 Lethal Levels) dealt by a
committing peripheral motes of essence does not mean the character with Essence 5 hits someone with a soak of 9? This
anima burns for as long as the motes are committed, but only reduces the total damage to a number less than the Essence,
for the normal duration. Is it still true in Second Edition? I but what is the result? Does the character deal 5 dice of dam-
didn’t find it stated in the book but I may have overlooked. age? Or does he deal 3 levels (12-9) and 2 dice? Or can he
choose between doing 5 dice and 3 levels?
Answer: It is still true.
Answer: By a strict interpretation of the rules, he should inflict
Dealing Levels of Damage five dice of damage. It is a fair approach, however, to permit
Question: A number of effects add or deal “levels of damage.” the damage to be three automatic levels of damage, plus two
How do these interact with soak? Do they bypass it entirely? dice thereof.
Form-Type Charms Answer: The cradle of Exalted human civilization is the Ochre
Question: All Form-type Charms lack the Combo-Basic or Fountain (introduced by name in Dreams of the First Age)
Combo-OK keywords. Being universally aspected towards once ruled by Queen Merela and centered near Rathess. It
combat, this leaves someone using these Charms very open (and to a lesser extent, the Dragon King civilization it grew
to attack, since they cannot activate defensive Charms at the out of) is similar to the groups you mention, and the human
same time at all. Many people think this discourages the use descendants of those folk still live in that area of Creation.
of Form-type Charms, or at least forces martial artists into a
particular contrivance, especially as Essence levels rise and Issue: Poisons (p. 131)
Charm-enhanced attacks become much more dangerous (the Clarification: Poisons has a chart with Damage ratings. Each
“power-up face-off”). Should these Charms perhaps have the damage rating should have a rate of damage (known as the
Combo-Basic keyword? “interval”). Arrow Frog Venom and Coral Snake Venom do
not have an interval listed. They should be intervals of 1 tick,
Answer: No. The assumption of a Form-type Charm takes and thus listed as Damage 8L/1 tick and 6L/1 tick.
time and effort. Note that you are not deprived your DV while
activating the Form-type Charm, nor are you prevented from Question: Very few Poisons list the vector. Must they all be
stunting defenses. The activation of a Form-type Charm in- introduced to a person’s system via food, drink or a cut? If you
volves the martial artist having the time and luxury to em- cut someone with a poisoned weapon but score no successes
body the sum totality of his martial knowledge of that specific on the damage roll are they poisoned? Can you smear poison
style. You’re right – you’re not always going to have that luxury. over an open wound in combat? Are there contact poisons?
That’s part of Exalted’s give-and-take system of combat. Har-
rying your opponent so that they aren’t able to get their best Answer: The three methods you mention are typically the
Charms up because they need to be constantly on the defense most efficient ways to deliver poison, though not all poisons
may be inflicted in all three ways. To deal poison damage via
against you is a viable strategy.
a weapon, one must inflict a level of lethal damage with the
weapon. Otherwise, the skin wouldn’t be broken and the vic-
Martial Arts Form Weapons tim would never be exposed to the toxin. Arguably, one could
Question: How exactly do form weapons work? Can you only try to smear poison into an open wound, but that’s a pretty
roll attacks with them using martial arts when activating a inefficient delivery method, and less likely to actually get the
charm? Or can they be used with the Martial Arts Ability per- poison into the victim’s system as the wound is likely bleeding
manently once you buy a Charm from a style? if fresh, which would carry the poison out of the wound rather
than into the body to do damage. Contact poisons do exist in
Answer: Martial arts form weapons that are defined as “martial Exalted, things such as poison oak and the like if nothing else,
arts weapons”, such as sai, are always wielded with (Dexter- but it would be a rare (and expensive) poison that could kill
ity + Martial Arts). Once a person has learned a martial art through just a touch. The Far Eastern forests probably produce
that uses, say, the slashing sword as a form weapon, she may such venoms, though.
thereafter use (Dexterity + Melee) or (Dexterity + Martial
Arts) with that weapon, typically using the score that is better.
The only exception is that she must use (Dexterity + Martial
Stunting Soak
Question: Since you can use a Stunt to add to your DV, a
Arts) when wielding the slashing sword with a Charm from the
fixed rather than rolled value, would it be possible to Stunt
supernatural martial art for which it is a form weapon.
your Soak?
Mortals and Charms Answer: Sorry, no. You may not stunt to add to your Soak,
Question: Are mortals only able to learn Terrestrial Martial because – unlike Soak – your DV is assumed to be a rolled
Arts and Terrestrial Circle Sorcery as charms? Or do there value. We just abbreviate that step and derive the DV instead.
happen to be mortal excellencies as well? It is still based on a normal dice pool.
Second Edition
Answer: They are not required to do so in the case of perma- Answer: None. No Willpower is recovered, but nothing else
nent Charms. happens. Typically, that result is bad enough.
Answer: This isn’t really a question, but yes there are some
Foraging for Food (p. 139-140) keyword mistakes in the Exalted core.
Question: The Ration-Enhancing Charm found on page 183
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded states that “while
the Charm is in effect, the hunting party finds twice as much Perfect Defenses and Attacks (p. 179)
food as the results on any Survival rolls would otherwise dic- Question: While the Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object
tate”. The Exalted Core rulebook does not mention any rules rules (p. 179) settle a lot of conflict between Charms, is the
for finding food in the wilderness. What are the rules for the rule absolute, or are they a base guideline which can be over-
amount of food found with a Survival roll? What kind of roll ruled by Charms which contradict it the core rule, allowing for
is needed? exceptions (for example, Charms which say they can bypass a
perfect defense)?
Answer: The rules for food foraging and hunting are indeed in
the Exalted core, on page 139 under the “Endure Wilderness Answer: The rule is absolute where the defense is appropriate
(Survival)” header. and applicable. As mentioned above, Seven Shadow Evasion
won’t protect a character from social attacks, merely physical
Issue: Perfect Defense and DV ones.
Application (pp. 147-148) Question: After using a Perfect Defense that parries an attack
Clarification: For the purpose of Charms which may only trig- (HGD), can you use counterattacks such as Solar Counterat-
ger when a DV is applied to an attack (such as Solar Counterat- tack that require the use of your Parry DV (since DV was not
tack), perfect defenses such as Heavenly Guardian Defense do actually used in any computation)?
count as applying the character’s DV to the attack.
Answer: Not unless these Charms were in a Combo together.
Mass Combat; Shields (p. 161)
Question: In order for the commander to gain the DV benefit Issue: Applicability of Perfect
of a shield, is it necessary for both the commander and the
complementary unit to use shields, or can it be just from either
Defenses (p. 179)
Clarification: Where two effects make absolute statements
one? Or, if both the commander and the complementary unit which conflict, and one effect is an attack, and the other is a
use shields, do the benefits stack? Does the formation of the defense, the defense always takes priority. For this purpose, the
unit modify only the DV benefits of the complementary unit’s statement “this attack is unblockable” and “this attack can-
shields? In other words, does the commander’s shield even not be blocked” are considered equivalent, and would pierce
matter at all in Mass Combat? certain ‘perfect’ defenses—for example, the Sidereal Charm
Impeding the Flow will not stop an unblockable attack (Im-
Answer: For a shield to matter in mass combat, the majority of peding the Flow specifically notes that it is fallible in the face
the unit would have to be outfitted with the same sort of shield. of unblockable attacks, and so there is no conflict). However,
the Solar Charm Heavenly Guardian Defense will block such
attacks, because Heavenly Guardian Defense states that it is
Mass Combat, Close Formation (p. 162) capable of doing so. These two statements (can’t be blocked /
Question: Does this also mean that close formation is the pre-
can block even unblockable attacks) are in conflict, and since
ferred formation for all units in Creation?
the first statement is an attack, and the second a defense,
Heavenly Guardian Defense takes priority.
Answer: No.
In the case of attacks which state that they defeat even perfect
Mental Defense Value (p. 172) defenses, such as the shockwave produced by a Soulbreaker
Dodge MDV is listed as being figured with ((Willpower + In- Orb, this applies only to perfect defenses which do not pos-
tegrity + pertinent specialty + Essence) ÷ 2) rounded down. sess the ‘block the unblockable/dodge the undodgeable’ clause,
In this specific instance, Willpower is treated as an Attribute such as certain Dragon-Blooded, Alchemical, and Martial Arts
for the purposes of Charm bonus maximums. Charms.
Elusive Dream Defense (pp. 200-201)
Question: The Charm lists a duration of Instant (Story). Does
this mean the motes are committed for the rest of the story?
Answer: Yes.
Issue: Adamant Skin Technique (p. 207)
Clarification: As a point of clarification, this Charm (and its
Abyssal mirror Wounds Mean Nothing) reduces the raw and
final damage of an incoming attack or similar phenomenon
to zero after all other modifiers and effects. Damage added
to an attack after soak is applied, such as by Fire and Stones
Strike, cannot harm a character who activates Adamant Skin
Method 2: Backgrounds Are Free. Backgrounds do not cost The Cost of Equipment (p. 356)
any Experience to raise, but they may only be raised with the Some equipment items have a listed cost of “-”. This doesn’t
explicit permission of the Storyteller. The Storyteller may only mean that the items are actually free, merely that their cost
allow the increase (or loss) of Backgrounds when dictated by is negligible.
the story of the game. Although Backgrounds gained under
this method are “free” they must still be earned via in-character The Cost of Artifacts (p. 385)
play. For Dace to gain his ancient reaver daiklave, he must The Cost of Artifacts is in dots of Artifact rating rather than in
delve into his tomb, while building a mercenary unit requires Resources, unlike non-Artifact weapons and armor.
active recruitment and campaigning.
Neither of these procedures is inherently better than the other, p. 279 – Farmer/Citizen template Dodge DV should be 1.
so Storytellers are encouraged to use whichever method proves
best for their game. Neither method obviates the fact that the p. 279 – Green Troops template Dodge DV should be 2/1.
character must earn the Background in play. One method sim-
ply requires that players invest Experience in Backgrounds just p. 280 – Elite Soldiers template Dodge DV should be 2/0.
as they do in other Traits.
p. 280 – Mortal Hero template Dodge DV should be 4/2.
Essence should be 1.
p. 309 – Octavian’s template has Malfean Iron Staff with Speed p. 384 – Wilderness Gem description should read “take part”
of 7. This should be 6. rather than “take place”.
p. 310 – Erymanthoi bone club listed with Speed 7. This should p. 388 – Serpent-Sting Staff should have Cost 2 listed as Cost
be Speed 5, like other clubs. ••.
p. 370 – Sai should be Cost •• for both lines of the item’s stat
strip (bottom line has it listed as Cost •).
Manuals of
Exalted Power
The Manual of Exalted Dragon-Blood and the other’s a patrician of good stock with
Dragon-Blooded relatives, the child Exalts on a roll of 1-4.
If both parents are Dragon-Bloods, the child Exalts on a roll
Power: Dragon-Blooded of 1-6. The Breeding Background adds to the number that
must be rolled, and it applies from both parents if both have
General Questions high enough Breeding. Thus, if two Dragon-Bloods, one with
The Breeding Background Breeding 4 and one with Breeding 5, have a child, the child
will Exalt on a roll of 1-9 (the normal 1-6 for the child of two
and Exalting Children
Terrestrials, plus 1 for the Breeding 4 parent, plus another 2
Question: The Breeding background boosts the roll for a child
for the Breeding 5 parent).
of a Dragon-Blood to Exalt, but such rules are not present in
the book. What is the roll for Exalting the children of Dragon-
Blooded, and do those rules include the child’s Aspect and Breeding Background Costs for Lookshy
Breeding? Question: The Breeding background seems to contradict itself
for Lookshy Dragon-Blooded. On page 94 it says that it costs
Answer: It involves rolling a single 10-sided die. If both par- 4, 7, and 10 bonus points to gain the third, fourth, and fifth
ents are patricians of proper breeding with numerous Drag- dots in Breeding. Page 106 says that the costs for the fourth
on-Blooded relatives, the child Exalts on a roll of 1-2. If one and fifth dots are doubled for Lookshy Terrestrials. What is the
parent’s a Dragon-Blood and the other is a mortal of poor total cost in background/bonus points for Lookshy characters
breeding, the child will Exalt on a roll of 1-3. If one parent’s a to have a Breeding of 4 or 5?
Charm Updates
General Charms
Issue: Terrestrial (Ability)
Reinforcement (pp. 128-129)
Keyword: War. No contact is required to target a fellow officer;
Exalted fellow officers may have Abilities raised higher than
twice their rating (but still no higher than the donor’s rat-
ing). With Essence 4+, targeting an Exalted unit leader and
committing additional motes equal to the unit’s Magnitude
simultaneously applies the Charm to every member of the unit.
Only Exalted fellow officers ignore the twice rating cap for a
unit blessing, but boosting rank and file can increase the unit’s
Close Combat Rating or Ranged Combat Rating.
Issue: Language-Learning Ritual (p. 129)
Keyword: Stackable. Each commitment sustains fluency in a
different language (written fluency requires Lore 1).
Issue: Voice of Mastery (p. 131) Issue: Eternal Mind Meditation (pp. 132-133)
The Exalt can contest the effects of any Charm that altered
The Charm’s targets can’t be reset without reactivation.
the character’s memories using a standard roll-off, though the
character must first think to check the altered recollection. He
Issue: Wind-Carried Words Technique (p. 131) can also focus on memories associated with an Intimacy (which
Keywords: Social. The Charm can target any location the Exalt reasserts it) or his Motivation, doubling the MDV bonuses or
can describe, as noted. If the intended recipient is within (Es- penalties that trait provides in Social Combat for the scene as
sence x 5) miles of that location and is not in an airtight room, long as he is not already focusing on it.
the message finds them. The message can carry a single normal
Presence-based social attack as part of activating the Charm, Issue: Elemental Bolt Attack (pp. 133-134)
but this attack can’t be further augmented with Charms besides Keyword: Leader. Additional purchases of this Charm enable
Presence Excellencies. evocation of elements other than the Terrestrial’s aspect, but
each activation can only express one known element. The bolt
Issue: Speech Without Words (pp. 131-132) may also be aimed with Thrown. Characters can always en-
hance a bolt’s accuracy with Lore Excellencies (or Athletics
The Exalt must be able to see all participants at the time of acti-
Excellencies, if using that Ability). If using Archery or Thrown,
vation and can’t change them without reactivation. The roll to
the character can enhance it as normal for an attack using the
transmit or understand complex messages is reflexive and man-
Ability and may place Elemental Bolt Attack in a Combo with
datory, with a difficulty of 1-5 set by the Storyteller. Social at-
Charms of that Ability. The accuracy bonus for Cooperative
tacks may be conveyed through gestures, but may also require use of the Charm does not count against Charm dice bonus
a transmission roll for complex statements and automatically limits; the only limit is the number of Dragon-Blooded who
fail to affect targets who do not make a required understanding may be gathered together to unleash the fury of the elements.
roll. A second purchase at Linguistics 5+ removes the need Any special character can contribute to a Cooperative activa-
for transmission/understanding rolls and allows participants to tion, even heroes and relays.
gesture subtly enough that onlookers fail to recognize them as
communication without a (Perception + Awareness) roll at a
difficulty of the Exalt’s Essence.
Elemental Burst Technique (p. 134)
The Charm type is Permanent, purchase of which adds a new
“setting” to Elemental Bolt Attack that functions as described
Issue: With One Mind (p. 132) for Elemental Burst Technique (subject to the pertinent rules
Keywords: Dynasty, War. This Charm links the Exalt and up to established above for a standard Elemental Bolt Attack). The
(Linguistics rating) individuals she can perceive within a mile Exalt assigns the setting per activation.
for as long as those characters stay within this radius. Double
the number of maximum participants if all members are blood Occult
relatives of the Terrestrial. The activation cost is 1m per char-
acter, but this is waived for any character the Exalt gifts with Issue: Harmonious Wind-Luring Song (p. 134)
Type is Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks, -0 DV). Duration is one
trait dots. The difficulty of the roll to coordinate attacks by
day. This Charm does not summon an actual spirit, but rather
linked members is only 1 and they may always parry on each
invokes the power of such beings to create winds that may
other’s behalf as though they had used a Defend Other ac-
blow anywhere within a radius of (Occult x 100) yards around
tion to set this up. Trait dots conferred by this Charm cannot
the Terrestrial. Multiple currents can blow in different direc-
increase another’s rating above the Exalt’s rating. Because the tions within the radius, typically to help allies while hindering
same bonus must be purchased for each beneficiary, the Ter- enemies. When using this Charm to speed or slow a vehicle
restrial must still purchase wasted dots to give a higher bonus propelled by the wind (such as a ship or airboat with sails), the
to members who can benefit from them. Used in mass combat, net modifier to per tick speed is the Exalt’s (Sail + Essence)
the Charm can link a unit leader with fellow officers, all of and this is applied after any adjustments to the vehicle’s own
whom count as one additional relay regardless of actual role. speed. Changing the wind’s direction or rearranging where it
Issue: Fivefold Resonance Sense (p. 135) Issue: Wind-Walking Technique (p. 137)
Once the Exalt has (Occult 4+, Essence 3+), this Charm can Common sense guides the definition of horizontal surface; in-
detect artifacts and other objects made of detectable magical
clines are fine, sheer surfaces are not.
materials that are attuned to someone else, but any such items
carried by their owner are considered to be concealed by any
magic that conceals said owner. With (Occult 5+, Essence Thrown
3+), the Charm is no longer automatically trumped by Celes- Issue: Loyal Weapon (p. 138)
tial or Solar magic and just uses roll-off rules when confronted
Keyword: Leader 4. If this Charm is used to retrieve a weapon
with concealing magic.
that only exists in the moment of the attack (such as Elemental
Bolt Attack or Deadly Blades of the Five Dragons), the projec-
Issue: Seeing the Maker’s Hand (pp. 135-136) tile continues to exist with the same statistics and returns to the
This Charm can never discern the workings of N/A Artifacts Exalt’s hand so that it may be hurled again without requiring
and may only analyze simple artifacts by default. Analyzing the reactivation of the effect that created it. Unless Loyal Weapon
product of exotic crafts like Magitech or Genesis require that is applied again, such projectiles then disappear like normal.
the Exalt have at least one dot in that Craft. Large artifacts
require 2 uses to yield any useful information for anything up
to the size of a warstrider or 3 for anything bigger (+1 if not a Issue: Persistent Hornet Attack (p 138)
simple artifact). With Occult 5+, the Exalt may analyze arti- Keyword: Leader 6. The Charm’s type is Extra Action, but in-
facts attuned to others. stead of creating a flurry, each of the actions occurs sequentially
as noted in the Charm. Actions past the first use the indicated
dice pool and require no additional effort on the part of the Ter-
Stealth restrial, leaving him free to do other things. Standard Combo
Issue: Feeling-The-Air Technique (p. 136) rules govern the need to pay for other enhancing Charms per
Keyword: Leader 5. If a Dragon-Blood suffers a Crippling injury attack.
that blinds him completely, duration increases to Indefinite
and cost becomes 0m.
Issue: (Elemental) Style Formulation (p. 189) Issue: Tiger-and-Bear Unity (p. 195)
This is a general Terrestrial Martial Arts Charm and may be
Keyword: Leader. This Charm applies successes in Step 4 (not
learned by non-Dragon-Blooded.
Step 6).
Issue: Breath-Seizing Technique (p. 198) Issue: Earth Dragon Form (p. 202)
Keyword: Stackable. Keyword: Leader. This Charm’s soak bonus is natural.
Issue: Shrouding the Body and Mind (p. 198) Issue: Shattering Fist Strike (p. 202-203)
Characters cannot lead a complementary unit while using this Keyword: Leader.
Issue: Weapon-Breaking Defense
Issue: Air Dragon Form (p. 198) Technique (p. 203)
Keyword: Leader. The character may add dice to any unarmed Keyword: Counterattack. Type: Reflexive (Step 9). This
martial arts attack (not any ranged attack). Charm may only be activated if the martial artist has success-
fully blocked an attacked with an unarmed parry, in which case
Issue: Tornado Offense Technique (p. 198) it launches an automatically successful counterattack, with the
This Charm ignores rate, and all actions in the flurry must be effects described in the Charm’s rules. If used to ‘break’ an arti-
unarmed martial arts attacks. fact weapon, the weapon not destroyed, but loses attunement
and all powers save its innate indestructibility for one day.
Issue: Fire Dragon Form (p. 205) Issue: Theft-of-Essence Method (p. 209)
Keyword: Leader. Keyword: Shaping.
Issue: Breath of the Fire Dragon (p. 206) Issue: Bottomless Depths Defense (p. 209)
Keyword: Leader. This Charm inflicts dice of damage, not lev-
Keyword: Leader. Duration: One tick. The aggravated health
level in this Charm’s cost is considered a unique flaw of in-
vulnerability. This Charm’s Leader benefit may not be applied
Issue: Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike (p. 206) to area-of-effect attacks. Danaa’d is not harmed by the use of
Keywords: Shaping, Touch. this Charm.
Issue: Overwhelming Fire Majesty Issue: Essence-Dousing Wave Attack (pp. 209-210)
Stance (pp. 206-207) Keyword: Shaping. This Charm enhances an unarmed martial
Keywords: Emotion, Leader. This Charm’s influence is unnatu- arts attack. It cannot suppress Adamant or Obsidian circle
ral and costs 3wp to resist for a scene. spells and has no effect on astrological Charms.
Issue: Consuming Might of the Issue: Tsunami Force Shout (p. 210)
Fire Dragon (p. 207) Make a single unblockable attack roll of (Charisma + Martial
Keywords: Emotion, Leader. Characters who spend 3wp to Arts + Essence), and compare separately to the defenses of
resist this Charm for a scene also become immune to Over- all targets in range. Those hit by the attack are affected as
whelming Fire Majesty Stance. explained.
Issue: Water Dragon Form (p. 208) Issue: Spirit-Rending Technique (p. 212)
Keyword: Leader. The Essence bonus to Martial Arts is a dice This Charm inflicts damage equal to 1 + (threshold successes
bonus added by a Charm and does not add to the character’s / spirit’s Essence, round down).
natural rating.
Issue: Dragon-Graced Arrow (p. 172) Issue: Unobstructed Hunter’s Aim (p. 173)
Keyword: Leader. The Wood power delivers a dose of poison if Keyword: Leader 4. For its base cost, the Charm only negates
it hits with: Damage 4L/action, Toxicity (Exalt’s Essence rat- wooden cover. Adding +1wp allows negation of any cover,
ing), Penalty -0. Only one use of this Charm can enhance an provided some indirect path exists to hit the enemy. If this
individual attack, but repeated use can enhance any number Charm enhances Elemental Bolt Attack (p. XX) or another
of attacks made as part of a flurry. Each additional purchase of Charm that creates an attack out of raw elemental Essence,
this Charm after the first adds an additional element beyond the Exalt may summon the destructive forces from an available
the character’s aspect. Every activation incorporates the Ex- source to strike indirectly (like calling down lightning strikes
alt’s base element, but can also incorporate any number of ad- from the clouds).
ditional elements unlocked with extra Charm purchases. The
total cost to activate the Charm is half the number of elements Issue: Life-Swelling Sap Strike (pp. 173-174)
unleashed, all of which provide their usual power. Keywords: Holy, Leader. The term “undead” encompasses
ghosts, walking dead and necromantic war machines. Incorpo-
Issue: Swallows Defend the Nest (p. 172) real undead are hit by the attack as though solid. With Essence
Keyword: Leader 5. The Charm’s flurry ignores rate and has a 4+, all creatures of darkness with an equal or lesser Essence
total DV penalty equal to the highest penalty of any attack. rating to the Terrestrial suffer as undead. A complementary
unit must be chiefly comprised of undead to be a valid target.
Issue: Verdant Curtain of Serenity (p. 176) Issue: Hidden Petal Aria Method (p. 178)
Keyword: Leader. Type is Reflexive (Step 2). Prerequisites: Keywords: Leader, Stackable. Duration is one scene. With Es-
Madness-Analyzing State (not Purity of Mind Method). sence 3+, the character may hide subtext in the oration of
everyday speech. The Leader effect of this Charm costs only
2m to convey coded orders to all fellow officers, adding the
Issue: Purity of Mind Method (p. 176)
Exalt’s Performance to the difficulty of Read Strategy rolls to
This Charm cannot cure influence imposed by Adamant or
study the Terrestrial’s unit (Scroll of Kings, p. 110).
Obsidian spells and costs 10 motes when treating effects of
Sapphire or Onyx spells. Treating a derangement mutation
that offsets the cost of positive mutations or otherwise pro- Issue: Soul-Stirring Performance
vides “free” experience points requires that the patient pay Method (pp. 178-179)
the appropriate number of experience points over time as a Keyword: Social. Type is Supplemental. This Charm enhances
Training effect. a (Manipulation + Performance) social attack, making it un
Issue: Vibrating Strings Defense (p. 179) Issue: Irresistible Penetrating Charge (p. 181)
Keyword: Leader. Music is not the only medium for this Charm’s Remove minimum War. Type is Reflexive. Duration is one
power. Any mode of artistic expression that falls under Perfor- charge. Disregard the Charm’s printed rules. It enhances a
mance may serve as a focus for a parry. Eloquent prayers turn mass combat unit’s charges using the same overall rules as
aside blows, while a dancer’s gyrations drum staccato rhythms Charge of One Hundred Generals. However, the benefit con-
on enemy weapons mid-swing. No specialty is required to use ferred to a charging unit is an external penalty of the Exalt’s
this Charm, though applicable specialties improve its effec- Ride rating applied against all attacks aimed at the unit or
tiveness. its special characters. Once the charge ends for any reason
Issue: Elemental Halo’s Mercy (p. 182) Issue: Dance of the Jade Bridle (p. 182)
Mins: Ride 2, Essence 2. Type is Reflexive. The Charm also pro- Keyword: Replace Compulsion with Servitude. Type is Simple
tects Ride vehicles and any passengers on the mount/vehicle, (Dramatic Action). Duration is Instant. If the activation roll
as well as all personal possessions carried or worn by protected succeeds, the Exalt spends a scene subduing the target animal,
characters. Reduce the cost to 0m if targeting a mount or ve- after which the benefits of Great Heart Companion automati-
hicle the Exalt owns. cally apply while riding it and the steed gains an Intimacy of
loyalty toward the Terrestrial, doing all within the limits of its
Answer: Tattooed hearthstone bracers and hearthstone amulets Question: Does tattooed armor count as armor for the purpose
would indeed possess working hearthstone settings. As for how of Martial Arts?
it works, I imagine the hearthstone is encompasses about the
edges by the mixture of moonsilver and flesh that makes up the Answer: No.
tattoo. It’s very similar to the way a skin mount amulet works,
though it counts more on the natural proclivities of moonsilver
and the malleability of Lunar flesh. Shapeshifting
Question: The write up says Tattoo Artifacts “cannot be hid-
Moonsilver Armor
Question: Can Moonsilver Armor or Moon-Faced Mail change
den by shapechanging Knacks or Charms unless such power
explicitly allows the Lunar to hide her artifacts as well.” Does shape with a Lunar to fit his new appearance? Is it only restricted
it pertain to all forms including those acquired through Sacred to human/humanoid forms or can it be used in any shape (any
Hunt (which would render the entire Background useless) or animal, demon, behemoth, etc.)?
Charm Updates Answer: It may be unusual, but it’s hardly unique in that regard.
Dodge Answer: True, despite the fact that training is involved, the
members of the unit under the command of the Sidereal gain
Issue: Duck Fate (p. 143)
Clarification: This Charm may be employed to avoid any harm- no permanent knowledge in the way one expects from a Charm
ful effect (including all undesired physical, social, mental and with the Training keyword.
spiritual influence), regardless of applicability or the scope of
the attack, so long as the Sidereal succeeds on the Charm’s ac- Investigation
tivation roll. It fails only against Limit Break and Pattern Bite.
Duck Fate’s fallible activation roll is considered a unique Flaw Embracing Life Method (p. 163)
of Invulnerability. Question: This Charm lacks the Obvious keyword, was this
Athletics Answer: Yes. The Charm isn’t Obvious according to the defini-
Forgotten Earth (p. 153) tion of that keyword. Burying a seed and spilling your blood
Question: The Charm is Reflexive, does it provide the jump, on it doesn’t immediately draw the attention of passers-by and
and if so what is the Speed of such an action? Or does it supple- inform them that magic is afoot, and the seed’s growth, though
ment the character taking a Jump action? fast, is not so fast that it does so either.
Answer: It does not provide the jump. It does, in fact, triple the
leaping distance of a regular Jump action. Lore
Issue: Of Horrors Best Unknown (p. 168)
Melee Clarification: This Charm has the Shaping Keyword. To clarify,
it brings creatures outside of fate inside of fate for a year and
Harmony of Blows (p. 155) a day, while its “Target Number”-modifying curse lasts only for
Question: This Charm says that the Sidereal “can take two extra
the first scene in which the net’s criteria are met.
attack actions.” Does this mean she makes three attacks in total?
Power: Abyssals though not past the moment of death (i.e. no minute long
postmortem window of opportunity due to immediate physi-
cal dissolution). Though no Abyssals yet realize it, Primordial
The Abyssal Condition jouten are succulent beyond imagining, yielding five motes per
Cheating Death and Eternal Life health level consumed.
The Black Exaltation of an Abyssal shields her body from the
injury that should have killed her and further heals her body of Whispers (p. 100)
all damage. Like all Exalted, deathknights surge to full motes, Storyteller-triggered insights into the future granted by an
full Willpower points and full Virtue channels in the Abyssal’s Whispers sometimes reveal tragedies and massacres
moment of their Exaltation. that will result in a large number of deaths, even if the Nev-
erborn should not be privy to that plan (such as a terrorism
Damned (p. 95) plot to detonate a Soulbreaker Orb known only to living con-
Thaumaturgical prognostication using probabilistic modeling spirators). In such cases, the Neverborn have glimpsed some
or consulting the Design of Autochthon is no more effective deeper horrid truth in the structure of the universe through
at determining an Abyssal’s future than reading the stars of their own nihilistic Charms. The dead titans cannot reliably
Creation, though rolling five or more successes reveals the do this, however, and so neither can their Whispers reliably
taint of the Void marring the reading. provide such information on demand. Prophetic visions are a
plot device, not a power.
Rejected by Creation (p. 95)
The -2 internal penalty for being in areas of living Essence ap- Anima Banner (p. 101)
plies only to non-reflexive actions. The penalty is a Crippling Replace the second and third paragraph on page 101, under
effect and may be defended against as such. Abyssals suffer in “Anima Banner,” with the following:
all realms of existence suffused with living Essence, which is
to say all places save the realms of the dead and blight zones Mortals who botch a Morale roll in the same scene as they wit-
of Autochthonia. Areas the Storyteller deems closely associ- nessed that Abyssal Exalt’s iconic anima not only flee, but must
ated with death like graveyards provide their own trappings of spend 1 Willpower point not to gouge out their own eyes in a mad-
death to keep the penalty at bay. Committing motes to block dened attempt to remove the horrors etched behind their lids (or do
the discomfort is a reflexive action. something similarly self-destructive). The unnatural Compulsion
• Any Charms which rely on the character possessing the Trait Increase Cost Training Time
Great Curse to function (such as Stubborn Boar Defense) are Caste or Favored Ability current rating x 2 tale
converted into experience, but are considered known for the
purpose of meeting Charm prerequisites. Charms that merely Other Ability current rating x 3 tale
add Limit function as stated above. Major Grace current rating x 3 tale
Minor Grace current rating x 6 tale
Charm Updates Heart Grace to 4† 20 tale
Integrity † Available only at 200+ experience.
Issue: Immortal Malevolence Enslavement
and Unconquered Hero’s Faith (p. 140) New Trait Cost Training Time
Clarification: Unconquered Hero’s Faith may never be learned
or used by any character that possesses Immortal Malevolence Charm 6 tale
Enslavement. Furthermore, Deathlords are incapable of learn- Specialty (commoner) 2 tale
ing Unconquered Hero’s Faith or any other Charm based upon
Specialty (noble) 5 tale
fundamental elements of Abyssal Exaltation.
Chapter 6: Wonders of
the Demon Realm
Chalcanth & Azoth (pp. 174-76)
Question: When purchasing Chalcanth or Azoth (at the prices
listed on p.176) instead of making it yourself, how much Essence
does it contain (meaning what should the Essence & Willpower
of the dissolved demon be treated as)? The Chalcanth Reservoir
(p.186) requires this information to function when filled with
purchased chalcanth.
Books of Sorcery
The Roll of Glorious can derive Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +16B/4, Defense
+2 or +3, Rate 2, and at least the Overwhelming tag, but
this leaves the exact Defense, the minimum Strength required,
Divinity I: Gods whether it has the Piercing tag like Marnhammar, and whether
it attunes as Orichalcum or not up in the air.
& Elementals Answer: It’s Speed 5, Accuracy
General Questions +2, Damage +16B/4, Defense
+2, Rate 2, Tags O. It requires
Priesthood (p. 169) Strength 3 to wield and costs 6
Question: The sidebar here states that Day Caste Abyssals motes of Essence to attune. It does
are always considered priests of every god. Shouldn’t that be not gain the orichalcum magical
Midnight Caste? material bonus.
Answer: It should indeed.
Answer: See below. Answer: Ghosts lose access to all Charms unique to their Exalt
Trait Increase Cost Training Time type, with the exception of Ox-Body Technique, which has a
Attribute current rating x 8 (current rating x ghostly equivalent. Martial Arts Charms, being not tied to a
3) months specific type of supernatural being, are still available to ghosts
Favored Ability (current rating x 4) – 1 (current rating x who meet their minimums, though Sidereal Martial Arts are
2) weeks too tied to the fate they’ve cheated to maintain their unlives
Ability current rating x 4 (current rating x and may not be practiced.
2) weeks
Essence current rating x 12 (current rating x Ghosts and Spirit Charms
2) months Question: The core and the underworld books mention cer-
Virtue current rating x 6 (current rating x tain ghosts having spirit charms, but nothing is mentioned on
10) weeks how they learn them. Is it the same as learning Arcanoi?
Willpower current rating x 5 (current rating x
6) weeks Answer: Yes.
Fetter current rating x 3 6 months
Directional Compasses
Answer: However you want it to look. For some mutants it Answer: Four bonus points (covered in Scroll of Heroes).
Esoteric Wisdom
Scroll of The Monk Answer: It reduces damage being dealt to the martial artist
using this Charm. It ties into the above assertion that "Those
who still try to argue find it more difficult to harm such a
Laughing Wounds Style gentle soul."
Kiss of the Whip
Question: Should this Charm have the Crippling keyword?
Answer: No.
Destiny and the Forging Charms (Sidebar, Answer: No. The style is only a Terrestrial one after all. Celes-
tial Exalts have plenty of ways to gain superior familiars already.
p. 9)
Question: The Destiny Background (normally off-limits to
Celestials) can improve the effects of one Forging Charm. If
this Path does not allow Celestial Exalted to gain Destiny, can
Celestials substitute another Trait to gain the bonus to a Forg-
ing Charm?
Answer: No.
Forging Charm
Question: Can a Celestial using Forging the Soul-Born Sword
& Forging the Armor of Integrity, create a weapon &/or armor
made of her preferred magical material, instead of jade?
Answer: The Raptok Breed Paths are The Growing Wood Path
and the Shaping Wood Path.
Scroll of Kings
Chiaroscuran Glass Blades (p. 131)
Question: No Resources cost is given for glass blades. Is this
because they are unavailable for normal Resources, because
they cost the same as non-glass blades or is it an oversight?
Question: The description of Artillery prohibits the use of
Charms not expressly for use with Artillery, except for the Ar-
chery and Thrown Excellencies. Does this imply a prohibition
against Lunars applying Dexterity Excellencies to Artillery at-
tack rolls?