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Author: John Chambers and Errata Team Prime
Editor: Peter K. Ullmann
Book Designer: Peter K. Ullmann
Art Direction & Layout: Brian Glass & Peter K. Ullmann
Cover Art: Pasi Pitkänen and UDON
Artists: Misty Coats, Jonathan Floyd, Groundbreakers Studio,
Andrew Hepworth, Imaginary Friends Studio, Shipeng Lee,
Saana “Kiyo” Lippalainen, MESS Studio, Peter Mohrbacher,
Justin Norman, Pasi Pitkänen, Mark Taduran, Andie Tong,
UDON and Melissa Uran

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LAST UPDATED ON 04/08/2010

Table of Contents
Chapter One: General Questions 5

Chapter Two: Second Edition Core 11

Chapter Three: Manuals of Exalted Power 19

Chapter Four: Books of Sorcery 57

Chapter Five: Rolls of Glorious Divinity 61

Chapter Six: Directional Compasses 65

Chapter Seven: Esoteric Wisdom 69

4 Chapter One • General Questions
Chapter One

General Questions

Issue: Backgrounds and Experience the necessary Experience, she must spend at least half of all
Clarification: The core book rules do not discuss how to raise a Experience she gains toward this Background until she is no
character’s Backgrounds. Storytellers are encouraged to adopt longer in debt.
one of two methods for this, depending upon their personal
preferences and what works for their game: For example, if Dace raids his own tomb and gains a reaver
daiklave, but doesn’t have 6 Experience points banked, then
he would still gain the daiklave but would need to invest the
Method 1: Backgrounds Cost Experience. Backgrounds may
Experience as soon as possible or lose the daiklave to story de-
be raised at the cost of 3 Experience per new dot (similar to
velopment (perhaps it is stolen by a sneaky Wyld Hunt scout).
the cost of a Specialty). Thus, an Exalt raising her Allies from
4 dots to 5 dots would pay 3 Experience points. Storytellers Method 2: Backgrounds Are Free. Backgrounds do not cost
should generally let players recover Experience invested in this any Experience to raise, but they may only be raised with the
fashion if story circumstances force the character to lose dots explicit permission of the Storyteller. The Storyteller may only
in a Background. allow the increase (or loss) of Backgrounds when dictated by
the story of the game. Although Backgrounds gained under
Such protection should not be absolute – dumb moves should this method are “free” they must still be earned via in-character
have consequences – but players shouldn’t be afraid of perma- play. For Dace to gain his ancient reaver daiklave, he must
nent losses merely at a whim, either. Should the story demand delve into his tomb, while building a mercenary unit requires
that a character gain a Background in play without having active recruitment and campaigning.

Chapter One • General Questions 5

Charms Increasing DV Directly Examples include the spell Flying Guillotine and the Solar
Question: A large number of Charms say that they add to Hero Charm Adamantine Fists of Battle from Scroll of the
“DV.” Do all of these Charms actually add directly to the DV, Monk.
or to the pool used to calculate DV? Many Charms seem writ-
ten as if they should increase the DV directly, even though Answer: When effects deal levels of damage, that damage is
the core rules say that Charms that “increase DV” should be not rolled, but merely applied as if they were all successes. Soak
considered to increase the pool. does apply as normal to this damage, however.

Answer: These do increase the DV directly, yes. The reason it Question: As a follow up to the answer that levels of damage
mentions the pool is in case the character is utilizing a Combo are soaked: How are they soaked? Before dice? After? Does one
in which a Charm that directly increases DV is used along- soak one level of damage with three points of soak?
side, say, an Excellency. So, for this purpose, a Charm that
adds +3 to your Dodge DV is effectively adding six dice to Answer: The automatic levels are soaked first. So, for example,
your (Dexterity + Dodge) pool for the purpose of deriving an attack that is inflicting 10 dice of lethal damage plus five
DV. Because you can only double any pool with such effect, if levels of lethal damage going up against a lethal soak of 7 in-
you had a (Dexterity + Dodge) of 10, you could only add the flicts eight dice of lethal damage: the five automatic levels are
equivalent of four more dice (or another effect with +2 DV) soaked first, then the first two dice of damage follow, leaving
to the example above. eight dice of damage.

Committed Motes from Peripheral Pool Question: And once again. What happens when an effect
Question: In the Exalted first edition errata it is stated that that deals Levels of Damage (say 12 Lethal Levels) dealt by a
committing peripheral motes of essence does not mean the character with Essence 5 hits someone with a soak of 9? This
anima burns for as long as the motes are committed, but only reduces the total damage to a number less than the Essence,
for the normal duration. Is it still true in Second Edition? I but what is the result? Does the character deal 5 dice of dam-
didn’t find it stated in the book but I may have overlooked. age? Or does he deal 3 levels (12-9) and 2 dice? Or can he
choose between doing 5 dice and 3 levels?
Answer: It is still true.
Answer: By a strict interpretation of the rules, he should inflict
Dealing Levels of Damage five dice of damage. It is a fair approach, however, to permit
Question: A number of effects add or deal “levels of damage.” the damage to be three automatic levels of damage, plus two
How do these interact with soak? Do they bypass it entirely? dice thereof.

6 Chapter One • General Questions

Dice Caps and Non-Splat Traits Answer: For mere mortals, that is the limit. God-Bloods of
Question: Many Charms adds dice to Traits that are not asso- various types are exceptions, however. And there are no mortal
ciated with Excellencies, such as non-Lunars gaining Damage Excellencies.
dice or Soak. Is this capped in any way, and if so how?
Persons of “Latino”
Answer: Most such limits should be stated within the text of
the Charm or effect itself, and most such Charms or effects Inclination in Creation
should have such limits stated. Rather than making a general Question: Where are they as far as the ancient overtones go?
ruling, please point out any such Charms or effects that do not Most races are represented in Exalted in some form or the
have such limits in place to Errata Team Prime. other. Where are the Latino (Aztec/Mayan/Incan) groups in

Form-Type Charms Answer: The cradle of Exalted human civilization is the Ochre
Question: All Form-type Charms lack the Combo-Basic or Fountain (introduced by name in Dreams of the First Age)
Combo-OK keywords. Being universally aspected towards once ruled by Queen Merela and centered near Rathess. It
combat, this leaves someone using these Charms very open (and to a lesser extent, the Dragon King civilization it grew
to attack, since they cannot activate defensive Charms at the out of) is similar to the groups you mention, and the human
same time at all. Many people think this discourages the use descendants of those folk still live in that area of Creation.
of Form-type Charms, or at least forces martial artists into a
particular contrivance, especially as Essence levels rise and Issue: Poisons (p. 131)
Charm-enhanced attacks become much more dangerous (the Clarification: Poisons has a chart with Damage ratings. Each
“power-up face-off”). Should these Charms perhaps have the damage rating should have a rate of damage (known as the
Combo-Basic keyword? “interval”). Arrow Frog Venom and Coral Snake Venom do
not have an interval listed. They should be intervals of 1 tick,
Answer: No. The assumption of a Form-type Charm takes and thus listed as Damage 8L/1 tick and 6L/1 tick.
time and effort. Note that you are not deprived your DV while
activating the Form-type Charm, nor are you prevented from Question: Very few Poisons list the vector. Must they all be
stunting defenses. The activation of a Form-type Charm in- introduced to a person’s system via food, drink or a cut? If you
volves the martial artist having the time and luxury to em- cut someone with a poisoned weapon but score no successes
body the sum totality of his martial knowledge of that specific on the damage roll are they poisoned? Can you smear poison
style. You’re right – you’re not always going to have that luxury. over an open wound in combat? Are there contact poisons?
That’s part of Exalted’s give-and-take system of combat. Har-
rying your opponent so that they aren’t able to get their best Answer: The three methods you mention are typically the
Charms up because they need to be constantly on the defense most efficient ways to deliver poison, though not all poisons
may be inflicted in all three ways. To deal poison damage via
against you is a viable strategy.
a weapon, one must inflict a level of lethal damage with the
weapon. Otherwise, the skin wouldn’t be broken and the vic-
Martial Arts Form Weapons tim would never be exposed to the toxin. Arguably, one could
Question: How exactly do form weapons work? Can you only try to smear poison into an open wound, but that’s a pretty
roll attacks with them using martial arts when activating a inefficient delivery method, and less likely to actually get the
charm? Or can they be used with the Martial Arts Ability per- poison into the victim’s system as the wound is likely bleeding
manently once you buy a Charm from a style? if fresh, which would carry the poison out of the wound rather
than into the body to do damage. Contact poisons do exist in
Answer: Martial arts form weapons that are defined as “martial Exalted, things such as poison oak and the like if nothing else,
arts weapons”, such as sai, are always wielded with (Dexter- but it would be a rare (and expensive) poison that could kill
ity + Martial Arts). Once a person has learned a martial art through just a touch. The Far Eastern forests probably produce
that uses, say, the slashing sword as a form weapon, she may such venoms, though.
thereafter use (Dexterity + Melee) or (Dexterity + Martial
Arts) with that weapon, typically using the score that is better.
The only exception is that she must use (Dexterity + Martial
Stunting Soak
Question: Since you can use a Stunt to add to your DV, a
Arts) when wielding the slashing sword with a Charm from the
fixed rather than rolled value, would it be possible to Stunt
supernatural martial art for which it is a form weapon.
your Soak?

Mortals and Charms Answer: Sorry, no. You may not stunt to add to your Soak,
Question: Are mortals only able to learn Terrestrial Martial because – unlike Soak – your DV is assumed to be a rolled
Arts and Terrestrial Circle Sorcery as charms? Or do there value. We just abbreviate that step and derive the DV instead.
happen to be mortal excellencies as well? It is still based on a normal dice pool.

Chapter One • General Questions 7

When does a mortal stop being a mortal? If multiple characters attempt to defend a single target, one
Question: Charm concept box Mortals (page 218 core) states guardian (generally the individual with the highest Parry DV)
“A mortal is someone who cannot spend motes of Essence becomes the leader of the guard, who actually applies his DV
to achieve effects. This includes normal people, animals and against attacks. Each additional character guarding the same
Wyld mutants.” When a mortal becomes capable of channeling ward raises the leader’s Parry DV by 1 when defending the
essence what changes precisely? Page 124 of the core states that ward. Up to five characters may simultaneously guard one
heroic mortals count stunts as one level lower than normal, but human-sized ward on open ground.
a mortal who uses essence isn’t a mortal anymore according
to the charm concept box. The same applies to rounding up/ Issue: Blockade Movement Action
down defense values (146 Core). There are also effects that Clarification: Without Charms, blocking another individual’s
specifically effect mortals differently like Flow Reversal Strike movement is a Miscellaneous Speed 5, DV -1 action. It re-
(Dragon-Blooded 208-209), Tears of the Blade (Sidereals 206), quires that the character be directly interposed between the
Soul Steel Perfected Kata Bracers (Oadenol’s Codex 42) and a individual or individuals whose movement he is attempting
number of other things that specifically state they affect mor- to restrict and the place he is attempting to keep them from
tals differently than exalted. Should mortals with essence usage reaching (such as a doorway, or another character). When the
be treated as mortals or exalted for the purposes of calculating targets attempt to move past the blocker, make a contested
these effects, and if as mortals, why even have the Charm Con- ([Strength or Dexterity] + Athletics) roll for both parties. Ties
cept: Mortals to begin with? -Update-: In the Abyssal book, favor the blocker. If the blocker wins, the target cannot move
Soul-Cleaving Wound (page 128) and Wicked Darts of Suffer- past him toward the blocked destination. If the target wins, she
ing (page 133) seems to bolster the original Charm Concept: may move as she wishes. A single blocker may impede up to
Mortals box idea that being an essence user separates you from three targets per Blockade Movement action at a time. Block-
being a mortal. ade Movement may be flurried to impede more than three
individuals at once, if needed.
Answer: A mortal who gains the ability to spend Essence may
actually effect Creation with his will in a small way to his own
benefit, even subconsciously. He’s no spirit or Exalt, but he’s
Issue: New Rule—Changing Specialties
Clarification: Once a character has three specialties for an
no run of the mill human anymore either. Think of him as
Ability, he is barred purchasing any more. While this certainly
another type of Essence user, not an Exalt any more than a
helps to define and stake out a character’s niche and signature
ghost or Dragon King is. Flow Reversal Strike would not kill
style, further growth in the character may ultimately make the
the Essence wielder outright. In this case, he’d take damage
original selection inappropriate or limiting. Characters with
like an Exalt. For Tears of the Blade, the former mortal would
three specialties can buy a new specialty at a reduced cost
suffer as a Terrestrial Exalt. Soulsteel perfected kata bracers
of two experience points, but doing so forfeits one existing
would not inflict their material-specific effect, but all other
specialty for the Ability. Once a story, this swap may be done
effects would be in force, so were I a minor Essence wielder,
for free. Learning a new specialty always requires usual train-
I’d still avoid picking fights with deathknights where possible.
ing time.
The two Abyssals Charm work as written.

Issue: Defend Other Action Issue: Charm Concept—

Clarification: Without Charms, defending another individual Reasserting Intimacies
is a Speed 5, DV -1 Miscellaneous action. It requires that the Clarification: If a Charm grants an Intimacy a character al-
character be within (Dexterity) yards of his ward, and allows ready has or specifically states that it reasserts an Intimacy, this
him to interpose his Parry DV against attacks which target the process undoes the effect of scenes spent weakening it or any
individual he is protecting. If an attacker bypasses the charac- similar “damage” to the belief.
ter’s Parry DV, she has the option of either letting the attack
continue on to the guardian’s ward (in which case the attack Issue: Speed Limit
will need to use its remaining successes to also beat the ward’s Clarification: No effect or combination of effect may reduce
DVs), or she may simply let the attack strike the guardian the Speed of an action below 3 unless it explicitly states that
himself. Parry-based perfect defenses such as Heavenly Guard- it does so.
ian Defense may be used to automatically guard others, while
dodge-based perfect defenses such as Seven Shadow Eva-
sion do not impede attacks against the character’s ward at
all. Only one Defend Other action may be placed in a flurry.

8 Chapter One • General Questions

Chapter One • General Questions 9
10 Chapter One • General Questions
Chapter Two

Second Edition

General Questions level of display, he automatically subtracts one level of damage

from attacks in step 10 instead; the character may choose to
Solar Visions at Exaltation (p. 32) waive this benefit to invoke his anima effect in response to a
Question: Are there any official guidelines on which Solars source of damage at normal cost, if desired. The anima powers
receive visions from the Unconquered Sun upon exaltation? of the Daybreak and Defiler Castes also work in this manner.
There seems to be some confusion about the official ruling on
this, where a common belief is the Unconquered Sun sends vi- Eclipse Solars/Moonshadow Abyssals
sions solely to those of the Zenith Caste, and to no other caste.
and Prerequisite Charms (pp. 99-100)
Question: Are Eclipse Caste Solars and Moonshadow Caste
Answer: Basically, any Solar may receive a message or vision
Abyssals able to “cherry pick” from other Exalted charm trees,
from the Unconquered Sun upon his or her Exaltation, but
or are they required to purchase all prerequisite charms? If the
Zeniths always do. latter is the case, can similar Solar charms substitute for these
Twilight Anima Banner (pp. 95-96)
By spending 5 motes, a Twilight Caste may roll a number of dice Answer: All a Charm’s prerequisites must be purchased before
equal to his Essence rating, negating a number of levels of dam- that Charm may be purchased. Substitutions may be made
age from an attack in step 10 of attack resolution equal to the from Mirror Charms as explained on pages 120-121 of The
number of successes. When his anima banner flares at the 11m+ Manual of Exalted Power-The Abyssals.

Chapter Two • Second Edition Core 11

Eclipse Solars/Moonshadow Abyssals I don’t believe there will be a need for them to go higher than
10 in this edition.
and Permanent Charms (pp. 99-100)
Question: When Eclipse Caste Solars and Moonshadow Caste
Abyssals buy a permanent charm from another Exalted’s charm Willpower Recovery (p. 115)
tree, are they required to pay the 2m surcharge, and if so are Question: What effects, if any, should a botch on Willpower
these motes committed permanently? recovery incur?

Answer: They are not required to do so in the case of perma- Answer: None. No Willpower is recovered, but nothing else
nent Charms. happens. Typically, that result is bad enough.

Parry and Specialties (p. 106) Stunts and DV (p. 124)

Question: Do Melee (or Martial Arts) specialties with the ap- Question: On page 124 the core book states that dice from
stunts are added directly to DVs, as though they had been
propriate weapon (such as Melee with 3 Swords specialties
successes. On pages 147 and 148, it says that they are rolled
when using a sword) increase the die pool used to calculate
and that any resulting successes are then added to DVs. Which
Parry DV when parrying with that weapon?
rule is correct?
Answer: Yes. Answer: The first instance on p. 124 is the correct one.

Backgrounds Issue: Falling Damage (pp. 126-127)

Clarification: Falling damage is not considered an environ-
Resources (pp. 113-114) mental hazard, and cannot be defended against by Heavenly
Question: Any Solar Exalt that puts the least effort into at-
Guardian Defense or similar Charms (with the exception of
tempting to make money can be at Resources 5 within two
Duck Fate); only damage negation (such as Adamant Skin
weeks, making Resources rather weak as a starting Back-
Technique), effects which negate falling damage (such as the
ground. In several other White Wolf games, Resources can
Air Aspect anima power), or not falling from a great height in
and will require significant efforts on the part of the players
the first place may protect the character from falling damage.
to earn. However, given the relative ease that they are ac-
complished in Exalted, would it make more sense to reduce
this background’s cost? Issue: Perfect Defenses and
Answer: No.
Environmental Damage (pp. 130-131)
Clarification: In the event that a character with a combat-
Essence Ratings over 10 (pp. 114-115) applicable perfect defense finds himself subjected to environ-
Question: There is some confusion as to whether it is possible mental damage, he may be capable of applying the perfect
for a being’s Essence rating to ever exceed 10. On one hand, defense to that damage. At the Storyteller’s discretion, if it is
there are references to Greater Elemental Dragons with Es- imaginable for a character to temporarily avoid the environ-
sence ratings of “10 or greater” (supported by the fact that the mental hazard by dodging or blocking (for example, using a
Kukla is identified as “of middling power” at Essence 10), an perfect dodge to remain safe in the face of a rock slide), any
Alchemical who transforms into a transcendent Essence 14 perfect defense may be used to provide such protection. One
being, and the fact that no maximum Essence rating is men- invocation protects the character for the length of one dam-
tioned in the Traits chapter. On the other hand, there is Soul age interval.
Fire Shaper Form, the fact that no being with a full write-up
has an Essence rating over 10, and the assumption of several In the event that the Storyteller judges that there is no pos-
writers that it should not exceed 10. Are they capped at 10? sible way for any dodge or parry, no matter how skilled, to
protect the character from a source of environmental damage
Answer: The second-edition assumption is that no being will (such as if the character were fully immersed in lava), then
be portrayed as having an Essence greater than 10. That said, the character may only protect himself with perfect defenses
the system’s creation process is a fluid one, and if there were which are capable of blocking the unblockable or dodging the
ever a true mechanical need for Essence’s to go higher, it likely undodgeable, such as Heavenly Guardian Defense or Seven
would. As of right now, I don’t see it happening. Essence 10 Shadow Evasion. These defenses must still be invoked on every
clearly would provide more power to some beings than others. damage interval, necessitating that the character escape the
For instance, a Deathlord with Essence 10, Willpower 10 and environmental hazard very quickly, lest he run out of motes
5 in all her Virtues would have a total of 320 motes available and face certain death.
to her, while a Lunar with the same stats would only have
110 motes available. One can imagine the disparity between Perfect defenses which function by negating damage (such as
a Deathlord and an Incarna is even greater, to say nothing of Adamant Skin Technique) may, of course, always be used to
that between her and her Neverborn master. For that reason, defend the character from environmental hazards.

12 Chapter Two • Second Edition Core

Blindness Penalties (p. 135) Charm Issues
Question: According to page 135 of the core book, a character
being blind imposes a -4 internal penalty. According to the Social Charm Keywords
“Sample Amputation effects” on page 152, losing both eyes Question: Some of the Social combat charms seem like they
inflicts a -4 external penalty. Which may be missing keywords. Some examples are: Hypnotic
is correct? Tongue Technique (Add Keyword: Compulsion), Authority-
Radiating Stance (Add Keyword: Illusion), Unbreakable Fas-
Answer: The -4 external penalty. cination Method (Add Keyword: Compulsion).

Answer: This isn’t really a question, but yes there are some
Foraging for Food (p. 139-140) keyword mistakes in the Exalted core.
Question: The Ration-Enhancing Charm found on page 183
Manual of Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded states that “while
the Charm is in effect, the hunting party finds twice as much Perfect Defenses and Attacks (p. 179)
food as the results on any Survival rolls would otherwise dic- Question: While the Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object
tate”. The Exalted Core rulebook does not mention any rules rules (p. 179) settle a lot of conflict between Charms, is the
for finding food in the wilderness. What are the rules for the rule absolute, or are they a base guideline which can be over-
amount of food found with a Survival roll? What kind of roll ruled by Charms which contradict it the core rule, allowing for
is needed? exceptions (for example, Charms which say they can bypass a
perfect defense)?
Answer: The rules for food foraging and hunting are indeed in
the Exalted core, on page 139 under the “Endure Wilderness Answer: The rule is absolute where the defense is appropriate
(Survival)” header. and applicable. As mentioned above, Seven Shadow Evasion
won’t protect a character from social attacks, merely physical
Issue: Perfect Defense and DV ones.

Application (pp. 147-148) Question: After using a Perfect Defense that parries an attack
Clarification: For the purpose of Charms which may only trig- (HGD), can you use counterattacks such as Solar Counterat-
ger when a DV is applied to an attack (such as Solar Counterat- tack that require the use of your Parry DV (since DV was not
tack), perfect defenses such as Heavenly Guardian Defense do actually used in any computation)?
count as applying the character’s DV to the attack.
Answer: Not unless these Charms were in a Combo together.
Mass Combat; Shields (p. 161)
Question: In order for the commander to gain the DV benefit Issue: Applicability of Perfect
of a shield, is it necessary for both the commander and the
complementary unit to use shields, or can it be just from either
Defenses (p. 179)
Clarification: Where two effects make absolute statements
one? Or, if both the commander and the complementary unit which conflict, and one effect is an attack, and the other is a
use shields, do the benefits stack? Does the formation of the defense, the defense always takes priority. For this purpose, the
unit modify only the DV benefits of the complementary unit’s statement “this attack is unblockable” and “this attack can-
shields? In other words, does the commander’s shield even not be blocked” are considered equivalent, and would pierce
matter at all in Mass Combat? certain ‘perfect’ defenses—for example, the Sidereal Charm
Impeding the Flow will not stop an unblockable attack (Im-
Answer: For a shield to matter in mass combat, the majority of peding the Flow specifically notes that it is fallible in the face
the unit would have to be outfitted with the same sort of shield. of unblockable attacks, and so there is no conflict). However,
the Solar Charm Heavenly Guardian Defense will block such
attacks, because Heavenly Guardian Defense states that it is
Mass Combat, Close Formation (p. 162) capable of doing so. These two statements (can’t be blocked /
Question: Does this also mean that close formation is the pre-
can block even unblockable attacks) are in conflict, and since
ferred formation for all units in Creation?
the first statement is an attack, and the second a defense,
Heavenly Guardian Defense takes priority.
Answer: No.
In the case of attacks which state that they defeat even perfect
Mental Defense Value (p. 172) defenses, such as the shockwave produced by a Soulbreaker
Dodge MDV is listed as being figured with ((Willpower + In- Orb, this applies only to perfect defenses which do not pos-
tegrity + pertinent specialty + Essence) ÷ 2) rounded down. sess the ‘block the unblockable/dodge the undodgeable’ clause,
In this specific instance, Willpower is treated as an Attribute such as certain Dragon-Blooded, Alchemical, and Martial Arts
for the purposes of Charm bonus maximums. Charms.

Chapter Two • Second Edition Core 13

As a final note, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Seven Shadow
Evasion, and all other combat-oriented perfect defenses do
not apply to social attacks unless they explicitly state that this
is so. The single exception to this rule is the Sidereal Charm
Duck Fate.

Committing Motes to Charms (p. 184)

Question: The sidebar on page 184 of the core book, under
“Committed Essence” mentions that it applies to Charms of
“indefinite” duration. Does this mean any Charm with a du-
ration greater than “Instant,” or specifically Charms with a
duration of “Indefinite?”

Answer: Any Charm with a duration greater than Instant ties

up the motes of Essence used to fuel it for the duration of
the Charm, and those motes may not be recovered until the
Charm ends.

Issue: The Four Flaws of

Invulnerability—Conviction Flaw (p. 194)
Clarification: All Solar perfect defenses suffer from one of
the Four Flaws of Invulnerability. Storytellers may find that
the Conviction Flaw interacts poorly with certain broad Mo-
tivations, rendering it almost impossible to exploit without es-
sentially railroading characters into moments of vulnerability.
Since the Conviction Flaw is certainly not intended to serve
as ‘no Flaw,’ the following rule is suggested:

Conviction Flaw: Charms carrying this Flaw do not function

when the character has taken some action during the scene that
is contrary to her Motivation. If, during the scene, she has acted
against any Intimacy, or a Virtue she has rated at 3+, then Charms
with this Flaw add a +3m surcharge to their activation cost.

Elusive Dream Defense (pp. 200-201)
Question: The Charm lists a duration of Instant (Story). Does
this mean the motes are committed for the rest of the story?

Answer: Yes.

Issue: Adamant Skin Technique (p. 207)
Clarification: As a point of clarification, this Charm (and its
Abyssal mirror Wounds Mean Nothing) reduces the raw and
final damage of an incoming attack or similar phenomenon
to zero after all other modifiers and effects. Damage added
to an attack after soak is applied, such as by Fire and Stones
Strike, cannot harm a character who activates Adamant Skin

14 Chapter Two • Second Edition Core

Survival such text. Does this mean that this rule does not apply to Solar
Hero Form, or was the “one form at a time rule” intended to be
Element-Resisting Prana (p. 210) a sidebar covering Supernatural MAs in general?
Question: There is some question as to what “directly inflict-
ed” means in this Charm. Does this mean that environmental Answer: It was an oversight. Only one Form may be active
damage that has as it’s source a character bypasses this Charm? at once.
For instance, Dragon Vortex Attack produces environmental
damage, but since it is produced by the volition of another
character, would that then render Element-Resisting Prana
Snake Style (p. 240)
Question: This style does not state whether it can be used
useless against it?
while wearing armor, or if it has any Form Weapons. Solar Hero
Style had the same problem, but was addressed in Scroll of the
Answer: Yes, environmental damage inflicted via Charms,
Monk. Unfortunately, Snake Style was skipped over. In First
spells, etc. are replicating natural environmental damage, but
Edition you could not wear armor while using Snake Style. Is
it isn’t actually natural. These are supernatural assaults. So,
this still true and does it have any Form Weapons?
cite your example, Dragon Vortex Attack would, in fact, be
able to inflict damage to someone under the aegis of Element-
Answer: One may not wear armor and practice Snake Style.
Resisting Prana.
Its form weapons are seven-section staves and hook swords,
plus their artifact equivalents.
Monkey Leap Technique (p. 223) Sorcery and DV (p. 251)
Question: This Charm doubles the distance of Jumps, and Question: Page 251 says “Shaping a spell takes the character
allows you to jump with a move action. Does this mean you out of active participation in a battle—he may operate on com-
can Jump EVERY tick or are you still limited to only once bat time, but he cannot focus on or react to events. He cannot
every 5 ticks? use Charms or Combos, including reflexive Charms. He can-
not take voluntary reflexive actions, such as speech, Move or
Answer: Only once every five ticks, as normal. Dash. He can benefit from the established effects of ongoing
or permanent Charms, and he can—as a special exception to
the rule on reflexive actions— activate his anima.” Does the
Issue: Defense of Possessions (p. 238) character still get benefit of normal DV? Also, does having to
Clarification: Attempts to attack equipment or items on the
use that DV (if possible), or getting attacked in general, count
character’s person (for example, to slash apart a treaty stuck
as being “distracted” (and so provoke a Wits + Occult roll)?
through a loop on the character’s belt) are treated as attacks di- Answer: A sorcerer does get the benefit of normal DV (hence
rected at the character, and may be defended against as normal. the DV modifications given under the various Shape Sorcery
actions). Getting attacked would likely count as a distraction,
requiring said (Wits + Occult) roll be made after the results of
the attack were found. As explained on page 251 of Exalted,
an external penalty equal to the health levels lost would be
subtracted from the roll’s successes.

Backgrounds and Experience (pp. 272-274)

The core book rules do not discuss how to raise a character’s
Backgrounds. Storytellers are encouraged to adopt one of two
methods for this, depending upon their personal preferences
and what works for their game:

Method 1: Backgrounds Cost Experience. Backgrounds may

be raised at the cost of 3 Experience per new dot (similar to
the cost of a Specialty). Thus, an Exalt raising her Allies from
4 dots to 5 dots would pay 3 Experience points. Storytellers
Supernatural Martial Arts should generally let players recover Experience invested in this
Snake Form and Solar Hero Form (pp. 240-244) fashion if story circumstances force the character to lose dots in
Question: The last paragraph of the Snake Form charm states a Background. Such protection should not be absolute – dumb
“Characters cannot use more than one Martial Arts Form-type moves should have consequences – but players shouldn’t be
charm at a time. The character must end Snake Form to as- afraid of permanent losses merely at a whim, either. Should
sume another Martial Arts form.” Solar Hero Form contains no the story demand that a character gain a Background in play

Chapter Two • Second Edition Core 15

without having the necessary Experience, she must spend at
least half of all Experience she gains toward this Background
until she is no longer in debt. Seven Leaping Dragon Stone (p. 384)
Question: This stone is considered underpowered by many
For example, if Dace raids his own tomb and gains a reaver daiklave, players. Wouldn’t it work better if it was also adding a +2DV to
but doesn’t have 6 Experience points banked, then he would still Martial Arts Parries on top of the 4 dice to Martial Arts attack
rolls? It’s a level 4 Hearthstone, you know.
gain the daiklave but would need to invest the Experience as soon
as possible or lose the daiklave to story development (perhaps it is
Answer: I believe it is fine as is, and I am aware of its level.
stolen by a sneaky Wyld Hunt scout).

Method 2: Backgrounds Are Free. Backgrounds do not cost The Cost of Equipment (p. 356)
any Experience to raise, but they may only be raised with the Some equipment items have a listed cost of “-”. This doesn’t
explicit permission of the Storyteller. The Storyteller may only mean that the items are actually free, merely that their cost
allow the increase (or loss) of Backgrounds when dictated by is negligible.
the story of the game. Although Backgrounds gained under
this method are “free” they must still be earned via in-character The Cost of Artifacts (p. 385)
play. For Dace to gain his ancient reaver daiklave, he must The Cost of Artifacts is in dots of Artifact rating rather than in
delve into his tomb, while building a mercenary unit requires Resources, unlike non-Artifact weapons and armor.
active recruitment and campaigning.
Neither of these procedures is inherently better than the other, p. 279 – Farmer/Citizen template Dodge DV should be 1.
so Storytellers are encouraged to use whichever method proves
best for their game. Neither method obviates the fact that the p. 279 – Green Troops template Dodge DV should be 2/1.
character must earn the Background in play. One method sim-
ply requires that players invest Experience in Backgrounds just p. 280 – Elite Soldiers template Dodge DV should be 2/0.
as they do in other Traits.
p. 280 – Mortal Hero template Dodge DV should be 4/2.
Essence should be 1.

p. 280 – Savants/Elders/Thaumaturges template Dodge DV

should be 3/2.

p. 282 – God-Blooded template Dodge DV should be 4/2.

p. 291 – Gryphon has a listed Claw Speed of 9. It should be 5.

p. 291 – Buck-Ogre template has no listed Defense value for

its axes. It has a Parry DV of 2.

p. 296 – Principle of Motion says that the Extra Actions gained

via this Charm CAN be further split into multiple actions. This
is wrong – the extra actions gained from this Charm cannot
Stats (pp. 278-350) be used for a flurry. Also, the text says that the actions can be
Question: Almost all of the antagonists have a “defense” stat.
used to dodge/defend; this was a holdover from first edition,
Why is it the pre-calculated PDV that is listed? and should be ignored. And as a clarification, the Essence spent
on this Charm is not committed.
Answer: It was an error introduced because at the last minute
we decided it would be easier for folks to have this stat al- p. 302 – Dragon’s Suspire does not have a Speed listed in its
ready calculated as with Dodge DV. So, the numbers ended up write-up. It should be Speed 6.
changed, but not the label to Parry DV. Antagonists presented
in subsequent books do have that change made as well. p. 303 – Fakharu template Dodge DV should be 8 (9 in Dragon
Form). Fakharu’s Claws are listed at Speed 7, Bite at Speed 9
Question: Is there a reason as to why Mask of Winters can’t and Dragon’s Suspire at Speed 10 – this should be Claw Speed
read? He doesn’t have any dots in Lore, which is normally what 5, Bite Speed 6, and Dragon’s Suspire Speed 6.
shows you can read.
p. 303 – Huraka template Claws are listed at Speed 7, Bite at
Answer: It’s just a mistake on our part. He should possess Speed 9 and Dragon’s Suspire at Speed 10 – this should be Claw
Lore 10. Speed 5, Bite Speed 6, and Dragon’s Suspire Speed 6.

16 Chapter Two • Second Edition Core

p. 306 – Wood Spider Dragon’s Suspire listed at Speed 10. This p. 370 – Wind-Fire Wheel cost is correct at 2, but it should
should be Speed 6. be ••.

p. 309 – Octavian’s template has Malfean Iron Staff with Speed p. 384 – Wilderness Gem description should read “take part”
of 7. This should be 6. rather than “take place”.

p. 310 – Erymanthoi bone club listed with Speed 7. This should p. 388 – Serpent-Sting Staff should have Cost 2 listed as Cost
be Speed 5, like other clubs. ••.

p. 318 – Hungry Ghost has a Claw Speed 7. This should be 5.

p. 319 – Nemissaries Dodge DV should be 4/3.

p. 370 – Sai should be Cost •• for both lines of the item’s stat
strip (bottom line has it listed as Cost •).

p. 370 – Axe/Hatchet has an asterisk (*) under Tags. That

asterisk should be noted as “Weapon can also be used as a
Melee weapon.”

p. 371 – Club has an asterisk (*) under Tags. That asterisk

should be noted as “Weapon can also be used as a Melee

p. 371 – Javelin has an asterisk (*) under Tags. That aster-

isk should be noted as “Weapon can also be used as a Melee

p. 371 – Thrown Knife has an asterisk (*) under Tags. That

asterisk should be noted as “Weapon can also be used as a
Melee weapon.”

p. 388 – Sky-Cutter is Attune 4 and Cost ••. The values were


p. 389 – Sling of Deadly Prowess is Attune 3 and Cost •. The

values were switched.

p. 389 – Infinite Jade Chakram is Attune 5 and Cost ••. The

values were switched.

p. 389 – Short Powerbow is Attune 4 and Cost ••. The values

were switched.

p. 389 – Long Powerbow is Attune 6 and Cost •••. The values

were switched.

p. 392 – Lightning Torment Hatchets should be Cost •••.

This is correct in the header, but not in the actual stat strip.

p. 392 – Daiklave of Conquest should be Cost •••••. This is

correct in the header, but not in the actual stat strip.

p. 377 – Tower Shield should read “suffers an additional” rather

than “suffers an additionally”.

p. 369 – Fighting Chain should have Cost 1 listed as Cost •.

Chapter Two • Second Edition Core 17

18 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power
Chapter Three

Manuals of
Exalted Power

The Manual of Exalted Dragon-Blood and the other’s a patrician of good stock with
Dragon-Blooded relatives, the child Exalts on a roll of 1-4.
If both parents are Dragon-Bloods, the child Exalts on a roll
Power: Dragon-Blooded of 1-6. The Breeding Background adds to the number that
must be rolled, and it applies from both parents if both have
General Questions high enough Breeding. Thus, if two Dragon-Bloods, one with
The Breeding Background Breeding 4 and one with Breeding 5, have a child, the child
will Exalt on a roll of 1-9 (the normal 1-6 for the child of two
and Exalting Children
Terrestrials, plus 1 for the Breeding 4 parent, plus another 2
Question: The Breeding background boosts the roll for a child
for the Breeding 5 parent).
of a Dragon-Blood to Exalt, but such rules are not present in
the book. What is the roll for Exalting the children of Dragon-
Blooded, and do those rules include the child’s Aspect and Breeding Background Costs for Lookshy
Breeding? Question: The Breeding background seems to contradict itself
for Lookshy Dragon-Blooded. On page 94 it says that it costs
Answer: It involves rolling a single 10-sided die. If both par- 4, 7, and 10 bonus points to gain the third, fourth, and fifth
ents are patricians of proper breeding with numerous Drag- dots in Breeding. Page 106 says that the costs for the fourth
on-Blooded relatives, the child Exalts on a roll of 1-2. If one and fifth dots are doubled for Lookshy Terrestrials. What is the
parent’s a Dragon-Blood and the other is a mortal of poor total cost in background/bonus points for Lookshy characters
breeding, the child will Exalt on a roll of 1-3. If one parent’s a to have a Breeding of 4 or 5?

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 19

Answer: For a Lookshy Dragon-Blood, Breeding 4 costs 14 Elemental effects function differently than printed. The -2
bonus points, while Breeding 5 would cost 20 (which is pa- internal penalty for buffeting should be a -1 external penalty.
tently impossible except in games using the Merits and Flaws Charms that induce knockback or knockdown with a success-
presented in Scroll of Heroes). ful hit always function and do not afford a roll for the victim
to avoid falling prone. Further, hurling someone back or prone
is a Knockback effect and only imposes the buffeting penalty
Fire Aspect Anima on complementary unit targets unless the Charm encompasses
Question: Page 97 states that Fire Aspects who activate their
most of the area the unit occupies. References to bonus lev-
animas are immune to fire, whereas page 117 has no mention.
els of damage (usually via fire) add dice instead. Wood toxins
Are they immune to fire while their animas are up?
are a Poison effect and any penalties they impose are internal.
Although they do not stack, these toxins automatically take
Answer: Fire Aspects are immune to natural fires while their
hold with a successful hit to impose their usual penalty; the
animas flare.
victim receives no roll to avoid this. For reference, the Wood
anima toxin is: Damage (Essence)L/action, Toxicity (Essence),
Wood Aspect Anima Tolerance None, Penalty –(half Essence) and inflicts one dose
Question: What are the statistics for the Wood Aspect anima’s per action to each victim who makes skin-to-skin contact,
poison? whether momentary or continuous.

Answer: Damage (Essence)/Minute; Toxicity (Essence); Tol-

erance (None); Penalty –[(Essence)/2], rounded up.
A complementary unit primarily composed of creatures of dark-
Reflexive Martial Arts Charms ness is itself considered such for the purpose of Holy Charms.
Question: Can Terrestrials make free use of Reflexive Martial
Arts Charms?
Leader #
Any character capable of acting in mass combat may use
Answer: Yes.
Charms as explained on p. 166 of Exalted, including unit
commanders. However, applying non-Excellency Charms to
Issue: New and Updated Keywords enhance the entire unit’s action or to extend the benefits of
a personal Charm to the entire unit normally require justi-
Action-Only fication as a form of special stunt. Charms with the Leader
A reflexive Charm with this keyword can only be activated on
keyword do not require this justification and have the same
a tick when the character acts and only once per tick. It may
overall function in mass combat when leading a complemen-
not be used on the ticks between actions.
tary unit as they do normally, whether to enhance the unit or
the unit’s actions. Unit bonuses also apply normally to use of
Cooperative (pp. 127-128) these Charms. Unless specific differences are noted, Leader
Close contact means that each participating Dragon-Blood Charms operate identically in both personal and mass combat.
must be within five yards of one or more other participants to When the Leader keyword lists a number beside it, an Exalt
harmonize animas. must have that Essence rating to apply the Charm to a unit
she leads. Cooperative Charms with a Leader function allow
Dynasty (Lords of Creation, p. 77) the led unit to join with its special characters to produce the
A Charm with this keyword has special effects on human de- usual magnified effect. By definition, Charms with the Leader
scendants and occasionally other blood relatives. For these keyword automatically have the War keyword.
purposes, a blood relative is defined as anyone with whom
the character shares a common ancestor no more than five
generations back. A descendant is anyone who traces direct
Purity # (Lords of Creation, p. 77)
Charms with this keyword channel the Elemental Dragons
lineage to the Exalt, regardless of the number of generations.
through birthright, requiring the minimum Breeding indicated
Some Charms differentiate between relatives who are mortal
in parentheses to learn them. The Eclipse anima and similar
versus Dragon-Blooded, as noted in their description. Celestial
powers allow these Charms to be learned without Breeding
Exalted are never considered blood relatives or descendants
as though their minimum Essence was one dot higher. The
unless a Charm explicitly says so.
steady dilution of the Dragon-Blooded race has made Purity
magic vanishingly rare, almost legendary. Knowing about each
Elemental (p. 128) of these Charms requires an (Intelligence + Occult) roll at
When the same or different Charms list effects that vary by a difficulty of the highest minimum trait required for them.
element which are functionally identical, these effects never Incidentally, this is also the difficulty to know about the spe-
stack. For example, a target choking on seawater cannot have cial support effects of each Terrestrial Charm capable of aiding
his action delayed more than three ticks by repeatedly hit- Celestial Exalted leaders, as the Immaculate Order does its
ting him with further action-delaying attacks. Some common utmost to stamp out this heretical knowledge.

20 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

All special characters in a complementary unit and that unit’s
champion during mid-battle duels are fellow officers to one
another. If a Charm functions differently when targeting a fel-
low officer, it deactivates if that relationship no longer applies
due to either character leaving the unit. Cooperative Charms
ignore their usual range limit for close contact when used by
fellow officers, as the unit itself conducts the harmonization.

Charm Updates
General Charms
Issue: Terrestrial (Ability)
Reinforcement (pp. 128-129)
Keyword: War. No contact is required to target a fellow officer;
Exalted fellow officers may have Abilities raised higher than
twice their rating (but still no higher than the donor’s rat-
ing). With Essence 4+, targeting an Exalted unit leader and
committing additional motes equal to the unit’s Magnitude
simultaneously applies the Charm to every member of the unit.
Only Exalted fellow officers ignore the twice rating cap for a
unit blessing, but boosting rank and file can increase the unit’s
Close Combat Rating or Ranged Combat Rating.

Issue: Language-Learning Ritual (p. 129)
Keyword: Stackable. Each commitment sustains fluency in a
different language (written fluency requires Lore 1).

Issue: Cipher Missive (p. 129)

Deciphering a document created with this Charm is an extend-
ed action with a difficulty of (Exalt’s Essence rating), cumula-
tive difficulty equal to the successes the Dragon-Blood rolled
and a roll interval of (Exalt’s Essence rating) days.

Issue: Craft Icon (p. 130)

Replace the word “reduce” in the second paragraph with “re-

Issue: Thousand Tongues Meditation (p. 130)

The Exalt can reflexively shift which characters the Charm
targets at will.

Issue: Poisoned Tongue Technique (pp. 130-131)

Keyword: War. The listed duration means the character must
constantly reactivate the Charm to maintain its effects, but
the cost to do so is 0m so long as the Exalt keeps targeting
the same overall conversation. If using this Charm to alter the
resolution of a target’s social attacks, the Terrestrial replaces
the target’s dice pool with his own (Manipulation + [Presence
or Performance as appropriate to the type of address]) and may
use the hijacked action to do anything that is normally pos-
sible with a social attack using that dice pool (within the limits

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 21

established by the successes rolled). Social attacks enhanced
by magic are beyond the power of this Charm to twist. Used
in mass combat to target an enemy unit in range, each success Issue: Elemental Concentration Trance (p. 132)
reduces the total number of relays it is considered to have This Charm can accelerate training times for any Charm that
(communication failure can result). If the unit leader realizes shares the Terrestrial’s aspect or non-magical trait. Charms to
this is going on and successfully rallies for organization, relays learn sorcery or necromancy are never eligible, regardless of
aspect. The Charm may also be used to speed research or other
are restored and the unit is immune to further use of the Charm
actions to gain information from available sources.
for the rest of the scene.

Issue: Voice of Mastery (p. 131) Issue: Eternal Mind Meditation (pp. 132-133)
The Exalt can contest the effects of any Charm that altered
The Charm’s targets can’t be reset without reactivation.
the character’s memories using a standard roll-off, though the
character must first think to check the altered recollection. He
Issue: Wind-Carried Words Technique (p. 131) can also focus on memories associated with an Intimacy (which
Keywords: Social. The Charm can target any location the Exalt reasserts it) or his Motivation, doubling the MDV bonuses or
can describe, as noted. If the intended recipient is within (Es- penalties that trait provides in Social Combat for the scene as
sence x 5) miles of that location and is not in an airtight room, long as he is not already focusing on it.
the message finds them. The message can carry a single normal
Presence-based social attack as part of activating the Charm, Issue: Elemental Bolt Attack (pp. 133-134)
but this attack can’t be further augmented with Charms besides Keyword: Leader. Additional purchases of this Charm enable
Presence Excellencies. evocation of elements other than the Terrestrial’s aspect, but
each activation can only express one known element. The bolt
Issue: Speech Without Words (pp. 131-132) may also be aimed with Thrown. Characters can always en-
hance a bolt’s accuracy with Lore Excellencies (or Athletics
The Exalt must be able to see all participants at the time of acti-
Excellencies, if using that Ability). If using Archery or Thrown,
vation and can’t change them without reactivation. The roll to
the character can enhance it as normal for an attack using the
transmit or understand complex messages is reflexive and man-
Ability and may place Elemental Bolt Attack in a Combo with
datory, with a difficulty of 1-5 set by the Storyteller. Social at-
Charms of that Ability. The accuracy bonus for Cooperative
tacks may be conveyed through gestures, but may also require use of the Charm does not count against Charm dice bonus
a transmission roll for complex statements and automatically limits; the only limit is the number of Dragon-Blooded who
fail to affect targets who do not make a required understanding may be gathered together to unleash the fury of the elements.
roll. A second purchase at Linguistics 5+ removes the need Any special character can contribute to a Cooperative activa-
for transmission/understanding rolls and allows participants to tion, even heroes and relays.
gesture subtly enough that onlookers fail to recognize them as
communication without a (Perception + Awareness) roll at a
difficulty of the Exalt’s Essence.
Elemental Burst Technique (p. 134)
The Charm type is Permanent, purchase of which adds a new
“setting” to Elemental Bolt Attack that functions as described
Issue: With One Mind (p. 132) for Elemental Burst Technique (subject to the pertinent rules
Keywords: Dynasty, War. This Charm links the Exalt and up to established above for a standard Elemental Bolt Attack). The
(Linguistics rating) individuals she can perceive within a mile Exalt assigns the setting per activation.
for as long as those characters stay within this radius. Double
the number of maximum participants if all members are blood Occult
relatives of the Terrestrial. The activation cost is 1m per char-
acter, but this is waived for any character the Exalt gifts with Issue: Harmonious Wind-Luring Song (p. 134)
Type is Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks, -0 DV). Duration is one
trait dots. The difficulty of the roll to coordinate attacks by
day. This Charm does not summon an actual spirit, but rather
linked members is only 1 and they may always parry on each
invokes the power of such beings to create winds that may
other’s behalf as though they had used a Defend Other ac-
blow anywhere within a radius of (Occult x 100) yards around
tion to set this up. Trait dots conferred by this Charm cannot
the Terrestrial. Multiple currents can blow in different direc-
increase another’s rating above the Exalt’s rating. Because the tions within the radius, typically to help allies while hindering
same bonus must be purchased for each beneficiary, the Ter- enemies. When using this Charm to speed or slow a vehicle
restrial must still purchase wasted dots to give a higher bonus propelled by the wind (such as a ship or airboat with sails), the
to members who can benefit from them. Used in mass combat, net modifier to per tick speed is the Exalt’s (Sail + Essence)
the Charm can link a unit leader with fellow officers, all of and this is applied after any adjustments to the vehicle’s own
whom count as one additional relay regardless of actual role. speed. Changing the wind’s direction or rearranging where it

22 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

blows within the permitted radius is a diceless miscellaneous Issue: Soundless Action Prana (p. 136)
action. Characters using this Charm are ineligible targets for (Percep-
tion + Awareness) rolls based solely on hearing. For example,
Issue: Spirit-Grounding Shout (p. 134) if the Exalt is moving around a room, but a closed door bars
Keyword: Shaping. A spirit forced to materialize must still pos- any visual detection, the sounds he would otherwise make do
sess the Materialize Charm to do so, but accomplishes forced not prompt checks to notice him. Human-range senses other
materialization reflexively. If the spirit lacks sufficient motes than vision and hearing are insufficiently acute to detect things
to accomplish this, the Terrestrial knows how many motes are at any real range, so an Exalt using Soundless Action Prana
still required and may pay them. If he does not, the spirit also with full visual cover is basically undetectable without magic.
spends no motes and the Charm does nothing.

Issue: Zone of Silence Stance (p. 136)

Issue: Spirit-Chaining Strike (pp. 134-135) See Soundless Action Prana above. Obviously, this Charm
Keywords: Crippling, Leader. Each threshold success on the ac- suppresses spoken social attacks. If magic is used inside the
tivation roll imposes a cumulative -1 internal penalty. A spirit zone that functions via sound through than producing sound
becomes Inactive but fully conscious for a scene once the total
as an incidental effect, a standard roll-off determines whether
penalty imposed by all activations of this Charm exceeds its
it ignores the zone or fails to work (and in which case no costs
Essence rating. The only actions a paralyzed spirit can take are
are paid, though an action may be wasted, depending on the
mental actions that do not affect others. Leader only applies
if attacking a solo unit or special character spirit while com- magic).
manding a unit whose attacks can hit that spirit. A paralyzed
spirit ceases to be a special character and drops out of its unit. Issue: Distracting Breeze Meditation (p. 137)
Keyword: Leader 4. Leader allows the targeting of enemy units
Issue: Spirit-Shredding Attack (p. 135) as though they were individuals.
Keywords: Leader. Each threshold success on the activation
roll strips away (Exalt’s Essence rating)m from the spirit as a Issue: Trackless Passage Style (p. 137)
Shaping effect. The imposition of permanent death with a kill- Keyword: Leader 4. Leader treats dots of Magnitude as indi-
ing blow is not Shaping. Leader applies as per Spirit-Chaining viduals to determine cost; must conceal all Magnitude to cloak
Strike. a unit’s march.

Issue: Fivefold Resonance Sense (p. 135) Issue: Wind-Walking Technique (p. 137)
Once the Exalt has (Occult 4+, Essence 3+), this Charm can Common sense guides the definition of horizontal surface; in-
detect artifacts and other objects made of detectable magical
clines are fine, sheer surfaces are not.
materials that are attuned to someone else, but any such items
carried by their owner are considered to be concealed by any
magic that conceals said owner. With (Occult 5+, Essence Thrown
3+), the Charm is no longer automatically trumped by Celes- Issue: Loyal Weapon (p. 138)
tial or Solar magic and just uses roll-off rules when confronted
Keyword: Leader 4. If this Charm is used to retrieve a weapon
with concealing magic.
that only exists in the moment of the attack (such as Elemental
Bolt Attack or Deadly Blades of the Five Dragons), the projec-
Issue: Seeing the Maker’s Hand (pp. 135-136) tile continues to exist with the same statistics and returns to the
This Charm can never discern the workings of N/A Artifacts Exalt’s hand so that it may be hurled again without requiring
and may only analyze simple artifacts by default. Analyzing the reactivation of the effect that created it. Unless Loyal Weapon
product of exotic crafts like Magitech or Genesis require that is applied again, such projectiles then disappear like normal.
the Exalt have at least one dot in that Craft. Large artifacts
require 2 uses to yield any useful information for anything up
to the size of a warstrider or 3 for anything bigger (+1 if not a Issue: Persistent Hornet Attack (p 138)
simple artifact). With Occult 5+, the Exalt may analyze arti- Keyword: Leader 6. The Charm’s type is Extra Action, but in-
facts attuned to others. stead of creating a flurry, each of the actions occurs sequentially
as noted in the Charm. Actions past the first use the indicated
dice pool and require no additional effort on the part of the Ter-
Stealth restrial, leaving him free to do other things. Standard Combo
Issue: Feeling-The-Air Technique (p. 136) rules govern the need to pay for other enhancing Charms per
Keyword: Leader 5. If a Dragon-Blood suffers a Crippling injury attack.
that blinds him completely, duration increases to Indefinite
and cost becomes 0m.

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 23

Issue: Invisibly Hidden Chakram
Method (pp. 138-139)
The cost is 2m and the type is Reflexive (Step 1 or 2). Each
activation may either banish a held thrown weapon the Exalt
owns Elsewhere or retrieve it from Elsewhere to an available
hand as a reflexive Ready Weapon action. The latter use may
conjure a weapon as part of the attack that throws it (and
perhaps to parry if the Exalt has some means of doing so with
a Thrown weapon).

Issue: Whirlwind Shield Form (p.139)

Keyword: Leader. Gusts of force apply an external penalty of
half the Exalt’s Essence rating against all ranged attacks made
against him or protected allies within range. The Leader use
shields dots of Magnitude as though individuals to a maximum
of (Essence -1) dots; all dots must be protected for any benefit.

Issue: Vengeful Gust Counterattack (p.139)

Keywords: Leader 5. Type is Reflexive (Step 5 and Step 9). The
Charm’s rolled parry is applied in lieu of the character’s Parry
DV. If this generates enough successes to throw the projectile
back, only then is a counterattack in Step 9 that applies the
appropriate number of successes in place of an attack roll and
has a base damage equal to the weapon’s base damage in its
original trajectory. With Essence 4+, the Charm can protect
any vehicle on which the Exalt is a special character.

Issue: Deadly Blades of the Five Dragons (p. 139)

Keyword: Stackable. The duration is Until Thrown. For every
3m spent during activation, the Charm creates one elemental
weapon with the normal statistics of its kind that is clearly
formed of the appropriate aspect Essence. Repeated activation
of this Charm stacks to produce more weapons, but the Exalt
cannot create more than (Essence rating) weapons among all
activations. These weapons may be given to others, and van-
ish into nothingness if thrown at their creator or used for any
purpose other than throwing them at a target. When thrown,
they ignore all multiple action penalties that apply to the attack
roll and impose elemental effects as explained, but vanish after
hitting. Additional purchases of this Charm each add another
element to the Exalt’s repertoire beyond that of his aspect, but
a created weapon can have only one element imbued in it.

Issue: Elemental Armor Technique (pp. 139-140)

Keywords: Leader, Stackable. Multiple activations of the
Charm are cumulative, but cannot exceed the stated soak
limits for a single activation of the Charm. Soak provided by
the Charm is armor. Elemental effects that state they provide
DV bonuses instead apply an equivalent external penalty to all
relevant incoming attacks. Each purchase of this Charm after
the first adds an additional element to the Charm. Characters
may evoke these by adding +2m per element to the Charm’s
cost, in which case the armor has the powers conferred by those
elements in addition to its normal effects.

24 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

Awareness Issue: Perfect Climbing Attitude (p. 142)
Characters climbing with aid of this Charm do so at twice
Issue: All Encompassing Earth Sense (p. 140)
their normal walking speed. With Essence 3+, the Charm
Keyword: Leader.
helps scale any surface and can do so without digging into it
(the Exalt can’t choose to dig into anything magical, such as
Issue: Entombed Mind Technique (p. 141) a manse’s walls).
Keyword: Social. Type is Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks). This
Charm does not go into effect until the character’s DV refresh-
Issue: Flaw-Finding Examination (pp. 142-143)
es, and only if the subject has been kept motionless by her own
Keywords: Leader, War. Type is Simple (Dramatic Action). The
volition, another compulsion or physical restraints. Threshold
activation roll uses the character’s highest Craft ability. Fixing
successes determine how many hours a victim sleeps. Appro-
objects is a Shaping effect, and the Charm can only repair
priate Charms may awaken a sleep using roll-off rules. Dreams
non-magical inanimate objects by default. Broken structures
of treasure are a plot point under Storyteller control and can’t
must be repaired by mending each component object. Repair-
be deliberately induced.
ing a damaged simple artifact requires Essence 3+ and each use
counts as (Essence rating) successes toward the task. Repairing
Issue: Sense-Riding Technique (p.141) or maintaining magitech or other exotic craft products further
Keyword: Shaping. The dice pool to notice an attempt to ride requires at least a dot of the appropriate Craft. If a special
senses is (Wits + Awareness). Tagging someone is an unblock- character uses this Charm to study flaws, she can communicate
able, undodgeable Shaping attack. Wards against scrying block her findings to her leader or a fellow officer to enhance the
this Charm. next attack against the target made by the unit or character,
respectively. If a character or unit has multiple applications of
Issue: Sense-Destroying Method (pp. 141-142) this Charm advising it on how to destroy an object, the formula
Type is Simple. This Charm requires an unblockable attack roll for damage increase is (raw damage x 2) + (total Essence of
to hit a target in line of sight using (Perception + Awareness + advisors past first).
Essence), applying an external penalty of the target’s Percep-
tion. On a hit, the number of successes remaining translate Issue: Charm of Lesser Unmaking (p. 143)
directly into the internal penalty applied to use of the tar- Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch. The activation roll
geted sense or negation of wound penalties if numbing touch, uses the character’s highest Craft Ability. This Charm must
respectively. be successively activated a number of times equal to the diffi-
culty to disassemble the target, but all activations after the first
cost 0m. This Charm can only disassemble inanimate artifacts
Issue: Essence Disruption Attack (p. 142) that are inherently fragile, such as those made with the Art of
Keyword: Shaping. This is an unblockable, undodgeable attack
with a range of (Essence x 3) yards. Reference to net successes
in the activation roll means threshold successes.
Issue: Charm of Greater Unmaking (pp. 142-143)
Cost: —. Type and Duration are Permanent. Keyword: Remove
Craft Combo-Basic. This Charm does not function at all as written.
Issue: Shaping Hand Style (p.142) Instead, it upgrades Charm of Lesser Unmaking by allowing it
Duration is Indefinite. In addition to its martial utility, this to be placed in a Combo with Charms of other Abilities, add-
Charm provides a +3 die equipment bonus to Craft rolls that ing the option to tear something into original raw materials
could logically benefit from the emulated tool. This does not and letting a single activation destroy any non-magical object.
count against Charm bonus limits.
Issue: Stone-Carving Fingers Form (p. 142) Issue: Unsleeping Earth Meditation (p.144)
Cost is 1m per cubic yard. Keywords: Elemental, Shaping. Type
The number of hours is 25, not 24. Once Willpower begins
is Simple (Dramatic Action). In addition to sculpting rock,
to decay, it lowers the size of the Exalt’s Willpower pool, but
the Charm can create anything that can be made with Craft
not her permanent rating. The pool resets to normal after ap-
(Earth) by striking the appropriate raw materials, though the
propriate rest.
character can use any Craft Ability. Each additional purchase
adds another element, but he must use the appropriate elemen-
tal Craft Ability for everything besides earth. Only non-magical Issue: Untiring Earth Meditation (p. 144)
items may be created with this Charm. The only living beings Keywords: Leader 5. Blessed units can’t lose Endurance and
this Charm can modify are non-magical, non-sentient plants. add +1 to Morale from near immunity to pain.

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 25

Issue: Oath of the Ten- until the weak die or desert their mad commander. Exalted
with this Charm may swear oaths of eternal enmity with Oath
Thousand Dragons (p. 144) of the Ten-Thousand Dragons to bolster Intimacies of ven-
Keyword: Dynasty. Prerequisites: None. This Charm bolsters geance against a group or specific individual, provided they
Intimacies of loyalty, creating them as necessary. The loyalty haven’t sworn an oath of loyalty to that target.
must be to a group, a blood relative or a Celestial Exalt. The
reinforced Intimacy reasserts itself each day at dawn if removed
(temporarily nullifying that purchase of the Charm until it re- Issue: Granite Curtain of Serenity (p. 145)
turns) and the Terrestrial cannot voluntarily weaken it. The Keyword: Leader. Type is Reflexive (Step 2). Prerequisites: Add
bonus provided by this Charm is not limited by and does not Any Integrity Excellency.
count toward the maximum Charm bonus to MDV. Characters
can purchase this Charm any number of times, but can’t undo
an oath that becomes inconvenient. Issue: Inviolate Dragon Spirit (p. 145)
Keyword: Leader. Type is Reflexive (Step 2). Prerequisite: Any
Excellency (not Ten-Thousand Dragons Fight As One). This
Issue: Ten-Thousand Dragons
Charm empowers a curt retort to parry any mental influence,
Fight As One (p. 144) even unblockable attacks. It also rids the Exalt of all Compul-
Mins: Integrity 2. Duration is Instant. Prerequisites: None. Use sion effects currently affecting her, including all addiction. The
of this Charm instantly creates an Intimacy toward another Leader use can only parry attempts to sway the unit (such as
Exalt that may have any emotional context the user wishes, Performance-based social attacks) and doesn’t rid unit mem-
positive or negative. It may also reassert an Intimacy to a Ter- bers of Compulsions.
restrial or change the context of an existing intimacy. Intima-
cies created by this Charm are normal Intimacies apart from
the speed at which they form and fall away e if the character
Issue: Chaos-Warding Prana (pp. 145-146)
Keyword: Leader 7. This Charm provides absolute immunity to
has too many.
all Shaping effects save for those generated by Celestial Exalted
using any magic that Terrestrial Exalted are incapable of learn-
Issue: Unflagging Vengeance ing. This weakness does not apply if the Terrestrial’s Breeding
Meditation (pp. 144-145) is greater than or equal to the Essence of the Celestial doing
Keyword: Leader. Once an Exalt has sworn vengeance, he the Shaping. This Charm’s defense extends to all objects within
brings the Charm’s power to any unit he leads, pushing them (Essence rating) yards of a protected character who owns them.

26 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

Issue: Defense-From-Anathema Method )p. 146) that constitute its Magnitude, the unit receives no benefit from
Keyword: Leader 5. For the purposes of this Charm, Anath- the Charm.
ema includes Celestial Exalted and all creatures of darkness.
The defense bonus also applies against complementary units Issue: Armor-Hardening Concentration (p. 149)
predominantly composed of or led by such beings. The capac- With Essence 3+, this Charm gains the power to enchant an
ity to ward against Creation’s enemies is a Holy effect. The entire mass combat unit as per Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings.
defense against Celestials draws on Gaia’s Primordial power The cost to do this is 2m per dot of Magnitude. Using the
and her love for her descendants to protect them from the Charm this way increases the unit’s Armor rating accordingly.
worst abuses of the Incarnae’s Chosen, a feat the Yozis cannot
match in their broken state.
Issue: Phantom-Warrior Horde (p. 149)
Keyword: Action-Only. Penalties imposed by the Charm are
Resistance internal. The difficulty of a mortal’s Valor roll is the Exalt’s
Issue: Strength of Stone Technique (pp. 146-147) War rating.
Dots conferred by this Charm count against Charm bonus dice
limits. Issue: Blazing Corageous Swordsmen
Inspiration (pp. 149-150)
Issue: Mountain Toppling Method (p. 147) Keyword: Combo-OK. The extra health level conferred is a
Keywords: Leader. Strength conferred by this Charm may ex- -0. When the Charm ends, reapply each beneficiary’s current
ceed but also counts against Charm bonus dice limits. damage to his normal health track. With Essence 3+, this
Charm gains the power to enchant an entire mass combat unit
Issue: Impervious Skin of Stone as per Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings. A unit blessed this way
has one additional health level at every dot of Magnitude.
Meditation (p. 147)
Keyword: Leader. Soak conferred is natural soak.
Issue: Ramparts of Obedient Earth (p. 150)
Keywords: Action-Only, Shaping. By default, each activation
Issue: (Element) Protection Form (p. 147-148) of the Charm molds one cubic yard per 2m spent. All affected
Keyword: Leader. Soak conferred is natural soak.
volume must be contiguous. The difficulty to avoid falling in
a sinkhole is the Exalt’s Essence rating and an entire unit may
Issue: Unbreathing Earth Meditation (p. 148) be knocked down if the pit or trench is large enough. With
Type is Reflexive (Step 2). Essence 4+, the Terrestrial can shape 10 cubic yards per 2m
and can mold rock, allowing more grandiose constructions and
Issue: Unfeeling Earth Meditation (p. 148) excavations. Modifying terrain can affect the cover provided
Type is Reflexive (Step 2). and how swiftly units may move over it as appropriate to the
resultant landscape.
Issue: Dragon-Seared Battlefield (pp. 150-151)
Issue: Enfolded in the The deleterious conditions of this Charm impose an external
Dragon’s Wings (p. 148) penalty to all non-reflexive actions equal to half the Exalt’s
A steed is a valid beneficiary of this Charm. With Essence War rating. The listed radius is a maximum; the Exalt can cre-
3+, add the Cooperative and War keywords. Exalted acting ate a smaller effect if desired.
as special characters in a complementary unit with Magnitude
less than their Essence rating may pay 1m per Magnitude dot
Issue: Dragon Vortex Attack (p. 151)
to shield all members of the unit with this Charm (and all
This Charm creates an environmental hazard within its radius
their mounts, in the case of cavalry). Each additional Exalt
that inflicts (Essence rating)L dice of damage (not levels, un-
using the Charm this way cumulatively adds +1 to the high-
less Essence 7+) per action with Trauma (Essence rating). If a
est Essence rating among them to determine if the unit can be
Dragon-Blood is immune to a vortex, characters she has pro-
protected, but all participants must commit motes equal to the
tected with Enfolded in the Dragon’s Wings are also immune
unit’s Magnitude to do this. While an entire unit is protected,
(not just those protected by the vortex’s creator). A second
all members are shielded—even Exalted.
purchase of this Charm at Essence 6+ adds the Holy keyword,
inflicting aggravated damage to creatures of darkness.
Issue: Tireless Footfalls Cadence (pp. 148-149)
References to fangs mean 10 soldiers. If the number of affected
soldiers within the unit does not equal the number of members

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 27

Athletics Issue: Elemental Defense Technique (pp. 153-154)
Keyword: Leader 6. By default, the Charm obliterates non-
Issue: Effortlessly Rising Flame (p. 151)
magical projectiles that are personal scale, whether arrows or
Keyword: Leader. Using the Charm as a Leader effect also adds
thrown weapons. Inherently non-magic projectiles do not be-
the Action-Only Keyword.
come magical just because a Charm enhanced the attack. Con-
ferred soak is armor that stacks with other armor. References
Issue: Falling Star Maneuver (p. 151) to DV bonuses are separate external penalties applied against
Keyword: Leader. If applying this Charm to a ranged attack attacks. The Charm does not damage attackers directly, but
with a stunt, all that is required is for the target to lack cover. instead projects an environmental hazard in a one yard radius
around the Terrestrial with Damage: 4B/action (2L/action for
the fire version) and Trauma (Exalt’s Essence rating).
Issue: Bellows-Pumping Stride (pp. 151-152)
Keyword: Action-Only. Fires created by the Charm are treated
as a one-time bonfire with only 1L damage that fills a trail one Issue: Smoldering Karma Strike (p. 154)
yard across, tracing the path of the Exalt’s tread since his last Keyword: Leader. This Charm follows normal rules regarding
action. its interaction with other counterattack effects and may be
activated whenever the Exalt successfully dodges an attack
by any means.
Issue: Incense Smoke Ladder (p. 152)
Add the Action-Only keyword.
Issue: Unassailable Body of
Issue: Dancing Ember Stride (p. 152) (Element) Defense (pp. 154-155)
The penalty for aerial actions is internal. Keyword: Shaping. The limitations of this perfect defense con-
stitute its flaw of invulnerability.
Issue: Threshold Warding Stance (p. 152)
Keyword: War. Issue: Dragon-Graced Weapon (p. 155)
Keyword: Leader. Each additional purchase of this Charm after
the first adds an additional element beyond the character’s
Issue: Hopping Firecracker Evasion (pp. 152-153) aspect. Every activation incorporates the Exalt’s base element,
Type is Reflexive (Step 7). This Charm may only be activated but can also incorporate any number of additional elements
if the incoming attack missed and the Exalt applied a dodge- unlocked with extra Charm purchases. The total cost to acti-
based defense against it. The character reflexively moves as vate the Charm is half the number of elements unleashed, all
per a Dash action away from the opponent, causing all subse- of which provide their usual power.
quent attacks in a flurry that can no longer reach the Exalt to
automatically miss.
Issue: Blinding Spark Distraction (pp. 155-156)
Keywords: Counterattack, Crippling, Leader. Type is Reflex-
Issue: Virtuous Negation Defense (p. 153) ive (Step 9). The Charm may be activated in response to any
Keyword: War. This Charm cannot protect against undodge- attack the Exalt defended against with a Melee-based parry,
able attacks or attacks targeting characters more than (Dodge even if that parry was not sufficient to prevent a hit. The Ter-
+ Essence) yards away. If the attack is redirected, the target restrial chooses a target within two yards (who need not be
perfectly dodges it and the attack resolves normally against the the attacker) and the Charm throws sparks at that target as
Exalt. If the activation roll isn’t sufficient to perfectly dodge the an unblockable, undodgeable -0 DV counterattack. If this hits
attack, the Terrestrial may apply his Dodge DV or Parry DV as and the target successfully looks away, she suffers a -2 inter-
normal. The possibility for failure in this Charm constitutes its nal penalty to all non-reflexive actions until her DV refreshes
flaw of invulnerability. When used in mass combat, this Charm twice. If she doesn’t look away, the penalty increases to -4.
ignores usual range limits to allow a special character to protect
any fellow officer in his unit (champions can only be protected
from attacks by non-champions). Issue: Ghost-Fire Blade (p. 156)
Keyword: Leader. If this Charm enhances the first attack in a
flurry, each activation to enhance subsequent attacks in the
Issue: Safety Among Enemies (p. 153) flurry costs 0m. The Leader use of this Charm can inflict ag-
This Charm may only be activated if the Dragon-Blood suc- gravated damage but does not extend the capability to strike
cessfully dodges an incoming attack as a result of applying Step dematerialized beings. Ignore the last sentence of the Charm.
5 defenses (do not compare DV and attack pools). Because
the Charm is predicated on a successful defense rather than
providing a defense, it is solely considered an attack for Charm Issue: Refining the Inner Blade (p. 156)
conflicts. The created weapon inflicts aggravated damage to creatures of

28 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

darkness and benefits from all Elemental effects for elements Issue: Ringing Anvil Onslaught (p. 156)
the Exalt has integrated via purchases of Dragon-Graced Keywords: Leader. The Charm provides a magical flurry of
Weapon. (activation roll successes + 1, maximum of Melee rating +
1) Melee attacks against a single target that ignore rate, do
Issue: Portentous Comet not suffer multiple action penalties and collectively impose a
-1 DV penalty. The activation roll may be boosted with Melee
Deflecting Mode (p. 156) Excellencies.
Keyword: Leader. The Charm can’t block unblockable attacks.
The limitations on this perfect defense constitute a special flaw
of invulnerability. The Leader use cannot block designated Presence
area effects, but may block the massed attacks of complemen-
Issue: Glowing Coal Radiance (p. 156)
tary units.
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Leader, War; replace Com-
pulsion with Emotion. Type is Reflexive (Step 2). No Will-
Issue: Threshing Floor Technique (p. 156) power roll is required. Instead, the Charm exerts a fear-based
With Essence 3+, all individuals blessed by the Charm are internal penalty of the Exalt’s (Presence rating) to all physical
considered the same character for the purpose of imposing an and social attacks aimed solely at him by anyone in range with
onslaught penalty on the target against their attacks. This on- a dodge MDV less than his (Appearance + Presence + Breed-
slaught continues to accumulate until the Exalt’s DV refreshes. ing). Apply intimidation-based effective Appearance for an

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 29

ugly Terrestrial. Characters who pay 2wp (4wp if a descendant) with Essence 5+ can pay an extra +1wp when activating the
become immune all use of this Charm by the Terrestrial for Charm to unleash an area attack against every valid target in
the scene, ignoring its unnatural mental influence. Leader use range.
affects units engaged with the Exalt’s unit.
Issue: Warlord’s Convocation (p. 158)
Issue: Unbearable Taunt Technique (pp. 156-157) Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Social; replace Compulsion
Keywords: Action-Only, Combo-OK, Dynasty, Social, War; with Servitude. The type is Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks). This
replace Compulsion with Emotion. Type is Reflexive (Step 1). Charm can exclusively target Terrestrial Exalted and humans
Duration is always (Essence rating) actions, regardless of type (including those with supernatural heritage or awakened Es-
of combat. In personal or mass combat, an affected target or sence). The roll for the Charm’s unnatural social attack is (Ap-
unit that target commands suffers a -1 DV penalty when de- pearance + Presence + Breeding). If the attack succeeds, the
fending against anyone besides the Exalt or a unit he leads. target must pay 2wp (4wp if a descendant) or gain an Intimacy
In social combat, the victim suffers a -2 internal penalty to of loyalty to the Exalt. This Intimacy resists removal for a num-
all social actions. Spending 2wp (4wp if a descendant) makes ber of weeks equal to the remaining successes after applying
a character immune to this unnatural influence for a scene. MDV, during which time it reasserts itself completely whenever
the target gets a roll to regain Willpower from sleep. Good
Issue: Moth to the Candle (p. 157) treatment extends the duration of enchantment as stated in
Keywords: Combo-OK, War. Resisting each use of this un-
the Charm. With 5+ remaining successes, a character made
natural influence costs 2wp, and this may be done at any point
loyal by the Charm serves as faithfully as a henchman (per the
to terminate its effect. Complementary units are valid targets
Background) while bearing an enchanted Intimacy.
of this Charm. Supporting special characters cannot be com-
pelled to leave their unit, but if affected, take no action of their
own for the duration. With (Presence 5+, Essence 3+), the Issue: Auspicious First Meeting
compulsion lasts one scene and range increases to (Essence x Attitude (pp. 158-159)
100) yards. Essence 5+ removes the Essence rating limit on While active, this Charm confers a +3 specialty “Exclusively
valid targets. against (target character name)” that applies to all social ac-
tions using any Ability during social combat. This counts as a
Issue: Aura of Invulnerability (p. 157) natural specialty rather than a Charm bonus for the purpose of
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Leader, War. Conferred soak is natu- adding dice with other Charms, but the character still cannot
ral. When the temporary health levels fade, they heal three apply more than +3 among all specialties. Simultaneous ac-
levels of bashing damage (and/or lethal if Essence 4+) and tivations can target different characters. Cumulatively reduce
any remaining damage is reapplied to the character’s normal the Charm’s specialty by -1 per prior scene of social combat
health levels. This can be fatal. The leader use of the Charm in which the Exalt and the target both participated. Each ad-
only applies temporary levels to the unit’s health for its current ditional purchase of this Charm allows the Terrestrial to select
Magnitude and does not provide healing. one of the following conditions that “resets” the bonus: con-
sensual sex with the target, not interacting with the target for a
season, completing a task directly requested by the target that
Issue: Terrifying (Element) takes a scene or longer to accomplish.
Dragon Roar (pp. 157-158)
Keywords: Combo-OK. To use this Charm, make an unblock-
able attack roll of Appearance + Presence + Breeding; the
Issue: Passion Transmuting Nuance (p. 159)
Keyword: Combo-OK. Type is Simple (Speed 5 in long ticks).
attack’s range is (Essence x 6) yards. The target cannot be
larger than (Essence x 2) yards in any dimension. A successful This Charm cannot be a character’s first action in social com-
hit causes the following effects as appropriate. Air: All non- bat (replacing the requirement of ticks spent conversing). The
magical glass within a yard of the target shatters and the target Charm’s unnatural social attack uses a dice pool of (Manipula-
suffers one level of unsoakable bashing damage; the target loses tion + Presence + Essence); if it beats the target’s MDV, the
its sense of hearing for a scene as a Crippling effect. Earth: desired emotion burns in her heart for a scene (also reducing
The pulverizing vocalization destroys a non-magical inani- her Temperance to 1 unless that is her primary Virtue). Feel-
mate target or comparably-sized segment of a larger structure ings conferred by the Charm provide the same social combat
that is made of earth, clay, stone, etc. Other targets suffer 4B benefits and drawbacks as a high-rated Virtue. Paying 1wp at
from the explosion of the ground beneath them. Fire: Ignites any point frees a character from this Charm.
everything readily flammable within a yard of the target as
an environmental hazard with Damage 2L/action, Trauma 3.
Non-flammable objects suffer no damage upfront, but may be
burned by the non-magical fires the Charm sets. Water: The Issue: Sweeten-the-Tap Method (p. 159)
roar extinguishes any volume of non-magical fire it can target Keyword: Combo-OK. This Charm enchants a particular so-
and knocks targeted beings prone. Wood: As Air above, but cial event attended by no more than (Socialize rating) Magni-
shattering non-magical wood instead of glass. A Terrestrial tude individuals. Anyone at the event who consumes alcohol

30 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

or any other recreational intoxicant finds the experience far teration. With Essence 5+, the duration drops to Instant, but
more pleasurable than normal and suffers a penalty of -1 to suppressed memories remain so until reclaimed with appropri-
MDV for the scene from lowered inhibitions. If any social at- ate Willpower expenditure.
tack botches against an intoxicated individual, she is deeply
offended and must pay 1wp not to Join Battle against the at-
tacker with her next action as an unnatural Compulsion. This
Charm may be repurchased multiple times to enchant different Issue: Benevolent Master’s Blessing (p. 161)
social pleasures, including having sex, participating in/being an Keyword: Combo-OK. Duration is Indefinite. This Charm
active spectator to violence (such as duels or fight clubs), and does not function at all as described. Instead, while active, it
anything else the Storyteller approves. Those who indulge in improves the capability of its prerequisite to boost the Bureau-
the chosen vice are affected as above. Different versions of the cracy rating of anyone who is a recognized subordinate in an or-
Charm stack, but only one use of each version can enchant ganization to which the Exalt belongs. Applied to such targets,
the same event. Terrestrial Bureaucracy Reinforcement treats all of them as if
they were holding hands at the time of activation (regardless of
actual location), ignores the usual cap of twice the beneficiary’s
Issue: Jade Defense (pp. 159-160) Bureaucracy rating and has duration Indefinite.
Keywords: Combo-OK; remove Social. The Charm’s bonus
adds directly to the Exalt’s Dodge MDV rather than the dif-
ficulty of specific rolls. The bonus to Essence functions as writ- Issue: Confluence of Savant Thought (p. 161)
ten. This Charm provides information, not access. The targeted
organization does not regard the Exalt as a member or give
her the privileges of such, but she does understand who within
Issue: Brother-Against-Brother the organization has the power to bestow such privilege and
Insinuation (p. 160) may then lobby, bully or otherwise compel cooperation from
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Illusion. The roll for the those individuals. The Charm does not reveal any secrets that a
Charm’s unblockable unnatural social attack is (Manipula- rank-and-file member of the organization could not learn with
tion + Presence), adding a number of bonus successes equal successful mundane inquiry, so insinuating into the All-Seeing
to the Exalt’s Socialize. If successful, the target instantly gains Eye does not reveal the identities of secret operatives.
a negative Intimacy toward the badmouthed person with an
emotional context appropriate to the Terrestrial’s allegations. Issue: Geese-Flying-South
If the target has an existing positive Intimacy toward the sub- Administration (pp. 161-162)
ject of the Dragon-Blood’s ire, success converts that connec- Keyword: Combo-OK. The cost to resist the unnatural Inti-
tion to a negative emotional context. Resisting the creation macy formed by the Charm (and associated effects) cannot
of a new Intimacy costs 2wp to resist. Preventing a positive exceed 5wp. With Essence 3+, the Charm affects Dragon-
Intimacy from becoming tainted is easier, requiring only 1wp. Blooded descendants as though they were mortals, but said
Those who fail the roll to remember the Exalt’s involvement descendants must still be recognized subordinates of the Exalt
later on may pay 3wp to recall the truth, shattering the Charm’s within the hierarchy of the enchanted organization.
unnatural Illusion.
Issue: Bestow the Saffron Mantle (pp. 162-163)
Issue: Warm-Faced Seduction Style (p. 160) Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Servitude. The Exalt may im-
This Charm can enhance seduction-based social attacks using bue a target with less than her own Bureaucracy rating, paying
any Ability and may be put in a Combo with Charms of other accordingly. A touched mortal can pay 2wp to avoid the un-
Abilities. It boosts the Ability used as indicated, with each dot natural influence of this Charm, but must do so at the time
added counted as a bonus die from Charms. The attack also of activation. It is not possible to reactivate the Charm while
becomes unnatural mental influence costing 1wp to resist. using it. Transferring the Exalt’s soul in the moment of death is
an irresistible total control effect; the deceased uses the host’s
Physical Attributes and Appearance, but otherwise has her
Issue: Smoothing-Over-the-Past own non-magical traits while possessing her subordinate. The
Technique (pp. 160-161) Willpower rating of a spent vessel drops to 0. Dragon-Blooded
Keywords: Dynasty; replace Compulsion with Illusion. The descendants are also viable targets of this Charm, but can’t be
Charm costs only 3m to target a descendant. If the roll for possessed.
this unblockable unnatural influence succeeds, the target can
pay 1wp right then to resist (but does not realize anyone at- Issue: Thrashing Carp Serenade (p. 163)
tempted to alter her memories). Paying a total of 3wp this way Upon activation, the Exalt targets an organization. For the
immunizes a character from further use of the Charm by the duration of the Charm, whenever any member of the targeted
Exalt for a day. Once memory has been suppressed, however, organization who can perceive the Exalt takes any action that
the cost to break free and remember the truth is 5wp per al- directly advances the group’s official agenda, that action suf-

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 31

fers an external penalty of the Exalt’s Bureaucracy rating. This don’t void a signature. It is not required for all signatories to
does not apply to actions taken in personal or mass combat. benefit from the contract. The penalty for deliberate breach
It is not immediately evident that the Terrestrial is the source of contract is (Exalt’s Essence rating at the time of activation)
of the disruption. These rules entirely replace the listed rules L unsoakable damage. A signatory has a number of days equal
for the Charm. Only the highest penalty among all uses of this to her Essence rating to fix an accidental breach to avoid this
Charm applies to any action. damage, but the countdown only starts upon becoming aware
of the error. Essence 4+ makes this Charm holy, inflicting ag-
gravated damage to creatures of darkness.
Issue: Testing the Waters (p. 163)
Keyword: Combo-OK. Voters with a dodge MDV greater than
the Exalt’s (Perception + Bureaucracy) count as abstentions. Investigation
The Charm also can’t analyze potential voters whom the Ex-
Issue: Scent-of-Crime Method (pp. 164-165)
alt can’t perceive, such as those who are not present for the
A Storyteller should assess a character’s actions against her
meeting. Because the Charm extracts the information from the
Virtue ratings, Intimacies and Motivation when assessing how
minds of others rather than divining the future, it can predict
the votes of beings outside fate. much guilt she carries. The following tiers provide a basic ru-
bric for comparison: none, minimal (I’m not perfect, but I feel
good about my deeds), slight (I harbor regrets, but nothing I
Issue: Finding the Water’s Depth (p. 163-164) can’t live with), moderate (I don’t think I’m a bad person, but I
Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Compulsion. Duration is one really screwed up in a way I can’t get over), intense (No matter
scene. Add a number of successes to the activation roll equal
what good I do, I can’t atone for my mistakes and frequently
to the Exalt’s Essence rating (or twice that number if target-
brood on these failings), severe (I’m a bad person), overwhelm-
ing a descendant). The number of successes remaining after
ing (I deserve death or worse for what I’ve done).
applying the target’s Dodge MDV (the attack is unblockable)
determines what the Terrestrial learns. If the Exalt pays a price
that he learns is acceptable before the Charm ends, the target Issue: Tampering Detection Technique (p. 165)
must accept the deal unless she pays 2wp to resist the Charm’s The use of any Charm to enhance an action that qualifies as
unnatural influence (which prematurely ends it). tampering forces a roll-off to determine if the Terrestrial dis-
cerns that action, even if that Charm is merely an Excellency.
Issue: Thoughtful Gift Technique (p. 164)
Cost is 8m, 1wp. Keywords: Combo-OK, Dynasty, Servitude. Issue: Bloodhound’s Nose Technique (p. 165)
This Charm duplicates the effects of the Solar Charm Know This Charm does not function as printed. Instead, it allows the
the Soul’s Price (Exalted, p. 214) with the following excep- character to make a standard Investigation roll in a matter of
tions: the activation roll is (Perception + Bureaucracy) and seconds to find clues that would normally take ten minutes of
the target is free after spending a total of 5wp. Also, the Charm careful searching. If the roll yields any successes, the Exalt also
exerts no Servitude when targeting a character with an Essence
receives a brief murky glimpse of whatever individual the in-
rating more than one dot higher than the Terrestrial unless the
vestigation is trying to locate (usually the criminal responsible
target is the character’s sibling, parent or child. The Exalt may
for a crime). This glimpse is not enough to make an identifica-
know what gifts are best for her elders, but this does not place
tion, but always contains clues that are relevant and useful in
them in her debt when she shows due reverence and gratitude
for their daily beneficence. solving the mystery. The Charm automatically loses all roll-offs
with other Charms that conceal evidence or otherwise contest
its effects.
Issue: Distraction of the Babbling Brook (p. 164)
Keywords: Replace Compulsion with Illusion. This Charm can
enchant any written contract already written or any spoken Issue: Revelation of Associates Hunch (p. 166)
contract the Exalt plans to offer with his next action. Either The soldiers of the gods should not pry into the affairs of their
way, it requires an activation roll of (Wits + Bureaucracy), betters. Beings with a higher Essence rating and all Celestial
adding successes equal to the Exalt’s Essence. Anyone whose Exalted are invalid targets of this Charm. All demons are valid
Dodge MDV is less than the number of successes falls prey to targets regardless of their Essence. The Charm never reveals
the unnatural Illusion unless she pays 3wp to notice the truth associates who are invalid targets.
for a scene. Higher Essence and use of appropriate Celestial
Charms also provides immunity as stated in the Charm. Ap-
Issue: Homeward Trail Discovery Method (p. 166)
plication of MDV replaces the listed roll for defense.
Knowing the location of a target’s home yields direction and
distance. If the Exalt already knows the location of the resi-
Issue: Drowning in Negotiation Style (p. 164) dence through other referents, the information is more specific
Keyword: Combo-OK. A contract is not binding unless the (e.g. “on Redstone Street a block south of the intersection with
signatories do so of their own free will (i.e. not compelled by Orchid Way”). The Charm cannot find residences in another
unnatural influence). Less invasive coercion such as threats realm of existence.

32 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

Larceny though such obstructions were not present. Wards against scry-
ing block this Charm.
Issue: Observer Awareness Method (pp. 166-167)
The (total number of successes x 10) determines the radius in
yards in which the Charm pinpoints the location of observers, Issue: Naked Thief Style (pp. 167-168)
but it can’t pinpoint observers who are supernaturally con- Type is Reflexive. Use of the Charm negates all penalties for
cealed (just note their presence). failing to have the right tools for a Larceny action (including
all rolls of an extended action). It also provides a +2 quality
Question: Will this charm invoke itself automatically, in the equipment bonus that does not count toward Charm bonus
same manner as Surprise Anticipation Method, to grant a limits.
character that is unaware he is being watched a flash of insight,
i.e. “Egads! I’m being watched!”? Or, must a character ‘manu-
ally’ activate this Charm, i.e. “I wonder if I’m being watched... Issue: Window-in-the-Door Technique (p. 168)
why yes, yes I am”? Wards that block scrying stop this Charm. Transparency ex-
tends one inch through metal, three inches through stone and
Answer: The Charm has to be consciously activated by the six inches through anything else. With Essence 3+, all mea-
Dragon-Blood. surements upgrade to yards instead of feet or inches. Only the
Terrestrial sees through matter affected by this Charm; others
perceive its usual opacity.
Issue: Trackless Walk Style (p. 167)
Use of this Charm thwarts non-magical tracking attempts,
but does not affect the resolution of supernatural tracking Issue: Imposter’s Voice Technique (p. 168)
contests against Celestial Charms or comparable powers. Any Keyword: War. The disguise created by this Charm is purely
Investigation roll to find clues at a crime scene protected by auditory, but infallible to those without supernatural senses to
this Charm suffers an external penalty of the Dragon-Blood’s pierce it. Using this Charm to disrupt a unit’s relays requires
Larceny rating. concealment and close proximity (generally restricting it to
solo unit saboteurs), but the unit is considered to have (Exalt’s
Issue: Ears of the Snowy Owl (p. 167) Larceny rating) fewer relays for the purposes of communication
Use of this Charm eliminates penalties from obstruction and failure until the commander successfully rallies for organiza-
makes sounds valid targets for Perception rolls to notice as tion to make the unit immune for a scene.

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 33

Issue: Precise Ink Technique (p. 168) Issue: Five-Dragon Invulnerability (p. 191)
The roll to remember handwriting is difficulty 2. Used as a Leader effect, the Charm treats all attacks as magical.

Issue: Waters of Honesty Method (p. 168) Terrestrial Hero Style

If observed cheating attempt is accomplished or hidden via All Charms save Currents Sweep From Sea, Riptide Method,
Charms, standard roll-off determines whether Waters of Hon- and Drowning Embrace have the Leader keyword.
esty Method functions (with a +5 success bonus given to the
opposing magic).
Issue: Blade-Deflecting Palm (p. 169)
Keyword: Leader. Duration is one scene. Prerequisites are Cur-
Issue: Perfect Gambling Prana (p. 168) rents Sweep to Sea or Pounding Surf Style (not any Martial
Type is Reflexive. This Charm enhances a non-magical effort Arts Excellency or supernatural martial arts Charm). The
to cheat in ways that that are possible (if highly improbable), character also adds one to his Parry DV.
ensuring the desired result. It does not alter probability or oth-
erwise interact with fate. Issue: Become the Hammer (p. 169)
Keyword: Leader. Duration is one tick, type is Reflexive (Step
Issue: Flood of Victory Prana (p. 168) 1).
Duration is one game. Cheating is accomplished in the same
ways as Perfect Gambling Prana. Issue: Disarming Strike Prana (p. 169)
Keyword: Leader. Cost is 1m, type is Reflexive (Step 1). As a
Leader effect this Charm may only target special characters
Martial Arts or solo units. This takes precedence over the version of the
Leader Charms with grappling benefits only apply those bene-
Charm listed on p. 41 of Scroll of the Monk.
fits to clinch special characters or solo units, as complementary
units are invalid targets of such attacks.
Issue: Smashing Tidal Wave Technique
Issue: Elemental Styles (Scroll of the Monk, p. 42)
Clarification: Most martial arts styles do not resonate with a Keyword: Combo-OK. Cost is 0m or 3m (+3m per target),
1wp. Duration is instant, type is extra action, total DV penalty
particular elemental aspect. Those that do follow certain rules.
and Speed are equal to the highest of any single attack in the
Any being that naturally resonates with the proper element (an
flurry. Ignores Rate. If this Charm is being activated to sustain
Air Aspect or air elemental for air, etc.) uses elemental style
grapples initiated through previous use of the Charm, the cost
Charms as-written. ‘‘All other users add a one mote surcharge
is 0m.
to the activation cost. Water Aspected Dragon-Blooded are
considered to resonate with all five Gaian elements for the
purpose of elemental martial arts. Learning (Elemental) Style Issue: Dragon-Claw Elemental Strike (p. 169)
Formulation may remove this surcharge for Terrestrial styles of Keyword: Leader. This Charm enhances an unarmed attack.
the appropriate element. Alternately, mastery of any Glorious The earth effect blocks conscious movement that shifts loca-
tion, such as walking or using a teleport power. It does not stop
Dragon Style removes the surcharge for all Charms of that ele-
the target from moving in place to dodge or other wise defend
ment (even non-martial arts Charms). Other specialized Ce-
(albeit with a penalty). Being rooted in place is a -1 external
lestial styles exist that similarly attune practitioners to exotic
penalty and -1 to DDV, not a -2 internal/DV.
elements. Among Primordial Exalted, Alchemicals resonate
with all six Autochthonian elements, Infernals resonate with
Vitriol and Abyssals resonate with all corpse elements. The Enlightening Charms
Five Glorious Dragon Styles only confer their form weapon
enhancements to Dragon-Blooded practitioners, just as some
Issue: Tiger-and-Bear Awareness (p. 195)
Keyword: Leader. This Charm fails against supernatural con-
Celestial styles provide unique benefits to other types of beings.
cealment of any kind.

Issue: (Elemental) Style Formulation (p. 189) Issue: Tiger-and-Bear Unity (p. 195)
This is a general Terrestrial Martial Arts Charm and may be
Keyword: Leader. This Charm applies successes in Step 4 (not
learned by non-Dragon-Blooded.
Step 6).

Five-Dragon Style Air Dragon Style

All Charms save Five-Dragon Fist and Five-Dragon Wrath
The style’s power to throw two chakrams at once is incompat-
have the Leader keyword.
ible with flurries.

34 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

Issue: Wind Dragon Speed (p. 198) Issue: Stone Dragon’s Skin (pp. 201-202)
Keyword: Leader. Keyword: Leader.

Issue: Breath-Seizing Technique (p. 198) Issue: Earth Dragon Form (p. 202)
Keyword: Stackable. Keyword: Leader. This Charm’s soak bonus is natural.

Issue: Shrouding the Body and Mind (p. 198) Issue: Shattering Fist Strike (p. 202-203)
Characters cannot lead a complementary unit while using this Keyword: Leader.
Issue: Weapon-Breaking Defense
Issue: Air Dragon Form (p. 198) Technique (p. 203)
Keyword: Leader. The character may add dice to any unarmed Keyword: Counterattack. Type: Reflexive (Step 9). This
martial arts attack (not any ranged attack). Charm may only be activated if the martial artist has success-
fully blocked an attacked with an unarmed parry, in which case
Issue: Tornado Offense Technique (p. 198) it launches an automatically successful counterattack, with the
This Charm ignores rate, and all actions in the flurry must be effects described in the Charm’s rules. If used to ‘break’ an arti-
unarmed martial arts attacks. fact weapon, the weapon not destroyed, but loses attunement
and all powers save its innate indestructibility for one day.

Issue: Wrathful Winds Maneuver (pp. 199-200)

Keyword: Crippling. To use this Charm the character makes Issue: Earthshaker Attack (p. 203)
an an attack roll of (Strength + Martial Arts), which is sepa- This Charm has a range of (Essence x 5) yards. If used while
rately applied to the defenses of all characters in the affected leading a complementary unit, the Charm forces a route check
area and can’t be parried. Targets hit by the attack suffer auto- among the character’s own forces.
matic knockdown, deafening, and inactivity for the durations
specified in the Charm. Targeting a single individual for +1wp Issue: Stillness of Stone (p. 203)
makes this attack undodgeable. All other printed rules for this Cost is 5m, 1wp. This Charm cannot effect beings of higher
Charm do not apply. Essence than the martial artist and petrification includes non-
magical possessions on the victim’s person.
Issue: Thunderclap Kata (p. 200)
Keyword: Crippling. All beings in range of the Charm make Issue: Ghost-Grounding Blow (p. 204)
a Stamina + Resistance roll at a difficulty of the martial art- Keyword: Compulsion. 5wp to resist per use. This Charm grants
ist’s Essence rating. Those who succeed are unaffected; those the target the ability to reflexively use any Charm required to
who fail become inactive until their next action and suffer materialize, even if this violates normal Charm timing rules.
a number of levels of bashing damage equal to (the Martial
Artist’s Essence – successes rolled), which ignore armor. Af-
fected victims are deafened as explained. This attack is an Issue: Perfection of Earth Body (pp. 204-205)
environmental effect. Keyword: Leader. This Charm’s bonuses are dice added by a
Charm, not an enhancement to the character’s natural ratings.

Issue: Lightning Strike Style (p. 201)

Keyword: Leader. This Charm extends the range of all unarmed Fire Dragon Style
attacks by (Essence x 3) yards, and adds (Essence) to their raw Issue: Flash-Fire Technique (p. 205)
damage. This Charm may be used to enhance a Join War roll if the
character is a solo unit.
Issue: Hurricane Combat Method (p. 201)
The extra attacks generated by this Charm are unarmed mar- Issue: Flame-Flicker Stance (p. 205)
tial arts attacks which ignore rate and may not be subdivided Keyword: Leader.
into flurries. The damage inflicted on the user by this Charm
cannot be prevented by any means.
Issue: Searing Fist Attack (p. 205)
Keyword: Leader. As a Leader effect this Charm may only tar-
Earth Dragon Style get special characters or solo units.
Issue: Force of the Mountain (p. 201)
Keyword: Leader. This Charm may be placed in a Combo with Issue: Perfect Blazing Blow (p. 205)
Charms of other abilities. An attack that hits as a result of this Charm is considered to

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 35

have hit with 0 successes for the purpose of calculating raw Issue: Crashing Wave Style (p. 209)
damage. This flurry ignores rate and has a total DV penalty of -1.

Issue: Fire Dragon Form (p. 205) Issue: Theft-of-Essence Method (p. 209)
Keyword: Leader. Keyword: Shaping.

Issue: Fiery Hand Attack (pp. 205-206) Issue: Ghost-Restraining

Keyword: Leader. Use normal environmental damage rules for
(Martial Arts) actions of exposure to a bonfire.
Whirlpool Stance (p. 209)
Keywords: Crippling, Shaping.

Issue: Breath of the Fire Dragon (p. 206) Issue: Bottomless Depths Defense (p. 209)
Keyword: Leader. This Charm inflicts dice of damage, not lev-
Keyword: Leader. Duration: One tick. The aggravated health
level in this Charm’s cost is considered a unique flaw of in-
vulnerability. This Charm’s Leader benefit may not be applied
Issue: Essence-Igniting Nerve Strike (p. 206) to area-of-effect attacks. Danaa’d is not harmed by the use of
Keywords: Shaping, Touch. this Charm.

Issue: Overwhelming Fire Majesty Issue: Essence-Dousing Wave Attack (pp. 209-210)
Stance (pp. 206-207) Keyword: Shaping. This Charm enhances an unarmed martial
Keywords: Emotion, Leader. This Charm’s influence is unnatu- arts attack. It cannot suppress Adamant or Obsidian circle
ral and costs 3wp to resist for a scene. spells and has no effect on astrological Charms.

Issue: Consuming Might of the Issue: Tsunami Force Shout (p. 210)
Fire Dragon (p. 207) Make a single unblockable attack roll of (Charisma + Martial
Keywords: Emotion, Leader. Characters who spend 3wp to Arts + Essence), and compare separately to the defenses of
resist this Charm for a scene also become immune to Over- all targets in range. Those hit by the attack are affected as
whelming Fire Majesty Stance. explained.

Water Dragon Style Wood Dragon Style

Issue: Flowing Water Defense (p. 207) Issue: Wood Dragon Vitality (p. 211)
Keyword: Leader. Cost is 2m, opponents suffer a -2 external Keyword: Leader.
penalty (not -3 internal).
Issue: Soul-Marking Strike (p. 211)
Issue: Rippling Water Strike (p. 207) This Charm has the crippling keyword when applied to spirits.
Radius is 3 yards. The character makes one attack, and com-
pares it separately to the defense of all targets in range. This
attack is piercing to all targets, but only inflicts bashing damage Issue: Unbreakable Fascination Kata (p. 211)
to secondary targets. Keyword: Emotion. This unnatural mental influence costs 2wp
to resist for a scene.

Issue: Drowning-in-Blood Technique (p. 207)

Keyword: Crippling. Issue: Enthralling Blow Attack (p. 211)
Keyword: Compulsion. This unnatural mental influence costs
3wp to resist. This resistance supersedes the rules given in the
Issue: Shrugging Water Dragon
Charm’s text.
Escape (pp. 207-208)
Type: Supplemental. Any valid action to escape personal re-
straint automatically succeeds with a threshold of (character’s Issue: Spirit-Wracking Method (p. 211)
Martial Arts rating). Keyword: Crippling.

Issue: Water Dragon Form (p. 208) Issue: Spirit-Rending Technique (p. 212)
Keyword: Leader. The Essence bonus to Martial Arts is a dice This Charm inflicts damage equal to 1 + (threshold successes
bonus added by a Charm and does not add to the character’s / spirit’s Essence, round down).
natural rating.

36 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

Issue: Death-Pattern Sensing Attitude (p. 212) a mile across, but deactivates if the Exalt goes ashore. With
Cost: 0m. Paying 1m to use this Charm’s benefit does not count Essence 3+, it works in any terrain.
as a Charm activation or require commitment of Essence.
Issue: Storm-Outrunning Technique (p. 170)
Issue: Soul Mastery (p. 213) This Charm can enhance any Sail vehicle, doubling the speed
Keyword: Shaping. Aggravated damage inflicted by this Charm of its propulsion. Vehicles lacking propulsion receive no ben-
bypasses armor. efit; a massive caravan wagon without teams of yeddim to pull
it is as helpless as a becalmed ship. Solar and Abyssal counter-
Sail parts of this Charm exist named Fleet-Outrunning Flagship
and Wave-Slicing Keel Method, both of which have Indefinite
Issue: Hurricane-Predicting Glance (p. 170) Duration, require Any Sail Excellency as a prerequisite and do
The Charm can detect impending changes to the weather not require any extra Sail checks to traverse dangerous waters.
caused by magic that has already been activated at the time
the Terrestrial checks. With Essence 2, the Charm functions
above water aboard an aerial vehicle piloted with Sail. With Issue: Fine Passage Negotiating Style (p. 170)
Essence 3+, it functions onboard any Sail vehicle without With Essence 3+, this Charm adapts itself to map the terrain
needing water. hazards appropriate to a Sail vehicle the Exalt is aboard (so a
skyship crewmember could sense turbulence and topographi-
Issue: Seven Seas Wind-Luring Chanty (p. 170) cal features that rise high enough to pose a crash risk, etc.).
This Charm functions on or above any body of water at least

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 37

Issue: Sturdy Bulkhead Concentration (p. 170) blast of elemental Essence). Essence 4+ allows parrying of larg-
This Charm adds Undamaged health levels. When these lev- er ranged attacks, such as from siege weapons and warstriders.
els are gained or vanish with the Charm’s deactivation, reap-
ply the vehicle’s current damage to its new health track. The Issue: Seven Year Swarm Volley (p. 172)
soak bonus adds directly to bashing and lethal armor. Use of Keyword: Leader. Replace Combo-OK with Combo-Basic.
this Charm by separate Dragon-Blooded to enhance the same The Charm protects those within the base range of the Exalt’s
vehicle is permissible, but a character cannot use the Charm if weapon; it can also protect an entire unit or fellow officers
the total number of extant activations exceeds his Sail rating. within it if the Terrestrial is a special character.
Any Sail vehicle is a valid target of this Charm.
Issue: Sparrow Dives At Hawk (p. 173)
Issue: Deck-Striding Technique (p. 171) Cost is — (4m, 1wp). Type is Permanent. This Charm upgrades
Keyword: Leader 4. The Leader effect of this Charm extends Dragonfly Finds Mate. If that Charm successfully parries an
its benefits to Magnitude (Essence rating) crewmembers of a attack, the Exalt can pay an extra 4m, 1wp during Step 9 to
naval unit under the Exalt’s command. Any Sail vehicle is a launch an unblockable, undodgeable counterattack that ap-
valid target of this Charm. plies a number of successes to hit equal to the (parry successes
rolled – original attack successes) in place of an attack roll. The
Archery attack otherwise uses the statistics of the Terrestrial’s weapon.
Using Dragonfly Finds Mate this way follows standard Dragon-
Issue: Beyond Bows Blooded Reflexive Charm rules.
Clarification: Terrestrial Archery Charms can be used to en-
hance attacks using any personal-scale Archery weapons, but
add a one mote surcharge to their activation cost if the weapon Issue: Harvest of the Hunter (p. 173)
isn’t primarily constructed of jade/wood or doesn’t launch jade/ With Essence 4+, this Charm may be used to harvest other
wood projectiles. For example, strafing a flurry of shots with a non-artifact Archery weapon ammunition from appropriate
firewand using Swallows Defend the Nest would cost (num- concentrations of elemental Essence, such as collecting hand-
ber of attacks +1) motes. Some outcastes wield exceptional fuls of firedust that spark out of a bonfire and fall to the earth.
firewands carved of thaumaturgically-hardened ironwood to Collecting ammunition for immediate use requires a standard
avoid this surcharge. draw weapon action.

Issue: Dragon-Graced Arrow (p. 172) Issue: Unobstructed Hunter’s Aim (p. 173)
Keyword: Leader. The Wood power delivers a dose of poison if Keyword: Leader 4. For its base cost, the Charm only negates
it hits with: Damage 4L/action, Toxicity (Exalt’s Essence rat- wooden cover. Adding +1wp allows negation of any cover,
ing), Penalty -0. Only one use of this Charm can enhance an provided some indirect path exists to hit the enemy. If this
individual attack, but repeated use can enhance any number Charm enhances Elemental Bolt Attack (p. XX) or another
of attacks made as part of a flurry. Each additional purchase of Charm that creates an attack out of raw elemental Essence,
this Charm after the first adds an additional element beyond the Exalt may summon the destructive forces from an available
the character’s aspect. Every activation incorporates the Ex- source to strike indirectly (like calling down lightning strikes
alt’s base element, but can also incorporate any number of ad- from the clouds).
ditional elements unlocked with extra Charm purchases. The
total cost to activate the Charm is half the number of elements Issue: Life-Swelling Sap Strike (pp. 173-174)
unleashed, all of which provide their usual power. Keywords: Holy, Leader. The term “undead” encompasses
ghosts, walking dead and necromantic war machines. Incorpo-
Issue: Swallows Defend the Nest (p. 172) real undead are hit by the attack as though solid. With Essence
Keyword: Leader 5. The Charm’s flurry ignores rate and has a 4+, all creatures of darkness with an equal or lesser Essence
total DV penalty equal to the highest penalty of any attack. rating to the Terrestrial suffer as undead. A complementary
unit must be chiefly comprised of undead to be a valid target.

Issue: Dragonfly Finds Mate (p. 172)

Keyword: Leader. Other characters may be protected with this Issue: Ravenous Thorn Technique (p. 174)
Charm, provided they are within the base range increment of Damage inflicted by the Charm is based on the base damage of
the Exalt’s weapon. Used by any special character in a unit, the the projectile without any Strength modifiers and has the ap-
Charm can protect the entire unit or fellow officers within it. propriate type. For projectiles that do not have a listed damage
With Essence 3+, the Charm can parry any ranged personal- less than the weapon itself (such as firewand blasts), the dam-
scale attack, even those lacking a solid component (such as a age at each interval is 4 dice. Retry penalties apply to efforts

38 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

to remove the embedded projectile and accumulate with each Issue: Jade Crucible Method (p. 176)
would-be surgeon’s failure. Characters can’t activate this Charm while holding more Pe-
ripheral motes than their Essence pools normally allow.
Issue: Infection-Banishing Prana (p. 174) Performance
With Essence 4+, this Charm can also treat magical infections Issue: Talented Improvisation (pp. 176-177)
(but not other types of diseases), provided the Exalt’s Medicine Type is Reflexive. Specialties aren’t needed to use the Perfor-
and Essence ratings are both higher than the Essence rating of mance ability with any instrument. Instead, this Charm cancels
the infection’s source. all external penalties that apply to Performance rolls for its
duration and increases the rating of a stunt by +1 (max 3)
whenever the action involves creating a new routine or act on
Issue: Dread Infection Strike (pp. 174-175) the spot instead of presenting a rehearsed work. As a reminder,
Keyword: Sickness. Type is Reflexive (Step 1). This Charm
an opponent’s DV is not an external penalty.
can enhance any physical attack that successfully inflicts non-
bashing damage. With Essence 3+, infection is automatic and
must be overcome normally. Issue: Dance of Flashing Swords (p. 177)
Keyword: Leader 5. Resisting the unnatural influence imposed
by all activations of this Charm for a scene costs 3wp. It is pos-
Issue: Disease-Banishing Technique (p. 175) sible to hide a fight in which the Exalt is merely an observer to
Type is Simple. When time is of the essence, this Charm may two heroic combatants. With Essence 3+, the Charm can hide
alternately accomplish a standard diagnosis action in the span any number of heroic characters. The Leader effect allows the
of time used to activate it and touch the patient. This only character to hide his unit’s involvement in mass combat, pay-
detects physical diseases, does not ensure a successful diagnosis ing as if cloaking a number of individuals equal to the total dots
and requires a second activation to administer treatment. The of Magnitude among all hidden units; a war can rage through
agony of purging a disease is a Crippling effect that only lasts the streets with the citizens none the wiser.
one action.
Issue: Blossom Hides Thorns (pp. 177-178)
Issue: Wound-Closing Touch (p. 175) Type is Reflexive. Use of this Charm enhances the (Dexterity
This Charm can heal a patient’s Dying levels of lethal damage + Stealth) roll needed to launch a surprise attack from plain
outright (instead of converting them to bashing). Healing all sight, removing the usual +2 difficulty and instead adding a
Dying levels stabilizes the patient at Incapacitated. number of bonus successes equal to the Exalt’s Essence rating.
A single activation also adds a like number of successes to
the Terrestrial’s Join Battle roll. If the opening attack misses,
Issue: Madness-Analyzing Stare (p. 176) the Charm exerts an unnatural Illusion forcing all witnesses
The Charm can diagnose any externally-imposed conditions to ignore that an attack was made (and thus not Join Battle),
that negatively affect the patient’s mind, as well as all insanity though anyone can pay 2wp to ignore all instances of this Il-
arising from external trauma or poor health. Having Virtues lusion for a scene. Although it is tradition to make surprise
with a rating of 1 is considered madness. The Charm detects attacks in the midst of performing, this is not required. An
unnatural mental influence, but not natural. Learning the identical Stealth Charm also exists named Tempest From Blue
source of a particular effect means it becomes Obvious to the Skies Ambush that requires Stealth 4 and has Wind-Walking
Exalt, not that he knows who specifically caused it or when. Technique as a prerequisite.

Issue: Verdant Curtain of Serenity (p. 176) Issue: Hidden Petal Aria Method (p. 178)
Keyword: Leader. Type is Reflexive (Step 2). Prerequisites: Keywords: Leader, Stackable. Duration is one scene. With Es-
Madness-Analyzing State (not Purity of Mind Method). sence 3+, the character may hide subtext in the oration of
everyday speech. The Leader effect of this Charm costs only
2m to convey coded orders to all fellow officers, adding the
Issue: Purity of Mind Method (p. 176)
Exalt’s Performance to the difficulty of Read Strategy rolls to
This Charm cannot cure influence imposed by Adamant or
study the Terrestrial’s unit (Scroll of Kings, p. 110).
Obsidian spells and costs 10 motes when treating effects of
Sapphire or Onyx spells. Treating a derangement mutation
that offsets the cost of positive mutations or otherwise pro- Issue: Soul-Stirring Performance
vides “free” experience points requires that the patient pay Method (pp. 178-179)
the appropriate number of experience points over time as a Keyword: Social. Type is Supplemental. This Charm enhances
Training effect. a (Manipulation + Performance) social attack, making it un

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 39

blockable, unnatural influence and allowing it to be conveyed Issue: Three-String Sword Prana (pp. 179-180)
by any Performance-based action. The attack only affects mor- Minimum Essence is 3. Damage is in dice, not levels. Like
tals and may be selectively targeted to affect some observers Vibrating Strings Defense, other Performance mediums may
and not others. If used to instill an Emotion, affected targets conjure destructive phantasms through the use of this Charm.
act accordingly and suffer a -2 MDV penalty for the rest of the Using the Charm in conjunction with prayers to the Elemental
scene against mental influence that preys on this emotional Dragons or any of the Incarnae makes the attack Holy, inflict-
state. If used to incite action, the Compulsion is limited as ing aggravated damage to creatures of darkness. As usual for
described. In either case, affected characters can pay 3wp to its type, this Charm can’t be part of a flurry without placing it
become immune to the Charm for a scene. Ignore the roll to in a Combo with an Extra Action Charm.
determine how many listeners are affected; as a performance
attack, anyone who hears is potentially affected. With Essence
3+, the Charm functions against all beings with an Essence Ride
rating less or equal to the Terrestrial. Issue: Heaven-Graced Riding Technique (p. 180)
Cost is 1m. Duration is one action. A mount or vehicle tar-
Issue: Protective Performance (p. 179) geted by this Charm doubles its speed (and jumping distance),
Keywords: Leader. This Charm provides a Dodge MDV bonus rather than the listed bonus. When used in conjunction with
of (Exalt’s Essence rating) against all unnatural mental influ- other Dragon-Blooded Ride Charms that quicken a mount or
ence from anyone other than the Terrestrial, followed by a increase its jumping distance, the increase provided by those
+2 Dodge MDV bonus against specific unnatural influence as Charms doubles before it is applied (so the Air version of Five-
specified. Characters may pay 1wp to make them immune to Dragon Horseman Prana multiplies the mount’s jump distanc-
all use of this Charm for a day, as it is a specialized unnatural es by a factor of [Essence x 2] while boosted by Heaven-Graced
Compulsion unto itself. The Leader use of this Charm turns the Riding Technique).
act of command into an artistic performance, protecting the
unit itself and all members as individuals (except the leader). Issue: Ebony Spur Technique (p. 181)
Keyword: Leader. If this Charm is used to enhance an attack
Issue: Invisible Street Performer using a lance or other weapon with the L tag, the damage bonus
increases to (Ride x 2). With Essence 3+, no activation roll
Technique (p. 179) is required.
This Charm may be used in conjunction with any form of ar-
tistic expression that falls under Performance, from a steady
quiet monologue to a sensuous dance. Resisting the unnatural Issue: Charge of One Hundred Generals (p. 181)
Illusion for a scene in the event of a failed roll to notice the Remove minimum War. Type is Reflexive. Any special char-
Exalt costs 1wp. An applicable specialty is not required, but acter in a complementary unit can use this Charm to enhance
improves the Charm’s effectiveness. it, but a unit can only benefit from one activation at a time. A
unit so enhanced gains the listed bonuses while it is carrying
out successive charge actions (i.e. dashes) and loses no Endur-
Issue: Tireless String-Plucking
ance from doing so. Once the unit stops charging or makes a
Meditation (p. 179) close combat attack, the Charm ends. If aborted by making an
While this Charm is active, the character accumulates no fa- attack, all benefits last through the resolution of that attack
tigue from any Performance actions and ignores all internal and the Terrestrial’s Ebony Spur Technique becomes Stackable
penalties for such rolls except multiple action penalties. She for that attack to a maximum number of activations equal to
can dance for a day while grievously wounded or spend a night the actions spent charging (or the charging character’s Essence
in the embrace of her lover without breaking a sweat. The rating, if lower). Disregard the Charm’s printed rules for per-
sharp beauty of well-manicured nails fittingly accompanies all sonal combat. Instead, this Charm allows successive mounted
art forms and therefore always applies; paying a mote to make dashes to build up the potential for Stackable activations of
an unarmed attack lethal does not count a Charm activation. Ebony Spur Technique as explained above. This benefit can be
Time spent performing while using this Charm also counts as extended to any mounted characters who know Ebony Spur
sleep for all purposes if the performance is at the direct request Technique within 100 yards who are also dashing at the time
or command of a Celestial Exalt. of activation, allowing them to build up separate momentum.

Issue: Vibrating Strings Defense (p. 179) Issue: Irresistible Penetrating Charge (p. 181)
Keyword: Leader. Music is not the only medium for this Charm’s Remove minimum War. Type is Reflexive. Duration is one
power. Any mode of artistic expression that falls under Perfor- charge. Disregard the Charm’s printed rules. It enhances a
mance may serve as a focus for a parry. Eloquent prayers turn mass combat unit’s charges using the same overall rules as
aside blows, while a dancer’s gyrations drum staccato rhythms Charge of One Hundred Generals. However, the benefit con-
on enemy weapons mid-swing. No specialty is required to use ferred to a charging unit is an external penalty of the Exalt’s
this Charm, though applicable specialties improve its effec- Ride rating applied against all attacks aimed at the unit or
tiveness. its special characters. Once the charge ends for any reason

40 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

(including to make an attack), the protective penalty lasts for Issue: Five-Dragon Horseman Prana (p. 182)
one more action before receding. This Charm is actually a cluster of five Charms. Dragon-Blood-
ed must learn the version associated with their aspect first. A
Issue: Great Heart Companion (pp. 181-182) Ride vehicle is also a valid target, in which case the Air power
A mount emboldened by this Charm is control rating 0, Valor adds the Exalt’s Essence rating to its Maneuverability in ad-
5 and automatically succeeds on all Valor rolls. Getting onto dition to cold immunity. Once a Terrestrial has enchanted a
an unfriendly animal to tame it with this Charm requires a target with one version of this Charm, the cost to apply other
successful grapple, though it isn’t necessary to win control of any other versions drops to 1m. With Essence 4+, the charac-
the clinch. When used on a Ride vehicle, the Charm keeps ter can commit an additional mote per valid target within 500
the character in her seat and lets her perform piloting actions yards, extending the Charm’s benefits to that target as long as
reflexively, allowing her to devote full attention to other tasks. it stays within range.

Issue: Elemental Halo’s Mercy (p. 182) Issue: Dance of the Jade Bridle (p. 182)
Mins: Ride 2, Essence 2. Type is Reflexive. The Charm also pro- Keyword: Replace Compulsion with Servitude. Type is Simple
tects Ride vehicles and any passengers on the mount/vehicle, (Dramatic Action). Duration is Instant. If the activation roll
as well as all personal possessions carried or worn by protected succeeds, the Exalt spends a scene subduing the target animal,
characters. Reduce the cost to 0m if targeting a mount or ve- after which the benefits of Great Heart Companion automati-
hicle the Exalt owns. cally apply while riding it and the steed gains an Intimacy of
loyalty toward the Terrestrial, doing all within the limits of its

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded 41

bestial intelligence to obey and please her. If the Exalt mistreats Survival rating and provides a like number of bonus successes
the mount, the effect only lasts a month; it is otherwise perma- on all Survival rolls to avoid suffering and possible death from
nent. On a failed roll, the training scene goes very poorly and extreme climates.
the Exalt suffers unsoakable levels of lethal damage equal to
the net successes by which the mount won. Ignore the listed
Issue: (Element) Shelter Creation
surcharge to apply other Ride Charms to large mounts. A Ter-
restrial can use this Charm to break a mount for a Celestial Technique (pp. 184-185)
Exalt, in which case the animal transfers its loyalty as soon as Keyword: Shaping. Duration is Indefinite. The structure fills a
it meets its owner. radius in yards no larger than (intended number of occupants
x 2). It has a soak of 5L/10B and crumbles apart once it suffers
Survival 10 levels of damage. With Essence 4+, the structure forms
instantly. A second purchase of this Charm makes the shelter
Issue: More than Horses extremely restful, converting all dice to automatic successes
Clarification: Although horses are certainly the most com- when a character rolls to regain Willpower after a night’s rest.
mon riding animal in the Second Age, they are hardly the only
mounts Terrestrial Exalted use. Dragon-Blooded Ride Charms
Issue: Extension of the (Element)
function on any familiar or non-sentient beast large enough
to carry the Exalt. In addition, Ride Charms may enhance the Dragon Blessing (p. 185)
piloting of vehicles piloted with that Ability, but any Charm Once a character has any version of this Charm active, other
with a Minimum Ride requirement of 1-4 requires an extra dot known versions cost only 1m to activate and allies already
of Ride above the minimum to be used this way. protected by the first activation inherit other version benefits
at no additional cost. Essence 5+ Exalted with all five ver-
sions active suffer no penalties, damage or other harm from any
Issue: Quarry Revelation Technique (p. 182) environmental conditions—even those not native to Creation
If contested by another Charm, standard roll-off rules deter-
like Primordial weather. Whenever an Exalt with this Charm
mine which wins.
creates a shelter with its prerequisite, the structure itself and
all those within it automatically gain the protection associated
Issue: Trail-Concealing Measurement (p. 182) with all known versions of Extension of the (Element) Dragon
If contested by another Charm, standard roll-off rules deter- Blessing.
mine which wins.

Issue: Nature’s Healing Bounty (p. 185)

Issue: Ration-Enhancing Method (p. 183) Cost: —. Remove minimum Medicine and Medicine Charm
Cost is 1m. Type is Sup-
prerequisites. Type and
plemental. This Charm
Duration are Permanent.
enhances a hunting/for-
A Terrestrial with this
aging action, allowing the
hunt to be accomplished Charm can use Survival
in one hour regardless of Excellencies to ben-
terrain or skill. The roll efit Medicine actions
ignores penalties for lack- as though they were
ing tools or weapons and Medicine Excellencies,
further adds a number provided she has ac-
of bonus successes equal cess to medicinal plants.
to the Exalt’s Essence Enough plants for a sin-
rating. gle treatment can be for-
aged as per a day’s worth
Issue: Hostile of food or purchased at
Environment a Resource cost equal to
the difficulty to forage in
Preparation the local terrain. She may
Method (p. 183) apply any combination of
This Charm reduces relevant Medicine and/
all external penalties or Survival specialties to
imposed by hostile the action, but remains
environmental condi- capped at a +3 bonus.
tions by the Exalt’s

42 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Dragon-Blooded

The Manual of Exalted only to Lunar’s true forms?

Answer: All forms of tattoo artifacts are constantly visible, ex-

Power: Lunars cept where specific Knacks or Charms would render a Lunar’s
artifacts invisible to detection. This only counts for those tattoos
Backgrounds that are actually artifacts. The remainder of a Lunar’s moonsil-
Tattoo Artifact (pp. 111-112) ver tattoos function as normal. As to whether always having ac-
Question: The write up of the background mentions both cess to built-in artifacts outweighs the stealth issues, that would
Hearthstone Bracers and Hearthstone Amulet as sample arti- be for the individual player to decide.
facts that can be tattooed into a lunar. Does this mean Tattoo
Artifacts can have working hearthstone settings? If yes, then Question: Can tattooed armor stack with any other worn ar-
how does it exactly work? Does the hearthstone just stick to mor?
the Lunar’s skin? Does it partially sink in wearer’s flesh? Or
something completely else perhaps? Answer: Typically, yes.

Answer: Tattooed hearthstone bracers and hearthstone amulets Question: Does tattooed armor count as armor for the purpose
would indeed possess working hearthstone settings. As for how of Martial Arts?
it works, I imagine the hearthstone is encompasses about the
edges by the mixture of moonsilver and flesh that makes up the Answer: No.
tattoo. It’s very similar to the way a skin mount amulet works,
though it counts more on the natural proclivities of moonsilver
and the malleability of Lunar flesh. Shapeshifting
Question: The write up says Tattoo Artifacts “cannot be hid-
Moonsilver Armor
Question: Can Moonsilver Armor or Moon-Faced Mail change
den by shapechanging Knacks or Charms unless such power
explicitly allows the Lunar to hide her artifacts as well.” Does shape with a Lunar to fit his new appearance? Is it only restricted
it pertain to all forms including those acquired through Sacred to human/humanoid forms or can it be used in any shape (any
Hunt (which would render the entire Background useless) or animal, demon, behemoth, etc.)?

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Lunars 43

Answer: The armor alters its own shape to conform to the Lu- Clarification: This Charm bases its modifiers on the natural,
nar’s own shapeshifting. A Lunar may gain its benefits in all unmodified Attribute ratings of the Lunar’s true human form.
his various forms.

Question: If it can shift to fit non-humanoid, non-warforms,

Dexterity Charms
is this a choice the Lunar makes when shifting, or do you have Issue: Flowing Body Evasion (p. 151)
to take your armor off if you want to not have the armor on in Clarification: This Charm has a Duration of Instant rather
your shapeshifted forms? than One action.

Answer: One would have to either remove the armor or reclaim

Issue: Snake Body Technique (p. 152)
the Essence committed to attuning it.
Clarification: Although declared in Step 2, this Charm resolves
as normal for a counterattack in step 9, permitting the original
Moon-Faced Mail (p. 128) aggressor to defend himself against his redirected attack.
Question: It says that any type of armor can be made into Moon-
Faced Mail. Does this apply to fine, exceptional and perfect
grades of that same equipment? Stamina Charms
Issue: Halting the Scarlet Flow (p. 160)
Answer: No. Clarification: When used as a Gift, this Charm requires the
commitment of 3m and permits the Lunar to reflexively regen-
Question: As a follow up to the answer above, is there a specific erate one lethal health level at the beginning of each action.
“in-game” reason for this (something that a player character will
know) or is it due to game balance?
Adder Fang Method (p. 162)
Answer: Artifacts are always intrinsically superior to non-mag- Question: The damage for Luna’s Spite does not mention
ical equipment. The effort an artisan would expend to create whether the damage is Lethal or Bashing. The text suggests
superior but mundane gear is expended to instead make moon- lethal, as it mentions what happens to people who die of the
faced mail able to change shape. venom, but, officially, which damage type is it?

Answer: It’s lethal.

Green Sun Child (p. 133) Cobra Eye Method (p. 162)
Question: The natural state of a demon being incorporeal, is a Question: Just to be clear: When you buy this charm, do you
Lunar using this Knack dematerialized? automatically get the use of one of the acids listed, or do you
have to buy any and all of them separately?
Answer: No.
Answer: The Lunar receives one gratis when the Charm is pur-
Hybrid Body Rearrangement (p. 135) chased.
Issue: Replace the text of the Knack with the following:

A dedicated Lunar can learn to change just part of his body to

Appearance Charms
gain some special benefit or attack. The character may transform Issue: Clover Can’t Be Found (p. 177)
part of her body, producing any mutation she desires, so long Clarification: This Charm is a Simple Charm.
as the mutation is based on her spirit shape or a shape in her
heart’s blood library. Producing a pox or deficiency costs 1m,
an affliction or debility costs 2m, a blight or deformity costs 3m, Martial Arts Charms
and an abomination costs 4m. These motes are not committed, Question: Can a Lunar with Martial Arts as a favored ability
the Lunar may simultaneously wear as many mutations as she buy Martial Arts Charms for the experience cost of Favorite
wishes, and the mutations last as long as the Lunar desires. Such Attributes Charms?
mutations do not recede when the character’s anima flares to
the 8m+ level. Answer: Yes, he or she can.

Benefits of Chimerism (p. 203)

Charm Updates Clarification: Rather than paying (bonus point cost of muta-
Strength Charms tion x 3) motes to manifest mutations, as detailed on page 203,
chimera pay only 1m per mutation regardless of the strength of
Issue: Claws of the Silver Moon (p. 144) the mutation manifested.

44 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Lunars

The Manual of Exalted Meditation on War (p. 156)
Question: This Charm is not required to reach the pinnacle
Power: Sidereals Charm of the tree. This seems odd.

Charm Updates Answer: It may be unusual, but it’s hardly unique in that regard.

Generic Charms War

Issue: Fateful (Ability) Excellency—
Training Mandate of Auspicious
Essence Auspicious (p. 144)
Clarification: This Charm has the Combo-OK Keyword.
Battle (pp. 159-160)
Question: This Charm has the Training keyword but does not
appear to train anyone.
Answer: True, despite the fact that training is involved, the
Issue: Dreaming the Wild Lands (p. 136)
members of the unit under the command of the Sidereal gain
Clarification: This Charm has the Shaping Keyword.
no permanent knowledge in the way one expects from a Charm
with the Training keyword.
Issue: Implicit Construction Training Mandate of Celestial
Methodology (p. 143) Empowerment (p. 160)
Clarification: This Charm may only be applied to a single roll Question: This Charm has the Training keyword but does not
per project. appear to train anyone.

Dodge Answer: True, despite the fact that training is involved, the
members of the unit under the command of the Sidereal gain
Issue: Duck Fate (p. 143)
Clarification: This Charm may be employed to avoid any harm- no permanent knowledge in the way one expects from a Charm
ful effect (including all undesired physical, social, mental and with the Training keyword.
spiritual influence), regardless of applicability or the scope of
the attack, so long as the Sidereal succeeds on the Charm’s ac- Investigation
tivation roll. It fails only against Limit Break and Pattern Bite.
Duck Fate’s fallible activation roll is considered a unique Flaw Embracing Life Method (p. 163)
of Invulnerability. Question: This Charm lacks the Obvious keyword, was this

Athletics Answer: Yes. The Charm isn’t Obvious according to the defini-
Forgotten Earth (p. 153) tion of that keyword. Burying a seed and spilling your blood
Question: The Charm is Reflexive, does it provide the jump, on it doesn’t immediately draw the attention of passers-by and
and if so what is the Speed of such an action? Or does it supple- inform them that magic is afoot, and the seed’s growth, though
ment the character taking a Jump action? fast, is not so fast that it does so either.

Answer: It does not provide the jump. It does, in fact, triple the
leaping distance of a regular Jump action. Lore
Issue: Of Horrors Best Unknown (p. 168)
Melee Clarification: This Charm has the Shaping Keyword. To clarify,
it brings creatures outside of fate inside of fate for a year and
Harmony of Blows (p. 155) a day, while its “Target Number”-modifying curse lasts only for
Question: This Charm says that the Sidereal “can take two extra
the first scene in which the net’s criteria are met.
attack actions.” Does this mean she makes three attacks in total?

Answer: Yes, three attacks. Stealth

Issue: Soft Presence Practice (p. 170)
Issue: Serenity in Blood (p. 155) Clarification: This Charm has a Duration of One scene and is
Clarification: This Charm only applies its listed Willpower cost a Simple Charm.
the first time it is invoked during the character’s action.

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Sidereals 45

Awareness Sidereal Mental Influence
Supernal Awareness Issue: Sidereal Mental Influence
Question: This Charm has a Instant duration, but the effects Clarification: Unless otherwise specified, Sidereal Charms
and the description seem to indicate that it should have a dura- which leverage mental influence cost one Willpower to resist.
tion of One Scene.
The following Charms require two Willpower to resist:
Answer: You are correct. It should in fact have a duration of 1. Adopting the Untamed Face, p. 136.
one scene. 2. Favorable Inflection Procedure, p. 145.
3. Life Without Compunction, p. 149.
4. You and Yours Stance, p. 150.
Bureaucracy 5. Force Decision, p. 156.
Issue: Terminal Sanction (p. 176)
Clarification: Spirits may not resist this Charm’s Servitude ef- The following Charms require three Willpower to resist:
fect. 1. Becoming the Wilderness, p. 136.
2. Sky Spirit Demand, p. 137.
3. Song of Spirit Persuasion, p. 148.
Integrity 4. Avoiding the Truth Technique, p. 163.
Issue: (Virtue) Essence Replenishment (p. 178) 5. Masque of the Uncanny, p. 165.
Clarification: This Charm no longer provides motes for chan- 6. Icy Hand, p. 176.
neling a Virtue once that Virtue has been channeled a number 7. Underling Invisibility Practice, p. 176.
of times in a day equal to its rating. 8. Unwavering Well-Being Meditation, p. 178.

The following Charms require five Willpower to resist:

Martial Arts 1. Neighborhood Relocation Scheme, p. 144.
Issue: Blade of the Battle Maiden (p. 182) 2. Abandoned Words Curse, p. 145.
3. Ice and Fire Binding, p. 148.
Clarification: This Charm may only apply its purchased dice
4. Shun the Smiling Lady, p. 149.
to attacks or Parry DV, as decided at the time of activation—not
5. Spirit-Binding Battle Pattern, p. 161.
both at once.
6. Of Secrets Yet Untold, p. 167.
7. Ceasing to Exist Approach, p. 172.

46 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Sidereals

The Manual of Exalted Feeding (p. 95)
Abyssals can feed on Alchemical Exalted to regain motes,

Power: Abyssals though not past the moment of death (i.e. no minute long
postmortem window of opportunity due to immediate physi-
cal dissolution). Though no Abyssals yet realize it, Primordial
The Abyssal Condition jouten are succulent beyond imagining, yielding five motes per
Cheating Death and Eternal Life health level consumed.
The Black Exaltation of an Abyssal shields her body from the
injury that should have killed her and further heals her body of Whispers (p. 100)
all damage. Like all Exalted, deathknights surge to full motes, Storyteller-triggered insights into the future granted by an
full Willpower points and full Virtue channels in the Abyssal’s Whispers sometimes reveal tragedies and massacres
moment of their Exaltation. that will result in a large number of deaths, even if the Nev-
erborn should not be privy to that plan (such as a terrorism
Damned (p. 95) plot to detonate a Soulbreaker Orb known only to living con-
Thaumaturgical prognostication using probabilistic modeling spirators). In such cases, the Neverborn have glimpsed some
or consulting the Design of Autochthon is no more effective deeper horrid truth in the structure of the universe through
at determining an Abyssal’s future than reading the stars of their own nihilistic Charms. The dead titans cannot reliably
Creation, though rolling five or more successes reveals the do this, however, and so neither can their Whispers reliably
taint of the Void marring the reading. provide such information on demand. Prophetic visions are a
plot device, not a power.
Rejected by Creation (p. 95)
The -2 internal penalty for being in areas of living Essence ap- Anima Banner (p. 101)
plies only to non-reflexive actions. The penalty is a Crippling Replace the second and third paragraph on page 101, under
effect and may be defended against as such. Abyssals suffer in “Anima Banner,” with the following:
all realms of existence suffused with living Essence, which is
to say all places save the realms of the dead and blight zones Mortals who botch a Morale roll in the same scene as they wit-
of Autochthonia. Areas the Storyteller deems closely associ- nessed that Abyssal Exalt’s iconic anima not only flee, but must
ated with death like graveyards provide their own trappings of spend 1 Willpower point not to gouge out their own eyes in a mad-
death to keep the penalty at bay. Committing motes to block dened attempt to remove the horrors etched behind their lids (or do
the discomfort is a reflexive action. something similarly self-destructive). The unnatural Compulsion

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Abyssals/Graceful Wicked Masques 47

expressly overrides a mortal’s basic survival instinct to impose this of death still applies even though defending the specific life
unacceptable order. is permitted). With a positive Intimacy, the deathknight can
safely ignore her Liege’s command to murder her mate and can
Dusk Anima (p. 103) even fight the Deathlord in defense of that one precious life.
The anima effect of the Dusk Caste is identical to that of the Monstrance Magic Resistance Monstrances may only be
Dawn Caste. harmed by inflicting damage on them. Any magic which would
harm them in another fashion (for example, Shaping magic
that would dissolve a Monstrance outright) simply fails. Mag-
Midnight Anima (p. 105) ic that could open them from the inside like Lock-Opening
Creating a zombie by touch is a (Speed 5, DV -0) diceless mis- Touch must beat a flat 20 successes applied to the roll-off,
cellaneous action. Smiting a mortal, natural animal or ghost though such magic works normally from the outside.
is an unblockable, undodgeable (Speed 3, DV -1) attack that
inflicts (Essence rating) levels of aggravated levels. If the target
is protected by a Defend Other action, the midnight must smite Unholy Monstrance Compulsion
the guardian instead (if a valid target) or remove that guardian In case it needs to be said, the compulsion a Monstrance of
before the ward may be attacked with this power. Celestial Portion exerts on the living to flee its presence is about
as unnatural as mental influence gets.

Daybreak Anima (p. 107)

The anima effect of the Daybreak Caste is identical to that of Broken Solar Prisoners
the Twilight Caste (see Scroll of Errata, p. 11). Lawgivers trapped in a Monstrance who succumb to the de-
spair of Oblivion can choose death, catatonia or defilement
into an Abyssal. No matter what she chooses, her choice exerts
Dark Fate (p. 112-116) an irresistible compulsion upon her of such terrible power that
Though the Neverborn can instill Resonance in their slaves, it overrides even the normally unacceptable nature of suicidal
they are merely conduits of Oblivion. So long as Oblivion commands as an unnatural Servitude effect. Suicidal urges are
threatens the universe, the dark fate of the Abyssal Exalted carried out by the most expedient means available until suc-
is an immutable facet of their existence. Destroying the Nev- cessful. Catatonia means the Solar falls into a coma and cannot
erborn will not free them from this curse. Only by becoming awaken or be awakened. Willingness to convert lasts until a
something else—most likely through redemption into a So- conversion can be accomplished; the Solar cannot pursue any
lar—can the Chosen of the Void escape the doom they must other goal until she has been twisted into an Abyssal. Magic
bring upon the world. Like the Clarity of Alchemicals, dark that can cure a Servitude effect of this severity is rare, but
fate is an intrinsic property of Abyssal Exaltation rather than causes the Solar to regain one Willpower point (at which time
an external malediction. Thus, it is categorically impossible to her will is no longer broken and she can once again choose
be an Abyssal and not suffer Resonance. her actions).

Flawed Virtue (p. 112) Destroying a Monstrance of Celestial

Abyssals do not gain Resonance for rolling a flawed Virtue
solely to regain Willpower (usually a Conviction roll following Portion
sleep) or from channeling a Virtue in defense or direct support Though some Deathlords attempt to control their servants
of their Lunar mates as explained below. with tales of Exalts’ souls held hostage in their Monstrances,
such threats are hollow lies. If an Abyssal’s Monstrance is de-
stroyed, the only repercussion for the Exalt is a sudden feeling
Resonance and Lunar Mates of hope that replenishes all her Willpower.
The mystical ties that bind Lunar Exalted to their Solar mates
offer Abyssal Exalted a tiny sliver of hope. Resonance is never
gained from sins of life directly associated with the appropriate Dimming of the Light (p. 117)
Lunar. If the deathknight’s mate calls her by her forsaken name, A Solar corrupted into an Abyssal converts all Combos con-
she may answer to it. She can protect her mate from harm and taining lost Charms back into experience, as well as all known
love her with a positive Intimacy. The two can even have chil- Solar Circle sorcery spells. The new deathknight can teach
dren together safely, for all that the Neverborn impotently roar previously known Charms, combos and spells as though he still
in fury. If the Abyssal actually does hold a positive Intimacy knew them. These rules also apply when an Abyssal redeems
for her mate, the protection goes even farther, shielding her into a Lawgiver.
from sins of death so long as her actions are in direct support
or defense of the Lunar. Thus, an Abyssal with no positive Call the Black Sun (p. 117)
Intimacy could safely protect her mate from demons, but not a There is no question that this spell can exist, but it is left
horde of specters (since the sin of death for opposing creatures to Storytellers to decide whether the Deathlords have yet

48 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Abyssals/Graceful Wicked Masques

done so. It is likely that at least some of the thirteen foresaw provide this knowledge, though humble mortals often have as
the danger of losing a Monstrance and developed the spell much to teach as cosmic powers like Primordials or the Uncon-
as a contingency plan. However, the epic mad genius of the quered Sun. Arduous ordeals of trial and error also provide a
Deathlords has not kept them from ill-conceived plans across viable path to enlightenment in the absence of direct instruc-
the centuries, and failing to plan for loose Abyssals is exactly tion. The Charm Unconquered Hero’s Faith (The Manual
the sort of apocalyptically unwise move they seem prone to. of Exalted Power—The Abyssals, p. 140) offers tantalizing
It is possible to cast Call the Black Sun without a Monstrance hope and gives a reliable firsthand opportunity to study Solar
by having the necessary raw materials on hand and incorpo- Essence, but characters aren’t required to learn it to achieve
rating a standard prayer roll to the slain Primordials into the redemption and should be mindful that rapid Resonance ac-
final Shape Necromancy action; if the prayer succeeds and the cumulation tends to do horrible things to bystanders.
Neverborn approve the request, their unholy power shapes
the raw materials into a new Monstrance into which the sum- • Redemption always involves building relationships with the
moned Exaltation appears. It is even possible to use Call the living, helping others, affirming life and directly opposing the
Black Sun for the purposes of obtaining a blank Monstrance forces of Oblivion. Such actions accumulate significant Reso-
without summoning a specific Exaltation. Worst of all, Essence nance, punishing the character with regular Dark Fate mani-
7+ necromancers do not need to beseech the Neverborn, but festations and concomitant tragedy.
may personally shape a blank Monstrance into being them-
selves as part of the spell. • Redemption always involves some form of meaningful sac-
rifice, often the hero’s own life (especially if the final act of
heroism involves destroying a greater threat, like one’s Liege).
Abyssal Redemption An Abyssal who dies as a Solar passes on to Lethe or lingers
The guidelines and rules for Abyssal redemption are as follows:
as a ghost as desired, while her cleansed Essence incarnates
in a new Solar.
Trapped inside the tainted Essence of every deathknight is
a dim spark of Solar glory, a fragile hope that gutters like a
• Redemption is absolute. Once a Solar Essence slips from
windblown candle with the faint promise of redemption. The
the grasp of the Neverborn, the only way to steal that Essence
epiphany that damnation isn’t inevitable eventually occurs to
back to the side of Oblivion is to wait until it incarnates again
almost every Abyssal despite the best efforts of the Neverborn,
in a new host (or to assist that reincarnation process along).
triggered by a conflict between an Intimacy (or former Inti-
macy) and the murderous urgings of Dark Fate. Canonically,
• If an Abyssal attains redemption, her anima flares iconic
no Abyssal has ever followed through on this hope to earn re-
as her Caste shifts to a Solar analogue, mirroring the process
demption, making any player-controlled deathknight to rejoin
and rules of corruption (see The Manual of Exalted Power—
the light the first of her kind. While the specific requirements
The Abyssals, p. 117). Known Void Circle spells remain only
of redemption are left to Storytellers to decide based on the
as inaccessible occult theory. The Lawgiver probably loses all
needs and scope of each series, the basic guidelines and the
Whispers, but may retain her rating as a psychic “scar” of her
results are explained below:
former state if that suits the character better. If the new Solar
had a monstrance, it shatters violently with her redemption in
• Redemption should represent the culmination of a great and
an explosion of Holy golden flames that inflict 10A levels of
lengthy quest rather than a reward for singular acts of heroism.
damage to creatures of darkness within five yards as a one-time
A bare minimum of one story devoted to the task per dot of
Trauma 10L environmental hazard. Especially generous Story-
Essence is highly recommended, reflecting the fact that it is
tellers may allow Solars to reclaim experience points spent on
harder to turn back from the darkness the farther you explore
Void spells and Combos lost in the conversion, though this is
its power. Abyssals can also choose to permanently lower their
hardly required. After all, the character should seek redemp-
Whispers rating by one dot at the end of each story devoted to
tion because she believes it is the right thing to do no matter
redemption (returning 3 experience points if Storytellers give
the price.
compensatory experience for lost Backgrounds).
• A redeemed Solar lacks the Great Curse, and may not be
• Redemption is a personal quest and does not require any
subjected to it again by any means in this or any future incarna-
external assistance or permission, nor may it be accomplished
tion. Similarly, children of Dragon-Blooded freed of the Curse
by another entity on the Abyssal’s behalf—not even the U
retain this immunity and pass it on to all their descendents. All
conquered Sun or Autochthon. The inherent power to seek
Exalted who have been cured of the Great Curse still possess
redemption is the legacy of every Solar Exaltation, drawing on
a Limit track, but no longer gain Limit by any means other
the metaphysical inviolability of Ignis Divine. Because redemp-
than having it inflicted upon them directly by magical effects,
tion is so personal, one deathknight’s path to the light may not
such as the Abyssal Charm Sanity-Eroding Diatribe, or the
work for others, depending on personality and background.
Solar Charm Bloodthirsty Sword-Dancer Spirit. Resisting un-
natural mental influence is not such an effect and does not
• Redemption requires profound understanding of Solar Ex- grant Limit any longer. Their Virtue Flaw disappears. When
altation and the ideals of the four Virtues. Wise mentors can the character’s Limit hits 10, she loses one dot of permanent

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Abyssals/Graceful Wicked Masques 49

Willpower (minimum Willpower 1) instead of entering Limit
Break madness. Lost dots naturally return at the rate of one Graceful Wicked Masques
per month since experiencing Limit Break The original Exalted
Limit track was originally designed by the gods and Autoch-
General Questions
thon to act as an ablative defense against madness-inducing Assumption Charms’ Committed Cost
Primordial magic. Unfortunately, Limit created an unintended Question: Are the motes spent invoking an Assumption charm
backdoor vulnerability that the dying Primordials exploited committed or not?
and corrupted with their Great Curse, bypassing anti-Shaping
defenses through this hidden imperfection. It is scant comfort Answer: They are committed.
that only the death curses of the Primordials could exploit this
crack and that they cannot do so again. Alchemical Exalted,
who were never subject to the Great Curse, also possess such
Experience and Training
Question: The XP chart for shaped raksha is missing from the
a Limit track, though they are unaware of this as there are
Storytelling chapter. What are the experience costs and training
no beings in Autochthonia with Limit-inducing magic, and
times for the Fair Folk?
Alchemical Charms cannot give their own user Limit. Abys-
sals form the singular exception to this rule—their Limit track
Answer: See below. All other costs are as per the Solar experi-
has been twisted into the apparatus by which the Neverborn
ence table on page 274 of Exalted, but the training time becomes
inflict Resonance on them, and any effect which would give an
“tale” where the Fair Folk are concerned.
Abyssal Limit instead grants equivalent Resonance.

• Any Charms which rely on the character possessing the Trait Increase Cost Training Time
Great Curse to function (such as Stubborn Boar Defense) are Caste or Favored Ability current rating x 2 tale
converted into experience, but are considered known for the
purpose of meeting Charm prerequisites. Charms that merely Other Ability current rating x 3 tale
add Limit function as stated above. Major Grace current rating x 3 tale
Minor Grace current rating x 6 tale
Charm Updates Heart Grace to 4† 20 tale
Integrity † Available only at 200+ experience.
Issue: Immortal Malevolence Enslavement
and Unconquered Hero’s Faith (p. 140) New Trait Cost Training Time
Clarification: Unconquered Hero’s Faith may never be learned
or used by any character that possesses Immortal Malevolence Charm 6 tale
Enslavement. Furthermore, Deathlords are incapable of learn- Specialty (commoner) 2 tale
ing Unconquered Hero’s Faith or any other Charm based upon
Specialty (noble) 5 tale
fundamental elements of Abyssal Exaltation.

50 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Abyssals/Graceful Wicked Masques

The Manual of Exalted of page)? And on a related note, wasn’t Sondok a soul of the
Ebon Dragon?
Answer: The Blood Queen’s an akuma of the Ebon Dragon via
Power: Infernals the Second Circle demon Makarios. Also, Sondok is the warden
soul of Ligier and thus descended from Malfeas.
General Questions
Life expectancy of Infernals Chapter 4: Traits
Question: What is the life expectancy of Green Sun Princes
and Akumas? Infernal Limit (p. 80)
Question: Intimacies the Yozis don’t approve of are also affected
Answer: Akuma typically age as the beings from which they by Torment. Can any creature be affected through an Infernal’s
were spawned do, though exceptions do exist. Sacrificing one’s intimacies? gods, demons, ghosts, exalts, rakshas...?
soul to dark powers for an extended life is a staple of myth and
fiction, after all. As for the Green Sun Princes... well, let’s just Answer: Theoretically, yes. Think of it operating similar to the
say they have an interesting destiny to look forward to if they way and arcane link does. Also, take the story into account.
can survive long enough to seize it. Don’t just inflict it on a supernatural being because it is possible
to do so, but because it in some way advances the story to do so.

Chapter 2: Servants of the Yozis Anima Effects (p. 87)

Investiture of Infernal Glory (p. 53) Question: The first and second bullet points both state that
Question: On the bottom of page 53, in the ‘mechanical ben- they illuminate the Infernal’s caste mark “as if the character has
efits’ section, it says “It is rare for a Yozi to reduce any Virtue spent 4-7 motes of Peripheral Essence”, is this a mistake? Should
to 1 or less (except for Appearance) and almost unheard of to one of these instead light up an aura rather than the caste mark
reduce one of an akuma’s Virtues that low.” Should this read ‘it (possibly at the 8-10 mote level)?
is rare for a Yozi to reduce any Attribute to 1 or less...’?
Answer: It is a mistake. The second bullet point should have
Answer: Yes, it should be “any Attribute”. the character’s anima expand to the 8-10 mote level.

Question: Do Akuma gain the full effect of the Demonic In-

heritance background? Specifically does the Perception + Occult Defiler Anima Power (p. 93)
roll to recognize demonic heritage apply to them? The anima effect of the Defiler Caste is identical to that of the
Twilight Caste (see Scroll of Errata, p. 11).
Answer: Yes they do, and yes it does.
Fiends Anima Power (p. 97)
The Blood Queen (pp. 55-56) Question: Can Fiends learn SMAs with their anima power?
Question: Is the Blood Queen an Akuma of Malfeas via Son- According to their caste entry (p. 97), “Finally, Fiends, like their
dok (p. 55, first two full paragraphs), or of the Ebon Dragon Solar and Abyssal peers, are talented generalists and can learn
via Erembour via Makarios (p. 56, partial paragraph at start Charms from any type of Exalt or from spirits. The only limita-

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Infernals 51

tion is that a Fiend can never use any Charm that carries the
Holy keyword.” However, this contradicts the section on Infer-
Chapter 7: Storytelling
nal Martial Arts in Chapter 5 (p. 103), saying, “Unlike Celestial XP Costs and Infernal
akuma, Hell’s Chosen lack the native connection to Creation’s Charms—“Favored” Skills/
principles to access the Blossom of the Perfected Lotus by any
means.” Is the Fiend power meant to bypass this restriction? Charms and Infernals (p. 218)
Answer: The prohibition still stands. No Green Sun Prince, Question: The Infernals, seem only to have their caste charms
even a Fiend. is capable of learning Sidereal martial arts. and no equivalent of favored charms. However, the XP costs
table lists a cost for “Caste or Favored” charms at 8xp each, and
Favored charms are referenced in the text. Is there any such
Chapter 5: Charms thing as “Favored” charms? Do you choose another Yozi’s tree
as “Favored”?
Wayward Divinity Oversight (p. 118)
Question: Is the 3rd purchase of Wayward Divinity Oversight Answer: This confusion comes from a mistake made in the
(p. 118) supposed to be at Essence 4+ or 5+? character creation chapter. Each Green Sun Prince possesses
Caste Charms based on the Yozi who acts as her patron, but she
Answer: Essence 4+, but it does require that one already possess should also choose a second Yozi whose Charms are considered
the Essence 4+ version that allows one to perceive and track Favored.

Infernal Monster Style

World-Breaker Grip (p. 160)
Question: When using a held enemy as an improvised weapon,
this charm says that the ‘weapon’ has “Damage: (Strength x2)
B + attack successes.” What does this mean? Weapon statistics
do not normally include an “attack successes” term in their
damage rating. Is this after adding the usual Strength + Extra
Successes in the base damage of an attack? Should it really just
be “Damage: (Strength)”?

Answer: It should be Damage: (Strength x 2)B.

Chapter 6: Wonders of
the Demon Realm
Chalcanth & Azoth (pp. 174-76)
Question: When purchasing Chalcanth or Azoth (at the prices
listed on p.176) instead of making it yourself, how much Essence
does it contain (meaning what should the Essence & Willpower
of the dissolved demon be treated as)? The Chalcanth Reservoir
(p.186) requires this information to function when filled with
purchased chalcanth.

Answer: It’s really up to the Storyteller to determine. Demons

vary in Essence and Willpower within the circles, but Resources
is an abstraction that covers a range rather than any specific
monetary value. Assume the value of a chalcanth or azoth catch
varies from day to day in the same way the quality of tuna at a fish
market does. Sometimes, the selection is better. Sometimes it’s
worse. It depends greatly on what demon got careless or pissed
the wrong being off.

52 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Infernals

Dreams of the First Age: Lunar Charms
Morning Blossoms Blooming (p. 72)
Lords of Creation Question: Morning Blossoms Blooming states that it acts as
environmental damage and gives trauma, but it’s damage is
listed without an interval. What is the damage’s interval?
General Questions
First Age Character Creation Answer: It’s “action”.
Question: Can Lunars in the First Age learn Sidereal Martial
Arts? Issue: Flowing Body Ascension (p. 69)
Clarification: This Charm adds a +3m, 1wp surcharge to its
Answer: This is deliberately left up to the individual Story- prerequisite when employed, rather than +2m.
teller to decide.
Issue: Air Body Style (pp. 73-74)
Clarification: As per the sidebar on page 28 of Glories of the
Charm Updates Most High: Luna, Lunar caste-fixing tattoos do not impede
the function of any Lunar Charms a Lunar Exalt may decide
Lunar Knacks to use upon himself.
Courtesan’s Possession (p. 68)
Question: Does taking a form in this way trigger a Compas-
sion roll? Dragon-Blooded Charms
Unchain the Dragon’s Heart (p. 79)
Answer: No, it does not. Question: This Charm states in its second paragraph
that “with Essence 6+” but the Charm already requires
Question: Do you get the effects of Flickering Star Infusion Essence 6 to learn. Should the upgraded capability of
after the target dies? the Charm come at a later permanent Essence?

Answer: Yes, one does. Answer: Yes, Essence 7.

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Infernals 53

Glories of the Most High: Secrets of the Unconquered Sun
Shedding Infinite Radiance (pp. 37-38)
The Unconquered Sun The Twilight/Daybreak iteration of this Charm reduces the
cost of appropriate spells by half or (Essence x 2), whichever
The Unconquered Sun is less.

Incandescent Ascendancy (p. 10)

The Unconquered Sun moves at a base speed of 20 yards per
tick, not 15. Glories of the Most High:
Gifts to the Chosen Luna
Martial Arts Gifts to the Chosen
Armor-Shattering Strike (pp. 20-21) Charisma
The second paragraph should read: Sacred Guardian Renewal (pp. 24-25)
Replace the text of the Charm with the following:
Should the attack also actually inflict damage, the Solar may
pay an extra 1m to immediately cancel all Charms, spells and This Charm functions identically to the Solar Charm Phoe-
astrological powers with a duration greater than Instant but nix Renewal Tactic (see Exalted, p. 200), save that the Lunar
less than Permanent which provide the target with increased may only regain Virtue channels from appropriate stunts which
soak or hardness. This nullification is a Shaping effect.” serve to protect or promote anything toward which the Lunar
has a positive Intimacy, be it a way of life, a place, a society or
Integrity a specific individual.
Glory to the Most High (pp. 24-25)
As an additional benefit, the Steward is not required to spend
This Charm converts to experience when the character be-
Willpower to channel any Virtue she has purchased Sacred
comes old enough to naturally buy Essence 10.
Guardian Renewal for on behalf of her Solar mate.

Performance Thousand Streams Defender (p. 25)

Rose-Lipped Seduction Style (p. 26) Replace the text of the Charm with the following:
New Keyword: Mirror. While the Charm is in effect, all char-
acters who possess any sort of positive Intimacy toward the Luna smiles to see the passion of her Chosen when they rise in
Solar have their MDVs set to 0 against seduction attempts by defense of the world her lover made. As a permanent upgrade
her so long as she is of a gender they are normally attracted to the Steward’s competence, she doubles the number of dice
to; if she is not, then such targets halve their MDVs instead. rolled as a result of channeling any Virtue she has purchased
Sacred Guardian Renewal for on any action which protects
The user’s Lunar mate has his MDV set to 0 regardless of or promotes anything toward which the Lunar has a positive
normal preferences. Intimacy.

This Charm’s Abyssal Mirror is called Lust and Loathing

Stance. Its prerequisite is Irresistible Succubus Style. Unlike
its Solar counterpart, Lust and Loathing Stance is Obvious,
Glories of the Most High:
only keys off of negative Intimacies or Intimacies of lust, and
it halves MDVs regardless of the target’s normal sexual prefer- The Maidens of Destiny
ences. It has no particular efficacy against an Abyssal’s Lunar
mate. Gifts to the Chosen
Sapphire Veil of Passion Style
Arms of the Unconquered Sun Style Sapphire Veil of Passion Form (p. 30)
Crowned Sun Form (p. 37) New Keyword: Reactor. The martial artist only gains 5 motes
Non-Martial Arts Form-type Charms are not valid targets for when her DV refreshes if she has inflicted either damage or
the Sun Burning Upon the Mirror technique. a new Intimacy on another character since her DV last re-

54 Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Infernals

Greater Arts of Astrology when assaulted by the character (such as by defending them-
selves), it merely ensures that there will be no hard feelings
Inevitability Without Finesse (p. 33) afterward.
This Charm only imposes a universal penalty to Craft (Fate)
rolls the first time the Sidereal uses it within the course of a day.
Replace the last sentence with the following: “The Sidereal
Maiden and Gambler Stance (p. 35)
This Charm’s defensive benefit functions by shaping the tar-
perfectly dodges until his DV refreshes, including undodgeable
get’s destiny so that his blows cannot find purchase upon the
and unexpected attacks.” This Charm’s destiny-warping ele-
Sidereal. As such, this Charm will not protect the user from
ments constitute a special Flaw of Invulnerability.
beings outside of Fate, and is considered a Shaping attack
against the target. If the Charm does find purchase upon its
Angry Maiden Mantle (p. 34) target, then attacks enhanced with a channeled Virtue bypass
Duration: One season. the otherwise-perfect defense afforded by this Charm. This is
considered a special Flaw of Invulnerability.
Understanding Ecstatic Ways (pp. 34-35)
Duration: One week. Add the Illusion Keyword. This Charm Well-Schooled Pedant Defense (p. 36)
does not prevent targets from acting in their own best interest Duration: One season.

Chapter Three • Manuals of Exalted Power—The Infernals 55

56 Chapter Four • Books of Sorcery
Chapter Four

Books of Sorcery

Wonders of the Lost Age Warstriders

Warstrider Magical Material Bonuses
Question: Can warstriders gain magical material bonuses?
Purview of the Forbidding Manse Answer: Yes.
Builder Bugs (pp. 117-119)
Question: Builder Bugs as presented in the book are a level
3 artifact that provides 24 insects that can build things. The
Warstrider Artifact Weapon Attunement Costs
Question: On page 152, the text states that most warstrider
combat stats presented are on par with Omen Dogs, Large Cats
artifacts require 12 motes to attune, but exceptionally large
and other major predators, even though they are individually
ones require as many as 18. However, this is contradicted by
the size of a house-cat. Are the combat stats presented in-
the table on page 160, which has their attunement costs as
tended to be for the entire swarm attacking a target?
equivalent to normal sized artifact weapons. Which is correct,
the text or the table?
Answer: No, the stats are for the individual insects, whose
large, sharp mandibles and insect strength make them the
Answer: The text is correct.
equal to many predators if pressed into combat.

Chapter Four • Books of Sorcery—Wonders of the Lost Age 57

The White and Disguise of the New Face (p. 43)
Question: What is the system for Appearance bolstering? By
Black Treatises how many dots can you change it?

Answer: You can change it to any value between 0 and 5 (the

General Questions normal range) by adding 1 to the difficulty of the initial disguise
roll. Inhuman levels of beauty may be emulated with the spell,
Dodging or Parrying Without An Attack Roll but the entire range of Appearance may never be more than
Question: Some spells say that they can not be dodged or par-
(sorcerer’s Essence) dots different from the natural Appearance
ried, but have no attack roll against which to apply DV. How
of the target, and raising Appearance above 5 costs +2 difficulty
does one apply their DV against these spells?
per dot.
Answer: I’m not sure what you mean. If something cannot be
dodged or parried, then why would these spells need an attack Celestial Circle Spells
roll one would defend against? One wouldn’t apply DV because
Cloud Trapeze (p. 70)
it isn’t applicable.
Question: This spell does not indicate a maximum weight or
passenger capacity, nor does it list a size for the cloud. Does
Terrestrial Circle Spells this mean it can transport an unlimited amount of cargo and
Cirrus Skiff (p. 40)
Question: The box information says that this conveyance car-
Answer: No. It should be 500 pounds of cargo and/or passen-
ries one passenger per two dots of Essence of the caster, while
gers per dot of permanent Essence.
the text of the spell says it can only carry one passenger total.
Which is correct?
The Crumbling Walls (p. 70)
Answer: One passenger per two dots of Essence the caster pos- Question: This spell says that “During the casting, the sorcerer
sesses. and her companions are prohibited from defending themselves
against attack, though they may have bodyguards accompany
them or use armor or magic to enhance their ability to avoid
Dance of the Smoke Cobras (p. 43) harm.”
Question: What is the duration for this spell?
Does this mean they are forbidden from using their DVs? Or
can they simply not strike back at attackers?
Answer: (Essence) actions.

58 Chapter Four • Books of Sorcery—The Black and White Treatises

Answer: Both. They may neither defend themselves in any way
nor strike their attackers. Winds of Confusion (p. 99)
Question: This spell lacks a duration.

Imbue Amalgam (pp. 74-75) Answer: It lasts one hour.

Question: The Attribute and Ability sections of this Charm list
a maximum of (Essence + Occult). Is this the maximum that
any one trait can be granted, or is that the maximum that that
Oadenol’s Codex
category of traits can gain?
General Questions
Answer: It is the maximum that that category of traits can gain. Essence and Mortals (p. 6)
Question: What is the experience cost for mortals to raise Es-
Question: The last sentence of the spell reads: “No conferred sence?
Ability can exceed the rating of its “donor”. Does this limit
apply only to Abilities, or to Attributes, Willpower, etc. as well? Answer: Rating x 20
Answer: It applies to all traits.
Demesne, Manse and Hearthstone
Magma Kraken (pp. 76-77) Wilderness Gem (p. 104)
Question: How many tentacles are created by this spell? How Question: This hearthstone is listed in the Second Edition
wide is their reach? Core, p. 384 and grants four successes on Survival rolls, and is
also listed in Oadenol’s Codex, p. 104 granting only two extra
Answer: Ten tentacles are created. They may reach up to 15 successes. Which is the correct version?
Answer: Two successes.
Summoning the Greater Minions
of the Eyeless Face (p. 83) The Gem of Perfect Mobility (p. 107)
Question: How long do Greater Minions last before perishing? Question: The text says that this hearthstone reduces the Speed
of a character’s actions, but then takes about the “actions
Answer: A year and a day. gained” from it being incompatible with Extra Action Charms.
Does this hearthstone grant additional actions? Does it only
Question: If Greater Minions are created like Heroic Mortals, reduce Speed?
can they learn thaumaturgy and take Merits and Flaws?
Answer: It only halves the Speed all actions require. This effect
Answer: No and no. Though they are built similarly, minions of this hearthstone can’t be combined with any Extra Action
are not heroic mortals themselves. Charms, however.

Question: Do you have to choose between extra bonus points Thaumaturgy

and more Greater Minions when expending extra motes or do
you gain both? Dishonest (Creature)’s Rebuke (p. 142)
Question: What is the difficulty of this ritual? None is listed.
Answer: One has to choose between the two.
Answer: The difficulty should be 1.
Solar Circle Spells
Magical Flora, Fauna and Phenomena
Unity of the Closed Fist (pp. 98-99)
Question: This spell lacks a limit on number of participants, Ironwood (p. 157)
allowing it to get physical attributes in the hundreds simply by Question: The text says that weapons made of hardened iron-
using mass extras. wood cost one resources dot higher than their normal counter-
parts. Does hardened Ironwood equipment offer any mechani-
Answer: Five is the maximum number of participants, which led to cal advantage over its normal counterparts?
the spell’s name: five fingers together making for a single closed fist.
Answer: No, except in a case where a metal weapon might be
vulnerable to a specific attack that a wooden one wouldn’t, and
vice versa (ironwood versus a Wood Aspect’s anima power, for

Chapter Four • Books of Sorcery—Black & White Treatises / Oadenol's Codex 59

60 Chapter Five • Rolls of Glorious Divinity
Chapter Five

Rolls of Glorious Divinity

The Roll of Glorious can derive Speed 5, Accuracy +2, Damage +16B/4, Defense
+2 or +3, Rate 2, and at least the Overwhelming tag, but
this leaves the exact Defense, the minimum Strength required,
Divinity I: Gods whether it has the Piercing tag like Marnhammar, and whether
it attunes as Orichalcum or not up in the air.
& Elementals Answer: It’s Speed 5, Accuracy
General Questions +2, Damage +16B/4, Defense
+2, Rate 2, Tags O. It requires
Priesthood (p. 169) Strength 3 to wield and costs 6
Question: The sidebar here states that Day Caste Abyssals motes of Essence to attune. It does
are always considered priests of every god. Shouldn’t that be not gain the orichalcum magical
Midnight Caste? material bonus.
Answer: It should indeed.

Warclubs (p. 98)

Question: What are the game statistics of a Warclub? It refer-
ences the “notes below”, but aside from the stat block there are
no notes below. From reverse engineering the stat block, one

Chapter Five • Rolls of Glorious Divinity—Gods & Elementals 61

The Roll of Glorious Special
Shift Passion
Training Time
6 months/dot
Shift Fetter 10 1 year/dot
Divinity II: Ghosts
Heroic Ghosts and Martial Arts Charms
& Demons Question: Previous books have Ghosts remember their Martial
Arts charms from life, however the rules for converting Exalted
General Questions and heroic Mortals to Heroic Ghosts has them lose any (all)
Ghost XP/Training times their charms from life, excepting Ox-Body Technique. Does
Question: What are the XP costs and training times, particu- this mean that Ghosts can not mentor Martial Arts charms
larly for Arcanoi, for ghost PC’s? they had in life now?

Answer: See below. Answer: Ghosts lose access to all Charms unique to their Exalt
Trait Increase Cost Training Time type, with the exception of Ox-Body Technique, which has a
Attribute current rating x 8 (current rating x ghostly equivalent. Martial Arts Charms, being not tied to a
3) months specific type of supernatural being, are still available to ghosts
Favored Ability (current rating x 4) – 1 (current rating x who meet their minimums, though Sidereal Martial Arts are
2) weeks too tied to the fate they’ve cheated to maintain their unlives
Ability current rating x 4 (current rating x and may not be practiced.
2) weeks
Essence current rating x 12 (current rating x Ghosts and Spirit Charms
2) months Question: The core and the underworld books mention cer-
Virtue current rating x 6 (current rating x tain ghosts having spirit charms, but nothing is mentioned on
10) weeks how they learn them. Is it the same as learning Arcanoi?
Willpower current rating x 5 (current rating x
6) weeks Answer: Yes.
Fetter current rating x 3 6 months

Evoke the Ancient Clay

Question: The Underworld book, as well as multiple Arcanoi
New Trait Cost Training Time reference Evoke the Ancient Clay Arcanoi. Was this left out
Ability 12 12 weeks of the book? Will it be added to some other book or as a sepa-
Charm 14 8 weeks rate pdf?
New Fetter 20 1 year
Answer: It’s available in the pdf Lost Arts of the Dead.

62 Chapter Five • Rolls of Glorious Divinity—Ghosts & Demons

Chapter Five • Rolls of Glorious Divinity—Ghosts & Demons 63
64 Chapter Six • Directional Compasses
Chapter Six

Directional Compasses

The Compass of Terrestrial The Compass of Celestial

Directions: The South Directions: The Wyld
Heroes of the South: Point Values for Mutations (p. 144)
Question: Would the listed point values also count as experi-
Celestial Exalted ence point values for “buying” mutations after character cre-
Question: What are the motivations of Scarlet Whisper and ation, or should different values be used? Or is that completely
Dozima Wokish? prohibited, with Wyld Mutation being the domain of random
chance (and acts of ST) alone?
Answer: Scarlet Whisper: Reveal the human condition in
such a way that humanity chooses peace and order. Dozima Answer: After character creation, the cost would be twice as
Wokish: Explore every culture in the South, that Heaven may much, and it would require Storyteller approval, as yes, these
guide them to their best potential. are usually just gained from Wyld exposure and would have to
be worked into the story.

Chapter Six • Directional Compasses—The South / The Wyld 65

Regeneration from Exalted Healing might perhaps leave not a single scar, while others’ mutation
might fill in damaged areas with tumorous growths. Whatever
(p. 146) works best for the mutant’s concept.
Question: The Exalted Healing affliction mentions that, if
taken twice, it becomes the Regeneration Abomination, which
is not a published mutation. What are statistics for the Regen-
Raising Enlightened Essence (p. 148)
eration Abomination? Question: This mutation says that a character under its effects
“can increase his Essence trait by spending experience points
Answer: It doubles the healing rates gained with the Exalted at the normal rate for heroic mortal characters.” What is the
Healing affliction. experience cost for a heroic mortal raising their Essence?

Question: As a follow up question to this, what would the Answer: rating x 20

regeneration abomination “look like”. It seems that abomina-
tions are generally very obvious, so I’m wondering how regen- Question: And, if one were to buy this mutation at character
eration would physically manifest itself, outside of interesting creation, what would the bonus point cost for raising it be,
effects whenever the mutant gets hurt. then?

Answer: However you want it to look. For some mutants it Answer: Four bonus points (covered in Scroll of Heroes).

66 Chapter Six • Directional Compasses—The Wyld

Chapter Six • Directional Compasses—The Wyld 67
68 Chapter Seven • Esoteric Wisdom
Chapter Seven

Esoteric Wisdom

Scroll of The Monk Answer: It reduces damage being dealt to the martial artist
using this Charm. It ties into the above assertion that "Those
who still try to argue find it more difficult to harm such a
Laughing Wounds Style gentle soul."
Kiss of the Whip
Question: Should this Charm have the Crippling keyword?

Answer: No.

Scroll of The Monk:

The Imperfect Lotus
Instruction in Good Will
Question: It mentions 'This Charm also reduces damage by
one die in Step 8, after soak but before the damage is rolled'.
Is this damage being done to the martial artist, damage the
martial artist is inflicting, or both?

Chapter Seven • Esoteric Wisdom—Scroll of the Monk / The Imperfect Lotus 69

The Path of the Arbiter Style Answer: No. These items aren't in fact made of jade, but of
light. They just share jade's magical material bonuses.
Destiny and the Arbiters (Sidebar, p. 7)
Question: This style allows a user to earn & raise the Destiny Question: The Artifacts & Familiars acquired with the 3 Forg-
Background in play. But Celestial Exalted can not normally ac- ing Charms seem a bit weak because they are capped at level
quire the Destiny Background. Does this style allow a Celestial 2 if not augmented with the Destiny Background. Even then,
Exalt martial artist to gain this background? only one Charm can benefit. Can a Martial Artist increase the
ratings of these Traits in other ways, such as Experience Points,
Answer: No. or using Craft on the Artifacts?

Destiny and the Forging Charms (Sidebar, Answer: No. The style is only a Terrestrial one after all. Celes-
tial Exalts have plenty of ways to gain superior familiars already.
p. 9)
Question: The Destiny Background (normally off-limits to
Celestials) can improve the effects of one Forging Charm. If
this Path does not allow Celestial Exalted to gain Destiny, can
Celestials substitute another Trait to gain the bonus to a Forg-
ing Charm?

Answer: No.

Forging Charm
Question: Can a Celestial using Forging the Soul-Born Sword
& Forging the Armor of Integrity, create a weapon &/or armor
made of her preferred magical material, instead of jade?

70 Chapter Seven • Esoteric Wisdom—The Imperfect Lotus

Scroll of Fallen Races Question: What Attribute is combined with Archery or
Thrown when making an Artillery attack roll?
Mountain Folk Answer: Dexterity.
Question: What is the story with Paths in the Experience
Costs chart for the Mountain Folk?
Question: What items published before Scroll of Kings, e.g.
Essence Cannons, should have the Artillery Tag?
Answer: Um... it was a mistake. It should be New Charm with
a cost of 12 and New Caste Pattern Charm with a cost of 10.
Answer: Much of the Purview of the Violet Bier, technically:
The training times for both are (minimum Essence x 3) days.
implosion bows of every size, concussive Essence Cannons of
medium size and higher, Essence twisters, lightning ballistae,
Question: Sleepless Rock Emulation is listed as Stackable, but
glorious scythes and storm hammers. However, most First Age
does not actually say what getting it more than once does for
weapons don't suffer from the long reload times endemic to
you. It seems that taking it once removes your need for sleep,
modern artillery, so the tag means less where such weapons
what would greater levels do?
are concerned.
Answer: It should not possess the Stackable keyword.
Sijan Black Watch Fang (p. 97)
Question: Should the Magnitude of the Black Watch Fang
Dragon Kings be 1, instead of 2? The unit is listed as having five members,
Question: What are the Breed Paths for Raptok? The Breed
albeit powerful ones.
Page states The Growing Wood Path and The Solid Earth Path.
The Character Creation Summary page states The Yielding
Answer: It should, in fact, be Magnitude 1.
Earth Path and The Growing Wood Path. Finally, in the path
write-ups, both The Yielding Earth Path and The Solid Earth
Path state a Favored Breed of "None", while both The Shaping
Wood Path and The Growing Wood Path state a Favored Breed
of "Raptok". (The other breeds have consistent answers in all
three locations, and the First Edition Players Guide did not
state which Breeds had an affinity for given Paths.)

Answer: The Raptok Breed Paths are The Growing Wood Path
and the Shaping Wood Path.

Scroll of Kings
Chiaroscuran Glass Blades (p. 131)
Question: No Resources cost is given for glass blades. Is this
because they are unavailable for normal Resources, because
they cost the same as non-glass blades or is it an oversight?

Answer: It was merely an oversight. As stated in The Compass

of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. IV--The South, page 24, these
glass weapons cost one Resources dot more in the South and
two Resources dots more elsewhere in Creation.

Question: The description of Artillery prohibits the use of
Charms not expressly for use with Artillery, except for the Ar-
chery and Thrown Excellencies. Does this imply a prohibition
against Lunars applying Dexterity Excellencies to Artillery at-
tack rolls?

Answer: No, Lunars can indeed use their Dexterity Excellen-

cies in such circumstances.

Chapter Seven • Esoteric Wisdom—Scroll of Fallen Races / Scroll of Kings 71

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