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MARCH 10 -11, 2023

Dr. Yustinus
Dr. Edison R. L. Tinambunan

Robertus Pius Manik, Ph.D

Dr. Kurniawan Dwi Madyo Utomo

Vice Chairperson
Dr. Antonius Denny Firmanto, M.Pd.

Yohanes Wilson B. Lena Meo, JCL

Gregorius Pasi, Lic.Th
Pius Pandor, Lic.Phil

Kristoforus Bala, M.A.

Peter Sarbini, M.A.

Dr. Yohanes I Wayan Marianta

Asia is rich in cultural and religious traditions but is filled with poverty, social injustice, and
social conflict. The dynamism and complexity of social problems in Asia can be a locus of
theology and philosophy. Making Asia a locus of theology and philosophy can produce a
theology and philosophy that is different from previous eras influenced by western views but
remains alive and contributes to social transformation in the spirit of the gospel. Theological
and philosophical reflections in an Asian context can assist the Church in Asia in formulating
its plans and activities for the future, which will contribute to the liberation of Asia.

This International Conference focuses on the interpretation of the Asian context professionally
and thoroughly to determine the dimensions of contextual theology and philosophy. Therefore,
the theme “Asia as a Locus of Philosophy and Theology” that we raise is aimed at exploring
such issues. We wish to see how far philosophical and theological analysis can contribute to
realizing social justice in Asia.


March 10, 2023

Time Activities Presenter

08.00 - 08.15 Opening Ceremony

WIB Indonesia Anthem

Opening Remark Dr. F.X. Armada Riyanto

Rector of STFT Widya Sasana

08.15 – 09.15 Plenary 1 Franklin Perkins, Ph.D

WIB Moderator: Robertus Pius Manik, Ph.D

09.15 – 10.15 Plenary 2 Prof. Dr. Ignatius Bambang

WIB Sugiharto
Moderator: Robertus Pius Manik, Ph.D

10.15 – 10.30 Break


10.30 – 11.30 Plenary 3 Dr. Otto Gusti Madung

WIB Moderator: Kristoforus Bala, M.A.

11.30 – 12.30 Break


12.30 – 14.00 Parallel Session in Grouped Room


14.00 – 14.10 Closing Ceremony



March 11, 2023

Time Activities Presenter

08.00 - 08.15 Opening Ceremony

WIB Indonesia Anthem

Opening Remark Dr. F.X. Armada Riyanto

Rector of STFT Widya Sasana

08.15 – 09.15 Plenary 1 Daniel Franklin Pilario, Ph.D.

WIB Moderator: Dr. Edison R. L. Tinambunan

09.15 – 10.15 Plenary 2 Dr. Paul A. Bharathi

WIB Moderator: Dr. Edison R. L. Tinambunan

10.15 – 10.30 Break


10.30 – 11.30 Plenary 3 Prof. Dr. William Chang

WIB Moderator: Raymundus Sudhiarsa, Ph.D

11.30 – 12.30 Plenary 4 A. Galih Arga Wiwin Aryanto,

WIB M.A., S.T.D.
Moderator: Raymundus Sudhiarsa, Ph.D

12.30 – 13.00 Break


13.00 – 14.30 Parallel Session in Grouped Room


14.30 – 14.35 Closing Ceremony


Contact Person
1. Kurniawan 081359172885 (call/WhatsApp)
2. Elwin 081287989904 (call/WhatsApp)

Invitation Link
Time: Friday, March 10, 2023, 08:00 AM Jakarta
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID : 998 280 6732

Passcode : AFTI

Time: Saturday, March 11, 2023, 08:00 AM Jakarta

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID : 998 280 6732

Passcode : AFTI


March 10, 2023

Franklin Perkins, Ph.D

University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA

Prof. Dr. Ignatius Bambang Sugiharto

Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia

Dr. Otto Gusti Madung

Ledalero Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Indonesia

March 11, 2023

Daniel Franklin Pilario, Ph.D.

St. Vincent School of Theology of Adamson University, Philippines

Dr. Paul A. Bharathi

MMI College of Theology, India

Prof. Dr. William Chang

Widya Dharma University, Indonesia

A. Galih Arga Wiwin Aryanto, M.A., S.T.D.

Sanata Dharma University, Indonesia

Technical Guidelines and General Rules
1. This international conference uses Zoom. Please make sure that the Zoom application
is installed on your device.
2. Participants should join the Zoom meeting 10 minutes before the conference start.
3. Link Zoom and passcode for this conference are valid for one registered presenter/non-
presenter participant.
4. Use the format of First Name (example: Anton) for non-presenters and the format of
Room Number_First Name (example: 1_Lucia) for the participant as a presenter.
5. Participants must fill out the attendance link. The attendance link will be posted to the
zoom chat box during the event.
6. Participants activate the microphone after the moderator’s invitation during the
question-and-answer session.
7. Questions can be delivered orally or written in the Zoom chat box.
8. Participants will receive a certificate if they attend the conference from the beginning
to the end of the conference.

Technical Guidelines and Rules for the Parallel Session
1. Presenters should upload their presentation files at: [email protected]
2. Presenters will be grouped into “Zoom Breakout Room” based on the predefined
“Zoom Room” number.
3. Presenters must be ready 15 minutes before the scheduled time to attend the parallel
session in the “Zoom Breakout Room” with the correct username format, so the
operator can assign presenters to the “Zoom Breakout Room” accordingly.
4. The presentation order will be determined based on the schedule in the Book of
5. Each presenter will be given 15 minutes for presentation.
6. The presenter can present the material using a ppt or pdf file.
7. A question-and-answer session will be conducted for 30 minutes after all presenters
finish their presentations.
8. Questions for the presenter can be delivered orally or written in the Zoom chat box.
9. When the parallel session ends, participants can leave the breakout room and back to
the main room for the next schedule.

Technical Guides for Entering and Leaving the Zoom Room
1. Please make sure that the username format is correct:
Non-Presenter format: First Name (Example: Anton)
Presenter Format: Room Number_First name (example: 01_Lucia)
2. Participants should wait for the Operator to divide into Parallel Session Rooms. Please
wait until the following Pop Out appears, then click “Join”.
3. After clicking “Join”, participants will join the parallel session.
4. If participants want to leave the breakout room or return to the main room, click “leave
the room” and select “leave breakout room.


FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023

Moderator: Dr. Gregorius Tri Wardoyo

No. Time Presenter Title

1. 12.30 – 12.45 Dr. Cicilia Damayanti Social Justice in Anthropocene Era: Its
WIB Forms

2. 12.45 – 13.00 Dr. Norbertus Jegalus, Philosophy of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: Ex

M.A. Pluribus Unum

3. 13.00 – 13.15 Dr. Stephanus Conjoining Knowledge and Mysticism


Social Justice in Anthropocene Era: Its Forms

Dr. Cicilia Damayanti

In the Anthropocene period, justice is an urgent issue that necessitates a multifaceted strategy
that tackles the numerous facets of social and environmental injustice. The Anthropocene
epoch has resulted in enormous changes in the natural world, and it is critical that the pursuit
of justice considers the intricacies of this new epoch. Degrowth, postcolonialism, and solidarity
politics are crucial notions that might help us comprehend justice in the Anthropocene. For the
purpose of sustainability and social fairness, degrowth emphasizes the significance of lowering
consumption and output. Postcolonialism exposes the continuous exploitation of
underprivileged groups and emphasizes the need for more equal resource allocation. A
solidarity politics acknowledges community interconnectedness and the need for collective
action in attaining justice. This essay uses book analysis techniques to investigate these ideas
from the perspective of justice in the Anthropocene. The study's findings highlight the critical
role that degrowth, postcolonialism, and solidarity-based politics may play in creating equity
of justice for everyone. The study's conclusion emphasizes the relevance of examining these
themes in the development of a more equitable and sustainable society.

Philosophy of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: Ex Pluribus Unum
Dr. Norbertus Jegalus, M.A.

Unity is a very important political notion for Indonesia. The idea of unity is not a new theme
for Indonesian politics, but this theme has been brought up since the founding session of the
Indonesian State in 1945. In that session, the Sanskrit expression Bhineka Tunggal Ika uttered
Moh. Hatta and the idea of an “intergalactic state” put forward by Supomo. This study focuses
on the notion of unity both in the motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika and in Supomo's "integralistic
state staatsidee". What kind of unity is meant by the two: is it a mathematical unity (unum
mathematicum), a logical unity (unum logicum), or a metaphysical unity (unum
metaphysicum)? However, because the context and purpose of the two ideas is political, the
unity in question is of course unum metaphysicum. Therefore, this study will explore the
metaphysical unity of the motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika and Supomo's idea of integralism, with
three questions: First, regarding the type of unity, is it unum in se or unum ordinis? If the
answer is unum ordinis, then it will be explored further, do Bhineka Tunggal Ika and
Integralism involve unum per se or unum per accident? Second, how is the conformity of the
unitary understanding of Bhineka Tunggal Ika and Supomo’s integralism, considering that
Indonesia adheres to a unitary state known as the "Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia"
(NKRI)? Third, finally, how do the two archipelago philosophical ideas respond to the reality
of Indonesia's pluralism, namely regarding pluralism and multiculturalism?

Conjoining Knowledge and Mysticism

Dr. Stephanus Djunatan

Hṛdaya (sutra) or The Heart Sutra is a recited, meditative prayer and teaching of life free from
suffering in Buddhism. This Sutra conjoins knowing and reasoning mind, and an esoteric
understanding of reality. These conjoined capacities are necessary to explain the metaphor of
Shunyata, or nothingness. An indispensable interpretation of the text explains that nothingness
consists of the boundlessness of human consciousness toward reality in itself and an awareness
of being interconnected and interconnecting with other entities. Both contents then crystallize
into sensible and intuitive actions. Such actions imply that one experiences simultaneously
oneself as subjective subject and objective realities surround through these actions. This paper
will start with a study of the text. The next part is to digest it interpretively. I will confer with
a Japanese Philosopher, Nishida Kitaro, and a Zen expert, Thich Nhat Hanh in order to discuss
a philosophical implication of the text. In the end, the paper discusses conjoined capacities of
knowledge and mysticism in order to realize the existence of the subject and reality in itself.

Moderator: Sefrianus Juhani, Lic.

No. Time Presenter Title

1. 12.30 – 12.45 Dr. Agustinus Wisnu Understanding The Difference of Values

WIB Dewantara of Covid-19 Pandemic in Axiology

2. 12.45 – 13.00 Mikael Ardi Mempertahankan Tradisi Adat

“Berladang” Masyarakat Dayak sebagai
Upaya Memerangi Krisis Bonum
Commune di tengah Mentalitas Ekonomis
Masyarakat Kontemporer

3. 13.00 – 13.15 Mardohar Batu Bornok Nishida Kitaro’s Expressive Activity in

Simanjuntak, S.S., Katana Sword Making as a Way to
M.Si Achieve Pure Experience

Understanding The Difference of Values of Covid-19 Pandemic in Axiology Perspective

Dr. Agustinus Wisnu Dewantara

The situation of COVID pandemic has become a reality that is lived by people all over the
world. The impact is huge and affects all walks of life, but life must still be fought for and
continued. It is these steps in continuing life in the midst of a pandemic that later emerges many
value conflicts. Everyone agrees that values can be divided into two categories: good and bad,
but about what is good and what is bad, not all humans have the same understandings
agreement. This is where diversity of values emerged. The diversity of values is caused by the
complexity of subjective considerations of the human mind. Value diversity is therefore not a
matter of relative value, but is mainly related to the rich reality of human life. Axiology
contributes to understanding the division of opinion. This paper will try to answer that question
from an axiological perspective. The research will be carried out qualitatively using a
hermeneutic approach to axiological texts to look into the problem. This research does not want
to make a decision to determine which value is higher, but rather in the form of a search for the
meaning of why differences in values occur in the community. The COVID-19 pandemic
invites people to be wise in understanding the values that must be defended. Subjective
independence must be recognized, and at the same time uphold the values of living together
that apply objectively.

Mempertahankan Tradisi Adat “Berladang” Masyarakat Dayak sebagai Upaya
Memerangi Krisis Bonum Commune di tengah Mentalitas Ekonomis Masyarakat
Mikael Ardi

Perbincangan mengenai tema “revolusi industri 4.0” masih menjadi isu relevan untuk
direfleksikan saat ini. Era yang adalah perpaduan antara produk 4IR dengan industri dan
ekonomi ini, nyatanya berdampak melampaui apa yang diimpikan yang secara negatif memicu
terjadinya krisis bonum commune. Bidang perekonomian global menjadi pihak yang paling
diuntungkan, dan pada saat bersamaan menjadi penyebab keterancaman akan punahnya hutan
yang merupakan ekspresi budaya atau tonggak lahirnya ide, system nilai, dan moral manusia
Dayak. Usaha membudayakan tradisi “berladang” menjadi pilihan tepat guna mengakhiri
mentalitas ekonomis masyarakat kontemporer yang tamak dan rakus karena telah mendorong
teknologi canggih menguasai lapangan pekerjaan dan menggantinya dengan tenaga mesin
canggih. Karena itu, tulisan ini menguraikan secara fenomenologis peran dari tradisi berladang
guna meng-counter dampak yang lebih buruk dari mentalitas ekonomis tersebut. Metode
penulisan ini menggunakan metode historis kritis terhadap fenomena saat ini dengan salah satu
kearifan lokal suku Dayak di Kalimantan, yaitu tradisi adat berladang.

Nishida Kitaro’s Expressive Activity in Katana Sword Making as a Way to Achieve Pure
Mardohar Batu Bornok Simanjuntak, S.S., M.Si

Western craft and craftsmanship have long been taken as complementary or even
supplementary – in contrast with high art and artistic explorations. This pejorative approach is
quite common from the western industrial perspective. An artisan’s work is then taken less
seriously than an artist’s oeuvre d’art. Contrary to this, Asian countries have long recognized
the mastery of these master craftsmen and have given no different treatment to artists and
artisans. This paper examines the concept of expressive activity from Japanese Philosopher
Nishida Kitaro in his essay “Expressive Activity” written in 1925. In this Kitaro proposes that
the fulfillment of a state of mind that he called pure experience can only be achieved through
an action that is independent of external urges. The author then pursued this line of thought by
taking Kitaro’s idea to see how this kind of acting – as Kitaro addresses it – is present in the
ancient craft of katana (Japanese Sword) making performed by veteran swordsmiths. By
analyzing Kitaro’s texts including An Inquiry into the Good and Ontology of Production, the

author explains that the old wisdom of “giving life to the steel” can be justified by taking
Kitaro’s pure experience as the telos of an artisan’s expressive activity.

Moderator: Abner Hubertus Sito, Lic.Th

No. Time Presenter Title

1. 12.30 – 12.45 Watu Yohanes Vianey Spiritualitas Manusia Asia – Belajar dari
WIB Tata Nama Rumat Adat Ngada, Flores,

2. 12.45 – 13.00 Fransiskus S. Bembid Exploring the Educational Philosophy of

Manggarai People Based on Toing, Titong,
and Tinggo (3T)

3. 13.00 – 13.15 Stepanus Angga Kebijaksanaan Relasionalitas Orang Dayak

dalam Semboyan Adil Ka’Talino
Romanus Piter
Bacuramin Ka’Saruga Basengat Ka’Jubata

Spiritualitas Manusia Asia – Belajar dari Tata Nama Rumat Adat Ngada, Flores,
Watu Yohanes Vianey

Rumah sebagai komunitas dapat menjadi sumber pengolahan kehidupan spiritual bagi anak-
anak manusia. Rumah tradisional orang Ngada yang disebut sa’o ngaza (‘rumah bernama’)
mempunyai elemen tata nama yang inheren mengandung makna sipiritualitas dan memberi
inspirasi dan motivasi bagi komunitasnya untuk berjuang mewujudkannya. Tata nama sa’o
ngaza adalah dimensi entitas dari rumah tradisional Ngada berupa susunan nama-nama yang
terstruktur, yang menunjuk pada identitas dari masing-masing bangunan rumah, baik secara
partikular maupun kolektif, yang dikukuhkan dengan ritual pemberian nama. Sebagai teks
budaya, dari sisi teori semiotika, nama ’rumah awal’ (sa’o pu’u) dan rumah akhir itu (sa’o
lobo), menandakan adanya konsep ’awali’ dan ’akhiri’ dalam sistem simbol/sistem
makna/sistem nilai dalam kearifan lokal. Nama dari sa’o pu’u sebagai ’yang awal’ dan nama
sa’o lobo sebagai ’yang akhir’ itu merepresentasikan pribadi yang ada di balik nama tersebut.
Dalam kode religi, pribadi yang pantas memiliki karakter sebagai ’yang awal’ dan ’yang akhir’
itu adalah Tuhan. Hal tersebut dijelaskan pula oleh teori proses. Teori proses dalam kode religi
tersebut menegaskan adanya ’kodrat awali’ dan ’kodrat akhiri’ yang non temporal dari Yang

Kudus. Dengan demikian nama ’rumah awal’ dan ’rumah akhir’ ini dapat diproduksi menjadi
represenstasi ’kodrat awali’ dan ’kodrat akhiri’ Yang Ilahi’ yang lintas zaman. Karena itulah
sa’o ngaza dalam tradisi lokal, bukan hanya merupakan rumah insani, tetapi adalah juga replika
’Rumah Tuhan’ yang disebut dengan istilah Lesa Dewa. Sebagai Lesa Dewa, rumah tersebut
berfungsi pula sebagai tempat pemujaan pada Yang Sakral dan membentuk manusia untuk
menjadi kopa Dewa (pembungkus benih ketuhanan). Hal mana menjadi modalitas untuk proses
pengolahan spiritualitas para penghuninya, dan dapat memberi sumbangan kultural untuk
pemerkayaan spiritualitas manusia Asia di Asia.

Exploring the Educational Philosophy of Manggarai People Based on Toing, Titong, and
Tinggo (3T)
Fransiskus S. Bembid
The term "philosophy" in this paper is understood as items of thought that contain the wisdom
of life. "Educational philosophy of the Manggarai people" means the points of thought about
the local wisdom of the Manggarai people related to efforts to humanize humans. The
educational philosophy of the Manggarai people is too broad to be fully explored. The focus
of this paper is to explore the nature of education, the nature of educators, and the nature of
being educated in the local wisdom of the Manggarai people. The method used is qualitative
with a language approach, which explores the meaning contained in the words "toing", "titong"
and "tingo" (3T). The search for the meaning of these three words more or less refers to the
“Manggarai-Indonesia Dictionary” written by J. A. J. Verheijen. This research found several
things. First, education according to the local wisdom of the Manggarai people is a guide to a
good life, not just knowledge of what is good. Guidance is carried out in everyday life by older
people because they are more experienced and wiser. Third, the target of the mentoring action
is people who are younger because they are not yet wise and do not have much knowledge and

Kebijaksanaan Relasionalitas Orang Dayak dalam Semboyan Adil Ka’Talino Bacuramin

Ka’Saruga Basengat Ka’Jubata
Stepanus Angga; Romanus Piter
The focus of this article is to examine the local wisdom of the Dayak people in the motto Adil
Ka'Talino Bacuramin Ka'Saruga Basengat Ka'Jubata which is a philosophy of everyday life.
This motto shows a pattern of human relations with humans, humans with nature, and humans
with God. This relationship pattern has a dimension that animates all activities of the Dayak
people as a benchmark in taking action. This means that every human action always has a
relationship with others, nature, and God. This pattern forms a philosophical principle of the
Dayak people both in the private and public spheres wherever they are. So in this study, we
will utilize qualitative research methods. We will look for data on the motto Adil Ka'Talino

Bacuramin Ka'Saruga Basengat Ka'Jubata as a principle of the Dayak people's philosophy of
life. Then, after the data was collected, we used the content analysis method to analyze the
research data. This analysis will produce research findings that become a construction in
viewing the relational wisdom of the Dayak people in the motto Adil Ka'Talino Bacuramin
Ka'Saruga Basengat Ka'Jubata. The discussion of these findings will become an actual study
in interpreting relations in the local culture of the Dayak people.


Moderator: Dr. Antonius Denny Firmanto, M.Pd.

No. Time Presenter Title

1. 13.00 – 13.15 Marti Sandino P. Politics and Economics of Persecution:

WIB Espenido Parallels in the Persecution of the Ancient
Church and the Contemporary Church in

2. 13.15 – 13.30 Dr. Megawati Naibaho, Investigating the Oppression of Toba

S.Ag., M.Th. Batak Women: Call for Empowerment and
Woman Leadership

3. 13.30 – 13.45 Martinus Irwan Yulius, Evangelization in Daily Spiritual

M.A. Encounter

Politics and Economics of Persecution: Parallels in the Persecution of the Ancient Church
and the Contemporary Church in Asia
Marti Sandino P. Espenido

The dialogue of faith and politics has at times been beneficial in the promotion of the welfare
of the people. Still, the encounter between faith and politics has had its share of dark points in
history, particularly during moments of persecution. While the experience of persecution
always has a spiritual element integrated into it, there are political and economic circumstances
that enabled and promoted persecution. This paper tackles the political and economic situation
under which the early Christians were persecuted by the Romans. It discusses issues on the
perceived need to maintain power and the dependence of the Roman economy being based on
the persecution of Christians. From that analysis, parallels between the political and economic
situation resulting in persecution between the persecution of the early Christians and the
contemporary Church in Asia are explored. This paper on the causes of Christian persecution
attempts neither to trivialize nor diminish the sacrifices made by the Christians who were
subjected to torture and martyrdom. Rather, it adds luster to their sacrifice and achievement
due to the understanding of the forces and interests arrayed against them. And yet, in spite of
all these, the Church continues to survive, inspire, and grow.

Investigating the Oppression of Toba Batak Women: Call for Empowerment and Woman
Dr. Megawati Naibaho, S.Ag., M.Th.

This research has been developed around the two contrasting views/themes of the Toba Batak
women's oppression and call for women's empowerment and leadership. It initially explored
the philosophy of the Toba Batak society while identifying the forces of Toba Batak women's
suppression. It has examined and critically analyzed the Toba Batak society and its patriarchal
culture. It has been discovered that the Toba Batak women are subordinated because of an
attitude or disposition dictated and perpetuated by the cultural belief systems, especially the
social system of the clan (marga), which places women under the authority of men.
Consequently, women are considered mere objects to men, particularly in childbearing,
because they must be available to produce male children; otherwise, they suffer exclusion from
the clan system, including being a leader. In order to gather data and explore the problem more
deeply, this research uses a case study and a qualitative method through a literature study.
Rethinking Toba Batak Philosophy and family practices involves rethinking the Toba Batak
kinship arrangement and embodying it through substitute liberating, non-discriminating
practices. In order to construct space to promote equality between men and women in Toba
Batak society, the rethinking and counter-acting of patriarchal Toba Batak philosophy and
family practices are essential and fundamental. This way, a cultural analysis will create a more
appropriate proposal for addressing women's subjection. A culturalist approach (like promoting
newer beliefs through habitual alternative practices) may be similarly called forth to foster
women’s empowerment.

Evangelization in Daily Spiritual Encounter

Martinus Irwan Yulius, M.A.

The world has changed so much. The changing of the world has affected all dimensions of
human life. It has brought about a change in the role of a religious institution. The numerical
growth by itself does not say anything about the quality of the Christian faith and its vitality.
In other words, the quantity of churchgoers does not show the whole reality of Christianity.
Moreover, people from different cultures, religions, denominations, and spiritualities come
together and share the same land, air, and social life. However, the Good News still has to be
spread and shared. Diane M. Millis, the founder of Journey Conversation Project, believes that
conversation involves verbal and non-verbal messages. More importantly, she observes that
through conversation there is a moment of “being transported out of [her] own limited view of
reality and into a deeper realm of mystery”. She senses another dimension in human

conversation which is Divine Presence. In this sense, daily encounters can be a means of
spiritual conversation. The process of spiritual encounter is as follows: First, creating or
capturing a ‘generative theme’. It is important in conversation to reach a generative theme.
Second, engaging with people’s lives. This step includes questioning, listening, and
responding. One of the important points in this step is the awareness of the fact that different
stages of people’s lives have different needs. Third, sharing Christian faith, the experience of
faith. This is a crucial moment in which evangelizers have to discern whether or not they will
convert the conversation into sharing or providing the interlocutor with knowledge of belief or
Christian values. Fourth, giving an authentic affirmation. In this step, the evangelizers might
reaffirm all that has happened during the encounter. Fifth, praying. The evangelizers can invite
those with whom they have conversations to pray. The process is much more than just building
up skills. It requires intentionality throughout the process: being aware of others’ needs,
engaging others in expressing and reflecting critically on their lives in dialogue, providing
personal testimony in having a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, giving a genuine
affirmation and encouragement towards the hoped-for faith development, inviting others to
offer all hope, need and expectation to God in prayer.

Moderator: Paskalis Lina, Lic.

No. Time Presenter Title

1. 13.00 – 13.15 Herwindo Chandra, The Effectiveness of Grace for the

WIB S.S., M.Hum Missionary Attitude According to Karl
Martin Lijanto

Raymundus I Made
Sudhiarsa, Ph.D

2. 13.15 – 13.30 Yan Okhtavianus A Post-Covid Student’s Trauma Theology


3. 13.30 – 13.45 Jean Loustar Jewadut Kemiskinan Struktural di Tempat

Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Wairi’I dan
Diakonia Transformatif Gereja: Perspektif
Teologi Publik

The Effectiveness of Grace for the Missionary Attitude According to Karl Rahner
Herwindo Chandra, S.S., M.Hum; Martin Lijanto; Raymundus I Made Sudhiarsa, Ph.D

This research discusses the effectiveness of God’s grace in the lives of Indonesian Catholics
amid the latent threat of Islamic radicalism. Negative prejudice toward radical Muslims can be
formed due to the dissemination of hate speech, terror news, and acts of intolerance that have
been carried out by radical Muslim individuals. Conversely, radicalistic movements could also
create negative prejudice in Muslims toward Catholics. Although not all Muslims are exposed
to radicalism, such a movement is a latent threat to Catholic-Muslim relations. Many studies
on interreligious dialogue discuss peace efforts between followers of Christ and Muslims, but
research on the transformation process of the Catholic laities’ attitude toward Muslims is
inadequate. This research asks about the effectiveness of God’s grace in changing the attitude
of Catholics, such as prejudice and aversion toward Muslims. The qualitative method employed
is the schema of Karl Rahner’s supernatural existential theology. A literature study on several
of Rahner’s works illuminates the analysis of interreligious dialogue studies and the latent
threat of radicalism in Indonesia. There exists an idea of Rahner that has not been sufficiently
discussed, namely, the manifestation of God’s grace in the form of Catholics’ attitude of
dialogue amid pluralism. Such an attitude of dialogue is expressed in the lives of Catholics who
are motivated to be witnesses in the midst of a minority situation. The missionary aspect is
displayed precisely in the daily activities performed in a pluralistic situation. This research
finds that Catholics experience the effectiveness of God’s grace which transforms them when
they are connected with their supernatural dimension through faith. The novelty of this research
is that the development of the agility and resilience of Catholics as witnesses of faith amidst
the latent threat of radicalism is the effectiveness of the grace of the Holy Spirit.

A Post-Covid Student’s Trauma Theology

Yan Okhtavianus Kalampung

As one of the most impacted groups of people, Students in the pandemic have to deal with the
trauma of post-covid times. There are several studies that suggest that student has to deal with
several mental health problems in that situation. In this context, I argue that Theology can give
a profound response to the situation by formulating a post-covid student’s trauma theology. In
that formulation effort, I structure this presentation by first explaning the context of post-covid
trauma among students. And then I explain the nature of and short discussion about trauma
theology. Those are the preparation for the main point of this presentation which is a post-covid
student’s trauma theology in the next section. And I will close this presentation by a short

Kemiskinan Struktural di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Wairi’i dan Diakonia
Transformatif Gereja: Perspektif Teologi Publik
Jean Loustar Jewadut

In the midst of a world marked by globalization of indifference, the Church must affirm its
existence as a communion of God's people with missionary characteristics by actively
involving itself in the struggles of human life. This study aims to reveal the reality of structural
poverty experienced by scavengers at the Wairi'i-Maumere Final Disposal Site, Sikka Regency,
and the Church's response in the form of transformative diaconia by taking into account input
from the perspective of public theology. The methods used in collecting data for this study
were interviews and participatory observation at the Wairi'i TPA. Research data were analyzed
and presented using a qualitative approach. The theoretical framework used in this study is
public theology which emphasizes the role of theology not only to study and communicate the
truth of faith but must be able to dialogue with the wider world and be oriented toward the
transformation of people's lives. From this research, it was found that the reality of poverty
experienced by scavengers at the Wairi'i landfill can no longer be seen simply as bad luck or
due to laziness, but as a result of a structure that oppresses and torments scavengers. Structural
poverty is closely related to socio-political, socio-economic, and socio-cultural institutions that
do not function optimally to seek general welfare but instead create injustice. A church based
on a public theology perspective seeks to respond to the reality of structural poverty by seeking
transformative diaconia, which is evident in the struggle to renew a world that is more just,
peaceful, and prosperous.

Moderator: Agustinus Lie, Lic.Th

No. Time Presenter Title

1. 13.00 – 13.15 Marthinus Selitubun Berteologi dari dalam Lumpur Asmat


2. 13.15 – 13.30 Dr. Alphonsus Tjatur Propaganda Fide dan Kebijakan tentang
Raharso Imam Diosesan di Wilayah Misi dalam
Instruksi La Missione Universale
Prof. Dr. Henricus
Pidyarto Gunawan

3. 13.30 – 13.45 Dr. Edison R. L. Toba Batak as “Locus Theologicus”:

Tinambunan Manifestation of “Ragi Idup” Ulos in the
Religion Meaning and Social Life

Berteologi dari dalam Lumpur Asmat
Marthinus Selitubun


Propaganda Fide dan Kebijakan tentang Imam Diosesan di Wilayah Misi dalam
Instruksi La Missione Universale
Dr. Alphonsus Tjatur Raharso; Prof. Dr. Henricus Pidyarto Gunawan

Kepergian atau kepindahan imam diosesan ke luar negeri, apa pun motifnya, dapat
menimbulkan dampak positif dan negatif bagi keuskupan yang ditinggalkannya. Mobilitas
manusia yang ditopang oleh kemudahan dan keragaman sarana transportasi dewasa ini dapat
memperbesar kemungkinan kepergian atau kepindahan itu. Penelitian ini membahas instruksi
dari Propaganda Fide berjudul La Missione Universale, yang dikeluarkan pada 25 April 2001,
untuk mengatur kepindahan atau kepergian imam diosesan. Melalui metode penelitian hukum,
dengan pendekatan yuridis-normatif, penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa taraf sinkronisasi
hukum secara vertikal antara instruksi dan UU yang ada di atasnya. Penelitian ini juga
menganalisa sinkronisasi hukum antara instruksi dan implementasinya pada taraf yang lebih
rendah, yakni tindak-lanjut oleh Konferensi Para Uskup Italia dalam bentuk naskah perjanjian.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instruksi selaras dengan UU yang ada di atasnya, dan
implementasinya di tingkat keuskupan selaras dengan instruksi yang ada di atasnya. Jika
sebelumnya kepergian imam diosesan ke luar negeri semata-mata dilihat secara negatif dari
sisi disipliner, instruksi menempatkannya secara positif dalam konteks yang lebih luas, yakni
dalam kerangka kerjasama misioner dan komunional antar Gereja partikular. Kerjasama antar
keuskupan dalam bentuk pertukaran imam untuk suatu pelayanan pastoral khusus menjadi
sarana efektif untuk melaksanakan mandat misioner Gereja.

Toba Batak as “Locus Theologicus”: Manifestation of “Ragi Idup” Ulos in the Religion
Meaning and Social Life
Dr. Edison R. L. Tinambunan

The Toba Batak tribe is one of the many tribes in Indonesia, which originally lived around
Lake Toba, and now has spread across this hemisphere. From the colonial period, the Toba
Batak became one of the mission objectives that had been started by Protestant Christians, then

followed by Catholics. Missionaries such as Ludwig Ingwer Nomensen from Christian,
Anicetus Bongsu Sinaga and Leonardus Egidius Joosten from Catholics made the Toba Batak
as a locus theologicus according to their perspective goals. One of the Toba Batak traditions is
the ulos which consists of thousands of types. One of the many types of ulos is “ragi idup”
which has a very significant religious meaning and sketch of the Toba Batak's life journey. To
reveal the value contained in the “ragi idup” ulos, the methodology used is qualitative with
symbolism approach that reveals religious values and the social life of civilization. The goal to
be achieved is that “ragi idup” ulos becomes a possible locus for implementing theology in
Toba Batak culture.


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