Group 1 Research

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Time Management, Learning Motivation

and Academic Performance of Nursing

students in Selected Private Higher
Education Institution of San Jose: Basis
for Proposed Comprehensive Nursing
Education Program
Background of the Study

Time management, learning motivation, and academic performance are important factors in the
success of nursing students in higher education institutions. Academic success is recognized to
be strongly influenced by achievement motivation, which energizes and guides behavior toward
achievement (e.g., Robbins et al., 2004; Hattie, 2009; Plante et al., 2013; Wigfield et al., 2016).
However, there are relatively few research that looked into several motivational factors in
relation to students' academic achievement in one sample and also took into account students'
cognitive ability and prior accomplishments (Steinmayr and Spinath, 2009; Kriegbaum et al.,
2015).It is crucial to incorporate students' cognitive ability and prior achievement in the analyses
when assessing the significance of motivating factors for students' achievement because they are
two of the best single predictors of academic success (e.g., Kuncel et al., 2004; Hailikari et al.,
Nursing students in particular face a variety of challenges which can impact their academic
performance. These challenges can include managing their time efficiently, maintaining a high
level of motivation to learn, and meeting academic requirements. Additionally, nursing students
have to juggle their clinical placements, academic studies, and other responsibilities. Time
management is important for nursing students as it allows them to manage their workload more
effectively and efficiently. This includes organizing their study time, clinical placements,
extracurricular activities, and other responsibilities. Good time management skills can help
nursing students to achieve better academic performance by enabling them to complete tasks and
assignments on time. Learning motivation is another important factor in the success of nursing
students. Motivated students are more likely to engage in their studies, strive for higher grades,
and stay on top of their coursework. Motivation also helps students to stay focused and
motivated to learn. Finally, academic performance is important for nursing students as it is a
reflection of their knowledge, understanding, and ability to apply the concepts they are learning.
Academic performance also determines whether or not a student will be able to successfully
complete their degree program. Nursing students must maintain a high level of academic
performance in order to achieve their academic goals. The purpose of this study is to investigate
the relationship between time management, learning motivation, and academic performance of
nursing students in a selected private higher education institution of San Jose. The study aims to
provide a basis for a proposed comprehensive nursing education program, which will strive to
improve the academic performance and overall success of nursing student.
Conceptual framework
This study aims to look at the relationship between time management, learning motivation and
academic performance of nursing students in a selected private higher education institution of
San Jose. It is proposed that a comprehensive nursing education program can be developed to
improve these three variables. These components interact with each other to impact the academic
performance of nursing students in the selected private higher education institution of San Jose.
The comprehensive nursing education program can be structured to address these components
and improve the academic performance of nursing students. This study on the Time
Management, Learning Motivation and Academic Performance of Nursing students in Selected
Private Higher Education Institution of San Jose: Basis for Proposed Comprehensive Nursing
Education Program.
The interaction of these variables is shown in Figure 1. INDEPENDENT VARIABLES
The assumed flow of the major variables in the study is shown in the diagram below:






Figure 1. A Schematic Diagram of the flow of the relationship of the Variables included in the
Theoretical framework
This study is based on the theories of motivation, self-efficacy and goal setting. This framework
is proposed to provide a comprehensive nursing education program which will help the students
to improve their time management, learning motivation and academic performance. Motivation
Theory. Motivation theory suggests that individuals are driven to achieve a goal or outcome due
to their internal and external influences. Internal influences are related to factors such as personal
goals and needs, while external influences are related to environmental factors such as rewards
and punishments. Motivation is an important factor in academic performance, as it serves as a
source of energy and direction for students. When students are motivated, they are more likely to
be engaged in their studies and work hard to achieve their goals.

Self-efficacy Theory. Self-efficacy theory focuses on the ability of an individual to control

his/her behavior and thoughts. Self-efficacy is an important predictor of academic performance,
as it is related to an individual’s willingness to take on challenging tasks and persist in the face of
obstacles. When students have a high level of self-efficacy, they are more likely to set goals and
work hard to achieve them.

Goal Setting Theory. Goal setting theory suggests that individuals are motivated to reach their
goals when they set clear, specific and achievable goals. Goal setting is an important factor in
academic performance, as it allows students to focus their efforts and stay motivated. When
students set goals, they are more likely to stay on track and achieve success.

This is proposed to provide a comprehensive nursing education program which will help the
students to improve their time management, learning motivation and academic performance. The
proposed program will include strategies such as goal setting, self-efficacy training, and
structured learning activities. The program will also provide support and guidance to help the
students to stay motivated and achieve their goals.

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