Unit 1 Test Standard A PDF
Unit 1 Test Standard A PDF
Unit 1 Test Standard A PDF
1 Track 01 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią nagrania.
0 What is Lisa doing?
She’s filling up her water bottle.
1 Why does Lisa drink a lot of water?
2 Why does Mark prefer drinking juice to water?
3 Why are fizzy drinks not as good for your health as water?
4 What can happen if you have too little water in your body?
5 What does Lisa suggest adding to water to make it tastier?
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2 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
1 If you want to keep fit, you should give up / cut down on fast food completely.
2 I have an important test tomorrow and need to study, so I will stay up / sleep in late tonight.
3 I need some drops for my food poisoning / runny nose.
4 The only green vegetable my little sister eats is spinach / pumpkin.
5 Granny can’t eat dairy, so please don’t add honey / sour cream to her soup.
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4 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: a, b lub c.
1 I’m afraid we don’t have ___ painkillers.
a some b any c much
3 If you add ___ chilli powder to the sauce, it’ll be too spicy.
a too much b too many c too few
5 Wash your hands regularly with soap because there are ___ germs on them.
a many b any c much
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6 Z opcji A–C wybierz poprawne tłumaczenie fragmentu zdania podanego w nawiasie.
1 Our mum ___ (każe nam) drink a glass of water every morning.
A allows us to
B makes us
C makes us to
1 What happens to the brain when we sleep? 4 What’s the best bedroom environment to sleep
A It replays the events of the previous day. in?
B It controls our mood. A Hot and quiet.
C It thinks clearly. B Warm and dark.
D It loses the ability to think clearly. C Cool and quiet.
D Lots of light during the night.
2 How many hours of sleep does the brain
need? 5 Should you keep your mobile phone in your
A No less than seven. bedroom when you sleep?
B About ten hours each night. A Yes, because when you sleep, it can’t disturb
C Four or five hours a night is enough. you.
D It is different every night. B Yes, because it’s hard to fall asleep without
your mobile.
3 Which drink is it safe to have before bedtime C No, because sleeping in a peaceful
because it does not contain caffeine? environment allows you to sleep better.
A milk D No, because it isn’t good for the environment.
B coffee
C hot chocolate
D tea
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9 Klub jeździecki, do którego należysz, organizuje piknik promujący wegetarianizm. Napisz do
kolegi/koleżanki e-mail, w którym:
– wyjaśnisz, dlaczego organizujecie to wydarzenie,
– poinformujesz go/ją o szczegółach dotyczących wydarzenia,
– zaprosisz kolegę/koleżankę do udziału w zaplanowanych atrakcjach,
– poprosisz o pomoc w organizacji jednej z atrakcji.
Guess what? My horse-riding club is organising a picnic to promote vegetarianism.
Hope to see you there!
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