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Unit 1 Test Standard | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 01 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią nagrania.
0 What is Lisa doing?
She’s filling up her water bottle.
1 Why does Lisa drink a lot of water?
2 Why does Mark prefer drinking juice to water?
3 Why are fizzy drinks not as good for your health as water?
4 What can happen if you have too little water in your body?
5 What does Lisa suggest adding to water to make it tastier?
___ / 5

2 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedź.
1 If you want to keep fit, you should give up / cut down on fast food completely.
2 I have an important test tomorrow and need to study, so I will stay up / sleep in late tonight.
3 I need some drops for my food poisoning / runny nose.
4 The only green vegetable my little sister eats is spinach / pumpkin.
5 Granny can’t eat dairy, so please don’t add honey / sour cream to her soup.
___ / 5

3 Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z ramki.

get enough sleep heart attack make an appointment skip breakfast take an aspirin
0 If you have a cold, you should take an aspirin and stay in bed.
1 Unfortunately, I often __________________________ and then I run out of energy and have a sugary snack
at about 11.
2 I think you should __________________________ with your dentist as soon as possible.
3 What are the typical symptoms of a __________________________? Is a cough one of them?
4 You probably know that if you don’t __________________________, you will not do so well at school.

___ / 4

4 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: a, b lub c.
1 I’m afraid we don’t have ___ painkillers.
a some b any c much

2 Do you think you drink ___ water every day?

a each b every c enough

3 If you add ___ chilli powder to the sauce, it’ll be too spicy.
a too much b too many c too few

4 When you’re in town, can you get ___ bananas?

a much b a few c a little

5 Wash your hands regularly with soap because there are ___ germs on them.
a many b any c much
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5 Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując czasowniki podane w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie.
0 I don’t mind counting (count) calories.
1 Susan really enjoys _______________ (cook).
2 How difficult is it for you _______________ (follow) your diet?
3 _______________ (lose) weight fast isn’t good for you.
4 My dad refused _______________ (become) a vegetarian.
___ / 4

6 Z opcji A–C wybierz poprawne tłumaczenie fragmentu zdania podanego w nawiasie.
1 Our mum ___ (każe nam) drink a glass of water every morning.
A allows us to
B makes us
C makes us to

2 I had ___ (kilka naleśników) for breakfast, so I’m not hungry.

A a few pancakes
B too many pancakes
C enough pancakes

3 ___ (Ile cukru) do you eat every day?

A How little sugar
B How many sugar
C How much sugar

4 Do you ___ (chcesz pokroić) the onions?

A want to chop
B want chopping
C want chop

5 And finally, ___ (wlej koktajl) into a glass.

A pour the smoothie
B boil the smoothie
C squeeze the smoothie
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7 Przeczytaj tekst. Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź zgodnie z treścią tekstu.

The need for sleep

We all stay up late sometimes to spend time with our friends or family, watch a late-night film or play our new
video game. We tell ourselves that we will be fine having only four or five hours of sleep a night because we
can always sleep in at the weekend. However, this may be bad for us in the future.
Why is sleep important?
When we sleep, our brain goes through the events of the previous day and releases hormones that control our
energy, mood and ability to think clearly. To do this, our brain needs between seven and eight hours of sleep.
If it gets less than this, we cannot concentrate, and so our mood and productivity goes down. Complicated
tasks become even harder to do. Recent research has also shown that it becomes difficult to make decisions.
What you can do to help yourself
• Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. This helps you set your body clock and improve
the quality of your sleep. Choose a time to go to bed when you normally feel tired, and don’t stay up too
• Avoid caffeine about ten hours before bedtime. Caffeine can be found in coffee, tea, chocolate milk
and some fizzy drinks. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant of our nervous system, so it helps to keep us
awake – something we’re trying to avoid!
• Try to calm down before bed. Worry and anger can make it difficult to sleep well. You can try developing
a relaxing bedtime routine to prepare your mind for sleep, such as meditation, taking a warm bath
or listening to soft music.
• Make your bedroom completely dark. The brain creates a hormone called melatonin, which is released
when it is dark outside and prepares the body for sleep. If you try to sleep when there is too much light, the
brain may decide that you’re not ready for sleep!
• Keep your bedroom cool. Most people sleep best in a slightly cool room, around 18°C. A bedroom that is
too hot or too cold is not good for quality sleep.
• Make sure nothing can disturb you. Sleeping in a quiet environment certainly helps – so keep your mobile
phone out of the bedroom!

1 What happens to the brain when we sleep? 4 What’s the best bedroom environment to sleep
A It replays the events of the previous day. in?
B It controls our mood. A Hot and quiet.
C It thinks clearly. B Warm and dark.
D It loses the ability to think clearly. C Cool and quiet.
D Lots of light during the night.
2 How many hours of sleep does the brain
need? 5 Should you keep your mobile phone in your
A No less than seven. bedroom when you sleep?
B About ten hours each night. A Yes, because when you sleep, it can’t disturb
C Four or five hours a night is enough. you.
D It is different every night. B Yes, because it’s hard to fall asleep without
your mobile.
3 Which drink is it safe to have before bedtime C No, because sleeping in a peaceful
because it does not contain caffeine? environment allows you to sleep better.
A milk D No, because it isn’t good for the environment.
B coffee
C hot chocolate
D tea
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8 Uzupełnij dialog wyrażeniami z ramki.
a pinch all you have to do first like this what do I do what do we have to do
Warren: Jax, let’s try to make this salad.
Jax: Sure. 0 What do we have to do?
Warren: 1 ____________________________, wash the tomatoes, peppers and cucumber. Then cut them
into pieces.
Jax: 2 ____________________________?
Warren: Yes, that’s great.
Jax: 3 ____________________________with the onion?
Warren: Peel it, then chop it up and I’ll prepare the feta cheese.
Jax: OK, done.
Warren: Perfect! Now we need a bowl. Here we are. Put everything in there.
Jax: Right. What next?
Warren: 4 ____________________________ now is pour in some olive oil, cut the lemon in half, squeeze
the juice and add 5 ____________________________ of salt and pepper.

Jax: Is that all?

Warren: Don’t forget the feta cheese! Put it on top of the salad.
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9 Klub jeździecki, do którego należysz, organizuje piknik promujący wegetarianizm. Napisz do
kolegi/koleżanki e-mail, w którym:
– wyjaśnisz, dlaczego organizujecie to wydarzenie,
– poinformujesz go/ją o szczegółach dotyczących wydarzenia,
– zaprosisz kolegę/koleżankę do udziału w zaplanowanych atrakcjach,
– poprosisz o pomoc w organizacji jednej z atrakcji.

Użyj 100–150 słów, nie wliczając w to wyrazów już podanych.

Guess what? My horse-riding club is organising a picnic to promote vegetarianism.
Hope to see you there!
___ / 12

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 50

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