Programme Book 2nd UMYGrace 2021
Programme Book 2nd UMYGrace 2021
Programme Book 2nd UMYGrace 2021
Hasan Nopremon
All Praise and gratitude to The Most Holy of God Allah SWT, for the abundance of his mercy, so that we can
all gather in search of knowledge. Sholawat and salaam may still be poured out to our great prophet
Muhammad SAW, who has become a good role model for his family, his friends, and all his believer.
UMYGrace was first held in 2020 at the national level, then we are establishing a continuity by conducting The
2nd UMYGrace at the international level with the theme "Engaging Youth in Community Development to
Strengthen Nation's Welfare". UMYGrace is an international conference event organized by the University of
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta as a forum for the younger generation, especially those who are pursuing
bachelor's degree to develop their ideas in scientific forums through innovative and creative research. This
activity was also made to facilitate students in publishing scientific results in both ISBN proceedings, national
journals, and international publication. In this event, there are 4 tracks, namely: Business Management and
Accounting, Health and Nursing, Social Humanities, Religious Studies, and Law also Engineering and
This activity is one of the various scientific activities that are expected to contribute to expand the perspective
and networking between fellow students also as a bridge towards an increasingly advanced generation.
Therefore, UMYGrace once again invites the younger generation who have the willingness to reach out to the
community and increase the spirit of strengthening the welfare of the nation through their words and writings
to be heard by the world.
You and all of us young people let's move together to take part in the progress and become the hope of the
nation to make Indonesia better for a bright future. It is expected that the participants of The 2nd UMYGRACE
who participate from various colors of the younger generation can provide benefits and knowledge. Thank
you for the attention and see you at The 2nd Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Undergraduate
Conference (UMYGRACE).
Billahi Fi Sabililhaq Fastabiqul Khaerat
Wassalamu'alaikum warrohmatullaahi wabarokaatuh
First and foremost, let us offer our gratitude to Allah SWT. There is no God but Him. Allah gives us
guidance, mercy, and spirit, so that we could gather together in this event. Sholawat and salam are
constantly being praised to Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. The leader, the role model, and the best
practice of humanity.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am personally thrilled with your participation in this event. Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta established UMY-Grace just last year, with the purpose of creating an only-
students conference, an international conference where only students paper are presented, students ideas
are floored, discussed, and concreted. In the second year of its existence, UMYGrace keeps attracting
brilliant young minds, prospective future leaders. So, I am really thrilled, that despite all of the hindrance
due to COVID-19 pandemic, we all could participate, massively, in the conference.
Ladies and gentlemen, as I have just spoken, UMYGrace is created as a forum where brilliant young
minds meet in an academic setting. This event is very important to shape academic awareness and research
mindset. All students participating here may mostly be those who excel in academics. Yet, these mindsets
are obligatory attributes of all leaders. The mindset that every future leader should have. The mindset of
problem-solving, careful methodology, and fruitful applicable solution. The quality of not giving up for a
new innovation.
Young generation must understand that research is a basic skill that they need to have. I am really
aware of the abundant opportunities of entrepreneurship for young generations. However, all these
entrepreneurships must be equipped with a research-based planning, so that the goal, plans, and actions
are the most effective and real ones. So, even if you are really into entrepreneurships, having
academic/research minds is a must. Afterall, academics, entrepreneurs, and socio-government must
synergize for the so-called triple helix of higher education. The ultimate goal is how research in university
could be used for the benefit society; how entrepreneurs and industries can use universities as innovation
Ladies and gentlemen, analyzing the needs and potential of future research-minded leaders, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta has committed to organizing this international conference annually. In this occasion,
I would also express my excessive appreciation to all committees for all the fruitful hardwork so far, and please
keep on giving the best service to all partners, speakers, and participants.
Thank you
Waalaikumsalam Wr. Wb.
Vice Rector for Academic : Prof. Dr. Ir. Sukamta, M.T., IPM
Vice Rector for Human : Prof. Dr. Nano Pratowo, S.E., M.Si
Resource Affairs
Vice Rector for Financial : Dr. Suryo Pratolo, S.e., M.Si., Ak., CA., AAP-A.
and Assets
Vice Rector for Student Affairs, : Prof. Hilman Latief, M.A., Ph.D.
Alumni and AIK
Vice Rector for Cooperation : Prof. Dr. Achmad Nurmandi, M.Sc
and International
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee :
Chairperson : Dr. Yeni Rosilawati, S.IP., S.E., MM
Chairperson I : Abdul Rasyid Ghazali, M.Sc.
Chairperson II : Dr. Zuhud Rozaki
Chairperson III : Dr. Imaniar Ranti, M.Sc
Secretariat :
Chairman : Hasan Nopremon
Secretary I : Renata Diah Anjarini, S.Pd
Secretary II : Iswinardi
Treasurer :
Treasurer I : Twediana Budi Hapsari, S.Sos., M.SI.,Ph.D
Treasurer II : Salsa Sabila Agasti, S.E.
Treasurer III : Safaroh Ivory Fananda
Paper Manager :
Coordinator : Ummu Khanifah Qomariah
Member :
1. Tsaniya Yusmiati
4. Lila Crebas
6. Titin Resiana
7. Dian Pratiwi
8. Ninik Prawiyanti
Parallel Session 2
Parallel Session 2
Theme Dakwah
No Room Time Moderator Presenter Title Affiliation ABS Code
First and foremost, let us offer our gratitude to Allah SWT. There is no God but Him. Allah gives us
guidance, mercy, and spirit so that we could gather in this event. Sholawat and salam are constantly
being praised to Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah. The leader, the role model, and the best practice
of humanity.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached at the end of UMYGrace. As much as 230 presentations have
been delivered today. I indeed watched some of the presentations and I always enjoy them. Even
though most presenters are students or fresh graduates, they have a quite established research
framework, and more importantly resolving ideas for the current world circumstances. All research or
presentations has always come up with recommendation, implications, and possible ideas for future
Dearest students, your affiliations must be proud of you. Your presence here, and that your articles are
going to published in a proceedings of International Standard Book Number, would help your higher
education institutions. Thus, universities must be grateful that their students participate in this
conference. To the students, personally, this conference would sharpen their research and presentation
skills. It is how ideas are scientifically constructed, challenged, discussed, and resolved. Furthermore,
as we have told you earlier that all generations, especially the future leaders, must have research mind;
a mind that always curious to innovate and carefully assess its application; a mind that never gives up
on resolving challenges. Moreover, this conference would also benefit to all participating higher
education institutions, through research collaborations, number of publications, and advancement of
skilled human resources.
Finally, thank you very much for your participations. I wish you had a good time seeking professional
development. Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is committed to conduct this international
student-only conference (UMYGrace) annually. Therefore, we are looking forward to your
participation next year. See you at UMYGrace 2022.