Texts From Holy Scripture Relative To The Holy Face Op Our Saviour Which May Serve For Instruction

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•* For this was I born, and for. tnis came I into

tbe world that I should give testimony to the
truth : every one that is o! the truth heareth
my voice."— John xviii. 27. GOSPEL. "At that
time the high-priest said to Him, I adjure Thee
by the Living God, that Thou tell us if Thou be
the Christ; the Son of the Living. Jesus saith to
them: Thou hast said it. Nevertheless, I say to
you, hereafter you shall see the Son of Man
sitting on the right hand of the Digitized by
PRAYERS. 81 power of God, and coming in the
clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his
garments, saying: He hath blasphemed : what
further need have we of witnesses ? Behold
now you have heard the blasphemy ? What
think you ? But they answering, said : He is
guilty of death. Then did they spit in His Face,
and buffet Him, and others struck His Face
with the palms of their hands, saying:
Prophesy unto us, O Christ, who is it that
struck Thee ? aS^ Matt. xxvi. 63- 67.
DISPOSITIONS. Seek ye the Lord and His
power: seek ye His Face evermore.—I. Parol,
xvi. 11. Give alms out of thy substano, and
turn not away thy face from any poor person
; for so it shall come to pass that the Face of
the Lord Bhall not be turned from Thee.—
Tobias iv. 7. Be not hasty to depart from His
Face, and do not continue in an evil work ; for
He will do all that pleaseth Him. Ecclesiastes
viii. 3. Turn to -the Lord and forsake thy sins.
Make thy prayer before the face of the Lord,
and offend less, JEcclesiasticus xvii. 21-22. 0
Digitized by 82 PRAYERS. PRAYERS* The Lord
shew His Face to thee, and bare mercy on
thee. The Lord tarn His countenance to thee,
and give thee peace.—Num. vi. 25-26. Arise,
0 Lord, and let Thine enemies be scatf tered,
and let them that hate Thee flee from before
Thy face.-r-Aum. x. #5. O Lord God, turn not
away the Face of Thy anointed : remember
the mercies of David Thy servant. —II. Parol,
vi. 42. The light of Thy Countenance, O Lord,
is signed upon us ; Thou hast given gladness
in my heart, Ps. iv. 7. How long, 0 Lord, wilt
Thou forget me unto the end ? how long dost
Thou turn away Thy Face from roe.?—Ps. xii.
2. But as for me, I will appear before Thy sight
in justice; J shall be satisfied when Thy glory
shall appear. Ps. xvi. 15. In Thy sight, O Lord,
the king shall rejoice; and in Thy salvation he
shall rejoice exceedingly. Thou hast given him
his heart's desire, and hast not withholden
from him the will of his lips. For Thou shalt
give Him to be a blessing for ever and ever,
Thou shalt make him joyful in gladness with
Thy countenance.—Ps. xx. 1, 2, 7. Who shall
ascend into the mountain of ihe Lord, or who
shall stand in His holy place? The innocent ixk
liands, and the clean of heart, Digitized by
PRAYERS. 83 who hath not taken his soul in
vain, nor sworn deceitfully to his neighbour.
He shall receive a blessing from the Lord, and
mercy from God his Saviour. This is the
generation of them that seek Him, of them
that shall seek the face of the God of Jacob.
Ps. xxiii. 3-6. My heart hath said to thee : My
Face hath sought thee; Thy Face, O Lord, will
I still seek. Turn not away Thy Face from me;
de« dine not in Thy wrath from Thy servant.
Ps. xxvi. 8, 9. Make Thy Face to shine: save me
in Thy mercy. Ps. xxx. 17. The eyes of the Lord
are upon the just, an 1 His ears unto their
prayers. But the counte- nance of the Lord is
against them that do evil things, to cut off the
remembrance of them from the earth. Ps.
xxxiii. 16-17. Why tnrnest Thou Thy Face
away, and for- gettest our want and our
trouble ? Ps. xliii. 24. Turn away Thy Face from
my sins, and blot ont all mine iniquities.
Create a clean heart in me, O God ; and renew
a right spirit within my bowels. Cast me not
away from Thy Face, and take not Thy Holy
Spirit from me. Ps. 1. 11, 12, 13. May God
have mercy on us, and bless us. May He cause
the light of His Countenance to shine upon us,
and may He have mercy on us. That we may
know Thy way upon earth, Thy Digitized by 84
PRAYERS. salvation upon all nations. Let
people confess to Thee, O God ; let all people
give praise to Thee. Let the nations be glad
and rejoice ; for Tiiof jndgest the peoples with
justice, directeat the nations upon earth. Ps.
Ixvi. 2—5. Hear me, O Lord, for Thy mercy is
kind; look upon me, according to the
multitude of Thy tender mercies. And turn not
away Thy Face from Thy servant, for I am in
trouble : hear roe speedily. Ps. lxviii. 17, 18. O
God of Hosts, convert us, and shew Thy Face,
and we shall be saved.—Ps. lxxix. 8. Turn
again, O God of Hosts, look down from
heaven, and see, and visit this vineyard.
Things set on fire and dug down shall perish
at the rebuke of Thy countenance. Let Thy
hand be upon the man of Thy right hand, and
upon the Son of Man whom Thou hast
confirmed upon Thyself. And we depart not
from Thee, Thou Bhult quicken us, and we will
call upon Thy name.—Ps. lxxix. 15. 17. 18, 19.
O Lord God of Hosts convert us, and shew Thy
Face and we shall be saved. Ps. lxxix. 20.
Behold, O God, our protector, and look on the
Face of Thy Christ—-Ps. lxxxiii. 10. Lord, why
castest Thou off my prayer? why turnent
Thou away Thy Face from me? Ps. lxxxvii. 15.
Justice and judgment are the preparation of
hy throne 5 ™*cy and tputh ^gQ bef()re
Digitized by PRAYERS. 85 Thy Face. Blessed is
the people that knoweth jubilation, they shall
walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy countenance.
Ps. lxxxviii. 15, 16. Hear, O Lord, my prayer;
and let my cry come to Thee. Turn not away
Thy Face from me : in the day when I am in
trouble, in- cline Thy ear to my prayer.—Pa.
ci. 2-3. I entreated Thy Face with all my heart:
have mercy on me, according to Ti»y word.
Make Thy Face to shine upon Thy servant, and
teach me Thy justifications. Ps. cxviii. 58 and
135.O Lord God, turn not away the Face of
Thy anointed : remember the mercies of
David Tiiy servant—II. Parol, vi. 42. For Thy
servant David's sake, turn not away the Face
of Thy anointed. For the Lord hath chosen
Sion ; He hath chosen it for His dwelling. This
is My rest for ever and ever : here will I dwell,
for I have chosen it. There will I bring forth a
horn to David ; I have prepared a lamp for My
anointed. Ps. cxxxL 10, 13, 14, and 17. Hear
me speedily, O Lord : my spirit hath fainted
away. Turn not away Thy Face from me, lest I
be like unto them that go down into the pit.—
Ps. cxliii. 7. Digitized by 66 PRAYERS.
THANKSGIVING. Ye that fear the Lord, praise
Him: all je the seed of Jacob, glorify Him. Let
all the seed of Israel fear Him ; because He
hath not slighted nor despised the
supplication of the poor man ; neither hath
He turned away His Face from me ; and when
I cried to Him He heard me.— Ps. xxi. 24-5.
Come let us praise the Lord with joy ; let us
joyfully sing to God our Saviour. Let us come
before His presence with thanksgiving, and
make a joyful noise to Him with psalms. For
the Lord is a great God, and a great King above
all gods. Ps. xciv. 1, 2, 3. S»^k ye the Lord and
be strengthened : seek His Face evermore. Ps.
civ. 4. AN ACT OF PRAISE. May the most holy,
most sacred, most adorable name of God, be
praised, blessed, loved, adored, and glorified
in heaven, on earth, and in hell, by all the
creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in the Most
Holy Sacrament of the Altar, Amen. Digitized
WRETCH HAS DARED? My Jesus, say, what
wretch has dared Thy sacred hands to bind ?
And who has dared to buffet so Thy face so
meek and kind ? 'Tie I have thus ungrateful
been, Yet, Jesus, pity take © spare and
pardon me, my Lord, For Thy sweet mercy's
sake. Sly Jesus, who with spittle vile Profaned
Thy sacred brow ? And whose unpitying
scourge has made Thy precious Blood to flow
? lily Jesus, whose the hands that wove That
cruel thorny crown? "Who made that hard
and heavy cross Which weighs Thy shoulders
down ? &y Jesus, who has mocked Thy thirst
With vinegar and gall ? Who held the nails
that pierced Thy hands, And made the
hammer fall ? tly Jesus, say, who darM to nail
Those tender feet of Thine ? And whose the
arm that raised the lance To pierce that heart
divine ? Anion.
Xfttte Scapular of tbe fbols face.The Scapular
of the Holy Face is a littleimage of the
Adorable Face, painted onlinen, to be worn
with devotion by pioussouls as a testimony of
their love towardsour Lord, as a preservation
against temptations and dangers of soul and
body. Itcan be attached to the Scapular of our
Ladyof Mount Carmel, or to any other the
per-son wears. There is no liturgical formality
necessary for its reception, and the per-son
who takes this Scapular contracts noother
obligation than to wear it in thespirit of faith
and reparation. It is a little fac-simile of the
Veil of St.Veronica, one of the greater relics of
theVatican Basilica in

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