Chapter 1 4 Group 1
Chapter 1 4 Group 1
Chapter 1 4 Group 1
In this time of pandemic, we spent our time hanging in our homes and house
which led us discovering different kind of hobby and one of them was cooking and
especially eating snacks and foods. One of the snacks that we ate for the last 2 years was
chips, we all know that any kind of chips can never be wrong because who else don’t
snack or dessert. This alternative food may be catch up the attention of a costumers due
to the uniqueness of the product, specially to a costumer who really new about this
product, and it might be profitable for the business because of the benefits that this
product has. Moreover, this caramelized apple chips will take long to keep after around
two weeks, assuming that the storage and food conditions are optimal.
According to Enchanted Learning, George Crum invented the chip in 1853. Crum
worked as a Native American/African American cook at the Moon Lake Lodge resort in
Saratoga Springs, New York, USA, where French fries were popular. One day, a diner
complained that the fries were too thick. Despite Crum's efforts to make a thinner batch,
the buyer was still dissatisfied. Crum eventually created fries that were too thin to eat
with a fork in order to irritate the exceedingly picky client. Surprisingly, the customer
Rosaceae, the Rose family, along with such other yummy edibles as pears, plums,
peaches, cherries, strawberries, and raspberries. DNA analysis indicates that apples
originated in the mountains of Kazakhstan, where the wild Malus sieversii—the many-
We want to explore so that our product isn't excessively sweet or boring, which is
what we're trying to do by balancing the sweetness of our snack and making it simple yet
strong. Apples are a nutrient-dense fruit with several health advantages. They include a
lot of protein and antioxidants. Consuming them has been associated with a decreased
risk of a variety of severe diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Apples
may also help with weight loss and digestive and cognitive performance. Furthermore,
we chose apples to manufacture chips so that people can realize that a fruit like apples
can also be a good convenience, particularly for those who prefer to explore something
new. With a caramelized flavor on, they’re quick and delicious. You may prepare them
simply or with sweet flavorings., our product may produce a great viability product if it is
We have come up with a product that may be similar to what the market has, but
has a unique characteristic. Our caramelized apple chips were made with sugar and
cinnamon unlike what the market has which is dried apples only.
The caramelized apple chips with cinnamon in Camiling, Tarlac is not marketable.
General Objectives
such as Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. It generates a nutritionally balanced snack for a
caramelized flavor. The caramelized apple chips that the researchers are seeking to make
Specific Objectives
This research was conducted to obtain relevant data on studying the marketability
1.1 aroma:
1.2 taste;
1.3 texture;
1.5 price.
This study was conducted to identify the effectiveness and marketability of the
This section would provide a brief description in various significance of the study
Apple-made snack chips with Caramelized flavor, will help the entrepreneur to have an
idea on making a product for their business. They can also use this research as a reference.
To the Consumer, this study, the Tangible Product created by producing Apple-
made snack chips with Caramelized flavor, will help to know what the perception of the
consumers are and what are the variables to consider for them to not regret their purchase.
related discoveries.
become marketable in the field of online selling business in Camiling, Tarlac. This study
did not cover other products that are not considered part of the study, caramelized apple
chips. Through this, the researchers had able to know the product and how it could be
profitable when it starts to sell online. There were fifty respondents who we asked to fill
out our survey questionnaire. They were the same people who bought our product and
tasted it.
Definition of Terms
domestic). In France, it is the most consumed edible fruit and the third in the planet.
Apple was the main ingredient of our product it was also the most important one.
English) is a snack food in the form of a crisp, flat or slightly bowl shaped, bite-sized unit.
It is a thin sliced apple that is deeply fried in oil which has a crispy and crunchy outcome.
Cinnamon. Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees
history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. We used cinnamon as a spice to add a
happy customers are with a company’s products, services, and capabilities. is influenced
Income. A gain or recurrent benefit usually measured in money that derives from
capital or labor. Income is the businesses receive in exchange for selling their goods or
at a certain price range to generate a profit. It is the quality of being easy to sell because a
So, with reference to its ability to attract customers. It is an appearance that presents in an
attractive way.
Price. A good's price is influenced by production costs, supply of the desired item,
and demand for the product. It is the amount of money charged for a product or a service.
Taste. The quality of something can be decided by touch; the degree to which
something is rough or smooth, or soft or hard. It is the physical feel of something smooth,
rough, fuzzy, slimy, and lots of textures, something in between. It is the physical feel of
something smooth, rough, fuzzy, slimy, and lots of textures, something in between.
Texture. The sense by which the flavor or savor of things is perceived when they
are brought into contact with the tongue. It is the flavor of something, or the ability of
Total of Evaluation. In this study, it was used to evaluate the marketability of the
Apple Chips. It is the process of giving points on the different aspects of the product by
the respondents. The following groups mean ratings and their corresponding
interpretation will be used to describe the product with the 5-Point Hedonic Scale.
5 4.51-5.00 Excellent
3 2.51-3.50 Satisfactory
2 1.51-2.50 Fair
1 1.00-1.50 Poor
Figure 1 shows the three procedures that must be completed in order to make
apple-made caramelized snack chips. It demonstrates the input, process, and output (IPO)
paradigm, wherein the input represents the ingredients and materials or equipment
utilized in the production of the product. The components for slicing the apple are shown
in the processing, which includes the apple's slicing into thin apple chips forms as well as
coating in white sugar and cinnamon powder. It also illustrates the ingredients used, as
well as the equipment and materials used during the making of caramelized apple chips.
Furthermore, the output exposes all of the methods and procedures required to
make the caramelized apple chips. The first step is to acquire all of the materials,
equipment, and ingredients needed to make the product. The second step was to clean all
of the ingredients. Input Ingredients: For the apples, Flavorings or coating with powdered
sugar and cinnamon powder, Equipment/ Materials: Mandoline Slicer, Air flyer, Knife,
Plates, and Chopping board. The third step is to thinly slice the apples so that they may
be formed into chips. The fifth step was to deep fry the sliced apples with white sugar and
cinnamon powder until light brown which will then be coated with a mixture of
powdered sugar and cinnamon powder. The result is caramelized apple chips.
Chapter 2
This chapter discusses the procedures or steps that the researcher used in
conducting the study. This includes the Research Design, Method of Collecting Data,
Research Design
In order to analyze the data in this study, a descriptive research strategy will be
used. A descriptive study design is a scientific approach that entails monitoring and
characterizing the subject's consciousness without affecting it in any form. This study is a
quantitative type of descriptive research that requires a diverse sample of individuals. The
researcher is studying and investigating the possibilities of the component in the tangible
product created by apple-made chips with caramelized flavor in this study using the
Quantitative research is a sort of study that uses numerical data to acquire a better
investigate instances or activities that have an impact on people as well as the business.
Furthermore, this research design aids in establishing and underlining the study's most
This research used survey questionnaires in order to analyze, collect, gather the
data and information that is needed. The questionnaire was adapted from the thesis of
Ms. Prudencio et. al (2021) from Grade 12-ABM on the SY 2020-2021. In this study,
the research conducted a survey for the fifty (50) respondents from Camiling, Tarlac.
The researcher had then marketed and advertised the product and let the respondent try
and purchase the product followed by the distribution of questionnaires to evaluate the
marketability of the product. The pricing ranged from 40 pesos per 100-150 grams.
In this study, the researchers utilized this study to test the feasibility of an apple as
the main ingredient in making a caramelized apple chips in which, the ingredients that
1) apples,
2) sugar,
3) water,
5) oil.
This is only limited to the respondents of the study to evaluate the product that
was made by the researchers. Furthermore, the researchers will be determining the
The procedure of making this caramelized apple chips are stated below.
3. Cut the apples to 1/16 thick slices, cutting through the stem and the bottom
4. For the air fryer, all you need to do is to coat the thin sliced apples with
5. For those who do not have an air fryer or an oven, you can fry the thin
apples into the oil with sugar. Or you can just simply put the coated apples into the frying
6. Once done, let it dry then put it to your chosen containers or packaging.
The materials used in the process of making the caramelized apple chips are:
2) frying pan or
3) air fryer,
4) a bowl,
5) a plate, and
6) a mandoline slicer.
Chapter 3
This study discusses the presentation, interpretation, and analysis of data based on
the researcher's comprehension and observation of the interview with the selections
Table 1
Summary on the General Evaluation of the Caramelized
Apple Chips with Cinnamon
Categories Mean Verbal Description
Aroma 4.25 Very Good
Taste 4.46 Very Good
Texture 4.18 Very Good
Packaging 4.62 Excellent
Price 4.54 Excellent
Overall Mean Score 4.41 Very Good
4.51 – 5.00 – Excellent
3.51 – 4.00 – Very Good
2.51 – 3.00 – Good
1.51 – 2.00 – Fair
1.00 – 1.51 - Poor
Table 1 shows the general description of the product with an overall mean of 4.41
that corresponds with a verbal description of very good. Based on the data above, aroma
got an average mean of 4.25 with a verbal description of very good, the taste of the
product got an average mean of 4.46, with a verbal description of very good, the texture
of the product got an average mean of 4.18, with a verbal description of very good, for
the packaging of the product got an average of 4.62, with the verbal description of
excellent, a computed mean of 4.54, for the price with a verbal description of excellent.
Table 1.1 shows the evaluation of the product in terms of aroma. Aroma is
defined as the characteristics and pervasive odor imparted by the ingredients. The table is
composed of three statements which best describes the aroma of the product and in line
with the statements are the mean score and its corresponding verbal description.
Table 1.1
Evaluation of the Caramelized Apple Chips with Cinnamon in terms of Aroma
Statements Mean Verbal Description
The product scent is appetizing. 4.26 Very Good
The product scent compliments to the
4.23 Very Good
ingredients of the product.
The product has a moderate aroma of all the
4.16 Very Good
ingredients used.
Overall Mean Score 4.25 Very Good
4.51 – 5.00 – Excellent
3.51 – 4.00 – Very Good
2.51 – 3.00 – Good
1.51 – 2.00 – Fair
1.00 – 1.51 - Poor
The first statements, the scent is appetizing accumulated a mean score of 4.26,
with a verbal description of very good, while on the second statement, the scent is
compliments to the all the ingredients used. accumulated mean score of 4.23, with a
verbal description of very good. Additionally, the third statement, it has a moderate
aroma on all the ingredients used, accumulated a mean score of 4.16, with the verbal
description of very good. The overall mean score in terms of aroma is 4.25 with a verbal
description of very good. Based on the overall mean score, most of the respondents are
satisfied with the aroma of the caramelized apple chip with cinnamon.
Table 1.2 presents the evaluation of the product in terms of taste. taste is defined
as the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with the substance.
The table shows three different statements with its corresponding mean rating and its
consistent verbal description. The first statement, the product taste delicious, accumulated
a mean score of 4.61, with a verbal description of excellent, while on the second
statement, the flavors and ingredients are well blended, accumulated a mean score of 4.37,
with a verbal description of very good. Furthermore, the third statement, it does not leave
the foul taste in the mount, accumulated a mean score of 4.39, with a verbal description
of very good. The overall mean in terms of taste is 4.46, with a verbal description of very
good. Moreover, based on the overall mean score on taste, majority of the respondents
Table 1.2
Evaluation of the Caramelized Apple Chips with Cinnamon in terms of Taste
Table 1.3 reveals the evaluation in terms of texture. Texture is defined as the feel,
appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance. The table shows the three different
statements with its corresponding mean score and its verbal description. The first
statement, texture compliments to the product type, accrued 4.28 with the verbal
description of very good. While the second statement, texture is evenly blended with the
main ingredients, accrued 4.33 with the verbal description of very good. Furthermore, the
third statement of the texture has moderately soft and crunchy, accrued 3.93 with the
verbal description of very good. As the results, the overall mean of the product in terms
of texture is 4.18 with the verbal description of very good. Moreover, the texture of the
Table 1.3
Evaluation of the Caramelized Apple Chips with Cinnamon in terms of Texture
Table 1.4 presents the assessment of the respondents regarding the product
particular way. It is that the first statement, it has a clean and presentable packaging
accumulated a mean score of 4.67 with a verbal description of excellent, while the second
statement has a secured and durable packaging, a accumulated mean score of 4.7 with a
verbal description of excellent, and the third statement, has a creative packaging are
entirely obtained an average mean score of 4.5 With the verbal description of very good.
The overall mean score of 4.62 with a verbal description of excellent, the product in
terms of packaging, all the respondents agreed that the packaging of the product is
Table 1.4
Evaluation of the Caramelized Apple Chips with Cinnamon in terms of Packaging
Statements Mean Verbal Description
The packaging of the product is clean and
4.67 Excellent
The packaging of the product is secured and
4.7 Excellent
The packaging of the product is creative. 4.5 Very Good
Overall Mean Score 4.62 Excellent
4.51 – 5.00 – Excellent
3.51 – 4.00 – Very Good
2.51 – 3.00 – Good
1.51 – 2.00 – Fair
1.00 – 1.51 - Poor
Table 1.5 shows the summary of the results according to the evaluation of the
product in terms of price. Price refers to the quantity of money that is expected, needed,
Table 1.5
Evaluation of the Caramelized Apple Chips with Cinnamon in terms of Price
Statements Mean Verbal Description
The price is very affordable. 4.54 Excellent
The price is reasonable in every serving
4.6 Excellent
portion or piece.
Overall Mean Score 4.54 Excellent
4.51 – 5.00 – Excellent
3.51 – 4.00 – Very Good
2.51 – 3.00 – Good
1.51 – 2.00 – Fair
1.00 – 1.51 – Poor
The table presents the two different statements with its corresponding mean score
and its equivalent verbal description. The first statement, "caramelized apple chips with
cinnamon has an affordable price" accrued 4.54 with a verbal description of excellent
Second statement, "caramelized apple chips with cinnamon in every serving portion or
piece" accrued 4.06 with a verbal description of excellent. As a result, the overall mean
of the both product in term of pricing is 5.54 with a verbal description of excellent.
Moreover, all the respondents agreed that the price of the product is reasonable and
Table 2.1
Evaluation of the Caramelized Apple Chips with Cinnamon
in terms of Income and Expense
Weeks Quantity Expenses Revenue Income
₱ 2, 800. 00
1 70 ₱ 1, 670. 00 ₱ 1, 130. 00
(40. 00 pesos each)
₱ 1, 200.00
2 30 ₱ 780. 00 ₱ 420. 00
(40. 00 pesos each)
Total 100 ₱ 2, 450. 00 ₱ 4, 000. 00 ₱ 1, 550. 00
Table 2.1 represents the evaluation of the product in terms of income and expense.
The researchers had observed all the price and concluded that the prices of the ingredients
are all reasonable and investment worthy. For week 1, the researchers had an overall
quantity of 70 orders which is ₱ 40. 00 each, all the expenses for the apples, cinnamon
powder, oil, butane, and powdered sugar are all ₱ 1670. 00. The researchers garnered an
overall income of ₱ 1,130 for the week 1 and a revenue worth ₱ 2, 800. Meanwhile for
the week 2, there was about 30 quantities of orders. Our expense worth is ₱ 780. 00
because we had already bought all the other necessary ingredients on the first week. We
Table 2.2 shows the evaluation of Caramelized Apple chips in terms of Marketing
Strategy. It states above that the Facebook page being active and responsive is very good.
The platform is very engaging and the product is rare and very unique for the consumers.
Table 2.2
Evaluation of the Caramelized Apple Chips with Cinnamon
in terms of Marketing Strategy
Statements Mean Verbal Description
The Facebook Page of the product is active
4.48 Very Good
and responsive to all queries.
The advertisement platforms of the product
4.45 Very Good
is engaging and effective.
The branding and aesthetics aspects of the
4.45 Very Good
product is unique.
Overall Mean Score 4.46 Very Good
4.51 – 5.00 – Excellent
3.51 – 4.00 – Very Good
2.51 – 3.00 – Good
1.51 – 2.00 – Fair
1.00 – 1.51 – Poor
corresponding to the mean range of 4.16 with a verbal description of very good.
Table 2.3
Evaluation of the Caramelized Apple Chips with Cinnamon in terms of
Customer’s Satisfaction
Statements Mean Verbal description
Level of Customer’s Satisfaction 4.16 Very Good
4.51 – 5.00 – Extremely Satisfied
3.51 – 4.00 – Very Satisfied
2.51 – 3.00 – Somewhat Satisfied
1.51 – 2.00 – Not So Satisfied
1.00 – 1.51 – Not Satisfied at All
The caramelized apple chips with cinnamon are wonderful and delectable,
according to the majority of respondents, and they enjoy both the taste and the packaging.
Furthermore, the respondents' major suggestion is that they are concerned about the
texture, namely the crispiness. They advised that if we want to make it crunchier and
crispier, we should adjust the oil or use the oven. They also advised that we use tissues to
reduce the oily texture, and they were concerned about burns because the others were
sometimes crunchy but burned, so they proposed that, when cooking, we try different
techniques of cooking such as oven and half fried it. They don't have any pricing
complaints because they claim it's pretty inexpensive and not too overpriced.
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the summary and conclusions of the gathered data from the
respondents. It also includes the recommendation needed to improve the product which is
chips with cinnamon in Camiling, Tarlac. To present a healthy and nutritious apple-based
snack that is prepared with healthy, beneficial, and fresh ingredients as shown in the
The descriptive quantitative approach was utilized to collect data from the
respondents in this study. The researcher performed a survey at Camiling Catholic School,
Inc. and Camiling, Tarlac, with fifty (50) randomly selected Camiling locals and
The Caramelized apple chips with cinnamon is described in terms of aroma, taste,
texture, packaging, and price. The aroma reached a resulted mean score of 4.25 with a
verbal description of very good, the taste got a resulted mean score of 4.46 with a verbal
description of very good, the texture got a computed mean score of 4.18 with a verbal
description of very good, and the packaging got a resulted mean score of 4.62 with a
verbal description of excellent, and the price received a computed mean score of 4.54
with a verbal description of excellent. The Caramelized apple chips with cinnamon had
Furthermore, the total cost of Caramelized Apple chips with Cinnamon is ₱ 2, 450.
00, this includes ₱ 40.00 per bag. The product's entire revenue is ₱ 4, 000. 00, while the
overall income for 2 weeks of selling is ₱ 1, 550. 00. The marketing strategy computed
mean score of 4.46 with a verbal description of very good, and with a computed mean of
examination, the caramelized apple chips with cinnamon are marketable, appealing, and
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion were drawn:
terms of its aroma, taste, and texture are very good. Meanwhile, the general evaluation of
2. The caramelized apple chips with cinnamon are marketable in terms of income,
caramelized apple chips with cinnamon are created from apples and cinnamon and cost ₱
2, 450. 00 with an income of ₱ 1, 150. 00. Furthermore, the product's marketing strategy
is very good and the customers’ satisfaction level was very satisfied.
In line with the results and conclusions, the following are recommended:
1. To the Food and Snacks Business Enterprise Companies, they can make use
of this study to produce innovative products to sell in the market and make further studies
2. To the General Public, they can make use of this study as their guide for
similar studies ahead, thus providing them knowledge and information for the product as
improve more in terms of the texture of the chips. They can use this study as their
reference in making their own feasibility study and make more improvements on the
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