NABH 5th Edition - COP - Emergency Services
NABH 5th Edition - COP - Emergency Services
NABH 5th Edition - COP - Emergency Services
The organisation provides uniform care to all patients in various settings. The settings include care provideci in
outpatient units, day care facilities, in-patient units including critical care units, procedure rooms and operation
theatre. Vvhen similar care is provided in these different settings, care delivery is uniform. Written guidance,
applicable laws and regulations guide emergency and ambulance services, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, use
of blood and blood components, care of patients inthe criticalcare and high dependen€y units.
Written guidance, applicable laws and regulations also guide the care of patients who are at higher risk of
morbidity/mortality, high+isk obstetric patients, paediatdc patients, patients undergoing procedural sedation,
administration of anaesthesia, patients undergoing surgioalprocedures and end of life care.
Pain management, nutritional therapy and rehabilitative services are also addressed to provide comprehensive
health care.
The management should have written guidelines for organ donation and procurement. The transplant
programme ensures that it has the rightskill mix ot staff and other related support systems to ensure safe and high
qualityof care.
The standards aim to guide and encourage patient safety as the overarching principle for providing care
to patients.
coP1. Uniform care to patients is provided in all settings of the organisation and is
guided by written guidance, and the applicable laws and regulations.
coP.2. Emergency services are provided in accordance with written guidance, applicable
laws and regulations.
coP3. Ambulance services ensure safe patient transportation with appropriate care.
coP4 The organisation plans and implements rdechanisms for the care of patients
during community emergencies, epidemics and other disasters.
coP.8. Transfusion services are provided as per the scope of services of the
organisation, safely.
t The organisation Provides
care in intensive care and high
dependency units in a
t systematic manner'
Pa tn manage me nt for patients S don
l_ Standard
Obiective Elements
written guldance'
Commitment a' Unilorm Gare Is provlded followlng
ensure that
needs to implement mechanisms'-to
lnterpretation: The or'ganisation is uniform ''
tn" tll-tr,l" p"ii"nt recJves in
@ Achievement @l Excellence
92 ffis@js
@ CQRE Sfl commitment
I t
Emergency seryices are provided in accordance
with wrltten ' I
Obiective Elements
patle3";ts, wlth adequate and
accessible to rceeive and manaEe emergenc'i
aPProPriate resources'
and directions in an
**;"irr"-i"i in" initiatio! of care. There should be signgge
area- The organisation shall also
*o#""iJr" ,*n", r"Eing to the emergency Emergency *
in" .l"i,um number Jf beds based on its scope glservices. ,rD
"p""irv equipment and-human
services shoulo have the adequate and appropriate rL
patients. At a minimum, basic
resources to receive and initiate care of emergency
,".,""i.,iion equipmenl, equipment for monitoring Vital parameters,
consumables andiife-siving and emergencycaredrugsshall beavailable'
areaand have access to ongoing training'
Also referto FMS 2d' HRM 5' HHM 6' HBM 1 1 HR[/ 12' HRIV 13'
requirements' The
appropriate authorities, shall be in accordance with statutory
case (by
organisation shall also define as to what constitutes a medico-legal
statutory guidelines).
patient who came to the emergency was sent home after providing initial
for a short
admitted for further care in the organisalion/admitted in an emergency
staff should have
stay and then discharged/transferred to another organisation The
patients who
procedure of referral and transfer to an appropriate another centre, of
cannot be cared forin-house, after administering the due firslaid/emergency
Commitment h.tncaseofdlschargetohomeortransfertoanotherorganisatlon'a
dlscharge/transfer note shall be giventothe patient'
lnterpretation: The discharge^ransfer note shall contajl salient clinical
investigations done, treatment given, and condition dt discharge/transfer.
basis/reasons for discharge'ortransfer should be documented'
the emergencY dePartment address:
patients found dead on anival'
{, a) Maintaining a loqpookof a post-mortem'
b) whetherto
The decision on dei{orm
certificate of cause of death '
ci me aecision regarding the issue of medical
of the bodyin appropriate conilitions'
Q Thetemporarystorage
. e)
\*/ , What to do in case of uncleiJned/unaccompanied
t_ Obiective Elements
t.. Comm ment a' The organisation
has accessto ambulance servlces
commensurate wlth the
L ""op"
ol th"
provlded byit'
lnterpretatlon: Commensurate to
its scope of services' the organisation
L- out-sourced ambulance service
provide in-house or use
for safe patient transport
for'the ambulance(s)'
Commitment b There are adequate access and space
demarcate a proper space for the
lnterpretation: The organisation shall for
shallbe done keeping in mind easy accessibility
ambulance(s). The demarcation and
quicklv. Adequate
;;;t;;,,""s and enabling the ambutance(s) to exit
'o;;"i;i;"rne should exisito guide the ambulance
drivers to the ambulance
d-epartment' It is preferable that the
entry and route to the emergency
has an ambulance Parking bay'
lnterpretation: The check shall indicate thefunctioning status of the ambulance like
lights, siren, beacon lights, etc. Also, the ambulance shall undergo servicing as per
the set schedule. The ambulanceshould have adequate fuelatalltimes.
lnterpretatlon: The checks shall indicate the functioning status of the equipment
based on adocumented check{isl.
Obiective Elements
l_ communlty emergencies' epidemlcs
L Commitment a. The orqanlsation identifies potentlal
and other dlsasters.*
organisation ln an induslrial town should
by the organisation. For exampb] an
in its vicinity'
iaentitytnJlnaustrialhazard that may occur
and treatment tor casualties;
*r'"g" ."*rtles; defined areas for reception
transportation aids; communication
aids; manage visitors' and control the
relocate/discharge admitted patients
movement of individuals and vehicles'
wherever needed.
local laws and national plans on disaster
The plans should conform to the relevant
management. Agood reference is NDMA guidelines'
Commitment c. Provislon ls made lor availability ol medlcal supplies, equlpment
materlals durlng such emergencles'
commensuratewith the expectedworkload'
Achievement Excellence
CERE Commitment 100@
,( I
commitment d. The plan istested at leasttwice atear.
lnterpretation: Testing twice ayear is only the minimum frequency, and this may be
increased. ln case the organisation has different plans for differentdisasters, each
the plans shall be tested at leasttwice ayea(
The plan can be tested using a table-top exercise, or a mock drill At a minimum' at
leasi one mock drill should be held once in 12 months. This shall test all the
componentsof the plan and notiust awareness.ln the case of amockdrill, simulated
patients (not real) shall be used. After e'/ery table-top exercise/mock drill, the
variations are identified, the reason forthe same is analysed, debriefing conducted
and where appropriate the necessary corrective and/or preventive actionsare taken.
Cardio-pulmonary resuscltation services are provlded uniformly
across the organisatlon.
Objective Elenrents
Commitment a. Resuscltation services are availableto patients at alltimes.
lnterpretation: The team members have a clear understanding of their roles and
responsibilities during the resuscitationto effectively function as ateam.
cqrnftr"lt d, The events during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation are recorded. t
lnterpretatlon: ln the actual event of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, ora mock drill
of the same, allthe'activities along with the personnel attended should be recorded.
At the minimum, it will include timeliness of _response, availability of*iuman
resources, equipment,.qugs, and barrierqif any. The recording could be done using
the pre-defined procedural checkist and by monitoring whether the prescribed
activity has been performed properlyand inthe rightsequence.
lnterpretatlon: The analysis shall focus on the initiation of CPR, time of arrival of the
team, availability of required resources, recording of the sequence of events
during CPR (including technique) and the overall coordination. The organisation
shall also monitor the outcomes. The multidisciplinary committee shall be
independent?nd include at least one physician/cardiologist, anaesthesiologist,
one member from the code blue team and nurse. The analysis should be
completed within a defined time frame.
Commitment L Corrective and preventive measures are taken based on the post-event
. ,1;i
care ts tn 1n
coP.6. ,: i.a
Objective Elements
Commitment a. Nursing car6 is provlded to patlents ln accordance with wrltten guldance. *
nursir{E cllnical practlce
Achievement b'' The organtsation develops and imptements *
standards of praclice'
guidelines rellecting current
situations shall be guided by
lnterpretation: Care of patients in specific clinical
practices' The nursing
nuJng cfini"af practice guidelines based on best clinical
be reviewed annually at the minimum' and
clinicaf care guidelines/pathways shall
revised as appropriate.
guidelines include preventian of fall' prevention
Examples of nursing clinical practice
an in-patient' and deep venous thrombosis risk
of J"r"fop.unt of fressure ulcers in
assessment and prevention'
align with the guidelines laid down by
the competence of the nursing staff , and shall
regutatory and professional bodies in this regard
of outcomes include
puoonnuf , in terms of numbers and competence Examples
errors, ventilator-
in"ia"n"" of pressure sores, falls, medication administration
associated Pneumonia, etc
patient care'
CQRE e Nursing care is aligned and integrated wlth overall
per the nursing care plan' which is
lnterpretation: Care shall be provided as
patient Wherever a patient care plan
individualised as per the clinical needs of the
plan shallbe alignedwith the same' Uniformity
has been developed, the nursing care
and continuity ol care should be practised'
Care provided bynurses is documented
inthe patigJ.:&record'
Commitment f
medication adm-inistration. The nursing
moniioring of vitals and documentation ol
individual patient'
progress ;hall bedocumented in atimely mannerforthe :
equipment 'for (
Commitment S. Nurses are provlded with the appropriate and adequatel
provlding safe and efficlent nursing care'
Obiective Elements
on the clinical
lnterpretation: The decision to perform a procedure shall be based
guidelines and/or
needs of the patient, in consonance with standard treatment
sound clinical practice for the given condition/procedure' A
qualified medical
procedure options
practitioner decides if the procedure is indicated' When multiple
to provide the best
exist, the decision should be based on which option
is likely
procedures to achieve the best
trganisation could conduct aclinical audit olvarious
possible outcomes,
guldance' *
Commitment b. Perlormanceof various cllnical procedures ls based onwritten
pro".dur"" - diagnostic, therapeutic, and supportive' The witten guidance shall
pre-procedure instructions where
incorporate as to who will do the procedure, the
post-procedureinstructions and care'
applicab[-e, ths conduct otthe procedure and
It is preferable that a briet assessment is done priorto performing the
Commitment c. Oualified personnel order, plan, pertorm dnd hssist ln pertormlng
rr.nErE .l Cere is r.Eken to pie'-'ent adverse events like a wrong patien!, wrono
procedure and wrong site. *
ln emergencies, all attempts should still be madeto identifythe correct site (including
side where applicable)/patienVprocedure according to the laid down guidance,
although it may not be possible or appropriate to complete all'the checks. Any
exceptions to the full protocol should be documented in the medical record.
lnterpretatlon: The consent shall be taken by the person performing the procedure
or adoctor from the treating team. ln case the procedure is being done by a person in
training, it shall specify the same, and shall be supervised by the treating doctor.
Also, refer to PRE 4e.
Commitment !,. Patients are appropriately monitored during and after the procedure,
lnterpretation: The documentation shall mention the name of the procedure, the
person who performed the procedure, salient steps of the procedure, key findings
and the post-procedure care. All documentaflon shall have name, date, time and
Objective Elements
Commitment a Scope ol transfuslon services is commensurate with the services provided
by the organisatlon.