Special Program in The Arts Music Grade 7 and 8 Topics

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A. The language of artistic A. The language of creative A. The language of creative A. Introduction to music
expression expression in legends and expression in rituals and
myths: festivals 1. Continuation of review of
 Elements of Artistic elements of music:
Expression in all the Arts 1. Sound as Narratives 1. Local/ Regional Rituals
in Local Legends and and Festivals  Rhythm (beat, meter, note,
1. Space Myths 2. Analysis of Artistic values)
2. Line 2. Interpretations. Expressions in Rituals and  Melody, Tonality, Whole
3. Movement Meaning-Making Festivals and Half Steps
4. Texture (Local Views) 3. Contextual Interpretations  Tetrachords, Scales and
5. Sound 3. Depictions through 2- (Local) Intervals
6. Silence 3 Integrated Art 4. Depictions through 2-3  Harmony (Texture, Intervals
7. Rhythm Forms (e.g. Chants/ integrated Art Forms & Triads)
8. Form Instruments, Poetry, (Visual Arts, Movement,  Tempo (Adagio, Moderato,
etc.) Music, Literary Arts, Allegro, Presto, Vivace)
B. Principles of Artistic Drama)
 Dynamics (Piano, Forte,
Organization Common in B. Introduction to Music Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte)
the Arts B. Introduction to music  Timbre (Vocal-Chest &
1. Why Study Music Head, Instrumental,
1. Unity and Variety 2. Overview of Elements of 1. Elements Of Music Environmental)
2. Form Music:  Form (Cyclic, Phrases,
3. Function and Intent  Rhythm (Beat, Meter, Period, Section, Binary,
 Rhythm Note Values) Ternary, Rounded Binary,
C. Characteristics of the  Melody  Melody (Modes, Rondo, Song Forms)
Different Art Forms and Its  Harmony Tonality, Scales)  Basic Music Reading:
Artistic Expressions:  Tempo  Harmony (Intervals & Notes, Rests, Time
 Dynamics Triads) Signature, Clefs
1. Music  Timbre  Tempo (Adagio,  Application of the elements
2. Dance  Form Moderato, Allegro, of music through the chosen
3. Drama Presto, Vivace) specialization: voice and
4. Literature 3. Instrumental  Dynamics (Piano, Forte, instrument-playing.
5. Visual Arts 4. Vocal Mezzo Piano, Mezzo
6. Film Forte)  Instrument-Playing/Singing
 Timbre (Vocal, Finger positions/posture
D. Soundscapes Instrumental, tone production &
(Music from the Natural Environmental)
Resonance Embouchure
Environment)  Form (Cyclic, Phrases,
(winds); bowing/plucking
Period, Section, Binary,
Ternary, Rounded
E.Warm-Ups and Caring for Binary, Rondo, Song
the Voice and Instruments Forms)
 Articulation
 Solo and ensemble playing
2. Importance of Music
3. Application of the of pieces/ works related to
Elements of Music rituals and festivals
Through the Chosen  Integrated arts approach to
Specialization: Voice and staging a music
Instrument-Playing. performance based on
Instrument-Playing. Filipino legends, myths,
Singing rituals and festivals.

 Finger positions/ posture

 Embouchure (winds);
bowing/ plucking (strings)
 Articulation
 Tone Production and

A. Introduction to the natural A. Our life sources A. Our cultural heritage A. Music performance on life
and cultural heritage of a  Cultural mapping of sources and cultural
community 1. Ecological Mapping: cultural resources: heritage
1. Cultural heritage Creative Presentation of tangible and intangible 1. Intro to music
2. The different dimensions of Local Natural Resources using creative integrated Analysis
society: Ecology, (marine, terrestrial, aerial arts approaches The identification of
Governance, Cultural, ecosystems of a features played in a short
Social, Human, Economic community) B. Introduction to music heritage piece. The
and Spiritual 2. Earth music fusion 1. Elements of music features would relate to
3. Assessing the music  Rhythm the elements of music.
resources of a community B. Introduction to Music  Melody
4. Basic social mapping 1. Elements of Music  Harmony B. Program planning
 Rhythm  Tempo Basics of planning a
B. Introduction to music:  Melody  Dynamics music performance
1. Elements of music:  Harmony  Timbre Rehearsal preparation
 Rhythm (simple &  Tempo Staging the performance
 Form
compound meter,  Dynamics
syncopated)  Timbre C. Rehearsals and
2. Application of the
 Melody (key signatures,  Form performance: plays and/or
elements of music through
scale degree names types 2. Applications of the music performances
the chosen specialization:
and qualities of intervals) Elements of music pertaining to life sources,
voice and instrument-
 Harmony (chord functions, through the chosen heritage and culture.
tonic, dominant, chord specialization: voice and
progressions) instrument-playing. Instrument-Playing/ Singing
 Tempo (grave, lento, 3. Instrument-Playing/  Finger positions/ posture
prestissimo, ritardando, Singing (continuation  Tone production &
accelerando, rubato) from Grade 7) resonance
 Dynamics (crescendo,  Finger positions/posture  Embouchure
decrescendo, diminuendo)  Tone production &  Articulation
 Timbre (Horboestel-Sachs resonance
classification, Voice-  Sight Singing
 Embouchure  Basic sight reading
SATB), solo, duet, trio,  Articulation
quarter)  Repertoire study
 Sight singing  Choral harmony, balance
 Form (canon, fugue, sonata,
 Basic sight reading & blending
allegro, concerto,
 Repertoire study
 Choral harmony, balance 3. Technique Class (voice
& blending and instrument):
2. Importance of music
As an expression of life performance of local
As a tool for communication music pieces
As an expression of personal 4. Cultural research
and cultural identity Field Research
As an expression of history approaches creating
As a repository if values cultural heritage maps and
As a means for promoting selecting icons for music
personal and social growth performance.
Instrument-Playing/ Singing
Finger Positions/Posture
 Performance of pieces
Tone production & Resonance
with cultural heritage
Sight singing
Basic sight reading
Repertoire study

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