Coshh Risk Assessemnt PDF

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Activity Hazardous Material Storage and Handling Project Name BA AL GHAIYLAM DEVELOPMENT

Date 03-March-2023 Ref No.
Arrangement, segregation, mixing & handling 2023-019
Description of work of Compressed Gas, chemicals, Paints,
Thinner, Oil, Diesel, & Gasoline Review Date 03-Aug-2023
Rev No. 4
Valid Until 03-March-2024
Localized shutdown □ Required  Not Required Adeel khalid : (050 379 4795)
(Name and Contact No)
Approved by
Contractor Department Civil Department Project Manager Kunal bhagwat: (050-331-9214)
(Name and Contact No)
Prepard by
Company Name AMIC Industries UAQ HSE Officer Hazrat Ali : (0521297734)
(Name and Contact No)

Project HSE Plan and Safety procedures are to be followed at all times.
Minimum PPE to be worn at all times.
This RA to be available at all points of work – operatives must be informed of this RA and understand the risk involved in the
General safety condition works.
requirements Tool box talk / pre-job brief to be given at the start of each work shift and before starting a new task or activity.
Summer and Ramadan working hour changes are to be observed and details posted at worksite.
Paramedical or ambulance facilities to be available.
Emergency evacuation drill will be implemented and tested.

Minimum PPE required Hard Hat, Safety goggles, Hi-Viz vest, Cover-all Safety Shoes. (Also refer to MSDS for additional PPE’s)

LS Likelihood / Frequency
CS Severity of consequence
AMIC Al Fida metal industries & Cooling LLC

E – Environmental
Consequence H – Health
S – Safety

Analysis criteria:
Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent (5) 5 10 15 20 25
15 – 25 Extreme Risk Activity must not proceed in current form.
8 – 12 High Risk (H) Activity must be modified to include further control measures and be subject to detailed HSE dept assessment.
4–6 Moderate Risk Activity can proceed subject to appropriate direct and continuous supervision and/or task modification.
1–3 Low Risk ((L) No action required. Activity can proceed subject to compliance with the specified control measures.
Descriptor Likely Frequency Probability
Environment Health and Safety
Frequent Continuous or will happen Occurs several times a year at location. 5
Often 5 – 12 times per year. Occurs several times a year in similar industries in UAE 4
Likely 1 – 5 times per year. Has occurred at least once in UAE 3
Possible Once every 5 years. Has occurred in industry (Worldwide). 2
Rare Less than once every five years Never encountered in industry. 1
Descriptor Consequence Severity
Environment Health and Safety
Catastrophic Long term severe / permanent impact on ecosystem Multiple fatalities 5
Major Significant widespread impact on ecosystem Fatality 4
Moderate Significant localized impact on ecosystem Serious injuries – off site medical treatment 3
Minor Minor changes to ecosystem Injuries – on site medical treatment 2
Insignificant Insignificant occasional change to ecosystem Minor injuries – first aid 3 1
1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating


1.Storage and Storage and  Improper storage 4 4 16  Ensure that paints are stored in an 2 2 4 Chemical M NO
Handling of handling (lid and handling can isolated store with sufficient ventilation. Storage
Paints and opening, mixing, cause fire explosion  Keep container tightly closed when not in keeper
spray paints decanting, etc.) use.
(Berger liquid  Entry restricted and unwanted personnel (Daily)
gloss, national removed from the storage area.
synthetic  Do not mix flammable chemicals to non-
enamel G-1, flammable chemicals in one storage area
Berger water  Never allow smoking, open flames and
based coating strictly implemented.
formulation)  Isolation from heat elements is to be
 Ensure that there are no electrical
equipment sparks or naked flames.
 Keep all the electrical lights and
equipment’s and other sources of ignition
when not in use.
 Combustible materials must be removed
from area of storage.
 Adequate, suitable fire extinguishers like
Foam, CO2 and dry chemical powder
must be available with fire points.
 Combustible materials must be removed
from area of storage.
 Housekeeping carried out on regular
 Suitable warning signage placed.

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Provide MSDS for all stored chemicals

and follow instruction regarding the
proper handling and storage
 Operatives involve for storage and
handling of chemicals should have a
proper training regarding the proper use
of firefighting equipment.
 Emergency contact number to be
displayed. )

Continue Lid opening,  Personnel opening, 4 4 16  Personnel to wear ANSI Z87.1-1989 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
mixing, decanting mixing, or decanting SPEC approved chemical splash goggles ctor site
and applying of can contact with  If paint direct contact to eye, wash it managem
paints and spray eyes irritation immediately with running water and seek ent/HSE
paints for medical attention as soon as possible [AMIC
 Do not rub the eyes if the hands were Monitor]
being contact to chemical paint
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further (Daily)
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)
Continue Lid opening,  Personnel opening 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, PVC 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
mixing, decanting lid, mixing, or chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
and applying of decanting contents  Disposable cover all should be provided managem
paints and spray can have skin ent/HSE
during lid opening, mixing, decanting and
paints irritation through [AMIC
material contact with applying of paints to protect personnel Monitor]
skin from direct contact to skin that can cause
of skin irritation

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 If paint direct contact to skin, wash the

affected area immediately with soap and
running water
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)
Continue Lid opening,  Personnel opening 4 4 16  Provision of proper respiratory protection, 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
mixing, decanting lid, doing mixing, or personnel to wear NIOSH approved ctor site
and applying of decanting contents respirator (3M). managem
paints can have respiratory  Avoid inhalation of paints mist and fumes ent/HSE
irritation through  Do not stay longer in provided and [AMIC
inhalation designated mixing area Monitor]
 Workers handling chemical paints should
have the internal awareness training for (Daily)
face fit test
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further

2. Storage and Storage and  Improper storage 4 4 16  Ensure that thinner are stored in an 2 2 4 Chemical M NO
handling of handling (lid and handling can isolated store with sufficient ventilation. Storage
Thinner opening, mixing, cause fire explosion  Keep container tightly closed when not in keeper
decanting, etc.) use.
 Entry restricted and unwanted personnel
lacquer thinner, (Daily)
removed from the storage area.
Jotun thinner
 Do not mix flammable chemicals to non-
flammable chemicals in one storage area
 Never allow smoking, open flames and
strictly implemented.

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Isolation from heat elements is to be

 Ensure that there are no electrical
equipment sparks or naked flames.
 Keep all the electrical lights and
equipment’s and other sources of ignition
when not in use.
 Combustible materials must be removed
from area of storage.
 Provided CO2 & DCP fire extinguisher
near thinner storage area at chemical
storage main access.
 Combustible materials must be removed
from area of storage.
 Housekeeping carried out on regular
 Suitable warning signage placed.
 Provide MSDS for all stored chemicals
and follow instruction regarding the
proper handling and storage
 Emergency Hot line

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

Lid opening,  Personnel opening, 4 4 16  Personnel to wear ANSI Z87.1-1989 2 2 4 Subcontra M No

Continue mixing, and mixing, or decanting SPEC approved chemical splash goggles ctor site
decanting can contact with  If thinner direct contact to eye, wash it managem
eyes irritation immediately with running water and seek ent/HSE
for medical attention as soon as possible [AMIC
 Do not rub the eyes if the hands were Monitor]
being contact to thinner
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further (Daily)
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line

Lid opening,  Personnel opening 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, PVC 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
Continue mixing, and lid, mixing, or ctor site
chemical resistant gloves.
decanting decanting contents managem
can have skin  Disposable cover all should be provided ent/HSE
irritation through during lid opening, mixing, and decanting [AMIC
material contact with of thinner to protect personnel from direct Monitor]
skin contact to skin that can cause of skin
 If thinner direct contact to skin, wash the (Daily)
affected area immediately with soap and
running water
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

Lid opening,  Personnel opening 4 4 16  Provision of proper respiratory protection, 2 2 4 Subcontra M No

Continue mixing, and lid, doing mixing, or personnel to wear NIOSH approved ctor site
decanting decanting contents respirator (3M). managem
can have respiratory  Avoid inhalation of thinner mist and ent/HSE
irritation through fumes [AMIC
inhalation  Always refer MSDS instruction for further Monitor]


1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

3.Storage and Storage and  Improper storage 4 4 16  Ensure that chemicals are stored in an 2 2 4 Chemical M NO
handling of handling (lid and handling can isolated store with sufficient ventilation. Storage
Chemical opening, mixing, cause fire explosion  Keep container tightly closed when not in keeper
(Nitomortar FCB decanting, etc.) use.
Hardener,  Do not mix flammable chemicals to non-
Nitomotar FC flammable chemicals in one storage area
Base,  Never allow smoking, open flames and
Nitomortar FCB strictly implemented.
Base, Fosroc  Isolation from heat elements is to be
Nitomortar EL done.
HB Fillers,  Ensure that there are no electrical
Nitofill WS60 equipment sparks or naked flames.
Base, Nitofill  Keep all the electrical lights and
WS60 equipment’s and other sources of ignition
Hardener, when not in use.
Nitofill LV Base,  Combustible materials must be removed
Nitofill LV from area of storage.
Hardener,  Adequate, suitable fire extinguishers like
Nitofill EPLV Foam, CO2 and dry chemical powder
Base, Nitofill must be available with fire points.
EPLV Hardener,  Combustible materials must be removed
Nitofill UR63 from area of storage.
Base, Nitofill  Housekeeping carried out on regular
UR63 Hardener, basis.
Nitocote EP405  Suitable warning signage placed.
Base, Nitocote  Provide MSDS for all stored chemicals
EP405 and follow instruction regarding the
Hardener, proper handling and storage

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Operatives involve for storage and

handling of chemicals should has a
proper training regarding the proper use
of firefighting equipment
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Lid opening,  Personnel opening, 4 4 16  Personnel to wear ANSI Z87.1-1989 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
mixing, decanting mixing, or decanting SPEC approved chemical splash goggles ctor site
and applying can contact with  If chemical direct contact to eye, wash it managem
eyes irritation immediately with running water and seek ent/HSE
for medical attention as soon as possible [AMIC
 Do not rub the eyes if the hands were Monitor]
being contact to chemical.
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case (Daily)
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Lid opening,  Personnel opening 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, PVC 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
mixing, decanting lid, mixing, or chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
and applying decanting contents  Disposable cover all should be provided managem
can have skin during lid opening, mixing, and decanting ent/HSE
irritation through of chemical to protect personnel from [AMIC Mo
material contact with direct contact to skin that can cause of nitor]
skin skin irritation
 If chemical direct contact to skin, wash (Daily)
the affected area immediately with soap
and running water

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Always refer MSDS instruction for further

information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Lid opening,  Personnel opening 4 4 16  Provision of proper respiratory protection, 2 2 4 Subcontra M No

Continue mixing, decanting lid, doing mixing, or personnel to wear NIOSH approved ctor site
and applying decanting contents respirator (3M). managem
can have respiratory  Avoid inhalation of chemical mist and ent/HSE
irritation through fumes [AMIC
inhalation  Always refer MSDS instruction for further Monitor]

4. Storage and Storage and  Improper storage 4 4 16  Ensure that sealant is stored in an 2 2 4 Chemical M NO
handling of handling (lid and handling can isolated store with sufficient ventilation. Storage
sealant opening, mixing, cause fire explosion  Keep container tightly closed when not in keeper
(Polyprime PS, decanting, etc.) use.
Polyseal PS-  Entry restricted and unwanted personnel (Daily)
PG&GG(A), removed from the storage area.
Polyseal PS-  Do not mix flammable chemicals to non-
PG&GG (B),
flammable chemicals in one storage area
Polyprime SB,
Polythane P  Never allow smoking, open flames and
Bituthane B3 strictly implemented.
Prime (M.E),  Isolation from heat elements is to be
KCC- done.

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

PS9210(L) PTB,  Ensure that there are no electrical

KP9930, QS equipment sparks or naked flames.
119R. BASF  Keep all the electrical lights and
Rondel PVC
equipment’s and other sources of ignition
corrotech curing when not in use.
and sealing  Combustible materials must be removed
compound, from area of storage.
Ultra con resin  Adequate, suitable fire extinguishers like
adhesive, ultra Foam, CO2 and dry chemical powder
con hardener, must be available with fire points.
DHP-9000 ,
 Combustible materials must be removed
from area of storage.
 Housekeeping carried out on regular
 Suitable warning signage placed.

 Provide MSDS for all stored chemicals

and follow instruction regarding the
proper handling and storage
 Reference AMIC-BAG-HSE-P06
 Emergency Evacuation AMIC-BAG-HSE-
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Lid opening,  Personnel opening, 4 4 16  Personnel to wear ANSI Z87.1-1989 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
mixing, decanting mixing, or decanting SPEC approved chemical splash goggles ctor site

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

and applying of can contact with  If direct contact to eye, wash it managem
sealant eyes irritation immediately with running water and seek ent/HSE
for medical attention as soon as possible [AMIC
 Do not rub the eyes if the hands were Monitor]
being contact to chemical sealant
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case (Daily)
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Lid opening,  Personnel opening 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, PVC 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
mixing, decanting lid, mixing, or chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
and applying of decanting contents  Disposal cover all should be provided managem
sealant can have skin ent/HSE
during lid opening, mixing, decanting and
irritation through [AMIC
material contact with applying of sealant to protect personnel Monitor]
skin from direct contact to skin that can cause
of skin irritation
 If sealant direct contact to skin, wash the
affected area immediately with soap and
running water (Daily)
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

Continue Lid opening,  Personnel opening 4 4 16  Provision of proper respiratory protection, 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
mixing, decanting lid, doing mixing, or personnel to wear NIOSH approved ctor site
and applying of decanting contents respirator (3M). managem
sealant can have respiratory  Always refer MSDS instruction for further ent/HSE
irritation through information [AMIC
inhalation Monitor]


5.Storage and Storage,  Improper storage 4 4 16  Ensure that bituboard, bitustick, 2 2 4 Chemical M NO
handling of handling and and handling can membrane is stored in ventilated and Storage
Water proofing applying cause fire explosion shaded area. keeper
Membranes  Never allow smoking, open flames and
(Polybit strictly implemented.
Bituboard,  Isolation from heat elements is to be
Bitustick XLS, done.
Bitumastic,  Ensure that there are no electrical
Bituthane equipment sparks or naked flames.
8000HC)  Keep all the electrical lights and
equipment’s and other sources of ignition
when not in use.
 Adequate, suitable fire extinguishers like
Foam, CO2 and dry chemical powder
must be available with fire points.
 Housekeeping carried out on regular
 Suitable warning signage placed.

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Provide MSDS for all stored and follow

instruction regarding the proper handling
and storage
 Operatives involve for storage and
handling of bituboard, bitumastick,
membrane should has a proper training
regarding the proper use of firefighting
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Handling and  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Personnel to wear safety goggles. 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
applying and applying can  If direct contact to eye, wash it ctor site
eyes irritation immediately with running water and seek managem
for medical attention as soon as possible ent/HSE
 Do not rub the eyes if the hands were [AMIC
being contact Monitor]
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986) (Daily)

Continue Handling and  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, PVC 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
applying and applying can chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
have skin irritation  Disposal cover all should be provided managem
through material during applying of bituboard, bitustick, ent/HSE
contact with skin membrane to protect personnel from [AMIC
direct contact to skin that can cause of Monitor]
skin irritation

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 If direct contact to skin, wash the

affected area immediately with soap and
running water
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Handling and  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Provision of proper respiratory protection, 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
applying and applying can personnel to wear NIOSH approved ctor site
have respiratory respirator (3M). managem
irritation through  Always refer MSDS instruction for further ent/HSE
inhalation information [AMIC

6. Storage and Storage and  Improper storage 4 2 8  Ensure that chemicals are stored in 2 2 4 Chemical M NO
handling of handling (lid and handling can sufficient ventilation. Storage
Master inject, opening, mixing, cause fire does not  Keep container tightly closed when not in keeper
Seal , Emaco decanting, etc.) contribute to the use.
BASF- spreading of flames,  Do not mix flammable chemicals to non- (Daily)
(master inject nor is itself flammable chemicals in one storage area
1335 PTA part combustible, not  Never allow smoking, open flames and
A, B, 1320, explosive. strictly implemented.
1320 part A,B, )  Isolation from heat elements is to be
(Master Seal
 Ensure that there are no electrical
901 part A,B,
equipment sparks or naked flames.
915 part A,B, )

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

(Master Emaco  Keep all the electrical lights and

P 124 part A,B), equipment’s and other sources of ignition
Geoseal 80 A,B when not in use.
silicon RTV  Adequate, suitable fire extinguishers like
foam and Foam, CO2 and dry chemical powder
Polyurethane must be available with fire points.
foam.  Housekeeping carried out on regular
 Suitable warning signage placed.
 Provide MSDS for all stored chemicals
and follow instruction regarding the
proper handling and storage
 Operatives involve for storage and
handling of chemicals should has a
proper training regarding the proper use
of firefighting equipment
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Handling and  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Personnel to wear safety goggles. 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
applying of inject and applying can  If direct contact to eye, wash it ctor site
chemical eyes irritation immediately with running water and seek managem
for medical attention as soon as possible ent/HSE
 Do not rub the eyes if the hands were [AMIC
being contact Monitor]
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency (Daily)

 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

Continue Handling and  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, PVC 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
applying of inject and applying can chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
chemical have skin irritation  Disposal cover all should be provided managem
through material during applying of inject chemical to ent/HSE
contact with skin protect personnel from direct contact to [AMIC
skin that can cause of skin irritation Monitor]
 If direct contact to skin, wash the
affected area immediately with soap and (Daily)
running water
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency

 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986).

Continue Handling and  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Provision of proper respiratory protection, 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
applying of inject and applying can personnel to wear NIOSH approved ctor site
chemical have respiratory respirator (3M). managem
irritation through  Always refer MSDS instruction for further ent/HSE
inhalation information [AMIC
 Reference AMIC-BAG-P-11 PPE Monitor]


1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

7. Storage and Storage, handling  Improper storage 4 4 16  Ensure that cement powder is stored in 2 2 4 Chemical M NO
handling of and mixing of and handling can shaded area. Storage
Primer and cement and cause fire  Never allow smoking, open flames and keeper
bond agent hardener powder strictly implemented.
(Cement and  Isolation from heat elements is to be (Daily)
hardener done.
powder)  Adequate, suitable fire extinguishers like
BASF- Master Foam, CO2 and dry chemical powder
Emaco P 124 must be available with fire points.
part C, Master  Housekeeping carried out on regular
Seal 915 part C basis.
also master flow  Suitable warning signage placed.
410 plus agg,  Provide MSDS for all stored chemicals
master seal 901 and follow instruction regarding the
Part C also proper handling and storage
masterflex 801  Operatives involve for storage and
hardener handling of chemicals should has a
powder) proper training regarding the proper use
of firefighting equipment
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Storage, handling  Personnel opening, 4 4 16  Personnel to wear safety goggles. 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
and mixing of mixing, or applying  If cement powder direct contact to eye, ctor site
wash it immediately with running water managem

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

cement and can contact with and seek for medical attention as soon ent/HSE
hardener powder eyes irritation as possible [AMIC
 Do not rub the eyes if the hands were Monitor]
being contact to cement powder.
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further (Daily)
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Reference AMIC-BAG-P11, PPE
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Continue Storage, handling  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, PVC 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
and mixing of and applying can chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
cement and have skin irritation  Disposal cover all should be provided managem
hardener powder through material during applying of cement powder to ent/HSE
contact with skin protect personnel from direct contact to [AMIC
skin that can cause of skin irritation Monitor]
 If direct contact to skin, wash the
affected area immediately with soap and
running water
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further (Daily)
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986).

Continue Storage, handling  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Provision of proper respiratory protection, 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
and mixing of and applying can personnel to wear NIOSH approved ctor site
cement and have respiratory respirator (3M). managem
hardener powder irritation through  Always refer MSDS instruction for further ent/HSE
inhalation information [AMIC

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

8. Storage and Storage and  Improper storage 4 4 16  Ensure that pasty chemicals are stored in 2 2 4 Chemical M NO
handling of handling (lid and handling can an isolated store with sufficient Storage
BASF- opening, mixing, cause fire ventilation. keeper
concresive 2200 decanting, etc.)  Keep container tightly closed when not in
reactor only part use. (Daily)
B, concresive  Do not mix flammable chemicals to non-
2200 base only flammable chemicals in one storage area
part A, master  Never allow smoking, open flames and
flex 472 grey, strictly implemented.
master seal  Isolation from heat elements is to be
912, master flex done.
612.  Ensure that there are no electrical
equipment sparks or naked flames.
 Keep all the electrical lights and
equipment’s and other sources of ignition
when not in use.
 Combustible materials must be removed
from area of storage.
 Adequate, suitable fire extinguishers like
Foam, CO2 and dry chemical powder
must be available with fire points.
 Housekeeping carried out on regular
 Suitable warning signage placed.
 Provide MSDS for all stored chemicals
and follow instruction regarding the
proper handling and storage
 Operatives involve for storage and
handling of chemicals should has a

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

proper training regarding the proper use

of firefighting equipment
 Reference AMIC-BAG-HSE-P06
 Emergency Evacuation AMIC-BAG-HSE-
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)
Continue Storage and  Personnel opening, 4 4 16  Personnel to wear safety goggles with 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
handling (lid mixing, or applying side shields. ctor site
opening, mixing, can contact with  If pasty chemical direct contact to eye, managem
decanting, etc.) eyes irritation wash it immediately with running water ent/HSE
and seek for medical attention as soon [AMIC
as possible Monitor]
 Do not rub the eyes if the hands were
being contact to chemical.
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further (Daily)
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency
 Reference AMIC-BAG-P11, PPE
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)
Continue Storage and  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, PVC 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
handling (lid and applying can chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
opening, mixing, have skin irritation  Disposal cover all should be provided managem
decanting, etc.) through material during applying of chemical to protect ent/HSE
contact with skin personnel from direct contact to skin that [AMIC
can cause of skin irritation Monitor]
 If direct contact to skin, wash the affected
area immediately with soap and running
water (Daily)
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case
of emergency

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Reference AMIC-BAG-P11, PPE

 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986).
Continue Storage and  Personnel handling 4 4 16  Provision of proper respiratory protection, 2 2 4 Subcontra M No
handling (lid and applying can personnel to wear NIOSH approved ctor site
opening, mixing, have respiratory respirator (3M). managem
decanting, etc.) irritation through  Workers handling of chemical should ent/HSE
inhalation have the internal awareness training [AMIC
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further Monitor]
information (Daily)

9.Storage and Storage and  Improper storage and 4 4 16  Provide proper storage and informative 2 2 4 Store M NO
handling of handling of handling may cause signage Keeper
Shell Alvainia grease skin burn of workers  Foam and dry powder type fire Helper
Grease EP due to fire extinguishers to be available in easily
accessible location
 Provision of oil spill kit for the storage of
 MSDS must be provided and follow
instruction strictly
 Store in an open area provided with
shading to protect from direct sunlight
 Tightly close containers when not in use
 Place materials so they do not interfere with
access ways, doorways, electrical panels or
firefighting equipment
 Operatives involve for storage and handling
of chemicals should has a proper training
regarding the proper use of firefighting

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Never allow smoking, open flame, exposed

heating elements, or other sources of
ignition near the storage
 Never allow any uncontrolled or
unauthorized access in the storage
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

Handling and  Personnel opening lid, 4 4 16  Personnel to wear nitrile rubber, 2 2 4 Subcontra M NO
applying of or decanting contents PVC chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
grease can have moderate skin  Disposable cover all should be provided managem
irritation if material gets during lid opening, mixing, decanting and ent/HSE
contact with skin and applying of grease to protect personnel [AMIC
have skin dryness or from direct contact and can cause of skin Monitor]
cracking through irritation
repeated exposure with  Remove contaminated clothing and wash
the material affected skin with soap and water
 Seek medical attention if persistent irritation
 .Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case of
 Reference AMIC-BAG-P11, PPE
Handling and  Personnel opening lid, 4 4 16  No food, drink, or tobacco shall be taken 2 2 4 Subcontra M NO
applying of or decanting contents into, prepared or consumed where ctor site
grease can have lung damage materials Is being stored or handled managem
if material gets  Personnel involved should has a proper ent/HSE
swallowed hazardous communication training for [AMIC
handling of chemicals Monitor]
 Do not stack hazardous material/liquid into (Daily)
a bottle without proper label

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Use proper container when stacking of

hazardous materials/liquid

10.Storge and Storage and  Improper storage and 4 4 16  Provide proper storage and informative 2 2 4 Store M NO
handling of using of WD-40 handling may cause signage Keeper
WD-40 skin burn of workers  Foam and dry powder type fire Helper
due to fire extinguishers to be available in easily
accessible location
 MSDS must be provided and follow
instruction strictly
 Store in a cool, well-ventilated area, away
from incompatible materials
 Operatives involve for storage and handling
of chemicals should has a proper training
regarding the proper use of firefighting
 Never allow smoking, open flame, exposed
heating elements, or other sources of
ignition near the storage
 Never allow any uncontrolled or
unauthorized access in the storage
 Emergency Hot line (050 162 3986)

 Personnel use of WD- 4 4 16  Personnel to wear ANSI / ISEA 105-2016 2 2 4 Subcontra M NO

40 possibly having mild approved chemical resistant gloves. ctor site
skin irritation and have  Disposable cover all should be provided managem
skin dryness or during lid opening, mixing, decanting to ent/HSE
cracking through protect personnel from direct contact and [AMIC
repeated exposure with can cause of skin irritation Monitor]
the material  Remove contaminated clothing and wash (Daily)
affected skin with soap and water

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

 Seek medical attention if persistent irritation

 .Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case of
 Reference AMIC-BAG-P11, PPE

Personnel using of WD- 4 4 16  Personnel to wear ANSI Z87.1-2003 2 2 4 Subcontra M NO

40 get eye irritation due approved chemical splash goggles or ctor site
to material contact to Safety Glass or PPE managem
eyes  Flush eye with running water for at least 15 ent/HSE
to minutes. [AMIC
 If persistent irritation occurs, obtain medical Monitor]
attention (Daily)
 .Always refer MSDS instruction for further
information and first aid treatment in case of
 Reference AMIC-BAG-P11, PPE

 Personnel using can 4 4 16  Personnel to wear NIOSH approved 2 2 4 Subcontra M NO

have drowsiness or respirator (OV/P95) ctor site
dizziness through single  Do not use ordinary dust mask when managem
exposure by inhalation dealing with chemical ent/HSE
 Always refer MSDS instruction for further [AMIC
information Monitor]

 Personnel using of WD- 4 4 16  Personnel to wear NIOSH approved 2 2 4 Subcontra M NO

40 can get cancer respirator (P95). ctor site
through long term managem

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

exposure with the  Personnel to wear neoprene or nitrile latex ent/HSE

material gloves [AMIC
 No food, drink, or tobacco shall be taken Monitor]
into, prepared or consumed where material (Daily)
is being stored or handled

11.Storage and Storage and Improper storage and 4 4 16  Provide proper storage and informative 2 2 4 Store M NO
handling of handling handling may cause signage Keeper
Honing and skin burn of workers  Foam, CO2 and dry chemical powder fire Helper
cutting oil, due to fire extinguishers must be standby near the
engine oil, gear storage area in easily and accessible
oil, hydraulic oil, location
compressor oil  Provide oil spill kit in storage area
 MSDS must be provided and follow
instruction strictly
 Store in an open area provided with
shading to protect from direct sunlight
 Tightly close containers when not in use
 Place materials so they do not interfere with
access ways, doorways, electrical panels or
firefighting equipment
 Operatives involve for storage and handling
of chemicals should has a proper training
regarding the proper use of firefighting
 Never allow smoking, open flame, exposed
heating elements, or other sources of
ignition near the storage
 Never allow any uncontrolled or
unauthorized access in the storage
 Empty containers retain residue, do not
pressurized cut, weld, braze, solder, drill,

1st Risk
2nd Risk Assessment
Hazards Consequence Assessment Action by Residual PTW
Key Stages Hazardous Activity Control Measures
(Who and How) (Due date) Risk Needed
LS CS Rating LS CS Rating

grind or expose such containers to heat,

flame, sparks or other sources of ignition.
 Empty drums should be completely drained
and properly bunged.


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