Bermudez v. Executive Secretary, 213 SCRA 733 (1999)
Bermudez v. Executive Secretary, 213 SCRA 733 (1999)
Bermudez v. Executive Secretary, 213 SCRA 733 (1999)
The core issue for consideration is whether or not the absence The legislative intent is, of course, primordial. There is no hard-
of a recommendation of the Secretary of Justice to the and-fast rule in ascertaining whether the language in a statute
President can be held fatal to the appointment of respondent should be considered mandatory or directory, and the
Conrado Quiaoit. This question would, in turn, pivot on the application of a ruling in one particular instance may not
proper understanding of the provision of the Revised necessarily be apt in another 8 for each must be determined on
Administrative Code of 1987 (Book IV, Title III, Chapter II, the basis of the specific law in issue and the peculiar
Section 9) to the effect that — circumstances attendant to it. More often than not, the
problem, in the final analysis, is firmed up and addressed on a
"All provincial and city prosecutors and their assistants shall be case-to-case basis. The nature, structure and aim of the law
appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the itself is often resorted to in looking at the legislative intent.
Secretary." cralaw virtua1aw library Generally, it is said that if no consequential rights or liabilities
depend on it and no injury can result from ignoring it, and that
Petitioners contend that an appointment of a provincial the purpose of the legislature can be accomplished in a manner
prosecutor mandatorily requires a prior recommendation of the other than that prescribed when substantially the same results
Secretary of Justice endorsing the intended appointment citing, can be obtained, then the statute should be regarded merely as
by analogy, the case of San Juan v. CSC 5 where the Court directory, rather than as mandatory, in character. 9
action of the departments, bureaus or offices even in the
"The power to appoint is, in essence, discretionary. The exercise of discretionary authority, and in so opting, he cannot
appointing power has the right of choice which he may exercise be said as having acted beyond the scope of his authority.
freely according to his judgment, deciding for himself who is
best qualified among those who have the necessary The doctrine in San Juan, relied upon by petitioners, is
qualifications and eligibilities. It is a prerogative of the tangential. While the tenor of the legal provision in Executive
appointing power . . ." 15 Order No. 112 has some similarity with the provision in the
1987 Administrative Code in question, it is to be pointed out,
Indeed, it may rightly be said that the right of choice is the however, that San Juan, 24 in construing the law, has
heart of the power to appoint. 16 In the exercise of the power distinctively given stress to the constitutional mandate on local
of appointment, discretion is an integral part thereof. autonomy; thus:
When the Constitution 17 or the law 18 clothes the President "The issue before the Court is not limited to the validity of the
with the power to appoint a subordinate officer, such appointment of one Provincial Budget Officer. The tug of war
conferment must be understood as necessarily carrying with it between the Secretary of Budget and Management and the
an ample discretion of whom to appoint. It should be here Governor of the premier province of Rizal over a seemingly
pertinent to state that the President is the head of government innocuous position involves the application of a most important
whose authority includes the power of control over all constitutional policy and principle, that of local autonomy. We
"executive departments, bureaus and offices." Control means have to obey the clear mandate on local autonomy. Where a
the authority of an empowered officer to alter or modify, or law is capable of two interpretations, one in favor of centralized
even nullify or set aside, what a subordinate officer has done in power in Malacañang and the other beneficial to local
the performance of his duties, as well as to substitute the autonomy, the scales must be weighed in favor of autonomy.
judgment of the latter, 19 as and when the former deems it to
be appropriate. Expressed in another way, the President has the x x x
power to assume directly the functions of an executive
department, bureau and office. 20 It can accordingly be inferred
therefrom that the President can interfere in the exercise of "When the Civil Service Commission interpreted the
discretion of officials under him or altogether ignore their recommending power of the Provincial Governor as purely
recommendations. 21 directory, it went against the letter and spirit of the
constitutional provisions on local autonomy. If the DBM
It is the considered view of the Court, given the above Secretary jealously hoards the entirety of budgetary powers and
disquisition, that the phrase "upon recommendation of the ignores the right of local governments to develop self-reliance
Secretary," found in Section 9, Chapter II, Title III, Book IV of and resoluteness in the handling of their own funds, the goal of
the Revised Administrative Code, should be interpreted, as it is meaningful local autonomy is frustrated and set back."25 cralaw:red