Syllabus GSGS - Proposal Dan Seminar Tesis
Syllabus GSGS - Proposal Dan Seminar Tesis
Syllabus GSGS - Proposal Dan Seminar Tesis
Dr.Eng Shinta Indah
Dr.Eng Shinta Silvia
1. Lecture Information
− able to deepen or expand knowledge in the field of design, operation and maintenance of engineering systems and environmental
management to make original and tested contributions through independent research;
− able to formulate new ideas (new research questions) from the results of research carried out for the development of technology
and environmental management systems.
12, 13 Students are able to analyse Research Individual 3x50 work individual
data and synthesize Presentation minutes
research findings
14, 15 Students are able to report Research Individual 3x50 work individual
findings in written and Presentation minutes
verbal forms
16 Final Examination
6. References
7. Annex
Scoring Instrument: Mid-term examination : 25%; Final Examination: 30%; Assignment: 20%; Report 25%