Syllabus GSGS - Proposal Dan Seminar Tesis

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TLI 653 Proposal dan Seminar Tesis

(Thesis Proposal and Seminar)

Dr.Eng Shinta Indah
Dr.Eng Shinta Silvia



Curriculum for Master Study Program of Environmental Sanitation Infrastructure 1

SYLLABUS No.Dok : ............
SEMESTER Revisi : ............
(TLI 653 Thesis Proposal and Seminar) Tanggal : June 2020

Completed by: Checked by: Approved by:

Dr. Eng. Shinta Silvia Reri Afrianita, MT Dr.Eng Zulkarnaini

NIP 197611242008012007 NIP. 197704172006042002 NIP 198004212009121003
Lecturer Head of QC Head of Master Study Program


1. Lecture Information

Study Program Name : Environmental Sanitation Infrastructure

Lecture Name : Thesis Proposal and Seminar
Lecture Code : TLI 653
Category : Required
Unit : 2 units

Curriculum for Master Study Program of Environmental Sanitation Infrastructure 2

Year : Year 1
Semester : 1 (one)
Prasyarat :-
Status : Required
Lecturers : 1. Dr.Eng Shinta Indah
2. Dr.Eng Shinta Silvia

Curriculum for Master Study Program of Environmental Sanitation Infrastructure 3

2. Description of Lecture
The lecture discusses the Plagiarism awareness and basics of literature search Using Endnote for referencings, Reading
and academic writing, presenting, Reflection on ethics in own research work. Develop a research proposal and protocol,
Establish links between theory and methods within the field of study. From different methodologies, methods and forms
of analysis to produce and justify a suitable research design, Ethical issues associated with practitioner research,
Research-based project, Analyse data and synthesize research findings, Report findings in written and verbal forms.

3. Learning Achievement of Study Program

− able to deepen or expand knowledge in the field of design, operation and maintenance of engineering systems and environmental
management to make original and tested contributions through independent research;
− able to formulate new ideas (new research questions) from the results of research carried out for the development of technology
and environmental management systems.

4. Learning Achievement of Lecture

1. Plagiarism awareness and basics of literature search Using Endnote for referencings
2. Reading and academic writing, presenting
3. Reflection on ethics in own research work
4. Develop a research proposal and protocol
5. Establish links between theory and methods within the field of study
6. From different methodologies, methods and forms of analysis to produce and justify a suitable research design
7. Ethical issues associated with practitioner research
8. Research-based project
9. Analyse data and synthesize research findings
10. Report findings in written and verbal forms

Curriculum for Master Study Program of Environmental Sanitation Infrastructure 4

5. Description of Lesson Plan
Indicator of Learning Assignment and
Week Achievements of Subjects Topics Method of Learning Course Time evaluation Reference
1 Students are to explain Referencing Lecture and 3x50 work individual and
about plagiarism awareness guidelines discussion minutes / in groups
and basics of literature
search Using Endnote for
2 Students are able to critical Critical Lecture and 3x50 work individual and
reading and academic reading and discussion minutes / in groups
writing, presenting academic
3 Students are able to explain Research Lecture and 3x50 work individual and
about reflection on ethics in ethics discussion minutes / in groups
own research work

4,5 Students are table to Research Individual 3x50 work individual

develop a research proposal Presentation minutes
and protocol

6,7 Students are able to Research Individual 3x50 work individual

establish links between Presentation minutes
theory and methods within
the field of study
8 Mid-term Examination
9 Students are able to select Research Individual 3x50 work individual
from different Presentation minutes
methodologies, methods
and forms of analysis to

Curriculum for Master Study Program of Environmental Sanitation Infrastructure 5

produce and justify a
suitable research design

10 Students are able to Research Individual 3x50 work individual

demonstrate an Presentation minutes
understanding of the ethical
issues associated with
practitioner research

11 Students are able to carry Research Individual 3x50 work individual

out a substantial research- Presentation minutes
based project

12, 13 Students are able to analyse Research Individual 3x50 work individual
data and synthesize Presentation minutes
research findings

14, 15 Students are able to report Research Individual 3x50 work individual
findings in written and Presentation minutes
verbal forms

16 Final Examination

6. References

7. Annex
Scoring Instrument: Mid-term examination : 25%; Final Examination: 30%; Assignment: 20%; Report 25%

Curriculum for Master Study Program of Environmental Sanitation Infrastructure 6

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