College Kings - Act I-III Full Walkthrough1 PDF

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2022, 22:27 College Kings: Act I Walkthrough

College Kings: Act I Walkthrough

Updated on April 1st 2022.

Introduction (KCT system and guide organization)

This guide is grouped by (in-universe) days. This is mainly done for the convenience of organizing the possible conversations you will have.
Conversations are listed on the day they become available, but some text messages do not need to be answered on the same day (some messages do not need to be answered at all). The conversations are also numbered in this guide. This is only done for referencing purposes, as these
numbers do not appear in the game.
Each day in this guide contains a list of possible achievements (note that some will require certain prior actions going a particular way). Afterwards, you will see a list of all possible conversations that day (again, some will only be visible if certain criteria are met).
Most (but not all) conversation options will grant you some combination of Boyfriend, Bro or Troublemaker points. You will start the game by default with 2 Boyfriend, 1 Bro and 1 Troublemaker points, and will accumulate more based on your actions. You are not told in-game how your
choices affect these points, but this guide will detail them.
Ultimately, these points influence your KCT (Key Character Trait). There are three KCTs available (Confident, Loyal and Popular), and a specific KCT may be needed to unlock certain scenes or progress further with certain characters. Your KCT may also sometimes simply influence the dialogue
in some scenes. As a general rule, your KCT will depend on whichever of your personality scores (Boyfriend, Bro or Troublemaker) is the lowest:

• Confident (if your lowest score is Bro points)

• Loyal (if your lowest score is Troublemaker)

• Popular (if your lowest score is Boyfriend)

So for example, if you've accumulated 12 Bro, 9 Boyfriend but only 5 Troublemaker points, your KCT will be Loyal. From that point onwards, you can keep on increasing your Bro and Boyfriend scores and your KCT will remain at Loyal. But if you gather enough Troublemaker points that it
surpasses your Boyfriend points, then your KCT would change to Popular.
This means that if you are looking to keep a specific trait, pay attention to which choices you need to avoid.
But if you want the freedom to change between KCTs quickly, this will require you to keep a tally of how many points you are getting, and specifically you would have to ensure to keep the three scores (Boyfriend, Bro, Troublemaker) fairly close together.
If you simply play the game at random, by the nature of the dialogues, you are more likely to end up with the Loyal trait if you follow the Wolves path, and more likely to end up with the Confident trait if you follow the Apes path. Either way, the Popular trait is the hardest to achieve and
requires paying a lot more attention to your choices.
The following characters react best to each KCT. Consider this if you want to improve your relationships with them. For the characters not listed, it doesn’t fundamentally make a difference to the story what KCT you have.

• Confident – Emmy, Grayson, Jenny, Josh, Lauren’s roommate, Penelope, Riley

• Loyal – Autumn, Imre, Lauren, Nora

• Popular – Amber, Aubrey, Candy, Chloe, Lindsey

This obviously affects how your playthroughs should go, if you’re focusing on a specific character. Take Chloe as an example. She prefers the Popular trait. But every Boyfriend point you collect through your choices moves you away from being Popular.
So this means you should get just enough Boyfriend points during the interactions with her to get the scenes close to her, but avoid getting Boyfriend points with other girls. Basically Chloe is going to demand your full attention.
Special interactions that affect your relationships with the girls are highlighted in green.
The below section details the "conversation tree" structure of the guide.
Suppose you have two possible speech options: "Response A" and "Response B". This is shown as follows:

• Response A

• Response B
Two actions on the same level are always mutually exclusive.
Now suppose that "Response A" leads to two further possible actions: "Response A1" and "Response A2", while if you pick "Response B" the scene ends there. This is shown as 'nested' choices, like in the below example:

• Response A

◦ Response A1

◦ Response A2

• Response B
Some (not all) choices will award "Boyfriend", "Bro" or "Troublemaker" points. You may see this as follows:

• Response A [+1 Bro]

• Response B [+1 Troublemaker]

You will see the points given by each individual choice. In the example below with nested choices, going for "Response A" will give you 1 Bro point, then going for "Response A2" will grant you 1 additional Boyfriend point:

• Response A [+1 Bro]

◦ Response A1

◦ Response A2 [+1 Boyfriend]

• Response B [+1 Troublemaker]

If a choice triggers an achievement, or an important action, this is also indicated:

• Response A [Achievement: example] [+1 Bro]

• Response B [+1 Troublemaker]

The list of choices may be preceded by a note in square brackets "[]". This means a conversation will only be available if a certain action was performed before (e.g. you had to pick "Response X" in conversation 5). You may see this as follows:
[If you chose "Response X" in conversation 5]

• Response A [Achievement: example] [+1 Bro]

• Response B [+1 Troublemaker]

As an added detail, the list of options will give the name of the character(s) in the conversation, to make it easier to find it in the guide. This is shown as:
[If you chose "Response X" in conversation 5] With Julia:

• Response A [Achievement: example] [+1 Bro]

• Response B [+1 Troublemaker]

A conversation may be prolonged, and give you multiple opportunities to make choices. This is shown as multiple sequences as follows:
With Julia:

• Response A [+1 Bro]

• Response B [+1 Troublemaker]

• Response C [+1 Boyfriend]

• Response D
This means you may freely choose "Response A" or "Response B". Either option will allow the second dialogue, where you will have a free choice of "Response C" or "Response D".

Day 1


• Keep it moving – flirt with Nora in conversation 9

• No hard feelings – reply politely to Emily in conversation 1

• Open wound – diss Emily in conversation 1

Key Moments
• Get to know the first few characters

• Sex scene with Riley (dream sequence)

At home
You start the day by waking up to a dream sequence with Emily (we will learn soon she was your ex and she's also going to be studying at San Vallejo). You can rename your character (or keep the default name Alex) as Julia is getting ready to drive you for the first day of college. 1/17
17.09.2022, 22:27 College Kings: Act I Walkthrough

1. Texting Emily

• Yeah… I’ll see you there. [Achievement: No hard feelings]

• You cheated on me. Go to hell! [Achievement: Open wound] [+1 Troublemaker]

You don't need to reply straight away, and neither answer fundamentally changes your relationship with Emily, but it's the first indication she has cheated on you. It's also an easy introduction to the phone mechanics and how to trigger achievements. Besides, if you pick the second option, you will
earn your first Troublemaker point, and you will be on your way to moving Key Character Trait to Confident. More on that in a moment.

Driving with Julia

2. With Julia:

• Could be fun [+1 Troublemaker]

• No [+1 Boyfriend]
Here you are introduced in a bit more detail to the concept of Key Character Traits (KCT) with a tutorial. Individual choices that you make throughout the game will give you either Boyfriend, Bro or Troublemaker points (but you will never be told in-game how many you have or which choices grant
which points). You will only be told if you've accumulated enough points to warrant a change in KCT. Moreover, during the ride you will have the chance to check your phone to look at the Stats app and see your current KCT.

At college entrance
3. With Autumn:

• Flirt

• Inquire
This is one of the few choices throughout the game that doesn't come with a "points" consequence (only the dialogues will change), so feel free to explore either sequence. This will follow your first interaction with Cameron as you bump into him on the stairs.

In class
Here you meet a few of your fellow freshmen colleagues: Ryan, Riley and Lauren, as well as Elijah and your teacher Ms. Rose. Ryan introduces the two most popular fraternities: the Apes and the Wolves. At the end of the year there is a Summer Showdown fighting tournament between the two, and
you will get a chance to join either one throughout Act 1. After class, Ryan will invite you to the Apes rush party.
4. In class:

• Make fun of Elijah [+1 Troublemaker]

• Stay quiet
Making fun of Elijah at this stage will alter his dialogues when/if you meet him afterwards, so choose which relationship you'd like to have with him.
5. With Lauren:

• Agree [+1 Boyfriend]

• Disagree [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t defend Autumn

• Defend Autumn [+1 Boyfriend]

• You’re cuter

• Yeah, kinda [+1 Boyfriend]

We learn that Lauren is Autumn's sister, and Autumn is part of the Deer sorority. The Deer are not into fighting, and are one of the two main sororities (the other being the Chicks). Lauren will give you her number during this conversation.

Free roam (corridors)

This is the first free roam, a screen where you can just explore through your environment. Point and click to interact with any character (most of these interactions will be entirely optional, but they can be used to improve your relationships with certain characters, or add points towards your desired
6. Texting Julia:

• Love you too. [+1 Boyfriend]

• Thanks, Julia :) [+1 Bro]

You'll get a text message from Julia; you don't have to reply straight away.
7. With Riley:

• She’s hot. [+1 Bro]

• She seems nice.

You can introduce yourself to Riley, but you'll meet her later in the day regardless. Only some of the dialogue will change depending on whether you talk to her now.
8. With Elijah:

• So… the nerds? [+1 Troublemaker]

• That’s cool. [+1 Boyfriend]

If you've made fun of Elijah previously, he'll be upset at you but will still carry on the conversation. He will tell you about the Frogs fraternity, but you will not get to join them (because it’s “for the brightest minds” only).
9. With Nora:

• Flirt [Achievement: Keep it moving] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Leave
Turn right to progress through the corridors and you can click on Chris and Nora to reveal they are in a relationship. After seeing their interaction Chris will leave, and you can click on Nora again. This is an indication that sometimes you will be able to come back to a character you've already
interacted with during a free roam. Flirt with her for an achievement, and she'll remember you when you meet her later.
After going through the door into the dorm rooms, you can peek on the door to the left to watch a sex scene (between Aubrey and Adam, although we don’t know them yet), or turn right to finish the free roam and meet your roommate Imre.

In dorm
10. With Imre:

• So, they’re equally good? [+1 Troublemaker]

• The Wolves sound sick. [+1 Bro]

Meet Imre. His family moved in from Hungary, and his older brother also studied at San Vallejo. In fact, he used to be a Wolf, so Imre will be wanting to join them badly.
11. Texting Lauren:

• See you later, cutie [+1 Boyfriend]

• Cool
Imre has invited Riley to come and hang out, so you'll invite Lauren as well. Finish your text conversation in one of two different ways if you want that Boyfriend point.
During the night you will play drink-or-dare, where Imre will slap Riley and you can choose to take Riley's dare of taking your shirt off, but the game will end shortly afterwards when Lauren has to leave.
12. With Lauren:

• You’re missing out.

• Dodged a bullet there. [+1 Troublemaker]

13. With Riley:

• Take your shirt off [+1 Troublemaker]

• Drink instead

• Do it, or drink. [+1 Bro]

• You’re right. [+1 Boyfriend]

14. With Imre:

• Riley’s mine. [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ You’re right, sorry. [+1 Bro]

◦ She wants me. [+1 Troublemaker]

• They’re both hot. [+1 Bro]

Before sleeping, Imre and you will reflect on the night. Imre is into Riley, and you can defy him by saying you are too, but you'll end Day 1 with a good relationship with him regardless of your choice here.

In bed
15. Dream sequence with Riley:

• Keep dreaming [Sex scene with Riley]

• Wake up
The first sex scene, keep dreaming to experience it, or wake up to skip it.

Day 2 2/17
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• Big mouth – warn Cameron to watch out in conversation 18

• Romeo – kiss Lauren after picking up 2 points in conversation 16

Key Moments

• First steps towards a relationship with Lauren

During Economics class, Riley will reveal herself to be the more bookish and studious type, while Ryan isn't into any of that stuff. Lauren will arrive late, which you will use to start up a conversation with her.

In class / In the park

16. With Lauren:

• Move in with me? [+1 Boyfriend]

• Bad roommates suck. [+1 Bro]

At the park, Lauren will open up a bit about herself. She hasn't dated anyone since 10th grade, and in fact she's a virgin. To get the Romeo achievement, follow the answers below to gather both responses Lauren likes in the conversation and then kiss her.
Lauren path: To be able to start a relationship with Lauren, you will need either the Romeo achievement, or have the KCT Loyal when you meet her in Day 3. You might as well go for this route just to keep your options open, or do things differently if you already know you're not interested.

• You could get any guy.

• Yet, you’re here with me. [Lauren likes]

• I’m still in love with my ex.

• I’ve broken into an Ikea. [Lauren likes]

• You’re really beautiful. [+1 Boyfriend]

• You’re not ugly. [+1 Bro]

• Kiss her [Achievement: Romeo (if both “Lauren likes” options selected)]

• Don’t kiss her

Either option here will make awkward temporarily between you and Lauren, but you can meet the next day to work things out
Back at the dorm, Imre invites you to go out, but you'll answer Ryan's text and meet him at the Apes frat house instead. Imre will be a bit upset for the night, but this cannot be avoided.

Free roam (party)

Another free roam, where you have the choice to interact with various people at the party. You can check on Sam and Karen at the front porch. Once inside, you will have to chat with Josh to progress, who is an old friend from middle school. This will lead to meeting Aubrey (you may recognize her
from the free roam on Day 1)
17. With Aubrey:

• Flirt

◦ Say you’re a fighter [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Say you’re not a fighter

• Ask if she likes fighters [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ I’ll be the next Fight King. [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ No, that’s not for me.

Aubrey will introduce herself as a junior and vice-president of the Chicks sorority, and she'll let you know that Grayson (the president of the Apes) is also at the party
Meanwhile, feel free to explore the free roam. Courtney is waiting for the "bathroom" to become vacant. You can also visit upstairs and check on a conversation between Cameron and Grayson planning the Apes' recruitment.
Back downstairs, you can turn right into the pool room to meet Katy and Sarah, or talk to Mason and Jeremy for an achievement if you threaten Cameron (don't worry, Cameron won't hear that)
18. With Mason/Jeremy:

• Yeah, he better watch out. [Achievement: Big mouth] [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• I didn’t wanna fight him.

19. Texting Lauren:

• Yeah, sure. [+1 Boyfriend]

• What is there to talk about? [+1 Troublemaker]

Going into the room on the left of the screen, you'll notice you have a text message from Lauren. You don't need to answer it at this moment (she will message again in the morning). Regardless of how/if you answer, you'll be able to meet her the next day.
At any moment, click on Chloe and Tom to end the free roam.

20. With Ryan:

• You’re right, I’ll talk to her. [+1 Bro]

• She’s occupied.
Whether you go on your own initiative, or need a nudge from Ryan, Chloe will thank you for interrupting the conversation over Tom's rock collection and introduce herself as the president of the Chicks. Your reward will be a flirting session with her outside.
21. With Chloe:

• Apologize [+1 Boyfriend]

• Make fun of him [+1 Bro]

• Empathize [+1 Boyfriend]

• Poke fun [+1 Troublemaker]

The day will end when you come back inside with Chloe. Grayson will come to you and punch you, knocking you out and giving you a black eye. Ryan takes you back to your dorm room, and the game continues when you wake up on Day 3.

Day 3

• Big mouth – warn Cameron to watch out in conversation 18

• A new beginning – meet with Lauren in conversation 24 and tell her "there was something there" (must have KCT Loyal or the Romeo achievement)

• Mixed feelings – decline meeting with Lauren in conversation 24

• Over it – forgive Emily in conversation 30 and allow Benjamin to hit on her in conversation 31

• The notorious – fight and beat Tom in conversation 25 in Hard mode

Key Moments
• Fight scene with Tom

• Start a relationship with Lauren

• Possibility of restarting a relationship with Emily

• First chance to get Evelyn’s number

Day 3 brings the first fight scene (optional), and the choice of how you want to proceed with your ex Emily. More importantly, you can start a relationship with Lauren. But beware: you may be "locking" yourself to a specific ending too soon.

22. With Imre:

• Hmm… maybe. [+1 Bro]

• I’m not fighting. [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ I’ll think about it. [+1 Bro]

◦ I won’t fight. [+1 Boyfriend]

The day starts with you back at the dorm room, and Imre berating you for having attended the Apes party and goading you to take on fighting. After he leaves, Ryan will text you to check on you. He was the one who brought you back to your room, but you can let him know you don't like him
siding with Grayson on this one.
23. Texting Ryan:

• I’m fine [+1 Bro]

• No, wtf was that?! Fuck Grayson and fuck the Apes [+1 Troublemaker]

• Whatever [+1 Bro]

• Don’t you dare defend that guy [+1 Troublemaker] 3/17
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24. Texting Lauren:

• Yeah, SV cafe in 20 mins? [Meet with Lauren] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Sorry, I can’t [Achievement: Mixed feelings] [+1 Troublemaker]

Lauren will also text you to follow up on the previous day's conversation. If you want to go down the path of a relationship with Lauren, you will need to accept her meeting invitation (and also you will need to have picked up the Romeo achievement, or otherwise have a KCT Loyal).
Or reject Lauren, and you'll have an achievement waiting.

Walking outside
25. With Tom:

• Shout back [Fight]

• Keep walking

◦ Shout back [Fight]

◦ Walk away
Tom will tease you as you walk outside, still angry from the night before. Ignore him and walk away, or react to him to start a fight.
Fighting will be an important part of the game, so if you want you can take this opportunity to go through the fighting tutorial. Afterwards, you will have one of three choices: have the fight simulated with an automatic win for you, have it simulated with a realistic outcome (in some cases this can
mean you're more likely to lose), or actually test yourself and go through the fight.
Fights are essentially reaction challenges, where you'll need to respond to your opponent's stance with the correct defense or attack. If you choose to control the fight yourself, at higher difficulty levels you will have shorter amounts of time in which to make your decisions. There's an achievement to
be won if you beat Tom in Hard difficulty mode, but this can be frustratingly difficult.
During the game you may learn new moves, which can help during fights.
26. [If you fight and beat Tom in conversation 25] With Tom: [Achievement: The notorious (if Hard mode)]

• Kick him [+1 Troublemaker]

• Walk away [+1 Bro]

27. [If you decided to meet in conversation 24] With Lauren:

• There was something there. [Start relationship with Lauren (if you have KCT Loyal or gathered the Romeo achievement through conversation 16)] [Achievement: A new beginning (if you have KCT Loyal or gathered the Romeo achievement)] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Let’s forget about it. [+1 Bro]

Lauren path: The first decision with a long-term impact, and almost a point-of-no-return. If you picked up the Romeo achievement the day before (or if by now you have the KCT Loyal), tell Lauren you feel there was something there at the park to start a relationship.
If you start a relationship, you cannot break it off amicably, and ultimately you are locking yourself to a situation where you'll have no choice but to take her as your homecoming date at the end of Act 1. You'll actually have to cheat on Lauren to end the relationship if you'd like a chance with
taking other girls instead.
This is the easiest chance to start a relationship with Lauren, and it either ends up being a long-term thing or a messy break-up. So choose your adventure carefully. But even if you don't start something now, there will be future interactions that you can escalate with her. In any case, it will help if
you have the Loyal trait.
28. [If you told Lauren there was something there in conversation 27, but didn't have KCT Loyal or the Romeo achievement] With Lauren:

• Give me a chance.

• You're right.
Without the Romeo achievement or KCT Loyal, there will be no convincing Lauren.
29. Texting Josh:

• Sorry, man. She doesn't know what she's missing. [+1 Bro]

• Sooo, did you give it to her? [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Yeah, I guess you’re right. [+1 Bro]

◦ Dude, what the fuck?! [+1 Troublemaker]

Just before class you will get a quick text chat with Josh (or you can message him later). He will deliver you the good news that Aubrey has asked for your number (so we'll be hearing more from her).
You will also be introduced to History professor Mr. Lee, who is rather passionate about his subject. After Cameron heckles during class, Mr. Lee will demand that everyone comes dressed with a historical costume for the next lecture. You'll have fun shopping later, but not with Imre (he's going to
check on the girls' volleyball team and buy his costume later).

30. With Emily:

• Okay, I guess. [Forgive Emily] [+1 Boyfriend]

• No, sorry. [+1 Troublemaker]

After class, Nora may recognize you from Day 1, but the second important decision of the day comes with your interaction with Emily. She wants to apologize for her cheating, and taking her at her word will reveal a little bit more about your past history with her in a follow-up conversation.
Emily path: This will not be the only opportunity to forgive Emily, but you will need to do so at some point to be able to get back with her. Forgiving her now is also the only way of triggering the following Doctor's office sequence (though it doesn't actually affect your healing)

(On the way to) Doctor

31. [If you forgave Emily in conversation 30] With Emily / Benjamin:

• Yeah, of course. (joke) [+1 Troublemaker]

• I’m still single. [+1 Boyfriend]

• It was adorable. [+1 Boyfriend]

• It was so funny. [+1 Bro]

• Sure, knock yourself out. [Achievement: Over it] [+1 Bro]

• Stay away from her. [+1 Boyfriend]

• Tell Emily about Benjamin [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t tell Emily [+1 Bro]

At Dr. Ehrmantraut's office, you will meet Benjamin, who went to school with Emily's sister Hannah. Benjamin is into Emily, and will ask your "permission" to go after her. There's an achievement to be picked up if you let him, but either way this only slightly affects the dialogues and doesn't impact
your (potential) relationship with Emily (or hers with Benjamin, whom we don't hear of anymore)
Dr. Ehrmantraut will check your eye, and it turns out it's nothing too serious. Though you will be left wishing it were, if that meant having to visit her office again...

On the way to clothing store

32. Texting Aubrey:

• Wait they're not dating? [+1 Bro]

◦ My day tomorrow is quite full, but how about today? I need to buy a costume. [+1 Boyfriend]

• My day tomorrow is quite full, but how about today? I need to buy a costume. [+1 Boyfriend]
Having gotten your number from Josh, Aubrey will text you to hang out. Your schedules can't quite match but you can go costume shopping with her. Also you can probe her a bit to find out Chloe and Grayson used to date, but they broke it off. Grayson did some shady stuff, or this might just be
Aubrey going with Chloe's side of the story.
You'll meet Penelope, who was also in your History class, and she's got quite the quirky personality. For now we'll learn she's actually a junior just arriving at San Vallejo after being expelled from her previous college, but you still get to make a choice: carry on with the initial plan and meet with
Aubrey, or go with Penelope instead. Whichever option you choose, you'll get to see the girl trying different outfits, but you'll need to go with Penelope and mess things up for the Keen eye achievement.
33. Texting Aubrey:

• Yeah, I'm just on my way, I'll be right there. [Shop with Aubrey] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Sorry, something came up and I can't make it. [Shop with Penelope] [+1 Troublemaker]
At the costume shop, which has now been converted to a regular clothing store (after a surprising increase of in-store injuries in January) you'll also meet the clerk Evelyn. You'll have a chance at her later, but for now it's time to try some costumes.
You can buy any of the three costumes available (viking, knight or cowboy) at any time, but you can also try them on multiple times. As you do, Aubrey/Penelope will be trying a matching outfit on the other booth. Peek at your own risk, because there's a chance you'll get caught, which can upset
the girl and have her leave the store.
Whatever happens, if you end up buying the Viking costume, there will be an extra scene in History class the following week as Mr. Lee will call you out for having a costume that is inaccurate.

Clothing store
34. [If you went shopping with Aubrey in conversation 33] With Aubrey:
Trying the viking costume

• Peek [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Risk it [Random chance of getting caught]

◦ Stop peeking

• Don’t peek [+1 Boyfriend]

• It’s kinda hot. [+1 Boyfriend]

• It’s definitely something. [+1 Bro]

Trying the knight costume

• Peek [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Risk it [Random chance of getting caught]

◦ Stop peeking

• Don’t peek [+1 Boyfriend]

• looking might fine. [+1 Boyfriend]

• certainly practical. [+1 Bro]

Trying the cowboy costume 4/17
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• Peek [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Risk it [Random chance of getting caught]

◦ Stop peeking

• Don’t peek [+1 Boyfriend]

When you try on the cowboy outfit, Aubrey will initially not want to show you hers. But if you have KCT Popular, she can be persuaded.

• Oh come on. [Aubrey costume reveal (with KCT Popular)] [+1 Troublemaker]

• [+1 Boyfriend]
If you do get caught peeking Aubrey at any moment, she'll accept your apology. But if you try to deny it without having KCT Confident, that will upset her. You will have a chance to talk it over the following day, so this does not prevent the development of any relationship with her.
35. [If you were caught peeking in conversation 34] With Aubrey:

• Apologize [+1 Boyfriend]

• Deny it [Aubrey will leave the store (unless KCT Confident)] [+1 Troublemaker]
You can try the same outfits with Penelope instead, if you chose to go with her. But she will never show you what the cowboy outfit looks on her. Also, if you get caught peeking she's much more likely to leave the store angrily.
36. [If you went shopping with Penelope in conversation 33] With Penelope:
Trying the viking costume

• Peek [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Risk it [Random chance of getting caught]

◦ Stop peeking

• Don’t peek [+1 Boyfriend]

• You look beautiful. [+1 Boyfriend]

• I guess it’s nice. [+1 Bro]

Trying the knight costume

• Peek [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Risk it [Random chance of getting caught]

◦ Stop peeking

• Don’t peek [+1 Boyfriend]

• Flirt [+1 Boyfriend]

• Agree [+1 Bro]

Trying the cowboy costume

• Peek [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Risk it [Random chance of getting caught]

◦ Stop peeking

• Don’t peek [+1 Boyfriend]

• Oh come on. [+1 Troublemaker]

• [+1 Boyfriend]
37. [If you were caught peeking in conversation 36] With Penelope:

• Apologize [Penelope will leave the store] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Deny it [Penelope will leave the store (unless KCT Confident)] [+1 Troublemaker]
Getting caught by Penelope and having her leave the store is the only way to the Keen eye achievement (provided you successfully apologize later). If you do want to get caught, you may have to try outfits and peek multiple times (beware you'll be adding Troublemaker points each time). When she
does catch you, the only way to keep her happy is to deny the peeking while having KCT Confident
Evelyn path: At any rate, if either girl caught you peeking, you'll be on your own to pay for your chosen outfit (otherwise you'll be leaving together), which means you'll have a chance with the clerk Evelyn. If you don't (or can't) make a move now, you'll still meet her at the gym the following day. But
it's your first opportunity to get her number. She's a grown-up though, so you'll need to be smart in your approach.
38. [If either Aubrey in conversation 34 or Penelope in conversation 36 caught you peeking] With Evelyn:

• Make a move. [+1 Bro]

◦ Be smart [Get Evelyn's number]

◦ Be funny

• Leave [+1 Boyfriend]

On the way back to the dorm, you'll find Chris and Aaron sticking Wolves posters, and they'll casually mention you should join them. Imre will then tell you all about his escapades inside the volleyball team's locker room, and will even knock you off your moral high horse if you've acted improperly
at the clothing store.

39. With Imre:

• You’re crazy. [+1 Bro]

• That’s not cool. [+1 Boyfriend]

• Hell yeah. [+1 Bro]

• She’s alright.
By this time Chloe has also come into your dorm. She feels responsible for you having been punched by Grayson (after all they did have a thing together before) and will invite you to the gym later that night.

Meeting Chloe
40. With Chloe:

• Ask her about it [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t question it [+1 Boyfriend]

• Win the game [+1 Troublemaker]

• Let her win [+1 Boyfriend]

You'll end the night meeting Chloe and breaking into the gym to play some volleyball, but the security guard will notice you before you can get closer to her.
During sleep, you will get a flashback sequence, going back to the moment Emily confessed to having cheated on you: she got drunk at a birthday party but came back to your place in the middle of the night to apologize, but you broke up with her there and then. Can't spend too much time
dwelling on that though, tomorrow is going to be an eventful day.

Day 4

• Lips don't lie – kiss Riley in the park in conversation 49

• Not now, mom – do not pick up Julia's call in conversation 47

• Truth hurts – have sex with Aubrey in conversation 45 and tell Lauren about it in conversation 50 (must have started a relationship with Lauren in conversation 27)

Key Moments
• Learn the body hook move

• Last chance to get Evelyn’s number

• Sex scene with Aubrey

• Movie date with Lauren

This day can bring your first date with Lauren (if you went down that road) and your first (real) sex scene, with Aubrey. It's even possible to go through both (but then it's up to you to deal with the consequences). You can also set yourself up for something to develop with Riley later, and Imre will get
himself into a fight that will put him in hospital.

41. With Imre:

• Show off [+1 Bro]

• Stick to what you know

Imre takes you to the Sports X gym, which happens to be the cheapest around. When you pledge to a frat later you will get to use their facilities, but for now this will have to do. After making a move on receptionist Lindsey, Imre will teach you a new fighting skill you can use, the body hook.
Evelyn path: This will also be your last chance to approach Evelyn, if you couldn't already do so at the clothing shop the day before. Again, treat her as a grown-up and you'll do fine here, or feel free to skip if you're not into her. 5/17
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42. [If you didn’t make a move on Evelyn in conversation 38] With Evelyn:

• Approach her [+1 Bro]

◦ Be smart [Get Evelyn's number]

◦ Be funny

• Leave it [+1 Boyfriend]

Chicks house
43. [If Aubrey left the store in conversation 35] With Aubrey:

• Take off your clothes [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Bro]

• Refuse [+1 Troublemaker]

44. [If you didn’t cause Aubrey to leave the store on her own in conversation 35] With Aubrey:

• Truth [+1 Boyfriend]

• Dare [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

Depending on how things went on the day before, you may get to a short game of truth or dare with Aubrey (where we'll learn there's another ex-girlfriend you've slept with in the past, besides Emily).
Aubrey path: But whatever happens, you'll be placed in a situation where you take off your clothes in front of Aubrey. Kiss her and there's no turning back, this will lead to a sex scene. This one is more interactive than the dream sequence with Riley on Day 1, so go ahead exploring the different
positions on the left panel.
If you're worried about Lauren, she won't find out unless you tell her, if you're okay with that arrangement.
45. With Aubrey:

• Kiss her [Sex with Aubrey]

• Stop it

Outside dorm room

46. [If you didn’t start a relationship with Lauren in conversation 27] With Lauren:

• I’d love to. [+1 Boyfriend]

• I don’t know… [+1 Troublemaker]

Lauren will come by your dorm as a friend, if you don't have a date scheduled for later, and you'll agree to help her with a Psychology assignment she's got.
If you do have a date with her (and don't mess it up too much afterwards), she'll ask your help at a later moment.

47. With Julia:

• Answer [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Shopping sounds great. [Meet with Julia] [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ I can’t, sorry. [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t answer [Achievement: Not now, mom] [+1 Troublemaker]

Chloe path: Julia will call you and invite you to go shopping. This seems innocent enough, and there's an achievement for refusing to even pick up the phone. But agree to meet and this can massively boost your chances of taking Chloe into homecoming (we'll see why the following day).
Riley and Ryan will come knocking next, inviting you out for a picnic (it's such a beautiful day after all). You'll end up talking about Grayson punching you, and you'll take offense to Ryan siding with him instead of encouraging you to get closer with Chloe. A fallout happens (it will be resolved later),
but at this point Riley will follow you to talk it out.

Going for a picnic

48. With Riley/Ryan:

• Compliment Riley [+1 Boyfriend]

• Agree with Ryan [+1 Bro]

• Insult Ryan [+1 Troublemaker]

• Walk away [+1 Bro]

Riley path: Say you're into Chloe and you'll put Riley slightly off when she comes to talk to you. Or play it cool for a kiss. Kissing her now is the easiest way to ultimately create a relationship, otherwise you'll have to build up a KCT Confident to pursue her later.
49. With Riley:

• I like her [+1 Boyfriend]

• She’s into me. [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Kiss her [Achievement: Lips don’t lie] [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Don’t kiss her [+1 Boyfriend]

Lauren path: If you've played your cards right with Lauren, up next is a movie date. Go through it successfully and you'll be locked in to taking her to homecoming (unless you cheat on her with Emily later). But beware of the pitfalls that can ruin your date.

Date with Lauren

50. [If you started a relationship with Lauren in conversation 27 and had sex with Aubrey in conversation 45] With Lauren:

• Tell her what happened. [Achievement: Truth hurts] [Breaks relationship with Lauren (told Lauren about Aubrey)] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t tell her. [+1 Troublemaker]

Lauren may value honesty, but she'll value loyalty even higher. If you mess around with Aubrey and then tell Lauren, she'll dump you on the spot.
Make it past this stage and lock eyes inside the theatre for a kiss or something more. But if you keep your hands frisky after she's asked you to stop, that's also going to result in an early shower.
If you do mess up the date and would like to apologize later, you better be on your way to a KCT Loyal.
51. [If you started a relationship with Lauren in conversation 27 and either didn’t have sex with Aubrey in conversation 45 or didn’t tell Lauren about it in conversation 50] With Lauren:

• Kiss her

◦ Reach under her skirt [+1 Troublemaker]

▪ Keep going [Breaks relationship with Lauren (went too far)] [+1 Troublemaker]

▪ Stop [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Keep hands to yourself [+1 Boyfriend]

• Continue watching
The day ends when we learn Imre has been taking into the hospital. Adam (a former Ape) bust him up for hitting on her sister. You may get your chance at avenging him later, but Imre will have to stay at the hospital for a couple nights. Riley will come over to your dorm later to comfort you, and
even though we learn she's not fancying Imre, she's also not going to spend the night with you just yet.

52. With Imre:

• You should be more careful. [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Let me help. [+1 Bro]

◦ That’s a dumb idea. [+1 Boyfriend]

• Let’s fuck him up. [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

53. With Riley:

• Take responsibility [+1 Bro] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Blame Ryan [+1 Troublemaker]

• Ask her to sleep here

• Don’t ask
There's another dream sequence at night. Ryan's talk will bring up your insecurities surrounding Chloe, and this can end up hurting you the following day...

Day 5

• Keen eye – buy Penelope a muffin in conversation 58 (must have gone shopping with her in conversation 33, got caught peeking in conversation 36 and caused her to leave the store in conversation 37)

• Relight the fire – tell Julia about Emily in conversation 54 (must have agreed to meet in conversation 47)

• Rematch – tell Julia about Chloe in conversation 54, then buy the volleyball (must have agreed to meet in conversation 47) 6/17
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Key Moments
• Buy a volleyball as a gift to Chloe

• Reconcile with Penelope / Lauren

• Meet Amber and Kim at Josh’s party

• Meet up with Chloe

The theme for today will be centered around reconciliation, as you can move to patch things up with other characters if you've done them wrong. It's also the day you'll (possibly) learn more about Chloe and where you can take the first meaningful steps towards a relationship with her. You'll be able
to ask Penelope out on a date and meet two new girls at a party (Amber and Kim), but don't get so drunk you'll regret it later.
Overall, there will be a lot more to lose than to gain during the course of this day, so tread carefully.
Start off the weekend with a trip to the mall with Julia if you've agreed to meet up. She can't help noticing your black eye, so feel free to appease her with a white lie. The subject will then turn to the girls you've been meeting. Mention Emily or Chloe to set yourself up for an achievement, or anyone
else just to gauge Julia's reaction.

Shopping with Julia

54. [If you agreed to meet Julia in conversation 47] With Julia:

• Someone punched me. [+1 Boyfriend]

• It was an accident. [+1 Troublemaker]

Tell Julia about:

• Chloe

• Aubrey

• Lauren

• Riley

• Emily [Achievement: Relight the fire]

• Penelope
Here comes a chance to buy a volleyball, and you might as well go ahead and get it. This is going to be very helpful to get Chloe to be your homecoming date as you'll gift it to her (otherwise you'll need to have KCT Popular later on). But you'll still need to keep a good relationship with her (she's
that finicky).

• Buy it [Achievement: Rematch (if you told Julia about Chloe)] [Can gift to Chloe]

• Don’t buy it

55. [If you broke the relationship with Lauren in conversation 50 or 51] With Autumn: [+1 Troublemaker] regardless

• Apologize [Makes Autumn mad unless KCT Loyal]

• Sit somewhere else [Makes Autumn mad]

There's only time for a quick chat with Chloe for a meet later that night, before you'll find Autumn (Lauren's sister) at the library. Unless you upset her, Autumn will let you know about her political science essay on feminism she's writing. She also volunteers at the local dog shelter, where you may
find her later.
Lauren path: If you did ruin your date with Lauren, apologizing to Autumn while having KCT Loyal can help you make amends, as she'll put on a good word about you to her younger sister.
56. [If you didn't break the relationship with Lauren in conversation 50 or 51] [+1 Boyfriend]

57. With Ryan:

• Talk to him [+1 Bro]

• Ignore him [+1 Troublemaker]

You can't actually avoid Ryan here, so you'll take this chance to talk it over with him after what transpired at the picnic. He's just concerned about you, that's all...
Up next is a trip to the cafe, to get a fix of caffeine, where you'll come across Penelope.

58. [If you caused Penelope to leave the store in conversation 37] With Penelope:

• Buy Penelope a muffin [Achievement: Keen eye] [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Grab her hand [+1 Boyfriend]

▪ Kiss her [Penelope leaves cafe] [+1 Troublemaker]

▪ Don’t kiss her

◦ Leave it

• Buy Penelope a coffee [Penelope leaves cafe]

Penelope path: If you look carefully, you'll notice she's already gotten herself a coffee. Just in case you went costume shopping with Penelope and she caught you peeking, buy her a muffin to go with her coffee to be able to make things right. She'll forgive you, but don't go for the kiss just yet, or
you'll come across as too forward. She won't stay mad for too long even if you mess things up here again, but you'll need her happy to invite her to a bowling date in just a minute.
59. [If you didn’t cause Penelope to leave the store in conversation 37, or if you did but grabbed her hand without kissing her in conversation 58] With Penelope:

• Magic Powers. [+1 Bro]

• I didn’t. [+1 Boyfriend]

60. [If you didn't cause Penelope to leave the cafe in conversation 58] With Penelope:

• We should watch some. [+1 Troublemaker]

• You should try it. [+1 Bro]

You’ll carry on the conversation, and while she may be acting slightly suspicious, what she’s looking at in her laptop definitely isn’t anything she shouldn’t be doing. She’s not even into porn and she’s got a lot of studying to do. At any rate, encourage her to go bowling and you’ve got yourself a date
lined up. You’ll need this to capture the Strike achievement. But setting up this date will also make Penelope grow slightly jealous if she learns of any of your adventures with other girls.

• You wanna go bowling?

◦ Encourage her [Bowling date] [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Tease her [+1 Bro]

• Yeah, it was nice.

61. Texting Josh:

• Uhh, sure. [+1 Bro]

• I’m meeting a friend at 11, so I can’t really

◦ Alright, I’ll come. [+1 Bro]

◦ Josh, I don’t know, man. I don’t wanna be late.

▪ Fine, I’ll come. But I need to go before 11.

▪ I can’t, sorry. [+1 Boyfriend]

Your friend Josh will come texting next, and he's got a party planned for tonight. He'll be very insistent, and will use a picture of Amber (a girl who will be there) if you resist at first. There's no harm in simply going, and you'll get to meet Amber and Kim. But stay for too long and it will not end up
well with Chloe. Or simply decline the invitation and go straight to the Chicks' place

Josh's party
62. [If you agreed to go to Josh’s party in conversation 61] With Josh:

• I can move. [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Bro]

• It’s my spot now. [+1 Troublemaker]

• I’ll join the Wolves. [+1 Bro]

• I don’t know yet. [+1 Boyfriend]

If you do make it to Josh's party, you'll start mingling with Amber and Kim, and the topic will turn to fraternities. You're just making conversation, so you're not committing to anything just yet, but sporting a black eye Amber will see you as more of a fighter.
Josh will introduce the 'bangolo' drinking game now, and this is the moment for a very important decision. Carry on playing and you'll get to see Amber and Kim kiss, as well as trying to have a tequila shot off the body of either of them (Amber will even return a kiss if you go for it at this time).
Chloe path: But playing this game will also mean you'll get drunk and upset Chloe, which will close off some avenues with her. You'll miss the chance to join her at the swimming pool later, and you'll need to get KCT Popular to regain her trust afterwards.

• Sounds good. [Play bangolo] [+1 Bro]

• I should stop here. [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Alright, just for a bit. [Play bangolo]

◦ Sorry, I really can’t.

63. [If you carried on playing in conversation 62] With Josh/Kim/Amber:

• Do a handstand [+1 Bro]

• Drink three sips [+1 Boyfriend]

• Amber [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Kiss her

◦ Don’t kiss her

• Kim [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Kiss her [she'll reject]

◦ Don’t kiss her

Chloe path: What happens next with Chloe depends on how far you went at Josh's party. You'll ask her if she's just playing you, but you're only going off what you heard from Ryan. If you got drunk you'll just end up making a scene regardless and make her upset. Even if you don't get drunk,
accusing Chloe of lying will not go down well with her either. 7/17
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But staying sober and trusting her when she says these are all Grayson's games is the way to keep a good relationship with Chloe. If you fail to trust her during this encounter, Chloe will just barge back into the house and Nora will come by and ask you what you're doing outside. Decide how much
you want to share, but Nora won't be in a position to help much anyway.

Chicks' place
64. [If you carried on playing in conversation 62] With Chloe:

• Accuse her of lying [+1 Troublemaker]

• Ask about the punch

65. [If you didn’t join Josh’s party in conversation 61, or you did but you didn’t play bangolo in conversation 62] With Chloe:

• I believe you. [Pleases Chloe] [+1 Boyfriend]

• You’re lying. [+1 Troublemaker]

66. [If you played bangolo in conversation 62, or accused Chloe of lying in conversation 65] With Nora:

• It’s Chloe

◦ Tell her

◦ Say you gotta go

• It’s nothing
Time to go to sleep reflecting on what just happened today. You might have kept it nice and friendly with Autumn, Penelope and Chloe, or you might have soured those relationships to the point of only a KCT change being able to salvage them in the future.

Day 6


• Bros before hoes – don't anger Imre through conversation 76 or 77, then look for him in conversation 80 or 81

• Credulous – trust Chloe in conversation 83

• On the low – decline to kiss Lauren in conversation 72 (must have kissed Lauren but not gone too far in conversation 51, or restarted the relationship in conversation 71)

• PETA public enemy – declare yourself an animal lover in conversation 73 and run the train over the dog in conversation 74 (must not have caused Lauren to break the relationship in conversation 51, or not messed up the apology in conversation 71)

• Snitch – do not fight Adam in conversation 75, then tell the school in conversation 76

Key Moments

• Confronting Adam

• Whether or not to help Imre

• Meeting Chloe at the swimming pool

Imre is getting out of the hospital today, and he's still out for revenge against Adam. You can try to take justice into your own hands, but your Hungarian roommate is too proud to take that in good spirits. Meanwhile, you can go and meet Lauren (either to apologize or for her psychology
assignment), as well as Chloe if you didn't upset her the night before. As always with Chloe, trust will be key.

67. [If you kissed Amber in conversation 63] Texting Amber:

• We did, I'll make it up to you.

◦ I give some world-class massages [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ I'll stay longer next time

• Sorry, something came up.

68. [If you didn’t kiss Amber in conversation 63] Texting Amber:

• Wow, you really wanted to see me, huh? [+1 Bro]

◦ Don’t worry, you’ll see me soon [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Haha, I’m fine.

• Sorry, something came up.

You'll start the day with a text from Amber, checking on you and equally flirty regardless of if you've even attended the party or not the day before.
Lauren path: If your date with Lauren broke down, you'll have another decision to make. You can stand back and give her time, but this will keep her upset and it'll be awkward when you meet later in class.
If you do decide to apologize, by now it's out of your hand how Lauren will react. You may need KCT Confident to dupe her roommate into letting you know she's at the Economics classroom, but having KCT Loyal or having convinced Autumn at the library will help rekindle the relationship.
69. [If you broke the relationship with Lauren in conversation 50 or 51] With Lauren:

• I should go apologize

• I’ll give her time [Angers Lauren]

Lauren's room
70. [If you decided to apologize to Lauren in conversation 69 because you went too far in conversation 51] With Unknown person:

• I’m someone else [Leads to bus ride with Riley unless KCT Confident] [+1 Troublemaker]

• I didn’t mean to [Leads to bus ride with Riley] [+1 Boyfriend]

71. [If you decided to apologize to Lauren in conversation 69 and didn’t trigger the bus ride scene in conversation 70] With Lauren:

• [If you told Lauren about Aubrey in conversation 50, and either (didn't make Autumn mad in conversation 55, or you have KCT Loyal)] [Restarts relationship with Lauren]

• [If you went too far with Lauren in conversation 51, made Autumn mad in conversation 55, and do not have KCT Loyal] [Angers Lauren] [Leads to bus ride with Riley]
At any rate, unless you're avoiding Lauren or failed to apologize, you'll be seeing her for the psychological tests she needs for her assignment. If you have started (or just restarted) a relationship with Lauren, she'll be kissing you. She'll take your word if you say you're not comfortable with kissing in
public, even if deep down you're just afraid of other girls spotting you.

In classroom
72. [If you kissed Lauren and didn’t cause her to break the relationship in conversation 51, or you restarted the relationship in conversation 71] With Lauren:

• Complaints? I love it. [+1 Boyfriend]

• I don’t like kissing in public. [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Sorry, not in public. [Achievement: On the low] [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Actually, a kiss is fine.

Time for the actual personality test. It starts off with three questions on how you view yourself. There aren't right or wrong answers here, but Lauren will speak her mind after asking you if you see yourself as a relationship person.
73. [If you didn’t cause Lauren to break the relationship in conversation 51, or you didn’t trigger the bus ride scene in conversation 71] With Lauren:
I struggle making difficult decisions.

• Agree [+1 Boyfriend]

• Disagree [+1 Troublemaker]

I consider myself an animal lover.

• Agree [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Bro]

• Disagree [+1 Troublemaker]

I consider myself a relationship person.

• Agree [+1 Boyfriend]

• Disagree [+1 Bro]

The second part of the test is the "trolley problem". This is a famous thought experiment, where you'll face decisions involving a train hypothetically running over people and animals. You can skip this part of the game if this is uncomfortable, and move on to the next section in this guide. You will
miss out on one achievement, however.
Have you heard of the trolley problem?

• Yes

• No

• Skip

• Continue [Play trolley problem]

In the first situation, you'll test whether you actually struggle making difficult decisions (matching the first question). In this thought exercise, a train is going down a track where it is about to run over five people. However, you have the choice to pull a lever and send the train down a different track,
where it will run over a single person. The moral dilemma is that if you do pull the lever, you've made a conscious decision to save the five, but also made a conscious decision to kill the one. Whereas if you just let the train run its path, you might not see yourself as responsible for what happens.
You'll have a few seconds to click on the lever if you want to make that choice.
74. [If you decide to play the trolley problem in conversation 73] With Lauren: 8/17
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Situation 1

• Press the lever [+1 Bro]

• Don’t press the lever [+1 Boyfriend]

You can stop the exercise after this first situation, or you can carry on. In the second situation you'll have to decide between letting the train run over a person, or diverting it to kill a dog. If you kill the dog after having said you were an animal lover, congratulations: you get the PETA public enemy
achievement. You'll also get flashbacks later though, so be sure you're happy with your decision.

• Yeah, let’s do it.

• I’d rather not. [Ends this conversation]

Situation 2

• Press the lever [Achievement: PETA public enemy (if you said you were an animal lover in conversation 73)]

• Don’t press the lever [+1 Troublemaker]

• Yeah, okay.

• I’d rather not. [Ends this conversation]

In the third and final situation, if you choose to go through with it, the choice to be made will be between letting the train run over five people, or sparing those in exchange for Emily, who is on the other track. If it's any consolation, Emily won't find out what your decision was.
Situation 3

• Press the lever [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t press the lever [+1 Bro]

• At least we’re done now. [+1 Boyfriend]

• That was too far. [+1 Troublemaker]

Time to go pick up Imre from the hospital. You'll be joined by Riley on the bus ride there. Imre is still hurting a bit, and on the ride back you'll see someone resembling Emily. Which will trigger a flashback scene from your times dating. But it turns out there was someone else in the bus after all.
As soon as you're back, Imre will be looking for Adam to try and fight him. Obviously he's putting himself up in a very dangerous position, so you'll call Aubrey to see if she happens to know Adam. She'll hesitate for a bit (you may have noticed her having sex with him on your very first free roam)
but she'll confirm his room is indeed just across from yours (turns out Imre didn't know this).
So now it's up to you: you can confront Adam, which can escalate into a fight. Or you bring it to the attention of the school counsellor. Or you can just stay away from all this mess.
Imre path: If you do fight and beat Adam, this will anger Imre (you spoiled his fun), but he won't be too upset if you end up losing. In the same token, if you raise this with the school, the Snitch achievement will be on your way, but Imre will also be enraged. Angering Imre here will need the Loyal
KCT to resolve, at the expense of progressing your relationship with another girl (either Amber or Chloe). Basically letting the guys figure it out between themselves while you chase the girls is the win-win scenario here.

Outside Adam's
75. With Adam:

• Confront Adam [+1 Bro]

◦ Punch him [Fight] [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Talk to him [+1 Boyfriend]

▪ Punch him [Fight] [+1 Troublemaker]

▪ Threaten to tell school [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Leave it [+1 Boyfriend]

76. [If you didn’t fight Adam in conversation 75] With Adam:

• Tell the school [Angers Imre] [Achievement: Snitch] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Keep it to yourself [+1 Bro]

Fighting Adam (whether you win or lose) will bring up an additional scene with Chris (president of the Wolves). He'll either save you from further punishment or congratulate you on having beaten Adam.
77. [If you fight and beat Adam in conversation 75] With Chris: [Angers Imre]

• Yeah, I’m interested [+1 Bro]

• Not really [+1 Boyfriend]

You'll always meet Imre at the cafeteria. He hasn't found Adam yet, but you'll tell him you found out where his room is. If you already beat Adam (or went to the school counsellor), Imre will be upset at you. Otherwise, he will go and try to find Adam by himself. Either way, this will be a good time to
go and have a walk outside to clear your head and think about your next move.
Your next move will depend on how you behaved with Chloe the night before. She will text you unless you got drunk or mistrusted her (in which case you'll get a message from Amber instead). But you can't stop thinking about Imre and how me might be getting beaten up by Adam right now.

78. [If you angered Imre through conversation 76 or 77, and you trusted Chloe in conversation 65] In the park:

• Find Imre [+1 Bro]

• Meet Chloe [+1 Boyfriend]

79. [If you angered Imre through conversation 76 or 77, and didn’t say you trusted Chloe in conversation 65] In the park:

• Find Imre [+1 Bro]

• Keep talking to Amber [+1 Troublemaker]

80. [If you didn’t anger Imre through conversation 76 or 77, and you trusted Chloe in conversation 65] In the park:

• Help Imre [Achievement: Bros before…] [+1 Bro]

• Meet Chloe [+1 Boyfriend]

81. [If you didn’t anger Imre through conversation 76 or 77, and didn’t say you trusted Chloe in conversation 65] In the park:

• Help Imre [Achievement: Bros before…] [+1 Bro]

• Keep talking to Amber [+1 Troublemaker]

Imre path: So based on your past options, your choices now are to side with Imre or the girl you got a text from. If Imre is mad at you, go and Find him for your only chance at an apology (but it will only work if you have KCT Loyal). Or you can Help him, but it turns out by the time Imre gets to
Adam's room, Adam is no longer there, so your help wasn't really needed.
Amber or Chloe path: If you Keep talking to Amber she'll end up sending you a picture of herself, but if you decide to Meet Chloe there's a swimming pool session coming up next.

82. [If you went looking for Imre in conversation 78 or 79] With Imre:

• Explain yourself [Imre forgives you (with KCT Loyal)] [+1 Bro]

• Apologize [+1 Boyfriend]

Check on Imre after you've angered him to find him packing and ready to move out of your dorm. He'll go on and on about you're messing up with his fight and have no loyalty. The only way to make him stay is to prove him wrong: explain yourself while having KCT Loyal, or you'll lose this
friendship (and he won't be there to teach you how to perform an uppercut, which might come in handy later).

83. [If you decided to meet with Chloe in conversation 78 or 80] With Chloe:

• Just let it ring. [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Troublemaker]

• You should get that. [+1 Bro]

• Ask about the call [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t ask [+1 Bro]

Time go go swimming with the hottest girl in school, if you so chose. You'll get in the water with her at the school's swimming pool, and you'll have some light-hearted fun, but phones always seem to ring at the most inappropriate time. Chloe is that important, so she'll have to pick up and promptly
leave to meet "a friend". Do you trust her?

• Follow her [+1 Troublemaker]

• Trust her [Achievement: Credulous] [+1 Boyfriend]

Chloe path: Stay behind for the Credulous achievement, or follow her to find out she was actually only going to meet Aubrey after all. They have some nice things to say about you, but if you eavesdrop on their conversation Chloe will feel really betrayed. The only way to salvage this at that point
will be to have KCT Popular when you meet her at the Wolves party in a couple days.

Following Chloe
84. [If you followed Chloe in conversation 83] With Chloe/Amber:

• Stay and listen [Angers Chloe] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Leave [+1 Bro]

If you haven't texted Amber yet during the day, she'll send you a nice picture (the same that she would if you were to keep talking to her before, so you're not missing much here). She'll play it cool even if you're not the most receptive to her advances. But at least now you're more sure she's fancying
85. [If you went looking for Imre in conversation 78 or 79, and didn’t say you trusted Chloe in conversation 65] Texting Amber:

• I'm alone now, if the surprise is still on ;) [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• I'll make it up to you tho [+1 Boyfriend]

86. [If you kept talking to Amber in conversation 79 or 81] OR [If you trusted Chloe in conversation 65] OR [You listened in to Chloe's talk in conversation 84] Texting Amber:

• Woah, what was that for? [+1 Bro]

◦ And you chose me, huh? [+1 Bro]

◦ Feel free to do so anytime :) [+1 Boyfriend]

• Oh wow, you’re so fucking hot [+1 Boyfriend]

Day 7 9/17
17.09.2022, 22:27 College Kings: Act I Walkthrough


• Monkey business – meet with Grayson in conversation 101 and join the Apes in conversation 102

• Not my business – don't disturb Ms. Rose in conversation 89

• Reignition – accept Emily's call in conversation 92 and agree to meet, then kiss her back in conversation 94

• Seems fishy – do not meet with Grayson in conversation 101

Key Moments
• Sex scene with Emily

• Date with Evelyn

• Sex scene with Aubrey

• Meeting Grayson

Definitely the most intense day so far. You'll be back in class seeing Riley, Ryan and perhaps most importantly Lauren. There's also a possible date with Evelyn and two sex scenes (with Emily and Aubrey). You'll also have a chance to see a side of Grayson you haven't seen before – this will be your
only opportunity to join the Apes, but not everyone will support you if you do.

In class
87. [If you decided to apologize to Lauren in conversation 69 and didn’t trigger the bus ride scene in conversation 70] With Lauren:

• Call after her [+1 Bro]

• Leave her be [+1 Boyfriend]

Monday starts with Economics class, and this is going to reflect how your relationship with Lauren is going. She'll kiss you if you said you were fine with it during the personality tests, but now Riley will know you two are a thing. If she's still upset at you she'll be ignoring you, or otherwise she'll just
be her friendly self.
Ryan will come talking to you afterwards, and he'll take you to Grayson of all people. Grayson is willing to make amends and he already sees in you a charismatic leader. He's even willing to train you himself. We may hear more from him later in the day.
Finally you'll overhear Ms. Rose crying in the classroom. She's having a rough patch, but we won't learn many details here. You can choose to skip this conversation for an achievement.

Meeting Grayson
88. With Grayson

• What do you want? [+1 Bro]

• I guess we are. [+1 Troublemaker]

Outside class
89. With Ms. Rose

• Check it out [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t disturb [Achievement: Not my business] [+1 Troublemaker]

You'll notice a flyer next to your dorm room for the homecoming this Friday. You may already have an idea who to ask, but otherwise it's time to have a think. Perhaps going out for a run will help clear your mind with everything that's been happening lately.

90. With Nora:

• Run after her

• Stay on your route

While going for a run outside you notice Nora, who's also in the middle of her routine. It's probably not the nicest thing to do to interrupt her, and all we'll learn is that she's going to be at the Wolves party on Wednesday. But we pretty much knew she'd be with Chris anyway.
Evelyn path: Take this moment to call Evelyn if you got her number at the gym or at the store. It's a do-or-die moment now, promise her a nice dinner to secure a date, or you can forget this story arc. In any case you can't help feeling you're still a bit out of your depth treading with someone who's
already an "adult".
Oh, and a nasty flashback will appear if you dared hurt a dog during Lauren's psychology tests.
91. [If you got Evelyn’s number in conversation 38 or 42] With Evelyn:

• It’ll be an adventure [+1 Bro]

• It’ll be a nice dinner [Date with Evelyn] [+1 Boyfriend]

Up next, an important decision that will redefine your relationship with Emily. She'll call you, sobbing, asking you to come over. You can refuse to even pick up the call, and avoid all that drama. But if you meet up, it will either end in a falling off or in sexy time.
92. With Emily

• Accept call [Meets with Emily if you had forgiven her by the hallway in conversation 30] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Reject call [+1 Troublemaker]

93. [If you accept the call in conversation 92 but didn’t forgive Emily by the hallway in conversation 30] With Emily:

• Fine, I’ll come. [Meets with Emily] [+1 Boyfriend]

• (Hang up) [+1 Troublemaker]

Emily path: If you do go and meet Emily, we find out all that hullaballoo was because a friend of her cut her out of a picture on social media. You may or may not find this perfectly reasonable, and we may find that you have been (still are?) undergoing therapy. But more importantly, things will
escalate to the point Emily kisses you. Make it sour by pushing her away, but a sex scene awaits if you kiss her back (you won't be able to keep this relationship secret from other girls for much longer though)

At Emily's
94. [If you agreed to meet Emily in conversation 92 or 93] With Emily:

• Be understanding [+1 Boyfriend]

• Be baffled [+1 Troublemaker]

• Kiss her back [Sex with Emily] [Forgive Emily] [Achievement: Reignition]

• Push her away [Doesn’t forgive Emily]

Evelyn path: Time for a date with Evelyn, if you've made it this far. It will start off in quite the awkward fashion, and she isn't really excited about her current job, so you shouldn't be directing the conversation in that direction. But ask about her dreams to lighten up the mood as she reveals she'd
actually much rather be a pediatrician, and this is what will allow you to kiss her goodbye at the end of the dinner.

Date with Evelyn

95. [If you secured a date with Evelyn at the park in conversation 91] With Evelyn:

• Hot [+1 Bro]

• Stunning [+1 Boyfriend]

• Make a joke [+1 Bro]

• Say something smart [+1 Boyfriend]

• Ask about her job [+1 Bro]

• Ask about her dreams [Relationship with Evelyn] [+1 Boyfriend]

As an interesting aside, we'll start seeing some new dynamics in terms of how choices impact your personality points. Normally kissing Evelyn here will grant you +1 Boyfriend point. But if you're in a relationship with Lauren, then you'll get +1 Troublemaker point instead, which pushes you away
from the Loyal KCT.
96. [If you started a relationship with Evelyn in conversation 95] With Evelyn:

• Kiss her [+1 Troublemaker (if you’re in a relationship with Lauren] [+1 Boyfriend (otherwise)]

• Don’t kiss her [+1 Boyfriend (if you’re in a relationship with Lauren)] [+1 Bro (otherwise)]
Another booty call from Aubrey (she must be bored because all of the other girls at the Chicks house are out), and you'll still get a saucy text if you say you can't make it.
Aubrey path: If you meet her she'll try to probe how your relationships are going with other girls, but if you've had sex with her before you'll end up having it again. Otherwise here is another chance, just say you've been eyeing a few different girls and that Aubrey is one of them for another sex
scene. 10/17
17.09.2022, 22:27 College Kings: Act I Walkthrough

97. Texting Aubrey

• Yeah, sure. [Meet with Aubrey]

• Sorry, I can’t tonight.

Chicks house
98. [If you chose to meet with Aubrey in conversation 97] With Aubrey [Triggers sex with Aubrey if you also had it in conversation 45]:

• A few different girls. [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• No one, really. [+1 Boyfriend]

99. [If you said you’d been seducing a few different girls in conversation 98 and didn’t have sex with Aubrey in conversation 45] With Aubrey:

• I think you know [Sex with Aubrey] [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• We’re just friends [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Troublemaker]

100. [If you said you hadn’t been seducing a few different girls in conversation 98, didn't have sex with Aubrey in conversation 45, and KCT is Popular] With Aubrey:

• You got me. [Sex with Aubrey] [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• I’m not seducing you. [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Troublemaker]

Before a night's sleep the mind goes back to Grayson, and whether or not you should go and see him. It can be really hard to trust him at this time, but hearing him out will be the only chance you'll have of joining the Apes.
Meeting Grayson reveals he had been drinking during the party (though if you checked on him and Cameron, he seemed sober at the time) and we learn a bit of his backstory (or maybe we don't, and he's still playing you). Anyway, his sales pitch is that Apes are relentless, ruthless winners, that do
everything to win. You may or may not have upset Imre by now, but you'll still get a flashback about how he's all into the Wolves.
You'll have to tell Grayson something now. Not to worry, because you can still change your mind later. But side with him to please him and gather an achievement, or he'll just go away leaving you behind.

101. In room:

• Meet Grayson [+1 Troublemaker]

• Stay home [Achievement: Seems fishy] [Achievement: Wolfpack (granted on Day 9)] [+1 Bro]

Meeting Grayson
102. [If you met with Grayson in conversation 101] With Grayson:

• Empathize [+1 Boyfriend]

• Question [+1 Troublemaker]

• I’m in [Achievement: Monkey business] [+1 Troublemaker]

• I’m not in [+1 Bro]

Back (or still) at the dorm, a strange nightmare is the last scene for the night. A masked figure is chasing you, Lauren and Riley through a forest. You'll only be able to save one (if you react quickly enough to stop the timer).

103. Nightmare:

• Save Lauren [+1 Boyfriend]

• Save Riley [+1 Bro]

Day 8


• Strike – kiss Penelope after bowling in conversation 106 (must have encouraged her to go in conversation 60)

• True to self

– walk Riley home in conversation 121 (must have talked to her instead of Finn in conversation 111 but do not take her upstairs if you had agreed to join the Apes in conversation 102)

Key Moments
• Bowling date with Penelope

• Wolves rush party

• Start a relationship with Riley

Today is the day for the Wolves party, and we'll learn a lot about their members and what they stand for. Riley will be there as well, and this will be another key moment to developing a relationship with her. But before that she'll take you to a poetry slam, where you'll get the chance to impress not
only her but the rest of the crowd. And Penelope will be waiting for that bowling date.
The day starts with a trip to the gym, and Imre will teach you how to perform an uppercut (unless he's moved out after the Adam situation). Sadly yours isn't the gym Amber goes to, but maybe you two can schedule a home workout someday. This is also the moment to confirm the bowling date
with Penelope (if things worked out on Saturday).

104. Texting Amber:

• Maybe we should do a home workout together sometime ;) [+1 Bro]

• Yeah, that's too bad :/ [+1 Boyfriend]

Riley will come calling with a last-minute invitation to a poetry slam after her friend bailed on her. Three candidates will come on stage, and feel free to give out your honest opinion, but Lisa is the only one Riley enjoyed. Riley then dares you to go on stage yourself. If you happen to have KCT
Popular the crowd will cheer at your lullaby, otherwise you'll get a bit of a cold reaction.

Poetry slam
105. With Riley:

• Praise her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Mock her [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Praise him [+1 Boyfriend]

• Mock him [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Praise her [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Mock her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Okay, I’ll do it. [+1 Bro]

◦ Act out a lullaby [+1 Bro]

◦ Make something up [+1 Troublemaker]

• No way I’m doing that. [+1 Boyfriend]

Bowling time with Penelope, if you've set it up. Choose your bowling name (she'll go with "Kim Possible"), and it turns out she can actually play, but she'll let you win at first. We also learn why she got expelled from her previous college: she hacked into the college website to abuse the principal after
the school acted unfairly towards her best friend Jenny. But that should be best kept in the past. Kiss her at the end of the date for the Strike achievement.

106. [If you encouraged Penelope to play bowling in conversation 60] With Penelope:

• Kiss her [Achievement: Strike] [+1 Boyfriend (if you’re not in a relationship with Lauren)] [+1 Bro (otherwise)] [+1 Troublemaker (otherwise)]

• Say Goodbye [+1 Boyfriend (if you’re in a relationship with Lauren)]

The Wolves party is up next, in the largest free roam so far, so be careful not to get lost between all the rooms. It does start off simply enough, though. Josh and Kim are sitting outside, and invite you to take a shot. Don't worry, there's no risk of getting drunk here.

Free roam (Wolves party)

107. With Josh/Kim:

• Take the shot [+1 Bro]

• Decline [+1 Boyfriend]

You can go inside and through the door and into the living room. Peter and Harry are having a lovely discussion about the Kardashians
108. With Peter/Harry:

• Kylie [+1 Bro]

• Kourtney [+1 Boyfriend] 11/17
17.09.2022, 22:27 College Kings: Act I Walkthrough

Emily and Aubrey are having a chat, and if you've ended up forgiving Emily you'll get to reminisce over your past relationship. But don't come out as a simp in Aubrey's eyes, as this can harm your future prospects with her.
109. [If you forgave Emily in conversation 30 or 94 and didn’t have sex with Aubrey (neither in conversation 45 nor 99 through 100)] With Emily/Aubrey:

• Anything for a girl like that. [Simp] [+1 Boyfriend]

• What people do for pussy… [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

110. [If you forgave Emily in conversation 30 or 94 and had sex with Aubrey (either in conversation 45 or 99 through 100)] With Emily/Aubrey:

• I was in love. [Simp] [+1 Boyfriend]

• It was nothing. [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

Turn right into the kitchen to talk to Chris. He'll tell you all about the value of the Wolves, and how being a tight-knit group has improved the confidence and spirits of everyone who's joined. You may or may not be sure about pledging just yet, depending on how things with Grayson went, or if
you've been in any fights. But we'll leave Chris for the time being and explore the rest of the party, and you can return to him when you're ready to end the free roam.
111. With Riley/Finn:

• Ask Riley something [+1 Boyfriend]

• Ask Finn something [+1 Bro]

Riley path: Riley is chatting with Finn, another Wolf. He'll tell you about Imre's brother Bence, a previous Fight King. But talk to Riley instead and you'll learn she's going to walk home alone after the party, so you might have a chance to keep her company later.
Back on the ground floor, through a door next to a cupboard and then to the right you'll find the Wolves gym, where Amber is looking at Perry and Sebastian fighting. I suppose you can't blame her for enjoying the view.
112. With Amber

• You’re such a tease. [+1 Bro]

• Not gonna happen. [+1 Boyfriend]

Upstairs you will find three rooms. The one on the right is Chris' office. Click on all four items (the trophies, the encyclopedia, the certificate and the picture on the wall to learn more about the Wolves. Once you do that, you'll realize this might be a great place for some alone time with a girl. We'll
see that in a moment, just two more rooms to explore.
In the room in the middle you can go out the window to find Nora on the rooftop. She's a bit overwhelmed with this being a busy party and Chris being talking to everyone else instead of her. If you don't want to upset her further, don't whiteknight Chloe, and just take into advisement that she may
just not be as genuine as you think.
113. With Nora

• Defend Chloe [Makes Nora angry] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t defend Chloe [+1 Bro]

Chloe path: The final room available to explore is the one on the left (from the three upstairs) – turns out it's the bathroom. Chloe will be in there, but if she's upset at you, you'll need KCT Popular to get her to open the door. Then she'll give you her side of the story, how Nora suggested Chloe
should step down as president during the Chicks' meeting. As with Nora just before, you probably don't want to stir any more drama, so just go with what Chloe has to say or she'll be really mad.
114. [If you trusted Chloe in conversation 65, or you didn’t but have KCT Popular] With Chloe:

• Maybe you should step down. [Angers Chloe] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Nora’s being stupid [Pleases Chloe] [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

After you've checked out the office completely, you can take any one of Emily, Aubrey, Amber or Riley upstairs by clicking on them again in the free roam. You'll get to chat with the girl you pick, but nothing much will happen. In fact, you can risk making things worse, so let's deal with this in order:

• You can take Aubrey as long as you've had sex with her already, or at least if you didn't come out as a simp in the talk with Emily just prior at the party.

• You can take Emily as long as you've forgiven her (this is done by either going with her to the doctor or by meeting her in her dorm room and not refusing her advances).

• You can take Amber if you have KCT Popular.

• And you can always take Riley, but if you've met Grayson and agreed to join the Apes, this will come up in conversation and upset her, and you'll miss a chance at a sex scene later.

• Any other girl will decline or be unavailable.

Free roam, pick girl to take upstairs (can only take one)
115. Choose Emily/Aubrey:

• Ask Aubrey [Takes Aubrey upstairs if you had sex with her (either in conversation 45 or 99 through 100), or if you didn't but also didn’t simp in conversation 109 or 110]

• Ask Emily [Takes Emily upstairs if you forgave her in conversation 30 or 94]
116. Choose Amber:
[Takes Amber upstairs (if KCT Popular)]
117. Choose Riley
[Takes Riley upstairs]
As for what you discuss when you do take the girls upstairs, Aubrey's adventurous past will come up. She's gone off with her ex at her high school's football field, but he couldn't handle how wild Aubrey was. He even turned down a threesome at one point. Act shocked (or genuinely be shocked)
when Aubrey tells you this or she'll be very unimpressed (and you'll miss out on fun with her afterwards). You don't manage more than a kiss before she goes back down to meet Emily.
Speaking of Emily, she's already starting to get tipsy, but pick her and she'll let you know she's into anal. Just in case you were wondering.
When you take Amber, she'll let you know Josh hasn't actually pursued her (he's more into Kim, as perhaps you found out just outside the Wolves house). But Kim will start throwing up from all those shots, so Amber will have to go outside and help her friend.
Riley will encourage you if you're thinking of joining the Wolves, but if you met Grayson and told him you were "in", she's not going to stand behind you.

Free roam, upstairs

118. [If you picked Aubrey in conversation 115, and had had sex with her before] With Aubrey:

• He turned down a threesome?! [+1 Bro]

◦ We could lock the door. [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ At least we got to talk. [+1 Boyfriend]

• I kinda get what he means. [Simp] [Breaks relationship with Aubrey]

119. [If you picked Aubrey in conversation 115, bud hadn’t had sex with her before] With Aubrey:

• We could lock the door [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• It was nice talking [+1 Boyfriend]

When all is said and done, go back to Chris to end the free roam and he'll take you to a room that was previously locked. It's somewhat of a hall of fame, with portraits of previous Wolves who ended up as Fight Kings. You'll go through a brief history of the frat, and basically you'll learn that if you're
Wolf enough, you're good enough. And who knows, maybe one day it'll be your picture on this wall.

Wolves secret room

120. With Chris:

• Why aren't you on here? [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• That's really impressive. [+1 Boyfriend]

Riley path: Imre has already left the party by this moment, and Nora is just about to. If you've asked Riley a question during the free roam and didn't upset her by taking her upstairs and mentioning the Apes, she'll ask you to walk her home. So you may have to choose between Riley and Nora at
this stage. Not much will happen with Nora, and following Riley here is the only way to get to a sex scene before homecoming. But maybe you're already in a happy relationship with someone else, so your mileage may vary here.

End of the party

121. [If you asked Riley a question in conversation 111. This scene is not triggered if you agreed to join the Apes in conversation 102 and took Riley upstairs in conversation 117] With Riley:

• Walk Riley home [Achievement: True to self] [+1 Bro]

• Go after Nora [+1 Troublemaker]

122. [If you didn't trigger conversation 121] With Nora:

• Go after Nora [+1 Boyfriend]

• Leave her alone [+1 Bro]

Going with Nora will just expand with what you might have learned when meeting her at the rooftop: that Chris isn't giving her enough time and attention. If you happen to have KCT Confident there's an extra scene in here where you'll get to play Never Have I Ever, where she'll reveal she stole her
parent's car when she was 13 (unless she's just saying this for the jokes).
If you end up accompanying Riley, you can keep things friendly and you'll only discuss your upcoming economics assignment, but she seems she was expecting you to start flirting instead.
Go down that road instead and she'll invite you in to her dorm room at the end. Nothing will happen just yet for fear of awaking her roommate, but you'll agree to meet some other day.
123. [If you chose to walk Riley home in conversation 121] With Riley:

• Keep it friendly [+1 Boyfriend (if in a relationship with Lauren)]

• Start flirting [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker (if in a relationship with Lauren)]

Riley's dorm
124. [If you flirted with Riley in conversation 123, and either kissed her in conversation 49, or have KCT Confident] With Riley:

• Yeah, I'd like that. [Relationship with Riley] [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker] (if in a relationship with Lauren or Emily)]

• .. I shouldn't. [+1 Boyfriend (if in a relationship with Lauren or Emily)]

Day 9 12/17
17.09.2022, 22:27 College Kings: Act I Walkthrough


• Silverback – pledge to the Apes in conversation 138 (must have met with Grayson in conversation 101)

• Wolfpack – pledge to the Wolves in conversation 138, if you met with Grayson in conversation 101

Key Moments

• Introducing the Kiwii app

• Beach date with Lauren

• Pledging to a frat

Today introduces a new social media app on your phone, which can make it just that extra bit harder to keep multiple relationships at the same time in secret, so there may be some cleaning up to do in the morning. There may also be a beach trip/date (depending on how you've defined the
relationship) with Lauren before pledging to your frat of choice.
You'll unlock the social media app Kiwii at the start of the day, where everybody can post pictures and comments (like a low-key Instagram). You can change your username in the app, as well as the profile picture, and check the posts that are already up (you can even comment on them).
The "fun" will begin if you've been to Emily's dorm and had sex, and she'll make a post of the two of you together. Riley will immediately text you about it, as will Penelope (if you went on a bowling date) and Lauren (if you are in a relationship).

Dorm, checking Kiwii

125. [If you started a relationship with Emily in conversation 94, she will make a post on Kiwii, which you may comment on] Emily's post:

• No we're not [+1 Troublemaker]

126. [If you started a relationship with Emily in conversation 94, Penelope will text you about it] Texting Penelope:

• We're not a thing [+1 Bro]

• It was a one time thing

127. Chloe's post:

• You're so beautiful! [+1 Boyfriend]

• I got some sun in my room... [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

128. Lauren's post:

• You're a cutie! [+1 Boyfriend]

• Winter vacations are the best

129. Aubrey's post:

• I'll destroy you in Air hockey! [+1 Bro]

If Emily did make a post celebrating the restart of your relationship, you'll be calling her straight away. It doesn't actually matter how you react, she'll agree to remove the picture.

130. [If you started a relationship with Emily in conversation 94] With Emily:

• Be calm [+1 Boyfriend]

• Get angry [+1 Troublemaker]

At this time you may have some explaining to do to Lauren, if you misbehaved during the movie date and haven't apologized properly yet. You must have KCT Loyal or convinced Autumn at the library to put in a good word for you, and she'll invite you for a beach date.

Lauren's room
131. [If Lauren is still mad at you because you messed up the date in conversation 50 or 51, but you either mended it with Autumn in conversation 55 or have KCT Loyal] With Lauren:

• Sounds great! [Beach date]

• I can't today.
Alternatively, Lauren may be upset because of Emily's Kiwii post. She's a bit gullible, so she will believe you if you deny anything happened with Emily. This will be the last chance to keep Lauren in a happy relationship in Act 1. If you come clean, Lauren will be upset at your lack of loyalty.
132. [If you're in a relationship with Lauren, and she's upset because of Emily's post] With Lauren:

• Come clean about Emily [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ This won't happen again. [Angers Lauren (and Autumn), but saves relationship if KCT Loyal] [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Open relationship? [Angers Lauren (and Autumn), breaks relationship] [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Deny the cheating [Appeases Lauren, saves relationship, beach date] [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]
It's time for a walk outside to reflect on what's been happening since starting college, and how you've decided to join a frat. You may come across the dog shelter where Autumn works, but it's not a good idea to visit if it's awkward (or worse) between you and her and/or Lauren.
Autumn path: If you do go inside, you'll get to talk to Autumn about her plight for women's rights. If you convince her you're into politics, you can join a protest she's attending on the weekend (and you'll get to go her place to make some signs). It will also put her on track for the Political Strategist

Dog shelter
133. [If Autumn is not mad at you (for messing up the relationship with Lauren)] With Autumn:

• Almost as cute as you. [+1 Troublemaker (if in a relationship with Lauren)] [+1 Boyfriend (otherwise)]

• Yeah, he really is.

• Yes, of course. [Into politics] [+1 Troublemaker]

• No, not really. [+1 Bro]

• Can I join? [Attends protest during Day 12] [Make signs with Autumn if you said you were into politics, or if KCT Loyal] [+1 Boyfriend]

• That's really cool. [+1 Bro]

By this moment you'll be back to your dorm, and you may have a beach date lined up with Lauren (or she may just text you to confirm if you haven't), unless you've made her upset. Use this opportunity to catch up on the news between you two: how things are going with Imre, or that Lauren's
going to pledge to the Deers later tonight.

134. [If you're not in a relationship with Lauren, and didn't go see her (conversation 131)] Texting Lauren:

• Sounds good, when were you thinking? [Beach date]

• Sorry, I can't I'm really busy today

Beach date with Lauren

135. [If you agreed to go on the beach date, and Imre is still upset with you] With Lauren:

• Tell her it's fine [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Tell her he moved out [+1 Boyfriend]

136. [If you're not in a relationship with Lauren but still agreed with the beach date in conversation 134] With Lauren:

• You're cute. [+1 Troublemaker]

• I won't. [+1 Boyfriend]

Lauren path: If Lauren invited you to the beach as friends (so if you're not in a relationship), you can start to get flirty, and tell her you find her cute when she worries about you. If you have KCT Loyal you can use this moment to kiss her, which is going to be of great help to improve your
relationship and be able to take her to homecoming.
137. [If you told Lauren she was cute in conversation 136, and have KCT Loyal] With Lauren:

• Kiss her

• Don't risk it [+1 Boyfriend]

You'll come back to your room to find a handwritten note from Emily on the floor. She wants to make it up to you by inviting you to her dorm for a surprise, if you forgive her...
But before that it's the time for the fraternity pledge. If you met with Grayson before you'll still have a chance to join the Apes. Otherwise the story continues at the Wolves' house.

138. [If you decided to meet Grayson in conversation 101] In room:

• Pledge to the Apes [+3 Troublemaker] [Achievement: Silverback]

• Pledge to the Wolves [+1 Bro] [Achievement: Wolfpack]

If you went with the Wolves, you'll return to their house, and you'll be one of five candidates for a spot. Imre is excited to be pledging, more than anything, and we begin with a pep talk from Chris. A good Wolf is trustworthy, honest, and looks out for the other bros. But more importantly you have
to be a winner. To test this all the candidates will be put through some challenges.

Pledging the Wolves

[If you picked the Wolves in conversation 138, or didn't even meet Grayson in conversation 101]
There will be four challenges, and you will need to complete them all successfully to be the overall winner. But even if you fail all challenges you will still be accepted into the frat.
The first challenge will test your determination: are you willing to eliminate Imre to secure a spot for yourself? Plot twist: this isn't a determination challenge at all, it was only a test of your loyalty. So the correct option is to not backstab Imre.
139. Determination Challenge

• Eliminate Imre [+1 Troublemaker]

• Decline [Win task] [+1 Bro]

In the "real" determination challenge, all five candidates will be placed in ice water bathtubs, and the last one to get out wins. But phones always seem to ring at the most inappropriate time, although she quickly realizes it's bad timing and hangs up without anything transpiring, so staying in the
water might be the best option. 13/17
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140. Real Determination Challenge

• Get the call [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Continue the challenge [Win task] [+1 Bro]

In the honesty challenge, you'll be faced with an embarrassing fact, which you'll have to either admit or deny. Depending on how you've been playing, they'll ask you about cheating on Lauren, or how you've never been in a fight before starting college. The Wolves already know that this is true, so
you might as well admit it.
141. Honesty Challenge

• [Win task]

• List
In the honor challenge, you'll be asked whether it's acceptable to seduce a teacher to improve a grade. But psyche! It's another trap, and the real challenge is to reject Nora when she leans over for a kiss.
142. Honor Challenge

• Do it [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Of course not [+1 Boyfriend]

• Kiss her back [+1 Boyfriend (unless you're in a relationship with Lauren)] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Pull away [Win task] [+1 Boyfriend (if you're in a relationship with Lauren)] [+1 Bro]
It's finally time to announce the results, and you'll always get accepted alongside Imre and Perry. Only how well you did throughout the tests will change the final ranking.

Pledging the Apes

[If you picked the Apes in conversation 138]
Alternatively you may have gone with the Apes, and Ryan will be a familiar face among the candidates at the Apes' house. To prove you're the fearless winner they're looking for, Cameroon will be following you and filming you as you show your worth to the cause. But he's not very excited about
this arrangement, so if you defy him straight away he'll just take you to the ring and teach you a lesson there.
143. With Cameron:

• Stand up to him [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Punch him [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Retreat [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Bro]

• Hold yourself back [+1 Bro]

Grayson however will be a little bit more on your side, and he's willing to give you some leverage on Cameron. You can take a piece of paper with the phone number of Samantha (Cameron's sister). This is not particularly useful just yet, as you'll end up meeting Samantha anyway.
144. With Grayson:

• Take the slip [+1 Troublemaker]

• Decline [+1 Bro]

At this moment Cameron will take you outside for your first video challenge, he'll be filming you while you ring Chloe and tell her you're an Ape now. Grayson will only review the videos on Saturday, and there will be an additional scene if you fail all of the Apes tasks, but you'll still get accepted
145. With Cameron:

• Call her [Win task] [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Bro]

• Refuse to do it [+1 Troublemaker]

Emily path: Anyway, at the end of the day it's late and you've forgotten to see Emily. Best to send her a quick text here anyway, or she'll think you're not forgiving her (and you wouldn't be able to take her into homecoming)

Walking home
146. [If you called Emily about her post in conversation 130] With Emily:

• Text her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don't text her [Doesn't forgive Emily] [+1 Troublemaker]

From now on and unless otherwise noted, paths that have a heading like “Apes path” or “Wolves house” are exclusive to that respective frat, based on your choices up to this moment.

Day 10

• Lee-way – pull down Mr. Lee's pants in conversation 148 (must have pledged to the Apes in conversation 138)

Key Moments

• Choosing a girl for homecoming

• Further Apes challenges with Cameron

• Sex scene with Riley

From now on you'll be living at the Wolves house instead of your dorm, if you've pledged with them. Then it will be time for History class and asking a girl out for homecoming. Riley is ready for a sex scene if you've been pursuing her. And just in case you're an Ape, there will be more video
challenges awaiting.
A couple things to check on your phone to start the day: Emily will acknowledge your text from the previous night, and if you've joined the Wolves Chris will be making it Kiwii-official for all to see.
You'll then finally get to put on your historical costume. Imre is going as some sort of Hungarian prince presumably, but things may be a little bit awkward if he's moved out or if you didn't pledge for the Wolves.
If you happened to buy the Viking costume, Mr. Lee will call you up on stage, and call you out for wearing a helmet with horns, which vikings didn't actually do. You'll be able to save face, but only at the expense of making fun of Mr. Lee.

History class
147. [If you purchased the Viking costume during Day 3] With Mr. Lee:

• Defend yourself [+1 Troublemaker]

• Stay silent [+1 Boyfriend]

You'll have a quick word with Penelope at the end of class. If you went on a bowling date with her but she later saw Emily's post on Kiwii she will be feeling betrayed. But otherwise you'll have a light conversation about her maiden costume.
148. [If you pledged to the Apes] With Cameron:

• Make fun of his costume [+1 Troublemaker]

• Just say hello [+1 Bro]

Cameron came dressed as Elvis, possibly missing the point of the exercise. If you joined the Apes, he will present you with your next challenge, which will be to pull down Mr. Lee's pants. If you choose to do it, it will be a timed challenge, so you'll have to be quick (and it's worth an achievement).

• Do it [+1 Troublemaker]
Pull it [timed response] [Achievement: Lee-way] [Win task] [+1 Troublemaker]

• ...

• That's stupid and risky [+1 Boyfriend]

Anyway, it's now time for the big decision of who you'll end up asking for Homecoming. Depending on how you've been maintaining your relationships with everyone else, you may or may not have many choices left. Aubrey and Autumn will always decline, so feel free to check their cutscene first.

Dorm, choose a girl for homecoming

149. Note: If you are in a relationship with Lauren, it will only be possible to ask her (and she will always accept). Otherwise, here are the possible outcomes:

• Amber – she will not go to the homecoming, but if you have KCT Popular she will invite you to spend the night at her place instead

• Aubrey – you can ask, but she will always decline

• Autumn – you can ask, if you have not upset her (see conversations 55 and 132), but she will always decline

• Chloe – you can ask, if you have not upset her (either trust her in conversation 65 and don't eavesdrop on her in conversation 84, or side with her in conversation 114). She will accept if you bought the volleyball in conversation 54 or have KCT Popular

• Emily – you can ask, if you are forgiving of Emily (see conversations 30, 94 and 146), and she will always accept

• Lauren – you can ask, as long as you have not suggested an open relationship in conversation 132. She will accept if you are already/still in a relationship with her, or if you kissed her at the beach (conversation 137), or have KCT Loyal [Start relationship with Lauren if she accepts]

• Penelope – she will always accept, unless you went bowling with her (conversation 60) and she got jealous because of Emily’s post (triggered in conversation 94)

• Riley – she will accept if you started a relationship with her in conversation 124. She will also accept if you have KCT Confident [Start relationship with Riley if she accepts]

• Go alone – always possible, you'll always end the night with Riley

Asking Amber
150. [If you picked Amber in conversation 149, and have KCT Popular] With Amber:

• Alright, I'm in. [Start relationship with Amber] [Achievement: Ecstatic (granted when you actually meet her on Friday)] [+1 Troublemaker]

• I'd rather go to the dance. [+1 Boyfriend]

Cameron will be guiding you through two more video challenges if you're on the Apes route. After the small issue of stopping Adam from stabbing you, he'll want you to glue the school's doors shut, and later to drop some crickets on some girls (this will be another timed challenge). 14/17
17.09.2022, 22:27 College Kings: Act I Walkthrough

Cameron's challenges (Apes path)

151. With Cameron
Glue challenge:

• Do it [Win task] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don't do it [+1 Boyfriend]

Crickets challenge:

• Do it [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Drop the crickets [Win task] [timed response] [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ ...

• Don't do it [+1 Boyfriend]

But meanwhile Cameron will have to attend to his sister Samantha (we've seen her at the poetry slam) who is relapsing on her heroin addiction. Cameron can get a bit aggressive during his confrontation, but you can choose to tell Samantha that this is just his way of showing that he cares.

Finding Samantha (Apes path)

152. With Samantha:

• Console Samantha [+1 Boyfriend]

• Leave her be [+1 Bro]

Riley path: To wrap up the night, if you've visited Riley's room after the Wolves party she will text you inviting you in again. Agree to resolve the unfinished business and you've got yourself a sex scene.

153. [If you started a relationship with Riley in conversation 124] Texting Riley:

• Sure, on my way :) [Sex with Riley]

• Sorry I'm really exhausted. Another time

Day 11


• Ecstatic – end homecoming night with Amber (must have picked her as your date in conversations 149-150)

• Homecoming queen – end homecoming night with Chloe (either pick her as your date in conversation 149 or leave with her regardless – see Achievements guide)

• Playing with fire – end homecoming night with Riley (either pick her as your date in conversation 149 or leave with her regardless – see Achievements guide)

• Slow and steady – end homecoming with Lauren (must have picked her as your date in conversation 149)

Key Moments

• Political signs with Autumn

• Homecoming night (or night at Amber’s)

Today will be entirely dedicated to the homecoming night (with a possible detour to meet Autumn), which will conclude Act 1. Yesterday you made a choice of who to go with, today you will make the choice of who you leave with (yes, there can be a difference).
If you've agreed to go sign-making with Autumn at the dog shelter she'll invite you over to the Deer's house. As someone who stands up for those who deserve it you couldn't refuse to join in to a protest on women's rights.

Autumn's place
154. [If you asked to join Autumn's protest in conversation 133, and either told her you were into politics or had KCT Loyal] With Autumn:

• Say something witty

• Say something direct [+1 Boyfriend]

It's now time to pick up your date. If you go with Chloe, you'll meet her at the Chicks house, where she's already joined by Aubrey, Lindsey and Aaron (who you may recognize as a Wolf), so join in on a game of beer pong or 'would-you-rather' to pass the time until the limo arrives to take you to the

Chicks' place [If Chloe is your homecoming date]

155. With Chloe:

• Aubrey [+1 Bro]

• Lindsey [+1 Troublemaker]

156. With Aubrey:

• Ask something sexual [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Ask something funny [+1 Boyfriend]

157. With Chloe

• Joke around [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Keep it romantic [+1 Boyfriend]

If you're taking Emily, meet her for some reminiscing over your prom date (mixed with some white rum) and a quick peck on her favorite spot.

Emily's room [if Emily is your homecoming date]

158. With Emily

• Of course. [+1 Bro]

• I'm not sure. [+1 Boyfriend]

• Kiss her lips

• Kiss her neck

Lauren will be waiting for you to pick her up if she's your date, and there's only time for a sip of wine before joining the homecoming, where you'll briefly meet Ms. Rose, who's been chaperoning the event.

Lauren's room [if Lauren is your homecoming date]

159. With Lauren

• Keep it light [+1 Bro]

• Reassure her [+1 Boyfriend]

Alternatively, it may be time to meet Penelope. She's not quite ready when you appear by her door, so you might catch her off-guard if you barge in regardless. You might learn a couple more of her quirks with a game of one-truth-one-lie.

Penelope's room [if Penelope is your homecoming date]

160. With Penelope

• Enter her room [+1 Troublemaker]

• Knock again [+1 Boyfriend]

• Ask about sex toys [+1 Troublemaker]

• Ask about drugs [+1 Bro]

• You didn't have four cats

• You didn't have six lizards

• You didn't lose your virginity.

• You didn't learn to drive.

Off we go to the final free roam of the Act, the college gym for the homecoming. Almost all of the characters you've encountered over the past couple of weeks will be there, so there's another chance to catch up with them. And maybe ( just maybe) you'll find someone that you can sneak out of the
ball with instead of your date.
The homecoming free roam has quite a few sections to explore. The first one is the dancefloor, where you'll find your date (if you didn't go alone). Click on her at any time to end the free roam. If this is Lauren you will trigger [Achievement: Slow and steady]. If this is Penelope you will still trigger
[Achievement: Playing with fire]
Here is also where you can check on Chris and Nora (but she's not having the best of time), and even Elijah managed score a date (but if you've been teasing him throughout your encounters he'll react angrily).

Homecoming – Dancefloor 15/17
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161. [If you pledged to the Wolves] Chat to Chris/Nora:

• Give Chris advice [+1 Boyfriend]

• Agree [+1 Bro]

162. Chat to Elijah/Lisa:

• Say hi to Elijah [+1 Boyfriend]

• Make fun of Elijah [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

163. [If Chloe was your homecoming date] Click on Chloe [Ends free roam with Chloe] [Achievement: Homecoming queen]:

• Ask Nora to dance

• Leave her be
164. [If Emily was your homecoming date] Click on Emily [Ends free roam (with Riley!)] [Achievement: Playing with fire]:

• Apologize

• Get upset [Breaks relationship with Emily] [Does not forgive Emily]

Homecoming – Gym entrance

165. Chat to Aaron/Lindsey:

• Back up Aaron [+1 Bro]

• Side with Lindsey [+1 Boyfriend]

166. [If your homecoming date is someone other than Riley] With Riley (after taking pictures with her and Aubrey):

• Alright, let's go. [Ends free roam with Riley] [Achievement: Playing with fire] [+1 Troublemaker]

• I can't ditch my date. [+1 Boyfriend]

167. [If you checked on Nora during the Wolves party and didn't defend Chloe at the Wolves rush party (conversation 113)] With Nora (after checking on her and Chris):

• Agree with Nora [+1 Boyfriend]

• Defend Chris [+1 Bro]

Homecoming – Hallway corner

168. [If you haven't chatted with Chloe/Ryan yet (conversation 170)] with Grayson:

• Don't do that [Stops Grayson from spraying Chloe's number if you pledged to join the Apes in conversation 138 or have KCT Confident] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Alright, enjoy [+1 Troublemaker]

Chloe path: Grayson is about to spray Chloe’s number on the wall, and (unless she is your date) when she sees it she’s going to get all upset and run for the locker room, and that means you can only get her out of there to finish the night with you with KCT Popular. But you can stop Grayson as
long as you’re Confident or you’ve joined the Apes. Then you’ll find Chloe in the hallway. Just make sure you stop Grayson before talking to Chloe.

Homecoming – Gym left side

169. [If you've had sex with Aubrey at least once (conversation 44 or 100) and didn't simp in conversation 118] With Aubrey (after taking pictures):

• Alright, let's go. [Bathroom sex with Aubrey] [+1 Bro]

• I'm not really feeling it [+1 Troublemaker]

Aubrey/Riley path: Take a look at the left side of the Gym and check on Aubrey having her picture taken (she might be with Riley). Talk to her again and if you’ve been pursuing her she’ll invite you to a quick scene in the bathroom. If Riley is not your date, you would also need to find her here if
you’d like to finish the night with her instead.
Chloe path: If Chloe is not your date you will find her in this area, next to Ryan DJ’ing. When an argument ensues, side with Chloe to stay on her good side. Depending on how (or if) you’ve interacted with Grayson, you will next find Chloe in the locker room (you’ll need KCT Popular to get her out)
or in the hallway.
170. [If Chloe is not your homecoming date] With Chloe/Ryan:

• Defend Chloe [Appeases Chloe] [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Say nothing [+1 Bro]

Homecoming – Gym right side

171. [If Lauren is not your homecoming date] With Lauren/Ms. Rose:

• Focus on Lauren

• Focus on Ms. Rose

Homecoming – Hallway bathroom

172. [If you pledged to the Wolves] With Imre/Unknown:

• Say something to Imre [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Leave them alone [+1 Boyfriend]

Homecoming – Hallway
173. [If Penelope isn't your homecoming date] With Penelope:

• I like your dress [+1 Bro]

• I'll let you get back [+1 Boyfriend]

174. [If you've stopped Grayson in conversation 168, chatted with Chloe/Ryan in conversation 170 and she's not angry at you] With Chloe:

• You got this [Ends free roam with your date (or Riley)] [Achievement depending on who you leave with] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Or we could just leave [Ends free roam with Chloe] [Achievement: Homecoming queen] [+1 Troublemaker]
Chloe path: Last chance to get the Chloe ending to Act 1. If you were able to stop Grayson before, then you’ll find her in the hallway and you can convince her to leave the ball. Otherwise she’ll be in the locker room and you can still get her out, but you’ll need to have KCT Popular.

Homecoming – Locker room

175. [If you've didn't stop Grayson in conversation 168, chatted with Chloe/Ryan in conversation 170 and she's not angry at you] With Chloe:

• Of course you can. [Ends free roam with your date (or Riley)] [Achievement depending on who you leave with] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Let's get out of here. [Ends free roam with Chloe (if KCT Popular)] [Achievement: Homecoming queen (if KCT Popular)] [+1 Troublemaker]

Homecoming – Outside
176. With Samantha/Sebastian:

• Play along

• Tell them truth

After you’ve made your choice of who you want to leave homecoming with:

• End free roam with Chloe: [Sex scene with Chloe (and the only way of getting her Act 2 scenes)]

• End free roam with Emily: she will stay behind in the bathroom, you will walk Riley home [Sex scene with Riley if you started a relationship in conversation 124]

• End free roam with Lauren: you will sleep over with her

• End free roam with Penelope: you will kiss her goodbye and you will walk Riley home [Sex scene with Riley if you started a relationship in conversation 124]
End free roam with Riley
[Sex scene with Riley if she was your homecoming date or if you started a relationship in conversation 124] 16/17
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College Kings: Act II Walkthrough

Day 12 [Act 2 Starts]


None today

Key Moments

• Conclusion of Homecoming night

• Political protest with Autumn

• Get confirmed into the Apes

Act 2 will begin just where Act 1 left off on Homecoming night. There were essentially five endings that you could have reached, and so five different opening scenes that you could get by this time:

• Sex scene with Chloe (which gets sadly cut short due to the tragic demise of Lindsey’s mother)

• Sex and drugs scene with Amber

• Sex scene with Riley

• Non-lewd scene with Riley (where she reveals she’s bisexual)

• Non-lewd scene with Lauren

177. [If you asked to join the protest in conversation 133] With Aubrey/Autumn:

• Go to the protest [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t go to the protest

Regardless of how you ended homecoming, the next day will start with a trip to the cafe to have breakfast, and you’ll happen to meet Nora. If you visited Autumn at the dog shelter during Day 9 and asked to join her protest, she’ll be calling you at this moment to get you to attend.
If you do go to the protest, Autumn will simply be happy just to have a male voice shouting things. As long as it has a purpose, it’s all good. But even if you don’t know what you’re shouting about, she’ll still fill you in that it’s a fight for abortion rights. And if you’ve had a good date with Evelyn you’ll
also be seeing her at the protest and your political stances will impress her.

178. [If you decided to go to the protest in conversation 177] With Autumn:

• Pretend you know what you’re doing [+1 Troublemaker]

• Ask what you need to do [+1 Boyfriend]

• Pretend you know about it

• Admit you don’t know

Wolves gym
179. With Sebastian:

• Open up to Sebastian [+1 Bro]

• Play it cool
Back at the frat house, Sebastian will come get you for a training session at the improvised gym.
On the other hand, if you’re with the Apes there will be a bit more action with the induction ceremony. Ryan and Caleb are in, but Kai and Cooper failed all of their challenges, so as long as you passed one of Cameron’s tasks you’ll also be accepted in. Otherwise there’s an extra scene where you’ll
get an additional challenge from Grayson (and you will always succeed). In any case, welcome to the Apes.

Apes ceremony
180. [If you failed all of Cameron’s challenges (see conversations 145, 148 and 151)] With Cooper/Kai:

• Wish them good luck [+1 Bro]

• Just get to the task [+1 Troublemaker]

The party will be another moment to relax and have fun and you’ll even get a visit from Chloe on official Chicks duty (bonus points if you can spot Jill in the crowd). But you can’t help notice Cameron being distracted. And with good reason: last night he found Samantha passed out, so we know her
problem is serious.
181. Texting Chloe:

• Exactly how much is a lot? ;)

• Hope so. I like talking to you.

182. With Grayson:

• Party [+1 Troublemaker]

• Stay back and study [+1 Boyfriend]

183. With Cameron:

• Press it [+1 Bro]

• Let it go [+1 Boyfriend]

Day 13

• Lucky 7 – join Emily at the arcade then make it more fun in conversations 188 and 190 (must be forgiving of Emily through conversations 30, 95, 146 and 164 but not gone through her sex scene in conversation 94)

• Text with an S – send Amber a dick pic when texting in conversation 187 (must not be in a relationship with Lauren, see conversations 27, 50-51, 71, 132 and 149)

• Thick and thin – offer to help Penelope in conversation 184

Key Moments
• Penelope gets into trouble for hacking the school

• Rose moves out to avoid her husband

• Samantha joins the Apes house 1/13
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Today will introduce two major drama points (with long-lasting ramifications). Penelope hacked San Vallejo’s registry to enroll her friend Jenny but got caught, and Ms. Rose is moving to a new place to get away from her husband.

Penelope’s room
184. With Penelope:

• Offer to help Penelope [Achievement: Thick and thin] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Offer to support Penelope

Penelope will call you over and tell you what her predicament is, and she’s been told she has a $15,000 penalty to pay. You can offer to help her by putting in a good word with the Dean. She will be most grateful and you’ll earn an achievement in the process.

Helping Ms. Rose (Wolves path)

185. With Ms. Rose

• Stay to console her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Focus on moving the boxes [+1 Bro]

The next scene you see depends on which frat you’ve joined. If you’re with the Wolves, Chris will come pick you up to help Ms. Rose move out. Mr. Rose has suffered an accident causing him to break both his legs, and that has put too much of a strain in the relationship.
On the Apes path, Cameron will drag Samantha into the house against her will, just so he can keep an eye on her. Grayson isn’t at all happy with this arrangement either, and when this causes a beef with Cameron. Take a moment to choose if you want to get closer to Cameron or suck up to
Grayson, but either way Samantha will get to stay, at least temporarily.

Apes house
186. With Cameron/Grayson

• Side with Grayson [+1 Troublemaker]

• Side with Cameron [+1 Bro]

Amber path: Up next you’ll get one or two texts. The first one is from Lauren (if you’re in a relationship with her), she’s just saying she misses you. Otherwise it will come from Amber, and if you’re into it you’ll start sexting.
Then unless you’ve been avoiding Emily or making her upset, she’ll invite you to meet up at the arcade.
187. [If you’re not in a relationship with Lauren (see conversations 27, 50-51, 71, 132 and 149)] Texting Amber:

• Wanna see what thinking about you has done to me? [Achievement: Text with an S] [Sexting with Amber]

• I look at your pic all the time...when I'm thinking about things
188. [If you’re currently forgiving of Emily (see conversations 30, 95, 146 and 164) Texting Emily:

• Sure! Sounds like fun. I can be there in a few minutes [Arcade with Emily]

• I would but it's getting late and I haven't even started Mr. Lee's project

189. [If you accepted the invitation in conversation 188 and you’re in a relationship with Emily (must have gone through her sex scene in conversation 94)]

• Take the bet [+1 Boyfriend]

• Make it more interesting [+1 Troublemaker]

How the arcade scene plays out depends on your relationship with Emily. She’ll propose the loser pays for the next game, but you can choose to make it more interesting by making the prize a kiss (if you’ve started a relationship already) or turn it into a dare (if you’re just friends). In the latter case,
however, things will escalate until she loses a game and has to flash her boobs in front of the cameras, at which point you’ll get an achievement.
190. [If you accepted the invitation in conversation 188 but you’re not in a relationship with Emily]

• Take the bet [+1 Bro]

• Make it more fun [Achievement: Lucky 7] [+1 Troublemaker]

Day 14

• Get a room – accept Amber’s advances in conversation 196 (must have KCT Popular or gone through her homecoming ending in conversation 150)

• Ip man – help Josh in conversation 191 then win the fight in conversation 194

• Thick and thin – offer to help Penelope in conversation 184

Key Moments

• Josh gets involved in a fight during a drug deal

• Sex scene with Amber at Josh’s place

Monday morning, and the first thing to do will be to walk up to the Dean’s office to put in a good word for Penelope. There’s some hope that it helped a bit, but for sure we haven’t seen the last of it.
Josh will then come calling, he needs some backup for a drug deal he’s involved in. It’s always going to end up poorly for him, but you will have a choice to join him and take part in a fight scene. Luckily you and Amber can both support him afterwards.

Meeting Josh
191. With Josh

• Agree to help [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Say no [+1 Boyfriend]

Riley informs you she is going to require glasses from now on, and you and Aubrey will help her choose some stylish ones. If you’ve been building relationships with both of them you might be overthinking how you manage this whole situation and how much you praise their styles, but not to worry,
they’ll still be flirty and suggestive nonetheless.

192. With Aubrey/Riley

• Take the glasses [+1 Boyfriend]

• Find a better pair

193. [If you’re in a relationship with either Riley or Aubrey (for Aubrey must have gone through at least one of her sex scenes in conversation 44 or 100 and not simped in conversation 118; for Riley must have joined her in her room in conversation 124 or taken her as your homecoming date
in conversation 149)] With Aubrey/Riley:

• Riley’s glasses

• Both glasses
If you’re helping Josh we now see the both of you in an alley where he’s ready to deliver the cocaine, but it turns out it’s a setup and the two thugs have no intention of playing nice. You can choose to intervene and start a fight scene (Lars will be your strongest opponent yet), and if you do win you’ll
have a few seconds to react and duck Joe’s pipe attack in order to scare off the thugs and attend to Josh, who got messed up pretty badly in the meantime.

Drug deal
194. [If you agreed to help Josh in conversation 191] With Josh

• Intervene [Fight scene] [+1 Bro]

• Don’t intervene
195. [If you intervened in conversation 194] With Lars/Joe

• Win fight

◦ Duck [Achievement: Ip man] [timed response]

▪ Kick Joe [+1 Troublemaker]

▪ Walk away

◦ …

• Lose fight
If you’ve helped Josh with the drug deal you’ll walk him home to rest and recover for a bit. Otherwise he will text you simply telling you the deal went south. Either way you’ll be at his place, and you’ll call Amber to come check on him as well. Even if you win the fight and Josh got to keep the bag of
drugs, Amber will do the responsible thing and flush them down the toilet just to avoid anyone else getting any further ideas.
Amber path: Later in the night, with Josh already asleep, and after you and Amber cuddled watching a movie, she might want to bring you up upstairs for a sex scene. But she’s only going to ask if you spent Homecoming night with her or if you currently have KCT Popular.

Josh’s place 2/13
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196. [If you spent homecoming night with Amber in conversation 150 or have KCT Popular] With Amber

• Go with her [Achievement: Get a room] [Sex scene with Amber] [Relationship with Amber] [+1 Troublemaker (if in a relationship with Lauren)] [+1 Boyfriend (otherwise)]

• Reject her advances [Breaks relationship with Amber] [+1 Boyfriend (if in a relationship with Lauren)]

Day 15

• Helping hand – help Nora share the Europe flyers in conversation 200

• Up for more – invite Chloe to a restaurant date in conversation 202 then flirt with her (may need conversation 203; you must not have made her upset through conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170

Key Moments

• Nora introduces the Europe trip

• Bonding with Grayson or Sebastian

• Learn about the Freshman Brawl coming up

After waking up at Josh’s and fixing breakfast in the company of Amber, we move on to an early Economics class with Ms. Rose. Who you can chat with during class depends on how your relationships have been progressing: Ryan (if you’ve pledged to the Apes), or Lauren and Riley (if you have a
thing with them).
At the end, another scene can come up if you’re on the Wolves storyline, where Ms. Rose will thank you for having been there helping to move during the weekend.

Economics class
197. [If you’re an Ape] With Ryan

• Confide in Ryan [+1 Bro]

• Play it cool
198. [If you’re in a relationship with Lauren] With Lauren

• Flirt with Lauren [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t flirt with Lauren

◦ Play it off

◦ Go with it
199. [If you’re a Wolf] With Ms. Rose

• Ask more questions [+1 Boyfriend]

• Leave
Straight afterward you’ll meet Nora in the hallway, she’s very excited about the school’s upcoming trip to Europe. In fact, she’s in charge of signing people up, so help her out sharing some fliers, so help her out for an easy achievement. In fact, the school is paying half the cost, so let’s hope this is a
good enough incentive to attract people.

200. With Nora

• Act excited [+1 Boyfriend]

• Act nervous

• Accept invitation [+1 Boyfriend]

• Consider it

• Help Nora [Achievement: Helping hand] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t help Nora

201. [If you ended homecoming with Chloe] Texting Chloe

• I was thinking about your lips :* [+2 Boyfriend]

• Whatcha been up to? [+1 Boyfriend]

Chloe path: Chloe will text you next, if there’s no foul mood between you, and you can get a restaurant date at the new Japanese place (this happens automatically if you’ve finished homecoming with her).
202. [If you didn’t end homecoming with Chloe, but she’s not upset at you (see conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170)] Texting Chloe

• I'm actually getting hungry. Wanna go grab a bite? [Restaurant date] [+1 Boyfriend]

• I better get back to it. I have so much work to get done. Just wanted to check on you and see how you're doing.

Japanese restaurant date

[If you got the date with Chloe (either through conversation 202 or by having her homecoming ending]
During the restaurant date you can be impressed with Chloe’s muscles (must be all that sushi protein) and flirt around a bit, or keep things a bit more serious. If you got her homecoming ending you will automatically flirt with her and capture the Up for more achievement.
203. [If you didn’t end homecoming with Chloe] With Chloe

• Flirt with Chloe [Achievement: Up for more] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don't flirt with Chloe

204. With Chloe

• Ask to see Chloe's muscles [+1 Boyfriend]

• Turn the conversation serious

205. [If you ended homecoming with Chloe] With Chloe

• Say a dirty joke [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don't say a joke

Back (or “still”, if you didn’t go out with Chloe) at your room you’ll just have a quick chat with Julia to let her know about the upcoming Europe trip, and some banter texts with either Lauren or Riley. Depending on how you’re progressing your relationships with them, these will be more or less flirty
in nature, but you can’t choose how they go on.

206. With Julia

• Excited reply

• Chill reply
Just when you couldn’t be more bored of studying, something actually exciting happens, when (depending on your frat) either Grayson or Sebastian will invite you out on a trip.

Forest (Apes path)

Grayson will come very sternly, and take you to a forest. Maybe he does this to all the pledges separately to knock some sense into them, maybe only to you, but right now he sees something in you, the potential to be a Great Ape. His faith might have waned a bit if you didn’t do too well on the
video challenges so now is the time to show him if you really want to be an Ape.
207. With Grayson

• Ask questions [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don't say anything [+1 Boyfriend]

• Go along with it [+1 Bro]

• Stay quiet [+1 Boyfriend]

208. [If you got just one of Cameron’s challenges right] With Grayson

• I definitely want to be an Ape [+1 Bro]

• I think I want to be an Ape 3/13
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209. With Grayson

• Agree with Grayson [+1 Bro]

• Tell Grayson you joined for the fights [+1 Troublemaker]

• Agree with Grayson [+1 Bro]

• Hesitate

Hospital (Wolves path)

On the Wolves path, you’ll get the visit of a somewhat coy Sebastian. He usually goes out to climb the walls of the hospital, but Marcus can’t come today and Seb isn’t quite sure how to ask. He does get you intrigued, and you have one last chance to pull out, but it’s going to be a bit boring now if
you don’t follow him. It’s still a bit disappointing if you do climb, because he forgot the binoculars he was going to use to spy on some of the girls’ dorms. But in any case you’re going to use this opportunity to figure out part of what it means to be a Wolf.
210. With Sebastian

• Climb the hospital [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t climb the hospital

At any rate, you’ll be back to your room now and notice a bunch of strange posts on Kiwii. Contrary to popular belief, that’s actually a well thought out plot point, where everyone just posts single-colored squares to promote the upcoming Freshman Brawl (like the Fyre Festival or #blackouttuesday,
remember when those were a thing?). But you don’t know what it means, of course, so you’ll rush to Chris or Cameron and they’ll tell you all about it.

Chris’s room (Wolves path)

211. With Chris

• Excited reply [+1 Troublemaker]

• Hesitant reply [+1 Boyfriend]

• Try to back out [+1 Boyfriend]

• Go with it [+1 Troublemaker]

Cameron’s room (Apes path)

212. With Cameron

• Not a pledge anymore [+1 Troublemaker]

• Let it slide [+1 Bro]

• Defend your honor [+1 Troublemaker]

• Just ask him about the red square [+1 Bro]

• Excited reply [+1 Troublemaker]

• Hesitant reply [+1 Boyfriend]

So what you learn from Chris or Cameron is that there’s this upcoming Freshman Brawl on Saturday, which is going to show which frat has the best newcomers this year. This might all feel a bit overwhelming at this stage, as you’ll have another weird dream that night, where you’re in the ring
facing another freshman, but nothing goes right and everyone ridicules you for it. Let’s just hope it’s not a bad omen.
213. [If you’re a Wolf] Texting Imre

• Hell no! But we need to get ready!

• I think so, actually. You and Sebastian really helped

214. [If you’re a Wolf] Dream sequence

• Ryan

• Caleb
215. [If you’re an Ape] Texting Ryan

• Hell no! But we need to get ready!

• I think so, actually. You and Cameron really helped

216. [If you’re an Ape] Dream sequence

• Imre

• Perry

Day 16

• Relaxing day – join Aubrey at the lake during conversation 221 (must have gone through at least one of her sex scenes in conversation 44 or 100 and not simped in conversation 118)

• Up for more – invite Chloe to a restaurant date in conversation 202 then flirt with her (may need conversation 203; you must not have made her upset through conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170

Key Moments
• Lake trip with free roam

• Sex scene with Aubrey

Today will be a relaxing day as you join Ryan, Riley and Aubrey for a trip to the lake. Play some “I spy” on the way in, share some horror stories on the way back, but otherwise explore the free roam, where you can tease or confide in Ryan or see a familiar face in Oscar (the dog you may have met
at the shelter).
Aubrey path: More importantly, join Aubrey for some hand action, if you’re doing her route.

Driving to the lake

217. With Riley

• Flirt [+1 Boyfriend]

• Serious

Free roam (lake)

218. [If you’re a Wolf] With Ryan

• Mention the Wolves

• Play it cool
219. [If you’re an Ape] With Ryan

• Talk about your dream [+1 Boyfriend]

• Talk about the brawl [+1 Bro]

220. [If you’re in a relationship with Riley] With Riley

• Kiss her [+1 Troublemaker]

• Blow air at her

221. With Aubrey

• Don't join her [+1 Troublemaker]

Join her
[Sex scene with Aubrey (if in a relationship with her, see conversations 44, 100 and 118)]
[+1 Boyfriend]

Day 17 4/13
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• Back down – punch the guy in the hallway in conversation 224 (timed response)

• King of the North – recognize the King and then go North in conversation 223

Key Moments
• Sex scene with Emily

• Confrontation with an angry guy

• Lindsey starts to show interest

History class
Thursday begins with a special History class, Mr. Lee brought some Viking props so you can do some re-enacting. Penelope is excited to take part, Cameron doesn’t think his wig is doing him any favors, but if you recognize the King through her long beard and guide her through a pillage of the
Northern territories you collect another achievement. And hopefully in the process the King can find a nicer-looking bride.
222. With Mr. Lee

• Heckle [+1 Troublemaker]

• Stay quiet
223. With Cameron/Penelope

• Grumble with Cameron [+1 Bro]

• Be happy with Penelope

• Be scared

• Be ready [+1 Bro]

• Recognize the King

• Don't recognize the King [+1 Troublemaker]

• Discuss war [+1 Bro]

• Discuss riches

• North [Achievement: King of the North (if you recognized the King previously)]

• West

After class you’re lost in your thoughts (i.e. a hot girl passed by) and you bump into an angry-looking guy. You have two timed decisions to make here; the first one is just to get your reflexes in the mood. The second one is going to be fairly consequential, so react quickly to punch this guy to the
Whichever way it plays out, this scene is going to be shared all over Kiwii, so your opponents in the Brawl will be taking notes. But be it through admiration or pity, you’re also going to end up with Lindsey’s number, so at least there’s that.
224. With an angry guy [timed responses]

• Apologize [+1 Bro]

• Tell him to calm down [+1 Troublemaker]

• Punch the guy [Achievement: Back down] [+1 Bro]

• Don't punch the guy [+1 Troublemaker]

Back in your room you’ll be confronted by your frat mates on the result of your altercation in the hallway. If you didn’t know it already, you’ll learn now that you should be always ready for everything, and never let your guard down.

Apes house
225. [If you punched the guy in conversation 224] With Cameron

• Brag [+1 Troublemaker]

• Be humble

• Drink [+1 Bro]

• Don't drink
226. [If you didn’t punch the guy in conversation 224] With Cameron

• Shrug it off

• Get defensive [+1 Troublemaker]

• Protest [+1 Troublemaker]

• Follow orders

227. [If you’re in a relationship with Emily (see conversations 94 and 164)] Texting Emily

• Sure! Gimme a sec.

• It's kinda late

Emily path: Emily will ask you on a booty call if you’ve gone through her sex scene prior. What you talk about depends on whether you’ve joined her at the arcade and whether you’ve beat up that angry guy, but more importantly you can make a move on her to start another sex scene. By this
point you’ll have picked up a couple of tricks that will impress her.

Emily’s dorm
228. [If you joined Emily in conversation 227 and went to the arcade in conversation 188] With Emily:

• Let Emily gloat [+1 Boyfriend]

• Say you were winning [+1 Troublemaker]

229. [If you joined Emily in conversation 227] With Emily:

• Make a move on Emily [Sex scene with Emily]

• Head home
230. [If you made a move on Emily in conversation 229 and had punched the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] With Emily

• Brag [+1 Troublemaker]

• Play it off [+1 Bro]

231. [If you made a move on Emily in conversation 229 but didn’t punch the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] With Emily

• Be macho [+1 Bro]

• Be dismissive

Lindsey couldn’t finish the day without letting you know she’s still thinking about you and just wanted to check out on how you were doing, which is nice of her.
232. [If you punched the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] Texting Lindsey

• Better now that I'm talking to you

• You getting ready for bed?

233. [If you didn’t punch the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] Texting Lindsey

• Better now that I'm talking to you

• I'm ok, it's really not that bad

Day 18 5/13
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• None today

Key Moments
• Learn about the Deer charity event

• Bonding with your frat ahead of the Freshman Brawl

Lauren’s room
The Deers sorority charity event is coming up in a few days (in fact it will be another high point of Act 2), but Lauren needs some help figuring out how to contribute. You’ll be glad to give her a hand (or a full back rub if you’re close with her).
234. [If you’re in a relationship with Lauren or kissed her during the beach date in conversation 137] With Lauren [+1 Boyfriend regardless]

• Offer Lauren a back rub

• Offer Lauren a hug

235. [If you’re not in a relationship with Lauren and didn’t kiss her during the beach date in conversation 137] With Lauren

• Offer guidance [+1 Bro]

• Just listen [+1 Boyfriend]

Autumn is going to host a mud wrestling event, so that spikes up the bar tremendously. Lauren is torn between a bake sale or going as a living statue, and will go with the latter for now. But she’s never been one to take risks, so we may still see her struggle with this decision in the coming days.
236. With Lauren

• Be impressed

• Support Lauren [+1 Boyfriend]

• Bake cakes

• Living statue
237. [If you’re in a relationship with Lauren or kissed her during the beach date in conversation 137] With Lauren [+1 Boyfriend regardless]

• Flirt

• Be romantic
238. [If you’re not in a relationship with Lauren, but kissed her during the beach date in conversation 137 and have KCT Loyal] With Lauren

• Kiss Lauren [+1 Boyfriend]

• Leave
239. [If you’re not in a relationship with Lauren and have not kissed her during the beach date in conversation 137] With Lauren

• Credit Lauren [+1 Boyfriend]

• Take some credit

Apes house
On the Apes path Samantha will come knocking next, and if you’ve defended her in front of Grayson she’ll be thankful (it wasn’t right that you should be involved in all this drama anyway). But she’s also at a moment where she’s needing company, so you’ll talk it over in a trip to the park.
240. [If you sided with Grayson in conversation 186] With Samantha

• Understand Samantha

• Console Samantha [+1 Boyfriend]

241. [If you sided with Cameron in conversation 186] With Samantha

• Play it off [+1 Bro]

• Accept the thanks [+1 Boyfriend]

Park (Apes path)

It’s your first chance at really getting to know Samantha, but she’s not really sure about herself either, or what the future holds. She’s happy enough living in the present – do you want to be a part of hers?
242. With Samantha

• Joke around [+1 Boyfriend]

• Be serious

• Ask to go out again [+1 Boyfriend]

• Say goodbye

Dinner with Ms. Rose (Wolves path)

On the Wolves path, Ms. Rose has just finished setting up her new place, and to celebrate she’s hosting a dinner to all the great guys who’ve helped her move. In between servings of lasagna and caramel pie you can take advantage of a few moments to help out Ms. Rose and get a little bit closer to
243. With Ms. Rose

• Offer to help

• Stay with the Wolves

244. With Imre

• Talk about working out [+1 Bro]

• Talk about Viking assignment

245. With Ms. Rose

• Try helping out again [+1 Boyfriend]

• Wait

Room (Wolves path)

Chris wants to have all you new guys ready for the Brawl, but being mentally prepared is just as important as being physically prepared. The tournament won’t be easy, so don’t overthink what happened in the hallway. And he will encourage you to get some rest, but you don’t have to keep away
from all “distractions”.
246. With Chris

• Answer [+1 Bro]

• Keep quiet [+1 Troublemaker]

• Make joke [+1 Troublemaker]

• Agree [+1 Bro]

247. [If you punched the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] With Chris

• Be cocky [+1 Troublemaker]

• Agree [+1 Bro]

• Hit first [+1 Bro]

• Run [+1 Troublemaker]

248. [If you didn’t punch the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] With Chris

• Act cool [+1 Troublemaker]

• Ask for help [+1 Bro]

• Agree [+1 Bro]

• Defend yourself [+1 Troublemaker]

Room (Apes path)

Time for a training session on the Apes side as well, and Cameron is going to knock some fighting sense into you freshmen maggots. But even if you got lucky in the hallway and floored that guy, that’s no reason to be cocky. You need to think strategy, and how to surprise them Wolves.
249. [If you punched the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] With Cameron

• Be confident [+1 Bro]

• Be humble [+1 Boyfriend]

• Be pumped [+1 Bro]

• Be concerned 6/13
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250. [If you didn’t punch the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] With Cameron

• Ask for help

• Stay quiet [+1 Boyfriend]

Day 19

• Bros before blows – refuse to fight Imre in conversation 271 (must be on the Apes path)

• Cheat day – skip the gym in conversation 252 and come over to Riley’s place in conversation 254 (must have joined her in her room in conversation 124 or taken her as your homecoming date in conversation 149)

• Fright club – refuse to fight Ryan in conversation 270 (must be on the Wolves path)

• Golden boy – beat Imre on Hard difficulty in conversation 271 (must be on the Apes path)

• Lights out – beat Ryan on Hard difficulty in conversation 270 (must be on the Wolves path)

• Second date – hit the gym in conversation 252 and convince Evelyn to get a second date in conversation 253 (must have asked her about her dreams in conversation 95)

• The wrong time – agree to hang out with Lindsey in conversation 258, let her grab your hand but then pull away during conversation 260

Key Moments
• Sex scene with Riley

• Make out with Lindsey

• Freshman Brawl

An action-packed day should start with a hearty breakfast. You won’t say no to having the company of Nora, she won’t say no to just having anyone around (Chris really hasn’t been there for her). And the two of you are starting to look like a couple anyway at this stage.
But only if you acted excited about Europe, otherwise a random will come over and ask you about the fight in the hallway the other day.
251. [If you acted excited about the Europe trip on conversation 200] With Nora

• Correct waiter [+1 Bro]

• Don't correct waiter [+1 Boyfriend]

Riley/Evelyn path: Yes, it’s the Brawl today, and you should hit the gym (plus bonus points if you’re on the Evelyn path as she’s getting her exercising fix as well and you can convince her to have a second date if the first one ended nicely). But if you skip it you’ll find time to go to Riley’s instead for
another sex scene.
252. Outside gym

• Hit the gym

• Skip the gym

253. [If you hit the gym in conversation 252 and started a relationship with Evelyn in conversation 95] With Evelyn

• Convince her [Achievement: Second date] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Forget It
254. [If you skipped the gym in conversation 252 and are in a relationship with Riley (either through conversation 124 or inviting her to homecoming in conversation 149)] Texting Riley

• Well you shoulda led with that! [Sex scene with Riley] [Achievement: Cheat day]

• Man, I'd really love to but...

Riley’s room
255. [If you agreed to meet with Riley in conversation 254] With Riley

• Greet Riley

• Joke [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

256. [If you ended homecoming with Chloe] Texting Chloe

• I miss you too. [+1 Boyfriend]

• That's better haha

• Yeah, of course

• You need to ask? :) [+1 Bro]

• OMG! I miss those!

• OMG! You are magnificent!

• Goodnight, gorgeous. [+1 Boyfriend]

• Goodnight, Chloe.
257. [If you didn’t end homecoming with Chloe] Texting Chloe

• Don't be a stranger.

• Yeah, it was nice to hear from you.

Chloe path: If you’ve ended homecoming with her, there’s an extra sexting scene you can go through, otherwise you may still try to be a bit flirty but it’s not going to work out this time.
Speaking of working out, there’s still time for a quick jog in the park to get loosened up. Good thing you’re there to stop anything more serious happening when Imre and Ryan come across each other though.
Lindsey path: You’ll get a text from Lindsey asking you to come hang out with her at the Chicks house. She wants to see you in person before cheering for you at the brawl. You get to make out with her if you want (and you’ll find she tastes of caramel), but there’s no way you can be late for the big

258. Texting Lindsey

• Hell yeah! Be right there, Linds!

• Aww, I wish I could, but I gotta get ready for the brawl

Chicks’ house
259. [If you chose to hang out with Lindsey in conversation 258 and punched the guy in the hallway in conversation 224] With Lindsey

• Play it cool [+1 Bro]

• Get real [+1 Boyfriend]

260. [If you agreed to hang out with Lindsey in conversation 258] With Lindsey

• Let Lindsey grab your hand [+1 Troublemaker (if in a relationship with Chloe)] [+1 Boyfriend (otherwise)]

◦ Make out with Lindsey [Lindsey make out scene] [+1 Troublemaker (if in a relationship with Chloe)] [+1 Boyfriend (otherwise)]

◦ Pull away [Achievement: The wrong time] [+1 Boyfriend (if in a relationship with Chloe)]

• Pull away
The Brawl is turning into a very mysterious event, you’ll be blindfolded by your frat mates and taken to the secret warehouse where everything is taking place. You might be feeling the jitters, so it’s your choice to cause some distractions or stay quiet and keep everyone focused .

Warehouse (Wolves path)

261. With Sebastian

• Be upset [+1 Boyfriend]

• Be excited [+1 Bro]

262. With Imre

• Talk about Ryan [+1 Troublemaker]

• Keep quiet
263. With Chris

• Tell Chris about Ryan [+1 Troublemaker]

• Keep quiet [+1 Bro] 7/13
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Warehouse (Apes path)

264. With Cameron

• Complain [+1 Troublemaker]

• Deal with it [+1 Bro]

265. With Grayson

• Say something [+1 Troublemaker]

• Keep quiet
266. With Cameron

• Get pumped [+1 Bro]

• Ask Cameron what's up

A quick look around the attendance sees Amber and Kim next to Josh. Somehow everyone agrees he was the most entertaining option to be the night’s announcer. Just when he’s ready to introduce the lineup you will bump into Lindsey, but a huge commotion is happening, so let’s check what that
267. [If you didn’t go hang out with Lindsey in conversation 258] With Lindsey

• Stop her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Let her go
268. [If you want to hang out with Lindsey in conversation 258 but didn’t kiss her in conversation 260] With Lindsey

• Let her go

• Stop her [+1 Boyfriend]

269. [If you kissed Lindsey in conversation 260] With Lindsey

• It was a joke [+1 Bro]

• Be serious [+1 Boyfriend]

Freshman Brawl
Imre and Ryan are jumping the gun here and came into blows even before the tournament started, so you break the up and we resume our scheduled programming with the first fight of the evening. We see Ryan defeating Perry, or Imre beating Caleb, then depending on your side you get to fight
the winner.
But a difficult choice is upon you when you actually step into the ring and for the first time you’re facing someone you know and are close to. Sure he’s in a rival frat now but maybe at some point he was even your friend. But then again, winners never quit and quitters never win.
270. [If you’re a Wolf] Fighting Ryan

• Fight Ryan [Achievement: Lights out (if you win on Hard difficulty)]

• Don't fight [Achievement: Fright club]

271. [If you’re an Ape] Fighting Imre

• Fight Imre [Achievement: Golden boy (if you win on Hard difficulty)]

• Don't fight [Achievement: Bros before blows]

There will be time for some celebration if you win, but you’re really going to let your frat down if you don’t after all the hope everyone had placed on you. Chris might try to be diplomatic if that’s the case, but Grayson will just turn nasty.

Room (Wolves path)

272. [If you fought Ryan in conversation 270] In room

• Act like you’re asleep

• Answer the door

273. [If you didn’t fight Ryan] With Chris

• Apologize [+1 Bro]

• Stand your ground

Room (Apes path)

274. [If you beat Imre] With Cameron

• Act like you're asleep

• Answer the door

Day 20

• Getting clean – ask to watch Aubrey in the bathroom in conversation 285 (must have gone through at least one of her sex scenes in conversation 44 or 100 and not simped in conversation 118)

• Rawr I’m a lion – play Favorites with Lauren in conversation 280 and tell her you like lions

Key Moments
• Comforting Lindsey

• Sex scene with Aubrey

If you did go through the fight last night (win or lose) then today Riley will be the first to reach out to you via text, otherwise Josh will tease you for chickening out. Then Lindsey will text you, she’s got a lot going on her mind right now (you may or may not already be aware of that) and just needs
someone to talk to, if you’d like to be a listening shoulder.
275. Texting Lindsey

• If you need someone to talk I'll come over right now!

• Uhm okay. No worries, let me know if you need anything

Lindsey’s place
You may or may not have already heard that Lindsey’s mother passed away recently (in a car crash), and now it seems that the whole world is finally crumbling on her. It’s a very sensitive moment for her, so if you try to take advantage of this by making jokes or flirting, she’ll react poorly to this
(unless you can pull it off with KCT Confident).
276. [If you agreed to meet Lindsey in conversation 275] With Lindsey

• Yeah, I heard

• No, I had no clue

• Keep listening

◦ Talk about her mother

◦ Talk about her

▪ Speak on her mother

▪ Speak on her

◦ Make a joke

• I like it

• I understand

Wolves house
277. With Perry

• Accept help [+1 Bro]

• Decline help
If you’re back at the Wolves house then you’ll find everyone redecorating the place. You can get a little bit closer to Perry by accepting his help, or you can do things on your own, but the end result will always be some shades of grey.
Otherwise it’s a chance to have a chat with Samantha. She’s used to seeing her hothead brother fighting around, so it makes sense that he’s joined the Apes frat, so what gives? You can let her know that there’s more to you she hasn’t seen, and if you really must, you can show a dangerous side if
someone does you wrong.

Apes house 8/13
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278. With Samantha

• I can be a hothead [+1 Troublemaker]

• What's that supposed to mean? [+1 Bro]

279. With Cameron

• Maybe [+1 Troublemaker]

• I don't know

Lauren is on a long train ride back from visiting her family for her mother’s birthday, and she’s so bored she just had to call you. This may or may not be a compliment, but you’ll entertain her for a little while. You an play two-truths-one-lie and reveal you once starred in a children’s show, or play
favorites to learn Lauren’s birthday falls on Halloween.
280. With Lauren

• Two truths one lie

• Favorites
281. [If you play Two truths one lie] With Lauren

• I could play

• Joke around
282. [If you play Favorites] With Lauren

• Orange

• Blue

• Gecko

• Lion [Achievement: Rawr I’m a lion]

• Spring

• Fall
283. With Aubrey

• Walk her home

• Don't walk her home

Aubrey path: You’ll be interrupted by Aubrey, she’s on her way back from the gym and you can walk her home, out of the kindness of your heart (if you’re following her path and you have one or two ulterior motives, you won’t be disappointed either). Or stick with Lauren, and the conversation will
move to a couple more serious topics, like her being nervous about the upcoming charity event, or even if you see yourself as a family man one day.
284. [If you didn’t walk Aubrey home in conversation 283] With Lauren

• Joke

• Be serious

• Agree

• Disagree

• Yes

• No

Chicks house
[If you walked Aubrey home in conversation 283]
Outside the Chicks house Aubrey will talk a little bit about her past. Her older sister is coming to visit soon (she’s a Kiwii model, so that’s nice), and she was the one that encouraged Aubrey to embrace her adventurous side.
Aubrey path: She’s going to change for a quick shower after that sweaty gym session, so there’s another chance for a sex scene with her awaiting, but Nora will have some choice words if she finds you walking around naked.
285. [If you are in a relationship with Aubrey (see conversations 44, 100 and 118)] With Aubrey

• Maybe [+1 Troublemaker]

• Just a walk
286. With Aubrey

• Compliment her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Make a joke [+1 Troublemaker]

• Ask about her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Ask about her sister [+1 Troublemaker]

• Ask to watch [Sex scene with Aubrey (if in a relationship)] [Achievement: Getting clean (if in a relationship)] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Say you'll wait

287. [If you’re in a relationship with Aubrey and asked to watch in conversation 286] With Aubrey

• Top

• Bottom
288. [If you’re in a relationship with Aubrey and asked to watch in conversation 286] With Nora

• Apologize

• Make a joke [+1 Troublemaker]

289. [If you didn’t go through Aubrey’s sex scene in conversation 286] With Aubrey

• Compliment [+1 Boyfriend]

• Complain
We then learn a little bit more about the dynamics inside the Chicks house. Aubrey seems to be the only one not taking things too seriously, but that means she’s able to see the lighter side in everything and just keep a good rapport with everyone instead of absorbing all the drama.
290. With Aubrey

• Defend them

• Don't defend them

Walking outside
You’ll get a surprisingly random text from Jenny at this point. If you remember, that’s the friend that Penelope hacked the school for, to get her enrolled. She’s noticed Penelope is acting a bit weird lately (she hasn’t told Jenny yet about all the trouble she’s in), so now Jenny is reaching out to
Penelope’s new friends at San Vallejo to figure out what’s up, and you’ll make a date to meet her the next morning.
You can go meet this Jenny alone, or you can invite Penelope so she has a chance to explain things herself. And even though you can’t tell, this is when we start having the nuanced relationship points mechanic working. You can invite Penelope, but you could potentially earn even more with Jenny
if you spend some one-on-one time with her.
The same principle will apply when you come across Mr. Lee just coming out of a dinner with a friend, you can use this to start getting a little bit on his side. All of this just before Josh tells you about the new Simplr dating app. That might become interesting at some point in the future.
291. With Penelope

• Invite Penelope [+1 Boyfriend]

• Go alone
292. With Mr. Lee

• Make a joke

• Don't make a joke

293. Texting Josh

• Oh yeah, I heard.

• I have no idea what you're talking about.

Day 21


• Forbidden romance – make a move on Ms. Rose in conversation 300 (must be on the Wolves path)

• Rough rider – allow Amber’s advances in conversation 305 (requires KCT Popular or having gone through either of her sex scenes in conversation 150 or 196) 9/13
17.09.2022, 22:44 College Kings: Act II Walkthrough

Key Moments

• Meeting Jenny

• Meeting Mr. Rose

• Amber sex scene

The days starts at the cafe, where you get to meet Jenny. If you did invite Penelope it’s going to be a small surprise for both of them that the other one is there as well. This only affects who Jenny hears this from, but she then learns the full story that she’s only at San Vallejo because of Penelope’s
To make matters worse, there’s a school hearing in three days to decide on the case, and whether Penelope has to pay the $15,000. There’s still a fighting chance, so you’ll quickly jump to her aid and offer to be her defense counsel, and Jenny can serve as a character witness.
294. [If you didn’t invite Penelope in conversation 291] With Jenny

• Reassure her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Stay positive

• Flirt [+1 Boyfriend]

• Stay friendly

• Be helpful [+1 Bro]

• Be supportive [+1 Boyfriend]

295. [If you invited Penelope in conversation 291] With Penelope

• Be helpful

• Be supportive

As you walk outside Josh seems to be involved in some shady deal (again). He doesn’t really want to talk about it, and maybe you feel it isn’t your job to go around babysitting him, but if you press him he’ll tell you his dad cut him off because he didn’t join the military. So Josh is in need of money
and this was just the easy fix. Also you’ll introduce the idea of the Europe trip to him if you meet him.
296. With Josh

• Check it out [+1 Bro]

• Keep walking [+1 Troublemaker]

297. [If you chose to check it out in conversation 296] With Josh

• Yes

• Let it go

• I don't know

• Hot girls

Lauren’s room
298. With Lauren

• Agree [+1 Boyfriend]

• Push back [Lauren does a living statue if you have KCT Loyal]

• Encourage her [+1 Troublemaker]

• Let her decide

Lauren texts you to come to her place, she’s decided that she’s going to do the bake sale after all. You have one last chance to change her mind if you have KCT Loyal if you really want to see her covered in silver paint. But for all you want you won’t convince her to join the mud wrestling.
Lauren path: You can do some play-wrestling though, if you’ve been following her path, which can quickly turn into a makeout session
299. [If you’re in a relationship with Lauren or at least kissed her once at the beach or at the park] With Lauren

• Suck on her tits [Making out with Lauren (must have KCT Loyal if not already in a relationship)] [Relationship with Lauren]

• Kiss her

Meeting Ms. Rose (Wolves path)

You’ll have to leave Lauren for now to attend to Ms. Rose. She calls you as her husband found out where she moved to and is causing a scene outside her place. You can speak up and help Ms. Rose (we learn her first name is Lorraine now) throw out her husband.
This doesn’t seem like it’s over for good (after all Mr. Rose knows a lot of people and is involved in a lot of stuff), but for now you’ve made a positive mark on Lorraine. So much so that you can make a move and kiss her. You’ll get the “Forbidden romance” achievement – the name sounds about right,
the relationship sounds wrong and there will be an awkward feeling in the air.
Speaking of awkward, on your way out you overhear Nora on the phone as she’s just arrived at her stepmother’s home. Could it really be? There’s an economics class tomorrow and for sure there will be some explaining to do.
300. With Ms. Rose

• Speak up [+1 Boyfriend]

• Stay quiet

• Insult him [+1 Troublemaker]

• Comfort her

• Make a move [Achievement: Forbidden romance] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don't make a move

Apes house
On the Apes path, Samantha urges you to come back home, it’s pretty important. Plot twist: it wasn’t. She just wanted someone to make her a cocktail and drink with her.
If you do make her a drink, you’ll find out she’s a lightweight and will get very drunk very easily, which won’t go down very well with Cameron when he arrives.
301. With Samantha

• Make her a cocktail [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Drink with her [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Pass

• Get mad [+1 Troublemaker]

• Tease her [+1 Boyfriend]

• No

• Lion

• Eagle

Before the day is done Amber will invite you to come hang out by the skate park. It’s right by the library where Riley was just working on an assignment, and Amber is quite happy to welcome her into the fun and drinking games.
302. Texting Amber

• Condoms or beer?

• Alright sure
You’ll get into some never-have-I-ever, which can turn interesting. Amber has experimented having sex with another girl, and both her and Riley have already stripped and got caught masturbating. Finding this out might make them grow closer. One hopes.
303. With Amber/Riley

• Yeah, you should

• I'm sure she's busy

• Drink

• Pass

• Stripped

• Got caught masturbating

Amber path: Riley will leave you to go back into her studying, but Amber got really tipsy and horny in that interval (an explosive combination). If you’ve gone through a sex scene with her before (or if you’re currently Popular) and you don’t mind doing it out in the open, she’s game.
304. [If you’ve not gone through a sex scene with Amber] With Amber

• Yes

• No

• Place hand on her leg

• Make a joke
305. [If you’ve gone through a sex scene with Amber, or you haven’t but have KCT Popular and placed your hand on her leg in conversation 304] With Amber

• Let her [Sex scene with Amber] [Achievement: Rough rider]

• Shut her down [Awkward with Amber]

◦ Okay

◦ Your place?

Day 22 10/13
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• Family secrets – ask Ms. Rose about Nora in conversation 306 (must be on the Wolves path)

• On the court – have a rematch with Chloe in conversation 310 or 312 (must have called her sexy in conversation 309 and have KCT Popular if you have made her upset through conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170)

Key Moments

• Sex scene with Chloe

In class
306. [If you’re a Wolf] With Ms. Rose

• Ask about Nora [Achievement: Family secrets]

• Don't ask
After a slightly unusual but enthusiastic Economics class with Ms. Rose (where she’ll be speaking more from experience than from the textbook), she’ll call you over for a small chat. You can ask her about Nora to confirm those family secrets and yes, Lorraine really is Nora’s stepmother.
Nora’s not going to open up on that topic if you press her though. But she will ask you to invite some people around for the Europe trip (you’ll get a chance to do this when you meet everyone during the Deers event).

307. [If you’re a Wolf] With Nora

• Mention last night

• Leave it alone
308. With Nora

• Help Nora

• Don't help
You’re not done out of the hallway just yet. There’s an argument brewing because Aubrey called Chloe “cute” instead of “sexy”. Sometimes it looks like you can’t really win.
Chloe path: If Chloe is (still) upset at you at this stage she’ll crack a smile if you do find her sexy, otherwise feel free to pick a side. You’ll then have a chance to get a long-overdue volleyball rematch (and an achievement to match).
309. [If Chloe is upset with you (see conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170)] With Aubrey/Chloe

• Cute [+1 Boyfriend]

• Sexy
310. [If you called Chloe sexy in conversation 309 and have KCT Popular] With Chloe

• Ask Chloe how she is [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Have a Rematch [Achievement: On the court] [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Decline a Rematch

• Leave
311. [If Chloe is not upset at you] With Aubrey/Chloe

• Cute

• Sexy [+1 Boyfriend]

312. [If Chloe is not upset at you] With Chloe

• Have a Rematch [Achievement: On the court] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Decline a Rematch

Chloe path: Join Chloe at the gym for your rematch where you’ll show off some pro moves. And there’s no point in a rematch without a reward, so check her out at the end of the match. If you got her homecoming ending, she’ll treat you to some more oral in the locker rooms.
313. [If you got a rematch with Chloe and she isn’t upset at you] With Chloe

• Look closer [Sex scene with Chloe (if you finished homecoming with her)]

• Don't risk it

First responders course

Emily path: You’ll walk into a first responders course demonstration, just when Emily is practicing some CPR. This will be (another) chance to make amends if you’re on rocky ground with her, and you’ll learn this is something she’s actually into, she might even see herself as a nurse one day.
314. With Emily

• Leave

• Watch

◦ Join Emily [+1 Boyfriend] [Forgives Emily]

◦ Leave [+1 Troublemaker]

315. [If you joined Emily in conversation 314] With Emily

• Save Emily [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don't save Emily [+1 Troublemaker]

• Agree with Emily [+1 Boyfriend]

• Disagree with Emily

Walking home you find Josh dealing again, but he’s hoping that’s something he can stop soon. Some hotshot that he just met might just be able to help him get a scholarship. But this guy is having some issues with his wife, which is causing problems. Wonder who that could be…
In lighter news, a nice reward awaits at the end of the day if you’re on the Lauren path as she’ll be sending you her first nude. Not everything is all that bad after all.
316. With Josh

• Support him

• Don't support [Angers Josh, unless you have KCT Confident]

Day 23


• Hard decisions – talk to Nora about sorority life in conversation 334 then tell Chloe about it in conversation 325

• On the court – have a rematch with Chloe in conversation 310 or 312 (must have called her sexy in conversation 309 and have KCT Popular if you have made her upset through conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170)

Key Moments

• Deers charity event

• Sex scene with Riley

Today will be entirely dedicated to the Deers charity event, a huge free roam. Have fun exploring and chatting with different people (use the four edges of the screen to navigate around). Whether or not you can have some conversations depends on your frat, or if you’ve made some people upset
before. 11/13
17.09.2022, 22:44 College Kings: Act II Walkthrough

Some interesting nuggets of information are there for the taking, like Autumn being very proud of her sister for overcoming her shyness and pledging to the Deers. Ryan reveals to you that he’s getting feelings for Emily and asks for your blessing. And Nora is sick of all the sorority drama that Chloe
is bringing (and you can stir the pot even further by then telling Chloe what Nora said).
Feel free to invite people to the Europe trip if you’ve agreed to help Nora with that task, and if by chance you’ve convinced Lauren to play a living statue, she’s going to regret having listened to you.

Free roam (Deers event, start)

317. With Autumn

• Ask why [+1 Boyfriend]

• Leave it be [+1 Bro]

• That's the main reason [+1 Bro]

• I'd be here without it [+1 Boyfriend]

Deers event – Toilet area (turn left from start)

318. [If you started a relationship with Evelyn in conversation 95] With Evelyn

• Let's do it right now [+1 Boyfriend]

• I'll think about it [+1 Troublemaker]

Deers event – Lauren’s stand (turn right from start)

319. [If you’re not in a relationship with Lauren] With Lauren

• Invite her to Europe [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don't invite her [+1 Bro]

320. [If you convinced Lauren to play a living statue in conversation 298] With Lauren

• Say you're sorry [+1 Boyfriend]

• Joke around [+1 Troublemaker]

Deers event – Lake (turn left from Lauren’s stand)

320. [If you agreed to help Nora in conversation 308 and you’re forgiving of Emily (see conversations 30, 94, 146, 164 and 314)] With Emily

• Invite her to Europe

• Don't invite her

Emily path: If you do not invite Emily here, she will not go on the Europe trip.

Deers event – Entrance (go up from start)

321. With Ryan

• It's okay [+1 Bro] [Let Ryan have Emily]

• It's not okay [+1 Troublemaker]

If you give Ryan your blessing here, he will start pursuing a relationship with Emily.
322. With Karen

• Get a lottery ticket [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don't get a ticket [+1 Troublemaker]

323. [If Chloe is not upset at you (see conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170)] With Chloe

• Date with Chloe

• Who would you date?

324. [If Chloe is not upset at you (see conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170) and you’ve talked to Nora about sorority (in conversation 334)] With Chloe

• Tell Chloe about Nora [Achievement: Hard decisions]

• Don't tell Chloe

325. [If you agreed to help Nora in conversation 308 and you didn’t tell Chloe about Nora in conversation 325] With Chloe

• Invite to Europe

◦ Convince her

◦ Let her decide

• Don't invite

Deers event – Stage (go up from entrance)

326. With Rachel

• Arm Arm Pose [+1 Boyfriend]

• Pose Pose Arm [+1 Troublemaker]

327. [If you’re a Wolf] With Perry

• Make fun of Perry

• Encourage Perry
328. [If you haven’t talked to Riley in conversation 339] With Aubrey

• Sure [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Twirl her

◦ Dip her

• No way [+1 Bro]

• [Chloe] Hot [+1 Bro]

• [Chloe] Not [+1 Troublemaker]

• [Nora] Hot [+1 Troublemaker]

• [Nora] Not [+1 Bro]

• [Lindsey] Hot [+1 Bro]

• [Lindsey] Not [+1 Troublemaker]

• [Lauren] Hot [+1 Boyfriend]

• [Lauren] Not [+1 Bro]

• [Riley] Hot [+1 Bro]

• [Riley] Not [+1 Troublemaker]

329. [If you’re an Ape and haven’t talked to Riley in conversation 339] With Aubrey

• [Ms. Rose] Hot [+1 Bro]

• [Ms. Rose] Not [+1 Boyfriend]

330. [If you agreed to help Nora in conversation 308 and haven’t talked to Riley in conversation 339] With Aubrey

• Invite her to Europe [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don't invite her [+1 Troublemaker]

331. [If you’ve talked to Riley in conversation 339] With Riley/Aubrey

• [Who's first] Riley

• [Who's first] Aubrey

• [Who won] Riley

• [Who won] Aubrey

Deers event – Sack game (turn right from stage)

330. With Eleanor

• Make a joke [+1 Bro]

• Play the game [+1 Boyfriend]

331. With Nora

• Show me what you got [+1 Bro]

• Ask about sorority life [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ What do you mean? [+1 Bro]

◦ Defend Chloe [+1 Boyfriend]

332. [If you’re a Wolf] With Chris/Aaron

• Play

• Don't play

Deers event – Body painting (turn right from toilet area) 12/13
17.09.2022, 22:44 College Kings: Act II Walkthrough

333. With Mr. Lee/Ms. Rose

• Side with Mr. Lee

◦ Encourage her

◦ Let it go

• Side with Ms. Rose

334. [If you agreed to help Nora in conversation 308 and you sided with Mr. Lee in conversation 336] With Mr. Lee/Ms. Rose

• Invite Ms. Rose to Europe

• Don't invite her

335. With Lindsey

• Compliment [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Paint Lindsey

◦ Don't paint Lindsey

• Ask how she's doing

Deers event – Thrift shop (go up from body painting area)

336. With Riley

• Joke

• Confess

• It sucks

• Don't believe rumors

• It looks good

• No way

Deers event – Ring (turn right from entrance)

337. [If you didn’t make it awkward with Amber in conversation 305] With Amber

• Witty retort [+1 Troublemaker]

• Flirt [+1 Boyfriend]

338. [If you agreed to help Nora in conversation 308] With Amber

• Invite her to Europe

• Don't invite her

Mud wrestling
When you’re ready, click on Autumn to end the free roam as we move on to the main event of the day, and there’s three mud wrestling matches lined up: Chloe vs Nora, Aubrey vs Emily and Riley vs Amber. You can cheer on your favorites, but some of the girls will take it personally if you don’t.
339. Ring

• Root for Chloe [+1 Boyfriend]

• Root for Nora

• Root for Aubrey

• Root for Emily [+1 Boyfriend]

• Root for Riley [+1 Boyfriend]

• Root for Amber

340. With Chloe/Nora

• Talk to Chloe

• Talk to Nora
341. [If you chose to talk to Chloe in conversation 343 and she’s upset at you (see conversations 65, 84, 114 and 170)] With Chloe

• Make a joke

• Leave

Riley’s room
Lauren had to help out on Deer duty so you’ll take Riley back to her dorm. She’ll have a shower to take off all that mud, and when she comes back wearing nothing but a towel that will be your cue to make a move. As long as you’ve gone through a sex scene with her before she will welcome your
advances. If you haven’t, you can still start a sexual relationship with her if you have KCT Confident, but otherwise she’ll just shoot you down.
342. With Riley

• Make a move [Sex scene with Riley (if in a relationship or have KCT Confident)] [Relationship with Riley]

• Offer to turn around

343. [If you offered to turn around in conversation 345 and either have a relationship with Riley or KCT Confident] With Riley

• Don't peek

• Peek [Sex scene with Riley] [Relationship with Riley]

344. With Riley

• Myself

• Others
Tomorrow morning is Penelope’s school hearing, which will kick off Act 3. It would be a shame if you overslept and couldn’t be there on time… 13/13
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College Kings: Act III Walkthrough

Day 24 (Thursday) [Act 3 Starts]


• Candy crusher – unlock Candy’s sex scene after the bar in conversation 365

• Perry Mason – successfully defend Penelope in conversation 348

Key Moments

• Penelope’s school hearing, and starting a relationship with her

• Introducing Charli

• Going out and meeting Candy (one night stand?)

School hearing
You start Act 3 waking up just in time to meet Penelope (and Jenny) for her school hearing, and you’ll defend her against the panel consisting of the Dean, Mr. Lee and the Art Director. Side-note: we learn that Penelope’s surname is Cross. Bonus points if you get the joke. Remember, this hearing is
about Penelope, not you. Tell the truth and speak well about her. If you give at least four correct answers out of five, then the board will decide in Penelope’s favor, as you find out that she didn’t actually do any hacking, she asked for the help of someone in the admissions office.
Penelope path: If you win the case, Penelope is acquitted and goes on the Europe trip (as assistant chaperone). She will be very grateful and this will allow you to start a relationship with her. Plus, you earn [Achievement: Perry Mason]. If you lose, however, she’ll stay behind and she still has to pay
the $15,000 fine.
348. Hearing

• Speak about Penelope [point]

• Introduce yourself

• Agree

• Disagree [point]

• Lie

• Truth [point]

• Agree [point]

• Disagree

• Who hacked? [point]

• Blame the school

• Do what’s right

• I won
349. With Riley (free roam)

• It went well

• I’m not sure

In between you making your case and the result of the deliberation, there’s a small free roam where you can check in on Penelope (she’s very nervous), but also Mr. Rose who seems to be interested in this case for some reason.
Regardless of the decision in the hearing, you’ll see Nora in the hallway, looking at the bulletin board and checking the list of people who’ve signed up for the Europe trip. She’s a bit upset because she’s been having issues with Chris, so try not to bother her too much. She will introduce you to Charli,
an exchange student who’s new on campus. He seems nice. For now.

350. With Nora

• I’ll be there [+1 Boyfriend]

• Have a good time [+1 Bro]

• Defend Chloe [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t defend Chloe

351. With Charli

• Mellow [+1 Boyfriend]

• Wild

• Hanging with the girls [+1 Boyfriend]

• Sleeping
352. With Chloe

• Leave her alone

• Say something
Chloe path: If Chloe is still upset at you, then you’ll meet her in the hallway and will have a chance to resolve that, just apologize to her then. Turns out she wasn’t that mad anymore and got carried away keeping up appearances. Which is a refreshingly honest thing to say. You can also choose to
go outside and have a quick chat about the upcoming trip.
353. [If Chloe is upset at you, and you chose to say something in conversation 352] With Chloe:

• Apologize [+1 Boyfriend] [Pleases Chloe]

• Give up
354. [If you chose to say something in conversation 352] With Chloe

• Yes [+1 Boyfriend]

• No

Apes House
355. With Samantha

• Invite her [+1 Boyfriend] [Samantha goes to Europe]

• Don’t invite her

Samantha path: While you’re packing, Samantha will hear about the Europe trip. Invite her to join to be able to start a relationship, or don’t, which is going to upset her. This should be an easy decision.

Wolves house
356. With Chris

• Let him [+1 Bro]

◦ Of course [+1 Bro]

◦ I don’t know

◦ Talk to her

◦ Her or the frat [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t let him

If you’re at the Wolves house, then Chris will tell you his side of the story about the relationship with Nora. They’ve been dating since high school, of course he’s still got feelings for her, but the Wolves presidency is just too demanding. Let him vent on your shoulder to pick up a couple Bro points.

357. With Riley/Charli

• Scare her [+1 Troublemaker]

• Reassure her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Not yet

• Of course [+1 Bro] 1/20
17.09.2022, 22:51 College Kings: Act III Walkthrough

Riley will invite you to meet at the cafe on Stevenson, she’s a bit apprehensive about flying, feel free to calm her down or to mess with her for a while. Either way you’ll be interrupted by Charli. Immediately he and Riley hit it off, and they’re looking forward to getting to know each other. Just try not
to let that affect you for now.

358. Texting Emily

• I’m pretty busy right now

• What’s up?

359. With Emily

• That’s fine [+1 Troublemaker]

• Be friends [+1 Boyfriend]

You’ll be going back into your room, when Emily texts you. She won’t say what’s up, she just wants to meet at the park. Turns out that “a friend” has been giving her some advice (could that be Ryan?), and she just can’t stand you being around other girls. Call her jealous or whatever, but she wants
nothing to do with you anymore, and she dragged you out of bed just to say that face to face.
Whatever, now that you’re outside you might want to meet with Josh. He’s arranged some very convincing fake IDs so you can go get wasted at a bar. You’re going to get one last chance to invite him on the trip if you haven’t convinced him yet.
Candy path: Accept Josh’s invitation and play your cards right to meet a new girl, Candy, and get a one-night stand. If you listen to her and say you’re available, she’ll invite you over to her house. Just avoid her brother on the way out.
360. Texting Josh

• I can't be staying up anyway, I still have a ton of stuff to do tonight.

• LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO! OMW NOW! [Meet with Josh at the Club]

361. With Josh

• Cool [+1 Bro]

• Basic
362. [If you haven’t invited Josh to Europe already in conversation 296 or angered him in conversation 316] With Josh:

• Invite to Europe [+1 Bro]

• Don’t invite
363. With Josh

• Henny [+1 Bro]

• Vodka
364. With Candy

• Whatever you want [Candy likes]

• Something cheap [+1 Troublemaker]

• Not really

• Sure [Candy likes]

• Yes

• No [Candy likes]
365. [If you got 3 choices right in conversation 364, or have KCT Popular] With Candy/Dennis:

• No

• Yes

◦ Yell back [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Act like family [Sex with Candy] [Achievement: Candy crusher]

Candy’s house
366. With Dennis

• Dodge

• Run
You’d like to finish the day on a nice note and invite Riley to the indoor skydiving place to get her mind off the dangers of flying, but she’s made plans with Charli already. This guy again. Seriously?

Day 25 (Friday)


• Hold your horses – balance the horse at the end of the manhunt in conversation 374 (must be on the Apes path)

• Off your high horse – do not balance the horse at the end of the manhunt in conversation 374 (must be on the Apes path)

Key Moments
• Find out Amber is working at Lew’s

• Lindsey wants to run for Chicks president against Chloe

Join Aubrey as she goes out shopping for some new clothes today. She’s fancying something fancy, so you’ll be going to Lew’s (and she may or may not also need someone to carry her bags at the end). Interestingly, you’ll see Amber working at the store – she had chosen this job because she thought
she wouldn’t come across anyone from college, but there you go.
Amber path: You’ll come across several moments where you can tease Amber. If you do this too often and don’t have KCT Popular she will “explode” later on (at the sauna in Paris).

367. With Aubrey

• The white one

• The blue one

• Get something

• Don’t get anything

368. With Amber

• Of course [+1 Boyfriend]

• Tease [+1 Troublemaker] [Teases Amber]

369. With Aubrey

• Agree

• Disagree
Coming back from shopping you’ll meet Lindsey at the Chicks’ place. She’ll tell you she’s considering running against Chloe for president of the sorority. She’s still a bit unsure, and she’s friends with Chloe, but at the same time she recognizes there are many people unhappy with the current

Chicks House
370. With Lindsey

• You should run [+1 Boyfriend (if you kissed Lindsey in conversation 260)] [+1 Troublemaker (if in a relationship with Chloe)]

• I don’t know
If you’re with the Apes the whole gang will be reunited when you’re back, you’ll be taken to a manhunt out in the woods, a proud tradition in the frat. The new pledges (you, Ryan and Caleb) have to run and hide, and if Grayson and Cameron find you they’ll body slam you to the ground with no
mercy. The last man standing is the winner. You can’t actually win, but the punishment for the loser is to go balance a horse. There’s an achievement waiting at the end depending on whether you manage that or not.

Manhunt [Apes path]

371. With Grayson

• Ready [+1 Bro]

• One last question [+1 Troublemaker] 2/20
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372. Escaping

• Left

• Right
373. With Ryan

• Hide [Caleb wins]

• Keep running

◦ Hide

▪ Stay [Caleb wins]

• Run [+1 Troublemaker]

• Warn him [+1 Bro]

▪ Leave [Ryan wins]

◦ Keep running [Ryan wins]

374. Balancing the horse

• Balance [timed decision]

◦ Good horse [Achievement: Hold your horses]

◦ Pet horse [Achievement: Off your high horse]

• Fall [Achievement: Off your high horse]

Pranking Sebastian [Wolves path]

375. With Imre

• Not for me [+1 Boyfriend]

• Sure
On the Wolves side you can choose to join your mates in pranking Sebastian. He’s a very heavy sleeper, so it’s going to be hilarious when you drag him across campus in his sleeping bag. You’ll still get to see the outcome go viral on Kiwii (a naked picture of Sebastian outside) even if you don’t join
in on the prank.

Day 26 (Saturday)

• Cross your heart – kiss Penelope at the airport in conversation 378 (must have won the school hearing)

Key Moments
• Flight to London

• Mile High Club scene with Aubrey (Lauren finds out)

• Chose hotel roommate (Riley or Chloe)

• Start relationship with Ms. Rose

It’s time to get to the airport, and Mr. Lee tells you about the itinerary and what to expect. You’ll be visiting London, Paris and then Amsterdam, and there will be some group activities, but also some time to explore those cities on your own.
He’ll then approach you and Riley specifically. When he was in college he made a similar trip to Asia and took part in a treasure hunt, and now he’s giving you, his trusted students, another treasure map. Use the clues in the three locations to solve the puzzle. She’s already excited.
376. With Riley

• Be hesitant

• Be excited [+1 Boyfriend]

That Charli guy is starting to get annoying, now he’s with the girls pointing and laughing at you and making jokes at your expense? Anyway, Amber wants a quick word, she’s a bit embarrassed that you found out about her new job, she’d really appreciate if you didn’t mention it in the future.
377. With Amber

• Tease her [+1 Troublemaker] [Tease Amber]

• Don’t tease her

• Tease her [Tease Amber]

• Don’t tease her

• Of course

• No
Penelope path: If you won the case for Penelope she will be going to Europe, and she’ll take this moment to thank you for all your brilliant lawyering. Kiss her to let her know you’re interested in being more than friends.
378. [If Penelope won her case in conversation 348] With Penelope

• Kiss her [+1 Boyfriend] [Relationship with Penelope]

• Don’t kiss her

379. [If you told Ryan he could have Emily at the Deers event (conversation 322)] With Ryan:

• No thanks

• Like what? [+1 Bro]

380. [If you didn’t speak to Ryan at the Deers event] With Ryan:

• Give blessing [+1 Bro]

• Don’t give blessing

381. [If you spoke to Ryan but didn’t give him your blessing] With Ryan:

• Be a dick [+1 Troublemaker]

• Let him [+1 Bro]

On the plane, Ryan will be sitting next to you. Depending on how your conversation went at the Deers event, when he told you he was interested in Emily, he will be more or less friendly towards you.
Aubrey path / Lauren path: If you’ve been having sex with Aubrey, she’ll drop you a note asking you to come to the airplane bathroom. Go after her to join the Mile High Club. But beware, Lauren will spot you. If you were in a relationship with Lauren at this point, you can forget it, it will be over.
382. [If you’re in a relationship with Aubrey] With Aubrey

• Go after her [Sex with Aubrey] [Breaks relationship with Lauren]

◦ No, not really [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Kinda hot [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t go after her

383. With Nora

• Chase after Nora

• Leave her alone

During the flight you’ve also noticed Nora and Chris beefing further. You can try to chase after her, but Charli will get there first. He’s starting to piss you off by now, but Riley lets you know he’s gay and just asks that you try to get to know him.
You’ll catch up with Lauren after landing. If she caught you with Aubrey, she’ll either be pissed at you if you broke her trust by cheating on her. Or she’ll simply be curious and wonder if you’re interested in Aubrey (and maybe a little bit disheartened if she thought she still had a chance with you).
384. [If you’re not in a relationship with Lauren and had sex with Aubrey in conversation 382] With Lauren:

• Yes

◦ Yes [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Why so many questions?

• Not really
385. [If you had sex with Aubrey in conversation 382 and are not in a relationship with Lauren but had kiss her at the park, the movie date or at the beach (conversations 16, 51 or 137)] With Lauren:

• Play it cool [+1 Bro]

• Act clueless [+1 Boyfriend] 3/20
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386. With Ms. Rose

• Chloe

• Riley
Chloe path / Riley path: You’ll arrive at the hotel in the early hours of the morning, so we’ll make this quick. There’s two people that don’t have a roommate yet, so choose if you want to pair with Chloe or Riley. There’s one sex scene in London for each girl that you can only get if you’re rooming
Ms. Rose path: If you’re on the Wolves path, Ms. Rose will pull you aside. Things might have escalated too much when she called you over to deal with Mr. Rose, so she wants to apologize. Kiss her now to open the door for a relationship.
387. [If on the Wolves path] With Ms. Rose

• Kiss her [Relationship with Ms. Rose]

• Don’t kiss her

388. With Riley [if riley roommate]

• Just tell her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Ease into it [+1 Bro]

A final scene at the end of the day, if you’re rooming with Riley she’ll open up to you and let you know she’s bisexual. Maybe she had already told you this if you got one of her homecoming endings, but after spending a lot of time with Aubrey she’s starting to get tempted. And you might already
know from the Wolves rush party that Aubrey is interested in experimenting. So this sounds promising.

Day 27 (Sunday)

• Fruity – order a cocktail at the bar in conversation 398

• Just a theory – tell Riley at the museum that dinosaurs aren’t real in conversation 390

• On target – hit a bullseye at Duncan’s in conversation 389

Key Moments
• First piece of the treasure hunt

• Be careful not to abuse Nora’s trust

• Sex scene with Ms. Rose (or spa scene with Samantha)

The first day of activities kicks off, and you’re off to solve the first riddle for Mr. Lee’s treasure map. If either you or Riley prove your worth by hitting a bullseye at the shooting range, Duncan the owner will give you the next clue. You can’t actually fail this task, it can just vary who wins it. If you
provoke Riley and say she can’t make it, she’ll prove you wrong, so be confident in her instead and earn an achievement along the way.

Treasure hunt
389. With Duncan/Riley

• She will miss [+1 Troublemaker]

• She won’t miss [+1 Bro] [Achievement: On target]

390. With Nora/Riley

• Real

• Not real [Achievement: Just a theory]

A little bit against your will, Mr. Lee will take a few students to visit a museum. Riley and Nora will debate whether dinosaurs actually existed. Side with her for an achievement, but that’s not going to take away from her head the fact that Chris has been on the phone and ignoring her the whole
A small free roam follows, where we’ll learn a little bit more about Mr. Lee’s backstory. He used to live in London and dated an American sculptor who moved to Europe for him, but they didn’t last long until she left for good. And one of her statues is still on display at the museum today.

Museum free roam

391. With Chris

• Mention Nora

• Don’t mention Nora

392. With Mr. Lee

• Laugh [+1 Troublemaker]

• Feel bad [+1 Bro]

393. With Riley

• Seek revenge [+1 Troublemaker]

• Laugh it off

• Snitch on Riley

• Don’t snitch on Riley

394. [If you kissed Penelope at the airport in conversation 378] With Penelope:

• Flirt [+1 Boyfriend]

• Just being me
395. [If Penelope is in Europe but you didn’t kiss her at the airport] With Penelope:

• Just being me

• Make a joke

396. With Nora

• Agree

• Sneak out [+1 Troublemaker]

Nora path: Click on Nora to end the free roam when you’re ready. She’s so bored she just wants to sneak out and go see the city. But she still doesn’t want you to take advantage of her. Do not make a move by the Big Ben or this will ruin your chances later.

Big Ben
397. [If you snuck out in conversation 396] With Nora

• Agree

• Make a move [Upsets Nora]

Hotel bar
398. With Bartender

• Beer

• Something fruity [Achievement: Fruity]

Back at the hotel you’ll meet a nice bartender and start a quick interaction, where you can have a fruity cocktail. Speaking of cocks, Charli will come along and try to provoke you. And the more you get irked up the more he will feel vindicated.
399. [If you’re in a relationship with Ms. Rose] With Ms. Rose:

• Go to her room [+1 Troublemaker] [Sex scene with Ms. Rose]

• Don’t go [Chat with Bartender]

Ms. Rose path / Samantha path: Depending on your frat, you’ll have a talk with Ms. Rose (if you’ve kissed her at the hotel lobby) or Samantha. And under the logic of what happens in London stays in London you can decide to have a little fun with them. Samantha will take a little longer to make
herself fully available to you though, some massaging at the spa will have to do for now.
400. [If Samantha is in Europe (conversation 355)] With Samantha:

• Put them back [Chat with Bartender]

• Now what? [Spa scene with Samantha] 4/20
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401. [If you preferred to chat with the Bartender in conversations 399 and 400] With Bartender:

• Yeah

• No

• Yes

• No

Ms. Rose’s room

402. With Ms. Rose

• Open the door [+1 Troublemaker]

• Knock [+1 Boyfriend]

Going with Samantha to the Spa will finally give her a few moments to relax, she’s been feeling the pressure of her brother behind her for so long. Make up a story about your previous relationship to make conversation and she’ll allow you some fondling at the end.

403. With Samantha

• Check her out [+1 Bro]

• Look away

• Alyssa

• Madison

• Did drugs

• Didn’t do drugs

• Her father

• Me

• Massage her boob [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t massage her boob [+1 Boyfriend]

404. Nightmare [timed decision]

• Save Lauren [+1 Boyfriend]

• Save Riley [+1 Bro]

The day must have been exhausting, just as you’re trying to get a night’s sleep you get another of those terrible nightmares. It’s a scene we’ve seen before, Lauren and Riley are being held at gunpoint and you have to save one of them. But this time it’s you holding the guns at their heads? And you
have to save them from yourself? What does this all mean? And suddenly Charli’s in your dreams as well? This is all very confusing.

Day 28 (Monday)

• Fruity – order a cocktail at the bar in conversation 398

• Just a theory – tell Riley at the museum that dinosaurs aren’t real in conversation 390

• On target – hit a bullseye at Duncan’s in conversation 389

Key Moments
• First piece of the treasure hunt

• Be careful not to abuse Nora’s trust

• Sex scene with Ms. Rose (or spa scene with Samantha)

405. [If rooming with Riley (conversation 386)] With Riley

• Tease [+1 Troublemaker]

• Flirt [+1 Boyfriend]

Your roommate (Riley or Chloe) will be there when you suddenly awake from your nightmare. If this is Chloe you’ll go on to help her unpack properly, but you’ll notice she brought along a teddy bear, very cute. If it’s Riley she’ll show her jealousy a bit because she didn’t see you last night. Hopefully
you were out having fun.

Lauren’s room
406. [If you had a relationship with Lauren but cheated on her with Aubrey on the plane in conversation 382] With Lauren

• Leave

• Make a move
If you cheated on Lauren by getting caught on the airplane with Aubrey, you’ll go to her room apologize (we’ve seen this scene before). But she saw everything with her own eyes, so there’s no excuse, and there’s nothing you can do to salvage the relationship.
But if you’re still in good terms, Lauren will invite you to a Hotter Parry quiz event (apologies, we couldn’t afford the licensed names). Turns out she’s a huge Hotterhead but unfortunately she didn’t get admitted to Hogwash School so she had to enroll at San Vallejo. It’s a fun little quiz, but there’s
only a few seconds to give out each answer, so be quick. Lauren will get you covered as she really knows her stuff, even if you need to go through a tie-breaker bonus round. In any case, three correct answers earn [Achievement: Earn your owl]
Lauren path: More importantly, if you’ve been following the Lauren route, here is another chance to officially start a relationship if you haven’t already. With KCT Loyal, and if you’ve shown your interest by kissing her before, you’ll trade “I love yous”.

Hotel lobby and Hotter Parry event

407. With Lauren

• Of course

• Not really
408. With Lauren [timed choice]

• Friggindoor [correct]

• Theremin

• 13

• 29 [correct]

• 12 Someold Place [correct]

• Ministry of Fisheries
409. With Lauren

• 7

• 8
410. [If you’re in a relationship with Lauren, or if you’re not but have KCT Loyal and have kissed her before at the park (conversation 16) or at the beach (conversation 137)] With Lauren

• I love you too [Relationship with Lauren] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Play it off [+1 Bro]

411. With Lindsey

• Defend Chloe

• Don’t defend Chloe

• Support Chloe

• Support Lindsey [Achievement: Political Strategist (if told Autumn you were into politics at the dog shelter in conversation 133)]

• Lindsey, Returning The Promise

• Lindsey, Say Bye To The Bullshit

• Imre

• Ryan
You’ll come to meet Lindsey at a park next. She starts off by reminiscing about her mother, and speaking of serious moments, she’s decided to run for president of the Chicks. Chloe is still her friend, but she’s got to do the right thing. The Chicks have never really had multiple candidates, so Lindsey is
determined to run a full campaign. We’ll see how that develops once everyone is back on campus. 5/20
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Hotel bar
412. With Aubrey/Chloe

• Something dark

• Just water
413. [If Chloe is still angry at you (can solve it in conversation 353 at the latest)] With Chloe

• Round

• Square
Speaking of the devil, Chloe is enjoying some drinks at the hotel bar when you return. Did you know she’s into sports cars? She sure would love going for a test drive at the dealership nearby, and if she’s not upset at you, you’ll be lucky enough to share a ride with her.

Car dealership
414. [If you’re in a relationship with Chloe (conversations 163 or 313)] With Chloe

• Talk about “us”

• Talk about cars

• Kiss her

◦ Be my girlfriend [Chloe girlfriend (see below)]

◦ Let’s get the car back

• Joke
Play along and pretend to be a couple with Chloe to impress the salesman and take the keys to the latest German model. Once you’re accelerating away, an important moment comes up. If you’re in a physical relationship with Chloe, and you’d like to get closer and actually date, you can start
talking about “us”.
Chloe path: Chloe will accept to be your girlfriend after you ask if the following three things have happened: you met her at the pool instead of helping Imre (conversation 78 or 80), you took her to homecoming (conversation 149) AND left homecoming with her.
If at the same time, you have a relationship with Lauren (by sucking her tits at her room before the Deers event in conversation 299), you will earn [Achievement: Two timer]
By an unfortunate coincidence as you’re returning to the dealership Chloe gets a call from her “sister” and you have to leave immediately, no time to actually purchase the car. Back to the hotel it is then (although Mr. Lee will be there to check if you’re actually supposed to be rooming with Riley
instead). So annoying.

415. [If rooming with Riley (conversation 386) but you’re not in a relationship] With Riley

• Ladies love me [+1 Bro]

• Wasn’t a ladies man [+1 Boyfriend]

416. [If rooming with Riley (conversation 386) and you’re in a relationship with Riley] With Riley

• Not tonight

• Do something about it [Sex with Riley]

Day 29 (Tuesday)

• A bet is a bet – lose the go-karting race in conversation 422 (the achievement is granted during Day 32)

• Don’t just stand there – break Imre and Ryan apart in conversation 417

Key Moments
• Life lessons from Mr. Lee

• Go-karting with Amber

• Drama with the Chicks

• Sex scene with Chloe

Hotel corridor
417. With Ryan/Imre

• Intervene [Achievement: Don’t just stand there]

• Don’t intervene
The very next morning starts with Imre and Ryan grappling by the corridor. Mr. Lee is trying to break them apart, and he’ll expect you to not just stand there. What were they fighting about? One of them called the other one smelly or something. Really kid stuff. So Mr. Lee will treat you as kids, and
will take you outside to a lake. He’s just going to let you guys know he’s been through rivalries in college, he understands that happens, but you could still try and get along.
When he’s about to leave, get a ride back with him and he’ll reveal some insightful knowledge about Ryan and Imre. Imre can't tolerate being betrayed or disrespected, though at times even he betrays or disrespects others. Ryan is a reactor, he watches the world move and then decides what he'll
do. This might be useful later.
Otherwise stay behind with the two guys, and they’ll still tease each other plus you’ll have to find a rideshare to return to the hotel.

418. With Mr. Lee

• Ride with Mr. Lee

• Stay with Imre and Ryan

419. [If you chose to ride in conversation 418] With Mr. Lee

• Imre

• Ryan

• Having responsibility

• Acting mature

• Brotherhood

• Excitement
420. [If you chose to stay in conversation 418] With Imre/Ryan

• Side with Imre [+1 Bro (if Wolves)]

• Side with Ryan [+1 Bro (if Apes)]

Whichever way that you choose to go back to the hotel, you’ll meet Amber. She’s posting some pictures on Kiwii about living the London life, and she was just waiting for you to take you go-karting. But why not spice it up beforehand? You two race, and the loser has to post a naked picture on Kiwii.

421. With Amber

• Say nothing

• Be excited [+1 Bro]

• Agree [+1 Troublemaker]

• Disagree [+1 Boyfriend]

422. With Amber [timed decision]

• Overtake Amber [race point]

• See what’s wrong

• Riley’s here [race point]

• There’s something in your hair

• Sharp turn [race point]

• Steady
The clerk is a bit creepy, so don’t focus on him while he’s hitting on Amber. Just pick up at least two out of the three possible race points to win the race. If you lose, you will earn the [Achievement: A bet is a bet] during Day 32 when Amber comes take your naked picture. Of course, if you win, you
see hers.
423. With Amber

• Stand up for Amber

• Let her handle it

• Tease [tease point] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t tease 6/20
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Mr. Lee has organized a historical carriage ride through the streets of London. Lindsey is tremendously enthusiastic about the horses and pretending she’s a princess and all that stuff. You’re leaving in groups, and you and Lindsey are riding together. Unfortunately you’re paired with Nora and Chloe,
so that’s going to be awkward.
Nora is already feeling a bit sick from the ride, and when Lindsey proposes an idea for the Chicks to adopt nicknames and Chloe shuts it down, that’s the final straw and they’ll start beefing stronger than ever. Aubrey is waiting to join the next carriage when you return, you can choose to tell her
what’s been happening and about Lindsey’s run.

Carriage ride
424. With Lindsey

• Tease [+1 Troublemaker]

• Relax her
425. With Lindsey/Chloe/Nora

• Side with Chloe

• Side with Nora

426. With Aubrey

• Tell her about Lindsey [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ I know

◦ Don’t

• Don’t tell her about Lindsey

Chloe path: If rooming with Chloe, by the time you’re back in the room she’s crying in the bathroom. Get her out and don’t pull back, this will unlock her sex scene. But you’ll need to have had sex with her before, or KCT Popular.
Otherwise, if you’re pairing with Riley, you’ll find her vaping with Amber. Those two are growing together a lot, and Amber is becoming quite the influence. It can be fun to join them, but you really don’t have to smoke if you don’t want to.

427. [If rooming with Chloe (conversation 386)] With Chloe

• Pull back

• Continue [Sex scene with Chloe (if gone through one of hers before or have KCT Popular)]
428. [If rooming with Riley (conversation 386)] With Riley/Amber

• Join them

◦ High School

◦ Never smoked before

• Don’t join

Day 30 (Wednesday)

• A person like me – reply to her call be bold when chatting with Penelope at the rooftop in conversation 444 (she must have won the school hearing case)

• Good vs evil – reply to Penelope in conversation 442 (she must have won the hearing case, and you must have cheated on Lauren with Aubrey on the plane in conversation 382)

• Pretty in pink – go with Mr. Lee after the bank tour and encourage Nora to get the pink bra in conversation 432

Key Moments

• Messing up with the bank tour

• Fancy dinner to commemorate the ending of the London visit

• Nora gets robbed

• Rooftop hangout with Penelope

You can’t stay in bed all day today, there’s another group event. A guided tour at the bank to learn more about Economics. But everyone is getting bored so they do what they can to make things interesting. Riley puts on a Southern accent, Amber starts whispering about robbing the place. But this
last bit does it, the guide takes it too seriously and stops the tour to keep you in an office until Ms. Rose arrives. Looks like the learning is delayed to another day.

429. With Bank clerk

• Just tired

• A little [+1 Troublemaker]

430. With Amber/Riley

• Stealth

• Chaos [+1 Troublemaker]

• Amber

• Riley

• Yep [+1 Troublemaker]

• Stop playing
At the end of the tour, you can walk back with Mr. Lee, and this will lead to a detour where you go lingerie shopping with Nora. Or ride the underground with Ms. Rose, and if you’ve been getting close to her she’ll reveal she’s got some big plans for Paris. Just make sure she’s not scared too much
when the train breaks down momentarily.
431. With Mr. Lee / Ms. Rose

• Go with Mr. Lee

• Go with Ms. Rose

Lingerie store
432. [If you went with Mr. Lee in conversation 431] With Nora

• Pink [Achievement: Pretty in pink]

• White

433. [If you went with Ms. Rose in conversation 431] With Ms. Rose

• Leave her be

• Comfort her
Mr. Lee has organized a fancy dinner to commemorate the end of the London leg of the trip. You may have a choice to sit with either Lauren or Aubrey. If you’re in a healthy relationship with Lauren, you’ll always be with her, if she’s pissed because you cheated on her, then you’ll always be with
Aubrey. Otherwise you get to choose.

Hotel lobby
434. [If you didn’t have a relationship with Lauren] With Aubrey/Lauren

• Lauren

• Aubrey

435. [If you didn’t have a relationship with Lauren but chose to dine with her in conversation 434] With Lauren

• Yes

• No
If you go with Lauren she’ll appreciate everything you’ve been doing for her, even if just as a friend. But she may be wanting something more by the time you get to Paris. With Aubrey you can talk about starting an actual relationship. She’s not open to the idea at the moment, but you may just
have turned on a switch in her mind.
436. [If you don’t have a relationship with Aubrey but chose to dine with her in conversation 434] With Aubrey

• Yes

• No 7/20
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437. If you have a relationship with Aubrey and chose to dine with her in conversation 434] With Aubrey

• Be More than friends

• Stay FWB

Walking back
438. With Charli

• Apologize

• Tell him off

Charli is being his annoying usual self as you walk outside after the dinner, but suddenly Nora is assaulted and robbed. You can chase after the robber and this may lead to a confrontation. Either way, if you don’t manage to recover Nora’s purse, Amber will kick the guy’s behind. So you can stay
with Nora, and this will show her you’re the one who cares for her, not Chris.
439. With Nora

• Go to Nora [+1 Boyfriend]

• Chase after robber [+1 Troublemaker]

440. With Robber

• Left

• Right

◦ Dodge [timed decision, win fight] [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Huh
441. [If you win the fight in conversation 440] With Robber

• Kick him [+1 Troublemaker]

• Walk off

Hotel room
Penelope will come calling or texting next. If she’s in Europe, the robbery has made her a bit nervous, she would like to get away for a while and just stargaze in the rooftop with some company. If she’s not in Europe, she’ll call you from campus just wondering how you are. She’s met a good guy from
a loan place that can solve the problem of the fine she has to pay to the school. Let’s hope that’s sorted.
442. [If Penelope is not in Europe (conversation 348)] With Penelope

• Reply [+1 Boyfriend (if in a relationship with Penelope)]

• Don’t reply

443. [If you replied in conversation 442] With Penelope

• Sure is [+1 Bro]

• You sure are [+1 Boyfriend]

Join Penelope at the rooftop, and if you had a relationship with Lauren and cheated on her with Aubrey on the plane you will trigger a special dialogue and earn the [Achievement: Good vs evil] as Penelope will understand your moral struggles. If you’ve kissed her at the airport she’ll hint she’d be
interesting in something long-term with you.
444. [If you replied in conversation 442 and kissed Penelope at the airport (conversation 378)] With Penelope

• Be shocked [+1 Bro]

• Be bold [+1 Boyfriend] [Achievement: A person like me]

445. [If Penelope is not in Europe (conversation 348)] With Penelope

• Answer [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Never mind [+1 Bro]

◦ I miss you [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t answer [+1 Bro]

446. [If rooming with Chloe (conversation 386)] With Chloe

• Yes [+1 Boyfriend]

• No [+1 Bro]

• He is [+1 Bro]

• Nope [+1 Troublemaker]

447. [If rooming with Riley (conversation 386)] With Riley

• A little [+1 Boyfriend]

• Not really [+1 Bro]

• I know [+1 Troublemaker]

• Really?
After dealing with Penelope the last conversation of the day will be back with your roommate. Chloe is curious about the guys’ fighting skills (and yours if you managed to recover Nora’s purse). Riley was struggling deciding whether to join a sorority; the Chicks have a lot of drama but Lindsey
winning the presidency might be a way to change that.

Day 31 (Thursday)

All achievements are earned during the ferry murder mystery

• Best for last – Charli is your final kill (so you need to eliminate all other players that are on the ferry first)

• Doctor’s orders – tell Aubrey your injuries really hurt and accept her advances in the bathroom in conversations 463 and 464

• Killing spree – get at least five victims before the end of the game

• Mass casualties – kill all possible victims, including Emily, Josh and Penelope (and Samantha, if you’re an Ape)

• Mercy killing – kill Imre

• Talk murder to me – kill Samantha

• Weapons down – don’t kill anyone (get caught on your first attempt)

• Zero to hero – tell Riley you’re poor in conversation 456

Key Moments

• Ferry murder mystery

Today will be filled with the ferry trip to France. It’s a long voyage, so Mr. Lee has come up with a game to keep everyone occupied. A murder mystery game, where everyone plays a character, and you’re the role of the murderer. Your job is to go around the ferry and kill everyone with your finger
gun. But be careful, if someone’s watching and you get caught in the act, it’s game over.
Simple tips apply: check the top of the screen to see if anyone is watching you when you talk to people. If two people are together or watching each other, you’ll need to chat with them and make them split up. If you pick the wrong choice this will not be possible anymore, and you will be stuck with
some people not wanting to move. At that point you’ll have no choice but to try to kill someone and get caught, for the game to end.
Fully explore the edges of the screen to advance to all the locations on the ferry (you can also keep track of where you’ve been on the mini-map), and some people move around after you’ve talked to them.
Some optional characters may or may not be on the trip, depending on your choices previously, but these are everybody’s locations. Also some people will have different traits and will react differently to how (or when) you kill them.

• Amber: Can kill her at the Middle Deck, Front Gallery, as long as you have spoken to Imre/Ryan already. But if Riley is with her, talk to them first to send Riley back to the left viewpoint. Amber is Competitive, she will dislike if she’s within your first three kills. She is also Vindictive, she wants
you to kill Riley before her. And she is Talkative, she wants you to finish the conversation first before killing her.

• Aubrey: Find her at the Middle Deck, Balcony. Talk to her and tell her your injuries “hurt pretty bad”. Then you can kill her at the Middle Deck, Bathroom. Aubrey is Competitive, she will dislike if she’s within your first three kills.

• Charli: Can kill him at the Upper Deck, Captain’s Room. Need to take Lindsey to the rear first. Charli is Competitive, he will dislike if he’s within your first three kills. He is also Untalkative, he wants you to kill him in the middle of the conversation.

• Chloe: Find her at the Middle Deck, Left Viewpoint. Go through her conversation and “make Riley leave”. After that, you can kill Chloe if Josh is not on the right viewpoint (anymore). Chloe is Competitive, she will dislike if she’s within your first three kills. She is also Vindictive, she wants you to
kill Nora before her.

• Chris: Can kill him at the Lower Deck, Kitchen. Chris is Uncompetitive, he will appreciate if he’s within your first three kills. He is also Untalkative, he wants you to kill him in the middle of the conversation.

• Emily (optional character): Find her at the Lower Deck, Seating. Go through her conversation, then you can kill her at the Lower Deck, Bow. Emily is Untalkative, she wants you to kill her in the middle of the conversation (at the Bow)

• Imre: Find him at the Middle Deck, Right Gallery. Go through his conversation, then you can kill him at the Lower Deck, Foyer. Imre is Uncompetitive, he will appreciate if he’s within your first three kills. He is also Vindictive, he wants you to kill Ryan before him. 8/20
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• Josh (optional character): Find him at the Middle Deck, Right Viewpoint. Go through his conversation, then you can kill him at the Middle Deck, Utility. Josh is Competitive, he will dislike if he’s within your first three kills.

• Lauren: Can kill her at the Lower Deck, Seating. Need to send Emily to the bow first (if she’s around).

• Lindsey: Find her at the Upper Deck, Captain’s Room. Talk to her and tell her you need “more investigators”. Then you can kill her at the Lower Deck, Rear. Lindsey is Competitive, she will dislike if she’s within your first three kills. She is also Vindictive, she wants you to kill Chloe before her.
And she is Talkative, she wants you to finish the conversation first before killing her.

• Rose: Can kill her at the Lower Deck, Seating. Need to send Samantha to the right hallway first (if she’s around).

• Nora: Can kill her at the Middle Deck, Balcony. Need to take Aubrey to the bathroom first. Nora is Vindictive, she wants you to kill Chloe and Chris before her. She is also Talkative, she wants you to finish the conversation first before killing her.

• Penelope (optional character): Can kill her at the Lower Deck, Left Walkway.

• Riley: Find her at the Middle Deck, Left Viewpoint. Go through her conversation and “make Riley leave”. She will then go to the Middle Deck, Front Gallery. If you have killed Amber already, you can kill Riley there too. Be careful, if the conversation ends before you kill her, she will move back to
the left viewpoint. And by the time she returns to the left viewpoint, you need to have killed Chloe and talked to Josh (if he’s around), in order to eliminate Riley. Riley is Competitive, she will dislike if she’s within your first three kills. She is also Talkative, she wants you to finish the conversation
first before killing her.

• Ryan: Find him at the Middle Deck, Right Gallery, next to Imre. Chat with them to make Imre leave. You cannot kill Ryan if Amber is staring at him, so eliminate her first. Ryan is Vindictive, he wants you to kill Imre before him.

• Samantha (optional character): Find her at the Lower Deck, Seating. Go through her conversation, then you can kill her at the Lower Deck, Right Hallway.
When everyone is killed, you can end the free roam by chatting to Mr. Lee at the Middle Deck, Rear Gallery. If you have invited Samantha on the Europe trip, you will also find Cameron on the rear gallery. But he’s not part of the murder mystery, so he cannot be killed.
Depending on how well you did, you will get a reward in Amsterdam if you manage at least five kills. It was supposed to be something else, but Mr. Lee will gift you concert tickets (which can be upgraded to backstage and afterparty tickets if you really impressed him with a higher number of
victims) at a later stage.
There’s quite a few achievements to be earned along the way, if you’re going for the 100% completeness.
Nora path: One final note, if you need to make amends with Nora, find her at the balcony and keep her company. Tell her you’d choose her over the frat, this improves your relationship with her.

448. With Riley

• Not much [+1 Troublemaker]

• No [+1 Boyfriend]

Ferry murder mystery – Lower Deck, Seating, front

449. [If Samantha is in Europe (conversation 355)] With Samantha/Cameron

• Laugh [+1 Bro]

• Don’t laugh [+1 Boyfriend]

450. With Ms. Rose

• Not really [+1 Bro]

• Who wouldn’t be [+1 Boyfriend]

Ferry murder mystery – Lower Deck, Seating, back

451. [If you had a relationship with Lauren but had sex with Aubrey on the plane (conversation 382)] With Lauren:

• Apologize [+1 Boyfriend]

• Kill her [+1 Troublemaker]

Ferry murder mystery – Lower Deck, Right Walkway

452. [If you’ve gone through Samantha’s conversation at the Lower Deck seating] With Samantha

• Focus on the game [+1 Bro]

• Go for the kiss [+1 Boyfriend]

Ferry murder mystery – Lower Deck, Left Walkway

453. [If Penelope is in Europe (conversation 348)] With Penelope:

• Let her work [+1 Bro]

• Help her out [+1 Boyfriend]

454. [If you kissed Penelope at the airport (conversation 378) and helped her out in conversation 453] With Penelope:

• John Paris

• Chase Lysol

Ferry murder mystery – Lower Deck, Rear

455. [If you told Lindsey you need more investigators in conversation 465] With Lindsey:

• Me [+1 Boyfriend]

• Charli [+1 Troublemaker]

Ferry murder mystery – Middle Deck, Left Viewpoint

456. With Riley/Chloe:

• I’m poor [Achievement: Zero to hero]

• I’m rich

• Leave

• Make Riley leave [Riley moves]

457. [If you made Riley leave in conversation 456 and she’s not back yet] With Chloe:

• Plan for it

• Enjoy Europe [+1 Troublemaker]

458. [If Riley is back from the chat with Amber and Chloe isn’t around anymore] With Riley:

• Me [+1 Bro]

• You [+1 Troublemaker]

Ferry murder mystery – Middle Deck, Right Viewpoint

459. [If Josh is in Europe (conversations 296, 316, 360, 362)] With Josh:

• Really care about cats, huh? [+1 Troublemaker]

• You’re the best actor here [+1 Bro]

Ferry murder mystery – Middle Deck, Right Gallery

460. With Ryan/Imre:

• Tease Imre [+1 Troublemaker]

• Tell Ryan to cool it [+1 Bro]

Ferry murder mystery – Middle Deck, Front Gallery

461. [If Amber is not with Riley] With Amber:

• A little [+1 Bro]

• No [+1 Boyfriend]

Ferry murder mystery – Middle Deck, Balcony

462. With Nora:

• See you later [+1 Bro]

• Want some company? [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Chris cares about you [+1 Bro] [Defend Chris]

◦ Of course I care [+1 Boyfriend]

◦ Sounds like you’re dumping him [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ I’d choose you [+1 Boyfriend] [Nora likes you]

463. With Aubrey

• Major fight [+1 Bro]

• Light work [+1 Troublemaker]

• It does hurt pretty bad [+1 Boyfriend] [Aubrey moves away]

• Didn’t even feel it [+1 Bro]

Ferry murder mystery – Middle Deck, Bathroom

464. [If you got Aubrey to move in conversation 463] With Aubrey

• Let her [+1 Boyfriend] [Achievement: Doctor’s orders]

• Kill her [+1 Troublemaker]

Ferry murder mystery – Upper Deck, Captain’s Room 9/20
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465. With Lindsey/Charli

• Ryan is suspicious [+1 Troublemaker]

• No, nothing

• Smarter to say here

• More investigators [Lindsey moves away]

466. With Nora

• Let Chris help her [+1 Bro] [Defend Chris]

• Hurry to help her [+1 Boyfriend] [Nora likes you]

Nora gets seasick after the game, you can let Chris help her and this will build up to an achievement if you constantly side with him, but maybe you’d prefer getting closer to Nora instead ;)
After arriving in France and taking a bus to the hotel in Paris, Amber will be conflicted about telling you something she’s been thinking about. She won’t spit it out, so you risk aggravating her for nothing if you tease her about it.

Bus to the hotel

467. With Amber

• Tease her [+1 Troublemaker] [tease point]

• Convince her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Stay out of it

• Say something [+1 Bro]

You’re staying at a Peace Hotel, the same chain you were in London. And the rooming arrangements are also the same, so you’ll stick with either Chloe or Riley depending on your choice in London, you can’t change that now.
But you can spot Nora a bit dejected in the lobby. You can try to cheer her up or stick up to Chris if you’re bros with him. But Charli has been feeding her some bad intel about you, and if you took advantage of her by the Big Ben by making a move, she’ll be a bit suspicious. Not for too long though.

468. With Nora

• Support her choice [+1 Boyfriend]

• Help Chris [+1 Bro] [Defend Chris]

• Yes [+1 Troublemaker]

• No [+1 Boyfriend]

469. [If rooming with Chloe (conversation 386)] With Chloe

• Truth [+1 Boyfriend]

• Lie [+1 Troublemaker]

There’s only time for one last chat tonight, you’ll laugh about the murder mystery with your roommate, although if this is Chloe she can’t help venting she felt real uncomfortable playing the role of a poor woman. Riley’s more cheerful, but she’s kicking herself she didn’t twig it was you. You’re really
good at deceiving people, and she can’t tell if that’s a good thing or not.

Day 32 (Friday)


• Throw her to the lions – tell Chloe Lindsey is running for president of the Chicks in conversation 471 (must have supported Lindsey in conversation 411, told Aubrey in conversation 426 and chosen to room with Chloe in conversation 386)

• You may kiss the bride – kiss Nora at the wedding in conversation 476 (must not have started a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with Chloe at the test drive)

Key Moments

• Second piece of the Mr. Lee treasure map

• Chloe starts letting people know you’re in a relationship

• Sex scene with Lindsey at the escape room

• Slumber party

Let’s start the day with a Parisian breakfast with your roommate. Luckily the waiter speaks English, and Riley is really keen on trying a freshly baked croissant. It tastes better if it’s French, you know?
If you’re with Chloe you can break the news that Lindsey is planning to run to lead the sorority. For sure Chloe is going to hear about it from someone else, so no need for you to be the one who opens that can of worms, unless you want an achievement for going behind Lindsey’s back.

470. [If rooming with Chloe (conversation 386) and she’s not your girlfriend (conversation 414)] With Chloe

• It’d be nice [+1 Boyfriend]

• Not really [+1 Bro]

471. [If rooming with Chloe (conversation 386)] With Chloe

• Tell her about Lindsey [Achievement: Throw her to the lions (if you encouraged Lindsey to run in conversation 411 and told Aubrey about it in conversation 426)] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t tell her about Lindsey

472. [If rooming with Riley (conversation 386)] With Riley

• I’d be able to tell [+1 Troublemaker]

• I don’t think I’d be able to tell

• Oh yeah, good idea

• Ugh, do we have to? [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

Either way, after breakfast it’s time to solve the second part of the mystery map. The next clue takes you to the Catacombs of Paris. It’s really hard to find but you’ll pick a piece of paper out of a column. Just at that time the lights start flickering and things turn a bit scary. Best to get out of it while
you can. But in all the rush Riley trips and messes up her ankle. A cute scene comes up if you carry her in your arms where you’ll be made to look like her prince charming.

473. With Riley

• Keep looking [+1 Boyfriend]

• Give up [+1 Bro]

• Left

• Right

• Help her walk [+1 Bro]

• Carry her [+1 Boyfriend]

474. [If you carry Riley in conversation 473] With Riley:

• Kiss her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t kiss her

• Hold her hand [+1 Boyfriend]

• Scratch your face [+1 Bro]

Mr. Lee will be happy to see you being productive with the riddles when you’re back at the hotel, and just in time you did make it to the next group event, a visit to a church. The bishop will teach you the story of Saint Valentine, and you’ll finish off with a reenactment of a wedding. Nora volunteers
quickly, but Chris has to leave her to take a phone call while they’re at the altar.
Imre makes sure you take his place, and you’ll start exchanging vows. If Chloe is your girlfriend at this point, she’ll start getting really jealous. After all, you’re supposed to be keeping that sweet talk to her only. But if you don’t have that sort of relationship, you’ll be able to kiss Nora (on the cheek) to
celebrate your “wedding”.

475. With Nora

• Leave her be [+1 Bro]

• Comfort her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Joke [+1 Bro] 10/20
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• Be serious [+1 Boyfriend]

476. [If Chloe isn’t your girlfriend (conversation 414)] With Nora

• Fist bump [+1 Bro]

• Kiss her cheek [+1 Boyfriend] [Achievement: You may kiss the bride]
Did you know it’s Lindsey’s birthday today? She hadn’t had time to focus on herself with all the things happening in her life as of late, but she wants to do an escape room to celebrate. Join her, Imre, Charli and Aubrey and be thankful to Mr. Lee for making up the booking.
Lindsey path: It has to be said, the escape room looks like some sort of prison, and the game master gives off massive creepy vibes. It’s like he’s sending the other guys away so you stay with Lindsey while he watches through the CCTV. You don’t have to reject that idea, you can say you want her
when she comes closer and kiss her for a sex scene. Although for this to happen at least one of these three points must be true: you made out with her before the Freshman Brawl (conversation 260), you got at least 5 kills in the ferry murder mystery, or have KCT Popular.

Escape room
477. [If Chloe is your girlfriend (conversation 414)] With Lindsey

• You’re right, we shouldn’t do this [+1 Boyfriend]

• Is it? I want this… [+1 Troublemaker]

478. [If you tell Lindsey “is it” or Chloe isn’t your girlfriend (conversation 414)] With Lindsey

• Kiss her [+1 Boyfriend] [Sex with Lindsey]

• Don’t kiss her [+1 Bro]

It wasn’t the best of birthday celebrations, so Aubrey prepared something else with the other girls and is organizing a slumber party in Riley’s room. Keep it hush hush so the teachers don’t hear about it, but you’ll have a small free roam to explore. Play a few rounds of Spin the Bottle (some crazy
kissing combinations happen) or Fuck Marry Kill. Even Amber agrees Nora would be the best wife. Or at least the only one you could last with.

Slumber party – bottle spin

479. With Ryan

• Kiss him [+1 Troublemaker]

• Get slapped [+1 Bro]

Slumber party – Fuck Marry Kill

480. With Amber

• Marry Nora

• Marry Amber [+1 Bro]

481. With Amber

• Cuddle [+1 Boyfriend]

• Stay away [+1 Bro]

After the end of the free roam, it’s time for the conclusion of the go-karting bet. You either won or lost, so there will be a naked picture of either Amber or you making the rounds on Kiwii. Imre will spot it but you will delete it quickly in a little while.

Day 33 (Saturday)


• None today

Key Moments
• Opening up Aubrey to an actual relationship

• (Drugged) sex scene with Ms. Rose

• Simplr chat with Emmy

Imre wakes up weirded out by all the face painting the girls did on him while he was drunk (you might as well call him a raccoon instead of a wolf for now). The night certainly put a smile on Nora, and even Chris was behaving, so that’s cheered her up. She’s in the mood to go out and see
something French, so let’s go do some urban exploring.
Side note, if Chloe didn’t know yet, she finds out now about Lindsey’s running and things get heated.

Urban exploring
It would have been a nice trip to the baguette factory, it’s a shame the factory is abandoned and not producing anything anymore, so you’re left in a pretty desolate part of town. At least you can talk about your agility, turns out Aubrey used to be a cheerleader and Nora did gymnastics, so they
happen to be quite flexible. You just have to make sure you have a quick reaction to catch Nora and not let her fall when she tries a move.
482. With Nora

• Of course [+1 Troublemaker]

• Just watch
483. With Nora [timed decision]

• Catch her

• Move [+1 Troublemaker]

Aubrey does get hurt when she tries a roundoff. It’s nothing too serious, just a sprained ankle, but she needs to get some rest at the hotel. Up to you who you stay with. Walk Aubrey back to the hotel to nurse her with some massages, or let Imre do it while you stay behind and enjoy some drinks
with Nora. If you stay you’ll be interrupted by a crazy lady screaming in French and telling you to get off her lawn or something so you’ll go back to the hotel anyway.
484. With Aubrey/Nora

• Walk Aubrey back to the hotel [+1 Boyfriend]

• Share a drink with Nora [+1 Troublemaker]

485. [If you drink with Nora in conversation 484] With Nora

• Not at all [+1 Troublemaker]

• A little surprising [+1 Bro]

• Speak her language [+1 Troublemaker]

• Tell her off [+1 Bro]

486. [If you went with Aubrey in conversation 484] With Aubrey

• If I was your boyfriend… [+1 Boyfriend]

• That’s what friends are for

Riley is cleaning up her room (yours too?) after the slumber party. She’s had a great time, especially with Aubrey. But even with Aubrey there’s some secrets she hasn’t told yet, but she’s ready to share them with you. She used to be really insecure about how she used to look, especially because she
had to use braces as a kid. She keeps an unflattering picture of herself in her wallet to remind her of how far she’s come, but she would be embarrassed if someone else knew about it.
It just so happens, however, that the door was open. Could someone be listening in to your conversation? Charli?
Ms. Rose path: Ms. Rose is also on the hallway, and if you’ve on her relationship path she’ll invite you over, she’s got something special planned, and she does mean special. Join her for a sex scene at an apartment she rented just for the night. Your performance will surprise even yourself, turns out
Ms. Rose spiked your drinks to give you an extra boost.
487. [If in a relationship with Ms. Rose (conversation 387)] With Ms. Rose

• Not tonight

• Let’s go [+1 Troublemaker] [Ms. Rose sex scene]

If you’re on the Apes route you’ll either have a call or a chat with Samantha (either way she sounds drunk). Entertain her for a little while, you can choose to say what she wants to hear or be brutal, either way she’ll probably forget about it when she sobers up in the morning. You can call Cameron
afterwards, he would definitely want to know, but that can mean he’s also going to tighten the leash around Samantha.

Room [Apes path]

488. [If you invited Samantha in conversation 355] With Samantha

• What? [+1 Troublemaker]

• Yes [+1 Boyfriend]

• Yes

• No [+1 Troublemaker]

• I can beat Cameron [+1 Troublemaker]

• Not fighting your brother [+1 Bro]

• Call Cameron [+1 Bro]

• Don’t call Cameron [+1 Boyfriend] 11/20
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489. [If you joined the Apes but didn’t invite Samantha in conversation 355] With Samantha

• Yes, I miss you

• No, I don’t miss you (joke) [+1 Troublemaker]

• Call Cameron [+1 Bro]

• Don’t call Cameron [+1 Boyfriend]

Emmy path: Don’t forget to check Simplr, if you have matched with Emmy before going back to your hotel room she’ll start a conversation. She’s from Amsterdam and there’s a Simplr event happening regularly, she’d love to see you there.

Day 34 (Sunday)


• Best frenemies – take Chris to the hospital and side with him in conversations 491 and 493 (must also have defended him three times through conversations 462, 466 and 468, and must be on the Apes path)

• Brotherhood of men – same as the “Best frenemies” achievement, but must be on the Wolves path

• Worth the wait – Unlock Lauren’s sex scene in conversation 496 and don’t start a relationship with anyone else before then (Amber, Aubrey, Candy, Chloe, Emily, Evelyn, Lindsey, Ms. Rose, Penelope, Riley or Samantha)

Key Moments
• Chris hits Nora

• Imre and Ryan get a new look

• Sex scene with Lauren

Julia doesn’t do a good job at calculating time zone differences, so she wakes you up just to get an idea of how you’re hanging, and if you’ve found your field trip romance yet. It’s not really an impactful decision in terms of future paths, but it can be worth a moment to think about how the trip is
going and where you see it heading.

490. Calling Julia

• Pick one of nine choices to talk to Julia.

Amber, Aubrey, Lindsey, Nora and Riley are always available as options. Also Penelope, even if she’s not in Europe. Chloe will be available if she’s not angry (can resolve it at the latest in conversation 353), Lauren will be available if you didn’t cheat on her with Aubrey on the plane (conversation
382), Samantha is available if she’s in Europe (conversation 355).

Chris and Nora are starting an argument again, now that finally Chris has some free time he’s hanging out with the boys instead of giving attention to her. Eventually it escalates to the point where Chris shoves Nora to the ground Chris is angry, but mostly angry at himself for letting things get to
him that hard, he punches a wall and hurts himself.
Take Chris to the hospital to continue on your way to a bro achievement, or if you feel that’s his problem, stay with Nora instead as she vents with Lindsey.
491. With Chris/Nora

• Go to Nora [+1 Boyfriend]

• Go to Chris [+1 Bro] [Defend Chris]

492. [If you went to Nora in conversation 491] With Nora

• Support Nora

• Support Chris [+1 Bro]

493. [If you went to Chris in conversation 491] With Chris

• She wasn’t overreacting [+1 Boyfriend] [+1 Troublemaker]

• You’re right [+1 Bro] [Defend Chris] [Achievement: Best frenemies (if Ape and you’ve defended Chris at least three other times before)] [Achievement: Brotherhood of men (if Wolf and you’ve defended Chris at least three other times before)]
A split in action happens here depending on your frat. If you’re a Wolf Imre wants to go out and do something memorable, so you’ll go to a tattoo place. Apparently he hasn’t learned from having a raccoon face drawn on himself, and he suggests the artist just surprise him. Well he’s surprised
alright, he gets a cupcake on his chest.
If you’re an Ape then Ryan will arrange a bet with you, she’s sure Amber hasn’t had sex with another girl. Surprise: he loses, and the punishment is to go dye his hair.

Tattoo [Wolves path]

494. With Imre

• It’s not that bad [+1 Bro]

• Sorry, man

Barber [Apes path]

495. With Ryan

• It’s not a bad look [+1 Bro]

• It’s not your best look [+1 Troublemaker]

Riley is livid when you return, you hung up her ugly picture for everyone to see. Well, it wasn’t you, but Riley is convinced it was you, because you’re the only one she told. It must have been Charli, but how can you convince her of that? Just let her stew for a while for now, you’ve got more important
things to deal with.

Lauren’s first time

This scene is triggered if you are in a relationship with Lauren, or at least kissed her at the park when you first met (conversation 16). Must not have been caught on the plane having sex with Aubrey.
Lauren has been preparing something special for tonight, she might be finally ready. A beautiful dress is just the first step, and a fancy dinner would have been the second, but she messed up with the scheduling and made the booking for the wrong time zone. You can still go to the park, but the
gates are closed already.
496. With Lauren

• Let her vent [+1 Bro]

• Comfort her [+1 Boyfriend] [Lauren point]

• Talk to her [+1 Bro]

• Hold her [+1 Boyfriend] [Lauren point]

• We’ll do this another day [+1 Bro]

• A little extra effort [+1 Boyfriend] [Lauren point]

Lauren path: You try to go stargazing at the rooftop, but the door seems shut. Going with “a little extra effort” opens the door and is the first piece of good news in a while. If you’ve also picked up the other two right answers that please Lauren during the date (or have KCT Loyal), you’ll unlock her
wholesome first sex scene. You’ll also unlock the [Achievement: Worth the wait] if you’re going exclusive with her and you’re not in a relationship with anyone else.

If you do not go through with Lauren’s date, you’ll meet Lindsey at the gym instead for a late-night workout. Follow her instructions to breathe, stretch down and hold, but do it quickly and in the right order or you’ll have to repeat things until she’s happy. In other news, she does look like she packs
a powerful kick, even though she doesn’t attend the gym that often.
497. With Lindsey [timed decision]

• Stretch

• Breathe [correct]

• Stretch [correct]

• Lean

• Hold [correct]

• Breathe
498. With Lindsey

• Show off [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ It’s fine

◦ Best spot ever [+1 Troublemaker]

• Basics

• Hard [+1 Troublemaker]

• Steady 12/20
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Day 35 (Monday)

• All is fair in love and war – have sex with Nora in conversation 507 (must be on the Apes path)

• City of love – unlock all four sex scenes in Paris: Lindsey (conversation 478), Ms. Rose (conversation 487), Lauren (conversation 496) and Nora (conversation 507)

• Inside job – have sex with Nora in conversation 507 (must be on the Wolves path)

Key Moments

• Meet Aubrey’s sister Naomi at a photoshoot

• Open up Aubrey for a girlfriend-type relationship

• Relaxing day at a spa

• Sex scene with Nora

Aubrey is going out to a Lew’s store photoshoot to meet her modeling sister Naomi. If you’re rooming with Riley, she’ll tell Aubrey about the picture, but Aubrey isn’t buying that you did it, so props to her for standing by you.
Naomi is almost done with her shoot when you arrive, which is great because you’ll get to experience what it’s like and have your pictures taken as well. Aubrey is feeling really insecure and a bit jealous of her sister, so you can give her an extra boost.

499. With Photographer

• Turn your back to Aubrey [+1 Bro]

• Put your arms around Aubrey [+1 Boyfriend]

500. With Aubrey

• Boost Aubrey [+1 Troublemaker]

• Leave it alone [+1 Bro]

• Get Aubrey flowers [+1 Boyfriend]

• Don’t get her flowers

Aubrey path: At the end of the shoot your pictures will be available on Kiwii for everyone to see, and as Aubrey starts walking away you have the chance to offer her some flowers. Do so to make the first crack in her defenses en route to starting a more dating relationship.
Nice and helpful as always, Mr. Lee and Ms. Rose booked a special with the hotel and have arranged for a spa session at the hotel for everyone including saunas and massages. It’s supposed to be boys separate from the girls, and you’ll start off with the massages, but you’ll have the option to sneak
off. Don’t leave it too late or you’ll miss your chance, but you can go check on the various sauna rooms for some steamy looks.
When it’s your turn to have the sauna, you can do the same, and sneak off and check on the girls being massaged.

501. Sauna Door 2

• Not at all [+1 Bro]

• Yes, haha
502. Amber massage

• Crawl to the next table [+1 Troublemaker]

• Go back to the sauna

503. With Amber

• Tease Amber [+1 Troublemaker] [tease point]

• Nice towel
After going through the massages and the sauna you can’t help noticing Amber’s towel has the Lew’s logo on it. Tease her about the “employee merch” and one of two things will happen. She’ll take you back inside the sauna to tease you herself (if you have KCT Popular or have only teased her once
before, at most), or she’ll punch some sense into you, literally.
504. [If you have teased Amber in conversation 503, and either have KCT Popular or have teased her only once before at most] With Amber

• Pull away [+1 Bro]

• Don’t pull away

505. With Nora

• Go to Nora [+1 Boyfriend]

• Leave her alone [+1 Bro]

You’re back at your room, and Nora and Chris are across yours. But they’re fighting again, and Chris leaves her slamming the door behind him.
Nora path: Go to her room, and if you haven’t upset her you can take her mind off Chris. Focus on her, and tell her time is key, that she would be everything to you. Yes, technically she still has a boyfriend, but kiss her at the end of the conversation to bring up her sex scene. Do it at your own risk as
this will obviously change the group dynamics.

Nora room
506. [If Nora isn’t upset at you (see conversations 113, 462 and 466) and you did not kiss her by the Big Ben (conversation 397)] With Nora

• Chris is

• You are [Nora point]

• Communication is key

• Time is key [Nora point]

507. [If you earned 2 points through conversation 506, or have KCT Loyal] With Nora

• Be a friend

• Kiss her [Sex with Nora] [Achievement: All is fair in love and war (if Ape)] [Achievement: Inside job (if Wolf)] [Achievement: City of love (if you had sex with Lindsey, Ms. Rose and Lauren previously in Paris)]

508. [If rooming with Chloe (conversation 386) and didn’t go to Nora’s room (conversation 505)] With Chloe

• Kill parents for insurance [+1 Troublemaker]

• Sell your house [+1 Boyfriend]

If you didn’t go to Nora’s room (and we respect that decision), you’ll see either Riley, who is still furious about the whole picture situation, or a nice little easter egg if you’re rooming with Chloe. She’s playing a game on the phone where you build up a character and play with their life, but you have
these milestones like get married, have kids, etc. It’s a very deep game by some guy named Undergrad Steve. Might be worth checking out.

Day 36 (Tuesday)

• None today

Key Moments

• Long bus trip to Amsterdam

Breakfast 13/20
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509. With Riley

• Don’t let it happen again [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Apology accepted [+1 Boyfriend]

Meet Lindsey in the morning for breakfast, and look at what she saw, she spotted Charli with Lindsey’s wallet. So that solves the mystery of who took it, and now Riley knows it too. She’s so sorry that she’s been accusing you all this time, but now her mind is geared on revenge. Charli won’t know
what hit him, Riley is planning to distract him while you go into his room and destroy his precious suitcase.
The rest of the day features only a long bus ride to Amsterdam. Not much to do except try to catch some sleep. Chloe couldn’t, so she’s really tired by the time you arrive. Riley less so, but she’s also not in the mood to do anything tonight.

Day 37 (Wednesday)

• Funny night – take Penelope to the concert afterparty (through conversations 519 and 520 if you didn’t earn tickets by killing everyone at the ferry murder mystery)

• Gentlemen prefer gingers – accept Lauren’s cuddling invitation but then bail on her to stay with Riley in conversation 527 (must room with Riley and be in relationship with Lauren)

• Indecisive – do not support either Chloe or Lindsey at the pier in conversation 514

Key Moments

• Imre’s catfish date

• Polly concert (reward for murder mystery)

• Apology sex from Riley, or cuddling with Lauren

510. With Luuk

• I am

• Yeah, probably not

You meet the Amsterdam bartender Luuk. He’s the kind of person that is aware of everything that’s happening, and for a price he can either hear or not hear anything, so it might be worth staying on his good side and checking on him later.
At this stage you get your reward if you did well on the ferry murder mystery. It was supposed to be a medallion, but Mr. Lee can’t find it at the moment, so he give you some tickets to a concert nearby. If Penelope is around, you’ll have a choice to go with her, otherwise you’ll take Aubrey.
If you got at least 5 kills, you’ll get regular concert tickets (the “small reward”).
If you got at least 10 kills, you’ll get tickets to the backstage are as well (the “medium reward”).
If you got all kills without getting caught, you’ll also get access to the afterparty (the “big reward”).
Even if you got fewer than 5 kills, if Penelope is in Europe she will still give you regular tickets, so you have a chance to go.
Only if you got fewer than 5 kills and Penelope lost her hearing case, you don’t get to attend the concert, but Aubrey will ask you to try and listen to it from the rooftop later.

511. [If you got at least 5 victims in the murder mystery and Penelope is in Europe (conversation 348)] With Aubrey/Penelope

• Penelope

• Aubrey
Maybe now would be a good moment to go talk to Nora. If you actually went through and had sex with her in Paris, she’s feeling awful about it, she can’t square being a cheater. Right now she just needs time to figure things out.
There’s also another thing Nora just found out, Chloe has to be the President of Chicks in order to keep her scholarship. So that’s going to be adding another layer of pressure to the whole thing.

Nora room
512. [If you had sex with Nora in London (conversation 507)] With Nora

• Agree

• Disagree
513. With Nora

• Yeah [+1 Boyfriend]

• I haven’t decided yet [+1 Troublemaker]

Chloe was looking for stuff to do around Amsterdam and found a beach nearby, and it happens to have a nice pier where you can enjoy the view. And she’ll use this moment to discuss all that’s on her mind: First there’s Chris and Nora, but now also Lindsey running for president… There’s no point
getting angry, right now Chloe just wants to know if she can count on your support. Don’t be a bad boyfriend and say you’ll help Lindsey unless you want to experience her wrath.
More importantly, she’ll tell you about her fantasies of being tied up and dominated by someone, Fifty Shades style. Maybe you could be that someone.

514. With Chloe

• Help Chloe

• Help Lindsey

• Help no one [Achievement: Indecisive]

Ryan calls you, something strange is happening. Imre’s scored a date, but Ryan thinks it’s a catfish and wants to go check it out. You may think you don’t have enough time to do that, if you have a concert to attend, so you can skip this scene, but it won’t harm you to go along with Ryan.
515. [Unless you didn’t get any concert tickets] With Ryan

• Go with Ryan [+1 Bro]

• Don’t go with Ryan

Outside bar
516. With Ryan [timed decision]

• Pretend to tie Ryan’s shoe [+1 Bro]

• Push Ryan in front of Imre [+1 Troublemaker]

Imre spots the two of you while he’s on the way to his date at a bar, and surprise surprise it really is a catfish. We know Imre can get angry, and he scares his “date” away. Two good things come out of this though, one is that the host of the bar was paying attention and invites you guys to a Simplr
event that’s happening in a few days (the same one that Emmy told you about, if you matched with her). And the second one is that you’ve still got plenty of time to go back to the hotel and get ready for the concert.

517. With Imre

• Leave it alone

• Stick up for Ryan [+1 Troublemaker (if Wolves)] [+1 Bro (if Apes)]

Time for the concert, regardless of who you take, Aubrey or Penelope, they’re both excited to see this international star Polly. That’s not her real name, that’s a stage name she came up with because her actual name starts with P.
The concert goes slightly different depending on your date, if you’re with Aubrey then Polly will notice her taking loads of pictures. Defend Aubrey and Polly will be impressed with your sass and invite you to the backstage (if you didn’t have those tickets already)
If you’re with Penelope, she can’t really see much, so have her climb on your shoulders and keep steady twice (react quickly to the timed decision) and when Polly sees Penelope is such a big fan you’ll also get invited backstage.
518. [If you went to the concert with Aubrey] With Aubrey:

• Say hell yeah

• Say nothing

• Say something

• Ignore him

• Defend her [unlocks backstage]

• Say nothing
519. [If you went to the concert with Penelope] With Penelope:

• Say hell yeah

• Say nothing

• Steady [timed decision]

◦ Steady [timed decision] [unlocks backstage]

◦ Damn

• Oops 14/20
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The backstage scene is unlocked if you get at least 10 victims during the ferry murder mystery, or depending on your actions in the concert.
Again the scene develops a little bit differently depending on who you’re with. Polly will actually recognize Aubrey from the Kiwii modeling posts in Paris, or will share some weird coincidences. Turns out Polly is actually named Penelope, and Polly and Penelope share the same birthday.
Anyway, if you say you’re into clubs then you’ve got yourself an invitation to the afterparty.
520. With Aubrey

• Defend her sister

• Laugh

• Not really

• Hell, yeah! [unlocks afterparty] [+1 Troublemaker]

521. With Penelope

• Encourage her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Leave her alone

• We’re not a couple

• Thanks [+1 Boyfriend]

• Not exactly

• Hell yeah! [unlocks afterparty] [+1 Troublemaker]

The afterparty is unlocked if you killed all the victims at the murder mystery, or depending on your choices during the backstage area. Reaching this stage with Penelope will unlock [Achievement: Funny night]
522. With Aubrey

• Plead the fifth [+1 Troublemaker]

• I’m a one woman man [+1 Boyfriend]

• Killed the vibe

• Dance with Aubrey

523. With Penelope

• Impressive

• You should stop

• Be a gentleman [+1 Boyfriend]

• Have fun [+1 Troublemaker]

Alternatively, if you couldn’t get enough kills in the murder game for Mr. Lee to give you a ticket, and Penelope is also not in Europe, you’ll take Aubrey to the roof to try to listen to it from there, but turns out the arena is too far away. Fine, you don’t get the concert, but you do get some more insight
into Aubrey’s state of mind. For example, she reveals that she already considers Riley to be her girlfriend, she just hasn’t told her yet. There might be something coming in that regard.

524. [If you didn’t get concert tickets (meaning Penelope is not in Europe and you got less than 5 kills in the murder mystery)] With Aubrey:

• Chloe

• Lindsey

525. [If you’re in a relationship with Lauren and didn’t cheat on her with Aubrey on the plane (conversation 382)] Texting Lauren:

• You don't have to ask me twice, omw [Cuddling with Lauren]

• I'm already halfway asleep...

If you’re still in a healthy relationship with Lauren, she’ll text you as you make your way back into your room, wanting to get some cuddles. You can accept, but if you’re rooming with Chloe, she might feel a bit suspicious.
Riley path: Decision time ahead, if Riley is your roommate, this was the moment she was hoping to apologize for blaming you about the stolen photo. And she only knows one way to apologize properly, so here you get a free sex scene, if you’d like.
If you stick with Lauren she reminisces about how far you two have come. She see a long-term future with you, are you in it for the long term as well? Even with her difficult religious family?
526. [If rooming with Chloe (conversation 386) and she’s your girlfriend (conversation 414) and you accepted Lauren’s text (conversation 525)] With Chloe:

• Grabbing a snack

• Imre needs me
527. [If rooming with Riley (conversation 386) and you accepted Lauren’s text (conversation 525)] With Riley:

• Stay with Riley [Achievement: Gentlemen prefer gingers] [Sex with Riley] [No cuddling with Lauren]

• Cuddle with Lauren

528. [If rooming with Riley (conversation 386) and didn’t accept Lauren’s text (conversation 525)] With Riley:

• Let Riley do it [Sex with Riley]

• Go to sleep

Lauren’s room
529. [If you accepted Lauren’s cuddles (conversation 525) and didn’t bail out (conversation 527)] With Lauren:

• Of course [+1 Boyfriend]

• One day at a time

• I don’t see why not [+1 Boyfriend]

• Might be an issue

• I love you too

• Kiss her head

Day 38 (Thursday)


• Bro moment – do not take Samantha into the weed bus tour in conversation 543, the achievement is triggered when Cameron finds you at the hospital (must be on the Apes path and invite her to Europe)

• Flush flush – flush Charli’s toothbrush at the hotel room free roam in conversation 532

• He is done! – expose Charli in conversation 533

• Romantic heart – tell Kourtney you’re a romantic and choose her for a date at the Simplr event in conversations 536 and 538

Key Moments

• Getting revenge on Charli

• Sex scene with Emmy

• Weed bus tour with Amber

• Lauren greens out

530. With Nora

• Text Nora

• Don’t text Nora

Kick off the day with breakfast at the hotel, where you’ll see Nora and Chris talking. Have they reconciled? It’s hard to hear from a distance. You can text Nora, but she’ll tell you she’s still trying to figure things out.
In the meantime, Riley comes to enact her revenge on Charli. She’s sent him away to meet her somewhere else, so the coast is clear. And you got a little help in procuring a working keycard (did that come from Luuk? Or perhaps Penelope?) . You can look inside the closet and the bathroom, and do
all kinds of nasty things to his items. There’s an achievement for using his toothbrush as a toilet brush, but perhaps you didn’t even need that incentive.

Charli’s room 15/20
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531. Closet

• Soak that shit [+1 Troublemaker]

• That’s too far

532. Bathroom

• Bleach his suitcase [+1 Troublemaker]

• That’s too far

• Flush, flush, motherfucker! [Achievement: Flush flush] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Too much
533. Checking the computer

• Expose him [Achievement: He is done!]

• Confront him
You end the free roam by checking his computer, and you find out that Charli has been getting paid for taking exams on behalf of other people and helping them cheat that way. You can confront him about it, and he’ll agree to leave you alone when you get back on campus. Or send an email to
Mr. Lee about it, and he’ll make sure the situation’s dealt with accordingly.
Time to join the Simplr speed dating event, where you, Ryan and Imre will meet three local girls, Emmy (who you may have matched with already), Kourtney and Aryssa. Pick all the answers that they like, and at the end of the event you’ll have a choice to take any of them for a date.

Simplr Event
534. With Host

• I already have a girl [+1 Boyfriend]

• Fuck yeah, let’s mingle [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker (if in a relationship with Lauren or Chloe]
535. With Emmy

• No kids for me [+1 Bro] [Emmy likes you]

• I’m a family man [+1 Boyfriend]

• City [Emmy likes you]

• Rural
536. With Kourtney:

• Yes, I’m a romantic [+1 Boyfriend] [Kourtney likes you]

• No, that’s old school [+1 Troublemaker]

537. With Aryssa:

• Work [+1 Boyfriend] [Aryssa likes you]

• Retired life [+1 Bro] [+1 Troublemaker]

538. Pick a girl:

• Emmy [she’s available if she likes both of your answers]

• Kourtney [she’s available if she likes your answer] [Achievement: Romantic heart]

• Aryssa [she’s available if she likes your answer]

• No Date
Emmy path: Pick Emmy as your date, tell her you like fighting and accept her advances for a sex scene in the heat of the moment, right there and then at the bar. Make sure you have matched her before, or have KCT Confident.
539. [If you picked Emmy in conversation 538] With Emmy:

• Yes [+1 Troublemaker]

• No [+1 Boyfriend]
540. [If you told Emmy that yes, you like fights, in conversation 539, and either have KCT Confident or matched her before the Simplr event] With Emmy:

• Let her [+1 Troublemaker] [Sex with Emmy]

• Stop her [+1 Boyfriend]

541. [If you picked Kourtney in conversation 538] With Kourtney:

• Maybe [+1 Troublemaker]

• No [+1 Boyfriend]
542. [If you picked Aryssa in conversation 538] With Aryssa:

• Might look into it

• Not really
At the end of the Simplr event, Amber texts you. She won’t say straight away what’s up, she just wants you to join her at the bus stop. She’s got tickets for a weed bus tour, not surprisingly that’s something she had been looking forward to for a long time. If Samantha is around she’ll ask to join. She
doesn’t have money on her, so you can choose to pay for her ticket. Or decline, and Cameron will come thank you later.

Bus stop
543. [If you invited Samantha to Europe (conversation 355)] With Samantha:

• Not a good idea, Sam [Achievement: Bro moment] [+1 Bro]

• Fine, I’ll pay for you

Weed bus
544. With Gary:

• Nope

• Okay [+1 Bro]

• Yes

• No
Amber doesn’t enjoy the bus tour that much, she thought there would be more getting high and less talking about politics. So she just takes some of the pot and runs away from the bus to go smoke some. It’s your choice to join her, but she’s invited Lauren to come meet by the canals.
She ends up smoking if you leave the decision up to her, or if you just say it’s relaxing but have KCT Loyal. However, if you do so, she develops a negative reaction and will have to stay the night at the hospital to recover
That’s also where Cameron will come find you, if you stopped Samantha from joining the weed bus. He has a hard time trusting that people actually have pure intentions, but he sees them in you.

545. With Amber

• I’m good

• Why not!?
546. With Lauren

• It’s relaxing

• It’s up to you

Day 39 (Friday)


• An honest liar – admit to Clipps that you’re a liar at the dungeon in conversation 547

• We like them wild – go through Chloe’s sex scene in conversation 551 (must have gone through one of her previous sex scenes)

Key Moments

• Conclusion to the treasure map riddles

• Visiting a sex shop and Chloe’s free roam sex scene

The final piece of the treasure hunt is to be found at the Amsterdam Dungeons. Clipps is the guy that seems to be in charge, but this seems fishy. You and Riley are separated, and someone places bags over your heads. Riley is really scared at this point, but then we see Duncan (from London) and
Mr. Lee also coming into scene. This was all a ruse to get Riley to confess to cheating during Mr. Lee’s tests and there isn’t any treasure to be earned at the end. You do get some reward, Mr. Lee will give you an A in his class for putting up with this charade.

Dungeon 16/20
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547. With Clipps

• Threaten him

• Push him

• I’m a liar [Achievement: An honest liar]

• I’m honest

• Stop this [+1 Bro]

• Let them scare her [+1 Troublemaker]

After all of this you will make a detour when Aubrey invites you to a sex shop. If Chloe insinuated that you might be the one to explore her fantasies with her, you’ll see a screen, you’ll see a screen with a few items you can purchase. Choose whatever you like, you’ll get to use that stuff in a short
while. Just leave some budget for the handcuffs at the end.
Chris is finally done with his frat stuff and is dedicated to being a good boyfriend again, he takes a few of you onto a garden for a small free roam. Some more information is revealed when you have chats with people. Nora comes out and tells you Ms. Rose is her stepmom, if you didn’t know
already, and that’s why the Wolves are so close to her. Also, even with Chris being back to treating Nora right, that doesn’t excuse what he did before, so that’s still causing a lot of internal conflict for her. If at this point you kiss her in the lips, Imre will find out. Just trust that he won’t say anything to
Speaking of Chris, you can get his side of the story. He recognizes that all that he’s doing is still a long way into restoring the trust that Nora lost in their relationship. If you actually had sex with Nora, Chris will sense that something’s wrong, but he doesn’t really suspect you specifically.
Check on Lindsey to end the free roam. Chicks stick together (usually), and she’ll give you her two cents, that being a good boyfriend for two days doesn’t make up for months of trash. Imre has a view on all of this as well, he sees Chris trying to make amends and Nora not helping the situation. It’s
amazing how everyone is looking at the same thing and seeing something else.

Garden free roam

548. [If you had sex with Nora in London (conversation 507)] With Nora:

• Kiss her forehead

• Kiss her lips

Once back at the hotel, shoot a game of pool with Ryan. He’ll have a favor to ask though. If you invited Emily to Europe during the Deers Event and you told Ryan he could have her, he’s setting up a double date. He’ll take Emily and you take, let’s say, Riley. Don’t need to make a final decision just
yet, but Ryan is keen on this. Emily does pass by you while you’re at the pool table. Is she waving at you or him? Why is she making things awkward?
If Emily is not on the Europe trip, she’ll simply phone Ryan, cutting the game short.

Hotel pool table

549. [If Emily is in Europe and Ryan has your blessing (conversations 321 and 322)] With Ryan:

• Shoot left pocket

• Shoot right pocket

• Sure

• Sorry, but no

• Stare

• Look away
550. [If you didn’t go through conversation 549] With Ryan:

• Not a sports car fan

• I love sports cars

• Shoot left pocket

• Shoot right pocket

After the pool game, if you’re in a relationship with Chloe, it’s time to put those sex shop items to good use. Take her to your room, get the blindfolds and the handcuffs ready, then start exploring this free roam with the items you’ve bought and by kissing or choking or massaging various body parts.
You can repeat all actions any number of times, and click the Continue option at the bottom to end things.
As long as you choke the neck and massage the other body parts, you will unlock the full blown sex scene and earn the [Achievement: We like them wild]

551. [If you’re in a relationship with Chloe – go through one of her sex scenes at the end of homecoming (Day 11), or the locker room (conversation 313), or in London (conversation 427)] With Chloe:

• [Neck] Choke [Excites Chloe]

• Kiss

• [Chest] Kiss

• Massage [Excites Chloe]

• [Back] Massage [Excites Chloe]

• Kiss

• [Shoulder] Massage [Excites Chloe]

• Kiss
If you were not in a relationship with Chloe then you’ll be going with Lindsey visiting that ferris wheel that she talked about a little while back at the garden. If you choose all the options that Lindsey likes during the ride, she’ll cap it off with a romantic kiss.

Ferris wheel
552. [If you’re not in any relationship with Chloe] With Lindsey:

• What about you [Lindsey likes] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Agree [+1 Bro]

• They should [Lindsey likes] [+1 Troublemaker]

• They shouldn’t

• Then back out the race [+1 Bro]

• You did right [Lindsey likes] [+1 Boyfriend]

• You’re beautiful [Lindsey likes] [+1 Boyfriend]

• Of course [+1 Bro]

Day 40 (Saturday)

• Dammit Emily! – have angry sex with Emily at the hotel bathroom in conversation 560 or 561 (must have invited her to Europe at the Deers event in conversation 321)

• Urbanizer womanizer – tell Lauren you’re a city man during the bike trail in conversation 553 (must have told Emmy you’re a city man at the Simplr event in conversation 535)

• Voyeur – sneak on the couple in the woods in conversation 555

Key Moments

• Bike trail with Lauren

• Beach visit with Aubrey

• Double date with Ryan, Emily and Riley

• Sex scene with Emily

Jenny calls you at the start of the day, just wanting to catch up on how Penelope (and you) are doing. If she hasn’t heard from Penelope in a while, she’ll get worried, but that’s all going to be a false alarm.
Some closure with Lauren follows, if you’ve cheated on her with Aubrey, she’s decided that she isn’t going to hold a grudge anymore, she’s not in the mood for that, but a relationship is still definitely off. In any case, you can still go for a bike ride out on a trail. Just be careful about deer, they bite
If you’re still in a relationship, however, she’s going to try to keep push it to something long-lasting.

Bike trail
553. With Lauren

• I love the outdoor

• I’m a city man [Achievement: Urbanizer Womanizer (if you told Emmy you’re a city man in conversation 535)]
554. [If you’re in a relationship with Lauren] With Lauren

• Keep the spark

• We’ll get tired

At some point, you’ll come across a naked couple in the woods. Are they having sex in the wild? Lauren wants to go have a look (this must be Amber’s influencing, no doubt). Pick up an achievement if you decide to peek on them.
555. With Lauren

• What?! No way

• Haha, okay [Achievement: Voyeur] [+1 Troublemaker]

You and Lauren leave your bikes at the drop-off point at the beach, and interestingly that’s where Aubrey is right now. She starts off by asking your help in taking some pictures. But you’ll want to get to know her a bit better. Maybe because you want to stay good friends, maybe because you really
like her.
Aubrey path: There’s a chocolate stand where you can get a box for Aubrey. If you’ve also gotten her flowers after the Lew’s photoshoot in Paris, she will really warm up to you. And when she proposes that you go out canoeing, you can turn a physical relationship into a romantic one, by saying
you’d like to treat it as a date.

556. With Aubrey:

• Stay quiet [+1 Bro]

• DAMNNN…! [+1 Boyfriend] 17/20
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• Because we’re friends [+1 Bro]

• Because I like you [+1 Boyfriend]

• Get her chocolates [+1 Boyfriend]

• (That’s too much…)

557. [If you’re had sex with Aubrey, and gotten her both flowers in Paris (conversation 500) and chocolate at the beach (conversation 556)] With Aubrey:

• I meant as friends [+1 Bro]

• I meant as a date [+1 Boyfriend]

Ryan will come calling to confirm if you want to join in on the double date (if he’s asked you before during the pool game, that is). If you say yes he’ll arrange for everything by the time you’re back.
558. [If you invited Emily to Europe at the Deers event and gave Ryan your blessing (conversations 321 and 322)] Calling Ryan:

• Go on the date [+1 Bro] [Double date]

• Don’t go on the date [+1 Boyfriend]

Double Date
559. [If you accepted the double date in conversation 558] With Emily:

• He knows more [+1 Bro]

• I know more
The double date is simply at the hotel restaurant, Riley and Emily get along really well. But Emily seems to be paying more attention to you and to her supposed date. You’ll make your excuses as you go to the bathroom for a moment as things are getting awkward.

Emily path: Regardless of whether you attended the double date or not, the dialogues will be a bit different, but as you go to the bathroom, Emily follows you. She’s sounding not quite like her usual self (or is that her real self?), there’s quite a rollercoaster of emotions going on in her head for the
time being, for sure. But you know what? If she really wants to have you, you can give her something of what you have, and unlock an angry sex scene in a public place.
560. [If you accepted the double date in conversation 558] With Emily:

• Kick her out

• Fuck her [Sex with Emily] [Achievement: Dammit Emily!]

561. [If you invited Emily to Europe (conversation 321) but did not accept the double date (conversation 558)] With Emily:

• Tell Emily to fuck off!

• Fuck Emily [Sex with Emily] [Achievement: Dammit Emily!]

Day 41 (Sunday)


• Calm down big fella – do not bump into Nora at the gift shop in conversation 562

• Ready player three – accept the threesome in conversation 564

• Saving Ryan’s privates – don’t have sex with Satin in conversation 568

Key Moments

• Buying gifts with Nora

• Canoeing date with Aubrey

• Threesome with Riley and Aubrey (or weird fever dream)

The start of the final day in Act 3 is with Nora, she’s thinking of giving them a gift for chaperoning the trip. You still have a bit of money left over, so you can help out as you go to a gift shop. But you’ve only got enough for one present, so pick either a perfume for Ms. Rose, or a bonsai tree for Mr.
Lee, and you’ll hand them the gift shortly afterwards when you return.
No need to be a jerk and grind up against her in the meantime, unless you’re wanting that troublemaker point.

562. With Nora

• *Accidentally* bump against her [+1 Troublemaker]

• Be respectful [Achievement: Calm down big fella] [+1 Bro]

• Perfume

• Bonsai
Time to go out canoeing. This is where you’ll see Aubrey starting to entertain the idea of romance with you, if you meant this as a date, you’ll see little gestures like her holding hands with you and laughing more around you.

563. With Aubrey

• Agree [+1 Boyfriend]

• Disagree [+1 Troublemaker]

• Teach her [+1 Boyfriend]

• Let her figure it out [+1 Bro]

As you go back, however, Aubrey can’t resist having her picture taken once again for her Kiwii, and she found a great vantage point from where you can stand, it’s a giant boulder. She’s asking pretty please, so of course you’ll climb it, but you can’t quite keep your footing and you’ll suffer a nasty
She’ll take you back to the hotel room, but your vision is getting blurry. Then one of two things will happen, based on your whole history until this moment.
Riley and Aubrey come into your room and start fondling for some threesome action (for this ending you will need to have had sex with both of them at some point), or Lindsey will tie herself to the sink and dare you to do anything you want (in all other playthroughs). Is this the real life? Is this just
fantasy? Did you hurt yourself more than you thought? The answers to all these questions will be revealed (maybe) in Act 4.

Riley and Aubrey come into your room and start fondling for some threesome action (for this ending you will need to have had sex with both of them at some point), or Lindsey will tie herself to the sink and dare you to do anything you want (in all other playthroughs). Is this the real life? Is this just
fantasy? Did you hurt yourself more than you thought?

Hotel room
564. [If you are in a relationship with Aubrey and Riley] With Aubrey/Riley

• We’re doing this [Achievement: Ready player three] [Sex with Riley and Aubrey] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Stop them [+1 Boyfriend]

Turns out that Lindsey sequence was just a dream, but the threesome is about to happen.
Riley and Aubrey path: All that hinting from both Aubrey and Riley had some truth behind it, and they’re finally ready to explore things with you. Whatever you decide, this can change how they both view relationships (and each other).
By the way, you can try our voice acting here, if you do go ahead with this scene.

Hotel lobby
565. With Imre:

• A little bit [+1 Boyfriend]

• Not at all [+1 Troublemaker]

You wake up in the middle of the night (regardless of what happened). As you walk around the lobby, Imre and Ryan are just about to head out to the Red Light District (and it’s nice to see them getting along for a change). There’s a sketchy-looking guy with some cup-and-ball game (no, not like
You can try to find the ball if you play his little game, but you should never trust a street hustler, and you can never win because he cheats. You can get his wallet as revenge, and that’s kind of okay because he earned his money dishonestly. Two wrongs make a right, right?

Red light district

566. With gambler

• Yes, of course [+1 Troublemaker]

• Never heard of it [+1 Boyfriend]

• I’ll pass [+1 Boyfriend]

• Give it a try [+1 Troublemaker]

◦ Left cup

◦ Right cup 18/20
17.09.2022, 22:51 College Kings: Act III Walkthrough

• Take the wallet [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t take the wallet [+1 Boyfriend]

After all that commotion you walk inside a brothel. Ryan will confide to you that he’s actually a virgin (so at least we know that it really didn’t go anywhere with Emily). Maybe you don’t believe him, but that’s the truth. Doing it in a brothel would be the easy way out, but the first time is supposed to
be really special, so he’s a bit conflicted.

567. With Ryan

• Take him seriously [+1 Bro]

• Take it as a joke [+1 Troublemaker]

• Go for it [+1 Troublemaker]

• Don’t ruin your first time [+1 Bro]

You met Satin, one of the girls at the brothel. She’s quite well mannered, and likes that you treated her with respect, so you’re building a connection. She’ll then warn you that Ryan is chatting up a girl that might have an STD.
568. With Satin

• Good genes [+1 Bro]

• My friends dragged me here [+1 Boyfriend]

• Yes, kinda [+1 Bro]

• No, not really [+1 Boyfriend]

• Go with her [Sex with Satin] [+1 Troublemaker]

• Help Ryan [Achievement: Saving Ryan’s Privates] [+1 Bro]

Satin path: A tricky decision comes up, do you get a private session from Satin and let Ryan have unsafe sex, or you send Satin away to save Ryan? If you do stay with Satin, remember that she appreciated when you respected her earlier. She’s going to feel very self-conscious if you
suddenly that she’s just for hire, and will stop the action.
569. [If chose to have sex with Satin in conversation 568] With Satin:

• You get what you pay for [stops sex scene]

• Yes I do
No harm done to Ryan in any case, he either did it with Satin, or decided to wait a little bit longer. And he’s back to his shenanigans, he just pranked Imre by sending him to a booth with Ashley. Plot twist: Ashley is a man, and Imre is furious right now. He’ll storm off before you can say anything.
You may find him tomorrow if you really want to have a word.
570. [If chose to have sex with Satin in conversation 568] With Ryan:

• I’m glad you waited [+1 Bro]

• You should’ve done it [+1 Troublemaker]

571. [If chose not to have sex with Satin in conversation 568] With Ryan:

• Good to hear [+1 Bro]

• Oof, poor Satin [+1 Troublemaker]

572. With Ryan:

• Laugh [+1 Troublemaker]

• Get mad [+1 Bro]

• Tell Imre

• Don’t tell Imre

• That was hilarious [+1 Troublemaker]

• Not cool, Ryan [+1 Boyfriend]

Hotel lobby
573. Looking for Imre

• I’ll talk to him later [+1 Bro]

• It’s not that important [+1 Troublemaker]

A final thought for the night comes if you’re rooming with Riley. She’s thinking of joining the Chicks, or at least is showing some interest in the upcoming campaign. You can give her some advice for how she should handle this.

Hotel room
574. [If rooming with Riley and did not have threesome in conversation 564] With Riley:

• I think you should [+1 Bro]

• You sure it’s for you? [+1 Boyfriend]

• Help Chloe [+1 Boyfriend (if Chloe is your girlfriend)] [+1 Troublemaker (if in a relationship with Lindsey)]
Help Lindsey [+1 Boyfriend (if in a relationship with Lindsey)] [+1 Troublemaker (if Chloe is your girlfriend)]

Day 42 (Monday)

• None today.

Key Moments

• Wrapping up Europe tour and flying back to San Vallejo

Wakey-wakey. What an eventful night it was last night, let’s hope you feel energized. You’ll have a chance to catch up with Imre if you really wanted to talk to him, but he doesn’t want to hear it, and it looks like he’ll be mad at Imre for a while now.
Luuk, ever helpful, will exchange any money you took from the gambler (no point bringing that European currency back home) and before you know it everyone hops on the bus to get to the airport. You’ll notice Amber is quite upset, but you probably don’t want to be nosey (she doesn’t want to
talk about it).

Bus to airport
575. With Amber:

• Ask her what’s wrong [+1 Boyfriend]

• Leave her alone [+1 Bro]

576. [If did not expose Charli] With Charli:

• Scare him [+1 Troublemaker]

• I’ve done enough [+1 Boyfriend]

We’re almost at the end of the trip. As Mr. Lee and Ms. Rose round up everyone and check if everyone’s around, it’s time to look back on such an exciting adventure. What do you think was everyone’s favorite part of Europe? Try to have a guess. Depending on your choices and how the trip went, you
may unlock extra possibilities. It’s all for fun, though.
577. Aubrey’s favorite part:

• Canoeing

• Becoming a model

• [If you went to Polly’s concert with Aubrey in conversation 511] Going to the concert
578. Amber’s favorite part: 19/20

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