Itsmanual PDF
Itsmanual PDF
Itsmanual PDF
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................1-1
1.1. What are Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)? .............................................................1-1
1.2. Purpose and Use ............................................................................................................1-1
1.3. Acronyms and Definitions................................................................................................1-1
1.4. References ....................................................................................................................1-7
1.5. Manual Organization ......................................................................................................1-8
1.6. MnDOT Organization ......................................................................................................1-8
1.7. Minnesota Information Technology Services .................................................................... 1-11
1.8. Written Communication Policy ....................................................................................... 1-11
1.9. Disclaimer ................................................................................................................... 1-11
2. Project Development Process.................................................................................................2-1
2.1. ITS Project Types ............................................................................................................2-1
2.2. Project Delivery Methods ................................................................................................2-1
2.3. Systems Engineering Approach.........................................................................................2-2
2.4. Planning and Pre-Design..................................................................................................2-4
2.5. General Design Guidance ................................................................................................2-5
2.6. Typical Design Review Process .........................................................................................2-8
2.7. Bid and Construction Support ........................................................................................ 2-10
2.8. Operations and Maintenance......................................................................................... 2-10
2.9. Project Timelines.......................................................................................................... 2-10
3. Supporting Infrastructure Design ............................................................................................3-1
3.1. Power Distribution .........................................................................................................3-1
3.2. Communications .......................................................................................................... 3-29
3.3. Conduit....................................................................................................................... 3-38
3.4. Conduit Access............................................................................................................. 3-43
3.5. Equipment and Service Cabinets and Shelters................................................................... 3-44
3.6. Additional Supporting Infrastructure............................................................................... 3-48
3.7. ITS Device Design ......................................................................................................... 3-51
4. Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Design Steps .............................................................4-1
4.1. General.........................................................................................................................4-1
October 2021 i
ITS Design Manual
List of Figures
Figure 1-1: RTMC Organization Chart ..........................................................................................1-9
Figure 3-1: MnDOT RTMC Utility Coordination Spreadsheet ...........................................................3-6
Figure 3-2: Typical Power Service - Pole-Mounted Transformer ......................................................3-7
Figure 3-3: Typical Power Service - Pole-Mounted Transformer behind Noise Wall ............................3-8
Figure 3-4: Typical Power Service - Ground-Mounted Transformer within MnDOT R.O.W. ..................3-8
Figure 3-5: Typical Power Service - Ground-Mounted Transformer outside MnDOT R.O.W. with Service
Pedestal within MnDOT R.O.W. .................................................................................................3-9
Figure 3-6: Circuit Types Exhibit ............................................................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-7: Voltage Drop Example ............................................................................................ 3-21
Figure 3-8: Point to Point Topology Schematic ........................................................................... 3-31
Figure 3-9: Daisy Chain Topology Schematic............................................................................... 3-31
Figure 3-10: Multi-Drop Topology Schematic ............................................................................. 3-31
Figure 3-11: Ring Topology Schematic....................................................................................... 3-31
Figure 3-12: Star Topology Schematic ....................................................................................... 3-32
Figure 3-13: Multi-Point Topology Schematic ............................................................................. 3-32
Figure 3-14: Cloud Topology Schematic ..................................................................................... 3-32
Figure 3-15: Network Diagram ................................................................................................. 3-34
Figure 3-16: Common Ethernet Equipment................................................................................ 3-37
Figure 3-17: 334Z Cabinet ....................................................................................................... 3-45
Figure 3-18: Pole Cabinet ........................................................................................................ 3-46
Figure 3-19: Service Cabinet .................................................................................................... 3-47
Figure 3-20: Service Cabinet Type Special .................................................................................. 3-47
October 2021 ii
ITS Design Manual
List of Tables
Table 1-1: Acronyms and Definitions...........................................................................................1-2
Table 3-1: Electrical Wire Characteristics ................................................................................... 3-10
Table 3-2: Typical MnDOT ITS Device Power Requirements .......................................................... 3-16
Table 3-3: Maximum Preferred Amperage for 3% Voltage Drop with 120 Volts Unbalanced Load ...... 3-17
Table 3-4: Maximum Preferred Amperage for 3% Voltage Drop with 120/240 Volts Balanced Load.... 3-18
Table 3-5: Power Over Ethernet Parameters .............................................................................. 3-27
Table 3-6: Comparison of Common Communication Topologies.................................................... 3-33
October 2021 iv
ITS Design Manual
1. Introduction
1.1. What are Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)?
The United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
defines Intelligent Transportation Systems, or ITS, as the integration of advanced communications
technologies into the transportation infrastructure and within vehicles to improve transportation safety
and mobility and enhance American productivity. ITS encompasses a broad range of wireless and wire
line communications-based information and electronics technologies.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) further defines ITS as electronics,
communications, or information processing systems or services used to improve the efficiency and
safety of the surface transportation system. MnDOT utilizes ITS to help deliver on the Department’s
overall vision of creating a multimodal transportation system that maximizes the health of people, the
environment, and the state’s economy. MnDOT strives to implement new technologies and systems into
Minnesota’s transportation system to achieve a safer, more accessible, efficient, and reliable
multimodal transportation system that connects people to destinations and markets throughout the
state, regionally, and around the world. Through ITS infrastructure implementation, MnDOT targets a
goal of providing real-time traffic conditions to the public to provide them with tools to make informed
decisions about their planned routes, prior to and during their trips.
Term Definition
or installed in the subgrade that are can be used to
determine traffic characteristic such as: count vehicles,
measure traffic speed, and detect the presence of
Django A content management system created in Python that
creates reports from IRIS and other databases. The system
is used by MnDOT designers for a variety of reasons. A few
examples are to review fiber schematics, search for past
projects in an area, and identify MnDOT staff assigned to a
particular project.
Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) An electronic sign deployed on roadways to inform
travelers of specific warnings including but not limited to
congestion, special events, traffic incidents, and other
emergency alerts. Most DMS can display one or more
predefined messages automatically without user
intervention. MnDOT most often uses the term DMS in ITS
design although some use the term Variable Message Sign
(VMS) and Changeable Message Sign (CMS)
interchangeably. Portable Changeable Message Signs are
trailer mounted signs that are used in work zones and as
an incident management tool. Blank-Out Sign (BOS) are a
specific type of DMS that have the capability to show a
blank message or a fixed message(s).
Express Lanes A lane or set of lanes physically separated or barriered
from the general-purpose lane capacity provided within
major roadway corridors. Express lane access is managed
by limiting the number of entrance and exit points to the
facility. Express lanes may be operated as reversible flow
facilities or bi-directional facilities. These can include High-
Occupancy Toll lanes.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) A division of the USDOT that is responsible for the
regulation and oversight of civil aviation within the United
Federal Communications Commission An independent agency of the United States government
(FCC) created by statute to regulate interstate communications
by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) A division of the USDOT that specializes in highway
Freeway Incident Response Safety Team The FIRST program, formerly known as Highway Helper
(FIRST) program, is tasked with minimizing congestion and
preventing secondary crashes through the quick response
and removal of incidents. The FIRST program is a key
component of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area Incident
Management Program.
Georilla Georilla is an internal MnDOT web-map application that is
currently being used by approximately 700 unique visitors
Term Definition
per month to match-up asset, project, and activity
information to make better data-driven decisions. The
Asset Management Project Office Supports the
development and direction of Georilla.
Global Positioning System (GPS) A satellite-based navigation system that provides
geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver.
Hardware Articles made of material, such as tools, computers,
vehicles, fittings, and their components [mechanical,
electrical, electronic, hydraulic, and pneumatic]. Computer
software and technical documentation are excluded.
High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) A thermoplastic polymer used for many applications. In ITS
design it us used for underground conduit systems.
High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane Managed, limited-access, highway lanes that provide free
access to HOVs, and make excess capacity available to
other vehicles not meeting occupancy requirements at a
market price.
High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) A passenger vehicle carrying more than a specified
minimum number of passengers, such as an automobile
carrying more than one or more than two people. HOVs
include carpools and vanpools, as well as buses.
HOV Lane An exclusive traffic lane or facility limited to carrying HOVs
and certain other qualified vehicles.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics A professional organization focused on advancing
Engineers (IEEE) technology, comprised of electrical and electronics
Incident Management Managing forms of non-recurring congestion, such as
spills, collisions, immobile vehicles, or any other
impediment to smooth, continuous flow of traffic on
Infrastructure Fixed facilities, such as roadway or railroad tracks;
permanent structures.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) A broad range of diverse technologies which, when
applied to our current transportation system, can help
improve safety, reduce congestion, enhance mobility,
minimize environmental impacts, save energy, and
promote economic productivity. ITS technologies are
varied and include information processing,
communications, control, and electronics. Intelligent
Transportation Systems facilitate providing real-time
information on traffic conditions to travelers on roadways
for which the technologies are deployed on.
Interface The functional and physical characteristics required to
exist at a common boundary - in development, a
relationship among two or more entities [such as
software-software, hardware-hardware, hardware-
software, hardware-user, or software-user].
Term Definition
Internet Protocol (IP) The method by which data is communicated between
devices on the Internet
Intelligent Roadway Information System MnDOT’s Freeway Management System control software.
(IRIS) IRIS is an open-source ATMS software project developed
by MnDOT.
Legacy System The existing system to which the upgrade or change will
be applied.
Life-Cycle Maintenance Concept of keeping a facility or system useable at least
through its design life by conducting scheduled
Light Emitting Diode (LED) A type of light source illuminated by the movement of
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control A document published by the Federal Highway
Devices (MUTCD) Administration setting standards and providing guidance
to ensure uniformity of traffic control devices across the
United States.
Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic A document published by MnDOT setting standards and
Control Devices (MN MUTCD) providing guidance to ensure uniformity of traffic control
devices across the state of Minnesota.
National Electrical Code (NEC) A standard for the installation of electrical wiring and
equipment that ensures safety, also known as NFPA 70.
National Electrical Manufacturers A trade organization comprised of electrical equipment
Association (NEMA) and medical imaging manufacturers that make safe,
reliable, and efficient products and systems in seven
markets, including transportation systems.
National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) A standard that outlines methods for the safety of electric
supply and public and private communication utility
National Transportation Communications A group of standards that provides both protocols and
for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) vocabulary necessary to ensure consistency between ITS
device manufacturers.
Non-Intrusive Detector (NID) A vehicle detector that is not installed into the pavement.
MnDOT currently utilizes side-fire, FMCW microwave
vehicle detection to detect vehicles traveling along
freeway mainlines.
Plans, Specifications, and Estimates A package for a project that includes the plans,
(PS&E) specifications, and cost estimate for the project that is
ready to be bid on by contractors.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) A solid plastic that is often used to make pipes, including
to construct underground conduit.
Radio Frequency (RF) The rate of oscillation or range of rates of electromagnetic
radio waves used in telecommunications.
Ramp Metering The electronically regulated flow of vehicles on highway
entrance ramps and loops to reduce crashes, reduce
congestion, and provide more reliable travel times.
Term Definition
Regional ITS Architecture A specific regional framework for ensuring institutional
agreement and technical integration for the
implementation of ITS projects in a particular region.
Remote Weather Information A system of sensors, communications, and data collection
System/Roadway Weather Information technologies to measure specific weather conditions
system (RWIS) including atmospheric, pavement and/or water level
Roadside Unit (RSU) A device on a roadway that communicates with on-board
units in connected vehicles and sends information back to
a traffic management center.
Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) A compact, hot-pluggable network interface module used
for both telecommunication and data communications
Source of Power (SOP) Electric utility transformer that provides power to a device
or infrastructure.
Specification A document that describes the essential technical
requirements for items, materials or services including the
procedures for determining whether the requirements
have been met.
Single-Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) A passenger vehicle containing only a single occupant.
System An integrated composite of people, products, and
processes, which provide a capability to satisfy a stated
need or objective.
Systems Engineering An interdisciplinary approach and a means to enable the
realization of successful systems. Systems engineering
requires a broad knowledge, a mindset that keeps the big
picture in mind, a facilitator, and a skilled conductor of a
Traffic Management Center (TMC) A location to collect real-time data on the surrounding
transportation system to monitor conditions, manage the
systems in the field, and provide traveler information.
Traffic Management System (TMS) The development and application of network-wide data
collection and sharing of traffic information system. The
system can integrate data and control systems from
freeways, arterials, and city streets to provide real-time
proactive traffic information and control. Implementation
of the system would facilitate congestion management
over the entire network across multijurisdictional
boundaries. The system could provide incident detection,
transit and emergency vehicle priority, and advance
traveler information.
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) A device that is used as emergency power when there's an
interruption to the standard power.
Volts - Alternating Current (VAC) A measure of circuit power pressure for alternating
Volts - Direct Current (VDC) A measure of circuit power pressure for direct current.
1.4. References
The ITS Design Manual is intended to be used as a resource for MnDOT agency and consultant personnel
performing ITS project management and design services for the department. This manual incorporates
information from multiple MnDOT resources, and individuals managing ITS projects or performing ITS
design services are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these documents and their contents. A list
of key MnDOT resources have been detailed below along with a web link to access the current version of
the document. Please note that reference material is updated often, and users should periodically check
for new or updated versions of these documents.
The MnDOT Office of Traffic Engineering website includes a wide array of traffic engineering and ITS
topics. The website can be accessed using the link below.
MnDOT Office of Traffic Engineering:
The MnDOT Regional Traffic Management Center (RTMC) handles coordination between State Patrol
and MnDOT Maintenance and Freeway Operations. The center’s website is an excellent source for
information on the Freeway Incident Response Safety Team (FIRST), as well as other traffic operations
and traveler information. In addition, the RTMC website includes information on traffic operations and
system design. The website can be accessed using the link below.
Information on MnDOT’s activities and policies related on Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) can
be found on MnDOT’s CAV-X website. This website contains links to the report published by the
Minnesota governor’s advisory council on CAV, as well as information on the state’s CAV challenge.
In addition to the MnDOT resources detailed above, several additional resources were used in the
development of the ITS Design Manual and should be referenced for additional information. Additional
ITS resources have been detailed below.
Additional ITS Resources:
• USDOT A Guide for HOT Lane Development
• FHWA Systems Engineering Guidebook for ITS
• Enterprise Warrants for the Installation and Use of Technology Devices for Transportation
Operations and Maintenance (
• FHWA Traffic Detector Handbook: Third Edition—Volume I
• Wisconsin Department of Transportation – Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Design and
Operations Guide, October 2009
• FHWA Office of Operations - Traffic Control Systems Handbook
1.9. Disclaimer
This manual is disseminated under the sponsorship of the MnDOT CAV-X Office. Standards change
rapidly in the field of ITS so portions of the manual may become out of date between updates. MnDOT
and Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. assume no liability for its contents or use thereof. All MnDOT ITS
plans, specifications, and engineer’s construction estimates should be prepared by or under the direct
supervision of a professional engineer licensed to provide engineering services in the State of
MnDOT does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks of manufacturers’ names appear
herein only because they are considered essential to the object of this manual. The contents do not
necessarily reflect the official policy of MnDOT.
2.2.2. Design-Build
Design-Build is a project delivery method in which MnDOT procures both design and construction
services in the same contract from a single, legal entity referred to as the design-builder. The method
typically uses Request for Qualifications (RFQ)/Request for Proposals (RFP) procedures rather than the
Design-Bid-Build invitation for bids procedures. The design-builder controls the details of design and is
responsible for the cost of any errors or omissions encountered in construction. On Design-Build
projects, each functional group design is typically developed and approved as a separate design
package. There may be separate design packages for signing, traffic signals, pavement markings,
maintenance of traffic, ITS, roadway, drainage, and many others. There may also be multiple ITS design
packages that are constructed at different times according to the overall construction staging. MnDOT
RTMC staff are heavily involved early in the project developing the ITS related components of the RFP
for a Design-Build project. Once the Design-Build project is awarded, the ITS design is completed by a
consultant, so MnDOT provides an oversight role on these projects and conducts more Over-The-
Shoulder (OTS) reviews throughout the design process. The development of design packages on Design-
Build projects is accelerated compared to Design-Bid-Build projects, so OTS reviews are utilized more
than traditional 30%/60%/95%/100% submittal reviews.
Regional ITS architectures help guide the planning, implementation, and integration of ITS components
and systems. ARC-IT is a tool to guide the development of regional ITS architectures. It is a common
framework that guides agencies in establishing ITS interoperability and helps them choose the most
appropriate strategies for processing transportation information, implementing and integrating ITS
components and systems, and improving operations. The Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS
Architecture is a specific application of the framework specified in ARC-IT, tailored to the needs of the
transportation stakeholders in Minnesota.
The Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS Architecture geographically covers the entire state of Minnesota,
encompassing local, regional and state transportation agencies and transportation stakeholders. It
represents a shared vision of how each agency’s systems work together by sharing information and
resources to enhance transportation safety, efficiency, capacity, mobility, reliability, and security. During
the development of the Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS Architecture, agencies that own and operate
transportation systems collaboratively consider current and future needs to ensure that the current
systems, projects and processes are compatible with future ITS projects in Minnesota. The collaboration
and information sharing among transportation stakeholders helps illustrate integration options and gain
consensus on systematic and cost-effective implementation of ITS technologies and systems.
The Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS Architecture is a living document and will evolve as needs,
technology, stakeholders, and funding streams change.
The Minnesota Statewide Regional ITS Architecture, Version 2018 is available at the following link:
• Class A-1: Programmatic ITS Applications for Standard Traffic Signals, Road Weather Information
Systems, Weigh-in-Motion Systems, and Railroad-Highway Grade Crossings
• Class A-2: Programmatic ITS Applications for Dynamic Message Signs, Traffic Detection, Video,
Ramp Metering, Communications, Flood Warning Systems, and Slippery, Visibility, and Curve
Warning Systems.
• Class B-1: Freeway Traffic Management
• Class B-2: Arterial Traffic Management
• Class C: Large Scale/Complex ITS Projects
The guidance describes responsibilities and steps that must be followed by the project manager and
district traffic engineer including checklists and SE process that must be followed for various project
types and submittal process.
MnDOT State Aid requirements may differ from those described above, so if the designer is working on
a State Aid Project they need to review the MnDOT State Aid documentation on clear zone best
practices, available at the link below.
2.5.5. Functionality
The proposed ITS device(s) should be designed to adequately address the existing problems that have
been identified to be addressed. For example, if a series of video cameras are proposed to be added the
designer needs to ensure that the proposed camera locations do not include or minimize blind spots
(assuming they cannot be avoided), or for a proposed DMS the designer needs to ensure that the DMS is
located optimally to facilitate major traffic diversions due to a crash downstream of the DMS.
2.5.6. Constructability
The designer needs to consider the constructability of ITS devices when determining proposed ITS
device locations. For example, all ITS infrastructure and construction equipment should have a minimum
clearance to overhead power lines per Rural Utility Service standards. The designer needs to consider
common construction methods that contractors use to construct the ITS devices that have been
designed and make sure that the design is realistic and practical.
2.5.7. Maintainability
The designer also needs to consider the maintainability of ITS devices when determining proposed ITS
device locations. The two most important considerations are access and safety, and if possible, the
designer should use standard MnDOT approved components so there is consistency in ITS devices
throughout the entire system. The designer needs to consider whether an ITS device will need to be
accessed via a ladder or a bucket truck, whether a lane closure is needed, if there is adequate shoulder
to pull off to access the site, and any other site-specific characteristics that may affect access or safety.
Another consideration regarding ITS device locations is the ease and complexity of underground utility
sections of the PIF based on the particular State-provided materials that will be utilized on the project is
required prior to of plan turn-in.
The designer needs to ensure that early in the design process all disciplines are aware of each other’s
proposed design and that regular coordination happens throughout. Any groups that need to be
coordinated with should also participate in the review process described above.
behind schedule it could have significant impacts on the project letting and award dates, procurement
of materials, and when construction of the project occurs. Additional information about the bid letting
process is available at:
• NEC:
and the existing service to determine if use of the existing service will be more cost effective and
maintainable than the installation of a new electric service located closer to the proposed ITS
infrastructure. Every attempt to obtain power from the electric service provider should occur
during the design process; the use of a MnDOT-owned step-down transformer is not preferred
but may be required in some situations. Power runs over 1000 feet are discouraged and require
prior MnDOT approval.
• New Electric Service: If an existing MnDOT ITS power service is not available, power can be
obtained from a new electric service. The service transformer should be located as close to the
ITS device as possible to minimize the length and size of the electric conductors.
• Alternative Power Source: When power service is unavailable in the immediate vicinity of the
proposed ITS infrastructure and installing a long electric cable run is not feasible, the designer
may consider alternate power sources including solar and, in some cases, wind. Use of an
alternate power source will require installation of batteries to store electricity for use when the
solar or wind equipment is unable to provide sufficient power. The use of an alternate power
sources is strongly discouraged.
4. Power Coordinator coordinates a field meet with the Power Company Designer and the RTMC
Service Coordinator and discuss the following:
a. Discuss the project turn-in date, letting date, and start date with the Power Company
Designer. Discuss milestones for when Power Company Designer needs to provide
information (plan for 1-2 months for Power Company Designer to determine and
provide costs, easements, and design information)
b. Discuss the availability of 120/240V electric service. The MnDOT RTMC requires
120/240V power from the service point (pad mounted transformer or service pedestal)
c. Determine proposed usage based on main circuit breaker size (30 Amps, 60 Amps, 100
Amps, etc.)
d. Determine access requirements to meter (gate in fence may be needed for power
company access)
e. Discuss that MnDOT will provide a foundation and metered service cabinet for the
service connection point.
f. Discuss that no stepdown transformers are allowed, unless approved by the RTMC
Service Coordinator and RTMC Design Supervisor.
g. Discuss that MnDOT no longer installs a riser on power company poles. The power
company will install a U-channel on the pole to a service pedestal or pad mounted
transformer within MnDOT right-of-way. The service pedestal must have a red marking
stake installed next to it to ensure its visibility when in long grass or deep snow. MnDOT
infrastructure cannot go outside of MnDOT right-of-way to get to the service point.
h. In situations where an electric service isn’t reasonably close and the power company will
not work within MnDOT right-of-way, the MnDOT contractor will provide a 3” non-
metallic conduit with a pull tape within MnDOT right-of-way for the power company to
pull their power cables through. For longer conduit runs, pull vaults will be installed at
500 foot intervals. This infrastructure then becomes the property of the power company
and is their responsibility to locate.
i. In situations where there is a noise wall between the transformer and the meter, the
designer will need to install an access door into the noise wall so the power company
can access the meter.
i. If an access door cannot be installed in the noise wall, there is adequate space
between the noise wall and MnDOT right-of-way, and there is reasonable access
from outside MnDOT right-of-way, the designer will need to install the metered
service cabinet between the noise wall and MnDOT right-of-way and a service
cabinet type special on the highway side of the noise wall.
5. Power Coordinator obtains meter address, account number, and premise number from the
Power Company Designer.
6. Power Coordinator updates RTMC Utility Coordination Spreadsheet with all information
determined up to this point and provides a copy of it to the RTMC Service Coordinator, RTMC
Design Supervisor, RTMC Integration, Power Company Designer, etc.
7. Designer determines all TMS equipment loads to calculate voltage drop and determine
appropriate conductor sizes.
8. Power Coordinator updates RTMC Utility Coordination Spreadsheet with costs provided by
Power Company Designer.
9. Power Coordinator provides 100% plans and RTMC Utility Coordination Spreadsheet to Power
Company Designer for final written approval. At this point, all information in the spreadsheet
should be filled out except which contractor was awarded the electrical work.
10. Power Company Designer provides a service contract with costs and scope of work that will be
signed by the RTMC Service Coordinator.
11. After the project has been let and awarded, MnDOT’s construction contractor will need to
contact the power company and provide the project start date so the power company can get
their portion of the work scheduled and coordinated. The construction contractor must pay the
power company in order to get the project onto the power company’s construction schedule.
12. Any electric service work performed by the power company on MnDOT right-of-way will need a
permit. The power company is responsible for acquiring such permit from MnDOT.
13. Send all permits for RTMC service work to the RTMC Service Coordinator for review.
14. The service address, account number, and premise numbers have already been determined and
are included in the Division SZ special provisions for the project. The construction contractor
does not need to submit new applications for service. See the Electrical Service section of
Division SZ for more information.
Figure 3-3: Typical Power Service - Pole-Mounted Transformer behind Noise Wall
Figure 3-4: Typical Power Service - Ground-Mounted Transformer within MnDOT R.O.W.
Figure 3-5: Typical Power Service - Ground-Mounted Transformer outside MnDOT R.O.W. with Service
Pedestal within MnDOT R.O.W.
Most power companies no longer allow MnDOT equipment on their power poles and many are using
service pedestals. It is important to note that most power companies prefer the meter to be less than 15
feet from the service pedestal or pad mounted transformer.
• Some power companies provide service conductors to a service pedestal and the service
pedestal becomes the point of service. Under this scenario MnDOT is responsible to install the
conductors between the service pedestal and service cabinet.
• Other power companies provide service conductors to the service side of the service cabinet. In
this case the point of service is the service cabinet meter.
In terms of TMS design: The service conductors are the circuits from the service cabinet to the
connection with the power company (service point). The branch circuit(s) are the circuits from a service
cabinet or service cabinet type special to the various ITS devices. The feeder circuit is circuit between
the service cabinet and service cabinet type special. Service conductors are located on the service side
of the service pedestal. Figure 3-6 shows the circuit types.
The total current required for an ITS application for a branch or feeder circuit is the sum of the
• Current requirements for all ITS device(s) (e.g., shelter, DMS, video camera, vehicle detection,
controller cabinet, etc.) on each leg of every branch or feeder circuit
Power cables and the circuit breakers should be sized based on the total current required for all ITS
devices and cabinet components being served. The current required for various ITS devices can be found
in Table 3-2. When determining the total current required, do not factor-in both devices when those
devices perform opposing functions and are not expected to operate simultaneously (e.g., heater and
air-conditioner). The current value used for sizing the conductors and circuit breakers considers
continuous loads and non-continuous loads (see the section on Breaker Sizing). The conductors must
have sufficient ampacity to carry the current rating of the circuit breaker, unless the conductor ampacity
is not a standard circuit breaker size, then the circuit breaker can be the next biggest standard size. The
distinction of continuous and non-continuous loads only applies for determining minimum wire and
circuit breaker sizes and is not considered for calculating voltage drops.
Note that a larger conductor size may be required in order to keep the voltage drop over longer lengths
below the recommended maximums. Current load requirements for individual ITS devices should be
obtained from the Table 3-2 and, if not identified or the devices are from a different
vendor/manufacturer, from the manufacturer/vendor of that specific ITS device.
In order to properly size the electrical conductors in a feeder circuit that will supply power to a service
cabinet type special, and subsequently each ITS device connected to the cabinet via branch circuits, the
voltage drop across each feeder circuit and branch circuit should be calculated. It is normally not
necessary to the calculate voltage drop across the service conductors since they are normally only a
short distance and it is the power company’s responsibility to provide the nominal voltage at the service
point. The voltage drop calculation will determine the amount of voltage lost along the conductors.
Calculating the voltage drop across the system is important as it will ensure the voltage is sufficient to
properly operate all ITS devices, to avoid inefficient operations as a result of excessive amounts of
power being dissipated across the electrical system.
The electrical conductors carrying current to the service cabinet have resistance. The resistance of the
conductors depends on the length of the conductors, size (gauge) of the conductors, and conductor
material. When current flows through the conductors, the voltage drops along the length of the
conductor, which results in a lower voltage at the end of the circuit. A similar voltage drop occurs in the
return current of the neutral wire and is additive to the total voltage drop for a 2-wire circuit or
unbalanced 3-wire circuit. If the resistance of the conductor is too high for the amount of current
flowing through it, the voltage lost will be too high.
When providing power to an ITS device, the NEC recommends that the maximum voltage drop across
the combined feeder and branch circuits not exceed 5% and the maximum individual voltage drop
across the feeder circuit or the branch circuit not exceed 3%. In some instances, MnDOT may elect to
utilize a maximum voltage drop of 5% or greater for the individual feeder circuit and branch circuit. In
these instances, the designer should obtain approval from MnDOT as well as provide detailed design
calculations for the continuous and peak power demand for the ITS application or device.
The voltage drop for a circuit is calculated as follows:
Total Voltage Drop = Voltage Drop on Highest Current Leg + Voltage Drop on Neutral
It is desirable to balance the loads on each leg of a 120/240 volt 3-wire circuit because it is more
efficient since there is no additional voltage drop across the neutral. Having a system with balanced
loads also extends the service life of transformers.
The preferred maximum voltage drop is calculated as follows:
Preferred % drop = 3% for branch circuits, 3% for feeder circuits, and 5% total for branch with
highest voltage drop and feeder circuits
Volts = voltage of circuit (typically 120 volts for 120/240 volt RTMC circuits)
When the voltage drop across an electrical circuit providing power to an ITS application exceeds the
maximum recommended value, the designer may increase the size of the electrical conductors or
increase the voltage of the circuit. When the size of electrical conductors are increased, the overall
electrical resistance of the circuit will decrease, which results in a corresponding drop in the voltage lost
across the circuit. Increasing the voltage at which electrical current is transmitted through the electric
conductors will require use of a step-up transformer placed near the transformer or service drop and a
step-down transformer placed near the ITS device location. MnDOT has a strong preference for
increasing the size of the electrical conductors as opposed to using a step-up and step-down
transformer, which is only used in extenuating circumstances and requires MnDOT approval.
Table 3-3 shows the maximum preferred amp load for a particular wire size and wire length carrying 120
volts and an unbalanced load. Table 3-4 shows the maximum preferred amp load for a particular wire
size and wire length carrying 120/240 volts and a balanced load.
Table 3-3: Maximum Preferred Amperage for 3% Voltage Drop with 120 Volts Unbalanced Load 1
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Wire Size (AWG) Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft
14 14.0 7.0 4.7 3.5 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9
12 20.0 11.1 7.4 5.6 4.4 3.7 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4
10 30.0 17.6 11.8 8.8 7.1 5.9 5.0 4.4 3.9 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.4 2.2
8 45.0 28.1 18.8 14.1 11.3 9.4 8.0 7.0 6.3 5.6 5.1 4.7 4.3 4.0 3.8 3.5
6 65.0 43.9 29.3 22.0 17.6 14.6 12.5 11.0 9.8 8.8 8.0 7.3 6.8 6.3 5.9 5.5
4 85.0 69.2 46.2 34.6 27.7 23.1 19.8 17.3 15.4 13.8 12.6 11.5 10.7 9.9 9.2 8.7
3 100.0 85.7 57.1 42.9 34.3 28.6 24.5 21.4 19.0 17.1 15.6 14.3 13.2 12.2 11.4 10.7
2 115.0 112.5 75.0 56.3 45.0 37.5 32.1 28.1 25.0 22.5 20.5 18.8 17.3 16.1 15.0 14.1
1 130.0 130.0 92.3 69.2 55.4 46.2 39.6 34.6 30.8 27.7 25.2 23.1 21.3 19.8 18.5 17.3
0 150.0 150.0 120.0 90.0 72.0 60.0 51.4 45.0 40.0 36.0 32.7 30.0 27.7 25.7 24.0 22.5
00 175.0 175.0 150.0 112.5 90.0 75.0 64.3 56.3 50.0 45.0 40.9 37.5 34.6 32.1 30.0 28.1
000 200.0 200.0 200.0 150.0 120.0 100.0 85.7 75.0 66.7 60.0 54.5 50.0 46.2 42.9 40.0 37.5
850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600
Wire Size (AWG) Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft
14 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4
12 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7
10 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1
8 3.3 3.1 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8
6 5.2 4.9 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7
4 8.1 7.7 7.3 6.9 6.6 6.3 6.0 5.8 5.5 5.3 5.1 4.9 4.8 4.6 4.5 4.3
3 10.1 9.5 9.0 8.6 8.2 7.8 7.5 7.1 6.9 6.6 6.3 6.1 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.4
2 13.2 12.5 11.8 11.3 10.7 10.2 9.8 9.4 9.0 8.7 8.3 8.0 7.8 7.5 7.3 7.0
1 16.3 15.4 14.6 13.8 13.2 12.6 12.0 11.5 11.1 10.7 10.3 9.9 9.5 9.2 8.9 8.7
0 21.2 20.0 18.9 18.0 17.1 16.4 15.7 15.0 14.4 13.8 13.3 12.9 12.4 12.0 11.6 11.3
00 26.5 25.0 23.7 22.5 21.4 20.5 19.6 18.8 18.0 17.3 16.7 16.1 15.5 15.0 14.5 14.1
000 35.3 33.3 31.6 30.0 28.6 27.3 26.1 25.0 24.0 23.1 22.2 21.4 20.7 20.0 19.4 18.8
Values in tables are based on copper conductors with wire characteristics listed in Table 3-1.
Table 3-4: Maximum Preferred Amperage for 3% Voltage Drop with 120/240 Volts Balanced Load1
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Wire Size (AWG) Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft
14 15.0 14.0 9.3 7.0 5.6 4.7 4.0 3.5 3.1 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.8
12 20.0 20.0 14.8 11.1 8.9 7.4 6.3 5.6 4.9 4.4 4.0 3.7 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8
10 30.0 30.0 23.5 17.6 14.1 11.8 10.1 8.8 7.8 7.1 6.4 5.9 5.4 5.0 4.7 4.4
8 45.0 45.0 37.5 28.1 22.5 18.8 16.1 14.1 12.5 11.3 10.2 9.4 8.7 8.0 7.5 7.0
6 65.0 65.0 58.5 43.9 35.1 29.3 25.1 22.0 19.5 17.6 16.0 14.6 13.5 12.5 11.7 11.0
4 85.0 85.0 85.0 69.2 55.4 46.2 39.6 34.6 30.8 27.7 25.2 23.1 21.3 19.8 18.5 17.3
3 100.0 100.0 100.0 85.7 68.6 57.1 49.0 42.9 38.1 34.3 31.2 28.6 26.4 24.5 22.9 21.4
2 115.0 115.0 115.0 112.5 90.0 75.0 64.3 56.3 50.0 45.0 40.9 37.5 34.6 32.1 30.0 28.1
1 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 110.8 92.3 79.1 69.2 61.5 55.4 50.3 46.2 42.6 39.6 36.9 34.6
0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 144.0 120.0 102.9 90.0 80.0 72.0 65.5 60.0 55.4 51.4 48.0 45.0
00 175.0 175.0 175.0 175.0 175.0 150.0 128.6 112.5 100.0 90.0 81.8 75.0 69.2 64.3 60.0 56.3
000 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 171.4 150.0 133.3 120.0 109.1 100.0 92.3 85.7 80.0 75.0
850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600
Wire Size (AWG) Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft Ft
14 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9
12 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4
10 4.2 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.2
8 6.6 6.3 5.9 5.6 5.4 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.6 3.5
6 10.3 9.8 9.2 8.8 8.4 8.0 7.6 7.3 7.0 6.8 6.5 6.3 6.1 5.9 5.7 5.5
4 16.3 15.4 14.6 13.8 13.2 12.6 12.0 11.5 11.1 10.7 10.3 9.9 9.5 9.2 8.9 8.7
3 20.2 19.0 18.0 17.1 16.3 15.6 14.9 14.3 13.7 13.2 12.7 12.2 11.8 11.4 11.1 10.7
2 26.5 25.0 23.7 22.5 21.4 20.5 19.6 18.8 18.0 17.3 16.7 16.1 15.5 15.0 14.5 14.1
1 32.6 30.8 29.1 27.7 26.4 25.2 24.1 23.1 22.2 21.3 20.5 19.8 19.1 18.5 17.9 17.3
0 42.4 40.0 37.9 36.0 34.3 32.7 31.3 30.0 28.8 27.7 26.7 25.7 24.8 24.0 23.2 22.5
00 52.9 50.0 47.4 45.0 42.9 40.9 39.1 37.5 36.0 34.6 33.3 32.1 31.0 30.0 29.0 28.1
000 70.6 66.7 63.2 60.0 57.1 54.5 52.2 50.0 48.0 46.2 44.4 42.9 41.4 40.0 38.7 37.5
Per the NEC, all electrical circuits require overcurrent protection. Circuit breakers help protect against
excess current as the result of an overload or short-circuit. When the power reaches a certain level, the
circuit breaker is designed to automatically interrupt the flow of power to prevent fires, damage to
wiring or electronics, and personal electrocution. In order to function properly, the circuit breaker must
be sized appropriately. To be sized appropriately, the circuit breaker should be designed to handle a
minimum of 125% of the maximum continuous load and 100% of the non-continuous load. Continuous
loads are loads that are expected to last three or more hours while non-continuous loads are those
lasting less than three hours.
Circuit breakers typically used in service cabinets by MnDOT for ITS applications are noted below:
• 334 series cabinet: 30 amp single pole
• NID and/or camera with pole cabinet: 15 amp single pole
• Gate arm: 15 amp double pole
• 18’ wide Ledstar DMS: 30 amp double pole
• 30’ wide Ledstar DMS: 60 amp double pole
• 40’ wide Ledstar DMS: 100 amp double pole
Main circuit breakers typically used in service cabinets:
• Standard service cabinet: 60 amp double pole main
• Service cabinet serving a shelter, a 40’ DMS, or two 30’ DMS: 100 amp double pole main
Several factors need to be considered when locating an ITS device including the source of power
location and resulting conductor and conduit sizes required to serve the ITS devices at their required
locations. If the cables become too large it is often desirable to obtain a source of power located closer
to the site. Design of the power system required for an individual ITS location will generally follow the
design steps and calculations outlined below.
1) Identify an available power source and determine its suitability to provide power to the
proposed ITS site. Factors that impact suitability of the power source is whether it is located on
MnDOT right-of-way and if the required voltage is able to be provided. The power source may
be an existing electric service or require the installation of a new electric service.
2) The following needs to be determined for the feeder and branch circuits:
• Current load required for each device
• Combined current load of each circuit
• Minimum conductor and circuit breaker size for the current load
• Any increase in conductor size required to address excessive voltage drop
Example (see Figure 3-7): If there is a service cabinet (metered) located just on MnDOT property
that provides power to a service cabinet type special (non-metered) located 400 feet away
where branch circuits serve a 334MP Control Cabinet (located 250’ from service cabinet type
special) and DMS (Ledstar model W30C4-20 located 200’ from service cabinet type special), the
following circuits need to be considered as a part of the design:
• Feeder circuit #1 is a 120/240 volt circuit that serves a main 2-pole circuit breaker in the
service cabinet type special.
• Branch circuits from service cabinet type special are as follows:
• Branch circuit #2 (DMS) is a 120/240 volt branch circuit that serves the DMS
with a 2-pole circuit breaker located in the service cabinet type special
• Branch circuit #3 (334MP Control Cabinet) is a 120 volt branch circuit that serves
the 334MP Control Cabinet with a 1-pole circuit breaker located in the service
cabinet type special
3) Determine the total current load required for the feeder circuit and each branch circuit including
the cabinet, all internal equipment, and all ITS devices connected to the cabinet. Typical MnDOT
ITS device current loads are included in Table 3-2.
Using Table 3-2 the following are the current load required for the branch circuits:
• Branch circuit #2 (DMS - Ledstar model W30C4-20): 35 amps on each leg
• Branch circuit #3 (334 MP Control Cabinet): 2 amps (including all internal components)
Calculate the current required for an unbalanced 3-wire circuit (based on this example):
• Feeder circuit #1 current load on highest current leg = current on branch circuit #2 +
current on branch circuit #3
• Feeder circuit #1 current load on highest current leg = 35 amps + 2 amps = 37
• Feeder circuit #1 current load on other leg = current on branch circuit #2
• Feeder circuit #1 current load on other leg = 35 amps (the 2 amps from branch
circuit #3 only is applied to 1 leg since branch circuit #3 is a 120 volt 2-wire
• Feeder circuit #1 current load on the neutral = current load on highest current leg –
current load on other leg
• Feeder circuit #1 current load on neutral = 37 amps - 35 amps = 2 amps
For items not included in Table 3-2, the current load needs to be determined by contacting the
manufacturer, reviewing product cut sheets, or taking actual measurements.
4) Calculate the voltage drop across the electrical conductors. If the voltage drop exceeds
recommended values, the size of the electrical conductors should be increased.
Calculating the voltage drop and size the conductors to not exceed the maximum preferred
voltage drop for the feeder and branch circuits as follows:
Branch circuit #2 (DMS):
Assume a #6 AWG wire initially (see Wire Gauge for minimum conductor size).
Voltage drop on highest current leg = 35 * [(210)/1000] * 0.41
Current load = 35 amps from step 3
Distance factor = Distance/1000
Distance = 200 feet so use 210 feet to account for slack
Resistance of wire = 0.41 from Table 3-1 using value for #6 AWG
Voltage drop on highest current leg = 3.01 volts
Voltage drop on neutral = 0 volts
Total voltage drop = 3.01 volts + 0 volts
Total Voltage drop = 3.01 volts
Does the voltage drop exceed the preferred maximum voltage drop?
Preferred maximum voltage drop = .03 * 120
Preferred % drop = 3% since this circuit is a branch circuit
Voltage of circuit = 120/240 volts for this DMS
Maximum preferred voltage drop = 3.60 volts
Since 3.0 is less than the maximum preferred voltage drop of 3.6, the #6 AWG wire size
is adequate.
Branch circuit #3 (334 MP Control Cabinet):
Assume a #8 AWG wire initially (see Wire Gauge for minimum conductor size).
Voltage drop on highest current leg = 2 * [(265)/1000] * 0.64
Current load = 2 amps from step 3
Distance factor = Distance/1000
Distance = 250 feet so use 265 feet to account for slack
Resistance of wire = 0.64 from Table 3-1 using value for #8 AWG
Voltage drop on highest current leg = 0.34 volts
Voltage drop on neutral = 0.34 volts
Total voltage drop = 0.34 volts + 0.34 volts = 0.68 volts
Total Voltage drop = 0.68 volts
Does the voltage drop exceed the preferred maximum voltage drop?
Lightning strikes are the most common cause of power surges to the ITS field system. The resulting
voltage surges can propagate long distances along the cable to the connected devices. In order to
protect the related ITS deployment, appropriate surge protection measures must be provided for the ITS
devices. These measures can be broken down into four components:
• Lightning rods at the top of or near the support structure
• Grounding system, usually consisting of one or more grounding rods
• Surge suppression hardware in the control cabinet
• Grounding conductor bonding the three above components
The provision of lightning rods is preferred for deployments involving great heights, such as video
cameras and radio antenna at the top of tall poles that “stand out” among the surrounding landscape
and vegetation. The use of lightning rods is usually omitted for deployments involving relatively low
heights and where taller structures are present nearby.
In general, surge suppressors provide protection from energy (electric) surges by diverting and draining
the excess (surge) energy to surrounding soil. It is therefore pertinent to combine the use of surge
suppressors with a properly designed grounding conductor and grounding system. DMS, pole cabinets,
and 334 series cabinets have digital surge suppressor units built in to protect against spikes.
The provision of one or more lightning rods over the ITS device, in conjunction with a grounding
conductor(s), can often help to divert the lightning discharges away from the field device assembly.
Lightning abatement measures such as this are only effective if the lightning rod, related terminations,
and the grounding conductors are sufficiently robust to conduct and to survive lightning discharges.
Telecommunications cables and sensor cables from nearby locations, just like the utility power cable,
are subject to the same possibility of lightning strikes. The requirement for appropriate surge protection
measures must therefore be extended to all cables brought into the cabinet of all ITS deployments.
A proper grounding arrangement must be provided at the support structure and at the controller
cabinet for the system. Where the controller cabinet is installed at or close to the base of the support
structure, both the support structure and the cabinet may be bonded to the same grounding system.
It is important that the related grounding system is able to disperse the electric charge from the
lightning strike quickly to the surrounding earth mass. This requirement is translated in the performance
requirement on the grounding system to have “grounding resistance of 25 ohms or less.”
MnDOT uses two 5/8-inch, 15-foot, one-piece solid copper rods for grounding. When multiple rods are
needed to achieve the required maximum ground resistance (25 ohms), space the ground rods at 6’
apart from each other or per NEC recommendations, whichever is greater.
Grounding rods, systems, and testing procedures are specified in the NEC. The designer should assess
the site environmental conditions to determine if the grounding system identified in the 408
specifications is sufficient for the device location. Some devices require more robust grounding
requirements, such as video cameras located at the tops of hills and mounted to high structures.
ITS systems usually include sensitive electronics located in an outdoor environment and mounted on
metal poles. A lightning storm can cause the equipment to fail if it is not properly protected. Every
control cabinet should have a quality, properly rated, solid state surge suppression device located where
the power conductors terminate in the cabinet. In addition to the grounding required by the NEC at the
service cabinet, the control cabinet should also have a grounding conductor going from its equipment
ground bus to a ground rod. The ground rod may be the one used by the service cabinet or a different
one if the cabinets are not co-located. If the system includes tall mounting poles and is not connected by
metal conduit, the pole installation should also include a ground rod. Per the NEC, it is essential that all
metal cabinets, poles, housings, conduits, etc. be connected into a properly bonded and grounded
system. All communications and video field cables should have surge suppression at both ends where
they enter a cabinet. Unfortunately, experience has shown that systems that are not properly grounded
or protected from surges will not last long in the outdoor roadside environment.
High quality surge suppression is very important and typically costs $350-$400 per cabinet (good
grounding is critical). Without surge suppression there can be a loss of equipment.
Power over Ethernet (PoE) is an alternate method used to power a device or infrastructure using direct
current over twisted-pair copper Ethernet cabling. PoE allows a single cable to transmit both data and
power, eliminating the need for two separate cables. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) has developed a series of standards that define different types of PoE technology. Table 3-5
includes a list of different PoE standards and the maximum power than can be provided over the
Ethernet cable.
Table 3-5: Power Over Ethernet Parameters
Maximum Power Maximum Transmission
IEEE Standard PoE Designation
(watts) Distance (feet) 2
PoE 15.4 250
802.3af Type 1
802.3at Type 2 PoE+ 30 250
802.3bt Type 3 PoE++ 60 250
802.3bt Type 4 PoE++ (High Power) 100 250
Cat 5E twisted-pair copper cable used by MnDOT supports PoE. In order to utilize PoE, the switch port
that the twisted-pair copper cable is connected to must also be capable of supporting PoE. Many
wireless radios utilize PoE, as do a few different ITS devices including video cameras and vehicles
detection. Pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras need PoE++ while static cameras use PoE+.
2 Per the IEEE standard, the maximum transmission distance is 328 feet; however, MnDOT utilizes a maximum
transmission distance of 250 feet for all PoE devices.
power can be versatile and is environmentally friendly, but several criteria should be evaluated when
considering it as an option. When designing any ITS application that will utilize solar power, the design
should be reviewed by an electrical engineer to ensure the system is sized appropriately. As an alternate
to developing an individual design for the specific location, an off-the-shelf system may also be an
option depending on the desired ITS application.
When designing an ITS device or system that will utilize solar power, several important factors should be
considered. These factors include calculating the total power required by the system at any time of day,
during any weather conditions, and during any month of the year; the frequency or percent of time that
the system will be operational; the length of time the system must operate in the absence of any
sunlight; and any terrain or vegetation that might impact operations today or in the future. Generally,
when designing a solar power system for an ITS deployment, it is a good practice to overdesign the
system to help counteract any unexpected weather conditions that might impact power generation.
Another important consideration is the life-cycle replacement costs required to procure and install
replacement batteries on average every three years.
During the winter months in Minnesota, the total hours of sunlight per day are limited, and there are
often extended periods without sunlight that last multiple days. In these situations, the lack of available
sunlight can severely impact the amount of power generated by solar cells and stored by the local
batteries. These problems can be further exacerbated when snow and ice accumulate on the solar
panels, further limiting their exposure to direct sunlight. Because of these limitations, solar is generally
only used on a limited basis for low-power ITS applications (flashing beacons, blank-out signs, and some
traffic detectors). Solar panels are more efficient at lower temperatures, but batteries typically lose
capacity as the temperature drops. Off-the-shelf solar power systems are available for many low-
powered ITS applications, which can save time and money in the design and installation process.
Certain ITS applications, including video cameras, may in limited situations be powered with solar but
may have reduced up-time during the winter months and will require a lot more maintenance than a
typical AC-powered system. The designer needs to design the solar array and battery system based on
the design loads and anticipated weather conditions. ITS applications that utilize solar power should
include remote monitoring capabilities to allow MnDOT to remotely check the status of the solar cells
and batteries without having to wait until the system fails to perform a field visit.
Wind generated power is another option that can be used to provide power to an ITS device. Wind
power should only be used when all other options for obtaining power have been exhausted, including
obtaining power from an electric service provider or from solar. Due to the unpredictability and
inconsistency of wind generated power, MnDOT does not consider it a reliable power source.
Similar to solar generated power, ITS applications that utilize wind power require batteries to store the
power generated by the wind turbine for future use. Extended periods of no or little wind may result in
a significant or complete draw down of available power stored in the batteries. During the winter
months, colder temperatures can reduce overall battery capacity, which will further reduce the power
available to operate the ITS device. Because of these limitations, wind power is generally only used as a
last resort and should not be the primary power source for an ITS device. Wind power may, however, be
used to complement another power source, such as solar, to provide a second, redundant source of
power generation. Wind power generation typically requires infrastructure that has numerous moving
parts. These moving parts require continuous maintenance, which increases the cost and staff time
required to keep the system fully operational, especially when combined with battery maintenance
and/or life-cycle replacement.
When designing a wind power system for an ITS deployment, it is good practice to overdesign the
system to help counteract the impacts of a drawdown of power during extended periods of no or little
wind. Wind turbines typically generate more power the higher they are mounted, which can create
additional maintenance challenges. Off-the-shelf systems for wind power generation are available and,
with MnDOT approval, may be considered when providing wind generated power to an ITS device.
ITS applications that utilize solar and/or wind turbines to generate power will require an array of
batteries connected to the power generation system in order to capture and store power for future use.
The total number of batteries required for an individual ITS application will vary depending on the
power required to operate the ITS application, the number and type of batteries utilized, the duration of
time the ITS application will need to remain fully functional under 100% battery power, the ambient
temperature and battery correction factor, the age of the battery, and the depth and duration of battery
discharge cycles. MnDOT typically utilizes 100A-hour lead acid batteries for power storage. When
selecting and designing an ITS application that will require battery power storage, the designer should
consider long term battery maintenance costs and life cycle replacement. The estimated life of a typical
100A-hour battery will vary but, on average, MnDOT has observed an average lifespan of three years.
Trailers use 6V batteries in a 12V array and static equipment uses 12V batteries in a 24V array.
ITS applications and network communications equipment that support critical MnDOT functions or life
safety services may require that a backup power system be included in the design. There are a few
different technologies and systems used by MnDOT to provide backup power including diesel and
propane generators and uninterruptable power supplies (UPS). Selecting the type of backup power
system will vary depending on the type of ITS application and/or network communications being
powered. Sizing the backup power system will utilize many of the same design parameters outlined in
the prior section for sizing a battery system. The designer needs to be aware that certain proposed ITS
applications or network equipment will require backup power, they should consult with the MnDOT
project manager.
3.2. Communications
Communication protocols for ITS are being developed under the National Transportation
Communications for ITS Protocol (NTCIP) standards development effort. These are open (non-
proprietary), industry-based standards that make it possible for ITS devices from multiple vendors to
exchange information — both with each other and with a central system — through a common
communications interface. There are many NTCIP standards, each relating to one or more ITS
3.2.1. Types
Many older ITS devices, and some new ITS devices, utilize serial communications. Serial communications
can be either uni- or bi-directional and transmit one communication bit at a time. Some ITS devices
utilize serial communications but can be connected via an Ethernet cable when a serial to Ethernet
converter is used. Detector cards used by MnDOT in some traffic signal and ITS cabinets utilize serial
communications. Additionally, the Wavetronix vehicle detector used by MnDOT utilizes a serial to
Ethernet converter. ITS devices that utilize serial communications typically use communication cables
that include a number of different types of connectors including RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485.
All new ITS devices installed by MnDOT are connected to the statewide communications network using
TCP/IP communications. TCP/IP or Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is a series of
communications protocols used to connect devices on a network. TCP/IP governs how the data is
exchanged. It also includes information on how that data is to be broken up into smaller packets and
how that data should be addressed, transmitted, and routed through the network to its destination.
Each ITS device on the network is then assigned a specific IP address.
Daisy Chain
Daisy chain is a type of topology that involves chaining of point to point networks to connect additional
devices. In a daisy chained network, all devices except the end devices pass communications along to
the next device until the information gets to the intended recipient (see Figure 3-9). Daisy chains are
non-redundant and fairly simple.
Figure 3-9: Daisy Chain Topology Schematic
Multi-drop is similar to a daisy chain that MnDOT used in twisted pair communications, except that all
devices communicate on a common line (see Figure 3-10). Multi-drop systems require a method to
address collisions as multiple devices are attempting to “talk” at the same time. Multi-drop has been
used on MnDOT ITS systems but is not being used going forward in favor of topologies that support
Ethernet – TCP/IP communications.
Figure 3-10: Multi-Drop Topology Schematic
Ring topology is similar to a daisy chain except the ends are connected back either through a loop back
or both ends being connected to a router (see Figure 3-11). Rings are redundant; when a device or link is
disabled working devices are kept online. When a ring is “broken,” it becomes two daisy chains. A ring is
only redundant for a single failure. A second failure isolates devices between the breaks.
Figure 3-11: Ring Topology Schematic
A star topology consists of one central device being connected to multiple other devices by a direct
connection (see Figure 3-12). A star is non-redundant; however, when an outage occurs, only devices on
that leg of a star are affected. For MnDOT systems, only one or two devices are placed on a leg of the
star so that the impact is limited if an outage occurs. A star requires less cable as only one line is
required for outlying devices.
MnDOT most often applies a star topology for clusters of nearby devices. The center device may be
placed in a ring and other individual devices are connected to that device. This limits risk since the entire
ring is not impacted if an outage occurs. However, this physical layout of a star does not work well with
the physical layout of a linear highway ITS system.
Figure 3-12: Star Topology Schematic
A multi-point topology consists of devices that have multiple connections to many other devices (see
Figure 3-13). Multi-point topology is common in newer wireless devices to allow redundancy if a device
becomes unavailable. This is also how the RTMCnet backbone is configured with routers being
connected to multiple other routers. Multi-point is the most redundant topology as each connection has
multiple redundant paths; however, it requires multiple connections to each device and is impractical
for field devices on fiber optic communications in an ITS system.
Figure 3-13: Multi-Point Topology Schematic
Using the “cloud” is not a topology in the same sense as the others discussed, but for the ITS designer it
can be thought of in a similar manner. Using the cloud through either a wired or wireless internet
service provider allows communication back to the ATMS or another device through the internet (see
Figure 3-14). Cloud based connections allow for a connection where there is no existing owned
infrastructure; however, it does place reliance on a third party to maintain the connection. In addition,
there are recurring costs for the connection in the form of a monthly service fee. Many connections are
also limited in available bandwidth. It works well for small clusters of isolated devices, or as a temporary
Figure 3-14: Cloud Topology Schematic
3.2.3. Technologies
Although MnDOT does not typically install new copper communications for long range, twisted pair
copper is still used by MnDOT to communicate with some legacy devices in the field. MnDOT also uses
CAT 6 copper Ethernet cables to communicate over very short distances, such as between cabinets on a
common foundation to a video camera at the top of a fold-down pole. In the past, MnDOT has used six-
pair 19 gauge and 12-pair 19 gauge twisted pair copper communications. New twisted pair copper
communications are typically only installed at locations where existing copper communications are
currently being used and upgrading to newer communications technologies or communications medium
is impractical and/or cost prohibitive. There are a number of different copper communications protocols
including RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 or VDSL. Characteristics of these communications protocols are
noted in Table 3-7.
Table 3-7: Serial Communications Protocol Characteristics
Maximum Maximum
Comm. Susceptibility
Protocol Cabling Transmission Transmission
Mode to Noise
Distance Rate
RS-232 Single- Full High 50 feet 19.2Kbps
ended Duplex @ 9.6K bps @ 50 feet
RS-422 Single- Full/Half Low 4,000 feet 10Mbps
ended, Duplex @ 9.6K bps @ 50 feet
RS-485 Multi- Full/Half Low 4,000 feet 10Mbps
Drop Duplex @ 9.6K bps @ 50 feet
All new trunk fiber optic communications installed by MnDOT are single-mode fiber optic cables. In the
past, MnDOT has used multi-mode fiber optic cable. There are several locations in the field where
MnDOT is still using legacy multi-mode fiber optic communications. All MnDOT fiber optic cable
assemblies for fiber optic cable shall comply with USDA RUS CFR 1755.900 (Specification for Filled Fiber
Optic Cables) ( The
designer should refer to the MnDOT Approved Products List for approved fiber optic cable.
IEEE 802 Ethernet is a standard communications protocol, or set of rules, used for connecting devices in
a Local Area Network (LAN). Many ITS devices and infrastructure used in traffic signal and freeway
management systems utilize Ethernet communications. These devices and equipment often include
Ethernet ports and are connected using Ethernet cables. Ethernet ports allows a direct connection to a
device or piece of equipment without the need for a protocol converter (i.e., serial to Ethernet). It is
important to note that many legacy ITS devices and equipment used by MnDOT, as well as some new
devices, still require the use of some sort of converter. Most new MnDOT ITS designs utilize Ethernet
communications over a ring style network topology, while routers within MnDOT shelters utilize a mesh
style network topology. The maximum allowable transmission distance for Ethernet cables is 300 feet.
The designer should ensure all network equipment used is field-hardened when not installed in a
climate-controlled environment. MnDOT shelters are climate-controlled environments (see Section 3.5
for more information on shelters).
Unlicensed Spread-Spectrum Radio
Spread-spectrum radio wireless communications are commonly used for ITS applications because they
are often cost effective when compared with wired communications. Radios using spread-spectrum
wireless communications do not require Federal Communications Commission (FCC) paperwork and/or
licensing to deploy, which allows them to be easily and quickly installed.
With spread-spectrum wireless communications, the designer must perform a site survey to examine
the line of sight between each radio pair. If the site survey is done in the winter, conditions are liable to
change in the spring when foliage returns to trees. The designer should be careful to consider things
that are likely to change in the future, like annual growth of trees and/or places where new buildings or
infrastructure could be built in the line of site between radios. One additional consideration for spread-
spectrum wireless communications is Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). As the number of wireless
devices exponentially increases over time, the area in which the wireless devices are installed may be
competing with various other sources of ‘noise’ that will diminish the communication capabilities.
Licensed Wireless Radio
In some scenarios, the RFI in an area may be so severe that licensed wireless radio communications are
required in lieu of standard spread-spectrum radios. Licensed wireless communications are generally
reserved for use on backhaul links, over long-distance, or on communications links that require a large
amount of bandwidth. The advantage of a licensed wireless radio is that for the particular frequency (or
frequencies) used, the spectrum must be licensed for a limited use in the area in which the device will
be operating. This prevents other wireless radios from operating on the same frequency and limits the
amount of RFI. Licensed wireless communications are part of an evolving field with multiple competing
technologies. ITS devices currently used by MnDOT that qualify as licensed wireless radios include
Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) and tolling antennas. If either of these devices are
proposed on a project, the designer will need to follow the FCC Part 90 filing process (47 CFR Part 90 –
Land Mobile Radio Service).
In many places, especially in rural areas, point-to-point wireless communications infrastructure may not
be feasible. In these situations, cellular communications may be utilized to provide connectivity to ITS
devices without having to deploy an extensive communications network. Current cellular technology
relies mostly on Evolution-Data Optimized (EVDO), High Speed Packet Access (HSPA), Evolved High
Speed Packet Access (HSPA+), and Long-Term Evolution (LTE) technologies to deliver download speeds
of up to 50 Megabits per second (Mbps) and upload speeds up to 20 Mbps. Cellular coverage may not
be available in some areas of Minnesota and will vary by cellular carrier. Another possible limitation to
cellular communications is data usage caps set in place by carriers, which can limit applications that can
use cellular communications technology (e.g., video streaming, large data drops, etc.).
NTCIP 1218
NTCIP 1218 is a new communication protocol that specifies the logical interface between a roadside unit
(RSU) and the controlling management stations. NTCIP 1218 defines information that may be exchanged
across this interface. NTCIP 1218 first identifies the relevant RSU users and their needs, defines
requirements that enable information exchanges that supports those needs, and finally defines the data
objects and meta-data, including the relative structure of that data, necessary to meet these
requirements. This communication protocol will be used for vehicles to connect to the RSU and includes
cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X).
Web relays are increasingly being utilized by MnDOT as part of newer ITS deployments. The purpose of a
web relay is to provide a remotely accessible web interface that can be used to remotely reboot or
power cycle the ITS device. In certain scenarios, rebooting an ITS device that is malfunctioning or that is
locked-up may restore functionality to the device. By remotely resolving the issue, MnDOT is able to
reduce maintenance costs and the staff time required for site visits and field maintenance. Web relays
are standard in rural areas given the initial investment in the relay device is often minimal when
compared with the potential costs associated with multiple field visits required to maintain the device.
3.3. Conduit
3.3.1. Types
MnDOT utilizes a number of different conduit types and sizes for ITS related applications. The type and
size of conduit is dependent on the specific location and case for which the conduit will be installed. The
following list includes different types of conduit used by MnDOT:
• Rigid Steel Conduit (RSC) – MnDOT Specification 3801
• Intermediate Metal Conduit – MnDOT Specification 3802
• Non-metallic Conduit (NMC) – MnDOT Specification 3803
• High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Conduit
• Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Conduit
• Liquid Tight Flexible Non-Metallic Conduit – MnDOT Specification 3804
• PVC Coated Hot Dipped Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit – MnDOT Specification 3805
For most underground applications, Schedule 40 NMC satisfies the specifications. For above ground (i.e.
exposed) or under roadway applications, MnDOT utilizes Schedule 80 NMC as the standard. MnDOT also
uses RSC for above ground applications. MnDOT uses PVC Coated Hot Dipped Galvanized Rigid Steel
Conduit when attaching the conduit to a bridge structure. The designer should review the individual
specifications and dimensions for each conduit type to make sure it meets the requirements of the
particular application and the cables that will be installed inside it. The designer should include a locate
conductor in the conduit whenever an empty non-metallic conduit will be used for future purposes so
that it can be easily located. For conduit under railroad, the designer should use Schedule 80 or as
specified by the railroad authority.
3.3.3. Dimensions
Table 3-9 and Table 3-10 shows the dimensions of different types of conduit used by MnDOT for ITS
related applications. For new underground construction, schedule 80 PVC or HDPE should be used.
Although 4-inch conduit can be used, MnDOT typically uses a maximum conduit size of 3 inches. If 3-inch
conduit is not large enough for the power or communications cables, additional 3-inch conduits may be
utilized. The standard conduit size used for power cables is 2-inch NMC. When fiber optic cable will be
used and installed by blowing the fiber through the conduit, MnDOT uses 1.5-inch NMC as the standard,
although 1.25-inch NMC may sometimes be used. For aboveground conduit connecting underground
conduit to a pole cabinet, schedule 80 PVC or RSC should be used.
Table 3-9: Typical Conduit Dimension for Rigid Steel Conduit (RSC)
Trade Size Total Area 40% Area
(In.) (sq. in.) (sq. in.)
1/2 0.632 0.314 0.125
3/4 0.836 0.549 0.219
1 1.063 0.887 0.355
1-1/2 1.624 2.070 0.828
2 2.083 3.406 1.362
2-1/2 2.489 4.863 1.945
3 3.090 7.495 2.998
4 4.050 12.876 5.150
5 5.073 20.202 8.081
Table 3-10: Typical Conduit Dimension for Schedule 80 PVC and Schedule 80 HDPE (NMC)
Trade Size Total Area 40% Area
(In.) (sq. in.) (sq. in.)
1/2 0.526 0.217 0.087
3/4 0.722 0.409 0.164
1 0.936 0.688 0.275
1-1/2 1.476 1.710 0.684
2 1.913 2.873 1.149
2-1/2 2.290 4.117 1.647
3 2.864 6.439 2.576
4 3.786 11.252 4.501
5 4.768 17.846 7.138
3.3.5. Boring
The designer should identify on the plans all locations where boring will be required to place the
conduit, including below roadways, ponds, slope paving, and storm sewer. All bores under roadways
must be at a 60” minimum depth, and this depth may need to be increased to not interfere with existing
infrastructure such as storm sewer pipes or gas mains. The bore depth should be called out on the plan
sheets if this will be required at a particular location.
3.3.6. Innerduct
Innerduct is not typically used by MnDOT for ITS applications, although MnDOT does use innerduct
when installing fiber optic cables within inplace rigid steel conduits such as under railroads or on/within
• 334MP is the cabinet typically used for DMS control, fiber patching, and any other use where
metering or detection is not needed. These cabinets typically include:
• 19” rack
• Fiber optic patch panel
• Main breaker inside of cabinet (no circuit breaker enclosure, just the breaker)
• Outlet strip
• AC power surge protection
• Thermostatically controlled ventilation
• Sheath grounding units (for locating system)
• Neoprene cabinet gasket
• 334MP-DET is an MP cabinet upgraded with equipment necessary for vehicle detection. It is the
same as an MP with the addition of the detector card rack and terminal blocks wired to the
detector card rack.
• 340 cabinet is a double wide cabinet with a fully functional 334Z on one side and 334MP on the
• Pole cabinet is a cabinet with a short 19” rack designed for mounting on poles. A pole cabinet is
typically used on video camera or NID poles for fiber termination, transmission equipment, and
power for video camera equipment. These cabinets can be found on MNDOT’s APL.
Figure 3-18: Pole Cabinet
• Service cabinet (metered) is standard service cabinet used at ITS deployments. The service
cabinet is designed for 200A, 120/240 volt, three wire, single phase power. It also includes a
meter socket. It is constructed with 30 panel knock outs for breakers and comes with the
following breakers (unless otherwise specified):
• 1 – 60A 2-pole main breaker
• 1 – 30A 1-pole breaker
• 4 – 15A 1-pole breakers
There are times when different breakers are required for a particular ITS deployment. It is the
designer’s responsibility to identify any changes on the plans from the standard breaker
configuration that is normally provided per MnDOT’s APL specification.
• Service cabinet type special (non-metered) – is identical to a service cabinet (metered) with the
exception of not including a meter socket. It is the designer’s responsibility to identify any
changes on the plans from the standard breaker configuration that is normally provided per
MnDOT’s APL specification.
Figure 3-20: Service Cabinet Type Special
• The service cabinet 240/480 with stepdown transformer may be used outside of Metro District if
that District prefers to share one meter and source of power for lighting and TMS.
MnDOT uses climate-controlled shelters at critical backbone communications locations and junction
points. These shelters often include critical communications hardware that is not field hardened and
thus must be installed in a climate-controlled environment. These shelters may include a backup power
source or generator as a result of the critical communications infrastructure they support. The two sizes
of shelter that MnDOT currently uses are 10’x12’ and 12’x18’, with the size of shelter chosen for a given
location depending on how many system connections need to be made. Generally, more space is
needed in an urban area such as at a system interchange.
Most MnDOT equipment and service cabinets are not climate-controlled and are often susceptible to
extreme temperature and weather conditions. As a result, all equipment installed in the cabinets must
be field hardened to withstand these temperature and weather extremes. Examples of field equipment
that must be hardened to perform during these extremes include Ethernet switches, surge suppressors,
and communications converters.
3.6.2. Foundations
Most new ITS device installations will require a foundation to be installed for the pole or sign structure
that the ITS device will be mounted on. The designer will need to consider whether a standard MnDOT
foundation design will be adequate for the particular ITS application or if a special design is required.
For a new DMS sign bridge, there are two standard footing design types, a spread footing and a shaft
footing. When the DMS and sign bridge installation is part of a roadway reconstruction project, a spread
footing is typically used. If the DMS and sign bridge installation is over an existing roadway, a shaft
footing is typically used. All new sign bridges will require that a soil boring be performed at each
foundation location to determine whether the standard design is adequate. Poles required for NID and
video cameras typically utilize a standard foundation and do not require a soil boring. In areas with
unique or poor-quality soil conditions, a special foundation design may be required.
During construction it is important that the required compaction levels be achieved as required by
MnDOT Standards Specifications for Construction and any Special Provisions.
Figure 3-22: NID Pole
3.6.3. Guardrails
When a new sign bridge is required for a DMS installation, guardrail will be required to protect the
structure from one or both directions. In rural areas, a plate beam guardrail installation may be used
and is typically covered by Standard MnDOT Plan Sheets. In urban areas, a special installation with
concrete barrier and impact attenuator are required along with a paved maintenance pull-off on the
outside shoulder. If there is a vegetated median, the plate beam guardrail installation is used. In
locations where a median barrier is present, the sign bridge is typically mounted on the structural
barrier foundation. When a special installation is required, ITS cabinets and pull vaults are placed
directly behind the concrete barrier. In rural areas, ITS cabinets should be placed outside of the clear
zone or protected by a guardrail installation.
• Filling in an area to provide an elevated location for a cabinet pad so it does not end up in a wet
• Creating a level work area so a ladder can be safely used by workers to service the ITS devices
• Pull-off area that is level and located farther away from the active traffic lanes to provide a safer
area to park work vehicles including bucket trucks
• A four-foot wide perimeter of Type 9 Mulch around splice vaults, poles, cabinets, and shelters
should be considered in areas that do not have established lawn (mowed approximately
• Erosion control measures need to be considered when work is adjacent to rivers, wetlands, and
other environmentally sensitive areas. Depending on the level of impacts, the plans may require
a SWPPP and erosion control details.
The designer needs to include the appropriate pay items and quantities in the plans to allow for these
features to be constructed when required.
MnDOT also archives volume and speed data from vehicle detection devices. This historic data can be
used to complete traffic studies and reports and is used in the planning processes for future roadway
improvements. This data is also used for transportation research, transportation data and analytics
(TDA), and traffic modeling.
MnDOT utilizes several different types of vehicle detection technologies as part of currently deployed
traffic detection systems and/or new detection deployments, including:
• Intrusive detection (in-roadway)
• Inductive loops
• Magnetometers
• Non-intrusive detection (above or on side of roadway)
• Microwave radar
• Ultrasonic
Table 3-12 includes a description of the strengths, weaknesses, and capability of several detection types.
Inductive Loop Detection
One of the more common types of vehicle detection currently used by MnDOT is inductive loop
detection. An inductive loop is an insulated wire, comprised of four wire turns per loop, imbedded in the
roadway surface. The inductive loop is installed via sawcut or an NMC installed in/under the pavement
that is connected to a loop amplifier card located in a nearby ITS cabinet. The wire loop carries a small
oscillating DC electrical current operating at a specific frequency. When a vehicle passes over or stops
above the loop, the conductive metal from the vehicle creates a reduction in the overall inductance of
the loop. The decrease in inductance results in a corresponding decrease in electrical impedance and
increase in electric current in the wire loop. The change in electric current, or percent change when
using older inductive loop technology, actuates the loop amplifier card output relay. The traffic
controller monitors the output relay 60 times per second to sense passage or presence of a vehicle. The
total number of milliseconds it is occupied is then used to derive vehicle speed.
Magnetometer Detection
Another type of vehicle detection used by MnDOT is magnetometer-based vehicle detection.
Magnetometer-based vehicle detection detects the presence and/or movement of ferrous metal
included in a vehicle by measuring changes in the earth’s magnetic field in one or more directions (x-, y-,
and z-axis) produced by that vehicle. Magnetometers can be connected to an electronics unit in an ITS
cabinet via wired or wireless communications. MnDOT uses magnetometer-based vehicle detection for
the truck parking system. Vehicles that utilize aluminum or other non-ferrous materials may not be
detected by a magnetometer.
Microwave Radar Detection
The other predominant type of vehicle detection used by MnDOT is microwave vehicle detection. A
microwave vehicle detector transmits microwave energy across an area of roadway and when a vehicle
travels through that detection beam, a portion of the transmitted microwaves are reflected off the
vehicle and back to the detector. The detector receives the reflected microwaves and detects the
presence of a vehicle. Two commonly used types of microwave radar detection are continuous wave
(CW) radar and frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar. CW radar detectors transmit a
continuous beam of microwaves at a constant frequency and FMCW radar detectors transmit
microwaves at a constantly changing frequency.
MnDOT currently utilizes side-fire FMCW microwave vehicle detection to detect vehicles traveling along
freeway mainlines. These detectors utilize dual radar beams that are transmitted from the same
detector. The dual radars act as a virtual detection zone and can detect when the vehicle enters the
detection zone (penetrates the first beam) and when the vehicle leaves the zone (penetrates the second
beam). By comparing the time between entry and exit, along with the length of the detection zone, the
detector is able to determine an accurate measure of vehicle speed and classification. The detector is
also able to determine the vehicle’s direction depending on which of the two beams is penetrated first.
Figure 3-23: NID
MnDOT currently has a contract to use Wavetronix detection. The minimum, recommended, and
maximum detector mounting heights are listed in Table 3-11 below. MnDOT typically mounts the
detector between the recommended and maximum height. The mounting height for the detector is
based on height above the pavement surface at the nearest edge of the first detection lane. If the
ground is not level with the pavement surface, the height of the pole will be different than the detector
mounting height. The designer must obtain a cross section to determine the proposed detection pole
location. Figure 3-23 below illustrates an example cross section for determining pole placement and
determine vehicle classification. Although the RTMC seldom uses vehicle classification data, this data
can be provided to other groups that need this data.
Table 3-13: FHWA Vehicle Classification
Class # Axles Vehicle Description Notes
1 2 Motorcycles
2 2 Passenger vehicles Sedans, coupes, and station
3 2 Other 2-axle, 4-tire single unit vehicles Includes pickups, vans, campers
4 2 or more Buses Includes only traditional buses
5 2 2-axle, 6-tire, single unit trucks
6 3 3-axle single unit trucks
7 4 or more 4-axle single unit trucks
8 3,4 4 or fewer axle single-trailer trucks Semi with trailer
9 5 5-axle single-trailer trucks
10 6 or more 6 or more axle single-trailer trucks
11 4,5 5 or fewer axle multi-trailer trucks
12 6 6-axle multi-trailer trucks
13 7 or more 7 or more axle twin trailer semi-trucks
Typical components required for a vehicle detector are identified in Table 3-14 along with the
corresponding section of this design manual that should be referenced for additional design information
related to that component.
Table 3-14: Detection Components
5) Does the detector minimize the amount of new infrastructure needed and allow for devices to
be collocated where possible?
6) When in-pavement detection will be used, is the pavement condition of sufficient quality to
support operation of the detection for its maximum life expectancy?
7) Has the proposed detector infrastructure been evaluated for conflicts with other existing or
proposed infrastructure such as bridges, signs, or drainage elements?
8) Has the detector site been chosen so that it will minimize maintenance costs and safety
concerns (e.g., is there sufficient space to park a bucket truck without the need for a full lane
closure and significant traffic control)?
9) The index numbers of existing detectors can be found on the All Detector Report
10) The numbering system comes from a database from the RTMC operations group. Number from
right to left. N1, N2, etc. and the letter represents the direction of traffic flow (e.g. N means
11) Loop detector sizes for mainline lane detection are typically 6 feet by 6 feet for a 12-foot lane
and are centered in the lane. Loop detectors located on ramps are 6-feet long, but the width
varies. The width of these loops is the ramp roadway width, not including any shoulder, minus 6
feet (i.e. 2 * 3 feet from the edge of pavement to each side of the ramp). Figure 3-24 shows how
the widths of the loops are determined.
Figure 3-25: Loop Detector Configuration on Entry Ramps
2) Mainline detectors in the Metro District are typically located every half-mile.
3) When placing a detector, consider the location of future infrastructure (e.g., future lanes,
shoulders, etc.).
4) Is the detector mounted at a height that falls within the manufacturer’s recommended range?
a. MnDOT typically mounts the detector between the recommended and maximum
5) Is the detector capable of detecting all traffic lanes and is the detector far enough away (12 foot
minimum distance is required) from the closest lane but no more than 200 feet from the
farthest lane so that it can accurately detect all traffic lanes? The designer should identify the
distance from the NID to each traffic lane on the plans.
6) Is the detector mounted high enough to prevent occlusion of vehicles when adjacent to larger
7) Is there a high median barrier that might cause occlusion or adversely impact the detector’s
ability to function properly?
8) Is there guardrail present that might cause reflection or adversely impact the detector’s ability
to function properly?
9) Is the detector far enough away from a bridge or sign structure to prevent any negative impacts
of the bridge or sign structure? The minimum clearance is 40 feet.
10) Do the existing and/or proposed grades slope up or down such that they would prevent the
detector from accurately measuring vehicles in the farthest travel lanes?
11) If a new pole is required for the detector, is the pole located beyond the clear zone or protected
by a suitable safety barrier?
12) Is another detector located on the opposite side of the roadway and, if so, is there sufficient
offset in placement to avoid interference with one another? The minimum offset is 70 feet.
13) If buses will be utilizing the shoulder, the detector should be located such that it is capable of
detecting traffic on the shoulder.
Ramp Detection (Inductive Loops)
1) When installing a loop detector in existing pavement, check the pavement condition and avoid
areas where the pavement is damaged.
2) When installing a loop detector in new concrete pavement, the loop detector should be placed a
minimum of 3 feet from dowel baskets at pavement joints. Do not place the loop detector
above a culvert, where there would likely be supplemental pavement reinforcement.
3) When a porkchop is present at the upstream end of the ramp, the location of the queue
detection loop(s) may need to be adjusted to capture both traffic movements or two loops may
be needed.
4) When locating a passage loop detector, place the loop at least 25’ beyond the ramp meter.
5) When a HOV bypass lane is provided, a passage loop detector should also be provided for the
HOV bypass lane in addition to the passage loop detector beyond the ramp meter.
6) Naming of loops is very important, consult with the MnDOT RTMC operations group for loop
General design steps for all ITS devices are listed in Section 4.7 and detailed design steps for vehicle
detection are listed in Section 4.8.1.
MnDOT also shares snapshots and video from these camera video feeds with the public through the
Minnesota 511 Traveler Information System. Travelers can utilize these video snapshots and video to
obtain current traffic conditions and identify potential congestion or incidents along their planned travel
Typical video camera components are identified in Table 3-15 along with the section of this design
manual to reference for additional information on that component. Video camera warrants are
discussed in Section 2.4.3.
Table 3-15: Video Camera Components
Component Manual Location
Video Camera This Section
Mounting Hardware This Section
Pole Cabinet Section 3.5
Power Section 3.1
Communications Section 3.2
MnDOT has deployed several different types and styles of video cameras over the years and not all
cameras rely on the same technology, features, and functionality. The type of video camera is largely
dependent on when it was deployed, its intended use, and the constraints of the location in which it was
installed. The following includes a brief overview of the types and styles of video cameras currently used
by MnDOT. MnDOT utilizes digital cameras where the digital video encoder hardware and/or software
CODECS are integrated directly into the video camera unit and no additional hardware is required in the
field cabinet. MnDOT’s standard for all new video cameras in use is high-definition (HD); however, there
are still many standard-definition (SD) cameras deployed across the State. MnDOT is in the process of
upgrading all SD cameras to HD, but the process will take time. As SD cameras fail, they will be replaced
with HD cameras. The camera housing is made up of the environmental enclosure and PTZ unit, heaters,
wipers, etc. MnDOT typically uses barrel style cameras. Barrel cameras were traditionally used in fixed
locations but have seen many advancements in recent years and now provide PTZ capabilities and are
used extensively by MnDOT. Dome cameras previously were used but due to icing challenges and a blind
spot with the domes due to the mounting, they are typically not used by MnDOT. There are some other
cameras used by MnDOT for specific applications such as truck parking and gate arm monitoring.
Video cameras can be fixed or controlled. Fixed video cameras are stationary and cannot be remotely
repositioned. Repositioning a fixed video camera requires physically repositioning the camera in the
field. These cameras are often deployed for security purposes, focus on a particular area of interest, and
typically provide zoom-in/zoom-out and focus functionality.
Controlled video cameras, often referred to as PTZ cameras, allow users to remotely reposition the
camera to view a particular area of interest. Freeway video cameras deployed by MnDOT are PTZ
Current video camera technology allows for camera spacing of up to 2 miles and a field of view of 1-2
miles in each direction if the camera mounting, topography, road configuration, and weather are ideal.
The location for video cameras is dependent on the terrain, number of horizontal and vertical curves,
desire to monitor weaving areas, identification of high-incident locations, and the need to view ramps
and arterial streets. Each prospective site must be investigated to establish the camera range and field-
of-view that will be obtained as a function of mounting height and lens selection.
It is an issue if there is not a high bandwidth connection to the camera. For example, in some remote
rural areas the camera may be using a wireless link with much less bandwidth than a fiber optic
connection. In cases of limited bandwidth, there are trade-offs related to camera resolution, refresh
rate, and compression losses. The communication system needs to be designed to effectively allow
access to the video and minimize bottleneck links. Performance also affects camera control. In a low
bandwidth situation, there is a delay between issuing the camera movement command and when the
camera moves, which makes it difficult to point the camera where desired in real-time. In these
situations, it is helpful if the camera control includes the ability to use presets so that the operator can
easily point the camera in the desired direction.
For fixed location video camera systems, video cameras are permanently mounted either on existing
structures along the freeway or on specially installed camera poles.
MnDOT video cameras are typically mounted on a 50-foot high video camera folding pole. See below for
the typical video camera folding pole detail. NID folding poles, which have varying heights, are also used
to mount video cameras. Additional and current details can be found on the approved/qualified product
list (APL/QPL) at Folding poles allow for installation and
maintenance without the need for bucket trucks, ladders, etc.
Video Camera Pole Installation Detail:
Figure 3-28 below illustrates the swing path of the 50’ video camera folding pole. The designer must
consider this when determining the locations of poles, cabinets, etc. and their proximity to trees and
other obstacles to ensure that the swing path of the pole is not obstructed.
If the video camera is to be mounted on an existing structure, coordination with the appropriate MnDOT
functional group is required. For instance, cameras mounted on a bridge require coordination with the
bridge group.
A video camera system may be included at a traffic signal or arterial management system. For these
systems, coordinate with the traffic signal owner to determine the correct quadrant(s) to locate the
camera. These are often installed on a specially designed mounting pole that takes the place of one of
the signal luminaire davit arms.
This section includes high-level design considerations and guidance to assist ITS practitioners engaged in
video camera design for MnDOT. The sections below include several questions designers should seek to
answer as they begin the video camera system design process.
Location/Placement Guidelines
• Has the camera location been chosen/designed with consideration to maximizing visibility?
• Has the pole location been designed with consideration to the swing path of the folding pole?
• Has a site for the camera been chosen that considers the available utilities and the
cost/constraints associated with connection to those utilities?
• Has the site been chosen with consideration to protecting the camera structure and ensuring
that it will last without undue maintenance necessary to the structure and the surrounding site?
• Has a site been chosen that makes the best use of the operational needs of a video camera
system (e.g., incident management)?
• Has a site been chosen that satisfies safety requirements for personnel performing maintenance
on the system?
• Has the site been selected so that it will minimize maintenance costs (e.g., there is sufficient
shoulder to park a bucket truck without the need for a full lane closure to perform maintenance
• Is the structure the video camera is mounted on located beyond the clear zone or protected by
a suitable safety barrier?
• Has the site been chosen considering safety and conditions so that access will be available year-
round, in all weather conditions, and at all times of the day?
• Has the availability of communications infrastructure been evaluated? If a wireless link must be
used, tradeoffs will need to be made regarding camera resolution, refresh rate, and
compression losses.
Video Camera Type
• What application is the video camera being used for? Different cameras are used for more
specific applications such as truck parking and gate monitoring.
Camera Mount
• Will the camera be mounted on a standard folding pole, existing structure, or traffic signal pole?
If mounted on an existing structure or traffic signal pole, coordination with other functional
groups will be required.
Control Cabinet
• The new standard is to include a pole cabinet on all video camera and NID poles for future
proofing purposes, as CAV-X applications may eventually utilize them.
• Which components are State-provided, and which are to be provided by the contractor? MnDOT
has a multi-year contract for the procurement of video cameras. Video cameras, 334 style
control cabinets, and communication cables (between the Ethernet switch and video camera),
as well as Ethernet switches, are typically furnished and installed by the State. Service cabinets,
pole cabinets, video camera and NID poles, conduit, pull vaults, and power cables are furnished
and installed by the contractor.
General design steps for all ITS devices are listed in Section 4.7 and detailed design steps for video
cameras are listed in Section 4.8.2.
DMS messages are typically focused on safety or transportation conditions and are comprised of three
primary components: a problem statement, a location, and a recommended action. The problem
statement informs the motorist of a particular event or incident, the location provides general
information on the location of that event or incident, and the recommended action informs the motorist
of the action they should take. The MN MUTCD includes several additional requirements for developing
and displaying messages on a DMS.
Typical DMS components are identified in Table 3-16 along with the section of this design manual to
reference for additional information on that component.
Table 3-16: DMS Components
Component Manual Location
Dynamic Message Sign This Section
Sign Structure This Section
Control Cabinet Section 3.5
Power Section 3.1
Communications Section 3.2
This section includes high-level design considerations and guidance to assist ITS practitioners engaged in
DMS design for MnDOT. The sections below include several questions designers should seek to answer
as they begin the DMS design process.
Longitudinal Placement
• Is the DMS located in the Metro District, an urban area outside of the Metro District, or a rural
• Is the DMS visible and unobscured?
• Is the DMS located sufficiently upstream of any potential diversion routes?
• Is the DMS located a sufficient distance upstream or downstream of any existing guide signs?
Lateral Placement
• Is the DMS structure located outside of the clear zone or protected by a suitable safety barrier?
• Has the lateral offset of the DMS been accounted for when calculating the length of the Reading
and Decision Zone?
CAV Considerations
• Will nearby CAV roadside units (RSUs) require direct data feeds from the DMS?
• Will nearby CAV RSUs benefit from shared infrastructure required as part of the DMS
Sign Characteristics
• All new DMS are to be full matrix, full-color, and have a 20 mm pixel pitch. Prior DMS
characteristics varied based on the DMS application. It is important to note that DMS standards
may change, and designers should verify current DMS characteristics and design requirements
used by MnDOT before beginning design.
• Which DMS size is required for the application? Typical DMS sizes include 8 feet by 18 feet, 8
feet by 32 feet, and 8 feet by 42 feet. The most commonly used sizes are 8 feet by 18 feet and 8
feet by 32 feet, but other sizes may be used in special circumstances or when dictated by
existing or proposed conditions.
Viewing Angle
• Has a sign viewing angle been chosen that complements the roadway alignment and the DMS
Sign Access
• Are there any traffic, environmental, or safety factors that warrant a specific type of sign access?
Different access types include walk-in, rear access, and front access. Walk-in DMS are preferred
for all overhead DMS as these style signs are easier to maintain and reduce the impact on traffic
operations. Front access was previously used for E-ZPass price display insets on static E-ZPass
sign panels, but these have now been replaced with full 8 foot by 18 foot DMSs.
• If walk-in DMS is used, is a left door or right door needed? This is dependent on site-specific
considerations and must be determined before DMS can be procured.
• If the DMS is ground-mounted, is there an Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA)-compliant area for the placement of a ladder for maintenance operations?
• Is the DMS overhead (roadway bridge or standard truss (full sign bridge or cantilever design) or
ground mounted?
• Have visibility, road speed/volume, right-of-way, maintenance, and cost been considered when
selecting the type of sign structure?
• Is there sufficient vertical clearance for the sign and the sign structure? The minimum low steel
clearance value is currently 16 feet 4 inches although MnDOT uses 17 feet 4 inches to the lowest
hanging device.
• Which components are State-provided, and which are to be provided by the contractor? MnDOT
has a multi-year contract for the procurement of DMS and 334 Style Control Cabinets. DMS and
control cabinets are typically furnished by the State and installed by the contractor. Service
cabinets, conduit, pull vaults, communication cables, and power cables are typically furnished,
installed, and terminated by the contractor.
Control Cabinet
• Is the control cabinet located within a reasonable distance of the sign?
• Is the sign face visible from the control cabinet location?
The ideal location for a permanent DMS on a controlled access roadway is in advance of an interchange
or access point in order to inform drivers in advance and provide them with sufficient time to take some
action in response to the message being displayed on the sign. A DMS should not compete with existing
roadway guide signs. At times, relocation of static signs may be required to install a DMS at a critical
location. In general, DMS should be located:
• Upstream of major decision points (e.g., exit ramps, freeway-to-freeway interchanges, or
intersection of major routes that will allow drivers to take an alternate route)
• Upstream of bottlenecks, high-accident areas, and/or major special event facilities (e.g.,
stadiums, convention centers)
• Where regional information related to weather conditions such as snow, ice, fog, wind, or dust
is critical
The ease with which a sign can be detected in the environment (conspicuity) and the ease with which
the message can be read (legibility) will enhance the effectiveness of motorists' visibility of the DMS and
its message. In addition, the way the message is displayed must be considered (e.g., if the message is
too luminous, it can be easily detected but difficult to read because of glare). Factors that affect the
legibility of light-emitting DMS include the character height; font style; character width (spacing and size
of pixels); spacing of characters, words, and lines; size of sign borders; and contrast ratio.
The designer needs to consider the site characteristics of the area in which the DMS will be located.
Factors that should be considered include:
• The operating speed of traffic on the roadway
• The presence and design characteristics of any vertical curves that may impact sight distance
• The presence of horizontal curves and/or obstructions such as trees, bridge abutments, or
construction vehicles that constrain sight distance to the DMS around the curve
• The location of the DMS relative to the position of the sun (for daytime conditions)
• The location of any static guide signs in the vicinity
• Presence of wetlands
• Whether unusual site-specific weather conditions apply that could degrade sign visibility
Other design considerations include sign size (which affects message length and support structure
requirements), maintenance access (e.g., walk-in housings, front access), technology, viewing angle and
distance, and character size.
The maximum length of a message that will be displayed on the sign is primarily dictated by the amount
of information a driver can reliably read and comprehend during the period they are within the legibility
distance of the DMS. The maximum length of a DMS message is also controlled by the characteristics of
the sign. These include the type of sign (typically LED), the number of lines available, and the number of
characters on each line. Each of these characteristics will affect the distance at which a sign can be read
and, consequently, how much information can be presented on it. Guidance on MnDOT DMS messages
is documented in “2012 CMS Manual of Practice,” although it should be the responsibility of the TMC
manager/supervisor to assess the DMS characteristics and determine the maximum length of message
to display.
As noted earlier, the primary considerations related to longitudinal placement of a DMS are to minimize
obstructions of and by the DMS, provide maximum visibility of the DMS message, and allow the driver
ample time in which to read, process, and react to the message. When the DMS is located near at-grade
intersections, the designer needs to ensure that the DMS does not negatively affect intersection sight
distances. Once the DMS visibility distance has been determined, the designer will need to check for
existing guide signs in the area to ensure that they will not obstruct the visibility of the DMS. DMS and
guide signs should be spaced far enough apart to allow the driver time to read and process the
information on each sign. Typically, DMS should be located a minimum of 800 feet from an upstream or
downstream guide sign.
The approach area to a DMS can be divided into three zones as shown in Figure 3-30.
• Detection Zone
• Reading and Decision Zone
• Out-of-Vision Zone
Figure 3-31: DMS Visibility (Not to Scale)
Visibility Distance
Legibility Distance
Detection Distance = AB
Visiblity Distance = AD
Legibility Distance = BD
Reading and Decision Distance = BC
Out of Vision Distance = CD
Detection Zone
At typical (70 mph) highway speeds, the DMS should be visible to the approaching driver from between
1,000 to 2,000 feet away. The visibility distance should also be increased if the DMS is placed at an offset
from the travel lanes.
Reading and Decision Zone
As a general rule, the message panels on a highway-deployed DMS usually contain room for three lines
of text, each with 12 to 21 characters.
Drivers need approximately one second per word to read and comprehend a message. Traveling at 70
mph, this equates to roughly enough time to read and comprehend a 10-word message. The character
height, cone of vision, and lateral placement must all be considered when determining the placement of
the sign in order to meet sight distance requirements. Typically, the design needs to have drivers
recognize the sign at least 800 feet away, and drivers need to be able to comprehend the message a
minimum of 600 feet away.
Out-of-Vision Zone
Once the driver gets close to the sign, they will not be able to read the message. The out-of-vision zone
distance is determined by the viewing angle of the sign, the structure the sign is attached to, and the
lateral placement of the sign.
National standards regarding lateral placement of signs must be followed when locating and designing a
DMS. For overhead mounted DMS, which lane(s) the DMS is placed above depends on the application.
For express lane pricing signs, the DMS should be centered over the express lane, while a general
purpose DMS should be centered over the general-purpose lanes. Roadside DMS must be placed outside
of the clear zone or shielded with a Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) compliant
crashworthy barrier if placed within the clear zone. The designer should use the MnDOT Road Design
Manual and the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide to determine the appropriate clear zone at the DMS
location. The DMS structure must be placed far enough behind the guardrail to comply with the
minimum guardrail clearance values. Consideration should also be made for snow being thrown by
plows, so placing the sign structure right behind the guardrail is not ideal.
The offset of the DMS (i.e., horizontal distance to the sign from the travel lanes) will require additional
sight distance to clearly view and react to the sign.
Sign Type Selection
The selection of the sign type, the configuration of the display, and the technology employed all have
direct and indirect impacts on the visibility of the message that will be displayed on the DMS. RTMC
operations staff need to be consulted to confirm the planned use of the sign and associated DMS model
and mounting location.
Matrix Characteristics
DMS display characters and symbols in a matrix format are generally designed in one of the following
three patterns:
• Character matrix (oldest)
• Line matrix (older)
• Full matrix (current)
Full matrix DMS displays are the standard format used for permanent MnDOT applications. In this
format, the entire display consists of a continuous matrix of pixels.
The industry-standard DMS matrix technology is Light-Emitting Diode (LED) signs. LEDs are
semiconductors that emit light when current is applied. Typically, several individual LEDs are "clustered"
together to create each pixel. Color displays use a red-green-blue (RGB) cluster for each pixel. LEDs have
the added benefit of being able to display signs in full color with the appropriate LED type. The reliability
of LEDs is very high.
MnDOT has a multiyear contract for the procurement of full-matrix LED-style DMS.
Viewing angles are defined as the area in which the intensity of the LEDs is at 50% of their maximum
brightness when a traveler is viewing the DMS from a straight position. For example, at 15 degrees off-
center, the LED brightness in a standard 30 degree viewing cone would be 50% of the maximum
intensity. The DMS display brightness is adjusted to accommodate different ambient light conditions
(day, night, solar glare).
Viewing angle is an important design consideration and will depend on the mounting location of the
DMS and the curvature of the roadway. MnDOT does not typically utilize DMS where the viewing angle
is less than 15 degrees (30-degree cone).
The roadside signs are skewed so they are not perpendicular to the road to maximize the legibility of the
sign. The designer needs to align the DMS so it is perpendicular to the driver’s position 500 feet from the
sign. The skew angle will vary depending on the offset from the side of the road. The skew angle
typically varies from 3-12 degrees. All DMSs mounted on standard truss sign bridges are mounted
perpendicular to the road. For DMSs mounted to roadway bridges, the acceptable skew varies from 3-10
degrees. The DMS must be mounted flat to the face of the bridge due to structural design and access
considerations, so if the bridge is skewed more than 10 degrees the DMS cannot be placed on that
DMS generally utilize one of three different types of access: rear, walk-in, and front access. For overhead
or cantilever DMS, MnDOT prefers walk-in style signs in order to avoid the need for traffic control or
lane closures for maintenance and to reduce impacts on traffic operations. When installing a DMS near a
ditch or drainageway, the designer should consider the walk-in style with the door on the side to
provide the closest access to the ground. The designer will also need to consider any clearing and/or
grading required around the sign in order to provide an OSHA-compliant work area for the sign. The
designer should also consider whether there is room for a maintenance vehicle to access the site and
maintain the sign, and in some cases a vehicle pull-off is desired.
If there are more than two lanes per direction of traffic or heavy traffic with two lanes per direction, the
overhead mount is preferred since other traffic has less opportunity to obstruct the visibility of the DMS.
For two lane roads (one lane per direction) or for four lane roads with light traffic, a roadside mounted
DMS may be acceptable and is typically less expensive. Table 3-17 provides some pros and cons of the
various support types.
Table 3-17: DMS Support Type Comparison
Support Type Pros Cons Other Considerations
Overhead (mounted • Preferred option • Less visibility than • Can be used on any
on roadway bridge) • Better for visibility mounted on roadway type
• Lower cost than standard truss if • Utilize on high
standard sign truss bridge has a larger volume roadways
Overhead (mounted • Best for visibility • Higher cost than • Alternative if limited
on standard truss) • No skew compared mounted on right-of-way
to roadway bridge roadway bridge • Can be used on any
mount roadway type
Overhead (mounted • Best for limited right- • Higher cost than • Alternative to
on cantilever – 18’ of-way situations roadside roadside if limited
DMS only) where roadside DMS right-of-way
won’t fit • Maximum span
length is 34 feet
Component Discussion
Overhead Structures This Section
Control Cabinet Section 3.5
Power Section 3.1
Communications Section 3.2
The toll reader is located in the controller cabinet and requires Ethernet communications. The toll
reader is also referred to as a roadside unit (RSU). This RSU is not the same as the RSU used in
connected vehicle applications. Every location with a toll reader is technically a toll plaza. The E-ZPass
tag information is sent via a signal that is obtained by the tolling antenna and sent to the toll reader that
records the tag ID. The E-ZPass toll collection system detects and processes E-ZPass tags, which are then
provided to IRIS for further processing. IRIS utilizes tag IDs from the toll collection system to track
traveling vehicles to determine the length of the trip and ultimately the price that is charged to the
customer’s prepaid account.
Tolling antenna placement is largely driven by the placement of the DMS pricing signs and regulatory E-
ZPass signs shown in Figure 3-34 and Figure 3-35. The preferred placement of the tolling antenna is
below the regulatory sign directly after the second DMS pricing sign at the beginning of the lane, but this
may not always be possible due to site-specific constraints. If it cannot be placed below the regulatory
sign, it should be placed below the second DMS pricing sign. After the first tolling antenna location,
additional tolling antenna placement is largely determined by interchange entrance ramp locations
where vehicles may enter the E-ZPass lane. This gives the driver time to decide whether they want to
enter/stay in the HOT lane before reaching the tolling antenna and being charged a fee. The mounting
height and angle (15 degrees) of the tolling antenna are also important for optimal operations. Tolling
antenna overhead sign truss and bridge mounting details are provided in Figure 3-31 and Figure 3-32,
respectively. If the tolling antenna is not placed correctly, the antenna could read toll tags in the
adjacent general-purpose lane. It is also important to note that the tolling antenna is directional, so for a
reversible lane facility, such as the I-394 E-ZPass reversible lane section, there must be separate tolling
antennas mounted for each direction of operation.
between the RTMC and the signing group is required for HOT lane design since signing is a major
component of the design.
DMS pricing signs, tolling antennas, enforcement beacons, and regulatory E-ZPass signs are all mounted
above the HOT lane on sign bridges or roadway bridges. For each device, requirements for the sign
bridge design vary as listed below:
• All sign bridges require sign post nipples to accommodate cables for ITS devices
• Walkways must be included for DMS pricing signs, but they are not included if there is only a
tolling antenna mounted to the structure
For devices to be placed on roadway bridges, the roadway bridge location should be close enough to
adhere to all the placement guidelines in this section.
Once the toll reader and DMS pricing sign placement has been determined, the placement of the
controller cabinets can be established. This placement involves many factors, including:
• Distance between the controller cabinet and the tolling antenna
• Safety of the cabinet location
• Grades
• Drainage
• Maintenance accessibility (parking availability for maintenance vehicles)
A 334MP style cabinet is used at tolling antenna and DMS pricing sign locations. The distance between
the controller cabinet and equipment is of concern since the toll reader communication cable has
distance and bending radius constraints. All cabinets for a HOT lane facility utilize an urban concrete
median barrier and maintenance vehicle pull-off design, shown below in Figure 3-36 and Figure 3-37.
accommodate merging vehicles one or two at a time. However, when platoons (i.e., groups) of vehicles
attempt to force their way into freeway traffic, turbulence and shockwaves are created, causing the
mainline flow to breakdown. Reducing the turbulence in merge zones can also lead to a reduction in
sideswipe and rear-end type accidents that are associated with stop-and-go, erratic traffic flow.
MnDOT has researched the use of ramp meters extensively. This research found that the use of ramp
metering results in increased vehicle throughput, decreased travel times, increased speeds, improved
trip reliability, and fewer crashes on freeways. The capacity of a metered freeway is higher than an
unmetered freeway. The Transportation Policy Plan documents that metered freeways have a higher
capacity than unmetered freeways with 1,950 versus 1,750 vehicles per hour per lane, respectively.
Ramps may be metered as one lane, as two metered lanes, as two metered lanes with an HOV bypass,
and as two metered lanes with a metered HOV bypass. The single lane metering applies only to retrofit
situations where widening of a ramp or loop is not practical, and in some cases to new construction
where the RTMC decided to implement one lane metering. In all other cases, a two-lane metering of the
on-ramps and loops shall be designed.
Figure 3-39: Ramp Meter
When first implemented, MnDOT operated ramp meters by time of day. For the past 30 years, MnDOT
has used adaptive ramp metering. The adaptive ramp metering algorithm is incorporated into their
ATMS (IRIS) along with field devices (ramp meters, ramp detection, and mainline detection) to operate
the ramp metering system. IRIS looks at freeway operations three miles downstream of the ramp meter
or to the closest bottleneck.
Typical components required for a ramp meter project are shown in Table 3-19 along with a reference
to the section of this manual discussing the component.
It should also be noted that only four ramps can be run out of one cabinet for ramp metering. For cases
with more than four ramps, such as a cloverleaf interchange with ramps for all eight movements, at
least two cabinets would be needed if all ramps were to be metered.
The slope of the terrain for cabinet placement must be no steeper than 4:1. Placement of the cabinet on
3:1 slopes or steeper require grading provisions to provide a level area around the cabinet.
Loop Detector Placement
Demand, passage, and queue loop detection required for ramp meter installations are typically
illustrated at precise locations in the ramp meter plans. The plans should provide all loop detection
information including location (station), description (type), and size (in feet). When placing queue loop
detection for ramp meter applications, the designer should work with RTMC operations to determine
the optimal location. MnDOT uses four turns per loop detector; additional details can be found in the
MnDOT Standard Plans.
Detection is a critical component of effective ramp meter operations. Accurate detection on the
mainline and ramps is crucial for effective adaptive ramp metering. Further information on detection
can be found in the detection Section 3.7.1.
Advance Warning Sign Placement
Placement of a traditional advanced warning sign (e.g., “Ramp Metered When Flashing”) depends upon
the functional intent of the warning signs.
• Pre-Entrance Notification: Under pre-entrance notification, the functional intent of the sign is to
warn motorists approaching the ramp that it is currently being metered. The placement of
advance warning signs under this scenario should provide adequate sight distance along the
cross street, allowing the motorist ample time to decide whether to enter the freeway system at
that location, or bypass the ramp meter and travel along alternate routes.
• Post-Entrance Notification: Under post-entrance notification, the functional intent of the sign is
to warn motorists upon entering the ramp that metering is currently being implemented. The
placement of advance warning signs under this scenario should provide adequate sight distance
upon entering the ramp while allowing sufficient distance between the sign and estimated back
of queue.
General design steps for all ITS devices are listed in Section 4.7 and detailed design steps for ramp
meters are listed in Section 4.8.5.
Note: On the title sheet, after the state project number, the trunk highway and legislative route number
must be shown in parenthesis (T.H. 156 = ###) where ### is the legislative route number.
The designer should consult with the project manager to ensure that the appropriate signature block is
used. Chapter 1 of the MnDOT Design Scene includes a flowchart for determining which signatures are
required. The Design Scene is located at the link below, and a screenshot of the flowchart is included
The image below shows the signatures that are required for a typical State Transportation Improvement
Plan (STIP) project. This block is located below the Plan Preparation Certification note.
A SP in the project number stands for State Project. A SP is necessary for any project on a trunk highway.
A SAP is a State Aid Project number indicating that the local agency is using State Aid funds to finance
their share of the project. If the project has federal funding, the SAP becomes a SP. All state aid numbers
should be listed on all sheets to which they apply.
The general format for a SP number is “CCNN-A”. CC is the county number in alphabetical order (i.e.,
Anoka County is 02). NN is the control section number within the county that is unique to the roadway
in the county. A is the number of the project on that control section (i.e., 269 means that there have
been 268 other projects on this section of roadway prior to this project).
The general format for a SAP number is CCC-NNN-A. CCC is a 3-digit city number and a two-digit number
is a county number. NNN is a number related to the roadway and project type. A is the number of the
project in that city or county of that type.
The index map is used to identify the location of the project(s) and/or project work areas. Provide leader
lines from the beginning and end of the project limits to the appropriate points on the map. This is
generally located near the center of the title sheet.
If appropriate, identify all SAP numbers applicable to the project. Also, label all individual device
locations such as DMS, RWIS, video camera, etc. if it is a device-specific project.
The information included in this block is the generalized location (county and city). This is generally
located in the lower right part of the title sheet, left of the signature block, and above the project
number block.
This block is included so that future revisions can be documented. This is generally located in lower
center portion of the title sheet. Pencil in the charge identifier number. MnDOT plan processing will edit
this as necessary.
These are the standard symbols pertaining to TMS design.
These are the general Utility Notes.
Utility quality level is a professional opinion about the quality and reliability of utility information. There
are four levels of utility quality information, ranging from the most precise and reliable, level A, to the
least precise and reliable, level D. The utility quality level must be determined in accordance with
guidelines established by the Construction Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers in
document CI/ASCE 38-02 entitled “Standard Guidelines for the Collection and Depiction of Existing
Subsurface Utility Data.”
According to Minnesota Statutes, section 216D.04, subdivision 1a, all plans for projects with excavation
must depict the utility quality level of the utility information. Unless there is proof that the utility
information in the plan is more accurate, MnDOT assumes that it is Utility Quality Level D. The project
manager must use the following note, filling in the appropriate utility quality level, on the utility
tabulation sheets for projects involving excavation:
The subsurface utility information in this plan is utility quality level ___. This utility quality level was
determined according to the guidelines of CI/ASCE 38- 02, entitled “Standard Guidelines for the
Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data.”
The Minnesota statute on utilities can be found at the following web site:
The plans and/or specifications should call for GPS locating of as-built installed equipment and
underground cables to support future one-call locating requirements, as well as provisions for how the
contractor should mark their dig locations and what level of locating they must agree to when digging.
This is the list of the utility ownership in the project area. The table includes a note of how the utilities
should be impacted (e.g., LEAVE AS IS).
This sheet shows the estimated quantities for the project. The total quantity and the quantity by project
number shall be shown.
The appropriate specification item numbers, item descriptions, and units using the State’s pay item list
shall be included.
Refer to the AASHTOWare Project Item List website
( for a listing of the following:
• Item number and extension
• Long description
• Short description
• Unit name
• Plan unit description
State Aid participation should be clearly identified for each item. The funding split note(s) should be
larger than the rest of the pay item notes as shown below for increased visibility. The pay item notes
should provide additional details that will assist the contractor with bidding on a plan set, such as
describing what a quantity consists of and if any service cabinets include circuit breakers that differ from
what is included in the APL.
the Traffic portion of Time & Traffic within Division S for every project, and the construction group is
responsible for writing the Time & Traffic portion of Division S with input from the traffic group. The
construction group also provides input on contract duration, liquidated damages, and certain quantities
such as the need for truck mounted impact attenuators and construction surveying. The Central Office is
responsible for writing Division S and incorporates input from the traffic and construction groups. There
are a variety of pay items that need to be included in Division S for an ITS project. The Division S sections
required vary depending on the components (i.e. structural steel, concrete, erosion control, etc.)
included in the ITS project.
Other Special Provisions sections are only included if design in other functional areas require their
addition. They are typically completed by the functional group completing that portion of the design. A
list of other Special Provisions sections that may need to be included are:
• Division SB (Bridge)
• Division SL (Lighting)
• Division SS (Signals)
• Division ST (Signing)
At times it may become necessary to provide additional information, corrections, additions, or deletions
to the Special Provisions, plans, and/or Spec Book after the project is advertised but before the actual
letting of the project. This information is provided to bidders via an addendum. This addendum is then
sent out to contractors, suppliers, etc. that have purchased the contract documents for the specific
project. This addendum is sent out with enough lead time to allow bidders the opportunity to consider
the addendum as they prepare their bid.
It is important that plans and Special Provisions are clear, accurate, and adequately indicate the work
that the contractor is required to perform. However, when that does not happen, or if some item(s) is
inadvertently omitted from the project documents, MnDOT will negotiate a supplemental agreement
with the contractor to rectify the situation. There are occasions when supplemental agreements are
necessary due to field conditions that were not apparent at the time of the project design. It is,
however, in the best interest of everyone to try and keep supplemental agreements to a minimum.
• Short Description
• Long Description
• Unit Name
• Plan Unit Description
• Specification Year
The results, or the entire AASHTOWare list, can be export to PDF and CSV formats.
Figure 4-3: AASHTOWare Website