Body Freedom Flutter of A Blended Wing Body Model
Body Freedom Flutter of A Blended Wing Body Model
Body Freedom Flutter of A Blended Wing Body Model
Procedia Engineering 99 (2015) 46 – 50
Aeroservoelastic model is developed for a blended wing body aircraft coupled with flight control system. Body freedom flutter of
such aeroservoelastic system is analyzed and trend studies considering varied loop gain value, center of gravity of the balanced
weight and wing stiffness are delivered to determine their influence on body freedom flutter characteristics of this
aeroservoelastic system. It is found that the closed loop flutter speed decreases dramatically compared to that of the open loop
case. The loop gain value and the wing stiffness have strong influence on the closed loop flutter characteristics. It is noted that
the static unstable unaugmented blended wing body aircraft can be stabilized by proper designed flight control system, however,
the closed loop body freedom flutter speed is still quite low which needs further consideration in flight control system synthesis.
© 2015
2014The TheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published Ltd. This
by Elsevier an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA).
Peer-review under responsibility of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA)
Keywords: Flutter; Flying wing; Body freedom flutter; Flight control system; Aeroservoelasticity
1. Introduction
Flying wing is a configuration that has susceptible aeroelastic instability known as Body Freedom Flutter (BFF),
which is induced by the short period mode and the elastic wing bending mode coupling [1]. A previous study was
carried out for the BFF characteristics of an open-loop high aspect ratio flying wing model with respect to various
kinds of design parameters [2]. However, it is well known that the flight control system has strong influence on the
1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics (CSAA)
Gu Yingsong et al. / Procedia Engineering 99 (2015) 46 – 50 47
short period mode characteristics, especially when the airplane is static unstable, so it is also necessary to investigate
the BFF problem of the flying wing model coupled with flight control system.
In the present work, a different kind of flying wing configuration, blended wing body (BWB) aircraft model [3]
is studied for its BFF characteristics considering the influence of the flight control system. First, the aeroservoelastic
model is developed and the closed loop flutter characteristics is determined and compared with that of the open-loop
case. Then, parametric analysis is made to study the BFF trend with the varied loop gain value, and another trend
study is also carried out by moving forward the center of gravity (c.g.) of the balanced weight at the wing root
section while the loop gain value keeps constant as 0.13. Finally, a static unstable configuration is studied with the
c.g. of the balanced weight located at x=-0.05 m, considering the influence of varied loop gain value. For the static
unstable case, a BFF trend study is also made by varying the wing stiffness with a constant loop gain 0.39.
2. Methodology
A BWB flying wing configuration [3] is considered in this study. The right half span structure is modeled as a
beam like finite element model as shown in Fig. 1(a), and the aerodynamic panel model is shown in Fig. 1(b).
Normal mode analysis and flutter analysis are carried out using MSC.Nastran [4]. The model of a simplified flight
control system is developed utilizing the transfer function module of MSC.Nastran, and the full aeroservoelastic
model is then developed and analyzed. Only the symmetric modes are considered in the present study.
a b
Fig. 1. (a) finite element model; (b) aerodynamic panel model for a BWB airplane.
The block diagram for the combined aeroelastic and flight control system is shown in Fig. 2. It should be noted
that, the outboard aileron (as shown in Fig. 3) is implemented as the main control surface for pitch motion of the
aircraft, and the sensor is located at the elastic center of the wing root to measure the pitch angular velocity. For
simplification, sensor dynamics is taken as unit value in the model and the flight control system is reduced to a
proportional unit with only one parameter, i.e. the loop gain value. The actuator system dynamics is also ignored
here. For the baseline model, the c.g. of the balanced weight is located at 0.25 m ahead of the wing root elastic
center, and the control loop stiffness for the outboard aileron is 100.0 N*m/rad.
r(s) y(s)
Actuator Aeroelastic System
Fig. 2. Block diagram for the combined aeroelastic and flight control system.
48 Gu Yingsong et al. / Procedia Engineering 99 (2015) 46 – 50
3. Numerical results
Firstly, normal mode analysis is carried out using MSC.Nastran. For the symmetric modes considered in this
study, two rigid modes, i.e. plunging and pitching, and two primary elastic modes, wing 1st bending and 2nd
bending modes are obtained and shown in Fig. 4. The fore-aft mode is omitted. Natural frequencies of these two
primary wing elastic bending modes are 5.0526 and 9.6275Hz, respectively.
a b
c d
Fig. 4. (a) plunging; (b) pitching; (c) first bending; (d) second bending mode for a BWB airplane.
The open loop BFF results for the baseline BWB model are shown in Table 1. Two cases are considered in the
open loop BFF analysis. The first is for control stiffness with nominal value, and the other is for a “rigid” actuator of
which control loop stiffness value is two orders higher than the nominal value. It is seen from Table 1 that there is
only slight difference for the flutter characteristics between these two cases. It is implied that the control surface
mode could be omitted in the following closed loop BFF analysis, because the nominal control loop stiffness value
is “rigid” enough to well separate the control surface rotation mode from the primary elastic wing bending modes.
Table 1. Open loop BFF characteristics for the baseline BWB model.
Control loop stiffness Flutter speed Vf,(m/s) Flutter frequency ωf,(Hz)
Nominal value 81.2 3.33
Rigid 78.9 3.58
Gu Yingsong et al. / Procedia Engineering 99 (2015) 46 – 50 49
3.3. Closed loop BFF trend study for varied loop gain
As the first case in closed loop BFF trend study, the loop gain is chosen as the varied parameter. Five loop gain
value are considered, i.e. 0.05, 0.1, 0.13(nominal value), 0.26 and 0.39. The corresponding BFF characteristics for
the baseline BWB model with varied loop gain are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Closed loop BFF characteristics for the baseline BWB model with varied loop gain.
Loop gain Flutter speed Vf, (m/s) Flutter frequency ωf, (Hz)
0.05 66.7 4.07
0.1 54.1 4.47
0.13(nominal) 48.6 4.57
0.26 34.2 4.82
0.39 26.6 4.87
3.4. Closed loop BFF trend study with varied c.g. of the balanced weight and fixed loop gain
There is an 80 kg balanced weight in the wing root (airplane symmetric line) which can be moved forwardly and
aftwardly to tune the c.g. of the BWB model. Seven different c.g. chordwise locations for the balanced weight are
considered, and the corresponding BFF results are shown in Table 3. It is found that the flutter speed is increasing as
the c.g. of the balanced weight moving forwardly. When x=-0.05m, the short period mode gets static unstable.
Table 3. Closed loop BFF trend study with varied c.g. of the balanced weight with fixed loop gain 0.13.
C.g. x coordinate, (m) Flutter speed Vf, (m/s) Flutter frequency ωf, (Hz)
-0.05(short period mode static
41.0 4.53
-0.1 43.2 4.63
-0.15 45.4 4.55
-0.2 47.0 4.58
-0.25(nominal) 48.6 4.57
-0.30 50.1 4.44
-0.35 51.1 4.40
3.5. Closed loop BFF trend study with varied loop gain value and fixed c.g. of the balanced weight: x=-0.05 m
When the c.g. of the balanced weight is located at x=-0.05m, it is found that the airplane is static unstable so there
is no short period mode. For this fixed c.g. location, three different loop gain values were considered to stabilize the
short period mode, and the corresponding flutter results are shown in Table 4. It is seen clearly that closed loop BFF
also exists for a static unstable open loop BWB model coupled with a flight control system, and the BFF speed
decreases with the increasing loop gain.
Table 4. Trend study with varied loop gain value and fixed c.g. of the balanced weight located at x=-0.05 m.
Open/closed loop Flutter speed Vf, (m/s) Flutter frequency ωf, (Hz)
Open loop static unstable N/A
Closed loop, gain 0.30 25.4 4.89
Closed loop, gain 0.39 20.7 4.98
Closed loop, gain 0.45 18.1 5.06
50 Gu Yingsong et al. / Procedia Engineering 99 (2015) 46 – 50
3.6. Closed loop BFF trend study with varied wing stiffness and fixed loop gain value and c.g. of the balanced
weight: x=-0.05 m
When the c.g. of the balanced weight is located at x=-0.05 m and the loop gain is fixed as 0.39, the BFF
characteristics are studied with varied wing stiffness, and the results are shown in Table 5. It can be found that the
BFF speed can be improved by increasing the wing stiffness, but resulting with obvious structure weight penalty.
Table 5. Trend study with wing stiffness for loop gain 0.39 and the c.g. of the balanced weight located at x=-0.05 m.
Wing stiffness Flutter speed Vf, (m/s) Flutter frequency ωf, (Hz)
100% nominal 20.7 4.98
200% nominal 30.8 6.97
400% nominal 54.3 9.56
600% nominal 78.3 11.01
4. Conclusions
For the present BWB model coupled with flight control system, the main conclusions are summarized as follows.
a. For the baseline model, the closed loop flutter speed decreases dramatically compared to the open-loop case.
b. For the base line model, the BFF speed decreases quickly with respect to the increasing loop gain value, while
the flutter frequency increases moderately.
c. When the loop gain value is fixed to 0.13, the BFF speed is increasing as the c.g. of the balanced weight
moving forwardly.
d. When the c.g. of the balanced weight is located at x=-0.05 m, the open loop configuration is static unstable,
and the short period mode is only stable as the loop gain increased to a certain value.
e. When the c.g. of the balanced weight is located at x=-0.05 m and the loop gain is fixed as 0.39, the BFF speed
can be improved by increasing the wing stiffness, but the resulted structure weight penalty is a very obvious
This research was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.
11102162, 11072198), 111 Project of China (B07050) and NPU Foundation for Fundamental Research (Grant No.
[1] M.H. Love, P.S. Zink, P.A Wieselmann, H. Youngren, Body freedom flutter of high aspect ratio flying wings, AIAA-2005-1947.
[2] Y.D. Li, X.P. Zhang, Y.S. Gu, Z.C. Yang. Body freedom flutter study and passive flutter suppression for a high aspect ratio flying wing model,
4th International Conference on Intelligent Structure and Vibration Control, July 25-28, 2014, in Chongqing, China.
[3] W.H. Su, C.E.S. Cesnik, Nonlinear aeroelasticity of a very flexible blended-wing-body aircraft, Journal of Aircraft, 2010, 47(5):1539-1553.
[4] W.P. Rodden, E.H. Johnson, MSC/NASTRAN Aeroelastic Analysis User’s Guide, Ver. 68, MacNeal-Schwendler, Los Angeles, 1994.