External Drainage
Line drainage channel with integrated seal 10
Versatile gratings 12
Heavy duty 14
The allrounder 16
Monoblock 18
Large capacity 20
Roadside drainage 22
Slotted channel systems 24
Facade and Roof Drainage 26
Freestyle 28
Drainage and lighting 30
Composite channels 32
Individual solutions in stainless steel 34
Point drains 36
Road gully 38
Modular infiltration system 44
Wildlife systems
Amphibian protection 58
ACO Sport
Drainage systems 60
Construction elements and accessories 62
Roof Drainage
Gravity and siphonic roof drainage 64
ACO Pipe
Pipe work systems and balcony drains 66
Building Drainage
Floor gullies 68
Shower channels 70
Stainless steel drainage 72
Separator Technology
Grease separators 74
Light liquid separators 76
Backflow stops 78
Water Purification
Wastewater treatment technology 82
ACO references 84
The ACO Group companies worldwide 86
ACO. The future
of drainage.
Increasingly extreme weather must be Every ACO product within the ACO sy-
counteracted by more complex and so- stem chain therefore safely controls the
phisticated drainage concepts. ACO water as it passes along the chain to
achieves this with intelligent system solu- ensure that it can be ecologically and
tions which have a dual purpose: protec- economically reused in a viable way.
ting people from water, and water from
The headquarter of the ACO Group in Rendsburg, Germany Iver and Hans-Julius Ahlmann (managing partners of the ACO Group)
in the plastic production plant in Rendsburg, Germany
ACO Group
We are present with independent compa- ACO Group is the worldwide leader in the
nies in over 40 countries on all conti- manufacture and supply of drainage tech-
nents. We have our own production sites nology for external and internal applicati-
in 15 countries including Australia, the ons. With more than 50 years of valuable
USA and China. At the same time as re- experience ACO stands for professional
specting national cultural differences, the drainage, efficient cleaning, and the con-
focus of our marketing activities is al- trolled discharge or reuse of water.
ways the ACO brand with its excellent
image, high quality standards and unique
ACO at a glance
1946, company founded by
Josef-Severin Ahlmann
4,400 employees in more than
40 countries (Europe, North and
South America, Asia, Australia, Africa)
30 production sites in 15 countries
Sales 2016: Euro 711 million
In the design of components and structural elements, the choice of suitable material determines the aesthetic and
functional qualities of the product. The materials used by ACO are characterised by their strength, ageing resist-
ance and their resistance to aggressive media, frost, heat and sunlight. Thanks to their long life and recyclability,
they are equally sustainable and environmentally compatible and are used in an application-orientated way.
Polymer concrete
With 30 production locations worldwide,
we consistently implement our ideas of
product quality, economic efficiency and
on-time delivery to our customers. Each
of our factories has special materials
expertise, from which the entire ACO
Group profits. Keeping our production
technology and ecological performance
up-to-date and in line with the latest
standards is part of our standard of act-
ing responsibly as a company and to be
a worldwide leader.
Steel/stainless Concrete
The drainage channel ACO DRAIN® Multiline Seal in collects the rainwater and leads it without loss
to stormwater treatment and ultimately to natural rain water cycle. Thus it plays a crucial role to catch
and discharge polluted surface water safe. Damage in buildings, weakening of concrete foundations and
surface water management
ACO Multiline drainage channel ACO Sedised-C ACO Stormbrixx ACO flow control
with Seal in sedimentation system retention system throttling system
External Drainage
ACO Multiline Seal in can be combined with all Drainlock Longitudinal profile grating
Galvanised steel
gratings, so there is a huge range of gratings available in Stainless steel
Slotted grating Cross bar grating Perforated grating Composite grating Composite grating
Galvanised steel Stainless steel Galvanised steel Heelguard Ductile iron
Stainless steel Stainless steel Ductile iron
Ductile iron
ACO DRAIN® S 100 K to S 300 K systems are ACO's heavy duty solution –
S 100 K channel.
Appearance and functionality
optimised by a new grating design
External Drainage
The ACO DRAIN® Powerdrain system is a real allrounder. The product line boasts a convincing new scale of
nominal widths, universal stability, functionality and design freedom, not to mention innovative noise damping.
Slim, quiet and extremely efficient
Slim solutions are not just good looking: The nominal widths differ from traditional comparable to the previously standard
the combination of crucial product pro- widths: the Powerdrain was developed 100, 150, 200 and 300 channels.
perties make the ACO Powerdrain a real with internal widths of 75, 125, 175 and The special elastomer damping between
professional all-round solution in polymer 275 mm. The design retains the hydrau- the grating and the channel, combined
concrete. Its compelling features include lically highly effective V-profile – an inno- with the safely locked but still flexibly
unusually good hydraulic specifications, vation launched by ACO for line drainage bedded grating, means permanent noise
extremely high safety, and outstanding solutions – and is made of high-strength damping when vehicles drive over the
stability right up to the toughest heavy polymer concrete. This not only makes channel.
duty class F. All of these product bene- the new slim Powerdrain systems extre-
fits are founded on four main properties: mely tough, they also have efficiencies
quiet: the special elastomer damping means efficient: the boltless lock and tried-and-tes-
permanent noise damping ted installation aids boost safety and efficien-
cy at the construction site
The system can hardly be compared with other channels: ACO DRAIN® PD 100 V and PD 200 V Monoblock are
an innovation in gardening and landscaping. The monoblock is cast from polymer concrete in a special process:
The channel is designed as an Installation and maintenance
architectural element without any problems
The demands being made on drainage The ACO DRAIN® PD 100 V and PD 200 V
components are increasing constantly; Monoblock are convincing because the
especially with reference to design and system's parts are easy and economical
aesthetics. The entire block is solidly to use. The monoblock can be installed
coloured in anthracite black in the case like a kerb – with C12/15 grade con-
of the PD 100 V Monoblock channel. crete for the B 125 loading class – and
The monoblock becomes an attractive it can be handled without slipping. No ACO DRAIN® Monoblock PD 200 V:
element of design in this way. stiffeners are required. It can also be polymer concrete in a natural colour.
maintained without excessive cost. The
The simple modular concept has only six monoblock is cleaned by rinsing it with ACO DRAIN® Monoblock PD 100 V:
components in the system, which makes a high-pressure or low-pressure jet of solidly coloured polymer concrete.
it suitable for solving the most diverse water; the half-metre long block has a
applications easily and neatly; thereby removable grating that allows free ac-
giving the greatest possible scope to cess to the channel and the underlying
the partner. inlet box.
Front wall
with a DN/OD 110 1,0-m-component
horizontal gully Inlet box
Front wall in two pieces with a
for closing the beginning DN/OD 160 gully
and end of the channel
for connecting to the side of the inspection
component (corner connection, 'T' connection
and cross-connection)
Inspection component
with corner connection,
'T' connection and cross-
External Drainage
The ACO Qmax line drainage system was developed to satisfy demands for economical high-capacity
drainage systems for large catchment areas. ACO Qmax has passed independent load tests to class
External Drainage
Qmax features
ACO Qmax was designed to handle high The ACO Qmax system is a patented
hydraulic capacities, enable minimum design currently available in four sizes
installation times, and be lightweight for effective and economical drainage of
and yet rigid enough to withstand the a range of catchment sizes: ACO Qmax
rigours of typical construction site hand- 225 can carry flows of around 25 l/s
ling practice. Manufactured from tough, even when laid level (depending on
chemically resistant mediuma density channel length etc.). The largest ACO
polyethylene (MDPE), ACO Qmax is light, Qmax 900 can carry flows of around
easy to handle and quick to install. Con- 300 l/s when laid level and considerably
necting to pipes is also made easy with more when laid with a gradient.
the availability of a special side inlet unit.
Typical applications
Airport surfaces
Distribution centres
Car parks
A new generation: kerbs with integrated line drainage. KerbDrain stands for the
brilliant concept of combining kerbstones with drains, to create one compact unit.
Two functions and one solution A versatile system
ACO DRAIN® KerbDrain is made from This intelligent modular system has
one piece of polymer concrete kerbsto- channels for radii as well as inlet boxes
ne and it functions simultaneously as a with mud traps, chamfered kerbs and
drainage channel. The system's excel- flat kerbs, which makes the ACO DRAIN® ACO DRAIN® KerbDrain
lent hydraulic discharge rate throughout KerbDrain versatile to use. The openings (available in heights 305 und 480 mm)
the kerbstone's length is convincing and of the inlets on the side have a cross-
therefore it offers an ideal solution for section of 147 cm2/m, which achieves
draining areas like roads, roundabouts a high and rapid draining performance:
and car parks. The Kerb Drain's stan- it is very effective not only in sensitive
dardized coloured concrete kerbstones areas like for example bus stops –
make it suitable to use whenever a where great demands are made on ef-
uniform aesthetic appearance is desi- fective drainage – but also in spacious
red. Its advantageous cost results from areas where conventional construction
low weight, a drainage channel that is requires a large number of gullies.
integrated into the kerbstone and easy
cleaning: starting from the installation to
the final usage.
Roundabout application
ACO DRAIN® KerbDrain is ideal for drai-
ning roundabouts. It makes it possible
to optimally drain the traffic lanes in
roundabouts towards the inside or the
outside, up to load class D 400.
In addition, KerbDrain can be extended
to optimally connect up to existing drai-
nage systems.
ACO DRAIN® KerbDrain is an extremely
versatile system that can be used whe-
rever drainage is required for paved
surfaces, such as car parks, bus stops
and traffic calming zones.
Discreet and inconspicuous, the V 100 S and V 150 S ACO DRAIN® slotted channel systems open
up a new approach to designing open spaces. A narrow slot replaces the grating and forms a clean,
External Drainage
1. 2.
ACO Multiline Seal in with slotted frame The plastic body of the ACO XtraDrain
made from polymer concrete channel with a slotted frame
Typical applications The slotted frame of the ACO Multiline lecules of water adhering to the surface
Piazzas Seal in drainage channel – which was and therefore it improves the discharge
Paths introduced in January 2017 – is tech- of water directly into the channel.
Facades nologically innovative and it has an The new type of connector (2) optimizes
improved design. The draining angle (1) aligning the slots when laying them on
underneath the frame prevents the mo- top of the channel.
External Drainage
ACO Profiline is a complete channel drainage system for draining vertical façades, as well as terraces, balconies,
flat roofs, green roofs and roof gardens – the perfect solution for sophisticated function and design projects.
Planning and design with no limitations
The ACO Profiline channel system is The channel system works on two le-
a reliable professional solution for the vels: it drains the water from the surface
drainage of façades, terraces and bal- as well as water from the underlying
conies. It is available in fixed heights drainage layer. Water flowing down
of 5.0 and 7.5 cm, as well as in contin- façades is also reliably collected and re-
uously adjustable versions between 6 to moved. Backflow reservoirs prevent the
16.5 cm. Customised versions can also build-up of water puddles during sudden
be supp- lied upon request. downpours.
The advantages for planners and design- ACO Profiline is available in galvanised
ers: ACO Profiline enables the connect- steel and stainless steel versions and
ion height to building seals to be redu- therefore perfectly harmonises with
ced from 15 cm to 5 cm. visually sophisticated settings.
Typical applications
Flat roofs
Green roofs
Roof gardens
External Drainage
The desire for individual solutions in landscape architecture can be met so easily when it comes to line drainage:
with its Freestyle cast iron gratings, ACO provides unique design options for cast iron gratings.
External Drainage
ACO cast iron gratings with ACO Freestyle cast iron gratings – ACO Freestyle cast iron gratings are
LED lighting creativity in landscape architecture available with a nominal width of 100,
A very special effect is achieved by the An important and unique feature of ACO 150, 200 and 300, each with a length
optional addition of ACO Eyeleds: the Freestyle cast iron gratings is the free- of 500 mm
round LED lights, 20 mm in diameter, dom given to the customer in designing Made of spheroidal graphite iron EN-
are supplied at the same time, securely the visible surface of the grating. Varia- GJS-500-7, coated or uncoated
fixed into the cast iron grating. This ble production tools enable imaginative Load class D 400 as per EN 1433
allows the individual design to be em- and individual designs to be realised, The screwless ACO Drainlock grating
phasised by lights that serve as a focal which provide every planner with the locking guarantees the gratings are
point. opportunity to shape the appearance of securely locked into the drainage
the grating surface and, consequently, channel
the open area to be drained. In this way, Customisable grating design
distinctive grating designs can be crea-
ted and produced for special open areas
in a very simple way.
A new freedom in line drainage: ACO Freestyle cast iron gratings can be easily shaped according to the
design specifications of the customer:
ACO Freestyle „Flag“ ACO Freestyle „Leaf“ ACO Freestyle „Flensburger Wave“ ACO Freestyle "Sturgeon"
Grating Configurator
The new Multiline Grating Configurator
enables all Multiline gratings to be com-
bined with various surface coatings.
Different materials, shapes and colours
are available for both components and
can be teamed up at
ACO DRAIN® Lightline, ACO DRAIN® Sideline, ACO DRAIN® Lightpoint and ACO Eyeleds provide highlights
in architectural and open space designs. Public areas, entrance halls and paths become more attractive and
more functionally designed. Technical perfection and individual design flexibility provide planners and
Typical applications
Entrance halls
Car-proof glass panel
ACO Eyeleds
Light and expressive – the LED points are installed in a high-
strength composite grating. The LED technology creates a
powerful lighting effect even though the lights are only 2 cm
in diameter. Garage drives, squares, footpaths, pedestrian
zones, access routes, boulevards and railway platforms can
all be attractively highlighted by ACO Eyeleds. In addition to
decorative effects ACO Eyeleds can also improve overall
safety in busy areas.
The new ACO composite drainage channel XtraDrain: A great new drainage channel, especially for applications
involving the design of open spaces, and gardening and landscaping – which all benefit from this technically
ACO XtraDrain
Cover gratings with the Drainlock screwless The ACO XtraDrain drainage channel has a
locking device are available for various plastic composite grating. It is permanently
models of the ACO XtraDrain drainage resistant to corrosion and it is a visually
channel in the A 15 to C 250 loading classes. attractive unit in the B 125 loading class.
External Drainage
In addition to perfect function, another key feature of ACO brand policy is the high aesthetic quality of
its products. This gives rise to added value which is appreciated just as much by our customers as the
professionals because many ACO products have already won awards for their innovative design.
Typical applications
Pedestrian areas
Arcades and passages
Customised for sophisticated planning
The broad spectrum of finishes and
shapes gives you complete freedom with
your designs. Even unusual concepts
can be easily realised using stainless
steel. Customers individual project de-
signs can be supported by our expert
team with tailor-made services for your
specific project with full proposal infor-
mation, CAD layout drawings and assem-
bly instructions.
External Drainage
ACO point drainage systems are ideal for surfaces which require
Drainage precisely where it is ACO DRAIN ® point gully
needed The ACO DRAIN® point Gully E 600 –
The yard drain is made from polymer F 900 is designed for all heavily loaded
concrete. The top top has a ductile iron surfaces in industrial areas, airports
frame, an inset ductile iron grating and and road gutters where it is required to
a Pointlock screwless locking system utilize point drainage systems on the ter-
for loading classes up to B 125. This rain because of technical reasons. This
system can be advantageously used in point gully has been developed espe-
many areas: cially for point drainage up to Class
It can be installed with little handling. F 900 and it excels at high flexibility.
Versions of the system are available The proven Powerlock screwless locking
for all surfaces and loading classes device ensures that it permanently
up to B 125. opens and closes without any screws
It is supplied with a filtering bag for at all.
connecting to soakaway systems.
The water will be cleaned in this
way before it is conducted to the
The yard gully is made from polymer concrete. It has a superimposed cast frame, The levelling component for adjusting the ins-
an internally located cast frame or a grating made from galvanized steel mesh and talled height to match the paved surface, as
it is fixed with the Pointlock system of screwless locking devices. well as the gully frames that can be stacked
to raise the installed height, have a side con-
nection, e.g., for downpipes.
Typical applications
roads, paths, piazzas
car parks
railway platforms
school yards
industrial areas
External Drainage
The innovative road gully ACO Combipoint has been specially developed to satisfy
short body long body wet sludge
The brand new concept for manhole covers: MultiTop class D 400 in accordance with EN 124.
The focus of the new technical concept is safety, weight and maintenance-friendliness.
The ACO manhole top
program with ACO CityTop,
ClassicTop and MultiTop
ACO has a wide spectrum of high-precision access covers and riser units for all load classes and for the
complete range of shaft and sewage structures. The single and series covers use high quality technology
The ACO Secant range of shaft covers supply shafts and disposal shafts, as operating costs. No cross-beams
is a very flexibly used system and it is well as cable conduits or cable draw- are required underneath the butt
available in various lengths. The covers shafts in industrial, public or private joints between the individual covers.
can span shafts that have clear widths areas. The high-quality mechanical pro- The covered openings always remain
of up to 1,050 mm and they are offered cessing and the cover's sound seating entirely accessible. The clear width is
for practically any preferred length of ensure that this covering system is free unobstructed, e.g., for assembly work.
shaft. They are ideal for covering ins- of rattle and wear, which prolongs the
pection shafts, maintenance shafts, service life and reduces the ongoing
Selectable surface
Filled with concrete in the factory
(BEGU cover)
Supplied with a cast-iron frame
Foldable and free of wear
Optionally available with a screwed
connection to prevent it from being
lifted without permission
The covers can be opened indepen-
dently of each other, subject to
considering the opening direction
One version has a device that
prevents backflow from lifting it
One version is sealed against
surface water
Covers are available in the B 125
und D 400 loading classes
The ACO Servokat GD shaft covers The screwed connection with an ope-
resist gas pressure and they are the rating key can be opened and closed
right solution whenever the covers must from above
be frequently handled for the purposes The cover is optionally available with 43
of maintenance or inspection. The a lock that can be rapidly released
covers have integrated opening devices from underneath for climbing out of
that can be released by one person wit- the shaft in an emergency
hout any problem and without additional A gasket seals the cover against
lifting aids. The covers are suitable for surface water
climbing out of the shaft in an emergen- The surface has a diagonally ribbed,
cy: they are equipped with special locks corrugated texture
and reinforced opening devices accor- A gas-filled pneumatic spring enables
ding to the intended use: this means the cover to be opened easily.
that the covers are particularly easy The cover is automatically secured
to open from underneath. The locks of against slamming shut after it has
these versions can be operated from been opened
above or below. The customer or his The opening angle of 88° ensures
building contractor should take suitable that one can climb into the shaft and
measures during the design to protect out of it quickly and safely
the cover from freezing solid if it will be The material is galvanized steel or
exposed to the weather, e.g., installing 1.4301 grade stainless steel
self-regulating heating strips.
ACO Stormbrixx is a modular infiltration system made from synthetic materials, which on the one hand
provides storage of water from storm water and on the other hand is used to provide infiltration of the
storm water. The basis of the system are the building blocks which are laid in bonded patterns using an
intelligent snap lock system, and give the overall system its structural rigidity.
The dimensions of the ACO Stormbrixx
infiltration system can be customised.
System structures can be square,
elongated or even around corners.
Stability thanks
to brickbonding
The basis of the new ACO Stormbrixx
system is provided by the basic compo-
nents, which are combined on site into
an interconnected system of blocks.
By laying the individual components in
patterns and using an intelligent snap
lock system, an exceptional level of
structural solidity is achieved for the
overall system. Open system for user-friendly Z-42.1-500
inspection and cleaning
After the basic components have been The special design of ACO Stormbrixx
assembled, the load-bearing pillars of makes it possible to pass the camera
the system are precisely vertically ali- and flush in every direction: ACO Stormbrixx
installation video
gned above each other, so that loads the system can be optimally serviced
are distributed downwards evenly. The and controlled both lengthwise and
brickbonding combination of the compo- crosswise.
nents is one of the key features of ACO The ACO Stormbrixx infiltration system
Stormbrixx. It provides a stable con- is accessed via the LW 400 manhole
struction for the complete infiltration sy- cover. Combined with the intermediate/ ACO Stormbrixx HD was awarded the general
stem. All that is required are connectors bottom shaft section (Ø 400 mm), pollut- official approval Z-42.1-500 by the German
between the individual layers to prevent ed water can be rinsed and suctioned at Institute for Building Technology (DIBt) as an
the basic components from slipping. the same time. additional level of certainty. ACO Stormbrixx
SD was tested in 2017 by MFPA Leipzig.
ACO Self® drainage systems keep entrances, pathways and terraces free of rain and waste water,
Typical applications
Pedestrian areas
Modular system – a channel for every application
ACO Self® drainage was developed es- Slotted top for ACO Self –
pecially for private usage and combines More stylish looks for your out-
optimum standard with high-quality door areas
design. The covers can be produced The ACO Self slotted top replaces the
from a range of different materials from 12 cm wide drainage channel grating
galvanised powder painted steel through with a less than 2 cm wide slot which
high-grade steel and cast to plastic. This fits elegantly into the overall look – at
allows for a wide array of design pos- the end of your drive, on your patio, or
sibilities. The channel bodies are either alongside a garage.
made from plastic, polymer concrete or
steel. You can create individual solutions
for every construction situation using
the modular principle.
House, Yard and Garden
Point gullies are often used under the tap of a standpipe in the garden or yard, or as point drainage in suitable
terrain. They work just like drainage channels while doing so. In other words, the gullies always drain the
waste water and rainwater reliably, so that puddles and sludge do not have any chance to form.
Cobblestones, flagstones or asphalt are
the customary coverings that are used
nowadays for paving the areas around
the house, as well as the large areas
around public buildings and commercial
buildings. Rainwater and waste water
cannot soak away naturally because the-
se pavings usually seal the ground. The
pavings must not only be laid skilfully
but they must also ensure that the sur-
face water will collected and drained in
order to prevent puddles from forming.
The ACO Self® Point gullies are a simple
and practical solution for draining the
surfaces of yards, driveways and large
areas. The frostproof gullies for waste
water and rainwater, which are passable
by vehicles and resistant to thawing
salt, reliably ensure that the surface
water is collected quickly and drained
via the point gullies from these areas or
underneath the tap of a standpipe in the
garden or yard.
The XtraPoint gullies made from The yard gully made from
plastic polymer concrete
Passable by motor car (Class B125) Removable odour seal
Shallow installing height Removable mud trap
Large mud trap with a handle Frostproof
Permanently colourfast The depth of penetration by water
It is possible to pave directly up to into the polymer concrete is 0 mm
the gully The drainage capacity is up to 4.0 l/s Mesh grating,
The gullies comply with DN 100 Surface-draining performance: 150 m² galvanized steel
The draining performance is at least
4.5 l/s 49
Longitudinal profile
grating, stainless steel
Typical applications
car parks
domestic water tap
school yards
Slotted grating,
galvanized steel
House, Yard and Garden
Clean water is a very precious resource. Worldwide groundwater consumption is fifteen times larger than its
regeneration. That is why the groundwater declines continuously. The heavy rain of short duration leads to
an excess of water. You can collect and store the rainwater in your garden and consume it as required.
Product details
material: black plastic (PE-LLD)
wall Thickness: approx. 8 mm
volume: 2.000 liters
turnable and extendable
Product benefits
sustainable use of rainwater
responsible approach towards water
flexible adjustment for every garden
size and usage
complete system with tank and
rainwater management
A recyclable system for stabilising gravel and chippings. The hexagonal honeycomb structure made of tough poly-
propylene is specially designed to create a strong and rugged foundation for the professional laying of gravel surfaces.
Drive-on surface
Environmental stabilisation
The honeycomb structure of the gravel Laying a water-permeable geotextile be- caping (e.g. in parks and cemeteries),
stabilisation ensures that stones stay neath the gravel stabilisation improves on garden paths and patios, yards, car
where they belong. They can no longer drainage of the surface. This saves ha- parking areas, driveways and access
move left or right. This maintains a ving to pay municipal surface drainage routes, as well as roofs. The bendable
smooth surface with no ridges, troughs fees for sealed surfaces, and prevents ACO Edging is the ideal accessary for
or holes. The ACO Gravel Stabilisation the formation of puddles. gravel stabilisation to create permanent
can be filled with high-grade chippings Laying is very fast and easy because attractive edges to lawns, flower beds,
or ornamental gravel to create a custo- the honeycomb mats are laid loose next paths/paved surfaces and patios. Three
mised surface. to one another. The ACO Gravel Stabi- materials are available: galvanised steel,
lisation is perfect for municipal lands- stainless steel, and corten steel.
ACO Grass Grid – pro nature
The unnecessary sealing of areas exposed to minor traffic destroys valuable green space.
Parking space with Grass Grid (left) ACO Grass Grid used
and chippings (right) as access route
Drive-on surface
Urban sprawl and the construction of and regulations limiting surfacesealing. ACO DRAIN® can be used when sealed
paved areas means less and less natural ACO Grass Grid is made from plastic, surfaces are required to aid area drai-
ground drainage. This can mean bigger and ensures free rainwater seepage in nage. ACO Grass Grid is lightweight for
and more bigger and more expensive parking lots, yard driveways, terraces, easy transport and handling, and simply
water treatment systems to deal with walkways, storage spaces, emergency snaps together for fast installation.
the water flowing into sewers. A better routes and river bank reinforcements. While regionally varying, many building
solution is to ensure the large-scale see- These areas will remain green, yet regulations specify a certain amount of
page of rainwater back into the ground. are still load-bearing. Through the use “green” spaces. ACO Grass Grid allows
Many industrial nations have listened, of recycled materials, ACO promotes vehicular use of these areas.
and are counteracting the sealing of sur- environmental protection. Surface drai-
faces by stipulating building restrictions nage systems such as ACO Self® or
House, Yard and Garden
The ACO Therm® light shafts are highly rigid and they can be used not only for standard areas but also for pressu-
rized water. They can be adapted to the existing level of the ground or floor with the help of stacking components.
The ACO Therm® light shaft is available The versatile grating of the ACO light
with depths of 40 cm, 50 cm or 60 cm. shaft is made from galvanized steel as
The compact body is made from glass- standard and the latest version of it
fibre reinforced polypropylene, which is made from stainless steel, which is
is particularly resistant and especially suitable for a greater range of applica-
suitable for all areas that are exposed tions. The assortment of gratings is also
to high loading during installation. The supplemented by a high-quality stacking
universal basic body can be equipped frame made from stainless steel for co-
with special accessories for all impor- vering the white edge of the light shaft.
tant applications: whether it be passable
by pedestrians, passable by vehicles or
impermeable to pressurized water.
First impressions count – especially in an entrance area, which performs the function of a business card.
An effective shoe scraper system is therefore an integral part of a well-designed and well-maintained entrance.
External Drainage
ACO offers professional solutions that flush with the floor surface, so level
are extremely variable and functional, access to the entrance area is easy to
and also look good. Shoe scrapers that achieve. ACO shoe scraper systems
aren't permanently sliding around an ent- are available in standard dimensions
rance area are less annoying. ACO Vario that meet the requirements of a huge
shoe scrapers take care of dust and fine range of installation situations. The shoe
dirt. Keeping your entrance clean, and scrapers are easy to install and suitable
protecting your expensive flooring. The for people building their own homes
shoe scraper mats are framed to stop too, since they consist of prefabricated
them from slipping, and are installed elements.
Plastic tray –
Vario Light (Outdoor)
60 x 40 cm
Angle frame
60 x 40 cm
75 x 50 cm
100 x 50 cm
Wildlife Systems
Constructing wild animal protection systems is a safe, effective measure for wildlife.
Efficiently linking habitats with safe corridors requires custommade construction solutions.
Climate tunnel KT 500 with climate slots Guide wall LEP 100 Entrance unit KP 1000-700
Tunnel and guide wall systems
for amphibians and other small
Amphibians and small animals occupy
a wide range of habitats which are
often divided by roads. Amphibians in
particular undertake seasonal migration
between land habitats and their vital
spawning grounds. Because they move
slowly, and can spend a relatively long
period on the roads that they cross, ma-
ny amphibians and other small animals
are doomed to join the countless victims
of road-kill. Animals undertaking mass
migrations at the end of winter, or in the
summer after thunderstorms, experi-
ence a very high risk of being hit
by vehicles. There is even a danger of
complete eradication of local animal
populations. In addition to animal pro-
tection is the risk to drivers and pas-
sengers from animals on roads, when
vehicles swerve to avoid them. Public
safety and species protection are mutual
benefits from the Wildlife protection sys-
tems designed by ACO.
ACO SPORT includes drainage systems and construction elements for sports and recreational facilities,
The successful partnership between ACO and the Olympic Games first began in 1972. This was the year that ACO kitted out the award-winning “Olympia-
stadion” in Munich with ACO SPORT® products! Since then ACO has firmly established itself as a key partner to the largest sporting event in the world.
The hockey facility of the Olympic Games 2016 ACO SPORT® Drainage systems for athletics facilities Type A, B, C
in Rio is equipped with ACO drainage channels
External Drainage
Football grounds
Pitches in football stadiums are gene- The ACO SPORT® shallow channel
rally covered with real grass. However, drainage system has proven ideal for
many football pitches are covered with removing surface water from this kind of
infilled artificial turf, to allow them to be surface, and from adjacent auxiliary are-
used more intensively, for longer, wit- as. Because of the low (15 mm) depth
hout any deterioration in playability. The of these channels, which conforms to
infill used in the artificial turf is a mixture DIN 18035, they are safe, drain the wa-
of sand and rubber granules. This ma- ter away reliably, and are easy to clean
kes the surface very water-permeable, of granules. Because the sides of the
just like real grass. symmetrical channel are only slightly off-
vertical, it is easy to lay paving stones
against it.
Elastic perimeter kerbs Grass edging panel Stainless steel point drain
Type B sports facilities are not only used presenting no obstacle to step over. The sports facilities. For example, if there
for athletics, but primarily for football sectors designed as artificial surfaces is a raised playing field, the drainage
or other ball games. To make sure the for athletics competitions run flush with is routed through hidden channels de-
playing conditions are safe for all users, the level of the running track at the pre- signed as box channels with a stationary
particularly due to the 5 cm high border scribed surface gradient. stable cover, which also serves as the
required around the running track, the 5 cm high border around the running
large playing area is also built 5 cm The ACO SPORT® NW 125 drainage sys- track. The channels are raised above the
above the level of the running track. tem is a combination of hidden channels side of the playing field via a 4 cm high
This means the border edge can be and hollow-profile channels. The system cast-on turf support. Water enters from
permanently installed on the raised edge intelligently unites fast surface drainage the running track at the side, through
of the playing field directly, by means of the sporting surfaces and the particu- the supported plastic cover with its inlet
of a hidden channel construction, thus lar requirements of all users of modern slots that conform to standard.
Inlet shaft
Hidden box channel for box channel
The sectors are drained via integrated
hollow-profile channels, which are lay-
ered over with a synthetic surface in
situ. The plastic cover and its mobile
elements are plugged into the slots
arranged above the running track in
order to create the required border
around it. This border can be dismantled
quickly, which means the sectors can be
accessed easily from the running track,
thus ensuring technical discipline as re-
gards athletics.
Elastic kerbstones
Flat roofs are sensitive architectural areas. That is why it is especially critical to plan their drainage systems
professionally. When rain falls onto a flat roof, large volumes of water can collect rapidly. Unless there is an
effective way of draining off precipitation, this can lead to excess loads being placed on the building's structure.
ACO Haustechnik offers functional solutions which are specially designed for flat roof areas and which ensure
the water is drained effectively. For smaller surfaces, gravity drainage systems are the solution. For larger roofs
Gravity roof drainage Syphonic roof drainage
Flat roof gullies for gravity drainage are Roof areas without traffic larger than
always used for draining small flat roofs 150 m2, such as for example production
with a surface area of less than 150 m2 buildings, hangars or sports stadiums,
per gully. But this kind of drainage can are suitable for siphonic drainage. When
also be used for larger roofs too. Whe- the rainfall is heavy enough, the gullies
ther the roof covering is a membrane, create reduced pressure in the pipe sys-
concrete or gravel: ACO Spin flat roof tem. This means that increased drainage
gullies can be flexibly adapted to the dif- performance level can be achieved com-
ferent requirements. The individual com- pared to simple gravity drainage. Sipho-
ponents of the gullies such as gratings, nic drainage can be used on membrane,
top sections and gully bodies can be concrete and gravel roofs, as well as on
combined as needed using our building green roofs with extensive planting.
block system. Syphonic drainage systems operate with
With the correct accessory components specially designed flat roof drains which,
the ACO Spin flat roof gullies can also unlike gravity drainage systems, are
be used to drain green roofs. Given in- configured to work with completely full
creasingly dense construction in towns, pipes (degree of fill h/d 1.0).
more and more ecological surfaces are This can only be achieved by assuring
being sealed over. With an intensive or amongst other things that no air is su-
extensive green flat roof it is a relatively cked in with the rain water to form bubble 65
simple matter to compensate for this. vortexes in the pipe systems.
Special components are used in the ACO
Jet flat roof drains to prevent these vorte-
xes from forming. Once the dimensioning
rainfall volumes are reached which get
the syphonic system operational, the
system works with completely filled pipes
which rapidly and safely drain the roof.
ACO Pipe/ACO Drains
The functional strength and service lives of rainwater and sewage pipes are being increasingly challenged
by the rising level of technology in homes, the growing demands for more housing and sanitation comfort,
and the presence of aggressive media in domestic wastewater. ACO rises to this challenge with a complete
programme of pipes, fittings and gullies in stainless steel and galvanised steel.
Stainless steel pipe system
Typical applications
ACO PIPE stainless steel pipe is the
fast alternative to ductile iron or PVC
pipe systems, and is available in stan-
dard pipe sizes with easy to assemble 67
push-on fittings.
Drainage is vertical or horizontal. The ACO modular system has a large number of flexible combination
Floor gullies
A floor gulley and drainage channel nel for the drainage has to be selected. Wastewater quantity
guide wastewater from floors into the Depending on their type, they can be Traffic load and load capacity
drainage pipe, safely for people and combined with extensions. ACO offers of the grating
without damage to structures. It is the gullies made of cast iron, stainless steel Slip resistance
installation location, for example, a large and plastic. The most important factors Waterproofing/seals
catering kitchen, which primarily deter- in the design include: Fire protection requirements
mines which variant of a gulley or chan- Hygienic properties
ACO Passavant fire protection floor protection odour seal with intumescent "Preventative fire protection for all floor
drains R 30 to R 120 with odour material in the head. This ensures safe gullies" has attracted an increasing
seals and vertical outlet sockets sealing of the floor drain during a fire to amount of interest in recent years –
The ACO passavant fire protection floor prevent fires spreading from above the particularly for installation in buildings
drain series is made of inflammable ceiling to below the ceiling. There is also for special uses, e.g. hotels, hospitals,
ductile iron. a fire protection cartridge containing care homes or schools – where fire-
A replaceable and retrofittable fire pro- intumescent material which securely resistance specifications already exist
tection kit is fitted into the floor drains. blocks off the floor drain and prevents for ceilings and floors.
The fire protection kit varies according fire spreading from beneath the ceiling 69
to the floor drain and consists of a fire to the floor above.
Function of the ACO Haustechnik fire If a fire is present beneath the ceiling, A fire on top of the ceiling expands.
protection floor drains before a fire the intumescent mass in the cartridge The intumescent mass in the odour seal
safely blocks the socket in the drain to completely block the drain
Building Drainage
Function and design are combined perfectly in the ACO Showerdrain and the ACO designer gratings.
The high-quality stainless steel look of the channel and the gully satisfy sophisticated demands for
The Showerdrain is a channel built into tions where the absence of barriers is
the shower floor which beautifully com- an important consideration.
bines form with function. The rigid channel body manufactured
The Showerdrain is the perfect high from stainless steel has a lateral channel
quality solution for high-class bathrooms gradient to ensure positive drainage of
featuring glass fixtures and natural the water.
stone floors, as well as public applica-
ACO designer gratings
The ACO stainless steel designer gra- ACO designer gratings can also be indivi-
tings are laser-cut and have an electro- dually made to customer specifications.
polish finish.They are elegant, individual In addition to the patterns shown here,
and superbly functional. any other pattern can be cut out and
The gratings fit the 150 x 150 mm customised from stainless steel plate.
and Ø 136 mm frames and are there- ACO Showerdrains are available in stan-
fore used as standard with the MEKU dard lengths from 700 to 1000 mm.
or AV-SELECTA PP risers from ACO for The Showerdrain is an attractive alter-
the thin mortar bed sealing method. native to a conventional shower tray in
The risers can be combined with all high-class bathrooms as well as in public
ACO ductile iron and stainless steel areas.
gullies in sizes DN 50 and DN 70 an
the plastic floor gullies DN 50-100.
ACO Lightline Pro allows you to create utterly leak tight houses a strip of LED
exclusive lighting designs in the bath- lights (protection class IP68) that is
room. The floor lighting system produces connected to the electric circuit and is
impressive light effects, is easy to install, therefore switchable. In addition to
offers huge scope for design, and is enhancing individual lighting design in
extremely safe and durable. The idea modern private bathrooms, ACO Light-
behind ACO Lightline Pro is as simple as line Pro is also ideal for designing and
it is clever: A stainless steel U-profile implementing floor guidance systems in
filled with transparent resin to make it large spa and wellness facilities.
ACO stainless steel drainage
Stainless steel is the ideal material for applications where cleanliness and hygiene are the highest priority.
Because of its high strength, good lity, durable and hygienic material. It readily adhere to the smooth surface
metal-forming properties, corrosion is virtually completely resistant to dirt, and can be easily removed with suitable
resistance, and its smooth permanently preservatives, micro-organisms and the cleaning products and disinfectants.
attractive surface, stainless steel is proteins found in meat, blood, fat and
highly prized as an extremely high qua- drinks, etc. Proteins and bacteria do not
Product benefits
channel widths from 150 mm
to 500 mm
special edge profiles for abutment
with tiles, artificial resin/mortar floors
and thin mortar bed seals
range of gratings and covers
for classes L 15 and M 125
all stainless steel parts pickle
passivated to ensure full corrosion
Stainless steel floor gullies
Grease separators need to be adapt-able and versatile, and be available in various sizes and materials to meet
the enormous range of differ-ent industrial and commercial needs. ACO has many years of experience in the
production of grease separators. Its comprehensive product line includes free-standing and underground grease
separators. Precise engineering and in-depth expertise guarantee fully developed, quality-assured and completely
The ACO product line has an optimum Partial disposal saves water and dispo- Typical applications
solution for every application. Free- sal costs. Full disposal grease separa- meat processing
standing grease separators are manu- tors remove all of the contents. kitchens
factured from stainless steel or polyethy- Grease separator for beelow ground restaurants
lene. In addition to the two materials, installation are made of reinforced grilling, roasting and frying kitchens
there are also two disposal systems: concrete or polyethylene. The Lipumax motorway services
partial and full disposal. P grease separator series offers econo- catering facilities
Partial disposal only involves disposal mic solutions and product variations as
of the grease and solids – this is carried well enabling both easy disposal and
out by ACO's manually operated LIPATOR tank cleaning.
or the fully-automatic LIPATOMAT.
Full disposal Partial disposal
grease layer
separartor zone
sludge trap
sludge trap
Solids Grease
EN 1825 function diagram Grease separator with both The main applications of this type of grease separator are restaurants,
integrated sludge trap and grease storage area canteens and catering operation kitchens.
The grease collects in the upper cone. The sludge sinks to the bottom
of the lower cone. The grease is kept fluid by heating the upper cone
the innovative
Separator Technology
ACO has completely upgraded its light-oil separators in response to the new European standard EN 858.
This product line now sets new benchmarks for separator technology.
In an individual case, it can be useful to Laws, for example the law on prevention Typical applications
use a light liquid separator to EN 858 in and remediation of environmental dam- Petrol stations, car parks
conjunction with surface water infiltra- age, require maximum operating safety Car washes, vehicle washes
tion or retention. Surface water can be- of plants that handle water polluting liq- Automotive workshops, automotive
come contaminated, e.g. when it occurs uids. ACO offers practical solutions with trade
on hardened surfaces. Surface water new and innovative technology. Filling areas, unloading zones
that has become mixed with light liquids If the contaminated surface water is to Petroleum storages,
of mineral origin in specific applications, be discharged into a body of water, the maintenance operations
must be treated via suitable separator respective authority must decide what Transformer stations, power plants
systems or retention devices must be treatment plant must be used depending Industry and commerce
provided. The treated surface water on the degree of contamination and the
must then be fed into the wastewater sensitivity of the receiving water.
sewer (DIN 1999-100).
Low-maintenance due to filterless
multi-channel technology
Previously an occasional hazard, the risk of backflows will undoubtedly increase in future in line with the
predicted greater frequency of heavy rain storms. This is because sewers are only designed to cope with ave-
rage rainfall volumes for economic and technical reasons. Mixed water sewers can therefore very quickly fill
up completely during major cloud bursts. It therefore only makes sense to permanently protect all rooms and
areas in single family houses lying below the backflow level from the risk of backflow from public sewers.
ACO cellar gullies with backflow prevention
ACO backflow stops for black water
The backflow stop ACO Quatrix-K is The items are applied in single-family
designed according to EN 13564. The houses below the backflow level in
product is for use with black water which, among others, a urinal or a toilet
(waste water with faeces). According to have to be protected against backflow
EN 13564, these backflow stops must
be applied whenever toilets in private Product benefits
premises are installed below the back- gradient between inlet and outlet
flow level. When water from the sewers only 12 mm
backflows into the pipes, the operating 71 cm mounting opening without ACO Quatrix-K backflow stop for black water
stop closes automatically via a pressure reverse slope according to EN 13564, the control unit is
sensor. perfect for renovation delivered ready for on-side connection
As soon as the waste water rises up accessible for inspection cameras
above the permissible height in the pipe, selectively with height-adjustable
an under pressure sensor sends a signal flange for ground water protection
back to the control unit. The control trouble-free backflow detection
unit automatically operates the electric through pneumatic control system
motor to close the operating stop. When
water no longer backflows into the sys-
tem, a sensor informs the control unit
and the flap is automatically reopened.
ACO Quatrix-K backflow stop for black water
according to EN 13564, with shaft system for
installation below.
Cellar Drainage/Back-flow Preventers
Professional lift systems are one of the main areas of ACO product excellence in its building drainage
product line. ACO has a complete range of intelligent solutions suitable for several application areas,
Product benefits
float-resistant PE tanks
encrustation-resistant collecting tank
low maintenance and flexible over-fill
pressure switch
flexible inlet invert with raising tubes
and covers for load class A, B or D Powerlift- P Muli-Max F
Pumping stations
Product benefits
selected combination of several
materials for prolonged downtimes
pre-assembled pressure piping
construction height and interior
customizable according to modular
submersible coupling system with
sliding tube
Water Purification
In face of declining drinking water reserves and increasing unit costs, ACO has focused its attention on the
recycling of wastewater for re-use. ACO systems use aeration, filtration and biological purification methods.
The ACO Maripur system purifies water nerated by 25, 50, 100 and 200 people. Typical application
by biological wastewater treatment com- We can also produce customised solu- superyachts and megayachts
bined with submerged negative pressure tions upon request. military ships
micro-filtration membrane technology to The bioreactor is in stainless steel AISI ferries
filter out activated sludge, bacteria and 316Ti as standard. Construction in other river cruises
viruses. materials is also possible upon request. special ships
With no need for any final purification, offshore
ACO Maripur technology purifies water in Benefits
compliance with numerous quality stan- low operating costs
dards: IMO/MARPOL, HELCOM, German smaller dimensions and more compact
Federal Law Gazette No. II, Page 1378 than conventional solutions
and No. I, page 1221, USCG, US Fede- Iisensitive to movement on board ship
ral Law Gazette No. 40, Section 133, options for purifying black and grey
ADNOC Australia and Australian Federal water, or black water only
Environmental Agency requirements as suitable for gravity and vacuum
Alaska Agreement. ACO Maripur was de- sewage systems
veloped as a modular system with four easy installation and commissioning
basic sizes for purifying wastewater ge- automatic operation, easy maintenance
ACO Clara – For the treatment of wastewater from
activation tank
pre-treatment tank
1336 - IC ACO Clara:1336 - IC ACO Clara 5.1.2009 11:39 Page 2
microbubble aeration
ACO Clara
sludge • hotels
• boarding houses The following average values of effluents were
low energy consumption
loads – overload-resistant
• First-class electrical components
12566-3, which loads
is proven – overload-resistant high volume of storage tank
plants comply with all the require- COD ..............................................59.6 mg/l construction
mentsof EN TSS ................................................6.1 mg/l • High volume of storage tank
by a certificate. N-NH4 ..............................................2.0 mg/l
surplus sludge
The ACO Clara sewage treatment plant raw sewage water
consists of a mechanical pre-treatment sludge return 1. pre-treatment
part and a biological compartment. The 2. buffer area
mechanical pre-treatment part is formed 3. storage area
of a sedimentation tank with a high 4. activation tank
buffer area volume and the biological 2 5. final sedimentation tank
part consists of an activation tank and a
built-in final sedimentation tank. Surplus
sludge is stored in the storage area,
which in fully loaded plants is capable of
holding about 100 - 150 days’ capacity.
1. Pre-treatment
2. Buffer area
3. Storage area
4. Activation tank
5. Final sedimentation tank
ACO references
ACO products provide you with reliable drainage wherever they are used. Versality and quality of ACO products
will solve the most mundane problems of every day life, as well as the challenges of major projects.
1 2
5 6
11 12 13
3 4
9 10
1 Maracanã Stadium, Brazil
2 Dubai Opera, UAE
3 Royal Arena, Danmark
4 Harbour Bridge, Australia
5 Gare Des Guillemins, Belgium
6 Eye Filmuseum, Netherlands
7 The Garden Offices, Netherlands
8 Formula 1 circuit, China
9 Zeche Zollverein, Germany
10 One World Trade Center, USA
11 Le Jardin D’acclimatation, France 85
14 16