DSP - 2utc503 - Nov-Dec 2021
DSP - 2utc503 - Nov-Dec 2021
DSP - 2utc503 - Nov-Dec 2021
(1) All questions are compulsory
(2) Draw neat diagrams
(3) Assume suitable data if necessary
Question Max
No. Marks
Q1 (A) Answer the following multiple choice questions. Select one option from
given 4 options a-b-c-d. Write selected option and corresponding answer.
1. Consider the discrete time convolution of any arbitrary input signal 𝑥 (𝑛)
with unit sample response 𝛿(𝑛) as 𝑦(𝑛) = 𝑥 (𝑛) ∗ 𝛿 (𝑛). What will be the
output signal 𝑦(𝑛)?
a. 𝛿(𝑛)
b. 𝑥 (𝑛)
c. 1
d. 𝑥 (𝑛) + 1
a. Band pass 10
b. Low pass
c. Band stop
d. FIR
a. ℎ(𝑛) = 1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 0 ≤ 𝑛 ≤ 5
b. ℎ(𝑛) = 1 𝑓𝑜𝑟 − ∞ ≤ 𝑛 ≤ ∞
c. ℎ(𝑛) = [1 , 2, 3,4,1]
d. ℎ(𝑛) = 0.5𝑛 𝑓𝑜𝑟 0 ≤ 𝑛 ≤ 5
6. We want to design a linear phase low pass FIR filter. Which filter
coefficients from the following should be selected for this filter design?
2. Consider a transfer function of an LTI system as 𝐻 (𝑧) = (𝑧+0.4)(𝑧−2)
a) Sketch ROC of 𝐻 (𝑧)
b) Can the given system be both causal and stable? Justify your answer.
Stability of filters
Phase response of filters
Impulse response of filters
Pole –zero locations
Calculate 8 point FFT of 𝑥 (𝑛) = {1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0} using DIF algorithm. Draw
flow graph and label input signal, output signal, twiddle factors.
Show that whether or not the filter you have designed meets given passband
and stopband specifications.
B) Design a linear phase low pass FIR filter to meet the following
C) Explain effect of the Finite Word Length on IIR filter. (Take suitable 05
example if required. )