Violets Theory Work For Animation

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Student Name Violet Brand


This document can be offered to learners who have missed more then 2 weeks due to
Covid isolation regulations. The deadline for this document to be completed is
18/01/21. The student should copy and paste any sections already completed on
Weebly into this document.

All sections must be answered in full in order to pass.

This document is divided into FOUR parts. They are called

(1)RESEARCH (U2: 1:1.1, 2:2.1) (U5: 1:1.1, 1:1.2)
(2)DESIGN (U2: 3:3.1) (U5: 2:2.1)
(3)BUILD (U2: 3:3.2) (U5: 2:2.2)
(4)EVALUATE (U2: 3:3.2) (U5: 3:3.1)
Section 1: RESEARCH.

Worksheet One of Four.

This worksheet covers Exploring Research
Exploring Research worksheet
You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet and place the content in this part of the document called
EXPLORING RESEARCH. You will be looking at three sections, these should be clear on the page. They are in
RED on this document.

Task 1/3: Tools

You are required to think about each of the following tools for research and talk about advantages, disadvantages and show
an example. A table has been included to help with this.

Tool Advantage Disadvantage Example (with photo/url evidence)

You don’t need the It's not very convenient.

internet. Limited copies of books
There are librarians to and the library might not
LRC help you. have the information
You can concentrate needed.
better due to it being Outdated books.
silent and quiet. Limited tech to use.
Access to technology.

Books Portable, can take it They are usually very The Illusion Of Life (12 Principles)
anywhere. fragile, if wet it will
It does not require usually break or pages will
internet or power. rip.
No knowledge barrier of Not good for the
how to use a book. environment.
Index and context. Books can be quite
More reliable than the expensive to buy.
Wont damage eyes as
much as you would on a

Unlimited amount of Technical barrier: WIFI, Worlds biggest whale

information. battery etc.
Accessible whenever Information can be
needed. overwhelming and
Can back things up. confusing.
Web New information can be Can be quite slow.
updated. Internet cannot always
Can download books. give u the correct thing
Lots of false information. you are searching for.
Can get distracted very

How to drive
Lots of information is No more dislike button, it
published on there. has been removed.
Good for different Adverts constantly
learning styles. playing.
Good for visual learners. Clickbait, when the video
Shows good tutorials. does not show what the
Comment section, to caption tells you.
Youtube show different people's Trying to monetise can
opinions. reduce quality.
Could be an outdated Language barrier.
It is free.
Step by step videos.
View videos at your own

Can communicate with Lots of fake account and

people all round the ‘Bots’ that are unhelpful
world and find out and scams.
information without Social media can be toxic
having to be face to face and a bad environment
with people or travelling because some people are
to places. very bored and nasty.
Social Debate with people and Viruses and scams.
media/forum form opinions that you Putting people’s
hadn’t once thought of. confidential information
Ask random people for on the internet.
help without feeling Makes people lazy and
ashamed or embarrassed. feel the need to not go
Some questions may out.
have already been
answered by the public
before you even ask.
Can be very up to date,
up to the very minute.

Information is more Not many specific

engaging and interesting documentaries.
due to the story lines and You must pay for the
plots within the services.
educational videos. Actual events can be
The production quality is dramatized.

Can watch it whenever May be outdated.

and will always have it Not very durable due to
unless lost or misplaced. scratches or damages.
Will have the original film Easy to lose.
or documentary. Sometimes can be quite
Easy to use for all age expensive due to rarity.
DVD/Blu-ray groups, no age barrier. Sometimes unreliable and
Portable to take don’t work.
anywhere, can lend to The information on them
friends or family. is quite restricted.
Easy to access. Additional content

Task 2/3: Methods

This time think about each of the methods in the table below and consider what the benefits and drawbacks of them are.

Method Advantage Disadvantage

If done in person, it can keep people engaged. People may not answer or respond at all.
Can collect lots of data due to lots of different Vague answers.
answers. Offensive answers.
Conducting Can reach to multiple target audiences. Sarcastic answers.
survey Can ask very specific questions. Unhelpful answers.
Can make easy comparisons if questions and
Multiple people’s viewpoints and opinions-
You can do it in person not only on the internet.
Very easy to flow within an interview.
Find out a lot of facts about people – opinions and People can take offensive in person to specific
facts. questions.
Interviewing Opinions from people who aren’t as mainstream. Trying to find the right time for both people.
people Sometimes can be awkward and no connection
so the interview gets nowhere.
Can be sometimes quite dangerous if
interviewing the wrong person/ people.

Group discussions can be kept private- no Arguments and disagreements can be made.
screenshots and no social media involved. Can be commonly interrupted which can cause
Group Freedom of speech. conflict between people.
discussions Safe space to say what u think. Conversations can end up being side tracked.
Can help u find solutions to problems easier.
Debates can be started so more opinions are
Multiple opinions.
Having to put your own brain to work. Could maybe be expensive to do.
Having to take an interest and concentrate on a Financial and travel barriers.
topic to find stuff out. If not able to have a range of different genders or
Primary Can be very specific. ages, then answers will be limited.
research You can trust your own research.
You can change the nature of responses.

If copied word for word, then can be looked at as

Someone else has done it for you already. ‘copied’.
More convenient. Not everything is reliable.
Secondary Access to data and information much quicker. Not as focuses as primary data.
Research Easily accessible. May not be able to find the exact answers
Can be done by experts. needed.
Done by people who lived in a different time and
have seen different things.

Qualitative Can go into a lot of detail. Can take a lot longer than expected when
Data Useful for quotes. reading through.
Not as exact research.
More information in quantitative data due to
Quantitative steering people in the right direction. People can mess with numbers.
Data Direct comparisons are easier. People can make no sense.
Questions are more basic n simple.

Task 3/3: Skills

Finally, think about what skills you should be working on when conducting research.

Skill How I will do this

Finding the You can reach out to a certain type of audience by social media, you can do this by putting out a
right audience category of questions that are to an interest to a group of people. This will target the right audience
to ask you need by catching their attention.
Asking the To find out the answers to the questions you have then a selection of people will have to answer, not
right just your target audience. This will give a variety of different answers and a selection of options to pick
questions from within the responses.
Interpreting With the answers I get provided I will find the similarities and trends I get told with each person,
the answers whether that is a certain category of emotions or topic, such as sadness, love, family, pets etc and use
usefully that information to research more.

Worksheet Two of Four.

This worksheet covers Primary Research
You are required to conduct a survey with a sample size of roughly ten people, asking them
the three questions listed in task one. Complete the other tasks on here which follow it and
place them on this document in the boxes below. This is your PRIMARY RESEARCH.

Question 1: Name an example of an animation or scene which has made you feel HAPPY. Explain
WHY it did.
This scene in the movie ‘up’ makes me feel happy along with the opposite emotion sadness, this is
because it shows an elderly couples love story- beginning to end- which initially brings sadness to the
viewer due to the ‘ending’ part of the relationship but the montage that shows their memories brings
warmth and happiness as it shows them grow together and form a bond. Though the two characters
are not real and are animated, the connection they make with the audience by being ‘cute’ or ‘in
love’ takes away that feeling of them ‘not being real’, which is why it is a scene that makes me happy.

Question 2: Name an example of an animation or scene which has made you feel SAD. Explain
WHY it did.
This scene from ‘inside out’ shows how the character bingbong must leave in order to save the
character ‘sadness’. This made me feel sad due to the relationship bingbong made with the audience
and myself. His character shows characteristics the same way humans do hence why the relationship
between the audience and binbong was so strong and upsetting when he left.

Question 3: Name an example of a piece of audio you feel really added to an animation. It could be a
sound effect, voice actor, ambience or music. (U5, LO1, AC1.2)

The song ‘married life’ in the scene from up showing the two characters fall in love.

Explain how you are going to ask these questions, how you will record the answers and
how you will represent them on your Weebly page. Hint: screen grabs can be used in the

Question 1: How are you going to ask these questions? (hint: this means methods of reaching
your audience)
I will send out my questions on a google document making the questions fun and easy to answer.

Question 2: How will you record the answers?

On a word document putting each answer into a category, like what brand made the movie or scene
– aka Disney, Pixar etc.

Question 3: How will you interpret them and present them on here?
Put each answer into a category depending on the emotion or theme that the answer contains and
present them in an easy and interesting way to read.
When you’ve completed the survey, show evidence of it in the box below. This could include:
 screen grabs of the questions and results
 A URL/link to the survey.
Write a short conclusion in the box below about what you’ve learnt from each question (maybe a
common pattern or trait?) and how the answers to each question might help you develop your
animation ideas.

In each question which is asked, it makes you think about how each animation is different and how
they have different storylines or scenes to make you feel different emotionally and have a
connection to each one: to make u feel happy, sad, confused etc.
Each response which is answered shows the different types of animations that people relate their
emotions too, one thing I found in common is that most of them were Pixar or Disney animation
movies, this is probably because of how popular they are but it is still surprising that most
animations people know, and watch are Disney and Pixar.
This helps me plan what type of animation style I will do as I can get ideas and traits off of Disney
and Pixar.

Worksheet Three of Four.

This worksheet covers Secondary Research
Secondary research examples of assets to start you off…

Here are some examples of assets I have researched.

Feel free to use these to start off then try to find AT LEAST two more of your own examples.
They can be taken from any form of research. Complete all the tasks on here by filling in all the
boxes fully.

For each example you can provide, talk about:

 why you have chosen it (what do you like about it)

 what you might be able to learn or use from looking at it
 what you might not be able to use from looking at it.

Task 1/4: Sun examples

Roger Rabbit:
Watership Down:
The North Wind & The Sun (also has a really good cloud in it!):

What you
What you might
YOUR SUN examples Why you chose it might not
learn from it
be able to use
1. 1. ecause I like the look of
How to draw the sun The audio it
the sun and the facial differently and with produces.
expressions that are different faces.
shown on it.

Task 2/4: Cloud examples

Adventure Time:
Elijah Nang:
Chillhop loop:

Why you might

What you might
YOUR CLOUD examples Why you chose it not
learn from it
be able to do this
1. of how fluffy the
How different clouds Because of how
clouds look. can look in different detailed the clouds
cartoons and are.

Task 3/4: Background plate examples

Simon’s Cat:
Jaiden animations:
Burly Men At Sea:

What you might Why you might not

YOUR BACKGROUND examples Why you chose it
learn from it be able to do this
1. Because of how Inspiration for my own Because it may not fit simple yet detailed itbackground. with my theme.

Task 4/4: Audio work examples (Audio work which can be from film, TV, animation or gaming
(voice acting, effects, ambience or music)
Attack Of The Clones:
Sesame Street:
The Force Awakens:

Why you might

What you
YOUR AUDIO examples Why you chose it might
be able to do
learn from it
1. Because of what emotion it How much music Because sad shows and how it really added to
can change an emotional music
the emotional scene atmosphere of a may not go with my
scene. animation.

You will need to fill in all four tables to pass this task and remember you can
have more than two examples for each if you want.


Worksheet Four of Four.

This worksheet covers Audio Research.
You are required to complete the tasks on this sheet by filling in all the boxes. You will be required to answer a series of
questions in order to pass. They are in RED on this document. You can answer these questions using examples from TV, film,
animation or gaming but will need to provide links so make sure you can do this when choosing them!

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from, or it could result in a PLAGIARISM mark
which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1/6: Diegesis and Non-Diegesis

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of both diegetic and non-diegetic sound. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
 Provide an example of each of these. This could be a YouTube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Existing Definition with link Your Example(s) with

understanding description
Dialogue – when
Diegetic music in a film or TV programme is part of A diegetic sound is two characters are
the action and can be heard by when a sound or having a
the characters, rather than being just for music is played in a conversation within
the people watching to hear: scene within a a scene. Even
monologue is
All the music in the series is diegetic, coming movie. It can be somewhat
from car radios, night club scenes, and so on. done on or off considered diegetic
screen, but it sound due to the always happens at voice inside the
the same time as characters head.
when the action Music – music
takes place, like a playing in a
car crash or restaurant in the
explosion. background of a
scene or music in an
elevator etc.
Sound effects – an
explosion happening
in a scene or in the
background, the
weather like the
rain, the wind or
thunder and
When characters in When music is
Non-diegetic music in a film or TV programme is played a film cannot hear played over a scene
over the action for the people watching to hear, rather than what the audience that the characters
being part of the action and heard by the characters. can, like a voice can’t hear, so the
over in a scene, the music isn’t in the
NON-DIEGETIC | English meaning - Cambridge characters cannot scene like elevator
Non- Dictionary hear this, but we music. A voice over
Diegesis › dictionary › non-die... can. Or additional is also a good
music that is example as the
played. person doing the
voiceover isn’t
talking to the
characters but is
talking about them.

Task 2/6: Background Music

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of both soundtrack music and score music. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite each definition in your own words to show you understand what they mean.
 Provide an example of each of these. This could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Existing Definition with link Your Example(s) with

understanding description
the sounds, especially the music, of a film, or When a movie Some movies that
a separate recording of this: adds music to have been well
The best thing about the movie is its soundtrack. their scenes to known for their
Soundtrack make them excellent complete. Most soundtracks are –
movies make the the wizard of oz,
songs they use in the sound of music
their movies into a and even
soundtrack. The breakfast at
soundtrack in a tiffany’s. This is
movie also must because of how
be good because if well the music fits
the music doesn’t with the movie
match with the within itself and
vibe of the scene, how the audience
then it can be that watched
viewed as very enjoyed the music.
Score music is Jurassic Park
A film score is an original piece of music that is written and typically more Harry potter
tailored for a specific film. Film scores are composed to instrumental Star Wars
enhance a film’s story and emotion. Film score composers music rather than The Incredibles.
create the music for a film based on the direction given from a list of different
the director. The composer often meets with the director to bands, so like
“spot” a film and determine where music should be present. orchestra or a
group of
Film scores are different from a film’s soundtrack. The score of
throughout a
Score a film is tailored specifically for what is happening in the film on
whole film.
screen. A soundtrack, on the other hand, may contain songs
that are independent from the movie itself that were not made
solely for the film.

Task 3/6: Ambience

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of ambient sound. Say where you got it from.

 Rewrite the definition in your own words to show you understand what it means.
 Provide at least one example of this. It could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short description.

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
1. rain
Ambient sound in relation Ambient sounds are
to audio refers to the background noises in a movie 2. crickets
background noise present that make and bring more
at a given scene or a atmosphere into a scene. 3. birds
location. This can include
noises such as rain,
traffic, crickets, birds, et
cetera. In audio recording
sometimes there are
unwanted ambient
sounds in the background
that you might want to
remove from the
recording, such as a hiss,
tapping, or some other
unwanted noise. This can
be done with an audio
editor such as Audacity.

Ambient Sound Definition

- Backtracks ›
resources › podcast-
dictionary › a...

Task 4/6: Foley

You are required to give…

 An existing definition of foley sound. Say where you got it from.

 Rewrite the definition in your own words to show you understand what it means.
 Provide at least one example of each this. It could be a Youtube link (timecoded please!) with a very short

Name Existing Definition with link Your understanding Example(s) with description
1. Bones breaking
Foley is the art of adding When noises from a scene are
recorded sounds to video pre-recorded or re-recorded 2. Doors creaking
recording in order to after the scene is made to make
improve the overall
the object more noticeable and 3. Fire crackling
sensory experience. Foley
can come in many forms,
whether it's done using
improvised sound effects
with common household
objects, or through vocal
effects made with an
individual's mouth.

Exploring the use of foley

in film | Clipchamp Blog ›
blog › what-is-foley

Task 5/6: Recording apparatus

You are required to list as many ways as possible that you could personally record sound for your work. Think about
hardware and software, so for example if you want to use your phone, talk about what type it is and as a result what
software or app you may choose. Talk about other methods you may be able to use, perhaps equipment which can be
booked from the college?
Name/type of hardware/software Advantage Disadvantage
H/ware good microphone Can’t take it outside or around
Apple mac
H/ware Can take it everywhere Not as great of a microphone
S/ware Very good to use Not everyone has it
S/ware Can record anywhere Won’t pick up noise as good as other
2: apps could

Task 6/6: Handling noise and other unwanted sounds (usually WIND)
You are required to give…

 Existing definitions of handling noise, distortion/clipping and gain as they relate to audio recording, microphone use,
etc. Say where you got them from.
 Rewrite the definitions in your own words to show you understand what they mean.

Your understanding of
Name Existing Definition with link Example with link

Handling noise, a When a microphone

phenomenon not moved a certain way or t=134
understood well by many, doesn’t pick up sound
refers to any undesired properly it can sometimes
noise that comes from a make noises that are
cable or microphone when unwanted, like a muffled
being moved or handled. noise.
This bulletin identifies the
Handling noise source of the problem and
presents some possible

Handling Noise of
Microphones - Service &

Essentially, distortion is a Distortion is when

form of audio processing something that used to t=16
that alters the waveform by play does not anymore
increasing the gain into a due to being distorted,
device, like an amp, circuit like a scratched cd.
or software algorithm.
Historically, it was used on
instruments like electric
guitars, but in modern
Distortion/clipping times it can be used on
anything to achieve a
certain effect.

The Complete Guide to

Distortion and Saturation -
EDMProd ›
Gain in audio is a term for the amount of
the amount of amplification amplification applied to
applied to a signal by any a signal by any process
process that increases its that increases its
strength. It's measured in strength.
decibels, or dB for short. A
good way to think about
gain is as the difference in
Gain signal strength between
the input and the output of
an audio system or
What is Gain in Audio?
Level, Volume and Signal
Explained ›

This completes section 1, Research.


Section 2: DESIGN(U2: 3:3.1) (U5: 2:2.1)

Designing your Animation worksheet (U2, LO3: AC 3.1) (U5, LO2: AC 2.1)
You are required to complete all the tasks on this sheet and place the content in order to pass. They are in RED on this
document. You can answer audio questions using examples from TV, film, animation or gaming but will need to provide links so
make sure you can do this when choosing them!

Wherever you use a quote from any other source, please say where you got it from or it could result in a PLAGIARISM mark
which would automatically fail the unit.

Task 1/2: Visual Design

You are required to do the following…
 Produce two character sheets of your own drawings (one for the sun, one for the cloud). Think about colour, facial
features, etc. You can collect colour influences by uploading images here:
 Each character sheet should have three different drawings of the same character (keep these simple, but try to show
different facial expressions such as happy/sad/angry or possibly different angles such as front/side on).
 You can draw these on paper and add clear photos of them on here, or you could use any software available to you.
 An online browser based version of Photoshop can be accessed here:
 Photos must be clearly placed below under the headings of Sun 1, Sun 2, Sun 3, Cloud 1, Cloud 2, Cloud 3 in this part
of the document unless they are all in one drawing sheet together:

Character 1: The Sun

Place your Sun expression/angle pic 1 here:

Place your Sun expression/angle pic 2 here:

Place your Sun expression/angle pic 3 here:

Character 2: The Cloud

Place your Cloud expression/angle pic 1 here:

Place your Cloud expression/angle pic 2 here:

Place your Cloud expression/angle pic 3 here:
Background plate Style example

Produce at least one background plate (using different camera shots) for the animation, considering colour, layout and
staging for the Sun and Cloud to appear in. If unsure, perhaps draw the establishing shot background.

You can draw this on paper and add clear photos of it on here, or you could use any software available to you.
An online browser based version of Photoshop can be accessed here:

Any background drawing should clearly show the overall style you plan on using (line width, colour choices)

For help with choosing a shot type to draw the background for, you can watch this video:
Small Wolf Film School guide to Shot sizes:

Place your background plate drawing here:

Task 2/2: Audio Planning
You are required to fill in the following tables. In the storyboard section later in this document you will be able to refer to
where you will put them within the overall story. Fill in ALL the boxes below.…

 List 3 sound effects you could create yourself.

 This means sounds which you would generate yourself and could be made by you OR live recorded .
 Say HOW you would make them

Sound How you would create it

Effect (props, method of recording)

1 Wind howling Fanning the air near

2 Bushes rustling Paper or leaves crunching together

3 Rain falling Water being splashed and dropped

 List 3 existing sound files you would source from media.
 This means sounds from existing media (film, tv, gaming, etc) or from a sound source website
 Say where you would source them from, providing links if possible.

Sound Where you would source it from

File (type of media, link, timecode)

1 Wind howling

2 Laser beams

3 Dog barking

This completes section 2, Design.


Section 3: BUILD(U2: 3:3.2) (U5: 2:2.2)

Build the Storyboard for your Animation worksheet (U2, LO3: AC 3.2) (U5, LO2: AC 2.2)
This section is designed to cover your plan of how the animation would be built. There are eleven shot tables, use as many as you
need, to tell the story and keep the drawings simple. Fill in all boxes including the time code in the middle. Refer to the audoio
track and timing sheet supplied by the lecturer to help you with this.

 The left hand side of the boxes covers all the visual aspects (simple drawing of shot and characters, shot type used,
camera movement intended). Drawings can be black and white and show arrows for movement.
 The right hand side covers all the audio considerations (Unit 5) such as the dialogue heard, any other existing audio
heard (music, effects), as well as additional or replacement sound effects you would place here. These sound effects
should match the ones you have discussed in the DESIGN section of the document earlier on.

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue

ideas for

How would
you source

Shot Camera
Type Mvmt

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue


To ideas for
00:00 audio

How would
you source

Shot Camera
Type Mvmt

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue

00:00 heard

To ideas for
00:00 audio
How would
you source
Shot Camera
Type Mvmt

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue


To ideas for
00:00 audio

How would
Shot Camera you source
Type Mvmt them?

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue

00:00 heard

To ideas for
00:00 audio

How would
Shot Camera you source
Type Mvmt them?

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue


To ideas for
00:00 audio
How would
Shot Camera you source
Type Mvmt them?

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue

00:00 heard

To ideas for
00:00 audio

How would
Shot Camera you source
Type Mvmt them?

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue


To ideas for
00:00 audio

How would
Shot Camera you source
Type Mvmt them?

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue

00:00 heard

To ideas for
00:00 audio

How would
Shot Camera you source
Type Mvmt them?
Shot number X of X: Time
code Dialogue

00:00 heard

To ideas for
00:00 audio

How would
Shot Camera you source
Type Mvmt them?

Shot number X of X: Time

code Dialogue


To ideas for
00:00 audio

How would
Shot Camera you source
Type Mvmt them?

This completes section 3, Build.


Section 4: EVALUATE.
This worksheet covers all your evaluation/reflection questions (you
must answer ALL of these in order to pass this section)

Task 1/3: Reflect on your own research. (U2 3:3.2)

This is about the RESEARCH worksheets you did as well as anything you have added to your production blog
by week, such as learning about Phonemes, facial structure or anything else you feel is relevant.

What did you use from your

research that helped you?
What did you discard and why?

What else would it have been

more useful to know from your
research if you did it again?

How would you find this out



Task 2/3: Reflect on your own design, storyboard and skills (U2 3:3.2)
This is about the practical skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Weekly Weebly list on
Moodle if it helps you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

What did you use from your

practical skills lessons that
helped you?

What did you discard and why?

What would you now include

and why?

What practical skills would you

like to revisit if you did it again?

Are there any new ones you

think would be useful for this
How does your final animation
compare to professional
examples? Give at least one
positive and one thing you
would focus on improving.

Task 3/3: Reflect on your audio ideas and work. (U5 3:3.1)
This is about the audio skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Weekly Weebly list on
Moodle if it helps you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

What did you use from your

audio skills lessons that helped

What did you discard and why?

What would you now include

and why?
What audio skills would you
like to revisit if you did it again?

Are there any new ones you

think would be useful for this
How does your final audio
compare to professional
examples? Give at least one
positive and one thing you
would focus on improving.

This completes the Animation assignment covering Units 2

(Research & Design Skills) and 5 (Exploring Audio In Media


Unit 2 Unit 5
1:1. / explore research worksheet 1:1.1 / exploring sound worksheet
2:2. / primary research worksheet 1:1.2
/ primary research worksheet
1 secondary research worksheet secondary research worksheet
3:3. / Character sheets/BG plate design 2:2.1 / Production/planning of audio
3:3. / Storyboard/shots 2:2.2 / Storyboard/audio
3:3. / evaluation worksheet 3:3.1 / evaluation worksheet

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